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Spleen tyrosine kinase Syk and its substrate SLP65 (also called BLNK) are proximal signal transducer elements of the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). Yet, our understanding of signal initiation and processing is limited owing to the incomplete list of SLP65 interaction partners and our ignorance of their association kinetics. We have now determined and quantified the in vivo interactomes of SLP65 in resting and stimulated B cells by mass spectrometry. SLP65 orchestrated a complex signal network of about 30 proteins that was predominantly based on dynamic interactions. However, a stimulation-independent and constant association of SLP65 with the Cbl-interacting protein of 85 kDa (CIN85) was requisite for SLP65 phosphorylation and its inducible plasma membrane translocation. In the absence of a steady SLP65/CIN85 complex, BCR-induced Ca(2+) and NF-κB responses were abrogated. Finally, live cell imaging and co-immunoprecipitation experiments further confirmed that both SLP65 and CIN85 are key components of the BCR-associated primary transducer module required for the onset and progression phases of BCR signal transduction.  相似文献   

Grb2 is a ubiquitously expressed adaptor protein, which activates Ras and MAP kinases in growth factor receptor signalling, while in B-cell receptor (BCR) signalling this role is controversial. In B cell lines it was shown that Grb2 can inhibit BCR-induced Ca(2+) signalling. Nonetheless, the physiological role of Grb2 in primary B cells is still unknown. We generated a B-cell-specific Grb2-deficient mouse line, which had a severe reduction of mature follicular B cells in the periphery due to a differentiation block and decreased B-cell survival. Moreover, we found several changes in important signalling pathways: enhanced BCR-induced Ca(2+) signalling, alterations in mitogen-activated protein kinase activation patterns and strongly impaired Akt activation, the latter pointing towards a defect in PI3K signalling. Interestingly, B-cell-specific Grb2-deficient mice showed impaired IgG and B-cell memory responses, and impaired germinal centre formation. Thus, Grb2-dependent signalling pathways are crucial for lymphocyte differentiation processes, as well as for control of secondary humoral immune responses.  相似文献   

The development and function of B lymphocytes is regulated by numerous signaling pathways, some emanating from the B‐cell antigen receptor (BCR). The spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) plays a central role in the activation of the BCR, but less is known about its contribution to the survival and maintenance of mature B cells. We generated mice with an inducible and B‐cell‐specific deletion of the Syk gene and found that a considerable fraction of mature Syk‐negative B cells can survive in the periphery for an extended time. Syk‐negative B cells are defective in BCR, RP105 and CD38 signaling but still respond to an IL‐4, anti‐CD40, CpG or LPS stimulus. Our in vivo experiments show that Syk‐deficient B cells require BAFF receptor and CD19/PI3K signaling for their long‐term survival. These studies also shed a new light on the signals regulating the maintenance of the normal mature murine B‐cell pool.  相似文献   

The clonal selection theory postulates that immune tolerance mediated selection occurs at the level of the cell. The receptor editing model, instead, suggests that selection occurs at the level of the B-cell receptor, so that self-reactive receptors that encounter autoantigen in the bone marrow are altered through secondary rearrangement. Recent studies in transgenic model systems and normal B cells, both in vivo and in vitro, have demonstrated that receptor editing is a major mechanism for inducing B-cell tolerance.  相似文献   

It is controversial whether naïve B cells are directly activated in response to TLR9 ligand, CpG ODN. Although bovine blood-derived CD21+ B cells express TLR9 and proliferate in response to CpG in mixed-cell populations, purified bovine B cells do not proliferate significantly in response to CpG ODN, even when the B cell receptor is engaged. When co-cultured with CD14+ myeloid cells and/or B-cell activating factor (BAFF), a cytokine produced by activated myeloid cells, there was a significant increase in CpG-specific B cell proliferation, and the number of large B cells in general or positive for CD25, all of which are markers for B cell activation. These data suggest that activated myeloid cells and BAFF prime B cells for significant CpG-specific activation. Understanding the signals required to mediate efficient CpG-induced, antigen-independent and T-cell independent activation of B cells has implications for polyclonal B cell activation and the development of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

A recent and surprising body of research has linked changes in immune function to biologic and therapeutic targeting of cannabinoid receptors, which prototypically respond to delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. The peripheral cannabinoid receptor CB2 is highly expressed in immune cell types (macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells), and pharmacologically alters their cytokine production and responsiveness. Accordingly, cannabinoid agonists can powerfully alter susceptibility to certain microbial infections, atherosclerosis, and cancer immunotherapy. What is unknown is the physiologic role of natural levels of endocannabinoids and their receptors in normal immune homeostasis. Gαi2−/− mice are deficient in the formation of certain B and T cell subsets and are susceptible to immune dysregulation, notably developing inflammatory bowel disease. A key issue is the identity of the Gi-coupled receptors relevant to this Gαi2-signaling pathway. We find that mice deficient in CB2, the Gi-coupled peripheral endocannabinoid receptor, have profound deficiencies in splenic marginal zone, peritoneal B1a cells, splenic memory CD4+ T cells, and intestinal natural killer cells and natural killer T cells. These findings partially phenocopy and extend the lymphocyte developmental disorder associated with the Gαi2−/− genotype, and suggest that the endocannabinoid system is required for the formation of T and B cell subsets involved in immune homeostasis. This noncompensatable requirement for physiologic function of the endocannabinoid system is novel. Because levels of endocannabinoids are highly restricted microanatomically, local regulation of their production and receptor expression offers a new principle for regional immune homeostasis and disease susceptibility, and extends and refines the rationale for CB2-targeted immunotherapy in immune and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

CD19 is a B cell-specific receptor that regulates the threshold of B cell receptor (BCR)-mediated cell proliferation. A CD47xCD19 bispecific antibody (biAb) was generated to target and deplete B cells via multiple antibody-mediated mechanisms. Interestingly, the biAb, constructed of a CD19 binding arm and a CD47 binding arm, inhibited BCR-mediated B-cell proliferation with an effect even more potent than a CD19 monoclonal antibody (mAb). The inhibitory effect of the biAb was not attributable to CD47 binding because a monovalent or bivalent anti-CD47 mAb had no effect on B cell proliferation. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis demonstrated that co-engaging CD19 and CD47 prevented CD19 clustering and its migration to BCR clusters, while only engaging CD19 (with a mAb) showed no impact on either CD19 clustering or migration. The lack of association between CD19 and the BCR resulted in decreased phosphorylation of CD19 upon BCR activation. Furthermore, the biAb differentially modulated BCR-induced gene expression compared to a CD19 mAb. Taken together, this unexpected role of CD47xCD19 co-ligation in inhibiting B cell proliferation illuminates a novel approach in which two B cell surface molecules can be tethered, to one another in order, which may provide a therapeutic benefit in settings of autoimmunity and B cell malignancies.  相似文献   

Serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT2CR) heterogeneity in the brain occurs mostly from two different sources: (i) 5-HT2CR mRNA undergoes adenosine-to-inosine editing events at five positions, which leads to amino acid substitutions that produce receptor variants with different pharmacological properties; (ii) 5-HT2CR mRNA is alternatively spliced, resulting in a truncated mRNA isoform (5-HT2CR-tr) which encodes a non-functional serotonin receptor. 5-HT2CR mRNA editing efficiencies and the expression of the full-length and the truncated 5-HT2CR mRNA splice isoforms were analyzed in the prefrontal cortex of elderly subjects with schizophrenia vs. matched controls (ns = 15). No significant differences were found, indicating that there are no alterations in editing or alternative splicing of 5-HT2CRs that are associated with schizophrenia in persons treated with antipsychotic medications. Quantitation of 5-HT2CR and 5-HT2CR-tr mRNA variants revealed that the expression of 5-HT2CR-tr was approximately 50% of that observed for the full-length isoform.  相似文献   

Expression of the T‐cell receptor (TCR):CD3 complex is tightly regulated during T‐cell development. The mechanism and physiological role of this regulation are unclear. Here, we show that the TCR:CD3 complex is constitutively ubiquitylated in immature double positive (DP) thymocytes, but not mature single positive (SP) thymocytes or splenic T cells. This steady state, tonic CD3 monoubiquitylation is mediated by the CD3ε proline‐rich sequence, Lck, c‐Cbl, and SLAP, which collectively trigger the dynamin‐dependent downmodulation, lysosomal sequestration and degradation of surface TCR:CD3 complexes. Blocking this tonic ubiquitylation by mutating all the lysines in the CD3 cytoplasmic tails significantly upregulates TCR levels on DP thymocytes. Mimicking monoubiquitylation by expression of a CD3ζ‐monoubiquitin (monoUb) fusion molecule significantly reduces TCR levels on immature thymocytes. Moreover, modulating CD3 ubiquitylation alters immunological synapse (IS) formation and Erk phosphorylation, thereby shifting the signalling threshold for positive and negative selection, and regulatory T‐cell development. Thus, tonic TCR:CD3 ubiquitylation results in precise regulation of TCR expression on immature T cells, which is required to maintain the fidelity of T‐cell development.  相似文献   

The B‐cell antigen receptor (BCR), displayed on the plasma membrane of mature B cells of the mammalian immune system, is a multimeric complex consisting of a membrane‐bound immunoglobulin (mIg) noncovalently associated with the Igα/Igβ heterodimer. In this study, we engineered transgenic tobacco plants expressing all four chains of the BCR. ELISA, Western blotting and confocal microscopy demonstrated that the BCR was correctly assembled in plants, predominantly in the plasma membrane, and that the noncovalent link was detergent sensitive. This is the first example of a noncovalently assembled plasma membrane‐retained heterologous receptor in plants. In B cells of the mammalian immune system, following antigen binding to mIg, BCR is internalized and tyrosine residues on Igα and Igβ are phosphorylated activating a signaling cascade through interaction with protein kinases that ultimately leads to the initiation of gene expression. Expression of the BCR may therefore be an important tool for the study of plant endocytosis and the identification of previously unknown plant tyrosine kinases. The specificity and diversity of the antibody repertoire, coupled to the signal transduction capability of the Igα/Igβ heterodimer, also indicates that plants expressing BCR may in future be developed as environmental biosensors.  相似文献   

基因编辑技术的发展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因编辑技术是人为的对基因片段进行修改的一种技术。新型基因编辑技术关注在人工核酸酶剪切技术领域,主要为ZFN技术,TALEN技术,CRISPR技术以及单碱基编辑技术。基因编辑技术的不断完善促进了农业,畜牧业和生物医学等领域的快速发展,但与此同时,技术缺陷和伦理争议也为其自身的发展带来了巨大的挑战。本文将对基因编辑技术的发展与挑战,以及国内外的伦理探讨进行简要综述,期望能启发读者重新认识基因编辑技术。  相似文献   

Summary 1. The structure and function of glutamate receptor subunits GluR2, GluR5, and GluR6 are changed by RNA editing. This reaction produces a base transition in the second transmembrane spanning region. The triplet CAG (coding for glutamine) is changed to CGG (coding for arginine). This transition has a pronounced effect on calcium fluxes through the respective ion channels, because calcium currents decrease with the rate of editing.2. In the present study the extent of RNA editing of the glutamate receptor subunit GluR5 was studied in different brain regions of control rats using a newly developed analysis system. This system is based on restriction analysis of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product, derived from reverse-transcribed mRNA as template, with the enzymeBbv1.Bbv1 recognizes the sequence of the nonedited receptor subunit around the edited base (sequence GCAGC) but not that of the edited subunit (sequence GCGGC; A edited to G).3. Total RNA was isolated from the cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum, pons/medulla oblongata, and white matter and reverse transcribed into cDNA. The region across the edited sequence was amplified by PCR using GluR5-specific primers and the cDNA as template. PCR products were cleaned by ethanol precipitation, incubated withBbv1, and electrophoresed on an agarose gel together with standards. Gels were photographed and the extent of GluR5 mRNA editing was quantified using an image analysis system. A calibration curve was obtained using PCR products amplified from plasmids with edited and nonedited GluR5 as inserts.4. In the brain of control rats the extent of RNA editing of the GluR5 subunit amounted to 62±6.0% of total (cortex), 43±5.3% (striatum), 52±5.3% (hippocampus), 91±6.3% (thalamus), 85±10.2% (hypothalamus), 82±6.5% (cerebellum), 88±6.8% (pons/medulla oblongata), and 41±2.7% (white matter).5. The extent of RNA editing varied, thus, considerably in different brain regions, being lowest in the white matter and striatum and highest in the thalamus and pons/medulla oblongate. RNA editing of glutamate receptor subunits may play an important role in the control of calcium fluxes through non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channels in different physiological and/or pathological states of the brain.  相似文献   

Proteins affected by anti-mIgM stimulation during B-cell maturation were identified using 2-DE-based proteomics. We investigated the proteome profiles of stimulated and nonstimulated Ramos B-cells at eight time points during 5 d and compared the obtained proteomic data to the corresponding data from DNA-microarray studies. Anti-mIgM stimulation of the cells resulted in significant differences (> or =twofold) in the protein abundance close to 100 proteins and differences in post-translational protein modifications. Forty-eight up- or down-regulated proteins were identified by mass spectrometric methods and database searches. The identities of a further nine proteins were revealed by comparing their positions to the known proteins in other lymphocyte 2-DE databases. Several of the proteins are directly related to the functional and morphological characteristics of B-cells, such as cytoskeleton rearrangement and intracellular signalling triggered by the crosslinking of B-cell receptors. In addition to proteins known to be involved in human B-cell maturation, we identified several proteins that were not previously linked to lymphocyte differentiation. The results provide deeper insights into the process of B-cell maturation and may lead to novel therapeutic strategies for immunodeficiencies. An interactive 2-DE reference map is available at http://bioinf.uta.fi/BcellProteome.  相似文献   

Notch signalling controls the differentiation of haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). Here, we show that loss of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP, MMP14), a cell surface protease expressed in bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs), increases Notch signalling in HPCs and specifically impairs B-lymphocyte development. When co-cultured with BMSCs in vitro, HPCs differentiation towards B lymphocytes is significantly compromised on MT1-MMP-deficient BMSCs and this defect could be completely rescued by DAPT, a specific Notch signalling inhibitor. The defective B-lymphocyte development could also be largely rescued by DAPT in vivo. MT1-MMP interacts with Notch ligand Delta-like 1 (Dll1) and promotes its cleavage on cell surface in BMSCs. Ectopic MT1-MMP cleaves Dll1 and results in diminished Notch signalling in co-cultured cells. In addition, recombinant MT1-MMP cleaves a synthetic Dll1 peptide at the same site where MT1-MMP cleaves Dll1 on the cell surface. Our data suggest that MT1-MMP directly cleaves Dll1 on BMSCs to negatively regulate Notch signalling to specifically maintain normal B-cell development in bone marrow.  相似文献   

Overexpression of BAFF is believed to play an important role in systemic lupus erythematosus and elevated levels of serum BAFF have been found in lupus patients. Excess BAFF also leads to overproduction of anti-dsDNA antibodies and a lupus-like syndrome in mice. In the present study, we use mice transgenic for the R4A-Cμ (IgM) heavy chain of an anti-dsDNA antibody, to study the effects of BAFF overexpression on anti-dsDNA B-cell regulation. We observe that overexpression of BAFF promotes anti-dsDNA B-cell maturation and secretion of antibody and enriches for transgenic anti-dsDNA B cells in the marginal zone and follicular splenic compartments. In addition, our data suggests that BAFF rescues a subset of anti-dsDNA B cells from a regulatory checkpoint in the transitional stage of development.  相似文献   

How the B‐cell antigen receptor (BCR) is activated upon interaction with its cognate antigen or with anti‐BCR antibodies is not fully understood. We have recently shown that B‐cell activation is accompanied by the opening of the pre‐organized BCR oligomers, an observation that strengthens the role of receptor reorganization in signalling. We have now analysed the BCR oligomer opening and signalling upon treatment with different monovalent stimuli. Our results indicate that monovalent antigens are able to disturb and open the BCR oligomer, but that this requires the presence and activity of the Src family kinase (SFK) Lyn. We have also shown that monovalent Fab fragments of anti‐BCR antibodies can open the BCR oligomers as long as they directly interact with the antigen‐binding site. We found that monovalent antigen binding opens both the IgM‐BCR and IgD‐BCR, but calcium signalling is only seen in cells expressing IgM‐BCR; this provides a molecular basis for IgM‐ and IgD‐BCR functional segregation.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) regulate a wide range of cellular functions that contribute to embryonic development from mesoderm formation to organogenesis. BMP type II receptor (BMPR-II) transduces BMP signals by forming heteromeric complexes with and phosphorylating BMP type I receptors. Heterozygous germline mutations of BMPR-II gene have been identified in patients with familial and sporadic primary pulmonary hypertension, indicating that BMPR-II may contribute to the maintenance of normal pulmonary vascular structure and function. Since embryos homozygous for a null BMPR-II allele died during gastrulation, precluding further studies of BMPR-II function in organ formation and in adult tissues, we generated mice carrying a conditional mutant BMPR-II allele in which exons 4 and 5 were flanked by loxP sequences. We anticipate that studies of mice carrying a floxed BMPR-II allele and a Cre transgene (under the control of a tissue-specific promoter) will enable characterization of the role of BMPR-II in specific cell types during development and in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

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