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对专性寄生于草鱼肠道的鲩肠袋虫的体表皮层精细构造进行了研究。结果显示其体表皮层由表膜和表膜下纤维系统两部分组成。表膜的组分有细胞质膜,膜泡层(包括外膜、膜泡、内膜),表膜微管层;表膜下纤维系统主要是由毛基体及其附属纤维结构:动纤丝,纤毛后微管,Ⅰ、Ⅱ型横微管和咽微丝组成。这部分结构下连一电子致密的微丝层,将细胞外质与内质分隔开来;且在微丝层的内侧胞质中分布有很多电子透明泡。此外,对表膜微管层、Ⅱ型横微管、外—内质间微丝层及电子透明泡进行了肠袋虫的种间比较并对上述各部分结构的生物功能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

突唇跳小蜂属全世界已知29种,分布于世界各地,寄生膜翅目的木蜂科Xylocopi-dae、蜜蜂科Apidae和叶舌花蜂科Hylaeidae的幼虫,行多胚生殖。我国过去未见报道。本文报道从黑龙江伊春采集的突唇跳小蜂属1新种,即锤角突唇跳小蜂,Coelopen-cyrtusclaviger,sp.nov.,对新种进行了详细描述,并附特征图。本文也是突唇跳小蜂属在我国分布的首次记录。模式标本存放在浙江大学植物保护系。锤角突唇跳小蜂Coelopencyrtusclaviger,新种(图1~4)标本记录:正模♀,黑龙江伊春(47°42′N,128°54′E),1981-Ⅶ,金丽元,原始记录寄主为落叶松毛虫卵(?),850218;副模4♀♀,同正模。鉴别特征:本种与CoelopencyrtusarenariusErdoes很相似,主要区别是:1)触角棒节长为宽的1.4倍,索节第3~4节上有感觉孔,后者棒节长为宽的2.0倍;索节第3~4节无感觉孔;2)上颚明显长,后者上颚短;3)中足胫节末端、各足跗节第1~4节浅黄白色,第5节褐色,产卵管黑色,后者各足及产卵管均为褐色。  相似文献   

晚三叠世泡孔类苔藓动物Casianopora及其种系发生关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文描述了窄唇纲苔藓动物的一个新种Casianoporaheisp.nov.,此新种发现于我国滇西北宁蒗彝族自治县松桂组15层(菊石Malayites-Pseudocardioceras带),是迄今已知的全球三叠纪泡孔类的一个最新代表。重新确定了Casianopora属(卡尼中期-诺利早期)的分类位置,它和Cystitrypa属(卡尼早期)都归入Fistuliporidae科。这两个三叠纪的属,与古生代和古生代后的一些泡孔类的种系发生关系的初步探讨表明,所有古生代后的窄唇纲的各个目(除环口目外),可能都是从同一演化根系上发展而来的。  相似文献   

薏苡胚乳细胞化的超微结构观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用透射电镜对薏苡早期的胚乳细胞化进行了研究,在胚乳游离核时期,胚乳游离核及细胞质绕中央细胞分布,游离核间没有发现胚囊壁内突、成膜体等结构。胚乳细胞化过程中初始垂周壁形成过程如下:(1)胚乳细胞质中出现液泡,使细胞质和核向中央液泡推进:(2)一对相邻细胞核间液泡成对存在,且呈垂周分布,而且两液泡间的细胞质很狭窄;(3)在这狭窄的细胞质中出现成行排列的小泡;(4)小泡融合形成细胞板,细胞板悬于两液泡  相似文献   

Malaise1937年根据两个新种建立了科叶蜂属Corpilus,即:C.nigerimus和C.davidi。前者是该属的模式种,由Malaise采自印度阿萨姆(即现在的梅加拉亚邦),后者采自中国。文中讨论了属的分类特征,修订了属的鉴别特征,编制了该属东洋区种类分种检索表。本文记述采自北方邦高地的1个新种,模式标本保存在印度新德里印度农业研究所普萨标本馆昆虫部。1.萨尼科叶蜂CorpilussainiVasu,新种(图1)萨尼科叶蜂唇基上区具钝脊;中窝特征典型;眼后区宽大于长;侧沟深且分歧;外生殖器典型。它与近似种C.nigerrimus的区别主要在于:眼后区宽大于长,宽∶长=4∶3(C.nigerrimus为3∶1),爪具1枚亚端突,亚端突短于爪端长度(C.nigerimus亚端突比爪端长),头部具细微刻点(C.nigerimus不具刻点),唇基下缘略凹入(C.nigerimus横截)。正模:♀,北方邦(Mukteshwer),2700m,1989-Ⅸ-10,S.Saini采;副模2♀♀,5♂♂,地点同正模,1991-Ⅸ-20,V.Vasu采。词源:新种以导师旁遮普大学动物学系M.S.Saini博士的  相似文献   

为理解植物无孢子生殖胚囊未受精条件下的退化,对无孢子生殖植物非洲狼尾草未受精成熟胚囊中央细胞退化做了细胞形态学研究。没有受精的中央细胞退化时最显著的特点是细胞核产生核膜囊泡。核膜囊泡有两种类型:单层膜的囊泡和双层膜的囊泡,单层膜囊泡在细胞质中,双层膜囊泡在细胞核内。核膜囊泡有两种发生方式:1)核膜的外膜向细胞质一侧膨胀产生囊泡,囊泡进入细胞质;2)核膜向核内凹陷形成囊泡,囊泡进入细胞核。核膜囊泡类型与产生方式密切关联。核膜囊泡吞噬并消化包括线粒体在内的细胞质和核质。  相似文献   

为阐明水痘-带状疱疹病毒济南分离株(VZVJ1)在兔脑神经细胞(RNC)中的形态与形态发生特征,我们利用超薄切片电子显微镜技术对感染VZVJ1的RNC进行了观察研究。结果表明:RNC在感染VZVJ1 6h后核内右见散在的核衣壳,12h后细胞核和细胞质内核衣壳明显增多,24h达高峰,而细胞核和细胞质内的成熟病毒颗粒较少见,病毒大小、形态基本一致,呈圆形或椭圆形,核心直径30-50nm,核衣壳74-96nm,成熟病毒110-180nm。核衣壳内有3种类型的核心,即电子致密核心、部分致密核心和电子透明核心,细胞核和细胞质内均可见核心样电子致密体和布纹样结构,在细胞质仙还可见少量“繁残复合体”,由膜性结构包绕多个囊泡构成,提示VZVJ1在RNC中的形态发生不同于其它性质的细胞。  相似文献   

纳天牛属 Nedine Thom son, 1864 隶属于棒角天牛族 Rhodopini,全球已知3种,分布于东南亚,我国尚无记录。该属的主要特征是触角显较体长,下沿有较密的缨毛,第2节与第4节近等长;体背相当拱隆略呈纺锤形;足较长,腿节呈棒状,后足腿节甚长,几伸达鞘翅末端,后足第1跗节近等长于第2、3节之和。新种模式标本保存于西南农业大学植物保护系昆虫标本馆。1. 刺翅纳天牛 Nedine subspinosa, 新种 (图1~4)新种与 Nedine longipes Thom son, 1864 较接近,主要区别为体红褐色而非灰褐色,鞘翅基部中央具1角状瘤突,鞘翅隐现3条灰白色绒毛横带而非被一色绒毛等。正模♂,云南付宁剥隘,1979- Ⅴ- 2,尹耀宜采;副模1♂,采集记录同正模。2. 麻斑纳天牛 Nedine sparatis, 新种 (图5~8)本新种与刺翅纳天牛 N. subspinosa sp. nov. 的主要区别为体被均匀一致的绒毛,鞘翅无基瘤及淡色横带,触角下沿具更密而长的缨毛;雄性外生殖器的阳基侧突较短,中茎侧面中部具横凹陷等。正模♂,云南墨江,1980- Ⅵ- 5,刘芬采。  相似文献   

记述采自云南片马的横脊叶蝉亚科1新属新种.新属,突额叶蝉属Risefronta gen.noV.与横脊叶蝉属Evacanthus Le Peletier&Serville 1825相似,主要区别点是:1)头冠端部横脊两端各有1纵脊与缘脊相连;2)头冠与颜面弧圆相交,冠面间界限不明显;3)额唇基中央有1片状纵脊;4)前唇基低而平坦.新种,白带突额叶蝉R albicincta sp.nov.外形特征概如属征描述.体及前翅黑色,密被点刻.单眼、触角和小盾片端区淡黄白色;前翅中部有1淡黄白色横带,此带由前缘至后缘渐狭,端区淡黄白色;胸足白色.  相似文献   

盛茂领  章英 《昆虫学报》1998,41(1):92-94
中国盾脸姬蜂亚科一新种及一新记录(膜翅目:姬蜂科)盛茂领章英(林业部森林病虫害防治总站沈阳110034)1995-04-20收稿,1996-01-17收修改稿·92·黄脸姬蜂属ChorinaeusHolmgren,1856和突唇姬蜂属Ischyroc...  相似文献   

Special ultrastructural characteristics of the haptorid soil ciliate Enchelydium polynucleatum Foissner, 1984 are the restriction of the parasomal sacs to the area of the “brush” and finger-like projections of the food vacuole membrane into the lumen of the vacuole. The general organization of the infraciliature is similar to that of Spathidium and some buetschliids because the anterior ends of the somatic kineties are condensed and obliquely bent. Enchelydium is similar to haptorids and buetschliids in possessing monokinetid somatic fibrillar structures with the classical fibrillar associates: 1) a short kinetodesmal fiber; 2) two transverse microtubular ribbons; 3) a long postciliary microtubular ribbon; and 4) a system of overlapping subkinetal microtubules, which seems to be absent in the buetschliids. Unlike Spathidium and all other haptorids so far investigated ultrastructurally, serial sections show that there are no oral dikinetids, as in the endocommensal buetschliids and balantidiids. Instead, three to six anterior kinetids in each ciliary row have nematodesmal bundles extending into the cytoplasm and surrounding the cytopharynx. These kinetids lack cilia and all fibrillar associates except enlarged transverse ribbons, which extend anteriorly and inwards to support the cytopharynx. Other similarities between the buetschliids and Enchelydium are the conspicuous rough endoplasmic reticulum and abundant sausage-like vesicles in the oral region. As in other haptorids, Enchelydium has two types of toxicysts and one type of mucocyst. These observations strongly suggest that Enchelydium belongs to the ancestral stock of both the Haptorida and the Archistomatida. The similarities in the somatic and oral infraciliature and ultrastructure of the Haptorida and the Archistomatida suggest that they belong to the same subclass, Haptoria Corliss, 1974.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of kinetophragminophoran ciliate, collected from dried vegetation and capable of forming an aerial sorocarp, is described and named Sorogena stoianovitchae gen. n., sp. n. This ciliate is a voracious predator that feeds on species of Colpoda , and, when the latter is depleted in numbers, aggregates to forms sorogens. Each sorogen rises into the air from the surface of the water, forming a secreted stalk with a sorus of cysts at its apex. the feeding stage of the ciliate resembles an Enchelys in that it has an apical, slit-like mouth surrounded by a lip, a somewhat dorso-ventrally flattened body, and meridional kineties. Its length ranges from 40–75 μm and width from 23–55 μm. It has a typical rhabdos type of cytopharynx, but no specialized oral ciliature. the somatic kineties are formed of rows of paired kinetosomes with associated microfibrils, the arrangement of which differs a little from that of other ciliates of this subclass. Sorogena has tentatively been placed in the order Haptorida although it lacks toxicysts, recognizable mucocysts, and clavate cilia. Its unique life cycle and some of the details of its fine structure indicate differences between Sorogena and other haptorids so profound that a new family, SOROGENIDAE, is created for it. the type species (PNG76-73) was collected on dry figs at the Wau Ecology Institute, Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

We have characterized the cells that form the human oral epithelia by analyzing their patterns of keratin expression in culture and in transplants. Keratinocytes of all oral regions synthesized high levels of keratins K5/K14 and K6/K16,K17, as expressed by cells of all stratified squamous epithelia in culture. However, cells from different regions varied in their expression in culture of retinoid-inducible (K19 and K13) and simple epithelial (K7, K8 and K18) keratins. By these criteria, all oral cells could be classified as belonging to one of three intrinsically distinct subtypes: "keratinizing" (gingiva, hard palate), "typical nonkeratinizing" (inner cheek, floor of mouth, ventral tongue) and "special non-keratinizing" (soft palate), all of which differed from the epidermal keratinocyte subtype. Cells from fetal floor of mouth expressed a pattern of keratins in culture markedly different from that of adult floor of mouth cells but identical to that of the adult "special nonkeratinizing" subtype and similar to that of several oral squamous cell carcinoma lines. When cultures of oral keratinocytes were grafted to the dermis of nude mice, they formed stratified epithelial structures after 10 days. In some areas of the stratified structures, the basal layer recapitulated the K19 expression pattern of the oral region from which they had originated. Thus, regional differentiation of the oral epithelium is based on an intrinsic specialization of regional keratinocyte stem cells. Additionally, oral cell transformation either frequently involves reversion to the fetal keratin program or else oral cells that express this keratin program are especially susceptible to transformation.  相似文献   

Summary A carnivorous ciliate,Didinium nasutum, captures a prey,Paramecium spp., by discharging extrusomes (i.e., toxicysts) from the proboscis. To directly examine the role of Ca2+ for the discharge, we injected Ca2+ intoD. nasutum. Injection of Ca2+ evoked discharge of toxicysts, if the site of the injection was the periphery region of the proboscis. After the discharge,D. nasutum, opened the proboscis and swallowed the discharged toxicysts. These observations demonstrate that a rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ level is an actual cause of toxicyst discharge inD. nasutum.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate  相似文献   

Chaenea teres has typical haptorid ultrastructure. The somatic monokinetid has two transverse microtubular ribbons, an overlapping postciliary microtubular ribbon, and a laterally directed kinetodesmal fiber. The evered cytopharynx forms a dome at the apical end of the cell. The base of the dome is surrounded by oral dikinetids. The left, anterior kinetosome of the oral pair is not ciliated and has a transverse microtubular ribbon, a nematodesmata and a single postciliary microtubule. The right, posterior kinetosome is ciliated and has only postciliary microtubules. The kinetosomes at the anterior ends of the somatic kinetics are close together and their transverse microtubules and nematodesmata contribute to the support of the cytopharynx. The transverse microtubules of these oralized somatic kinetosomes, together with those from the oral dikinetids, line the cytopharynx. Accessory or bulge microtubules arise perpendicular to the transverse microtubules. A dorsal brush of three kineties of clavate cilia is found on the cell surface just posterior to the oral region. Mucocysts and a single type of toxicyst are present. The toxicysts are confined to the oral region. There are multiple ovoid macronuclei that stain weakly. Micronuclei were not observed. Cladistic analysis indicates the Chaenea may be most closely related to Fuscheria and Acropisthium. The cladistic analysis also suggests that existing taxonomies of the subclass Haptoria need to be revised. We propose some modifications to Foissner & Foissner's classification that include transferring Helicoprorodon, Actinobolina, the buetschiliids, and the balantidiids to the order Haptorida and recognizing the close relationship between pleurostomes and spathidiids.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis of the cauliflower mosaic virus genome   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
S Daubert  R J Shepherd  R C Gardner 《Gene》1983,25(2-3):201-208
A series of small insertions has been introduced into the various translational reading frames of the DNA of a "severe" strain of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV). A selectable gene (the kanamycin phosphotransferase gene of Tn903), flanked by a series of symmetrically arranged cloning sites taken from M13mp7, was used to prepare the site-specific mutants. In-phase insertions of 12 or 30 bp, which introduced unique SalI sites into reading regions I, III, IV, V and into the amino-proximal portion of region VI, destroyed infectivity. Insertions in the amino-distal portion of region VI, in the large intergenic region, and in region II retained infectivity. The amino-distal insertions in region VI reduced the severity of symptoms in plants. The insertion in region II destroyed aphid transmissibility. Longer DNA segments when inserted into region II or into the amino-distal portion of region VI destroyed infectivity, but similar insertions in the intergenic region were without effect on virus infection or development.  相似文献   

Coleps hirtus is a small common freshwater ciliate belonging to the protostomatid group, its body covered by calcified plates assembled to form an armor. Coleps feeds on bacteria, algae, flagellates, living and dead ciliates, animal and plant tissues. To assist its carnivorous feeding the ciliate is equipped with offensive extrusomes (toxicysts), clustering mainly in and around its oral aperture. In this study, we isolated the discharge of the toxicysts from living cells, evaluating its cytotoxic effects against various ciliate species, and demonstrating that it is essential for the effectiveness of Coleps’ predatory behavior. The analysis of the toxicyst discharge performed by liquid chromatography‐electrospray‐mass spectrometry and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry, revealed the presence of a mixture of 19 saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated free fatty acids with the addition of a minor amount of a diterpenoid (phytanic acid).  相似文献   

为解决荚蒾属植物分类学问题并探究叶片解剖结构在分类学中的价值,该研究利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对21种中国荚蒾属植物的叶表皮细胞、气孔大小、气孔器类型和角质层纹饰等叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察和比较,为荚蒾属种间分类关系提供证据。结果显示,叶表皮细胞有无规则形和多边形2种,垂周壁式样有平直、浅波状、波状与深波状4种式样,其中下表皮细胞形状均为不规则形,且垂周壁式样较上表皮更稳定。气孔均分布在下表皮,形状为近圆形、椭圆形2种;气孔器类型包括不等型、平列型和无规则型3种;气孔器外拱盖内缘有近平滑、浅波状、波状3种;气孔器外围角质层纹饰有脊状隆起、条状隆起2种。研究表明,荚蒾属植物叶表皮细胞和气孔器特征在种间差异明显,可作为种间鉴定及分类的重要依据,具有重要的分类学意义。  相似文献   

The structure of the oral apparatus in the carnivorous macrostomal form of Tetrahymena vorax has been investigated using serial thin sections and preparations of isolated oral apparatuses. The cilia of the oral apparatus are organized into an undulating membrane that borders the right and part of the posterior margin of the buccal cavity and three membranelles that project from plateaus on the anterior surface. Each membranelle consists of one short row and two longer rows of hexagonally packed kinetosomes. The organization of the microtubules of the oral ribs is identical to that in the T. vorax microstomal cell type. However, the first oral rib originates near the first kinetosome at the anterior end of the undulating membrane. The fine filamentous reticulum that underlies part of the oral ribs in the macrostomal cell type is not striated, unlike the reticulum in the microstomal form. A band of filaments similar to the fine filamentous reticulum extends around the anterior margin of the large cytostomal opening that occupies most of the posterior part of the oral cavity. The single row of microtubules along the left side of the oral cavity and cytostome also has filaments associated with it. A major difference between the microstomal and macrostomal forms in the structure of the oral apparatus is in the oral connectives. The macrostomal cell type contains only a single cross-connective that joins the three membranelles and the anterior portion of the undulating membrane. The posterior or peripheral connective between the posterior ends of membranelles one and two and the posterior end of the undulating membrane is absent.  相似文献   

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