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梁雪妮  刘飞虎 《广西植物》2005,25(4):380-385,392
采用LI6400便携式光合仪分析昆明室外栽培的几种野生银莲花光合作用特性。净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)日变化均呈单峰曲线,前者的峰值出现在10~11点,后者的峰值出现在13点前后。在光强0~2000μmol·m2·s1条件下,Pn呈S曲线,光合补偿点为60~80μmol·m2·s1,饱和点为800μmol·m2·s1左右,但光强继续增加到1800μmol·m2·s1,Pn仍有少许提高;Tr随PAR的增加而缓慢地增加。在环境CO2浓度为0~350μmol·mol1条件下,Pn直线上升,草玉梅、秋牡丹和野棉花的光合CO2补偿点均为50μmol·mol1左右;Tr在环境CO2浓度25~350μmol·mol1范围内几乎呈水平线。野生银莲花的Pn和Tr表现较明显的种间差异。  相似文献   

Some physiological characteristics of photosynthetic inorganic carbon uptake have been examined in the marine diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Cyclotella sp. Both species demonstrated a high affinity for inorganic carbon in photosynthesis at pH7.5, having K1/2(CO2) in the range 1.0 to 4.0mmol m?3 and O2? and temperature-insensitive CO2 compensation concentrations in the range 10.8 to 17.6 cm3 m?3. Intracellular accumulation of inorganic carbon was found to occur in the light; at an external pH of 7.5 the concentration in P. tricornutum was twice, and that in Cyclotella 3.5 times, the concentration in the suspending medium. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was detected in intact Cyclotella cells but not in P. tricornutum, although internal CA was detected in both species. The rates of photosynthesis at pH 8.0 of P. tricornutum cells and Cyclotella cells treated with 0.1 mol m?3 acetazolamide, a CA inhibitor, were 1.5- to 5-fold the rate of CO2 supply, indicating that both species have the capacity to take up HCO3? as a source of substrate for photosynthesis. No Na+ dependence for HCO3? could be detected in either species. These results indicate that these two marine diatoms have the capacity to accumulate inorganic carbon in the light as a consequence, in part, of the active uptake of bicarbonate.  相似文献   

Various physiological characteristics of photosynthesis in the unicellular red alga Porphyridium cruentum Naegeli have been investigated. The rate of photosynthesis was optimal at 25° C and pH 7.5 and was not inhibited by 21% oxygen over a temperature range of 5 to 35° C. Kinetics of whole cell photosynthesis as a function of substrate concentration gave a K1/2, (CO2) of 0.3 μM. CO2 compensation point, measured in a closed system at pH 7.5, was a constant 6.7 m?L · L?1 over the temperature range 15 to 30° C and was unaffected by O2 concentration. Whole cell photosynthesis, measured in a closed system at alkaline pH, showed that the rates of oxygen evolution were greatly in excess of the rate of CO2 supply from the spontaneous dehydration of HCO3? in the medium. This indicates that bicarbonate is utilized by the cell to support this photosynthetic rate. These physiological characteristics of Porphyridium cruentum are consistent with the hypothesis that this alga transports bicarbonate across the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

Abstract The CO2 compensation point of Ulva lactuca frond sections has been measured in artificial seawater using a sensitive gas-chromatographic method. Under nitrogen the compensation point remained relatively constant at 3–6 cm3 m−3 at temperatures from 10 to 30°C while in air-saturated medium (0.3 kg m−3 O2) the compensation point rose from 5 cm3 m−3 at 10°C to 11 cm3 m−3 at 30°C. These responses of the compensation point to temperature and oxygen concentration indicate that there is little photorespiratory CO2 loss in this marine macroalga, and the low values of these compensation points indicate that inorganic carbon is actively accumulated by the plant.  相似文献   

Abstract. The uptake and accumulation of inorganic carbon has been investigated in Chlorella ellipsoidea cells grown at acid or alkaline pH. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was detected in ceil extracts but not in intact cells and CA activity in acid-grown cells was considerably less than that in alkali-grown cells. Both cell types demonstrates low K1/2 (CO2) values in the range pH 7.0–8.0 and these were unaffected by O2 concentration. The CO2 compensation concentrations of acid- and alkali-grown cells suspended in aqueous media were not significantly different in the range of pH 6.0–8.0, but at pH 5.0, the CO2 compensation concentrations of acid-grown cells (57.4cm3 m−3) were lower than those of alkali-grown cells (79.2cm3 m−3). The rate of photo-synthetic O2 evolution in the range pH 7.5–8.0 exceeded the calculated rate of CO2 supply two- to three-fold, in both acid- and alkali-grown cells, indicating that HCO3 was taken up by the cells. Accumulation of inorganic carbon was measured at pH 7.5 by silicone-oil centri-fugation, and the concentration of unfixed inorganic carbon was found to be 5.1 mol m−3 in acid-grown and 6.4mol m−3 in alkali-grown cells. These concentrations were 4.6- and 5.9-fold greater than in the external medium. These results indicate that photorespiration is suppressed in both acid- and alkali-grown cells by an intracellular accumulation of inorganic carbon due, in part, to an active uptake of bicarbonate.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies reported that the optimum temperature for the initial slope [IS(Ci)] of the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (A) versus intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curve changed, depending on the growth temperature. However, few studies compare IS(Ci) with ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) properties. Here, we assessed Rubisco activation state and in vitro Rubisco kinetics, the main determinants of IS(Ci), in spinach leaves grown at 30/25 [high temperature (HT)] and 15/10 degrees C [low temperature (LT)]. We measured Rubisco activation state and A at a CO2 concentration of 360 microL L(-1) (A360) at various temperatures. In both HT and LT leaves, the Rubisco activation state decreased with increasing temperatures above the optimum temperatures for A360, while the activation state remained high at lower temperatures. To compare Rubisco characteristics, temperature dependences of the maximum rate of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (Vcmax), specificity factor (Sc/o) and thermal stability were examined. We also examined Vcmax, and thermal stability in the leaves that were transferred from HT to LT conditions and were subsequently kept under LT conditions for 2 weeks (HL). Rubisco purified from HT, LT and HL leaves are called HT, LT and HL Rubisco, respectively. Thermal stabilities of LT and HL Rubisco were similar and lower than that of HT Rubisco. Both Vcmax and Sc/o in LT Rubisco were higher than those of HT Rubisco at low temperatures, while these were lower at high temperatures. Vcmax in HL Rubisco were similar to those of LT Rubisco at low temperatures, and to those of HT Rubisco at high temperatures. The predicted photosynthetic rates, taking account of the Rubisco kinetics and the Rubisco activation state, agreed well with A360 in both HT and LT leaves. This study suggests that photosynthetic performance is largely determined by the Rubisco kinetics at low temperature and by Rubisco Kinetics and the Rubisco activation state at high temperature.  相似文献   

张健  刘美艳   《广西植物》2005,25(6):576-578
采用美国LI-COR生产的LI-6400便携式光合系统研究了米瓦罐的光合特性。结果表明,米瓦罐光 合速率的日变化呈单峰曲线,上午10:00时光合速率达到最大值;在大气CO2浓度下,米瓦罐的光饱和点为 1 800μmol·m-2·s-1,光补偿点为30μmol·m-2·s-1;在光饱和点的光强下,米瓦罐的CO2饱和点为1 200 μmolCO2·mol-1,CO2补偿点为40μmolCO2·mol-1。  相似文献   

Abstract The CO2 compensation concentrations (points) of leaves of the submerged vascular aquatic plant Myriophyllum spicatum L. were determined in a closed aqueous system at pH 7.0 by a gas chromatographic technique and over the range 10–30deg;C were found to range from 36 to 46 cm3m?3 in medium equilibrated with 21% O2 (0.03 kgm?3), and 25 to 35 cm3m?3 in medium equilibrated with 2% O2 (0.03 kgm?3). The rates of true (TPS) and apparent (APS) photosynthesis of leaves were measured in medium equilibrated with 21% O2 and buffered at pH 7.0, at subsaturating concentrations (12.8–18.8 mmol m?3) of dissolved inorganic carbor. (DIC) containing H14CO3, by determining the initial rates of uptake by the leaves of DIC and 14C-activity from the medium. The rate of photorespiration, the difference between TPS and APS, was 7.0–13.3% of TPS over the range of 10–25°C and rose to 29% of TPS at 35°C. The magnitude of the compensation point of this plant is therefore similar to, but is much less O2-sensitive than, those of C3 plants, and the photorespiratory rate, at DIC concentrations near the CO2 compensation point, is very low compared to that of C3 plants.  相似文献   

The whole-plant CO2 compensation point (Γplant) is the minimum atmospheric CO2 level required for sustained growth. The minimum CO2 requirement for growth is critical to understanding biosphere feedbacks on the carbon cycle during low CO2 episodes; however, actual values of Γplant remain difficult to calculate. Here, we have estimated Γplant in tobacco by measuring the relative leaf expansion rate at several low levels of atmospheric CO2, and then extrapolating the leaf growth vs. CO2 response to estimate CO2 levels where no growth occurs. Plants were grown under three temperature treatments, 19/15, 25/20 and 30/25°C day/night, and at CO2 levels of 100, 150, 190 and 270 μmol CO2 mol−1 air. Biomass declined with growth CO2 such that Γplant was estimated to be approximately 65 μmol mol−1 for plants grown at 19/15 and 30/25°C. In the first 19 days after germination, plants grown at 100 μmol mol−1 had low growth rates, such that most remained as tiny seedlings (canopy size <1 cm2). Most seedlings grown at 150 μmol mol−1 and 30/25°C also failed to grow beyond the small seedling size by day 19. Plants in all other treatments grew beyond the small seedling size within 3 weeks of planting. Given sufficient time (16 weeks after planting) plants at 100 μmol mol−1 eventually reached a robust size and produced an abundance of viable seed. Photosynthetic acclimation did not increase Rubisco content at low CO2. Instead, Rubisco levels were unchanged except at the 100 and 150 μmol mol−1 where they declined. Chlorophyll content and leaf weight per area declined in the same proportion as Rubisco, indicating that leaves became less expensive to produce. From these results, we conclude that the effects of very low CO2 are most severe during seedling establishment, in large part because CO2 deficiency slows the emergence and expansion of new leaves. Once sufficient leaf area is produced, plants enter the exponential growth phase and acquire sufficient carbon to complete their life cycle, even under warm conditions (30/25°C) and CO2 levels as low as 100 μmol mol−1.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the first part of this review, I discuss how we can predict the direct short-term effect of enhanced CO2 on photosynthetic rate in C3 terrestrial plants. To do this, I consider: (1) to what extent enhanced CO2 will stimulate or relieve demand on partial processes like carboxylation, light harvesting and electron transport, the Calvin cycle, and end-product synthesis; and (2) the extent to which these various processes actually control the rate of photosynthesis. I conclude that control is usually shared between Rubisco (which responds sensitively to CO2) and other components (which respond less sensitively), and that photosynthesis will be stimulated by 25–75% when the CO2 concentration is doubled from 35 to 70 Pa. This is in good agreement with the published responses. In the next part of the review, I discuss the evidence that most plants undergo a gradual inhibition of photosynthesis during acclimation to enhanced CO2. I argue that this is related to an inadequate demand for carbohydrate in the remainder of the plant. Differences in the long-term response to CO2 may be explained by differences in the sink-source status of plants, depending upon the species, the developmental stage, and the developmental conditions. In the third part of the review, I consider the biochemical mechanisms which are involved in ‘sink’ regulation of photosynthesis. Accumulating carbohydrate could lead to a direct inhibition of photosynthesis, involving mechanical damage by large starch grains or Pi-limitation due to inhibition of sucrose synthesis. I argue that Pi is important in the short-term regulation of partitioning to sucrose and starch, but that its contribution to ‘sink’ regulation has not yet been conclusively demonstrated. Indirect or ‘adaptive’ regulation of photosynthesis is probably more important, involving decreases in amounts of key photosynthetic enzymes, including Rubisco. This decreases the rate of photosynthesis, and potentially would allow resources (e.g. amino acids) to be remobilized from the leaves and reinvested in sink growth to readjust the sink-source balance. In the final part of the review, I argue that similar changes of Rubisco and, possibly, other proteins are probably also involved during acclimation to high CO2.  相似文献   

The uptake of inorganic carbon by freshwater plants   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Abstract. The uptake of bicarbonate for photosynthetic assimilation by charophyte plants uses a chemiosmotic mechanism involving primary outward active transport of H+ in 'acid zones' of the membrane, and passive H+ re-entry in spatially separate 'alkaline' zones. In the process large electric currents circulate in the medium, and large local pH changes occur; bicarbonate ions, diffusing inwards across the unstirred layer of medium, encounter a number of competing mechanisms for the transfer of the carbon across the membrane. These are:
  • i.

    transport of H2CO3 by diffusion

  • ii.

    transport of CO2 by diffusion; or

  • iii.

    co-transport of HCO3 and H+.

The decision amongst these mechanisms is not yet possible. There are parallels between the charophytes and aquatic angiosperms that are indicated, and contrasts with the chlorophytes.  相似文献   

Physiological properties of photosynthesis were determined in the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum UTEX640, during acclimation from 5% CO2 to air and related to H2CO3 dissociation kinetics and equilibria in artificial seawater. The concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon at half maximum rate of photosynthesis (K0·5[DIC]) value in high CO2‐grown cells was 1009 mmol m ? 3 but was reduced three‐fold by the addition of bovine carbonic anhydrase (CA), whereas in air‐grown cells K0·5[DIC] was 71 mmol m ? 3, irrespective of the presence of CA. The maximum rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) values varied between 300 and 500 μ mol O2 mg Chl ? 1 h ? 1 regardless of growth pCO2. Bicarbonate dehydration kinetics in artificial seawater were re‐examined to evaluate the direct HCO3 ? uptake as a substrate for photosynthesis. The uncatalysed CO2 formation rate in artificial seawater of 31·65°/oo of salinity at pH 8·2 and 25 °C was found to be 0·6 mmol m ? 3 min ? 1 at 100 mmol m ? 3 DIC, which is 53·5 and 7·3 times slower than the rates of photosynthesis exhibited in air‐ and high CO2‐grown cells, respectively. These data indicate that even high CO2‐grown cells of P. tricornutum can take up both CO2 and HCO3 ? as substrates for photosynthesis and HCO3 ? use improves dramatically when the cells are grown in air. Detailed time courses were obtained of changes in affinity for DIC during the acclimation of high CO2‐grown cells to air. The development of high‐affinity photosynthesis started after a 2–5 h lag period, followed by a steady increase over the next 15 h. This acclimation time course is the slowest to be described so far. High CO2‐grown cells were transferred to controlled DIC conditions, at which the concentrations of each DIC species could be defined, and were allowed to acclimate for more than 36 h. The K0·5[DIC] values in acclimated cells appeared to be correlated only with [CO2(aq)] in the medium but not to HCO3 ? , CO32 ? , total [DIC] or the pH of the medium and indicate that the critical signal regulating the affinity of cells for DIC in the marine diatom, P. tricornutum, is [CO2(aq)] in the medium.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms developed various strategies to mitigate high light stress. For instance, aquatic organisms are able to spend excessive energy by exchanging dissolved CO2 (dCO2) and bicarbonate () with the environment. Simultaneous uptake and excretion of the two carbon species is referred to as inorganic carbon cycling. Often, inorganic carbon cycling is indicated by displacements of the extracellular dCO2 signal from the equilibrium value after changing the light conditions. In this work, we additionally use (i) the extracellular pH signal, which requires non‐ or weakly‐buffered medium, and (ii) a dynamic model of carbonate chemistry in the aquatic environment to detect and quantitatively describe inorganic carbon cycling. Based on simulations and experiments in precisely controlled photobioreactors, we show that the magnitude of the observed dCO2 displacement crucially depends on extracellular pH level and buffer concentration. Moreover, we find that the dCO2 displacement can also be caused by simultaneous uptake of both dCO2 and (no inorganic carbon cycling). In a next step, the dynamic model of carbonate chemistry allows for a quantitative assessment of cellular dCO2, , and H+ exchange rates from the measured dCO2 and pH signals. Limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of full-spectrum solar radiation and of solar radiation deprived of total u.v. radiation (λ<395 nm) on the endemic Mediterranean red alga Rissoella verruculosa (Bertoloni) J. Agardh were studied in situ in early summer, from sunrise to sunset. Photosynthetic performance, pigment content and the activities of enzymes related to nutrient uptake, were monitored under both radiation conditions throughout a daylight period.
The doses of solar radiation, measured on the day during which the experiments were carried out (24 June 1997), were 9228·25, 1109·70 and 13·03 kJ m−2 for PAR (λ=400–700 nm), u.v.-A (λ=315–400 nm) and u.v.-B (λ=280–315 nm), respectively. Under these conditions, a clear daily variation in photosynthetic performance was found. However, no significant differences were detected between the two radiation conditions. At noon, strong sunlight impaired O2 evolution by 75%, but complete recovery occurred during the afternoon, reaching similar values to those measured in the early morning. By contrast, photoinhibition of optimal quantum yield ( F v/ F m), and the relative electron transport rate was followed by only a slight recovery during the afternoon. The rate of photosynthesis in air (simulating emersion conditions), estimated by CO2 exchange, showed a negative balance at noon, which was accentuated in plants exposed to the full-solar spectrum.
Significant changes in the activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase were found throughout the day under both radiation conditions. In thalli receiving solar radiation deprived of u.v., total CA activity decreased throughout the day. However, in thalli exposed to full-spectrum solar radiation, the activity of the enzyme tended to increase in the afternoon, correlating with an increase in NR activity.  相似文献   

A total of 10,154 5'-end expressed sequence tags (EST) were established from the normalized and size-selected cDNA libraries of a marine red alga, Porphyra yezoensis. Among the ESTs, 2140 were unique species, and the remaining 8014 were grouped into 1127 species. Database search of the 3267 non-redundant ESTs by BLAST algorithm showed that the sequences of 1080 species (33.1%) have similarity to those of registered genes from various organisms including higher plants, mammals, yeasts, and cyanobacteria, while 2187 (66.9%) are novel. Codon usage analysis in the coding regions of 101 non-redundant EST groups showing significant similarity to known genes indicated the higher GC contents at the third position of codons (79.4%) than the first (62.2%) and the second position (45.0%), suggesting that the genome has been exposed to high GC pressure during evolution. The sequence data of individual ESTs are available at the web site http://www.kazusa.or.jp/en/plant/porphyra/EST/.  相似文献   

Maroco JP  Edwards GE  Ku MS 《Planta》1999,210(1):115-125
The effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the photochemistry, biochemistry and physiology of C4 photosynthesis were studied in maize (Zea mays L.). Plants were grown at ambient (350 μL L−1) or ca. 3 times ambient (1100 μL L−1) CO2 levels under high light conditions in a greenhouse for 30 d. Relative to plants grown at ambient CO2 levels, plants grown under elevated CO2 accumulated ca. 20% more biomass and 23% more leaf area. When measured at the CO2 concentration of growth, mature leaves of high-CO2-grown plants had higher light-saturated rates of photosynthesis (ca. 15%), lower stomatal conductance (71%), higher water-use efficiency (225%) and higher dark respiration rates (100%). High-CO2-grown plants had lower carboxylation efficiencies (23%), measured under limiting CO2, and lower leaf protein contents (22%). Activities of a number of C3 and C4 cycle enzymes decreased on a leaf-area basis in the high-CO2-grown plants by 5–30%, with NADP-malate dehydrogenase exhibiting the greatest decrease. In contrast, activities of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase increased significantly under elevated CO2 condition (8% and 36%, respectively). These data show that the C4 plant maize may benefit from elevated CO2 through acclimation in the capacities of certain photosynthetic enzymes. The increased capacity to synthesize sucrose and starch, and to utilize these end-products of photosynthesis to produce extra energy by respiration, may contribute to the enhanced growth of maize under elevated CO2. Received: 30 April 1999 / Accepted: 17 June 1999  相似文献   

Characteristics of photosynthetic carbon metabolism of spikelets in rice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In lemmas and paleae of rice, the amount of pyruvate, Pi dikinase (PPDK) protein increased dramatically 6 d after anthesis and this change was consistent with that in the activity of PPDK. Since lemmas and paleae at this stage also showed high activities of the other marker enzymes of C4 pathway including phosphot enolpyruvate carboxylase (Imaizumi et al. (1990) Plant Cell Physiol 31: 835–843), photosynthetic carbon metabolism with lemmas at this stage were characterized. In a 14C pulse-12C chase study by photosynthetic CO2 fixation, about 35% and 25% of 14C fixed in lemmas were incorporated initially into 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and C4 acids, respectively. This suggests that lemmas participate mainly in C3-type photosynthetic metabolism, but that lemmas may also participate in the metabolism of C4 acids to some extent. To clarify this possibility, large amounts of 14C-labeled C4 acids were synthesized in vivo by a light-enhanced dark CO2 fixation (LED) method and the fate of 14C in C4 acids in the light was investigated. The percentage distribution of 14C in C-4 position of malate was about 90% and 83% after 10 s of photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation and 110 s of LED, respectively. Some of the 14C incorporated into C4 acids was transferred into 3-PGA and sugar phosphates. The possibility of direct fixation of CO2 by phosphot enolpyruvate carboxylase and metabolic pathway of CO2 released by decarboxylation of malate produced were discussed.  相似文献   

几种野生银莲花生殖生长期的光合作用特性初探   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
采用LI-6400便携式光合仪对室外栽培的几种野生银莲花光合作用特性进行了研究.结果表明,净光合速率 Pn 和蒸腾速率 Tr 日变化均呈单峰曲线,前者的峰值出现在10:00~11:00时,后者的峰值出现在13:00时前后.在光强0~2000μmol·m-2·s-1条件下,Pn呈S曲线,光补偿点为60~80μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点为800μmol·m-2·s-1左右,但光强继续增加到1800μmol·m-2·s-1,Pn仍有少许提高;Tr随PAR的增加而缓慢增加.在环境CO2浓度为0~350μmol·mol-1条件下,Pn直线上升,草玉梅、秋牡丹和野棉花的光合CO2补偿点均为50μmol·mol-1左右;Tr在环境CO2浓度25~350μmol·mol-1范围内几乎呈水平线.野生银莲花的Pn和Tr表现出较明显的种间差异.  相似文献   

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