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Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in the rat myometrial mitochondria was investigated in complex experiment using Ca2+ isotope (45Ca2+) and Ca(2+)-sensitive label tetracycline. Monotonous increase of the fluorescence signal, insensitive to thapsigargin (100 nM) was observed with following establishing the stationary state of incubation at 2 min. which correlates with results obtained using isotope technique. Experiments with isotope label signify, that protonophore CCCP, ruthenium red and sodium azide, in concentration 1 microM, 10 microM and 10 mM respectively, totally inhibits the accumulation of the Ca ions in mitochondria. At the same time, in conditions of Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation modeling in these cellular structures, CCCP and sodium azide, used in the same concentration, diminished tetracycline fluorescence signal increase. In the same conditions, the introduction of the CCCP (1 mM) into the incubation medium at 75 sec. after initiation of the transport process induced reversible quenching of the tetracycline fluorescence signal to the level, observed in case of initial CCCP presence in the medium. According to data obtained in the experiment, using Ca2+ isotope, Ca(2+)-ionophore A-23187 induces both the reversible release of previously accumulated Ca ions, and cause reversible quenching of the tetracycline fluorescence signal to the level, observed in case of initial CCCP (1 mM) and sodium azide (10 mM) presence in the incubation medium. Conclusion was drawn that the thapsigargin-insensitive and CCCP, sodium azide and A-23187-sensitive tetracycline fluorescence increasing in case of modeling of Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in myometrial mitochondria reflect the Ca2+ uniporter functioning in those subcellular structures.  相似文献   

In experiments carried out with the use of the radioactive label (45Ca2+) on suspension of the rat uterus myocytes processed by digitonin solution (0.1 mg/ml), influence of spermine and cyclosporin A on Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in mitochondria at different Mg2+ concentration were investigated. Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria was tested as such which was not sensitive to thapsigargin (100 nM) and was blocked by ruthenium red (10 microM). It has been shown, that spermine (1 mM) stimulates Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria irrespective of Mg2+ concentration (3 or 7 mM) in the incubation medium. At the same time cyclosporin A (5 microM) effects on Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria depend on Mg2+ concentration in the incubation medium: at 3 mM Mg2+ the stimulating effect was observed, and at 7 mM Mg2+ - the inhibitory one. In conditions which led to the increase of nonspecific mitochondrial permeability and, accordingly, to dissipation of electrochemical potential (it was reached by 5 min. preincubation of myocytes suspension in the medium that contained 10 microM Ca2+, 2 mM phosphate and 3 or 7 mM Mg2+, but not ATP) significant inhibition of Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria was observed. The inhibition to the greater degree was observed when medium ATP and Mg2+ were absent simultaneously in the preincubation. Thus the quality of spermine effects on Ca2+ accumulation was kept: stimulation in the presence both of 3 mM and 7 mM Mg2+. Ca2+ accumulation did not reach the control level when 3 mM Mg2+ and 1 mM spermine was present and ATP absent in the preincubation medium. However, in the presence of 7 mM Mg2+ and 1 mM spermine practically full restoration (up to a control level) of Ca2+ accumulation was observed. At the same time with other things being equal such restoration was not observed at simultaneous absence of ATP and Mg2+ in the preincubation medium. The quality of cyclosporin A effects on Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria was also kept: stimulation - in the presence of 3 mM Mg2+, inhibition - in the presence of 7 mM Mg2+ in the preincubation medium. And, at last, in the presence of cyclosporin A irrespective of the fact which preincubation medium was used, Ca2+ accumulation level practically did not depend on Mg2+ concentration.  相似文献   

The effect of the membrane potential (K(+)-valinomycin system) on the Mg2+, ATP-dependent transport of Ca2+ in inside-out vesicles of myometrium sarcolemma has been studied. The membrane potential was identified by using a cyanine potential-sensitive probe, diS-C3-(5). In the presence of valinomycin (5.10(-8) M) the inside-out directed K+ gradient (delta psi = -86 mV, with a negative charge inside) stimulated the initial rate of the energy-dependent accumulation of Ca2+ transfer whereas the oppositely directed K+ gradient (delta psi = +72 mV, with a positive charge inside) had no effect on this process. The K+ gradient was formed by isotonic substitution of K+ in intra- or extravesicular space for choline +. At the same time, in the absence of K+ gradient the Mg2+, ATP-dependent accumulation of Ca2+ in membrane vesicles did not depend on the chemical nature of the cations (K+ or choline+) used for isotonicity. The decrease of delta psi from 0 to -86 mV affects the initial rate of Ca2+ accumulation but not the maximal content of the accumulated cation. Preliminary dissipation of the membrane potential (delta psi = -86 mV) in Mg2(+)-free isotonic (with respect of K+ and choline+) media containing ATP and Ca2+ resulted in the inhibition of Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport induced by subsequent addition of Mg2+. These results indicate that the negative (intravesicular) electrical potential activates the Ca-pump of smooth muscle sarcolemma. This activation is based on the increase in the turnover number of the Ca2+ transporting system but not on its affinity for the transfer substrate. The use of the absolute reaction rates theory made it possible to establish that the Ca-pump effectuates the transport of a single positive charge in inside-out vesicles of smooth muscle plasma membranes, i.e., the energy-dependent transport of Ca2+ occurs either as a symport (with an anion (Cl-) or an antiport with a monovalent cation (K+) or a proton. It is assumed that the potential dependence of the Ca-pump in the smooth muscle plasma membrane plays a role in the realization of effects of mediators and physiologically active substances that are manifested as stimulation of the contractile response and depolarization of the sarcolemma. In is quite probable that the delta psi-dependent Ca-pump is also responsible for the maintenance of intracellular homeostasis of monovalent cations (K+, H+, Cl-) in smooth muscle tissues.  相似文献   

The effect of spermine (50-400 microM) on the Ca-transporting system of brain mitochondria was studied. In a medium containing Mg2+ and ATP, spermine facilitates the accumulation of Ca2+ by decreasing Km of the uniporter. Spermine inhibits Na-stimulated Ca2+ efflux; this effect is dependent on the ionic strength of the medium--it is decreased when KCl concentration is increased from 20 to 120 mM. Spermine (200 microM) decreases (by 50%) the steady state concentration of Ca2+ maintained by mitochondria. The importance of spermine as a regulator of Ca2+-transport in brain mitochondria is discussed.  相似文献   

In experiments, which were carried out with the use of a radioactive label (45Ca2+) on the suspension of rat uterus myocytes treated by digitonin solution (0.1 mg/ml), influence of Mg ions and spermine on Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum was investigated. Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria (1324 +/- 174 pmol Ca2+/10(6) cells for 1 min - the control) was tested as such which was not sensitive to thapsigargin (100 nM) and was blocked by ruthenium red (10 microM). Oxalate-stimulated Ca2+ accumulation in sarcoplasmic reticulum (136 +/- 17 pmol Ca2+/10(6) cells for 1 min - the control) was tested as such which was not sensitive to ruthenium red and was blocked by thapsigargin. It has been shown, that initial speed and level of energy-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria considerably exceeded the values of these parameters for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-accumulation system. Ca2+ accumulation kinetic in mitochondria was characterized by a steady-state phase (for 5-10 min. of incubation) while accumulation kinetic of this cation in sarcoplasmic reticulum corresponded to zero order reaction. Increase of Mg2+ concentration up to 5 mM led to activation of Ca2+-accumulation systems in mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum (values of activation constants K(Mg) for Mg2+ were 2.8 and 0.6 mM, accordingly). Concentration dependence of spermine action on Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria was described by a dome-shaped curve with a maximum at 1 mM spermine. In case of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump only the inhibition phase was tested at spermine concentration above 1 mM. However values of inhibition constants for both transporting systems were practically identical--5.2 +/- 0.6 and 5.7 +/- 0.7 mM, accordingly. Hence, Mg ions carry out the important role in regulation of energy-dependent Ca2+ transporting systems both in uterus smooth muscle mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Spermine acts first of all on mitochondrial calcium uniporter.  相似文献   

The influence of caffeine on the Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca(2+)-uptake was investigated in the experiments, conducted on mitochondria isolated from myometrium of nonpregnant estrogenized rats. NaN3-sensitive CTC fluorescence increasing (lambda f = = 520 nm) was used as a test for active Ca2+ transport. Kinetics of NaN3-sensitive Mg2+, ATP-dependent component of CTC fluorescence change fits to the pattern of the first-order reaction either in the absence or in the presence of caffeine (20 mM). Caffeine (0-20 mM) inhibited both the stationary level (settled on the 2-3d min. of incubation) and the initial rate V0, and rate constant k of CTC fluorescence change. Magnitude of the apparent inhibition constant I0.5 for caffeine is 10.41 +/- 1.81 mM, inhibition process has weak positive cooperativity--the value of apparent Hill coefficient for caffeine is equal to 1.2 +/- 0.3. Data obtained suggest that caffeine inhibits both stationary Ca2+ capacity of mitochondria and the rate of NaN3-sensitive Mg2+, ATP-dependent Ca(2+)-accumulation in case of myometrium. These data could be useful for further investigation of molecular and membrane mechanisms of caffeine action on the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis in uterus smooth muscle and its contractive activity.  相似文献   

Plots relating the initial rate of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport to the Ca2+ concentration (kinetic plots) have a hyperbolic shape in a Ca2+ concentration range of 2.5–100 µM as measured in sucrose or KCl media. In the presence of Mg2+ or a polyamine spermine, which both are competitive inhibitors of Ca2+ binding to low affinity sites at the membrane surface, the shape of the plots becomes sigmoidal. At higher concentrations of these agents linear kinetic plots are obtained as measured in a sucrose medium. In a KCl medium the sigmoidality of the kinetic plots is enhanced by an increase in the Mg2+ or spermine concentration. It is suggested that Mg2+ and spermine affect the kinetics of Ca2+ transport by interfering with Ca2+ binding to low affinity sites of the membrane surface and that the binding of Ca2+ to these sites is the first step of the mitochondrial Ca2+ transport.  相似文献   

Eosin Y was studied with the aim to elucidate the mechanism of its inhibitory effect on the activity of Ca(2+)-transporting ATPase of myometrium cell plasma membrane. The inhibitor was studied for its effect on the maximal rate of the ATP-hydrolase reaction catalyzed by Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase, on the enzyme affinity for the substrate and a possibility of enzyme activity protection under the inhibitor effect by the main reagents of ATP-hydrolase reaction. It was established that eosin Y decreased the turnover rate of this enzyme and his affinity for ATP. Preincubation of ATPase with ATP (or ATP plus MgCl2) had no effect on the extent of enzyme inhibition by eosin Y. This result proves that eosin Y and ATP do not compete for the site of binding on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Interactions between spermine and Mg2+ on mitochondrial Ca2+ transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of the polyamine spermine on the regulation of Ca2+ transport by subcellular organelles from rat liver, heart, and brain were investigated using ion-sensitive minielectrodes and a 45Ca2+ tracer method. Spermine stimulated Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria but not by microsomes. In the presence of spermine, isolated mitochondria could maintain a free extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration of 0.3-0.2 microM. Stimulation of the initial rates of Ca2+ uptake and 45Ca2+ cycling of mitochondria by spermine shows that this was accomplished through a decrease of the apparent Km for Ca2+ uptake by the Ca2+ uniporter. The half maximally effective concentration of spermine (50 microM) was in the range of physiological concentrations of this polyamine in the cell. Spermidine was five times less effective. Putrescine was ineffective. The stimulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake by spermine was inhibited by Mg2+ in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the diminished contribution of the mitochondria to the regulation of the free extraorganellar Ca2+ concentration could mostly be compensated for by microsomal Ca2+ uptake. Spermine also reversed ruthenium red-induced Ca2+ efflux from mitochondria. It is concluded that spermine is an activator of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter and Mg2+ an antagonist. By this mechanism, the polyamines can confer to the mitochondria an important role in the regulation of the free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in the cell and of the free Ca2+ concentration in the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

It was shown that organic solvents (dioxane, acetone, ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide) at concentrations of < 10% suppress the activity of transport Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase solubilized from plasmatic membranes of smooth muscle cells and Mg(2+)-ATP-dependent accumulation of Ca2+ ions in inverted membrane vesicles. It was found that one of the reasons for the inhibition of enzymatic and transport activity of Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase by the action of these solvents is an increase in the attractive force between oppositely charged active center of the enzyme and the product (products) of the ATP-hydrolase reaction, which is induced by a decrease in the dielectric permeability of incubation medium.  相似文献   

In the experiments, which were carried out using flow cytometry on isolated uterus mitochondria of nonpregnant rats, conditions for studying Ca2+-induced increase in nonspecific permeability of mitochondial membrane were tested. Fluorescent probe nonyl acridin orange was used to determine the purity of isolated mitochondria. Mitochondrial swelling induced by addition of Ca2+ or alamethicin was detected as a decrease in light side scattering (SS). It was shown that mitochondrial swelling in the presence of 100 microM Ca plus 1 microM A23187 was 86 +/- 4% compared with maximal response after alamethicin treatment. The calcium-induced swelling of mitochondria was inhibited by the addition of 5 microM cyclosporin plus 40 microM ADP. Mitochondrial swelling was inhibited by spermine at a dose of 0.1 micromol/mg or induced at a dose of 10 micromol/mg. It was supposed that the experimental approach proposed in this paper can be useful for mitochondrial pore modulating effectors screening.  相似文献   

When the cholesterol concentration in the sarcolemmal system is raised, the (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase activity acquires an important degree of thermostability; phenomena that is completely lost if the experiment is carried out with cholesterol depleted sarcolemma. In this system, a gradual depletion of sarcolemmal cholesterol, renders the ATPase remarkably sensitive to temperature. At different concentrations of ATP, it is found that cholesterol affects the Vmax of the (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase but not its Km. These results support our earlier suggestion of a direct effect of cholesterol upon the enzyme, and opens a possible mode of action of cholesterol on the enzyme. It is suggested that the inverse relationship between catalysis and thermostability is due to differences in the flexibility of the enzyme directly related to hydrophobicity changes caused by cholesterol.  相似文献   

An acid-stable phosphoprotein was formed in a microsomal membrane fraction isolated from bovine aortic smooth muscle in the presence of Mg2+ + ATP and Ca2+. The microsomes also showed Ca2+ uptake activity. The Ca2+ dependence of phosphoprotein formation and of Ca2+ uptake occurred over the same range of Ca2+ concentration (1-10 microM), and resembled similar findings from rabbit skeletal microsomes. The molecular weight of the phosphorylated protein, estimated by SDS-gel electrophoresis, was approximately 105,000. The phosphoprotein was labile at alkaline pH, and its decomposition was accelerated by hydroxylamine. Half-maximum incorporation of 32P in the presence of 10 microM Ca2+ occurred at 60 nM ATP. The calcium-dependent phosphoprotein formation was not affected by 5 mM NaN3, but was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by ADP with a 50% inhibition occurring at 180 microM. Fifty mM MgCl2 was required for the maximal phosphorylation. The rate of phosphoprotein decomposition after adding 2 mM EGTA was accelerated by varying the Mg2+ concentration from 10 microM to 3 mM. Alkaline pH (9.0) slowed the rate of phosphoprotein decay. Optimal Ca2+-dependent phosphoprotein occurred at 15 degrees C over a broad pH range (6.4 to 9.0). The activation energy of EGTA-induced phosphoprotein decomposition was 25.6 kcal/mol between 0 and 16 degrees C and 14.6 kcal/mol between 16 and 30 degrees C. The phosphoprotein formed by aortic microsomes was thus quite similar to the acid-stable phosphorylated intermediate of the Ca2+-transport ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum from skeletal and cardiac muscle. These data suggest that the Ca2+-dependent phosphoprotein is a reaction intermediate of the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase of the aortic microsomes.  相似文献   

The effects of cyclosporin A and caffeine on the active and passive transport of Ca2+ in mitochondria isolated from adult rat myometrium were studied by fluorescent technique using Ca2+-sensitive probe tetracycline (TC). It was shown that 5 microM cyclosporin increases Ca2+ accumulation by the mitochondria matrix. But it fails to exhibit such effect when 20 mM caffeine was also present in the incubation medium, while the inhibitory action of caffeine on the accumulation of Ca2+ reveals nevertheless in the absence or presence of cyclosporin A. In case of the preliminary incubation of mitochondria with 10 mM caffeine before the initiation of transport process one could also observe the inhibition of kinetic parameters of the active accumulation of Ca2+ by the mitochondria. It was also shown, that caffeine stimulates passive efflux of Ca2+ from the myometrium mitochondria. Thus we conclude, that the stimulating effect of cyclosporin on Ca2+ accumulation by the myometrium mitochondria is sensitive to caffeine, while caffeine has no direct effect on Ca2+-uniporter, but it evidently disturbs the barrier function of the inner mitochondria membrane in such way, that stimulating effect of cyclosporin A cannot develop.  相似文献   

It is shown that Mg2+, Ca2+-ATPase activity of plasma membrane fragments from the rat small intestine myocytes is inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate and dithionitrobenzoate (50 and 90%, respectively). The effect of p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibition is removed by serum albumin promoting a rise in the ATPase activity of the plasma membranes and shifting the temperature maximum point up to 32 degrees C (in the norm the maximum is observed at 36 degrees C). According to the data presented, albumin changes the composition and phase state of the lipid surrounding of the membrane enzymes.  相似文献   

The interaction of mono- and divalent metal ions with the nucleic acid base pairs A:T and G:C has been studied using ab initio self-consistent field Hartree-Fock computations with minimal basis sets. Energy-optimized structures of the two base pairs with a final base-base distance of L = 10.35 A have been determined and were further used in calculations on ternary complexes Mn+ - A:B together with previously computed coordination geometries of the cations at adenine (Ade), thymine (Thy), and guanine (Gua). Besides the binding energy of the various metal ions to the base pairs, changes in the stability of the H bonds between Ade and Thy or Gua and Cyt have been determined. Polarization effects of the metal ion on the ligand turned out to increase the binding between complementary bases. Regardless of the metal species, cation binding to Gua N(3) and Thy O(2) leads to a special increase in H-bond stability, whereas binding to Ade N(3) changes the H-bond stability least. Situated in between are the stabilizing effects caused by Gua and Ade N(7) coordination. A remarkable relation between the stability of the H bond and the distance from metal binding site to H bonds was found. This relationship has been rationalized in terms of partial charges of the atoms participating in H bonding, which can reveal the trend in the electrostatic part of total H bond energy. It can be shown that a short distance between coordination site and acceptor hydrogen increases the H-bond strength substantially, while a long distance shows minor effects as supposed. On the other hand, the opposite effect is observed for the influence of the distance between binding site and donor atom. A comparison of our findings with a new model of transition metal ion facilitated rewinding of denatured DNA proposed by S. Miller, D. VanDerveer, and L. Marzilli is given [(1985) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107, 1048-1055].  相似文献   

The effects of various divalent cations on the Ca2+ uptake by microsomes from bovine aortic smooth muscle were studied. High concentrations (1 mM) of Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, and Ni2+ inhibited neither the Ca2+ uptake by the microsomes nor the formation of the phosphorylated intermediate (E approximately P) of the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase of the microsomes. The cadmium ion, however, inhibited both the Ca2+ uptake and the E approximately P formation by the microsomes. Dixon plot analysis indicated Cd2+ inhibited (Ki = 135 microM) the Ca2+ dependent E approximately P formation in a non-competitive manner. The inhibitory effect of Cd2+ was lessened by cysteine or dithiothreitol. The strontium ion inhibited the Ca2+ uptake competitively, while the E approximately P formation increased on the addition of Sr2+ at low Ca2+ concentrations. At a low Ca2+ concentration (1 microM), Sr2+ was taken up by the aortic microsomes in the presence of 1 mM ATP. It is thus suggested that Sr2+ replaces Ca2+ at the Ca2+ binding site on the ATPase.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptibility is a genetic disorder of skeletal muscle associated with mutations in the ryanodine receptor isoform 1 (RyR1) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In MH-susceptible skeletal fibers, RyR1-mediated Ca(2+) release is highly sensitive to activation by the volatile anesthetic halothane. Indeed, studies with isolated RyR1 channels (using simple Cs(+) solutions) found that halothane selectively affects mutated but not wild-type RyR1 function. However, studies in skeletal fibers indicate that halothane can also activate wild-type RyR1-mediated Ca(2+) release. We hypothesized that endogenous RyR1 agonists (ATP, lumenal Ca(2+)) may increase RyR1 sensitivity to halothane. Consequently, we studied how these agonists affect halothane action on rabbit skeletal RyR1 reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. We found that cytosolic ATP is required for halothane-induced activation of the skeletal RyR1. Unlike RyR1, cardiac RyR2 (much less sensitive to ATP) responded to halothane even in the absence of this agonist. ATP-dependent halothane activation of RyR1 was enhanced by cytosolic Ca(2+) (channel agonist) and counteracted by Mg(2+) (channel inhibitor). Dantrolene, a muscle relaxant used to treat MH episodes, did not affect RyR1 or RyR2 basal activity and did not interfere with halothane-induced activation. Studies with skeletal SR microsomes confirmed that halothane-induced RyR1-mediated SR Ca(2+) release is enhanced by high ATP-low Mg(2+) in the cytosol and by increased SR Ca(2+) load. Thus, physiological or pathological processes that induce changes in cellular levels of these modulators could affect RyR1 sensitivity to halothane in skeletal fibers, including the outcome of halothane-induced contracture tests used to diagnose MH susceptibility.  相似文献   

E Kun 《Biochemistry》1976,15(11):2328-2336
ATP-dependent Mg2+ accumulation in isolated mitochondria occurs predominantly in the matrix and inner membrane compartments. In mitochondria contaminated with lysosomes, the time course and magnitude of ATP-dependent Mg2+ accumulation are influenced by various cytoplasmic substances, besides substrates of the citric acid cycle. Removal of lysosomes by treatment of the mitochondrial preparation with low concentrations of digitonin, which does not damage the mitoplast, eliminates the modifying influence of cytoplasmic components on Mg2+ flux. In lysosome-free mitochondria, the kinetics of Mg2+ flux is dependent only on the concentration of ATP, of Mg2+, and on the availability of site specific reducing substrates of the electron transport system. Oligomycin at concentrations sufficient to inhibit phosphorylation coupled electron transport and ATP synthesis does not modify Mg2+ flux, which is dependent on added ATP. Site specific inhibitors of the electron transport system inhibit the augmenting effect of oxidizable substrates on Mg2+ uptake, even when electron transfer is inhibited by oligomycin. Atractyloside, by inhibiting the action of externally added ATP, diminishes Mg2+ flux. Ruthenium red is a powerful inhibitor of ATP dependent Mg2+ flux. Uncouplers not only inhibit Mg2+ uptake, but induce Mg2+ efflux. From the time course of Mg2+ flux, a first-order rate constant of egress of Mg2+ and other kinetic constants were calculated and a kinetic model was derived which describes the bi-directional movement of Mg 2+ in mitoplasts.  相似文献   

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