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Summary We examined the demographic costs of Chaoborus-induced defensive spine structures in Daphnia pulex. Our aim was to assess the role of resource limitation and the interaction effects of limiting food level and antipredator structures on fitness of D. pulex and to pinpoint those life stages that are most sensitive to changes in the defence regime. Chaoborus-induced and typical morphotypes of D. pulex were reared at high and low food concentrations. Instar-based matrix population models were used to quantify the effects of predator-induction, food and their interaction on fitness of D. pulex. Predator-induction caused a statistically significant reduction in fitness at low food levels, but not at high food levels. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the fitness effects were primarily due to changes in the growth rate in instars 1–5, and secondarily to small reductions in the fertility of instars 5–10. The interaction between Chaoborus exposure and low food concentration was negative, and mediated through growth and fertility components. Both these components were reduced more in the Chaoborus-exposed, low food treatment than would be expected in the absence of interaction.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the predator-induced defensive neck spine in Daphnia pulex has a demographic cost. Our results show that this cost is not merely an allocation cost related to the formation and maintenance of the neck spine. In a life table experiment, we tested whether spine induction and life history traits in D. pulex are affected by different invertebrate predators: first and third instar Chaoborus, fourth instar Mochlonyx and two size classes of Notonecta and Dytiscus larvae. D. pulex showed sensitivity to the different predators. Predator-exposure affected one or more of the following life history traits of D. pulex: the timing of first reproduction, clutch size, and growth. In some cases, exposure to predators altered life history traits when neck spine induction did not occur. These shifts in life history traits occurring in the absence of spine induction may be caused by behavioral or physiological changes triggered by the predators.  相似文献   

The accumulation ofMicrocystis aeruginosa hepatotoxins (microcystin-LR) in the phantom midge larvaChaoborus was studied in a 16 d laboratory experiment. In the cyanobacteria treatment,Chaoborus larvae were fed withDaphnia pulex juveniles which had been feeding for two days on a mixture ofScenedesmus obtusiusculus and toxicMicrocystis aeruginosa. In the control treatment theChaoborus larvae were offeredD. pulex raised onScenedesmus only. An HPLC analysis failed to detect any cyanobacteria toxin in theChaoborus larvae, indicating that the toxin was metabolized or excreted byD. pulex andChaoborus. There was a statistically significant increase in mortality of larvae in the cyanobacteria treatment, but no difference between treatments in pupation success ofChaoborus was observed.  相似文献   

The intrinsic rate of natural increase and reproductive effort in primates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Caroline  Ross 《Journal of Zoology》1988,214(2):199-219
The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rmax) is calculated for 58 primate species. It is found that this parameter is negatively correlated with body weight, so that larger primate species consistently have a lower rmax than do smaller species. Although there is no apparent link between the raw value of rmax and environmental predictability, a relationship between a high rmax, relative to body weight, and an unpredictable environment is found to exist. However, there is no relationship between a predictable environment and either the raw value of rmax, or the relative rmax. After body size effects are removed, rmax is not correlated with basal metabolic rate (BMR). Pre-natal maternal investment (MI) is found to correlate highly with BMR, even after the removal of body weight effects. MI does not correlate either with rmax or with environmental predictability. Diet appears to have little influence either on rmax on MI, but there is some indication that folivores have both a high relative rmax and a high relative MI. These results are discussed in the light of theories of life-history strategy evolution.  相似文献   

The predatory effects of a Dipteran insect, Chaoborus, on the competition between exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi and two natives, D. catawba and D. pulex, were studied for a period of three years in a freshwater reservoir, Lake James, North Carolina (USA). D. lumholtzi was first encountered in September 1997 and it was present only between August and October when population densities of native species were low and that of Chaoborus sp. was high. The patterns observed in the population dynamics of the exotic D. lumholtzi and two natives, Chaoborus suggest that a predator mediated coexistence phenomenon might be taking place in Lake James. The strong positive correlation between Chaoborus and D. lumholtzi and the negative correlation between Chaoborus, D. catawba and D. pulex is supportive of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The impact of parasitism by Thelohania sp., an intracellular microsporidian, on Daphnia pulex inhabiting a vernal pond was studied for three years. Three issues were considered: the distribution of parasites among hosts, the effect of parasites on individuals, and the impact of parasitism on population growth. Each year, Thelohania infected members of at least half of the generations of Daphnia produced in the pond. When the frequency of infection was low, parasites were found only in large adults. As infection frequency increased, parasitism spread downward through host size classes. However, parasites were rarely found in juveniles. Parasitism reduced clutch size drastically, increased mortality to a variable extent, had little impact on egg size or on per instar growth and none on molt frequency. Interaction with other stresses, such as food limitation, exacerbated some of these effects. Parasitism reduced instantaneous birth rate much more than it elevated instantaneous death rate. Population growth was reduced significantly but it is unlikely that Thelohania alone regulates the growth of this Daphnia population.  相似文献   

A long-standing question in ecology is whether phenotypic plasticity, rather than selection per se, is responsible for phenotypic variation among populations. Plasticity can increase or decrease variation, but most previous studies have been limited to single populations, single traits and a small number of environments assessed using univariate reaction norms. Here, examining two genetically distinct populations of Daphnia pulex with different predation histories, we quantified predator-induced plasticity among 11 traits along a fine-scale gradient of predation risk by a predator (Chaoborus) common to both populations. We test the hypothesis that plasticity can be responsible for convergence in phenotypes among different populations by experimentally characterizing multivariate reaction norms with phenotypic trajectory analysis (PTA). Univariate analyses showed that all genotypes increased age and size at maturity, and invested in defensive spikes (neckteeth), but failed to quantitatively describe whole-organism response. In contrast, PTA quantified and qualified the phenotypic strategy the organism mobilized against the selection pressure. We demonstrate, at the whole-organism level, that the two populations occupy different areas of phenotypic space in the absence of predation but converge in phenotypic space as predation threat increases.  相似文献   

We investigated the life history alterations of coexisting Daphnia species responding to environmental temperature and predator cues. In a laboratory experiment, we measured Daphnia life history plasticity under different predation risk and temperature treatments that simulate changing environmental conditions. Daphnia pulicaria abundance and size at first reproduction (SFR) declined, while ephippia (resting egg) formation increased at high temperatures. Daphnia mendotae abundance and clutch size increased with predation risk at high temperatures, but produced few ephippia. Thus, each species exhibited phenotypic plasticity, but responded in sharply different ways to the same environmental cues. In Glen Elder reservoir, Kansas USA, D. pulicaria dominance shifted to D. mendotae dominance as temperature and predation risk increased from March to June in both 1999 and 2000. Field estimates of life history shifts mirrored the laboratory experiment results, suggesting that similar phenotypic responses to seasonal cues contribute to seasonal Daphnia population trends. These results illustrate species-specific differences in life history plasticity among coexisting zooplankton taxa.  相似文献   

Chemical cues from a predator Chaoborus sp. induce morphological defense (neck spine) and life history shifts (later reproduction, decreased fecundity but larger juvenile size) in the waterflea Daphnia pulex. These shifts have been interpreted either as costs of defense or as separate adaptation. In order to investigate if the life history shifts can be separated from the morphological defense, Daphnia pulex individuals were exposed to chemical cues from Chaoborus at different stages of life for variable periods. The daphnids that were exposed to Chaoborus started their reproduction later than the controls, although the differences were not statistically significant. Neck spine was induced only if daphnids were exposed to Chaoborus in an early stage of their life. Numbers of eggs produced were not affected by the different treatments, but egg mortality was higher in mothers exposed to Chaoborus. With these treatments it was possible to see neck spine induction without measurable life history changes or costs. On the other hand, irrespective of neck spine presence, the Chaoborus chemical(s) had an effect on Daphnia pulex mothers.Publication no 2159. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for LimnologyPublication no 2159. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Limnology  相似文献   

Summary Esterase patterns were examined in three populations of Daphnia pulex. The total number of bands showing esterase activity was 17. Three major genes Est-1, Est-2, Est-3 controlling esterase synthesis were identified and genetically studied. These genes were found to be located in the same linkage group. It was shown that two or three homologous chromosomes differing in sets of esterase alleles predominantly occur in the populations considered.  相似文献   

Risk-sensitive hatching is adaptive for species facing a trade-off between egg-stage and post-hatching risks, and environmental variation in one or both stages. Such plasticity has been found in amphibians, fishes, reptiles and spiders, with red-eyed treefrogs (Agalychnis callidryas) being the best-studied case. We assessed hatching plasticity and egg- and larval-stage risks in a closely related, syntopic species, the gliding leaf-frog (Agalychnis spurrelli). We found a lower hatching response to egg-eating snakes in A. spurrelli (9–28% of embryos escaped) than in A. callidryas (59–80% escaped). Levels of snake predation were similarly high for clutches of both species monitored at a pond in Costa Rica, and in fish predation experiments early-hatched A. spurrelli tadpoles were more vulnerable than later hatchlings, as has been shown for A. callidryas. A. spurrelli thus face a risk trade-off similar to A. callidryas, and likely would benefit from predator-induced hatching; their lower responsiveness to snakes appears nonadaptive. A. spurrelli embryos showed a stronger hatching response (57% hatched in 1 h) to submergence underwater than to snake attacks even though submergence is a less frequent risk. This suggests they have a greater capacity for early hatching than is expressed in the context of snake attacks, but have much lower sensitivity to snake cues than to flooding cues. Development in A. spurrelli is accelerated compared to syntopic A. callidryas, and spontaneous hatching is earlier and more synchronous. This is congruent with predictions based on selection by egg predators in the absence of a strong escape hatching response.  相似文献   

Teplitsky C  Plénet S  Joly P 《Oecologia》2005,145(3):364-370
Inducible defences have long been considered as a polyphenism opposing defended and undefended morphs. However, in nature, preys are exposed to various levels of predation risk and scale their investment in defence to actual predation risk. Still, among the traits that are involved in the defence, some are specific to one predator type while others act as a more generalised defence. The existence of defence costs could prevent an individual investing in all these traits simultaneously. In this study, we investigate the impact of an increasing level of predator density (stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus) on the expression of morphological inducible defences in tadpoles of Rana dalmatina. In this species, investment in tail length and tail muscle is a stickleback-specific response while increased tail fin depth is a more general defence. As expected, we found a relationship between investment in defence and level of risk through the responses of tail fin depth and tail length. We also found an exponential increase of defence cost, notably expressed by convex decrease of growth and developmental rates. We found a relative independence of investment in the different traits that compose the defence, revealing a high potential for fine tuning the expression of defended phenotypes with respect to local ecological conditions.  相似文献   

A life-table was constructed for a little known aphidiid waspLysiphlebia mirzai, a parasitoid of cereal aphid,Rhopalosiphum maidis. The female parasitoid survived 6.4 ± 1.17 (SD) days and oviposited intensively 4.0 ± 0.47 days. The total fecundity rate, Rt, was 169.2 ± 6.94 mummies/female and net reproductive rate, Ro, was 92.70 female offspring/female. The intrinsic total fecundity rate, rt, and intrinsic rate of natural increase, rm, the finite rate of total fecundity, λt, and finite rate of increase, λm, was 0.27048, 0.24155, 1.31059 and 1.27322 respectively. The mean generation time (18.75 days) and doubling time of the population (2.87 days) was slightly higher than other aphidiids studied so far. The proportion of female progenies decreased significantly on the successive oviposition days.   相似文献   

Ralph Tollrian 《Oecologia》1995,101(2):151-155
Juvenile Daphnia pulex form neckteeth in reponse to chemicals released by predatory Chaoborus crystallinus larvae. Formation of neckteeth is strongest in the second instar followed by the third instar, whereas only small neckteeth are found in the first and fourth instar of experimental clones. Predation experiments showed that body-size-dependent vulnerability of animals without neckteeth to fourth instar C. crystallinus larvae matched the pattern of neckteeth formation over the four juvenile instars. Predation experiments on D. pulex of the same clone with neckteeth showed that vulnerability to C. crystallinus predation is reduced, and that the induced protection is correlated with the degree of neckteeth formation. The pattern of neckteeth formation in successive instars is probably adaptive, and it can be concluded that neckteeth are formed to different degrees in successive instars as an evolutionary compromise to balance prediation risk and protective costs.  相似文献   

Summary Numerous adaptive predator-induced responses occurred when eight clones representing seven Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) species were tested against three common predators: fourth instar larval phantom midge Chaoborus americanus, adult backswimmer Notonecta undulata, and small sunfish Lepomis macrochirus. The predators were confined within small mesh bags, suggesting that the signal for induction is chemical. The induced responses included longer tail spines, longer heads, smaller bodies, increased egg clutches, and decreased lipid reserves. Each Daphnia species responded to each of the three predators in a unique manner. Induced responses in the above characters showed no significant association. The induced morphological changes are generally consistent with current theories of what is an adaptive response for the various sizes of Daphnia exposed to tactile and visual predators. The abundance of induced responses in these experiments suggests that predator-induced responses are a widespread and ecologically important phenomenon of the freshwater zooplankton.  相似文献   

Insecticides are often implicated in causing outbreaks of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae), through stimulation of reproduction. In this study we report the sublethal effects of dosages of bifenthrin, acephate, carbofuran or pyriproxifen on cotton aphid reproduction. We could not detect any increase or decrease in the intrinsic rate of increase of cotton aphids exposed to bifenthrin, acephate or carbofuran. However, we did detect some increases in the net reproductive rate of aphids treated with bifenthrin justifying further investigation of the effect on reproduction by this insecticide. Trends based on simple linear regression models suggest that sublethal dosages of bifenthrin or carbofuran have a negative impact on aphid population growth as dosages increase. These data suggest that stimulation of reproduction by these insecticides probably does not play a major role in cotton aphid outbreaks or resurgence. Pyriproxyfen is a juvenoid currently used for control of whiteflies in cotton. It demonstrated significant activity towards cotton aphid reared on treated cotton in our bioassays. Pyriproxyfen caused sterility in most aphids exposed to dosages exceeding 1 ppm, and reduced aphid longevity by approximately 50%. However, it did not appear to greatly influence the reproductive potential or longevity of reproductively mature aphids. A field study indicates that pyriproxyfen affects cotton aphid population structure and may have potential in managing cotton aphid outbreaks. Modifying aphid population structure and growth through the use of juvenoids such as pyriproxifen may prove to be an effective proactive approach to pest control without adversely impacting beneficial organisms or causing pest resurgence.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proposed that morphological defenses against predation have demographic costs. We measured the cost of a predator-induced morphological defense, using predaceous phantom midge larvae Chaoborus americanus (Insecta, Diptera) and the prey species Daphnia pulex (Crustacea, Cladocera). The induced defense is a neck tooth (and other pleiotropic structures) developed in juvenile D. pulex in the presence of C. americanus. Laboratory life table experiments, in the absence of predation, indicated the population growth rate of typical D. pulex was 11% to 39% greater than that of D. pulex exposed to C. americanus extract, or C. americanus-conditioned water. The reduction in population growth rate was most frequently associated with an increase in the time between birth and first reproduction. Induced individuals required twenty more hours at 23°C, and twenty five more hours at 20°C, to develop to the age of first reproduction. Under limiting food conditions age-specific survivorship and the number of offspring produced per female by the induced form were reduced relative to the typical form. As a result, the difference in population growth rates among forms was greater at the low food level as indicated by a highly significant food by form interaction effect. In addition to neck teeth and lowered reproductive rates, the offspring of induced form individuals had significantly longer tail-spines (7.2–7.5%), and primiparous adults from the induction treatment were significantly shorter than controls (3–8%).  相似文献   

The distribution of Daphniaspecies in tropical Africa is poorly known and understood. Daphniaare assumed rare in tropical regions, but systematic studies covering large areas are sparse. We sampled the active community (live zooplankton) and/or the dormant community (diapausing egg banks in the sediment) of 41 standing water bodies in Kenya in search for Daphnia.Overall the dormant communities yielded 11 species of Daphnia, a species richness more than twice the species richness found in the active communities. Dormant community species diversity better reflects the spatial, and particularly the temporal (multi-annual) variation in environmental conditions available to Daphniain these tropical standing waters. Hence, we suggest that the dormant community be taken into account when assessing local zooplankton diversity, especially in fluctuating tropical lake ecosystems, where the presence of each local Daphniaspecies in the active community may be strongly seasonal or erratic. Geographic distribution data from this study are supplemented with previous records of Daphniain East Africa to provide an overview of the known distribution of Daphniain Kenya and neighbouring countries. We also present a detailed key for morphological identification of the ephippia of the 11 Daphniaspecies encountered, complemented with photographs and drawings of diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) develop a deeper body in response to chemical cues from piscivores. This change in body morphology has been suggested to be a predator-induced defence. Here we investigate the possible benefits of the induced body morphology in laboratory experiments. Pike foraging behaviour when feeding on crucian carp of different body depths was recorded using video. Further, in a preference experiment pike were allowed to choose between shallow-bodied and deep-bodied crucian carp of similar lengths. Crucian carp body morphology did not affect predatory behaviours (activity, searching, following, observing, capture success) in northern pike, but an increase in crucian carp body depth led to an increase in handling time in pike. In the preference experiment, pike preferred shallow-bodied crucian carp over deep-bodied. Thus, a change in body morphology, induced by the presence of piscivores, benefits crucian carp by increasing piscivore handling times and an avoidance of the deep-bodied phenotype.  相似文献   

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