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Abstract Because of the allelic variations within the M protein gene ( emm gene) of group A streptococci, reliable typing of this important human pathogen can be accomplished by the use of emm gene-specific oligonucleotide probes. Two technical modifications (a reverse dot blot and a reverse line blot hybridization assay) of a novel approach for the type-specific identification of emm genes have been developed. Both procedures involved amplification of an emm gene by polymerase chain reaction. The non-radioactively labeled amplicon was subsequently hybridized to a membrane carrying an array of immobilized emm gene-specific oligonucleotide probes, thus allowing the simultaneous analysis of the gene polymorphism in a single hybridization reaction. The feasibility of these rapid and easy to perform methods was shown for the unequivocal identification of reference strains and clinical isolates belonging to 16 different M serotypes.  相似文献   

Abstract: The δ subunit of F1F0 ATPase (ATP synthase complex) is part of the stalk connecting the F1 and F0 moieties. Studies in Escherichia coli suggest that the analogous bacterial subunit, called ε, is essential for the ATPase assembly energy coupling. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is an important growth factor for various cell types, including neurons of the CNS. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, microsequencing, western blot analysis, and immunoprecipitation techniques, we have found that PDGF induces phosphorylation of the δ subunit or a closely related peptide in cultured mouse cortical neurons.  相似文献   

F1F0 ATP synthases use the electrochemical potential of H+ or Na+ across biological membranes to synthesize ATP by a rotary mechanism. In bacteria, the enzymes can act in reverse as ATP-driven ion pumps creating the indispensable membrane potential. Here, we demonstrate that the F0 parts of a Na+- and H+-dependent enzyme display major asymmetries with respect to their mode of operation, reflected by the requirement of ∼100 times higher Na+ or H+ concentrations for the synthesis compared with the hydrolysis of ATP. A similar asymmetry is observed during ion transport through isolated F0 parts, indicating different affinities for the binding sites in the a/c interface. Together with further data, we propose a model that provides a rationale for a differential usage of membrane potential and ion gradient during ATP synthesis as observed experimentally. The functional asymmetry might also reflect an important property of the ATP synthesis mechanism in vivo . In Escherichia coli , we observed respiratory chain-driven ATP production at pH 7–8, while P -site pH values < 6.5 were required for ATP synthesis in vitro . This discrepancy is discussed with respect to the hypothesis that during respiration lateral proton diffusion could lead to significant acidification at the membrane surface.  相似文献   

A new chemical indicator for monitoring steam sterilization processes has been calibrated in F 0 units. The effective temperature range for F 0 measurements using this device has been shown to lay between 115 and 123°C. The effective F 0 range of the device has been shown to be 4–23 F 0 units. Using the device, measurements can be made within 0.5 units of conventionally calculated F 0 values.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli have been produced which express very high levels of the tRNAleu1 isoacceptor. This was accomplished by transforming cells with plasmids containing the leuV operon which encodes three copies of the tRNALeu1 gene. Most transformants grew very slowly and exhibited a 15-fold increase in cellular concentrations of tRNALeu1 As a result, total cellular tRNA concentration was approximately doubled and 56% of the total was tRNALeu1. We examined a number of parameters which might be expected to be affected by imbalances in tRNA concentration: in vivo tRNA charging levels, misreading, ribosome step time, and tRNA modification. Surprisingly, no increase in intracellular ppGpp levels was detected even though only about 40% of total leucyl tRNA was found to be charged in vivo. Gross ribosomal misreading was not detected, and it was shown that ribosomal step times were reduced between two- and threefold. Analyses of leucyl tRNA isolated from these slow-growing strains showed that at least 90% of the detectable tRNALeu1 was hypomodified as judged by altered mobility on RPC-5 reverse-phase columns, and by specific modification assays using tRNA(m1G)-methyltransferase and pseudo-uridylate synthetase. Analysis of fast-growing revertants demonstrated that tRNA concentration per se may not explain growth inhibition because selected revertants which grew at wild-type growth rates displayed levels of tRNA comparable to that of control strains bearing the leuV operon. A synthetic tRNALeu1 operon under the control of the T7 promoter was prepared which, when induced, produced six- to sevenfold increases in tRNALeu1 levels. This level of tRNALeu1 titrated the modification system as judged by RPC-5 column chromatography. Overall, our results suggest that hypomodified tRNA may explain, in part, the observed effects on growth, and that the protein-synthesizing system can tolerate an enormous increase in the concentration of a single tRNA.  相似文献   

We have investigated both structural and functional assembly of the F0 portion of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase in vivo. Fractionation of E. coli minicells containing plasmids which code for parts of the unc operon shows that each of the F0 peptides a, b, and c insert into the cytoplasmic membrane independent of each other and without the polypeptides which form the F1 portion of the complex alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Assays of membrane energization indicate that, while formation of a functional proton channel requires the presence of all three F0 polypeptides a, b and c, they are not sufficient. Synthesis of both the alpha and beta subunits of the F1 are required for formation of a functional proton channel.  相似文献   

The leuV promoter which produces tRNALeu1 in Escherichia coli has been extensively mutagenized in order to determine the effects of altered sequences on promoter efficiency (strength) and on growth-rate-dependent regulation (GDR). Each mutant promoter was ligated with a β-galactosidase reporter gene into the chromosome of a host cell by phage lambda lysogenization. Reporter gene activities were measured for cells growing in selected media at various growth rates. Sequences which flank the ?10 consensus region, when altered, caused remarkable up-promoter effects, increasing efficiency in some cases almost 10-fold. One up mutation which had five successive T residues in the‘discriminator’region completely abolished GDR, whereas several mutations with single base changes in the discriminator had little or no effect on GDR. Another mutation which changed one base in the ?35 region to bring it to consensus increased promoter strength 18-fold and sharply reduced GDR. Chimaeric promoters in which segments of leuV were replaced by segments of the his operon showed that only when the discriminator of leuV is replaced by the his discriminator was GDR-disturbed. AM upstream sequences which were replaced by his sequences had little effect on GDR. Overall, there appeared to be little correlation between promoter efficiency and GDR.  相似文献   

The yield of F1 wheat hybrids is often limited by reduced male fertility. Improvement depends upon selecting male and female parents capable of allowing good fertility ‘restoration’ in the F1 hybrids. Assessment of restoring potential in growth rooms was difficult because fertility was much lower than in field grown plants. In the field, two experiments showed differences between parent lines but also that the fertilities of the F1 hybrids were site-specific, and that this factor might be considered during further selection. Variation between reciprocal crosses, possibly due to cytoplasmic differences, rendered a proposed test for the early assessment of fertility restoration capacity amongst potential male-sterile lines to be of doubtful value with present stocks.  相似文献   

Assembly of the F1 portion of the proton-translocating ATPase of Escherichia coli was examined in vivo. Analysis of strains lacking genes which specify the Fo polypeptides a, b, and c showed that the F1 subunits were able to assemble into a complex in the absence of the Fo subunits. In addition we have investigated the effects of mutations in the individual genes which specify the F1 polypeptides on the assembly process. Mutations of the uncA(alpha), uncG(gamma), or uncD(beta) genes result in a defective assembly of the F1 complex. In contrast, mutations in the uncH(delta) or uncC(epsilon) genes did not prevent assembly of the core alpha beta gamma complex. In these cases, however, the partial F1 complexes were incapable of restoring energy-linked functions to F1-depleted membranes.  相似文献   

Plant breeders raising Fx hybrid populations cannot usually grow more than about 300 plants from one seed lot. If not more than k sibs are observed in a random sample of size N, they then need to estimate the probability that the proportion of sibs in the population is at most p. For sample sizes of not more than 300 this note describes the required statistical procedure which, though not new, may be unfamiliar to plant breeders.  相似文献   

The two main factors involved in field-scale production of seed of F1 hybrid Brussels sprouts are pollen availability and honeybee behaviour. Pollen availability depends upon the extent of winter survival of the parent inbreds, their flowering times, plant size and on the number of flowers per plant. Plant losses varied between inbreds and between sites and seasons. Differences in the commencement of flowering time in pairs of inbreds varied from 7 to 21 days, and plant size affected flower number. In hybrid seed-production there was a direct relationship between the number of mature flowers on each inbred and the percentage of non-hybrid seed produced from that inbred. Bees were highly selective in their visits to inbreds, and a mean selfing-to crossing-movement ratio of 30:1 was observed. This behaviour, together with pollen availability, greatly influenced the production of ‘sibs’. Radioactive experiments showed that the amount of cross-pollen carried by a bee decreased by about 30% at each flower visited but radioactive pollen grains were detected on the tenth flower visited. Of a number of factors investigated as possibly influencing bee behaviour, differences in flower colour and plant height were associated with discrimination between inbred lines.  相似文献   

Abstract: The presence of prostaglandins D2, E2, and F was demonstrated and their contents measured in various regions of postmortem human brain, pineal body, and pituitary by using specific radioimmunoassays and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The three prostaglandins were widely distributed in similar concentrations ranging from several hundred pg/g wet weight to about 40 ng/g wet weight. Prostaglandins D2 and E2 showed consistent and similar regional distributions in all six brains tested; amounts were high in pineal body, pituitary, olfactory bulb, and hypothalamus. On the other hand, prostaglandin F was distributed more evenly. Prosta- glandin D synthetase and prostaglandin E synthetase activities were found in cerebrum homogenate from a single subject and were recovered from the 100,000 × g supernatant. The presence of 1 m M glutathione, reduced form, markedly stimulated the activity of prostaglandin E synthetase, but did not affect prostaglandin D synthetase activity. Activity of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase was found in the cerebrum homogenate and was partially purified. This enzyme required NADP as a cofactor and copurified with prostaglandin E 9-ketoreductase.  相似文献   

Generalization of the polymorphism information content (PIC) index to represent marker informativeness (MI) for a three-generation F2 design requires that two additional sources of non-informativeness be added to the PIC formula: the probability of matings between like-heterozygous F1 individuals, of which one is non-informative; and that of matings between like-heterozygous F1 individuals, which are both fully informative but where line of origin of the same alleles is reciprocal. Given the dense marker-maps currently available for some species, this F2 informativeness parameter constitutes the natural criterion for marker selection in F2 designs, and two computer programs to predict MI from grandparental marker-genotypes were developed for an F2 population originating from two divergent selection lines of outbred mice (F approximately 0.2). A total of 403 markers had been genotyped for the F0 grandparents (n=31), and 14 markers had also been genotyped in the complete pedigree including 559 F2 individuals. One program was based on assumptions of random-mating (RM), while the other (PED) accounted for the pedigreed mating structure. For the 403 markers, the correlation between MI from RM and from PED was 0.95, and the average deviation between the two predictions was 0.005 MI units (MI ranged from 0 to 1). Correlations between predicted and realized MI for the 14 fully genotyped markers were 0.97 for PED and 0.94 for RM, while the corresponding average of deviations between predicted and actual values were 0.01 and 0.04, respectively. Absolute deviations from realized MI never exceeded 0.09 and 0.16 for PED and RM, respectively. Simulated optimization of the mating system to maximize average MI of 28 markers on one chromosome led to improvements in the range of 15-20% average MI (0.07-0.09 MI units). The degree of relative advantage conferred by the F2 generalization of the PIC index over the traditional index was found to be of minor significance.  相似文献   

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