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In a collection of 274 monkeys (Macaca mulatta) the relative weight of the dry, fat-free skeleton, expressed as a proportion of total body weight, increases significantly throughout the gestational period to approximately 6% with only random variation after birth. The weight of the fetal skeleton increases exponentially with age. In the postnatal period the skeletal weight increases asymptotically to adulthood, which is considered to be 6.5 years of age. Equations for estimating skeletal weight are presented. Of four subdivisions of the skeleton, the skul contributes the greatest proportion of total skeletal weight in the fetal stage with the proportion decreasing to adulthood. The contributions of the other subdivisions, postcranial axial, superior limb, and inferior limb, and inferior limb, are nearly equal in the fetal stage, with that of only the inferior limb increasing to adulthood, when it makes up the greatest proportion of total skeletal weight. Until the last third of the gestational period, the humerus is longer than the femur and the radius longer than the tibia. Thereafter, the inferior limbs grow at a faster rate than the superior limbs, resulting in an intermembral index of approximately 95% by birth and less than 90% by adulthood.  相似文献   

Analysis of 645 conceptions by captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) with known reproductive histories indicated that maternal age and parity had little effect on the sex of progeny. There was, however, a slight indication that high-ranking females produced a higher proportion of daughters and relatively fewer sons than did low-ranking females. These results provide only weak support for the “advantaged daughter” hypothesis suggested by three previous studies of cercopithecine monkeys, and therefore they further confound the conflicting results for macaques and baboons in general.  相似文献   

Eighteen adult skeletons ofLoris tardigradus lydekkerianus (4 males and 4 females) andNycticebus coucang (6 males and 4 females) have been studied for the asymmetries in the long bones of the limbs and of the clavicles. The bones of the upper extremity are longer in the right inLoris andNycticebus. Asymmetry favours the right side more inLoris than inNycticebus regarding the thigh bone and the total length of the lower extremity. Lorises do not essentially differ from the other primates including man, regarding the asymmetries of the lower extremities as they do in regard to the asymmetries of the upper extremities.Averages of the percentage asymmetries are higher in females than in males. Cases of symmetry are rarer in clavicles (0%) than in the other bones of the upper and lower extremities ofLoris andNycticebus but they do favour radius inNycticebus (45%) alone. There are no significant sex differences in the 2 series in the distribution of the asymmetries.The average of the degrees in which the lengths of the corresponding limb bones are unequal on the 2 sides of the body are approximately the same inLoris (0.78),Hylobatidae (0.70) and the great apes (0.72) with regard to the upper extremities. In the lower extremities, however, these degrees including those in man (0.63) and the macaque (0.61), excepting inHylobatidae (0.86) are practically the same as inNycticebus (0.61) while much higher than those inLoris (0.43).This investigation forms a part of the main research programme based on the anatomical and metrical data, on the Indian Lorises, conducted under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, during the years 1962–65.This paper was presented before the section of Anthropology and Archaeology of the Indian Science Congress Association at its 54th annual session held at Hyderabad in January 3–9, 1967.  相似文献   

2013年8至12月,对陕西省米仓山国家级自然保护区境内野生猕猴的种群数量及其社会结构进行调查,并估测该物种栖息环境的偏好性。通过在预先选取的样区域内采用"V"型路线调查法调查,发现该区域生活12群,共有460—500只野生猕猴。结合对其中5个猴群长时间的持续跟踪观察,统计得出成年个体占45.93%,未成年个体占34.45%,幼仔占19.61%,成年与未成年比例为1.33,成年雄雌的比例为0.36。并证实猕猴倾向于选择海拔700—1600m裸露的悬崖峭壁、平缓山坡农田带上缘、灌丛-森林带和半山中部及以上区域的阔叶林带下缘活动。  相似文献   

A new technique has been developed for estimating age in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that is based on mandibular measurements and has several advantages over presently available techniques. First, the new technique is relatively quick and inexpensive because a single measurement or radiograph suffices to produce an age estimate. Second, mandibular growth represents a more continuous phenomenon than either epiphyseal union or dental eruption; therefore, age estimates may be made throughout the period of growth without significant gaps in the process. Finally, the new technique may be used on incomplete or even fragmentary skeletal material because it requires that only a portion of the mandible be preserved. The new technique produces age estimates with a prediction error of ±5.08 months in males and ±7.29 months in females. These errors are only slightly higher than those found previously for dental eruption or epiphyseal union data.  相似文献   

The following parameters of the Taiwan monkey,Macaca cyclopis, are presented and compared with other species ofMacaca: the menstrual cycle, sexual skin and vaginal desquamation changes during the menstrual cycle, time of ovulation, gestation period, breeding season, body weight of the newborn, age and body weight at menarche, body weight at first conception, spermatozoa count in the ejaculate, and the body weight at sexual maturity of the male.The many similarities in reproductive biology ofMacaca cyclopis, the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), and the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca irus) include sexual skin and vaginal desquamation changes during the menstrual cycle, time of ovulation, gestation period, and placental sign. Body weight ofM. cyclopis is lower thanM. mulatta at birth, at menarche and at the first conception in females and at sexual maturation in males, is heavier thanM. irus at birth and is not different fromM. radiata at birth. No difference in menstrual cycle ofM. cyclopis was observed in animals housed in air-conditioned rooms compared to those housed in nonair-conditioned rooms. Summer amenorrhea was not observed inM. cyclopis but a high incidence of low vaginal desquamation was noted to occur in summer months. The mode of length of the menstrual cycle ofM. cyclopis is shorter thanM. mulatta and other species ofMacaca. The breeding season ofM. cyclopis in the wild extends from the end of September to January. In laboratory conditions their fertile period extends throughout the year.This study was supported in part by the National Council on Science Development, Republic of China, and in part by the Damon Runyon Memorial Fund for Cancer Research, U. S. A. (DRG-841 B and C). The paper was presented at the ICLA Asian Pacific Meeting on Laboratory Animals held at Tokyo and Inuyama, Japan, on September 20–25, 1971.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) at the Nanwan peninsula of Hainan Island, China, have been observed in the field for 25 years, and have been studied intensively for eight years, beginning in 1981. There were about 115 monkeys in 5 natural groups when the Nanwan Reserve was founded in 1965. From 1965 to 1984, the number of groups increased from 5 to 19, and the total population increased from 115 to 930 individuals, an annual population increase of 12.7%. From 1984 to 1987, the population continued a slower rate of increase (8.9%) to approximately 1200 monkeys in 20 groups. The home ranges of each monkey group at Nanwan varied from 0.16 to 0.72 km2, with a mean and standard deviation of 0.37 ± 0.18. The size of the home range of the rhesus was affected by the quality of vegetation and rhesus population density. The average birth rate per year was 77.8 ± 13.9%, varying from 53.8% to 100% since 1978. From 1978, the birth rates of two food provisioned groups were higher in alternate years (x? = 91.7%) and lower in intervening years (x? = 68.8%; P = <0.01). A minority (26.5%) of females have given birth at 4 years of age, most at 5 years. The sex ratio of newborns in any one year varied from 0.3 to 3.5 males to females, with a mean and standard error of 1.09 ± 0.37 males to females.  相似文献   

During field research on winter adaptation to a high mountain environment of the rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), a newly established alpha male killed an infant less than 1 year old. This is the first case of infanticide witnessed in a natural free-ranging population ofM. mulatta. It seems likely that the infanticide was facilitated by the high population density in the available habitat during the winter.  相似文献   

Twenty five adult chimpanzee skeletons (Pan troglodytes verus) of known age and sex (15 females, 10 males) from a long‐term study site in Taï National Park, Cote d'Ivoire present new data on variation. These skeletons provide a rare opportunity to measure the cranium and postcranium from the same individuals. We compare measurements and indices of the Taï sample with those of relatively complete Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii skeletons from Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Measurements of Pan paniscus are included as an outside comparison. The Taï and Gombe samples are analyzed by sex; combined sex samples are compared between the two groups, and the two sexes to each other. Taï females and males do not differ in most long bone lengths or in pelvic dimensions, but do differ significantly in cranial capacity, facial measurements, clavicle length, scapular breadth, and femur length. Gombe females and males differ significantly in some facial measurements and in scapular breadth. In combined sex samples, Taï individuals have lower cranial capacity, longer palate and mandible, and greater dimensions in the trunk and limb lengths. Taï females account for most of the variation; males differ from each other only in greater length of humerus and femur. The Taï skeletons provide new data for assessing individual variation and sexual dimorphism within and between populations and species. The combination of cranial and postcranial data provides a clearer picture of chimpanzee intraspecific and interspecific variation than can be gained from either data set alone. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present paper provides an analysis of reproductive data derived from 1,265 adult female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), including 570 animals 13 years old and older. The data were collected during a partial census of two provisioned but free-ranging rhesus populations in the Florida Keys. Within both colonies, live birthrates were found to increase sharply among females 4–7 years old and to decline linearly among females 7–17 years of age. These data do not support the suggestion byAnderson (1986) that decline in fertility among nonhuman primate females is primarily the result of deteriorating health rather than ageper se.  相似文献   

We measured the amount of time that 20 rhesus monkeys,Macaca mulatta, (four adult males, 10 adult females, four juvenile males, and two juvenile females) contained in two enclosed social groups devoted to 16 activities. For 14 of these 16 behaviors we found significant differences between age-sex classes. For 14 behaviors, there were also differences between individual monkeys. Twelve of the 16 activities showed significant diurnal variations. We discuss the relation between the use of time and social position, the adaptive significance of diurnal variation, and compare our data with that available for free ranging rhesus.  相似文献   

The peculiarities were studied of the intragroup competitive and cooperative behavior of primates differing by the level of phylogenetic development, beginning from low-organized species of the higher primates to high-organized anthropoid monkeys (Callithrix jacchus, Cebus apella, Macaca mulatta, Papio hamaofrijas, Pan troglodytes). It has been shown that in all monkeys, under conditions of competitive feeding situation, there were changes of the complex behavioral forms observed at individual learning. Under conditions of the activity in pairs, the females of platyrrhine (New World) and lower narrow-nose (Old World) monkeys lost the possibility to realize the skill and food needs, so the programmed tasks were solved predominantly by the males. In chimpanzees, the change of indices of instrumental activity involved to the equal degree the male and female, and solution of the alternation task was higher in individual experiments. The age differences were revealed in the competitive behavior of chimpanzees in group. The realization of formed skills depended on the complex of factors including the requirements dominating in the given situation and the age and typological peculiarities, as well as the social rank of each monkey in the community. In rhesus macaques the capability for cooperative interaction was revealed under conditions of complex operant activity.  相似文献   

The incidence of wounding in captive groups of rhesus (Macaca mulatta), pigtail (M. nemestrina), and stumptail (M. arctoides) macaques was studied for 21 months. Groups were monitored daily for evidence of wounding. Wounded animals were captured, treated by veterinary staff, and returned following recovery. Records were kept on the age, sex, and species of the recipient, along with the type and location of wound. In each species of macaque, adult males incurred the highest frequency of wounds and multiple wounds of any age-sex class. This contrasted with previously reported behavioral data indicating low frequencies of aggression received by adult males, especially contact aggression and bites. These discrepancies indicate wounding frequencies do not necessarily correspond with behavioral measures of aggression. Inhibition of aggression directed toward infants and the selective avoidance of bites directed to vital body regions were presented as possible mechanisms that modify intragroup aggression. Increased wounding in the birth season under captive conditions suggests that the pattern of increased wounding reported during the breeding season under freeranging conditions may reflect xenophobic responses to immigrating males, rather than direct male-male competition for estrous females.  相似文献   

The primary molars and the first permanent molars of two Asian cercopithecoid species, Macaca mulatta and Macaca speciosa, were statistically described. Sexual dimorphism was not found related to tooth dimensions nor was there a significant difference between the right and the left sides. Generally, the teeth of Macaca mulatta were found to be larger than those of Macaca speciosa, and that this difference was significant for most tooth measurements. The discriminant function analysis reveals that the two species may be distinguished by tooth dimensions alone except in the dimensional range where over-lapping is expected.  相似文献   

Five species of macaques and one species of mangabey comprising a total of 324 monkeys (132 males and 192 females) were given visual examinations which included measures of corneal curvature, depth of the anterior chamber, thickness of the lens, depth of the vitreous chamber, total axial length, total power of the eye and intraocular pressure as well as the refractive error of eye under cycloplegia in the anesthetized monkey. Cercocebus and Macaca mulatta demonstrated the greatest amount of myopia and Macaca fascicularis the least, with M. speciosa, M. fuscata, and M. nemestrina in order between these extremes. The M. nemestrina eye approximates that of the chimpanzee in size and relationship of the components. The findings indicate that males have larger eyes than females, the curvature of the cornea decreases as the axial length increases, and there is a close relationship between the length of the eye and the amount of myopic refractive error. There is some evidence that amount of myopia and the percentage of animals showing a myopic refractive error are related to the visual conditions and the behavior patterns of the different species.  相似文献   

Paternity assessment through DNA fingerprinting by synthetic oligonucleotide probes was applied to one birth cohort in a social group of free-ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago. The 11 group males and 9 males from other groups were observed mating with the females. Paternity was determined for 11 of the 15 infants. Male dominance rank was not associated with reproductive success. High-ranking resident males (N=5) sired 27% of the infants born during a one-year study. Four of the 11 infants of known paternity were sired by males of other social groups. The four infants of unknown paternity were sired either by males not observed mating with the females or the low-ranking male who was not fingerprinted. Male dominance rank was not associated with reproductive activity during conception cycles. These results suggest that the effect of rank on male reproductive success is not a predictable correlation, but a conditional probability.  相似文献   

Host characteristics, such as sex and age, are closely associated with the structure and function of gut microbiota; however, less is known about the effects of age and sex on the gut microbiota of nonhuman primates, and therefore, our knowledge of interindividual variability in host gut microbiota is limited. In this study, 153 fecal samples from rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were analyzed using high‐throughput 16S rRNA sequencing in order to explore associations between age and sex of the host and their gut microbiota. The results indicated that female macaques had higher alpha diversity and a more unique gut microbiota than did males. The proportion of Proteobacteria, Tenericutes, Cyanobacteria, unclassified bacteria, and Verrucomicrobia was higher in females than that in males. We also found that adults of both sexes had a higher alpha diversity, a higher proportion of norank Ruminococcaceae, Oscillospira, norank Lachnospiraceae, norank Clostridiales, and Succinivibrio, and a lower proportion of Enterococcus than immatures. Functional analyses revealed that the richness of metabolic pathways was higher in females than males and in adults compared with immatures. These results could be attributed to differences in the nutritional requirements and hormone levels of macaques of different sex and age classes. We conclude that variation in the gut microbiota of different sex and age classes of rhesus macaques may be linked to age‐ and sex‐specific differences in nutrient requirements and hormone levels. These results highlight the importance of host age and sex on the structure and function of the gut microbiota and the need to consider physiological traits when conducting studies on the gut microbiota.  相似文献   

Abstract: Non‐human primates are widely used in research, yet relatively few studies have addressed potential pharmacokinetic differences between males and females. The present study examined the relationship between total body water, sex, age, and weight in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Ethanol‐naïve, adolescent rhesus macaques (n = 119) were administered ethanol (males, 2.1 g/kg; females, 2.0 g/kg) intravenously, and blood samples for blood ethanol concentration obtained at 5, 10, and 60 minutes following the end of the infusion. Non‐linear regression was used to compare and contrast a series of pharmacokinetic models examining the relationship between weight, sex, age, Vd and zero‐order elimination rate. Vd (mean ± SEM) for male rhesus was 0.771 ± 0.008 l/kg and for females was 0.730 ± 0.008 l/kg, different at P < 0.00001. There were no sex differences in the rate of zero‐order ethanol elimination, estimated to be 0.0032 ± 0.0004 g/kg/minute. The data reported here may be useful in designing and interpreting pharmacokinetic studies using rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

The weight of all bones and the length of humeri, radii, femora and tibiae have been determined in a series of 150 dry, fat-free skeletons from American Whites and Negroes of both sexes, ranging in age from 23 days to 22 years. Six skeletons were eliminated from the series because of evidence of previous illness. A comparison of the lengths of femur plus tibia of this series with the mean statures of a large series of living children at given ages indicates similarity in the growth patterns. Statistical analyses of the data show that the skeletal weight cannot be estimated reliably from age by cither an exponential growth equation or by a logistic function. The weight of the skeleton, however, is related to the lengths of the measured limb bones by allometric equations, and such equations involving each of the four bones are presented for estimation of skeletal weight in the living. Although the standard errors of estimate of the equations based on lengths of each of these four bones differ very little, the radius is recommended over the other three because it is more readily accessible in the living for a roentgenogram and its shadow on the film shows least distortion.  相似文献   

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