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The assay for transaminase B (EC activity, developed by D. E. Duggan and J. A. Wechsler (1973, Anal. Biochem.51, 67–79) has been modified to allow for the measurement of activity in Escherichia coli cells made permeable by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CETAB). A concentration of 10 mg% CETAB was found to be most effective in treating the cells without having a significant effect on transaminase B activity. Extraction of the dinitrophenylhydrazone of 2-oxoisovalerate by toluene was not affected by the CETAB treatment. We further report that the Na2CO3 extraction step is not required to measure color formed by the dinitrophenylhydrazone of 2-oxoisovalerate. This CETAB-treated cell assay is accurate to study transaminase B activity through most of the logarithmic phase of growth of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   



Many sequenced bacterial genomes harbor phage-like elements or cryptic prophages. These elements have been implicated in pathogenesis, serotype conversion and phage immunity. The e14 element is a defective lambdoid prophage element present at 25 min in the E. coli K-12 genome. This prophage encodes important functional genes such as lit (T4 exclusion), mcrA (modified cytosine restriction activity) and pin (recombinase).  相似文献   

Summary Acid phosphatase isoenzymes of Chlamydomonas reinhardii were investigated by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel systems. In this paper we describe in detail an original method for isoelectric focusing of acid phosphatases extracted from wildtype and acid phosphatase-lacking mutant algae, obtained from Laboratoire de Génetique of University of Liège. Three isoenzymes can be separated from the buffer-soluble components of these cells. An additional isoenzyme type can be visualized using the nonionic detergent NP40 as solubilizer. We conclude that these four isoenzymes are releated to the structural gene of the soluble constitutive acid phosphatase, which was shown by their appearance in P 2 and their total absence in mutant P a. The pl values of soluble constitutive acid phosphatase isoenzymes range between pH 5.2 and 6.2. As a result of treatment with NP40 the extracts from both wild-type and mutant lines contain two additional active phosphatase forms which can be characterized by their high heat resistance and low pI values. These enzymes are fully active using either -naphthyl phosphate or different acetate esters as substrates.  相似文献   

Summary It has been found that strains carrying mutations in the dnaA gene are unusually sensitive to COU, NAL or NOV, which are known to inhibit DNA gyrase activities. The delay in the initiation of chromosome replication after COU treatment has been observed in cells with chromosomes synchronized by amino acid starvation or by temperature shift-up (dnaA46). The unusual sensitivity of growth to COU of the initiation mutant runs parallel to a higher sensitivity to the drug of the initiation of chromosome replication.The double mutant, dnaA46 cou-110 has been isolated and mutation cou-110 conferring resistance of growth, initiation and elongation of chromosome replication to COU was mapped in the gene coding for the subunit of DNA gyrase. The reduced frequency of appearance of the mutants resistant to COU, NAL or NOV in the initiation mutant suggests that some mutations in genes coding for DNA gyrase subunits cannot coexist with the dnaA46 mutation. The possible mechanisms of the requirement of DNA gyrase for dnaA-dependent initiation of E. coli chromosome are discussed.Abbreviations used COU coumermycin A1 - NAL nalidixic acid - NOV novobiocin  相似文献   

Summary The results of short interrupted matings between an Hfr donor and a recipient strain carrying a temperature-sensitive replication mutant (frp ) of Flac demonstrate that the Hfr strain transfers this frp gene of F early in conjugation. This frp gene was also shown to function in the maintenance of mutant F plasmids which appear to be generated from the DNA transferred early in conjugation by Hfr donors. In the course of these experiments, it was further demonstrated that certain Hfr strains which had been described as transferring the tra genes early in fact transfer that region of F late in conjugation.  相似文献   

Summary The recombination proficiency of three recipient strains of Escherichia coli K 12 carrying different plasmids was investigated by conjugal mating with Hfr Cavalli. Some plasmids (e.g. R1drd 19, R6K) caused a marked reduction in the yield of recombinants formed in crosses with Hfr but did not reduce the ability of host strains to accept plasmid F104. The effect of plasmids on recombination was host-dependent. In Hfr crosses with AB1157 (R1-19) used as a recipient the linkage between selected and unselected proximal markers of the donor was sharply decreased. Plasmid R1-19 also decreased the yield of recombinants formed by recF, recL, and recB recC sbcA mutants, showed no effect on the recombination proficiency of recB recC sbcB mutant, and increased the recombination proficiency of recB, recB recC sbcB recF, and recB recC sbcB recL mutants. An ATP-dependent exonuclease activity was found in all tested recB recC mutants carrying plasmid R1-19, while this plasmid did not affect the activity of exonuclease I in strain AB1157 and its rec derivatives. The same plasmid was also found to protect different rec derivatives of the strain AB1157 against the lethal action of UV light. We suppose that a new ATP-dependent exonuclease determined by R1-19 plays a role in both repair and recombination of the host through the substitution of or competition with the exoV coded for by the genes recB and recC.  相似文献   

Summary We have recently shown (Kaiser and Murray 1979) that many E. coli K12 strains carry a defective prophage (Rac) located a few minutes clockwise of the trp operon on the genetic map. The Rac genome contains recE, the determinant for the ATP-independent exonuclease, ExoVIII. E. coli K12 strains which carry sbcA mutations express recE constitutively. This paper describes an investigation of several such strains. We show that the SbcA phenotype may arise from more than one type of mutational change. The most readily explained SbcA phenotype is that of sbcA8 strains in which a large section of the Rac genome (including one hybrid attachment site and probably the prophage repressor gene) is deleted. Three sbcA - strains carry multiple (and probably tandemly repeated) copies of the Rac genome while two others carry a single Rac prophage that is indistinguishable in its hybridisation behaviour from that carried by sbcA + strains.  相似文献   

A method of λ-mediated gene replacement was used to disrupt tufA or tufB on the chromosome of the E. coli K-12 strain MG1655. Both tuf genes, which are almost identical but map in different chromosomal contexts, encode the essential peptide chain elongation factor EF-Tu, one of the most abundant cytoplasmic proteins. Southern analysis confirmed replacement of the chromosomal tufA or tufB gene by a chloramphenicol resistance marker, demonstrating that both tuf genes are individually dispensable for growth. Under conditions of rapid growth, deletion of tufB had no significant effect on growth rate, but deletion of tufA resulted in a 35% increase in generation time. In minimal medium we observed no negative effects of tufA deletion on growth rate. Strains with a single tuf gene are useful for the expression of mutant forms of EF-Tu as the sole species in cells; this was demonstrated by introducing the hybrid tufAhis gene, encoding EF-TuA extended with a C-terminal (His)6 tag, into the chromosome of a strain lacking tufB. Received: 15 July 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

Genes responsible for maltose utilization from Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC7953 were cloned in the plasmid vector pBR325 and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli. The 4.2 kb Bacillus DNA insert in clone pAM1750 suppressed the growth defects on maltose caused by mutations in E. coli maltose transport genes (malE, malK or complete malB deletion) but not mutations in genes affecting intracellular maltose metabolism (malA region). Transport studies in E. coli and B. stearothermophilus suggested that pAM1750 codes for a high affinity transport system, probably one of two maltose uptake systems found in B. stearothermophilus ATCC7953. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a 3.6 kb fragment of pAM 1750 revealed three open reading frames (ORFs). One of the ORFs, malA, encoded a putative hydrophobic protein with 12 potential transmembrane segments. MalA showed amino acid sequence similarity to proteins in the superfamily containing LacY lactose permease and also some similarity to MaIG protein, a member of a binding protein-dependent transport system in E. coli. The products of two other ORFs were not hydrophobic, did not show similarity to other known sequences and were found not to be essential for maltose utilization in transport-defective E. coli mutants. Hence MalA protein was the only protein necessary for maltose transport, but despite giving a detectable but low level of transport function in E. coli, the protein was very poorly expressed and could not be identified.  相似文献   

Summary The mutation BT43 in the gene dnaB leads to the inhibition of vegetative and conjugational DNA synthesis at 42°. The consequences in case of conjugation are very unusual. The fragment of donor DNA tramsmitted to the recipient cell remains single-stranded and is integrated as such into the recipient chromosome similar to the main events during transformation. We call this process single-stranded (SS) conjugation.The evidence for this statement comes from the measurement of the time of expression of the gene tsx, containing the genetic information for the receptor of phage T6. The gene tsx is introduced into a dnaBT43 recipient cell alternatively by two different donors Hfr H and Hfr C, which are characterized by opposite directions of transfer. Therefore both donors introduce into the recipient cell alternatively the informational or noninformational DNA strand. If conjugation is performed at a nonpermissive temperature, the transferred DNA piece remains single-stranded and is integrated as such into the recipient chromosome. If it is the informational strand (case of Hfr H), it is transcribed very fast and yields the protein in question in about 20 min. If the noninformational strand is integrated (Hfr C) about 40 min additional time is required to effect cell division.SS-conjugation is very sensitive to the action of exonucleases Exo I and Exo V and is much enhanced in the absence of both nucleases in the recipient.The exogenous DNA pieces are integrated as short insertions, this leads to the disjoining of linked markers and to a very short scale of the genetic map. Because the donor DNA undergoes recombination in the single-stranded state heteroduplex regions originate which are subsequently corrected by the enzymes of the recipient cell. The situation leads to a very special but predictable heterogeneity of the progeny of transconjugants.The fact of the existence of this special process, SS-conjugation, drastically different from common conjugation in many respects, suggests that common conjugation leads to the integration of double-stranded DNA pieces into the recipient chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary A mutation in an allele identified as ilvJ662 causes the expression of acetohydroxy acid synthase activity that is resistant to feedback inhibition by L-valine. The ilvJ662 allele was transduced as an unselected marker into a strain, CU1126 (ilvB, ilvHI), deficient in acetohydroxy acid synthase activity. The ilvJ662 allele appears to code for a new acetohydroxy acid synthase activity (acetohydroxy acid synthase IV), with physical, kinetic, and physiological properties distinct from the other three isozymes.The catalytic function of acetohydroxy acid synthase IV is highly stable at 37° C in the presence or absence of ethylene glycol. However, sensitivity to feedback inhibition by valine is rapidly lost at 37° C, but this property is somewhat stabilized by ethylene glycol. The rate of synthesis of acetohydroxy acid synthase IV is uniquely repressed by either leucine or isoleucine. These results suggest that the ilvJ + allele is cryptic for acetohydroxy acid synthase IV, an isozyme distinct from the other acetohydroxy acid synthases.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli protease Prc (Tsp) exhibits specificity in vitro for proteins with nonpolar carboxyl termini. To determine whether Prc is responsible for the selective degradation in vivo of proteins with nonpolar carboxyl termini, we constructed a prc (tsp) deletion strain. Deletion of the prc gene did not prevent the rapid intracellular degradation of a variant of the amino-terminal domain of repressor with a nonpolar carboxyl terminus, even though this protein is a substrate for Prc in vitro. Our results indicate that at least one additional carboxy-terminal-specific proteolytic system must exist in E. coli.  相似文献   

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