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The genotoxic potential of Rogor (dimethoate), an anticholinesterase organophosphate insecticide, has been studied in the sex-linked recessive lethal test and the wing, eye and female germ-line mosaic assays in Drosophila melanogaster. Larvae of different instars carrying suitable recessive genetic markers on their first and third chromosomes were exposed to the LD50 or half of this dose for the entire larval life. The Basc technique was followed for the detection of the induction of sex-linked recessive lethals. The wings and eyes of the adult flies and the eggs laid by the heterozygous females were checked for the induction of mosaicism. It is concluded that Rogor induces sex-linked recessive lethals in immature male germ cells and is recombinogenic and/or mutagenic in both the somatic and the germ-line cells of Drosophila.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of ziram (zinc-dimethyl dithiocarbamate, CAS No. 137-30-4), a carbamate fungicide, is studied in the wing, eye and female germ-line mosaic assays and the sex-linked recessive lethal test in Drosophila melanogaster. First-, second- and third-instar larvae, carrying suitable recessive genetic markers on their first and third chromosomes, were exposed to ziram. Wings and eyes of adults were screened for the induction of mosaic spots and the eggs laid by adult females for germ-line mosaicism. The Basc method was used to detect sex-linked recessive lethals. Ziram is genotoxic to the somatic and germ cells of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

In the ‘doubling-dose’ method currently used in genetic risk evaluation, two principle assumptions are made and these are: (1) there is proportionality between spontaneous and induced mutations and (2) the lesions that lead to spontaneous and induced mutations are essentially similar. The studies reported in this paper were directed at examining the validity of these two assumptions in Drosophila. An analysis was made of the distribution of sex-linked recessive lethals induced by MR, one of the well-studied mutator systems in Drosophila.

Appropriate genetic complementation tests with 15 defined X-chromosome duplications showed that MR-induced lethals occurred at many sites along the X-chromosome (in contrast to the known locus specificity of MR-induced visible-mutations); some, but not all these sites at which recessive lethals arose in the MR-system are the same as those known to be hot-spots for X-ray-induced lethals. With in situ hybridization we were able to demonstrate that a majority of MR-induced lethals is associated with a particular mobile DNA sequence, the P-element, i.e. they arose as a result of transposition.

The differences between the profiles of MR-induced and X-ray-induced recessive lethals, and the nature of MR-induced and X-ray-induced mutations, thus raise questions about the validity of the assumptions involved in the use of the ‘doubling-dose’ method.  相似文献   

When permethrin was tested for mutagenicity in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen with the sex-linked recessive lethal test, it was nonmutagenic under conditions of this study. The frequencies of spontaneous mutation for permethrin and the negative control were 0.135% and 0.133%, respectively; the spontaneous mutation frequency for positive control was 12.6%. The difference between the mutation frequency of permethrin and the negative control was not significant.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of zineb, a carbamate fungicide, has been tested through eye, wing and female germ line mosaic assays and the sex-linked recessive-lethal test in Drosophila melanogaster. Larvae of different instars, heterozygous for appropriate recessive genetic markers, were exposed to the fungicide in food for different durations of time. The adult eyes and wings were screened for induction of mosaic spots and the eggs laid by the females were checked for induction of female germ-line mosaicism. It is concluded that zineb is genotoxic to both somatic and germ-line cells of Drosophila.  相似文献   

24 nitroheterocyclic compounds were investigated for their capacity to induce sex-linked recessive lethals in Drosophila, by the adult feeding technique, and in some cases injection or larval-feeding methods. Out of 9 5-nitroimidazoles, ZK 26.173 and ZK 25.095 (moxnidazole) were clearly active whereas nimorazole and ronidazole were marginally mutagenic. Out of 10 5-nitrofurans, nitrovin, furazolidone and furaltadone were unambiguously mutagenic, whereas nitrofurantoin was a borderline case. Nitrofurans were active at lower molar concentrations than nitroimidazoles. Out of a group of 5 related nitro compounds (2 nitrothiophenes, picrolonic acid, niridazole and 4-NQO), only 4-NQO was clearly mutagenic, when fed to larvae. Experiments with germ-free flies showed that, for ZK 26.173 and furazolidone, the gut flora of Drosophila do not play a role in the activation of the compounds to mutagenic metabolites. Furazolidone, 4-NAO, ZK 26.173, ZK 25.095 and furaltadone were tested in mal and cin strains, both of which lack xanthine dehydrogenase and aldehyde oxidase. The latter enzyme and xanthine oxidase are known to carry out nitro reduction in mammalian tissues. For ZK 26.173, the mutation frequencies were drastically reduced in the enzyme-deficient strains, indicating the involvement of one of these enzymes in the activation of this substance.  相似文献   

The genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects of Cotinus coggygria Scop. methanol extract was investigated using the Drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal (or SLRL) test. The results presented here show that the methanol extract of Cotinus coggygria in a concentration of 5% and artificial chemical agent ethyl methanesulfonate EMS (0.75 ppm) induce recessive lethal mutations on X-chromosome on Drosophila melanogaster in all broods (I, II and III). Post-treatment with lower concentration of the methanol extract of Cotinus coggygria (2%) was effective in reducing genotoxicity ofmutagen.  相似文献   

The mutagenicities of malondialdehyde and formaldehyde were tested by screening each for genetic mosaics of Drosophila melanogaster and by the Muller-5 test for sex-linked recessive lethal mutations. For comparison, the effects of X-rays were also assayed by the above technique. Malondialdehyde, a degradation product of polyunsaturated fatty acids, was found to be a weak mutagen by the above criteria; it induced point mutations and chromosome exchanges at low frequency, as proved by the mosaic test, but failed to induce detectable sex-linked lethality. Formaldehyde was more mutagenic than malondialdehyde; beside induction of mosaic spots it induced sex-linked recessive lethal mutations, but only in the larval testes of Drosophila. Formaldehyde also induced disintegration of the clones. Formaldehyde treatment (feeding larvae with formaldehyde-containing food for about 4 days) was 5 times more mutagenic than malondialdehyde treatment and 5 times less effective than irradiation by 1000 R of X-rays. Wing mosaicism offers a more sensitive way to detect mutagenesis as compared with eye mosaicism. It is suggested that aldehyde-induced mosaic spots derive from mitotic recombination and point mutations.  相似文献   

The effect of repeated microwave irradiation (2375 MHz, CW) on mutagenic changes in Drosophila melanogaster was investigated. Oregon-R males were exposed to sublethal doses of microwaves (15 W/cm2 for 60 min, 20 W/cm2 for 10 min, and 25 W/cm2 for 5 min) for 5 days. The Muller-5 cross was used to detect sex-linked recessive lethal mutations. 4 lethals were found in treated groups but their frequency was not significantly different from that of the control group. No cumulative effect of repeated exposures on the mortality of the treated males was observed; on the contrary, their mortality decreased with the number of exposures. Irradiation did not affect the sex ratio of the F1. A significant decrease in the number of F1 offspring was noted in the group exposed to the power density of 15 W/cm2. A negative thermal effect of microwaves on male germ cells was probably manifested by this long exposure.  相似文献   

The adaptive response to alkylating agents was studied in Drosophila assays under various treatment procedures. Pre-treatment of males as well as treatment of females with low doses of EMS (0.05-0.1 mM) did not affect sex-linked recessive lethal (SLRL) rates induced by high doses of this mutagen (10 mM, various feeding duration) in mature sperm cells. Pre-treatment of males with a low dose of MMS (0.1 mM) enhanced mutagenesis induced by the high dose of EMS (10 mM) at different stages of spermatogenesis, the observed effects exceeding the additive action of both mutagens. On the contrary, larval pre-treatment with the adaptive dose of EMS (0.05 mM) resulted in resistance of their germ cells to higher doses of EMS (1 mM). Specifically, offspring production increased while dominant lethality in F(1) as well SLRL frequency in F(2) was significantly reduced as compared with the effects of larval exposure to the challenge dose. Under the conditions tested, the adaptive response of germ cells to alkylating agents was demonstrated in larvae, but not in adult flies.  相似文献   

4CMB failed to induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila melanogaster, by feeding to larvae or adults, or by injecting adults. BC was negative by larval feeding.  相似文献   

Two different mechanisms for mutagenesis following treatment with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) are suggested from the dose-response curve that is best fit by the linear quadratic model where m = 0.130D + 0.038D2 (D = dose measured as alkylations per nucleotide X 10(3), APdN; m = percent sex-linked recessive lethals, SLRL). A predominant component of the dose-response curve at moderate to high dose is the quadratic component which is interpreted as the result of two single-strand breaks. The distribution of methyl adducts in vivo is consistent with the previously determined in vitro distribution of methyl adducts on DNA following treatment with MMS. With the use of HPLC, 82% of the 3H-labeled adducts are found on the N-7 of guanine. It has previously been shown by both in vitro studies and in vivo correlation with mutagenesis that the N-7 alkyl guanine is not itself a predominately genotoxic lesion; however, N-7 alkyl guanine destabilizes guanine resulting in an increased rate of hydrolysis producing apurinic sites. In data presented in this paper, the loss of labeled adducts is shown to be at a rate consistent with hydrolysis of the destabilized alkyl guanine. The apurinic site thus produced should be converted to single-strand breaks by AP endonucleases once sperm has fertilized the egg. Single-strand breaks are repaired by excision repair which is not error-prone; however, multiple breaks producing a proximity effect should lead to double-strand breaks that are repaired by an error-prone process. Mutations that are induced by a proximity effect would account for the quadratic term. It is hypothesized that a proximity effect is produced when two breaks are sufficiently close together to prevent using the complementary strand as a template. The linear component of the dose-response curve is probably due to alkylation of oxygens in the purine or pyrimidine ring leading to mispairing. However, due to the low frequency of ring-oxygen alkylation following treatment with MMS, this important genotoxic site is not the predominant one observed at experimental levels normally used in the laboratory. From the dose-response curve, it is calculated that at mutation frequencies of 10 times the spontaneous frequency or higher, the predominant mechanism is the multi-hit component; however, at mutation induced frequencies of 0.1 of the spontaneous frequency, which are levels more likely to be encountered in man's exposure to environmental mutagens, the dominant mechanism is the linear component.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine whether a 50-Hz magnetic field will induce mutations, a sex-linked recessive lethal test of Drosophila melanogaster was performed. Adult flies were exposed at an rms flux density of 500 mu T or 5 mT to the homogeneous field of a Helmholtz coil. The ambient field to which controls were exposed was less than 1 mu T. Exposures took place continuously for 13 to 14 days, which correspond to the life cycle of Drosophila at 25 degrees C. About 10,000 X-chromosomes were tested at each flux density. Recessive lethal mutation rates of 0.13, 0.21, and 0.18 percent were observed, respectively, for control, 500-mu T, and 5-mT conditions. By the Kastenbaum-Bowman significance test, the recessive lethal mutation rates in the 500-mu T and 5-mT conditions did not differ from the mutation rate of controls.  相似文献   

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