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Summary The epithelium of the primary bronchus of the frog lung has been studied by fluorescence and electron microscopy. Clusters of five to ten, ovoid, brilliantly yellow fluorescent cells were observed in the basal portion of the epithelium. These cells contained numerous electron-dense granules of variable shape and size. The granules gave a positive argentaffin reaction at the ultrastructural level, suggesting a possible existence of monoamines in the granules. In addition, synaptic contact between the intraepithelial nerves and the cells, which was characterized by the aggregation of the granules toward the presynaptic membrane thickening of the cell, was also noted. These data are discussed in relation to similar studies in birds and mammals, and a possible function of these cells suggested.  相似文献   

Studies of 23 untreated adult mouse kidneys revealed that in mouse kidney sections the frequency of juxtaglomerular granulated cells as compared to the glomeruli is 38.5 +/- 1.79%, the value for the JGI, 71.8 +/- 3.93. Following 100 glomeruli through complete serial sections prepared from a single mouse kidney, it was shown that in the cortex of the mouse kidney all juxtaglomerular apparatus related to the glomeruli contain renin-producing modified smooth muscle cells with granulated cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The problem of human hair loss has caused widespread concern, however, such research is difficult because the periodicity is not obvious and the deeper levels knowledge of dermal papilla (DP) stem cells' differentiation are limited. Here, cashmere goats which have obvious periodicity of hair follicles were used, based on unbiased scRNA sequencing, we constructed DP cell lineage differentiation trajectory and revealed the key genes, signals and functions involved in cell fate decisions. And then we revealed the molecular landscape of hair follicle on regeneration. Revealed that DP cells differentiate into four intermediate cell states at different periodicity: Intermediate-cell-10 showed important functions in the growth and maintenance of cashmere; intermediate-cell-1 acting on apoptosis and cashmere shedding; intermediate-cell-0 initiated new follicular cycles, the migration of hair follicles and the occurrence of cashmere; and intermediate-cell-15 are suggested to be DP progenitor cells. In general, we provide new insights for hair regrowth. At the same time, it provides a new research ideas, directions and molecular landscape for the mechanism of dermal papilla cells.  相似文献   

Summary In the renal juxtaglomerular region of newborn sheep, it was found that glomerular peripolar cells and their granules were very much larger than those found in fetal lambs or adult sheep. Similar peripolar cell hypertrophy was triggered in fetal lambs treated in utero with intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone. Ultrastructurally, granules of peripolar cells from newborn lambs resembled closely the enlarged zymogen granules described in the pancreas of newborn rats. Such peripolar cell hypertrophy may reflect a functional adaptation of the kidney to immediate postnatal life.  相似文献   

The method of histoautoradiography was used to study dynamics of indices of impulse and diluted marks in 2 cellular subpopulations of the kidney cortex: in the intertubular cells (IT-cells) and in the endothelium-like cells (E-cells) of the convoluted tubules. It is shown that under conditions of pathology (sublimate nephrosis) a part of IT-cells transforms into E-cells. A conclusion is made that IT-cells may be considered predecessor cells of the nephrothelium.  相似文献   

Petr Hradecký   《Theriogenology》1983,20(6):725-734
Delivered placentas from nineteen antelopes and five giraffes and placentas from five antelopes dead during parturition and eight antelopes dead during advanced pregnancy were morphologically examined. Placental length and weight, arrangement, number and size of cotyledons, and other features were recorded wherever the conditions of placentas permitted.

Cotyledon rows corresponded to the caruncle rows on uterine walls. The number of rows was usually four, although in Hippotraginae it was six to eight and in Reduncinae it was two. Numbers of cotyledons matched or were lower than total numbers of caruncles in the uteri of most species. In antelopes with uterus duplex [Hippotraginae and wildebeests (Alcelaphinae)] and in other members of the Alcelaphinae subfamily, the placenta occupied only one uterine horn and the numbers of cotyledons corresponded to the numbers of caruncles in one uterine horn. Amniotic “manes” and “plaques” were found in some placentas.  相似文献   

Twenty-four samples of amniotic and allantoic fetal fluids were collected from 15 African antelopes of 11 species and subspecies. Two samples were taken from delivered placentas and the rest were from animals that died during pregnancy or parturition. Data on the sex, development (crown-rump length) and age (trimester of pregnancy) of fetuses, fluid volumes, pH, and 18 biochemical parameters were obtained wherever conditions permitted. Collecting data on fetal fluids in zoo and wild animals may help evaluate both normal and pathological pregnancies.  相似文献   

Natural killer and natural suppressor activities of the rat endometrial granulated cells were assayed on day 13 of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. Metrial gland granulated cells were used as endometrial granulated cells. The natural killer activities of metrial gland granulated cells and other cells were determined by means of Hashimoto-Sudo test with K562 cells as targets. The estimation of natural killer activity included removal of the cells sticking to glass from a suspension of material gland granulated cells. Cytochemically, metrial gland granulated cells were identified by the presence of PAS-positive granules in the cytoplasm after treatment of the cells with diastase and identification of a specific antigen with the help of specific antisera. The natural killer activity of metrial gland granulated cells was twice weaker than that of splenocytes from the same pregnant or pseudopregnant females. The level of natural killer activity was proportional to the content of metrial gland granulated cells in a cell system. These data suggest that the natural killer activity of metrial gland granulated cells is realized via their contact with cell targets. Natural killer and suppressor activities were determined simultaneously for metrial gland granulated cells and splenocytes of the same rat with common cell targets. When estimating the nuclear suppressor activity of metrial gland granulated cells, the splenocytes of the same rat were used as an effector in a natural killer test. Various amounts of metrial gland granulated cells were added to the effector : target system at a ratio of 50:1. The natural suppressor activity of metrial gland granulated cells did not depend on the amount of metrial gland granulated cells present in a natural killer system. After fractionation in a Percoll gradient, the highest natural killer activity was recorded in a 30% Percoll fraction. The highest and lowest natural suppressor activities were recorded in 30% and 60% Percoll fractions, respectively. The culture medium was characterized by natural suppressor activity as well. The differences in mean areas of metrial gland granulated cells in 30 and 60% Percoll fractions between the pregnant (144.7 +/- 13.4 and 75.0 +/- 12.5 microm2, respectively) and pseudopregnant (97.5 +/- 4.9 and 69.2 +/- 3.5 microm2) females were reliable. The natural killer activity was estimated in all studied 23 samples of metrial gland granulated cells, among which 18 (79.6 +/- 7.8%) displayed the natural suppressor activity as well. The absence of natural suppressor activity in five samples was combined with the absence of this activity in their culture medium and with a reduction in the mean area of metrial gland granulated cells in 30% Percoll fraction to 109.1 +/- 5.2 microm2. The data obtained confirm the known data on a low activity of metrial gland granulated cells and demonstrated for the first time the natural suppressor activity of these cells. It was concluded that the natural suppressor activity of metrial gland granulated cells is due to their differentiation from metrial gland granulated cells with natural killer activity.  相似文献   

Natural killer and natural suppressor activities of the rat endometrial granulated cells were assayed on days 13 and 14 of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. Metrial gland granulated cells were used as endometrial granulated cells. The natural killer activities of metrial gland granulated cells and other cells were determined by means of Hashimoto-Sudo test with K562 cells as targets. The estimation of natural killer activity included removal of the cells sticking to glass from a suspension of material gland granulated cells. Cytochemically, metrial gland granulated cells were identified by the presence of PAS-positive granules in the cytoplasm after treatment of the cells with diastase and identification of a specific antigen with the help of specific antisera. The natural killer activity of metrial gland granulated cells was twice weaker than that of splenocytes from the same pregnant or pseudopregnant females. The level of natural killer activity was proportional to the content of metrial gland granulated cells in a cell system. These data suggest that the natural killer activity of metrial gland granulated cells is realized via their contact with cell targets. Natural killer and suppressor activities were determined simultaneously for metrial gland granulated cells and splenocytes of the same rat with common cell targets. When estimating the natural suppressor activity of metrial gland granulated cells, the splenocytes of the same rat were used as an effector in a natural killer test. Various amounts of metrial gland granulated cells were added to the effector: target system at a ratio of 50 : 1. The natural suppressor activity of metrial gland granulated cells did not depend on the amount of metrial gland granulated cells present in a natural killer system. After fractionation in a Percoll gradient, the highest natural killer activity was recorded in a 60% Percoll fraction. The highest and lowest natural suppressor activities were recorded in 30% and 60% Percoll fractions, respectively. The culture medium was characterized by natural suppressor activity as well. The differences in mean areas of metrial gland granulated cells in 30 and 60% Percoll fractions between the pregnant (144.7 ± 13.4 and 75.0 ± 12.5 µm2, respectively) and pseudopregnant (97.5 ± 4.9 and 69.2 ± 3.5 µm2, respectively) females were reliable. The natural killer activity was estimated in all studied 23 samples of metrial gland granulated cells, among which 18 (79.6 ± 7.8%) displayed the natural suppressor activity as well. The absence of natural suppressor activity in five samples was combined with the absence of this activity in their culture medium and with a reduction in the mean area of metrial gland granulated cells in 30% Percoll fraction to 109 ± 5 µm2. The data obtained confirm the known data on a low killer activity of metrial gland granulated cells and demonstrated for the first time the natural suppressor activity of these cells. It was concluded that the natural suppressor activity of metrial gland granulated cells is due to their differentiation from metrial gland granulated cells with natural killer activity.Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2005, pp. 26–34.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Podporina, Mikhailov.  相似文献   

Single cell suspensions of metrial gland tissue from rats at Day 14 of pregnancy were prepared for maintenance in vitro. During the first 2 days of culture IgG was detected in glycoprotein granule-containing granulated metrial gland (GMG) cells. Albumin was also detected in GMG cells at the same stages. The IgG and albumin were not detected during the next 4 days in culture. When metrial gland cells, maintained in vitro for 5 days, were incubated with rat serum for a further 24 h, IgG and albumin were detected in GMG cells. When similar cultures were incubated for 24 h with purified rat IgG or purified rat albumin, GMG cells were positive for IgG and albumin respectively. Albumin was not detected in GMG cells in wax sections of metrial gland tissue, although IgG has previously been demonstrated. The uptake of serum proteins by GMG cells in vitro has been clearly shown but the difference in IgG and albumin content of these cells in paraffin-wax sections indicates that the means by which IgG accumulates intracellularly may be different in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cells are cytolytic lymphocytes known to produce a pore-forming protein, named perforin or cytolysin, that lyses target cells by creating large pores on the target plasma membrane. Besides perforin, the granules of CTL and NK cells contain a family of serine esterases. Perforin has also been localized in granulated metrial gland (GMG) cells of the murine embryo implantation site by light microscopic immunostaining. Ultrastructural immunogold labeling with antibodies against perforin and a serine esterase (MTSP 1 or granzyme A) shows that GMG cells contain both perforin and serine esterases in the fine granular matrix of their granules. Perforin has been located in all of the granules, whereas gold particles corresponding to serine esterases have been found in most of the granules. Results from the double immunogold technique indicate that perforin and serine esterases colocalize to most of the same granules in GMG cells. This study supports the view that GMG cells are related to cytolytic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The blood supply of duck muscle spindles from the extensor pollicis and the extensor digitorum comminis wing muscles has been studied by light and electron microscopy. Capillaries usually accompany the nerve bundle that innervates the spindle, approaching at an oblique angle around the midequatorial region. Capillaries may run for some distance along the surface of the outer capsule, or penetrate partially into the outer capsule and lie between layers of the capsule cell processes. Some capillaries also penetrate the outer capsule, running into the periaxial space and continuing further towards the polar region. They have been shown to be in close contact with intrafusal muscle fibres, from the juxta-equatorial to the polar region, but have not been encountered among sensory terminals in the mid-equatorial region.  相似文献   

Sensory epithelia of the inner ear contain two major cell types: hair cells and supporting cells. It has been clear for a long time that hair cells play critical roles in mechanoreception and synaptic transmission. In contrast, until recently the more abundant supporting cells were viewed as serving primarily structural and homeostatic functions. In this review, we discuss the growing information about the roles that supporting cells play in the development, function and maintenance of the inner ear, their activities in pathological states, their potential for hair cell regeneration, and the mechanisms underlying these processes.  相似文献   

Granulated metrial gland (GMG) cell differentiation was examined in deciduomata in lethally irradiated mice which had been reconstituted with rat bone marrow. The time at which the bone marrow reconstitution was carried out was varied in relation to the time of initiating the decidual reaction. GMG cells were examined at various times after bone marrow transplantation to determine whether they had the morphology which characterised them as being derived from host or donor stem cells. Differentiation of donor type GMG cells was seen within the first week after transplantation and occurred even when the bone marrow was transplanted two days after initiating the decidual response.  相似文献   

A lectin histochemical study has been carried out on mouse granulated metrial gland cells, the major leucocyte population that differentiates in the uterine wall in pregnancy. The binding characteristics of 26 lectins were examined using light microscopical methods. Fourteen of the lectins, with affinities ranging through N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, mannose and sialic acid residues, bound to the cytoplasmic granules of granulated metrial gland cells, and each appeared to bind to the limiting membrane of the granules. The binding characteristics of three of these lectins (Wheat germ agglutinin, Concanavalin A and Helix pomatia agglutinin) were examined using electron microscopical methods. These showed a different binding pattern to the cytoplasmic granules of granulated metrial gland cells compared with that found using light microscopical methods, as they appeared to bind evenly across the granule's matrix. This binding pattern corresponds to the reactivity of the granule matrix in the periodic acid--Schiff technique. Six lectins bound to the cell membranes of granulated metrial gland cells. These included the E and L isoforms of Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin, with affinities for complex carbohydrates, whose binding differences were related to the stage of differentiation of the granulated metrial gland cells. The lectin binding described presents additional markers of granulated metrial gland cells and tools for investigating carbohydrate moieties in the functional activities of granulated metrial gland cells  相似文献   

A lectin histochemical study has been carried out on mouse granulated metrial gland cells, the major leucocyte population that differentiates in the uterine wall in pregnancy. The binding characteristics of 26 lectins were examined using light microscopical methods. Fourteen of the lectins, with affinities ranging through N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, mannose and sialic acid residues, bound to the cytoplasmic granules of granulated metrial gland cells, and each appeared to bind to the limiting membrane of the granules. The binding characteristics of three of these lectins (Wheat germ agglutinin, Concanavalin A and Helix pomatia agglutinin) were examined using electron microscopical methods. These showed a different binding pattern to the cytoplasmic granules of granulated metrial gland cells compared with that found using light microscopical methods, as they appeared to bind evenly across the granule's matrix. This binding pattern corresponds to the reactivity of the granule matrix in the periodic acid--Schiff technique. Six lectins bound to the cell membranes of granulated metrial gland cells. These included the E and L isoforms of Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin, with affinities for complex carbohydrates, whose binding differences were related to the stage of differentiation of the granulated metrial gland cells. The lectin binding described presents additional markers of granulated metrial gland cells and tools for investigating carbohydrate moieties in the functional activities of granulated metrial gland cells This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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