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Hair induction in the adult glabrous epidermis by the embryonic dermis was compared with that by the adult dermis. Recombinant skin, composed of the adult sole epidermis and the embryonic dermis containing dermal condensations (DC), was transplanted onto the back of nude mice. The epidermis of transplants formed hairs. Histology on the induction process demonstrated the formation of placode-like tissues, indicating that the transplant produces hair follicles through a mechanism similar to that underlying hair follicle development in the embryonic skin. An isolated adult rat sole skin piece, inserted with either an aggregate of cultured dermal papilla (DP) cells or an intact DP between its epidermis and dermis, was similarly transplanted. The transplant produced hair follicles. Histology showed that the epidermis in both cases surrounded the aggregates of DP cells. The epidermis never formed placode-like tissues. Thus, it was concluded that the adult epidermal cells recapitulate the embryonic process of hair follicle development when exposed to DC, whereas they get directly into the anagen of the hair cycle when exposed to DP. The expression pattern of Edar and Shh genes, and P-cadherin protein during the hair follicle development in the two types of transplants supported the above conclusion.  相似文献   

Adult rat pelage follicle dermal papilla cells induced follicle neogenesis and external hair growth when associated with adult footpad skin epidermis. They thus demonstrated a capacity to completely change the structural arrangement and gene expression of adult epidermis--an ability previously undocumented for cultured adult cells. Isolation chambers ensured that de novo follicle formation must have occurred by eliminating the possibility of cellular contributions, and/or inductive influences, from local skin follicles. These findings argue against previous suggestions of vibrissa follicle specificity, and imply that the potential for hair follicle induction may be common to all adult papilla cells.  相似文献   

The Cks1 component of the SCF(Skp2) complex is necessary for p27(Kip1) ubiquitylation and degradation. Cks1 expression is elevated in various B cell malignancies including Burkitt lymphoma and multiple myeloma. We have previously shown that loss of Cks1 results in elevated p27(Kip1) levels and delayed tumor development in a mouse model of Myc-induced B cell lymphoma. Surprisingly, loss of Skp2 in the same mouse model also resulted in elevated p27(Kip1) levels but exhibited no impact on tumor onset. This raises the possibility that Cks1 could have other oncogenic activities than suppressing p27(Kip1). To challenge this notion we have targeted overexpression of Cks1 to B cells using a conditional retroviral bone marrow transduction-transplantation system. Despite potent ectopic overexpression, Cks1 was unable to promote B cell hyperproliferation or B cell malignancies, indicating that Cks1 is not oncogenic when overexpressed in B cells. Since Skp2 overexpression can drive T-cell tumorigenesis or other cancers we also widened the quest for oncogenic activity of Cks1 by ubiquitously expressing Cks1 in hematopoetic progenitors. At variance with c-Myc overexpression, which caused acute myeloid leukemia, Cks1 overexpression did not induce myeloproliferation or leukemia. Therefore, despite being associated with a poor prognosis in various malignancies, sole Cks1 expression is insufficient to induce lymphoma or a myeloproliferative disease in vivo.  相似文献   

Rac1 is a small GTPase that regulates the actin cytoskeleton but also other cellular processes. To investigate the function of Rac1 in skin, we generated mice with a keratinocyte-restricted deletion of the rac1 gene. Rac1-deficient mice lost nearly all of their hair within a few weeks after birth. The nonpermanent part of mutant hair follicles developed constrictions; lost expression of hair follicle-specific keratins, E-cadherin, and alpha6 integrin; and was eventually removed by macrophages. The permanent part of hair follicles and the sebaceous glands were maintained, but no regrowth of full-length hair follicles was observed. In the skin of mutant mice, epidermal keratinocytes showed normal differentiation, proliferation, cell-cell contacts, and basement membrane deposition, demonstrating no obvious defects of Rac1-deficient epidermis in vivo. In vitro, Rac1-null keratinocytes displayed a strong spreading defect and slightly impaired adhesion. These data show that Rac1 plays an important role in sustaining the integrity of the lower part of hair follicles but not in maintenance of the epidermis.  相似文献   

T Matsuda  T Nakamura  K Nakao  T Arai  M Katsuki  T Heike    T Yokota 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(15):4261-4269
Embryonic stem (ES) cells can be maintained in an undifferentiated state in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). LIF acts through a receptor complex composed of a low affinity LIF receptor (LIFRbeta) and gp130. We reported that the intracellular domain of gp130 plays an important role in self-renewal of ES cells. In the present study, we examined the signaling pathway through which gp130 contributes to the self-renewal of ES cells. Mutational analysis of the cytoplasmic domain of gp130 revealed that the tyrosine residue of gp130 responsible for STAT3 activation is necessary for self-renewal of ES cells, while that required for SHP2 and MAP kinase activation was dispensable. Next, we constructed a fusion protein composed of the entire coding region of STAT3 and the ligand binding domain of the estrogen receptor. This construction (STAT3ER) induced expression of junB (one of the targets of STAT3) in ES cells in the presence of the synthetic ligand 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4HT), thereby indicating that STAT3ER is a conditionally active form. ES cells transfected with STAT3ER cultured in the presence of 4HT maintained an undifferentiated state. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that STAT3 activation is required and sufficient to maintain the undifferentiated state of ES cells.  相似文献   

Hair follicle development serves as an excellent model to study control of organ morphogenesis. Three specific isoforms of TGF-beta exist which exhibit a distinct pattern of expression during hair follicle morphogenesis. To clarify the still elusive role of these factors in hair follicle development, we have used a combined genetic and functional approach: analysis of hair follicle development in mice with disruptions of the TGF-beta1, 2, and 3 genes was coupled with a direct functional test of the effect of added purified factors on fetal hair follicle development in skin organ cultures. TGF-beta2 null mice exhibited a profound delay of hair follicle morphogenesis, with a 50% reduced number of hair follicles. In contrast to hair follicle development, growth and differentiation of interfollicular keratinocytes proceeded unimpaired. Unlike TGF-beta2-/- mice, mice with a disruption of the TGF-beta1 gene showed slightly advanced hair follicle formation, while lack of the TGF-beta3 gene did not have any effects. Treatment of wild-type, embryonic skin explants (E14.5 or E15.5) with TGF-beta2 protein in either soluble form or slow release beads induced hair follicle development and epidermal hyperplasia, while similar TGF-beta1 treatment exerted suppressive effects. Thus, the TGF-beta2 isoform plays a specific role, not shared by the other TGF-beta isoforms, as an inducer of hair follicle morphogenesis and is both required and sufficient to promote this process.  相似文献   

nanos1 is required to maintain oocyte production in adult zebrafish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Development of the germline requires the specification and survival of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the embryo as well as the maintenance of gamete production during the reproductive life of the adult. These processes appear to be fundamental to all Metazoans, and some components of the genetic pathway regulating germ cell development and function are evolutionarily conserved. In both vertebrates and invertebrates, nanos-related genes, which encode RNA-binding zinc finger proteins, have been shown to play essential and conserved roles during germ cell formation. In Drosophila, maternally supplied nanos is required for survival of PGCs in the embryo, while in adults, nanos is required for the continued production of oocytes by maintaining germline stem cells self-renewal. In mice and zebrafish, nanos orthologs are required for PGC survival during embryogenesis, but a role in adults has not been explored. We show here that nanos1 in zebrafish is expressed in early stage oocytes in the adult female germline. We have identified a mutation in nanos1 using a reverse genetics method and show that young female nanos mutants contain oocytes, but fail to maintain oocyte production. This progressive loss of fertility in homozygous females is not a phenotype that has been described previously in the zebrafish and underlines the value of a reverse genetics approach in this model system.  相似文献   

The relationship between ornithine decarboxylase (L-ornithine carboxylyase, EC activity and DNA synthetic activity was studied in mouse epidermis. Interfollicular epidermis and hair follicles were investigated separately. It was found that, in hair follicles, the variations of DNA replicative activity, which are reflected in the cyclic growth of hair, are paralleled by corresponding changes in ornithine decarboxylase activity. In both interfollicular epidermis and hair follicles, stimulation of DNA synthetic activity by plucking of hair induced a rapid and marked increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity. The relationship of steady-state and induced ornithine decarboxylase activity to DNA synthetic activity was compared in hair follicles and interfollicular epidermis. A correlation between the activity of this enzyme and DNA replication was found thereby in each of these tissues.  相似文献   

The discovery of long-lived epithelial stem cells in the bulge region of the hair follicle led to the hypothesis that epidermal renewal and epidermal repair after wounding both depend on these cells. To determine whether bulge cells are necessary for epidermal renewal, here we have ablated these cells by targeting them with a suicide gene encoding herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) using a Keratin 1-15 (Krt1-15) promoter. We show that ablation leads to complete loss of hair follicles but survival of the epidermis. Through fate-mapping experiments, we find that stem cells in the hair follicle bulge do not normally contribute cells to the epidermis which is organized into epidermal proliferative units, as previously predicted. After epidermal injury, however, cells from the bulge are recruited into the epidermis and migrate in a linear manner toward the center of the wound, ultimately forming a marked radial pattern. Notably, although the bulge-derived cells acquire an epidermal phenotype, most are eliminated from the epidermis over several weeks, indicating that bulge stem cells respond rapidly to epidermal wounding by generating short-lived 'transient amplifying' cells responsible for acute wound repair. Our findings have implications for both gene therapy and developing treatments for wounds because it will be necessary to consider epidermal and hair follicle stem cells as distinct populations.  相似文献   

To examine the consequences of repressing beta-catenin/Lef1 signalling in mouse epidermis, we expressed a DeltaNLef1 transgene, which lacks the beta-catenin binding site, under the control of the keratin 14 promoter. No skin abnormalities were detected before the first postnatal hair cycle. However, from 6 weeks of age, mice underwent progressive hair loss which correlated with the development of dermal cysts. The cysts were derived from the base of the hair follicles and expressed morphological and molecular markers of interfollicular epidermis. Adult mice developed spontaneous skin tumours, most of which exhibited sebaceous differentiation, which could be indicative of an origin in the upper part of the hair follicle. The transgene continued to be expressed in the tumours and beta-catenin signalling was still inhibited, as evidenced by absence of cyclin D1 expression. However, patched mRNA expression was upregulated, suggesting that the sonic hedgehog pathway might play a role in tumour formation. Based on our results and previous data on the consequences of activating beta-catenin/Lef1 signalling in postnatal keratinocytes, we conclude that the level of beta-catenin signalling determines whether keratinocytes differentiate into hair or interfollicular epidermis, and that perturbation of the pathway by overexpression of DeltaNLef1 can lead to skin tumour formation.  相似文献   

T Fukagawa  C Pendon  J Morris    W Brown 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(15):4196-4209
CENP-C is an evolutionarily conserved centromeric protein. We have used the chicken DT40 cell line to test the idea that CENP-C is sufficient as well as necessary for the formation of a functional centromere. We have compared the effects of disrupting the localization of CENP-C with those of inducibly overexpressing the protein. Removing CENP-C from the centromere causes disassembly of the centromere protein complex and blocks cells at the metaphase-anaphase junction. Overexpressed CENP-C is associated with an increase in errors of chromosome segregation and inhibits the completion of mitosis. However, the excess CENP-C does not disrupt the native centromeres detectably and does not associate with another conserved centromere protein, ZW10. The distribution of the excess CENP-C changes during the cell cycle. In metaphase, the excess CENP-C coats the chromosome arms. At the metaphase-anaphase transition, the excess CENP-C clusters, and during interphase it is present in large bodies which form around pre-existing centromeres which are also clustered. These results indicate that CENP-C is necessary but not sufficient for the formation of a functional centromere and suggest that the structure of CENP-C may be regulated during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Proliferation characteristics of basal cells in the pilary canal of resting hair follicles were investigated and compared with corresponding parameters in interfollicular epidermis of hairless mice. The mitotic rates had similar 24-h means at both locations. Distinct circadian rhythms which showed phasing and amplitudes similar to that in interfollicular epidermis, were demonstrated by the 3H-TdR labelling index, the mitotic rate and the mitotic index. Influx of cells to and efflux of cells from the S phase were measured in the early morning and in the evening by a 3H-TdR double labelling method. The influx values were similar at both times of both locations. The efflux values recorded in the morning were more than twice the values seen in the evening in both the pilary canal and in interfollicular epidermis. The epidermal motitic rate in the pilary canal was depressed by epidermal extracts, and increased after adhesive tape stripping in the same way as in interfollicular epidermis. The results indicate no heterogeneity in cell proliferation characteristics between the two locations, and suggest that similar mechanisms are responsible for maintainance of growth equilibrium at both sites.  相似文献   

The Drosophila genes dally and dally-like encode glypicans, which are heparan sulphate proteoglycans anchored to the cell membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol link. Genetic studies have implicated Dally and Dally-like in Wingless signalling in embryos and imaginal discs. Here, we test the signalling properties of these molecules in the embryonic epidermis. We demonstrate that RNA interference silencing of dally-like, but not dally, gives a segment polarity phenotype identical to that of null mutations in wingless or hedgehog. Using heterologous expression in embryos, we uncoupled the Hedgehog and Wingless signalling pathways and found that Dally-like and Dally, separately or together, are not necessary for Wingless signalling. Dally-like, however, is strictly necessary for Hedgehog signal transduction. Epistatic experiments show that Dally-like is required for the reception of the Hedgehog signal, upstream or at the level of the Patched receptor.  相似文献   

Cell cycle inhibitors, such as the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor proteins and retinoblastoma (Rb) family members, control exit from the cell cycle during the development of a variety of terminally differentiated tissues. It is unclear whether sustained expression of these proteins is required to prevent cell cycle re-entry in quiescent and terminally differentiated cells. The organ of Corti (cochlear sensory epithelium) and pars intermedia (intermediate lobe of the pituitary) are two tissues that share the characteristic of ongoing cell division in mice lacking either the p27Kip1 Cdk inhibitor, Ink4 proteins, or Rb. Here, we use tamoxifen-inducible mouse models to delete p27Kip1 in postnatal animals and show this is sufficient to induce proliferation in both the organ of Corti and pars intermedia. Thus, these tissues remain sensitive to the presence of p27Kip1 even after their developmental exit from the cell cycle. The neonatal cochlea displayed heightened sensitivity to changes in p27Kip1 expression, with a proliferative response higher than that of constitutive null mice. In adults, the proliferative response was reduced but was accompanied by increased cell survival. In contrast, re-establishment of normal p27Kip1 expression in animals with established pituitary tumors, in an inducible “knock-on” model, led to cessation of pituitary tumor growth, indicating the cells had maintained their susceptibility to p27-mediated growth suppression. Although restoration of p27Kip1 did not induce apoptosis, it did lead to resolution of pathological features and normalization of gene expression. Our data underscore the importance of p27Kip1 expression in the maintenance of cellular quiescence and terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

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