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1. We made an empirical test of a recent proposal that feeding niche widths might be determined as variance of stable isotope values. We determined δ 13C and δ 15N values of perch ( Perca fluviatilis ), roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) and their prey from a biomanipulated lake, when the mass removal of fish led to reduced inter- and intra-specific competition and increases in zooplankton abundance and body size.
2. After the first fish removals, both perch and roach mean δ 13C values decreased and mean δ 15N values increased, indicating a greater diet contribution from pelagic sources.
3. Variances of both δ 13C and δ 15N values first increased in both fish populations, indicating a wider food spectrum and expanded feeding niche width following reduced fish abundances. Observed changes were greater for the perch population than for roach.
4. In 2006, the perch population abruptly changed its diet so that most individuals were primarily consuming the abundant young-of-the-year fish, and this was reflected in significantly reduced variances of both δ 13C and δ 15N values.
5. We conclude that isotopic variance can indeed reflect changes in feeding niche width and offers a promising way to study such general ecological concepts.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) were measured for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and their intestinal cestode, Eubothrium crassum , sharing the same diet. Atlantic salmon muscle tissues were enriched in 15N and depleted in 13C compared to their prey (sprat Sprattus sprattus sprattus ) and their intestinal cestode. There was no significant difference in δ15N or δ13C between E. crassum and the sprat. Differences in nutrient uptake and intestine physiology between Atlantic salmon and E. crassum are discussed, as well as how these may give rise to different fractionations of stable isotopes between a host and its parasites. Furthermore, Atlantic salmon contained a significantly higher lipid content than their prey, which may partly explain differences in δ13C values between the host and its cestode. In addition, cestodes inhabiting lipid-rich hosts were also lipid rich. Larger Atlantic salmon were enriched in 15N compared to smaller fish. Cestodes inhabiting large hosts were also enriched in 15N compared to parasites living in smaller hosts. The last two results were explained by larger fish possibly feeding from a higher trophic level, or from larger and older prey, that resulted in both a higher lipid content and an enrichment in 15N.  相似文献   

Carbon stable-isotope analysis showed that individual brown trout Salmo trutta in Loch Lomond adopted strategies intermediate to that of freshwater residency or anadromy, suggesting either repeated movement between freshwater and marine environments, or estuarine residency. Carbon stable-isotope (δ13C) values from Loch Lomond brown trout muscle tissue ranged from those indicative of assimilation of purely freshwater-derived carbon to those reflecting significant utilization of marine-derived carbon. A single isotope, two-source mixing model indicated that, on average, marine C made a 33% contribution to the muscle tissue C of Loch Lomond brown trout. Nitrogen stable isotope, δ15N, but not δ13C was correlated with fork length suggesting that larger fish were feeding at a higher trophic level but that marine feeding was not indicated by larger body size. These results are discussed with reference to migration patterns in other species.  相似文献   

The diet of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus , from the Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean, consisted primarily of crustaceans, molluscs and fishes, but diet composition varied with body size. The smaller dusky groupers (<300 mm L T) fed primarily on crustaceans, and particularly on brachyurans, which accounted for 46% of the prey identified. As dusky groupers grew, cephalopods became increasingly important and constituted 10 to 40% of the prey identified in subadult and adult specimens. The largest dusky groupers fed primarily on fishes that represented 40·9% of prey identified. These shifts in diet were accompanied by a positive selection of increasingly large prey and by an expansion of trophic niche. δ 15N values of dusky grouper white muscle ranged from 8·8 to 13·1% and 71% of the variation in δ 15N was explained by differences in dusky grouper size. δ 13C values ranged from – 17·9 to – 15·9%, and no significant body size effect on δ 13C was detected. Stomach content and 13C values indicated that from 1 year old, the diet of E. marginatus was based on the benthic food web. The enrichment in δ 15N registered from juvenile to large males was c . 3·8%. Overall, there was good agreement between gut content and stable isotope data indicating that the latter may be useful as a tool in trophic studies in marine protected areas where sampling for fishes is not allowed.  相似文献   

In the present study, profiles of stable isotope composition were characterized for two species with partially migratory populations in rivers along the latitudinal gradient of Patagonia, brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . The effects of factors ( e.g. ontogeny of fishes, location, species and fasting) that may influence the stable isotope analysis (SIA) were evaluated, as was SIA evaluated as a tool to assign individual fish to their corresponding ecotype. Anadromous fishes exhibited enriched δ15N (15·2 ± 1·0‰; mean ± s . d .) and δ13C (−19·2 ± 1·3‰) relative to resident fishes'δ15N (8·8 ± 1·1‰) and δ13C (−23·2 ± 2·5‰). For both species, the difference in δ15N was larger between resident (range 6·8–10·7‰) and anadromous (range 14·3–17·8‰) fishes than that in δ13C. Values of δ13C, while not as dramatically contrasting in rainbow trout, provided a powerful anadromy marker for brown trout in the region. Increases were found in both δ15N and δ13C during the spawning migration of anadromous rainbow trout, most likely due to fasting. Differences in stable isotopes between location, size and species were found, suggesting different stable isotopes base levels in freshwater environments and different trophic levels and feeding location of anadromous populations. The SIA was demonstrated as a powerful tool for ecotype discrimination in Patagonian Rivers, overriding any effect of sampling location, size or species.  相似文献   

The influence of different feeding levels below and slightly above maintenance on whole body δ13C and δ15N values of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus was examined. The energy budget of each fish was determined by indirect calorimetry. The δ13C values of the lipid-free material of Nile tilapia fed below and slightly above maintenance level did not differ between the feeding groups, but the δ13C values in the lipids and the δ15N values of the lipid-free material showed small but significant differences. Those fish with a negative lipid retention had significantly higher δ13C values in the lipid fraction compared to fish that synthesized fatty acids. There was a significant negative correlation between the amount of energy metabolized by the fish and both the δ13C values in the lipids and the δ15N values of the lipid-free material. Fasting and feeding below the maintenance level may influence the isotopic composition of animals and should therefore be considered in ecological and nutritional studies.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of lipid extraction, CaCO3 removal and of both treatments combined on fish tissue δ13C, δ15N and C:N ratio. Furthermore, the suitability of empirical δ13C lipid normalization and correction models was examined. δ15N was affected by lipid extraction (increase of up to 1·65‰) and by the combination of both treatments, while acidification alone showed no effect. The observed shift in δ15N represents a significant bias in trophic level estimates, i.e. lipid-extracted samples are not suitable for δ15N analysis. C:N and δ13C were significantly affected by lipid extraction, proportional to initial tissue lipid content. For both variables, rates of change with lipid content (ΔC:N and Δδ13C) were species specific. All tested lipid normalization and correction models produced biased estimates of fish tissue δ13C, probably due to a non-representative database and incorrect assumptions and generalizations the models were based on. Improved models need a priori more extensive and detailed studies of the relationships between lipid content, C:N and δ13C, as well as of the underlying biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes were employed to elucidate energy flows and trophic interactions in Lake Apopka, a hypereutrophic lake in central Florida, U.S.A. Isotope compositions of lake biota ranged from −27·1 to −3·0‰ for δ13C, and from 3·7 to 13·9‰ for δ15N. The food web was based primarily on plankton production with diatoms, Microcystis and zooplankton dominating the diet of fish. Carbon isotope evidence showed that pico- and nano-phytoplankton were not a direct carbon source for fish, but were important to zooplankton. δ15N mass balance estimates indicated that planktivorous fish obtained 48–85% of their diets from zooplankton. The ∼3‰ range of δ15N in gizzard shad reflected increasing dependence on zooplankton as fish grew whereas the positive relationship between total length and δ15N of largemouth bass reflected increasing predation on larger planktivorous fish with growth. The broad ranges of δ13C (−25·9 to −9·5‰) and δ15N (5·8 to 14·4‰) of blue tilapia were indicators of diet diversity. Two presumed omnivores (brown bullhead and white catfish) and piscivores (black crappie, largemouth bass and Florida gar) were found to depend on planktivorous fish. However, stable isotope data revealed no trophic links between blue tilapia, an abundant fish in the near-shore area, and piscivores.  相似文献   

The diet of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus was studied in two native populations in lakes of different productivity in south-west Finland using both traditional stomach content analyses and stable isotopes. According to stomach content analyses, chironomids were the most important prey type in both lakes and the diversity of the other prey reflected the zoobenthos community in the lake. Stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen showed distinctive lake-specific and total length ( L T)-related patterns in both δ13C and δ15N values, which could not be explained solely with diet changes. In the large mesotrophic Pyhäjärvi, both 13C and 15N isotopes became slightly enriched with increasing ruffe L T, although stomach contents analyses did not suggest any diet change in larger ruffe. In the hypereutrophic Köyliönjärvi, the carbon isotope signatures of ruffe especially showed wide variation (−33·5 to −24·1‰), which was probably due to variable consumption of prey items with highly negative carbon isotope signatures. Overall, this study emphasizes that the interpretation of stable isotope results requires extensive background data of the system and that even then the diet composition of a consumer may be very difficult to define due to large variation in the signatures.  相似文献   

1. Stable isotopes of carbon are useful for differentiating between freshwater food chains based on planktonic algae or benthic algae, but are reported to be of limited use for identifying food chains based on sedimentary detritus. Because data from marine systems suggest that stable isotopes of sulphur (δ34S values) have potential in this regard, we tested their utility in freshwater lakes.
2. We found that sulphate in the water column of four boreal lakes was enriched in 34S compared to the sulphur in bulk sediments from these lakes. Furthermore, within a given lake, insects known to feed on sediment (directly or via predation) had δ34S values similar to those of sediment, whereas planktonic and benthic invertebrates known to feed on suspended particles had δ34S values similar to those of sulphate in the water column.
3. Using the stable S isotope values of invertebrates that obtain their S from either the sediment or the water column as end members in a two-source mixing model, we show that two fish species obtain their food from both planktonic and sedimentary sources. Furthermore, model results suggest that, as expected, the more benthic-feeding fish species obtains more of its S from the sediment compartment than does the species that feeds in the water-column.
4. Our results suggest that measurements of stable sulphur isotopes provide a means of distinguishing between members of food chains that are based in the water column from those based on sedimentary detritus. As such, they would be a useful complement to stable C isotopes that are used to distinguish between food chains based on planktonic or benthic algae.  相似文献   

Stable isotope and scat analyses were used in concert to determine trophic level and dietary overlap among California sea lions from different rookeries in the Gulf of California. Isotopic analysis of the fur of sea lion pups revealed differences in δ15N and δ13C values among rookeries during the breeding season. Mean δ15N and δ13C values varied from 20.2‰ to 22.4‰ and from −15.4‰ to −14.0‰, respectively. The pattern of differences among rookeries was similar between years in most cases. Isotopic variations among rookeries were associated with differences in prey consumption. There was a significant correlation between δ15N value and trophic level, as determined by scat analysis. Joint application of isotopic and scat analyses allowed us to identify how the feeding habits of sea lions vary with location. Our results suggest the presence of spatial structure in available prey as well as the localized use of prey by sea lions across the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

Trophic position, and often the source of feeding of predators in food webs, can be estimated using measurements of stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon in predators and their prey. Muscle samples from 60 harp seals ( Pagophilus groenlandicus ) collected during May 1995 in nearshore waters of New foundland, Canada, were analyzed for δ13C and δ15N values. These values were compared with those for 63 prey samples representing seven species generally collected near the same area. Using diet-tissue isotopic fractionation factors derived from previous studies using captive animals, we infer a greater dependence of harp seals on lower trophic-level prey during April compared with results expected from exclusive diets of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ), Atlantic herring ( Clupea harengus ), Greenland halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides ), or northern shrimp ( Pandalus borealis ). Our mean δ15N value for harp seals is lower than previous findings for seals collected on the winter whelping patch and may be a function of interannual or seasonal differences in diet. Subadult seals (aged 1-4 yr) had significantly lower δ15N values than adults (5 + yr), suggesting that older seals were feeding at a slightly higher trophic level.  相似文献   



Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are the most widely distributed cetacean, occurring in all oceans worldwide, and within ocean regions different ecotypes are defined based on prey preferences. Prey items are largely unknown in the eastern Canadian Arctic and therefore we conducted a survey of Inuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to provide information on the feeding ecology of killer whales. We compiled Inuit observations on killer whales and their prey items via 105 semi-directed interviews conducted in 11 eastern Nunavut communities (Kivalliq and Qikiqtaaluk regions) from 2007-2010.


Results detail local knowledge of killer whale prey items, hunting behaviour, prey responses, distribution of predation events, and prey capture techniques. Inuit TEK and published literature agree that killer whales at times eat only certain parts of prey, particularly of large whales, that attacks on large whales entail relatively small groups of killer whales, and that they hunt cooperatively. Inuit observations suggest that there is little prey specialization beyond marine mammals and there are no definitive observations of fish in the diet. Inuit hunters and elders also documented the use of sea ice and shallow water as prey refugia.


By combining TEK and scientific approaches we provide a more holistic view of killer whale predation in the eastern Canadian Arctic relevant to management and policy. Continuing the long-term relationship between scientists and hunters will provide for successful knowledge integration and has resulted in considerable improvement in understanding of killer whale ecology relevant to management of prey species. Combining scientists and Inuit knowledge will assist in northerners adapting to the restructuring of the Arctic marine ecosystem associated with warming and loss of sea ice.  相似文献   

1. Although marine research has indicated that metabolic fractionations of 13C due to differences in organismal trophic position and proximal composition can complicate the isotopic interpretation of energy flow pathways, such potentially confounding problems have never been examined in freshwater benthic food webs.
2. The δ13C values of animals comprising a littoral benthic food web composited from four Canadian Shield lakes showed no relationship with either individual trophic position (δ15N) or lipid content (C/N ratios).
3. Differences in the relative incorporation of autochthonous and allochthonous energy sources by freshwater benthic organisms will alter their δ13C and δ15N values, thereby masking any possibility of observing 13C trophic enrichment.
4. Removal of the possibly confounding influences of lipids through either empirical correction or by analytical extraction may be unnecessary in studies of freshwater benthic food webs. Likewise, a priori adjustments in δ13C for freshwater benthic organisms in order to accommodate trophic fractionations which are presumed to occur, based on data from marine offshore food webs, may also be inappropriate.  相似文献   

1. Although marine research has indicated that metabolic fractionations of 13C due to differences in organismal trophic position and proximal composition can complicate the isotopic interpretation of energy flow pathways, such potentially confounding problems have never been examined in freshwater benthic food webs.
2. The δ13C values of animals comprising a littoral benthic food web composited from four Canadian Shield lakes showed no relationship with either individual trophic position (δ15N) or lipid content (C/N ratios).
3. Differences in the relative incorporation of autochthonous and allochthonous energy sources by freshwater benthic organisms will alter their δ13C and δ15N values, thereby masking any possibility of observing 13C trophic enrichment.
4. Removal of the possibly confounding influences of lipids through either empirical correction or by analytical extraction may be unnecessary in studies of freshwater benthic food webs. Likewise, a priori adjustments in δ13C for freshwater benthic organisms in order to accommodate trophic fractionations which are presumed to occur, based on data from marine offshore food webs, may also be inappropriate.  相似文献   

The apparent lack of significant recovery of western North Atlantic right whale populations may be related to the availability of prey in exploitable densities. We have attempted to estimate the concentration of zooplankton required by right whales to obtain a net energetic benefit over the long term, using estimated values for body weight, metabolic rate, assimilation efficiency, time spent feeding, mouth size and swimming speed. The estimated range of required energy densities is 7.57 to 2,394 kcal m−3 (3.17 × 104 to 1.00 × 107 joule m−3). These values are from one to more than three orders of magnitude greater than the densest concentration sampled in the vicinity of right whale aggregations in the Great South Channel. Right whales must seek out and exploit extremely dense patches of prey organisms in order to feed efficiently. The presence of such dense patches of zooplankton is likely to be a primary characteristic of spring, summer and fall right whale habitats.  相似文献   

Killer whales are top predators in marine trophic chains, and therefore their feeding preferences can substantially affect the abundance of species on the lower trophic levels. Killer whales are known to feed on many different types of prey from small fish to large whales, but a given killer whale population usually focuses on a specific type of prey. Stable isotope analysis is widely used to study whale diets, because direct observations are often impossible. Killer whale feeding habits in the western North Pacific are poorly studied, and the large-scale stable isotope analysis provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the trophic links of this top predator. In this study, we compare the δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values from killer whale skin samples obtained in different areas of the western North Pacific from fish-eating (R-type) and mammal-eating (T-type) killer whale ecotypes. The effect of ecotype was highly significant: both carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values were lower in R-type whales than in T-type whales. The geographical variation also affected killer whale stable isotope values due to both the differences in killer whale diet and the variation in baseline stable isotope values across the study areas.  相似文献   

The scales of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were used in place of dorsal muscle, which necessitates killing the fish, to study food webs from the δ13C and δ15N isotopic ratios in the organic fraction. As scales are composed of both organic and calcified fractions, a protocol for scale decalcification was first devised. The δ13C and δ15N values of the decalcified scales were then shown to be closely correlated to those of the dorsal muscle, demonstrating that scales could be used in place of muscle to study food webs. Changes in the δ13C of whitefish were determined from a scale collection that extended over the period during which the trophic state of Lake Geneva was recovering.  相似文献   

 A group of killer whales was sighted in open leads well inside Antarctic sea ice during August 1995. This was the first winter sighting of killer whales in Antarctic waters since 1955, and contradicts the view that all killer whales migrate north prior to the winter. A small calf was observed, providing the first evidence of a cetacean species breeding in Antarctic waters. Several potential prey species were also present. The sighting highlights the importance of lead and polynya systems to marine mammals, which probably use them to disperse within the winter sea-ice zone. Received: 23 April 1996 / Accepted: 25 August 1996  相似文献   

In conjunction with the International North Water Polynya Study (NOW) in northern Baffin Bay, we examined the diets of ringed seals ( Phoca hispida )1 on the west (Grise Fiord, Nunavut) and east (Qaanaaq, Greenland) sides of the polynya, using conventional stomach content analysis, as well as inferences from stable isotope ratios in seal muscle. Between May and July 1998, stomach and muscle tissue samples were collected from 99 ringed seals taken near Grise Fiord and 100 taken near Qaanaaq. The amphipod Themisto libellula was the dominant prey type in the diet of immature ringed seals from Grise Fiord, whereas arctic cod ( Boreogadus saida ) and polar cod ( Arctogadus glacialis ) predominated in the diet of adults. Both immature and adult seals collected near Qaanaaq fed predominantly on arctic cod. Overall, seals collected near Grise Fiord had significantly higher δ13C values than those collected near Qaanaaq ( P < 0.001), but there was no statistical separation in δ15N values between the two samples ( P = 0.06). Differences in diets of ringed seals from the east and west sides of the North Water Polynya may be due to differences in prey distribution and/or differences in biological productivity and fish biomass within the polynya.  相似文献   

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