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Zhou J  Shi XM  Peng QS  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):533-539
对人类和动物的心理学研究证实,老年个体的视觉对比敏感度相对青年个体显著下降。为揭示其可能的神经机制,采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术研究青、老年猫(Felis catus)初级视皮层(primary visual cortex,V1)细胞对不同视觉刺激对比度的调谐反应。结果显示,老年猫V1细胞对视觉刺激反应的平均对比敏感度比青年猫显著下降,这与灵长类报道的研究结果相一致,表明衰老影响视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度是灵长类和非灵长类哺乳动物中普遍存在的现象,并可能是介导老年性视觉对比敏感度下降的神经基础。另外,与青年猫相比,老年猫初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性显著增强,信噪比下降,感受野显著增大,表明衰老导致的初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度下降伴随着皮层内抑制性作用减弱。  相似文献   

周逸峰  寿天德 《生理学报》1996,48(2):195-198
记录和测定了视觉剥夺猫(dark-rearedcats)外膝体344个细胞的方位调谐等感受野特性,多数细胞(82%)具有方位敏感性(Bias>0.1)。最优方位的分布与正常猫类似,偏向于水平方位,但分布特性强于正常猫。与正常猫类似,视觉剥夺猫外膝体细胞的最优方位与该细胞感受野在视网膜上的位置有关,偏向平行于视网膜中心区与感受野中心的连线(向心线);外膝体内位置相邻近的细胞具有相近的最优方位,亦呈现初步有序排列。结果表明:外膝体细胞最优方位的分布特性与后天视觉经验无关而可能来源于遗传因素。  相似文献   

以哈尼梯田遗产核心区主要视觉景观为研究对象,应用GIS技术选取相对坡度、相对距离和出现几率3个客观因子进行景观视觉敏感度分析,运用美景度评价法得到50名专业人士的主观偏好,综合景观视觉敏感度和主观偏好评分,构建敏感度-主观偏好矩阵,将哈尼梯田遗产核心区视觉景观划分为四个区域并提出相应的景观保护、规划建议。结果表明:老虎嘴、麻栗寨茶厂位于敏感度、偏好评价双高的"视觉景观关键区",多依树属于偏好评价高、敏感度低的"自然发展区",黄草岭是敏感度高、偏好评价低的"优先改进区",坝达、箐口、全福庄是敏感度、偏好评价双低的"次优先改进区"。通过构建矩阵结合主客观两方面的评价结果,GIS有效量化抽象的数据,偏好评价真实反映观景者内心感知,为当下的景观视觉评价提供思路。  相似文献   

双眼和单眼视觉剥夺猫外膝体细胞的图形适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang W  Shou TD 《生理学报》2000,52(3):230-234
为测定丘脑外膝体细胞的图形适应是否依赖于早期视觉经验,在细胞外记录了双眼和单眼缝合的猫外膝体中断细胞对手工时间运动光栅刺激的反应。在双眼剥夺猫,占68%的记录到的细胞在30s内反应下降到稳定值,其平均反应值下降33%,适应程度较正常猫显著。在单眼剥夺猫,记录到的剥夺眼驱动的和非剥夺眼驱动的细胞中,分别有占53%和44%的细胞显示图形适应,两者差别不大。研究表明,早期视剥夺能增强或保持图形适应,提示  相似文献   

观察了猫对光栅方位辨别的知觉学习。两只成年猫(cat1和cat2)先单眼辨别方位差为30度角的两个正弦光栅以获得食物奖赏。当辨别正确率达80%以上后,猫开始学习用单眼辨别夹角连续变化的两个正弦光栅,采用二进一递进训练方法(two-correct down/one-error up staircase method,即猫连续两次辨别正确,则待辨别的两个光栅的方位差降低为原来的0.9倍;如果辨别错误一次,则方位差增加至原来的1.1倍)追踪猫可辨别的光栅方位差。在训练前后分别检测训练眼和非训练眼对不同方位差(2°,4°,6°,8°,10°,12°,16°,20°,24°,30°)光栅辨别的正确率。结果显示:对于固定方位差光栅的辨别学习,学习效果能完全传递给非训练眼;但对方位差连续减小的光栅辨别,两眼间几乎没有传递。提示固定方位角和连续变化方位角光栅的辨别学习可能由不同的信息处理机制介导。  相似文献   

对比度敏感是描述人眼视觉系统空间特性的主要指标之一,对比度敏感函数是反映不同条件下的对比度敏感与空间频率之间的关系。人眼对比度敏感数据的测量受到环境亮度较大的影响,为了研究常用办公环境条件下的人眼对比度敏感情况,对6位青年在环境亮度分别为153,312,470 cd/m2和暗室条件下,在距离为2米处观测11种空间频率的矩形光栅进行测量,光栅用显示器进行显示,其平均亮度分别为60和90 cd/m2。实验结果表明,对于相同频率的光栅,人眼对比度敏感程度随着环境亮度的增加而减小,而且人眼在暗室环境下比在办公环境条件下对亮度光栅更敏感;但是在观测平均亮度为60cd/m2的光栅时,人眼特殊地对在环境亮度为312 cd/m2的条件下更敏感。  相似文献   

姚军财 《生物磁学》2012,(14):2663-2667
对比度敏感是描述人眼视觉系统空间特性的主要指标之一,对比度敏感函数是反映不同条件下的对比度敏感与空间频率之间的关系。人眼对比度敏感数据的测量受到环境亮度较大的影响,为了研究常用办公环境条件下的人眼对比度敏感情况,对6位青年在环境亮度分别为153,312,470 cd/m2和暗室条件下,在距离为2米处观测11种空间频率的矩形光栅进行测量,光栅用显示器进行显示,其平均亮度分别为60和90 cd/m2。实验结果表明,对于相同频率的光栅,人眼对比度敏感程度随着环境亮度的增加而减小,而且人眼在暗室环境下比在办公环境条件下对亮度光栅更敏感;但是在观测平均亮度为60cd/m2的光栅时,人眼特殊地对在环境亮度为312 cd/m2的条件下更敏感。  相似文献   

基于对上丘细胞对运动光棒刺激反应特性的定量分析,首次明确提出猫上丘视觉神经元具有一定的取向选择性,并从形态基础和生理功能的角度讨论了这种选择性存在的意义。另外还发现上丘的方向和取向选择性均弱于初级视皮层,且对向视野上、下方运动的光棒较为敏感。  相似文献   

以移动的正弦光栅作为刺激,用玻璃微电极记录以冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回区后的猫外膝体的单细胞反应,测定了579个细胞的方位调谐特性,另外还在视觉剥夺猫外膝体测定了344个细胞的方位调谐特性,与正常猫相似,去视以猫和视觉剥夺猫外膝体的少数细胞具有非寻常的方位调谐特性,包括具蝴蝶形调谐曲线的方位调谐特性、双调谐的方位调谐特性和最优方位随刺激空间的不同而变化的方位调谐特性。结果表明外  相似文献   

以移动的正弦光栅作为刺激,用玻璃微电极记录以冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回(LS)区后的猫外膝体的单细胞反应,测定了了579个细胞的方位调谐特性.另外还在视觉剥夺猫外膝体测定了344个细胞的方位调谐特性.与正常猫相似,去视皮层猫和视觉剥夺猫外膝体的少数细胞(约占10%)具有非寻常的方位调谐特性,包括具蝴蝶形调谐曲线的方位调谐特性、双调谐(Bimodal)的方位调谐特性和最优方位随刺激空间频率的不同而变化的方位调谐特性。结果表明,外膝体的非寻常的方位调谐特性并非主要由皮层下行投射所致,而是主要与先天遗传因素有关。  相似文献   

目的比较正常组、模型组及对照组的图形视觉诱发电位(PVEP)和扫描视觉诱发电位(SVEP)视力,研究各组的视觉电生理表现,探讨单眼睑缝合1周是否可以建立形觉剥夺性弱视模型。方法分析三组PVEP的波形变化、潜时及完成一次诱发反应的时间;比较各组由SVEP得出的客观视力。结果①正常组PVEP由2个波峰组成“M型”(正向波向上),模型组及对照组出现波的分离—波形由多个波组成,而且完成一次反应的时间延长。②缝合侧的N75延迟,SVEP视力较正常组差且差别有统计学意义。③对照组未缝合侧视力恢复到正常水平而缝合侧视力仍差且与正常组有统计学差异。结论短期形觉剥夺的视觉电生理变化是弱视猫的一种表现,单眼睑缝合1周即可建立形觉剥夺性弱视猫的模型。  相似文献   

During investigations into the cholinergic innervation of blood vessels in skeletal muscle, it was found that poststaining of sections with Giemsa's stain (Gurr, R66) after incubation to reveal acetylcholinesterase activity as copper ferrocyanide (El-Badawi and Schenk 1967) not only produced nuclear and cytoplasmic counter-staining, but also resulted in intensification of the reaction, resulting in deep blue-black nerve endings (Fig. 1). Areas previously distinguishable only by phase contrast were easily recognizable after Giemsa staining. The method described was originally used on 10 μm cryostat sections, pre- or postfixed in formolcalcium and stained in the reaction mixture described by El-Badawi and Schenk (1967) for 30-60 minutes. After rinsing in distilled water (5 min), sections were stained in Giemsa's stain (3 min), washed well in distilled water, rapidly dehydrated, cleared and mounted.  相似文献   

A series of chalcone derivatives bearing benzamide or benzenesulfonamide moieties were synthesized and evaluated for their anti-tumor effect on HCT116, MCF7 and 143B cell lines in vitro. SAR analysis showed that compounds bearing a benzenesulfonamide group had greater potency than those bearing a benzamide group. It was also shown that compounds with a mono-methyl or mono-halogen group at the 3-position on the terminal phenyl ring were more effective than those with trifluoromethyl or methoxy groups. Compound 8e exhibited the most potent anti-tumor activities against HCT116, MCF7 and 143B cell lines, with IC50 values of 0.597, 0.886 and 0.791 μM, respectively. Molecular docking studies and enzymatic assays demonstrated that the anti-tumor activity of compound 8e might be regulated by Cat L and Cat K.  相似文献   

Multiple cell classes have been found in the primary visual cortex, but the relationship between cell types and spatial summation has seldom been studied. Parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory interneurons can be distinguished from pyramidal neurons based on their briefer action potential durations. In this study, we classified V1 cells into fast-spiking units (FSUs) and regular-spiking units (RSUs) and then examined spatial summation at high and low contrast. Our results revealed that the excitatory classical receptive field and the suppressive non-classical receptive field expanded at low contrast for both FSUs and RSUs, but the expansion was more marked for the RSUs than for the FSUs. For most V1 neurons, surround suppression varied as the contrast changed from high to low. However, FSUs exhibited no significant difference in the strength of suppression between high and low contrast, although the overall suppression decreased significantly at low contrast for the RSUs. Our results suggest that the modulation of spatial summation by stimulus contrast differs across populations of neurons in the cat primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

最近的一些研究结果显示,视皮层内抑制性递质系统作用减弱可能是导致老年性视觉功能衰退的重要因素.是否皮层内兴奋性递质系统亦伴随衰老而发牛改变并影响皮层内神经兴奋与抑制的平衡尚不清楚.为此,利用Nissl染色和免疫组织化学染色方法以及Image-Pro Express图像分析软件对青、老年猫初级视皮层(17区)内各层神经元密度、兴奋性递质谷氨酸免疫反应阳性(Glu-immunoreactive,Glu-IR)神经元密度以及抑制性递质γ-氨基丁酸免疫反应阳性(γ-aminobutyric acid.immunoreactive,GABA-IR)神经元密度进行了统汁分析.结果显示,青、老年猫初级视皮层各层神经元密度均没有明显的年龄性差异(P>0.05);与青年猫相比,老年猫初级视皮层Glu-IR、GABA-IR神经元密度均显著减少(P<0.01),而Glu.IR/GABA.IR神经元密度比率去却显著增大(P<0.01).结果提示,老年猫初级视皮层内兴奋性递质系统作用相对增强,而抑制性递质系统的作用相对减弱,导致皮层内兴奋-抑制平衡关系失调,这可能是引起老年个体视觉功能衰退的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

The effect of Sahaja yoga meditation on 32 patients with primary idiopathic epilepsy on regular and maintained antiepileptic medication was studied. The patients were randomly divided into 3 groups: group I practiced Sahaja Yoga meditation twice daily for 6 months under proper guidance; group II practiced postural exercises mimicking the meditation for the same duration; and group III was the control group. Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS), Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEP), Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP), and Mid Latency Responses (MLR) were recorded initially (0 month) and at 3 and 6 months for each group. There was a significant improvement in VCS following meditation practice in group I participants. Na, the first prominent negative peak of MLR and Pa, the positive peak following Na did not register changes in latency. The Na-Pa amplitude of MLR also showed a significant increase. There were no significant changes in the absolute and interpeak latencies of BAEP. The reduced level of stress following meditation practice may make patients more responsive to specific stimuli. Sahaja Yoga meditation appears to bring about changes in some of the electrophysiological responses studied in epileptic patients.  相似文献   

Theories based on optimal sampling by the retina have been widely applied to visual ecology at the level of the optics of the eye, supported by visual behaviour. This leads to speculation about the additional processing that must lie in between—in the brain itself. But fewer studies have adopted a quantitative approach to evaluating the detectability of specific features in these neural pathways. We briefly review this approach with a focus on contrast sensitivity of two parallel pathways for motion processing in insects, one used for analysis of wide-field optic flow, the other for detection of small features. We further use a combination of optical modelling of image blur and physiological recording from both photoreceptors and higher-order small target motion detector neurons sensitive to small targets to show that such neurons operate right at the limits imposed by the optics of the eye and the noise level of single photoreceptors. Despite this, and the limitation of only being able to use information from adjacent receptors to detect target motion, they achieve a contrast sensitivity that rivals that of wide-field motion sensitive pathways in either insects or vertebrates—among the highest in absolute terms seen in any animal.  相似文献   

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