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Siopes TD  Burke WH 《Theriogenology》1984,22(4):445-453
The effects of ovariectomy on broody behavior and plasma prolactin levels were examined in turkey hens that had previous histories of broodiness. Ovariectomy eliminated all nesting behavior and blocked the photostimulated increase in plasma prolactin observed in sham-operated hens. Sham-operated hens demonstrated egg-laying patterns and nesting behavior typical of broody hens. A large increase in plasma prolactin preceded broody behavior which continued as long as the elevated amounts of plasma prolactin persisted. It was concluded that the ovary is essential in expressing broody nesting behavior, the large increase in plasma prolactin associated with this behavior, and the prolactin increase in hens that did not demonstrate nesting behavior.  相似文献   

An arrest in laying associated with either a polyovarian follicle (POF) or a polycystic ovarian follicle (PCOF) syndrome has been reported in turkey hens photostimulated at an early age with a constant-light photoperiod. Hens expressing the POF or PCOF syndrome had stopped laying for several weeks, but the ovary contained an increased number of mature-size and larger follicles (POF hens), which were cystic (PCOF) in some of the hens. Hens with the POF or PCOF syndrome had plasma progesterone (P(4)) concentrations that were relatively high and without surges. We hypothesized that high plasma P(4) concentrations may block ovulatory surges of LH but not the growth or maintenance of hierarchical follicles leading to development of the POF or PCOF syndrome in turkey hens. In the first six studies, hens were photostimulated with either a 14L:10D or a 24L:0D photoperiod and, after laying for 1-38 wk, were then injected daily for up to 14 days with P(4) (up to 1.50 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) and necropsied. At all ages, the oviposition rate was reduced at a P(4) dosage of 0.17 mg kg(-1) day(-1). With dosages of 0.33 mg kg(-1) day(-1) or greater, however, ovipositions stopped in most hens within approximately 2 days. For hens laying for less than 15 wk, oviductal weight and number of hierarchical follicles of P(4)-injected hens were not different from control vehicle-injected hens, but the numbers of mature, cystic, and atretic follicles were increased. For hens laying for 38 wk, when treated with P(4), oviductal weight and number of hierarchical follicles decreased, but number of atretic follicles increased. No effect of photoperiod was found on egg production, oviductal weight, or follicle number, and none of the hens developed POF or PCOF syndrome in these experiments. Two additional experiments were conducted with hens early in the reproductive period that had been photostimulated with 14L:10D or 24L:0D and injected with P(4) (0.33 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) for 10 or 12 days but not necropsied until 3 wk after the last injection. Most of the hens photostimulated with the 24L:0D photoperiod and injected with P(4), and a few of the hens photostimulated with the 14L:10D photoperiod and injected with P(4), had developed the PCOF syndrome when necropsied. The hens with the PCOF syndrome had high levels of P(4) when necropsied. From these studies, we concluded that the PCOF syndrome can be induced early in the reproduction period by photostimulating turkey hens with a 24L: 0D photoperiod, injecting them for 10 to 12 days with P(4) at a dosage of 0.33 mg kg(-1) day(-1), and then waiting 3 wk for the PCOF syndrome to develop.  相似文献   

Intracranial prolactin perfusion induces incubation behavior in turkey hens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intracranial perfusion of ovine prolactin (oPrl) via osmotic pump in laying turkey hens caused a sudden onset in incubation behavior, defined as an increase in nest visits. The hens also displayed a gradual decrease in egg laying during the time they were receiving oPrl, another indicator of the onset of incubation. Circulating immunoreactive turkey Prl levels fell during the perfusion period, even though the hens were displaying persistent nesting activity and reduced egg laying. No effects on serum LH were noted. Perfusion of oPrl during the first 14 days of photostimulation delayed the onset of egg laying by several days. No effects on serum Prl or serum LH were noted. It is suggested that incubation behavior is facilitated by central levels of Prl.  相似文献   

Capture-related mortality has been a notable risk in the handling of eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris). Our objective was to evaluate how environmental factors influence risk and identify physiological correlates that could be used to identify susceptible birds. During winter (January-March) 1995-97, 130 eastern wild turkey hens were captured in southeastern Oklahoma and radiocollared. Of those, 20 hens died < or =14 days of capture. Serum creatine kinase activity (CK; P < 0.01), body temperature (P < 0.01), processing time (P = 0.02), and ambient temperature (P < 0.01) showed a positive relationship with mortality that occurred within 14 days of capture. Plasma corticosterone concentration (P = 0.08) and relative humidity (P < 0.01) showed a negative relationship with mortalities that occurred within 14 days post-capture. Stepwise logistic regression selected CK activity, relative humidity, and ambient temperature as the best predictors of mortality within 14 days post-capture. Our data suggest that susceptible individuals may be identified from CK activity and that capture-related mortality may be minimized by establishing guidelines of when to curtail capture operations based on various weather conditions.  相似文献   

Whether the interval between preovulatory surges of LH was different between lines of turkey hens with either poor (RBC3 line, peak at 55%) or excellent rate of egg production (Egg line, peak at 85%) was examined. Laying hens were cannulated and bled hourly for 10 days at peak of production. A constant light photoschedule was used to avoid diurnal masking of innate circadian rhythms. The mean interval between LH surges in the RBC3 line was longer than in the Egg line and had a higher coefficient of variation. A few longer LH surge intervals (72 h) were found in some RBC3 line hens (2 of 7 hens), but none were found in Egg line hens (0 of 11 hens). All progesterone (P4) surges were coupled with LH surges, but not all LH-P4 surges were coupled with ovipositions (blind LH-P(4) surges). The percentage of blind LH-P4 surges was not different between lines. The baseline concentration of LH was higher in Egg line than RBC3 line hens, but LH surge amplitude, and surge duration were not different. The baseline and surge amplitude concentrations of P4 were not different between lines, nor was the concentration of estradiol-17beta. The longer interval between LH surges was the major factor tested that was associated with the poorer egg production rate in RBC3 line hens in comparison to Egg line hens. A higher incidence of blind LH surges further contributed to lower egg production in RBC3 line turkey hens.  相似文献   

Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) nests suffer high predation rates exceeding 65%, which may limit recruitment. We evaluated post-nesting movements of reproductively active female Rio Grande wild turkeys. We monitored 194 nesting attempts between 2005 and 2010 and documented 17% and 32% overall apparent nest success for the Edwards Plateau and Central Rio Grande Plains study regions, respectively. Rio Grande wild turkey hens move approximately 1.2 km (SD = 0.7) between nesting attempts within a nesting season and approximately 1.4 km (SD = 1.6) between initial nesting attempts among years. Rio Grande wild turkey hens selected open areas with moderate woody cover for nesting ( = 37.7%; range = 3.0–88.2%). Patchiness of vegetation in the nesting landscape also was borne out by typically low edge-to-area ratios ( = 0.20; range = 0.040–0.732). We found no clear pattern in movement distance and either landscape composition or edge-to-area ratio for within or between breeding season nest site selection for either the Edwards Plateau or Central Rio Grande Plains study region. Based on our results, movement distances post-nest failure do not seem to influence habitat selection. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The consequences of active immunization against prolactin on expression of incubation, reproductive performance and hormonal profiles were evaluated in turkey hens. Hens were injected weekly for 4 wk starting 8 wk before being submitted to a stimulatory photoperiod and 3 times thereafter at intervals of 4 to 5 wk. The hens were injected i.d. with 0.5 mL of a mixture diluted half in Freund's adjuvant. The mixture was prediluted in .9% saline and contained 100 micrograms of a fusion protein (GST-tPRL), GST, oPRL or vehicle. The results indicate that active immunizations with GST-tPRL or oPRL both induce production of specific prolactin antibodies. The onset of egg production was unaffected but higher egg production was observed for the GST-tPRL immunized hens. No GST-tPRL immunized hens expressed incubation behavior, whereas 20 to 30% of hens in the other experimental groups did so. Apparent hyperprolactinemia was detected by RIA for the GST-tPRL immunized groups starting before photostimulation and lasting until Week 10 of egg production but not in other groups. No significant differences were observed in either plasma LH or estradiol concentrations of immunized and nonimmunized turkey hens. In conclusion, both GST-tPRL or oPRL induced the production of antibodies against prolactin in turkey hens. However, only active immunization using GST-tPRL induced higher antibody titers as well as full prevention of incubation behavior expression. Such a pharmacological approach is of great practical interest, although its uses need to be carefully evaluated under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

1. Radioimmunoassays were developed for measuring avian gonadotropin-releasing hormones I and II (cGnRH I and II) in tissue extracts during the reproductive cycle. 2. Hypothalamic concentrations of cGnRH I and II were qualitatively similar being lowest in non-photostimulated hens, greater in laying hens and greatest in incubating hens. 3. cGnRH II concentrations were similar in paraolfactory lobe and hypothalamic fragments while lesser amounts were found in cerebrum, cerebellum, duodenum, shell gland, and pineal. 4. These results suggest that cGnRH II has unknown functions in turkeys quite distinct from traditional functions associated with GnRHs.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of prolactin (Prl), glucose, corticosterone, and D(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate (DBHB) were compared in nonlaying, nonincubating turkey hens subjected to feed and/or water deprivation. Neither Prl nor corticosterone concentrations were significantly (P greater than 0.05) altered by any of the treatments, whereas fasting significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced the concentration of glucose and increased the concentration of DBHB. Plasma levels of Prl in incubating hens were significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced by nest deprivation either in the absence of feed and water or when the hens were force-fed the normal intake for a laying hen. After 48 h of nest deprivation, the hens resumed nesting within 5 min of being returned to the pen although the plasma levels of Prl were low. Neither nest attentiveness nor the concentration of Prl were affected by force-feeding the hens while they were incubating eggs. The concentration of glucose increased in response to force-feeding or nest deprivation, whereas the concentration of corticosterone was increased only by force-feeding. These results suggest that Prl may not be involved in the striking changes in both intermediary and water metabolism which occur during incubation in the turkey hen. Furthermore, since incubation behavior can occur in the presence of low concentrations of Prl, elevated levels of Prl during broodiness appear to be maintained by a stimulus associated with the nest itself or some other aspect(s) of the environment.  相似文献   

Varying degrees of oviductal trauma were induced in turkey breeder hens during artificial insemination to determine the effects on humoral anti-sperm antibody production and fertility. Two experiments were completed. Mode of artificial insemination had no effect on fertility or the production of serum anti-sperm antibodies in either experiment. It was concluded that no relationship exists between serum anti-sperm antibody titers and fertility.  相似文献   

In turkey hens, the egg production rate is relatively high early during a reproductive period, but declines as the period progresses. Among lines with different egg production potential, the interval between preovulatory surges of LH is the primary determinant of the egg production rate. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the decline in egg production rate late during an egg production period is also associated with a difference in the interval between LH preovulatory surges. A group of photosensitive turkey hens (Early) were photostimulated with continuous light (24L:0D) at 40 wk of age to induce egg laying, and serial blood samples were collected after about 3 wk of egg production. A second group of hens (Late) were housed in floor pens and photostimulated with 14L:10D at 40 wk of age for a normal 36-wk reproduction period and were then switched to 24L:0D lighting for 2 wk before collection of serial blood samples. Continuous light photostimulation was used for at least 2 wk before and during serial blood sampling to avoid potential masking effects of diurnal lighting on the interval between LH surges. The Early (n = 12) and Late (n = 16) hens were cannulated 3 days before being serially bled hourly for 10 days. The mean interval between preovulatory surges of LH was shorter in the Early hens than in the Late hens (26.1 +/- 2.5 h and 34.7 +/- 3.9 h, respectively). The intra-hen LH surge interval coefficient of variation was lower in the Early hens than in the Late hens (7.2% and 18.6%, respectively). The inter-hen LH surge interval coefficient of variation was similar in the Early and Late hens (9.5% and 11.2%, respectively). The incidence of blind surges of LH (those not retrospectively associated with ovipositions) was not different between Early and Late laying hens (8.4% +/- 15.2% and 7.3% +/- 14.6%, respectively). In conclusion, in turkey hens, longer intervals and greater intra-hen variation between LH surges were associated with a poorer rate of egg production late in the reproductive period relative to early in the reproductive period.  相似文献   

Oviductal tissue from fertile and infertile turkey breeder hens was stained immuno-histochemically to test for the presence of antibody positive cells. Relatively infertile turkey hens (< 50% fertility) were found to have antibody positive cells within the uterovaginal sperm storage tubule epithelium, while fertile turkey hens (> 90% fertility) had no antibody positive cells. Data suggest a local immune response to spermatozoa exists in the uterovaginal sperm storage tubules of the turkey hen which may have a detrimental effect on fertility.  相似文献   

1. The incidence of broodiness was four times as high among turkey hens fed a complete control diet than among hens allowed to self-select their diet from two different feed sources, one being relatively high in protein and the other relatively high in energy (i.e. split-diet). 2. Among non-broody birds, hens fed the split-diet had a significantly lower serum prolactin concentration in the third month of production as compared to control hens. 3. Hens in their second season of egg production had significantly lower serum luteinizing hormone concentrations during the latter stages of egg production than did first season hens.  相似文献   

Levels of biotin and avidin were assayed in eggs from Small White turkey hens having 12-15 week average hatchability of fertile egg records (HF) of 13 and 99%. The median level and concentration of avidin was higher in eggs of the 13% HF (2.72 mg and 42.5 micrograms/ml, respectively) as compared with the 99% HF (1.39 mg and 23.8 micrograms/ml, respectively). Calculations for total biotin to avidin binding in the eggs revealed that all eggs in the 13% HF and residual free avidin levels after total biotin was complexed to avidin. This complex formation is expected to have limited the availability of biotin for embryonic development.  相似文献   

The effect of ovariectomy (OVX) on plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in incubating turkey hens was studied. Neither the sham-operated nor the OVX hens exhibited any change in the pattern of incubation behavior as a result of the surgery. Plasma concentrations of estradiol decreased to less than approximately 3 pg/ml by 2 days after surgery in the OVX hens. There were no significant differences in plasma levels of PRL between the sham-operated and OVX hens throughout the study. The concentration of PRL did not change in either the sham-operated or OVX hens and was maintained at high levels after surgery and during incubation of the eggs. By 2 days after hens were placed into cages, plasma levels of PRL significantly decreased and were maintained at low levels in both groups. The concentration of LH did not change in either group during the two wk after surgery when the hens were incubating eggs. After the hens were placed into cages, the concentration of LH increased in the OVX hens and was maintained at significantly higher levels than in the sham-operated hens. By contrast, the concentration of LH increased within 4 days after OVX of out-of-lay but nonincubating hens. The delay in the postcastration increase in plasma level of LH in the OVX hens was not associated with anorexia of incubating hens, since plasma levels of LH were not affected by force-feeding unless plasma levels of PRI were suppressed by nest deprivation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasma levels of prolactin (Prl) associated with incubation and maternal behavior were compared in turkey hens allowed to incubate 10 fertile eggs (Group I, n = 9) or 10 infertile eggs (Group II, n = 7) in open nest boxes. At the end of the day that the first egg hatched, all unhatched eggs were removed from Group I hens and each hen was given 10 poults. At the end of the following day, infertile eggs were removed from Group II hens and each hen was given 10 poults. Although pipping of the eggs changed the incubation behavior of Group I hens, it had no effect on plasma Prl. Subsequent hatch of the eggs and/or presence of poults resulted, within 24 h, in a sharp fall in Prl levels, abandonment of the nests, and a shift to maternal behavior. Visual and auditory exposure to Group I poults had no effect on plasma Prl or incubation behavior of Group II hens incubating infertile eggs in adjacent pens. However, within 24 h after the infertile eggs were exchanged for newly hatched poults, Prl levels in Group II hens declined sharply and the hens abandoned the nests and showed maternal behavior similar to that observed in Group I hens. No significant relationships were found in either group between plasma Prl levels and quality of incubation or maternal behavior.  相似文献   

The relationships of prolactin (PRL) and LH messenger (m) RNA to serum and pituitary content were determined for turkey hens at different phases of the reproductive cycle. In the nonphotostimulated, reproductively inactive hen, serum and pituitary PRL content and pituitary PRL mRNA levels were low. All three PRL values rose after photostimulation and peaked during the incubation phase. Relative to nonphotostimulated hens, hyperprolactinemic incubating hens showed 220-, 11-, and 57-fold increases in serum PRL, pituitary PRL content, and pituitary PRL mRNA levels, respectively. These peak levels declined 80-, 3-, and 6-fold, respectively, in photorefractory hens. In contrast to PRL levels, serum LH, pituitary LH, and pituitary LH beta-subunit mRNA levels did not change as dramatically. Serum LH showed no significant changes for the different reproductive phases. Pituitary LH peaked after photostimulation and declined to its lowest level in incubating hens. Pituitary LH-beta mRNA abundance was highest in photostimulated and laying hens and lowest in incubating and photorefractory hens. These results demonstrate that the abundance of LH-beta and PRL mRNA shows an inverse relationship in photostimulated/laying and incubating turkey hens.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the number of spermatozoa residing in the oviduct sperm-storage tubules (SST) and the relationship between these numbers and the number of spermatozoa embedded in the perivitelline layer of oviductal eggs after a single insemination of 200 x 10(6) spermatozoa. The SST of hens inseminated within one week before the expected onset of egg production were filled faster (4 h vs. 2 days) and possessed more spermatozoa (4.1 vs. 2.0 x 10(6)) than the SST of hens inseminated after the onset of egg production. Furthermore, for hens in egg production, significantly fewer spermatozoa were recovered from the SST if the hen was inseminated within 2 h before or after oviposition than if inseminated more than 2 h before or after the oviposition. There was a strong positive correlation between the number of spermatozoa in the SST and the number of spermatozoa embedded in the perivitelline layer of the oviductal eggs (r = 0.85, p less than 0.01). These data show that the population of spermatozoa actually accepted by the SST is quite small relative to the number of spermatozoa inseminated and that maximum sperm-storage is achieved when the hen is inseminated just prior to the onset of egg production. It is suggested that the sperm-storage capacity of the oviduct and the quality of the semen sample can be estimated on the basis of numbers of spermatozoa embedded in the egg perivitelline layer.  相似文献   

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