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Mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate from the base of the allantois to the genital ridge. They proliferate both during migration and after their arrival, until initiation of the sex-differentiation of fetal gonads. Then, PGCs enter into the prophase of the first meiotic division in the ovary to become oocytes, while those in the testis become mitotically arrested to become prospermatogonia. Growth regulation of mouse PGCs has been studied by culturing them on feeder cells. They show a limited period of proliferation in vitro and go into growth arrest, which is in good correlation with their developmental changes in vivo. However, in the presence of multiple growth signals, PGCs can restart rapid proliferation and transform into pluripotent embryonic germ (EG) cells. Observation of ectopic germ cells and studies of reaggregate cultures suggested that both male and female PGCs show cell-autonomous entry into meiosis and differentiation into oocytes if they were set apart from the male gonadal environments. Recently, we developed a two-dimensional dispersed culture system in which we can examine transition from the mitotic PGCs into the leptotene stage of the first meiotic division. Such entry into meiosis seems to be programmed in PGCs before reaching the genital ridges and unless it is inhibited by putative signals from the testicular somatic cells.  相似文献   

The induction and rejoining of gamma-ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) were measured in the spermatogenic cells of mice using the alkaline elution technique. The animals were injected with [3H]thymidine and sacrificed on subsequent days to examine selectively cohorts of radiolabeled cells in the successive stages of maturation. A significantly increased frequency of SSB was observed in the unirradiated early spermatocytes and late spermatids, associated with genetic recombination and chromatin compaction, respectively. The frequency of SSBs induced by irradiation of animals in vivo remained constant from the early spermatocyte through mid-spermatid stages and decreased significantly only after the cells matured to the late spermatid stage. The frequency of SSBs after in vitro irradiation of testicular cell suspensions also decreased as round spermatids matured to late spermatids. Such decreases for both modes of irradiation may result from maturation-dependent alterations in chromatin in late spermatids, such as condensation and replacement of histones with protamines, rather than from changes in oxygen tension. Rejoining of SSBs in vivo was efficient in the spermatocytes and early spermatids but declined in late spermatids. Possible reasons for the discrepancy between the greater number of unrepaired lesions and lower susceptibility to mutation induction in late spermatids than in round spermatids are discussed.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes reveal mutagen-induced effects in germ cell meiotic chromosomes. This study was aimed at characterizing relationships between damage to synaptonemal complexes and metaphase I chromosomes following radiation exposure at various stages of spermatogenesis. Male mice were irradiated with doses of 0, 2, or 4 Gy, and spermatocytes were harvested at times consistent with earlier exposures as spermatogonial stem cells, preleptotene cells (premeiotic DNA synthesis), or meiotic prophase cells. After stem-cell exposure, twice as many rearrangements were observed in synaptonemal complexes as in metaphase I chromosomes. Irradiation during premeiotic DNA synthesis resulted in dose-related increases in synaptonemal complex breakage and rearrangements (including novel forms) and in metaphase chromosomal aberrations. Following prophase exposure, various types and levels of damage to synaptonemal complexes and metaphase chromosomes were observed. Irradiation of zygotene cells led to high frequencies of chromosome multivalents in metaphase I without a correspondingly high level of damage in preceding prophase synaptonemal complexes. Thus irradiation of premeiotic and meiotic cells results in variable relationships between damage to synaptonemal complexes and metaphase chromosomes. Interpretations of these relationships are based upon what is known about both radiation clastogenesis and the structural/temporal relationships between synaptonemal complexes at prophase and chromosomes at metaphase I of meiosis.  相似文献   

U Lagercrantz  D J Lydiate 《Génome》1995,38(2):255-264
A genetic linkage map of Brassica nigra, comprised of 288 loci in eight linkage groups, was constructed. The linkage groups varied in size from 72 to 159 cM and the total map length was 855 cM. The recurrent parent used in the backcross was extremely heterozygous. This allowed recombination to be estimated separately for female (recurrent parent) meiosis and male (F1) meiosis over a large proportion of the genome. Significant differences between male and female recombination frequencies were observed on all six linkage groups where data was available for both sexes. Enhanced male recombination frequencies were observed that were associated with proterminal regions, while enhanced female recombination frequencies were adjacent to putative centromeres. It is possible that the distinct genotypes of the F1 (male) and recurrent (female) parents contributed to the observed differences in recombination. However, this study emphasizes the need to consider potential sex differences, in both the rate and the position of recombination, when planning genetic experiments and breeding programmes.  相似文献   

F.E. Würgler   《Mutation research》1991,250(1-2):275-290
Genotoxic agents can induce mutations as well as recombination in the genetic material. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster was one of the first assay systems to test physical and chemical agents for recombinogenic effects. Such effects can be observed in cells of the germ line as well as in somatic cells. At present information is available on 54 agents, among them 48 chemicals that have been tested in cells of the germ line of males and/or females. Effects on meiotic recombination in female germ cells cannot simply be classified as positive or negative since for a number of agents, depending on the chromosome region studied, recombination frequencies may be increased, unaffected or decreased. The male germ line of D. melanogaster represents a unique situation because meiotic recombination does not occur. Among 25 agents tested in male germ cells 24 did induce male recombination, among them alkylating, intercalating and cross-linking agents, direct-acting ones as well as compounds needing metabolic activation. With several compounds the frequency of induced recombination is highest in the heterochromatic regions near the centromeres. In brood pattern analyses, e.g., after exposure of adult males to ionizing radiation, the first appearance of crossover progeny is indicative of the sampling of exposed spermatocytes. In premeiotic cells of the male and the female germ line mitotic recombination can occur. Upon clonal expansion of the recombinant cells, clusters of identical crossovers can be observed.  相似文献   

C-banding and silver staining of the somatic and germ cells of the male domestic dog. Canis familiaris, have shown that: (1) the amount of C-banding is small compared to most other mammalian species, (2) three pairs of autosomes have nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) at the terminal ends of their long arms, whereas the Y chromosome has an NOR on the terminal end of the short arm, (3) the organization of the synaptonemal complex (SC) is similar to that of other mammalian species, (4) a distinct SC is formed between the long arm of the Y chromosome and probably the short arm of the X chromosome, and (5) the differential axes of both sex chromosomes do not demonstrate fusiform thickenings nor do they stain darkly with silver as do the XY bivalents in many other mammalian species.  相似文献   

In avian species, the developmental fate of different-sex germ cells in the gonads is unclear. The present study attempted to confirm whether genetically female germ cells can differentiate into spermatozoa in male gonads using male germline chimeric chickens produced by the transfer of primordial germ cells (PGC), and employing molecular biological methods. As a result of Southern hybridization, specific sequences of the W chromosome (the female specific sex chromosome in birds) were detected in the genomic DNA extracted from one out of four male germline chimeric chickens. When two-color in situ hybridization was conducted on the spermatozoa of this germline chimera, 0.33% (average) of the nuclei of each semen sample showed the fluorescent signal indicating the presence of the W chromosome. The present study shows that female PGC can differentiate into spermatozoa in male gonads in the chicken. However, the ratio of produced W chromosome-bearing (W-bearing) spermatozoa fell substantially below expectations. It is therefore concluded that most of the W-bearing PGC could not differentiate into spermatozoa because of restricted spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

When viewed by scanning electron microscopy, the heads of mouse spermatozoa are smaller than those of the hamster. The vitelline microvilli of hamster eggs are longer than those of the mouse egg. Both these factors may contribute to the enhanced interaction of mouse spermatozoa and hamster eggs. Treating unfertilized mouse eggs with Newcastle disease virus causes the viteline microvilli to elongate, thus improving the interaction between mouse eggs and hamster spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Fine-structural features of female germ cells differentiating within the germaria of Otoplanella baltica and Notocaryoplanella glandulosa are documented and compared with those of other free-living platyhelminths having ectolecithal eggs.In these species, encompassed in the taxon Proseriata Lithophora, insemination of the germocytes occurs within the germaria. A sperm cell, that has penetrated a germocyte differs in special features from mature male germ cells found in the testes, in parts of the male genital system, or even in other regions of the organism. The hypothesis that dense bodies correspond to acrosomal material is supported.  相似文献   

Vallente RU  Cheng EY  Hassold TJ 《Chromosoma》2006,115(3):241-249
Meiotic prophase serves as an arena for the interplay of two important cellular activities, meiotic recombination and synapsis of homologous chromosomes. Synapsis is mediated by the synaptonemal complex (SC), originally characterized as a structure linked to pairing of meiotic chromosomes (Moses (1958) J Biophys Biochem Cytol 4:633–638). In 1975, the first electron micrographs of human pachytene stage SCs were presented (Moses et al. (1975) Science 187:363–365) and over the next 15 years the importance of the SC to normal meiotic progression in human males and females was established (Jhanwar and Chaganti (1980) Hum Genet 54:405–408; Pathak and Elder (1980) Hum Genet 54:171–175; Solari (1980) Chromosoma 81:315–337; Speed (1984) Hum Genet 66:176–180; Wallace and Hulten (1985) Ann Hum Genet 49(Pt 3):215–226). Further, these studies made it clear that abnormalities in the assembly or maintenance of the SC were an important contributor to human infertility (Chaganti et al. (1980) Am J Hum Genet 32:833–848; Vidal et al. (1982) Hum Genet 60:301–304; Bojko (1983) Carlsberg Res Commun 48:285–305; Bojko (1985) Carlsberg Res Commun 50:43–72; Templado et al. (1984) Hum Genet 67:162–165; Navarro et al. (1986) Hum Reprod 1:523–527; Garcia et al. (1989) Hum Genet 2:147–53). However, the utility of these early studies was limited by lack of information on the structural composition of the SC and the identity of other SC-associated proteins. Fortunately, studies of the past 15 years have gone a long way toward remedying this problem. In this minireview, we highlight the most important of these advances as they pertain to human meiosis, focusing on temporal aspects of SC assembly, the relationship between the SC and meiotic recombination, and the contribution of SC abnormalities to human infertility.The synaptonemal complex–50 years  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a proteinaceous structure of chromosome bivalents whose assembly is indispensable for the successful progression of the first meiotic division of sexually reproducing organisms. In this mini-review we will focus on recent progress dealing with the composition and assembly of the mammalian SC. These advances mainly resulted from the systematic use of knockout mice for all known mammalian SC proteins as well as from protein polymerization studies performed in heterologous systems.  相似文献   

R Padmore  L Cao  N Kleckner 《Cell》1991,66(6):1239-1256
In synchronous cultures of S. cerevisiae undergoing meiosis, an early event in the meiotic recombination pathway, site-specific double strand breaks (DSBs), occurs early in prophase, in some instances well before tripartite synaptonemal complex (SC) begins to form. This observation, together with previous results, supports the view that events involving DSBs are required for SC formation. We discuss the possibility that the mitotic pathway for recombinational repair of DSBs served as the primordial mechanism for connecting homologous chromosomes during the evolution of meiosis. DSBs disappear during the period when tripartite SC structure is forming and elongating (zygotene); presumably, they are converted to another type of recombination intermediate. Neither DSBs nor mature recombinant molecules are present when SCs are full length (pachytene). Mature reciprocally recombinant molecules arise at the end of or just after pachytene. We suggest that the SC might coordinate recombinant maturation with other events of meiosis.  相似文献   

The effects of growth- and gender-related differences on satellite cell proliferation and differentiation were investigated using satellite cells isolated from the pectoralis major muscle of a turkey line selected for increased 16-week body weight (F-line) and its unselected randombred control (RBC2-line). Proliferation rates within the F- and RBC2-lines did not differ between sexes. The F-line male and female satellite cells when compared to the RBC2-line male and female satellite cells proliferated at a faster rate. Differentiation rates were increased for the F-line male cells compared to both the F-line female and RBC2-line male satellite cells. No difference in differentiation rate was noted within the RBC2-line satellite cells. For satellite cells from females, the RBC2-line differentiated faster than the F-line. Morphological data on myotube length and the number of nuclei per myotube supported the differentiation data in that F-line male satellite cells had the longest myotubes with the most nuclei, there was no significant difference between myotubes within the RBC2-line, and female-derived myotubes from the RBC2-line were longer than those of the F-line by 96 h of fusion. These data are suggestive of both growth- and gender- related differences in satellite cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The routes for adsorptive and receptor-mediated endocytosis were studied in vivo after microinjection of tracers into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, and in vitro in isolated germ cells of different mammals. Cationic ferritin was located on the plasma membrane, in vesicles, in tubules, in multivesicular bodies and in lysosome-like granules of mouse spermatocytes. In these cells the number of multivesicular bodies varied during spermatogenesis. Spermatids and to a lesser extent residual bodies also performed adsorptive endocytosis. In the rat and monkey (Macaca fascicularis) diferric transferrin was specifically taken up by germ cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis. The labelling was observed subsequently in membrane pits, vesicles, endosome-like bodies and pale multivesicular bodies. A progressive decrease in the frequency of the labelling of the germ cells by transferrin-gold particles was observed from spermatogonia to spermatocytes and to early spermatids, which could indicate that iron is particularly required by germ cells during the mitotic and meiotic processes. Adsorptive and receptor-mediated endocytosis therefore occurs in all classes of germ cells. These endocytic processes are most probably required for germ cell division, differentiation and metabolism.  相似文献   

Much research has been conducted in recent years to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the crucial developmental process of sex determination. It has now been shown that somatic sex is principally determined by the chromosomal sex and the molecular mechanisms involved in this process have become relatively well understood in both human and mouse. However, the pathways involved in the sex determination of the germ cells remain largely unknown except for the fact that the somatic cues surrounding these cells play a significant role. Moreover, which sexual pathway of the germ cells is induced or suppressed has long been a subject of some dispute. Recent findings indicate that the key molecule that influences this choice is retinoic acid. In addition, the Nanos protein has been shown to play a critical role in promoting male germ cell differentiation. In this review, the possible mechanisms underlying these events, which have been brought to light by recent findings, are summarized to provide a better and more precise understanding of our current knowledge of the sex determination and subsequent differentiation of germ cells.  相似文献   

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