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The external morphology, osteology, and distribution of a rare fish species Psychrolutes pustulosus (Scorpaeniformes: Psychrolutidae) is examined based on an extensive material for the first time. P. pustulosus shows an extreme degree of reduction of the skeleton among the Psychrolutidae. The comparative morphological analysis confirms the placement of this species in the genus Psychrolutes rather than in Gilbertidia. The new data show that P. pustulosus is widespread in the Sea of Okhotsk. The occurrence of this species in the Sea of Japan (Tatar Strait, Peter the Great Bay) is recorded for the first time. Reports on the findings of P. pustulosus in the Bering Sea are erroneous.  相似文献   

A bethylid wasp is described as Neoapenesia makiharai n. sp. based on adults obtained from dead wood collected from the Ryukyus, Japan. The male is distinguishable from N. leytensis Terayama, the monotypic species of the genus, on the basis of the following characteristics: presence of short 2Rs vein, rounded propodeum, absence of sculpture on propodeum, widened subgenital plate, and apically rounded aedeagus. The female of Neoapenesia is described for the first time. Its morphological characteristics closely resemble those of Apenesia, but sex association was confirmed by the following facts: partial mitochondrial COI gene sequences (582 bp) of males and females were identical, and mating behavior was often observed. The female is easily distinguishable from females of Apenesia on the basis of the following characteristics: distinctly short antenna (not reaching posterior margin of head) and a disproportionately large head (head width about twice the dorsal pronotal width). Although females were active at night, males were active in the daytime and copulation was observed during this period. Since the female is larger than the male, phoretic copulation may not occur. Dead wood was collected and kept in plastic bags, from which a total of 16 species of coleopteran wood‐borers and two predators were obtained together with N. makiharai n. sp. Many individuals of N. makiharai n. sp. were reared from dead wood severely affected by Cerecium longicorne and it was the most common species obtained from our wood samples. Therefore, the cerambycid species is considered a potential host species.  相似文献   

The cottid genus Radulinopsis Soldatov and Lindberg is recognized as a valid taxon including two species, R. derjavini Soldatov and Lindberg and R. taranetzi sp. nov., both distributed in shallow waters around Hokkaido, Japan, and the Russian Far East. Radulinopsis taranetzi differs from R. derjavini in having an almost naked body, teeth on the prevomer, and higher meristic counts. Radulinopsis derjugini Soldatov is synonymized with R. derjavini. A key to species of Radulinopsis and related genera is given. Based on a cladistic analysis of 18 morphological characters, Radulinopsis is the sister group of the Japanese genus Astrocottus, and the monophyletic eastern North Pacific group comprising Radulinus plus Asemichthys is the sister group of the western North Pacific group of Radulinopsis plus Astrocottus. Triglops, having a wide distribution throughout the North Pacific and North Atlantic, is putatively the sister group of a monophyletic group including these four genera. Bolin's genus Radulinus (including Radulinopsis as a subgenus) and Taranetz's subfamily Radulinae (including only Radulinus and Radulinopsis) are polyphyletic and therefore invalid. Received: September 7, 1999 / Revised: April 28, 2000 / Accepted: August 29, 2000  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and molecular analyses enabled identification of two cytotypes among individuals of the spotted scorpion fish Scorpaena plumieri from Margarita Island, Venezuela. Cytotype 1 was characterized by 48 subtelo‐acrocentric chromosomes and fundamental number (number of chromosome arms; FN) equalled 48, while cytotype 2 was characterized by two metacentric and 46 subtelo‐acrocentric chromosomes and FN was 50. These cytotypes also differed in the location of the ribosomal gene clusters and in the distribution of the constitutive heterochromatin. Moreover, fish from the cytotypes 1 and 2 were found to belong to distinct mitochondrial lineages. The presence of two S. plumieri cytotypes from two lineages separated by high genetic distance suggests that they correspond to sympatric cryptic species.  相似文献   

The partial sequences of 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial genes were analyzed for species identification and phylogenetic relationships among the commercially important Indian sciaenids (Otolithes cuvieri, Otolithes ruber, Johnius dussumieri, Johnius elongatus, Johnieops vogleri, Otolithoides biauritus and Protonibea diacanthus). Sequence analysis of both genes revealed that the seven species fell into three distinct groups, which were genetically distant from each other and exhibited identical phylogenetic resolution. Partial sequences of both the genes provided sufficient phylogenetic information to distinguish the seven sciaenids indicating the usefulness of mtDNA-based approach in species identification.  相似文献   

The O. avara group of Oecetis is formally defined to include 4 described species, O. avara (Banks), O. disjuncta (Banks), O. elata Denning & Sykora, and O. metlacenis Bueno-Soria, and 15 new species. Oecetis marquesi Bueno-Soria, previously considered a member of the O. avara group, is treated as incertae sedis to species group, but is also redescribed and treated in the current work. New species described here (with their respective distributions) include: O. acciptrina (Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador), O. agosta (Mexico), O. angularis (Guatemala to Ecuador), O. apache (SW USA), O. campana (Ecuador), O. constricta (Mexico to Ecuador, Venezuela, and Trinidad), O. houghtoni (North America), O. maritza (Costa Rica), O. mexicana (Mexico to Ecuador), O. patula (Guatemala, Nicaragua), O. protrusa (Mexico to Ecuador), O. sordida (Mexico, USA, Canada), O. tumida (Costa Rica), O. uncata (Costa Rica), and O. verrucula (Mexico to Costa Rica). A key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   

Osteological and myological characters of the genus Perryena are described and the phylogenetic position of the genus is inferred cladistically on the basis of 89 character transformation series, with Perryena representing a branch off a clade comprising the Tetrarogidae, Synanceiidae, Aploactinidae, Congiopodidae, Gnathanacanthidae and Pataecidae, following an initial divergence of the family Apistidae. Perryena is not closely related to Congiopodidae, despite its historical referral to that family. In keeping with the familial rankings given to successive branches of the remaining ingroup, the new family name Perryenidae is proposed for Perryena, here designated as the type genus of the family.  相似文献   

Two types of cecidomyiid leaf galls, cup‐shaped and umbrella‐shaped, occur on Litsea acuminata (Lauraceae) in Taiwan. Based on the concept of gall shapes as “extended phenotypes” of gall inducers, these two types could be induced by different gall midge species. However, galls with intermediate shapes between the two types were recently discovered, which implies that possible genetic exchanges occur between the gall inducers of both types. To clarify the taxonomic status of gall midges responsible for the two types of galls on L. acuminata, we undertook taxonomic, molecular phylogenetic and ecological studies. Our findings show that the two gall types are induced by the same Bruggmanniella species and the species is new to science. We describe the species forming this range of galls as Bruggmanniella litseae sp. n. , and compare their geographical distribution, galling position and morphometry. Based on our results, a possible evolutionary scenario of B. litseae sp. n. is discussed.  相似文献   

The Western Australian camaenid genera Plectorhagada and Strepsitaurus have morphological similarities and mutually exclusive ranges near Cape Range. Sequences of ctyochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes confirmed that the two genera are genetically close sister clades. Targeted sampling showed that Strepsitaurus, which is confined to Cape Range, lies within a hole in the distribution of the more broadly distributed Plectorhagada that occurs on the coastal strip surrounding Cape Range. Species of the two genera meet at the transition between the rocky Cape Range and the sandier coastal areas, providing a rare example of the close replacement of genera. Within each genus, mtDNA sequences confirmed the monophyly and genetic distinctness of species, with few exceptions that show the need for additional work, and with the addition of three new species in the Cape Range area. As is typical of Australian camaenids, distributions of congeneric species are mutually exclusive, but in some cases close proximity is associated with contrasting habitats, such as gorge endemics versus the species on top of Cape Range. In sympatry, Strepsitaurus rugus (Cotton, 1951) and Strepsitaurus williami Solem, 1997 are separated by microhabitat. These local associations with habitat indicate that ecological differences, and not simply allopatric divergence, contribute to the lack of sympatry between closely related Australian camaenids. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Despite the intensive use of the Leptopilina genus and its drosophilid hosts as model systems in the study of host–parasitoid interactions, the diversity and distribution of the species occurring in the Asian region remain elusive. Here we report the phylogeny of Japanese Leptopilina species attacking frugivorous drosophilid flies, based on COI, ITS1 and ITS2 sequences. Consistent with molecular data, hybridization experiments and morphological examination, five species were recorded in Japan: Leptopilina heterotoma, L. victoriae and three new species, two occurring in the Ryukyu archipelago, L. ryukyuensis and L. pacifica, and another species, L. japonica, distributed in Honshu and Hokkaido. Leptopilina japonica is further divided into two subspecies, L. j. japonica occurring in Japan, and L. j. formosana occurring in Taiwan. According to these results, we discuss the evolution, speciation and colonization history of Japanese Leptopilina species.  相似文献   

描述了吴氏角叶蚤Ceratophyllus wui Wang et Liu 的幼虫形态,并与同属三种蚤幼虫作比较,标本采自湖北省西北部神农架海拔2 300 m 短嘴金丝燕四川亚种 Collocalia brevirostris innominata巢窝内。  相似文献   

The pipistrelloid bats (genera Hypsugo, Neoromicia, and Pipistrellus) of Africa have been poorly studied, partly as a result of problems associated with species identification. This paper examines the diversity of pipistrelloid bats from Mount Nimba, a biodiversity hotspot in the Upper Guinean rainforest zone. Traditional morphometrics, the structure of the baculum, and sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene were used to identify taxa. Species richness was exceptionally high and included at least ten taxa identifiable on molecular grounds. Of these, existing names could be assigned to six taxa. A seventh taxon was described as a species new to science, Neoromicia roseveari sp. nov. , and was distinguished on molecular grounds, craniodental morphology, and baculum structure. The remaining taxa may refer to as‐yet undescribed species but we lacked sufficient material to formally describe them here. The high species richness of pipistrelloid bats on Mount Nimba may be associated with the transition zone from lowland rainforest to moist savannah. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The bembrid genusBembras Cuvier is reviewed. Five species,B. japonica Cuvier,B. adenensis Imamura & Knapp and three undescribed species, were assigned to the genus. Type species of the genus,Bembras japonica is redescribed on the basis of 36 specimens including the holotype, and three new species,B. macrolepis, B. longipinnis andB. megacephala, previously misidentified asB. japonicus, are also described on the basis of specimens collected from Australia and Indonesia.Bembras macrolepis differs from its congeners by having large body scales, a long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and a dark blotch on slightly upper portion to middle of margin, 14–15 anal-fin rays, small head and orbit, and caudal fin with a broad vertical dark band near posterior margin.Bembras longipinnis is distinguished from other members of the genus by having a slightly long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, caudal fin with a large dark spot most intense in lower lobe, 1–2 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 13–14 anal-fin rays, slightly elong ated head and small orbit.Bembras megacephala is characterized by the following combination of characters: caudal fin with several irregular narrow vertical dark bands, small orbit, pectoral fin with 19–20 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, head elongate, 2–4 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 15 anal-fin rays and small body scales. A key separating the five species ofBembras is given.  相似文献   

将自测的瓢虫科4亚科16种和从GenBank中检索到相关物种的mtDNA-COI基因编码区序列片断进行同源性比较,计算核苷酸使用频率,并构建分子系统树。在获得的471bp序列中,共有227个变异位点,195个简约信息位点,A T约占66.7%,转换发生比颠换更频繁。分子系统树表明:同种和同属的瓢虫均以较高置信值聚在一起,4个亚科都能恢复为单系;食植瓢虫亚科从系统树的基部最早分出,是瓢虫科最为原始的类群,小毛瓢虫亚科和盔唇瓢虫亚科首先聚为一支,显示二者具有较近的亲缘关系,然后再与瓢虫亚科相聚,食植瓢虫亚科的食植瓢虫属和裂臀瓢虫属均不是单系群。  相似文献   

Identification to the species level using morphology is challenging when usual diagnostic characters are similar amongst related taxa. Within the Neotropical genus Atlantoscia, differences between nominal species are generally small and restricted to a few characters. Despite the power of DNA sequencing to identify and distinguish between species, molecular phylogenies of terrestrial isopods from the Neotropics have not been determined. In this study, two new species of Atlantoscia were described and molecular markers were used to verify both the validity of the current taxonomy and the relationships amongst the species within this genus. All of the recognized Atlantoscia species were strongly supported in the generated phylogenetic trees. The average congeneric distance was 14.7%, with Atlantoscia ituberasensis and Atlantoscia rubromarginata showing the highest genetic divergence. Our results demonstrate the utility of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene together with DNA barcoding to reliably distinguish Atlantoscia species. They also show that DNA barcoding may be helpful in those cases in which classical taxonomy does not provide clear‐cut species resolution. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   


Responses of larvae of two rhizocephalan species to changes in seawater temperature and salinity were studied under laboratory conditions. Peltogasterella gracilis parasitizes the hermit crab Pagurus pectinatus, which occurs at stable salinity and gradually changing temperature in summer. Sacculina polygenea is a parasite of the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus, which lives in the intertidal zone in summer where salinity and temperature can fluctuate during the day. The development of both species is comprised of five naupliar stages and the cyprid stage, and it was considered successful if more than 50% of the nauplii attained the cyprid stage. P. gracilis nauplii successfully developed at 12–20°C and 30–34‰, but at 22°C successful development occurred in a narrower salinity range (32–34‰). All nauplii died both at 25°C and in 26‰. S. polygenea nauplii successfully reached the cyprid stage at higher temperatures (18–25°C) and a wider salinity range (18–34‰) than P. gracilis nauplii, but at 12°C and 16‰ larval development of S. polygenea was suppressed. Under favorable conditions, naupliar development lasted 3.5 days in P. gracilis and 2–3 days in S. polygenea. The cyprids of both rhizocephalan species demonstrated a greater resistance to temperature and salinity changes than nauplii. However, P. gracilis cyprids were active in a narrower salinity range (16–34‰), as compared to S. polygenea cyprids (8–34‰). Under favorable conditions the cyprids of both species survived for 6 to 10 days.  相似文献   

Dragonet fishes (Callionymidae) are benthic inhabitants of shallow waters, even in tidal pools, down to depths below 900 m in all subtropical, tropical and temperate oceans. The family comprises 200 species in 20 genera worldwide, of which 18 species in 6 genera occur in Korea. Classification within the family Callionymidae has been controversial because of the differing proposals of Fricke and Nakabo (Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, 1983). For example, Fricke suggested genus Repomucenus and Bathycallionymus, whose genera contains most callionymid species in Korean waters, as junior synonym of genus Callionymus while Nakabo (Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, 1983) suggested as valid. In such cases, when classifications of adults have taxonomic contention, examination of larval characters may prove informative. Therefore, in this study, the authors conducted comprehensive molecular and morphological analyses on larvae and juveniles of five species in the genus Repomucenus and discussed their taxonomic status within the family Callionymidae. Larval and juvenile callionymids show high morphological similarities during their ontogenetic development. Nonetheless, the following morphological differences were observed in melanophore distribution and preopercular spine development: (a) stellate or punctate melanophores in Bathycallionymus kaianus vs. branched melanophores in genus Repomucenus, (b) melanophores on the abdominal cavity gradually disappearing in B. kaianus vs. gradually becoming prominent in Repomucenus and (c) preopercular spine development giving rise to one perpendicular spine in B. kaianus vs. two or three spines in Repomucenus. Molecular analysis based on 16S ribosomal RNA showed similar results to the morphological analysis. Genera Bathycallionymus and Repomucenus showed significant genetic distance (d = 0.113–0.120); moreover, genus Callionymus, which was suggested as a senior synonym of genus Bathycallionymus and Repomucenus by Fricke (Journal of Natural History, 2014, 48, 2419–2448), also showed considerable difference (d = 0.226–0.246). In the present study, the monophyly of genus Repomucenus seemed well supported by the results of morphological and molecular analyses of larval stage Callionymidae.  相似文献   

The genus Sphingonotus Fieber, 1853 is one of the most species‐rich grasshopper genera in the world. We studied the morphology of c. 1000 individuals from the Iberian Peninsula to review the taxonomy of the genus and its relatives. Moreover, we inferred a molecular phylogeny of the Iberian Sphingonotini based on two mitochondrial genes. The Iberian and north‐west African Sphingonotini comprise two recent radiations, within which the genetic relationships are not fully resolved. A multivariate morphometric analysis showed that S. azurescens (Rambur, 1838) and S. morini (Defaut, 2005) can be clearly discriminated, supporting their species status. Based upon the combined data, the genus Granada Koçak & Kemal, 2008 is synonymized with Sphingonotus Fieber, 1853 and its type species re‐assigned to Sphingonotus imitans Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882 comb. rev . The data also supported species rank for Sphingonotus lusitanicus Ebner, 1941 comb. rev. Oedipoda callosa Fieber, 1853 is considered as nomen dubium. Two novel species are described: Sphingonotus ( Neosphingonotus ) almeriense Llucià‐Pomares sp. nov . and Sphingonotus (Neosphingonotus) nodulosus Llucia‐Pomares sp. nov. from the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The new species are compared with other Iberian Sphingonotini and a key to the species is provided. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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