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The relationship between androgens and paternal behavior is not straightforward, potentially because of the diversity of tasks a male must undertake to maximize reproductive success, notably alternating between courtship, aggression, and offspring care. In some species, these events are separated in time, but in others they are coincident. The endocrine profiles of species that simultaneously court, parent, and defend a nest, such as male bluebanded gobies (Lythrypnus dalli), are not well understood. We sampled a potent fish androgen, 11-ketotestosterone (KT), at different life history stages (experienced parenting males, experienced males not actively parenting, inexperienced males with their first clutch, and females), to examine this relationship. We found that experienced parenting L. dalli males have the highest KT levels of any group, while none of the other groups differed significantly. Males showed elevated KT levels when they had eggs compared to when they did not. Our data suggest that KT facilitates at least some aspects of parental care in L. dalli.  相似文献   

 Several patterns of feeding behaviors have been documented in benthophagous fishes. The foraging behavior of the maiden goby, Pterogobius virgo, was studied at Kurahashi Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Pterogobius virgo foraged mostly on polychaetes by volume from among several available prey items by digging in the sandy bottom. The digging behavior comprised swing of only pectoral fins or of both pectoral fins and body. Pectoral fin swing exposed the cryptic prey within the bottom, and fins and body swing exposed the prey and washed the sediment away. The swings were repeatedly and continuously conducted at a site during the daytime, making a pit several centimeters deep in which the fish was located. After the prey was exposed, the fish immediately and rapidly picked up the prey. Polychaetes were abundant prey in the sediment, occurring in the layer 3–5 cm deep from the bottom surface in the study area. In this goby, spot-fixed fin digging, the first documentation of feeding habits in gobies, may be effective for feeding on the most valuable prey, i.e., polychaetes, which may be otherwise unavailable for this fish. Received: April 24, 2001 / Revised: April 26, 2002 / Accepted: May 7, 2002  相似文献   

The primary structures of the mtDNA control region, the flanking tRNAPro and tRNAPhe genes and the partial 12S rRNA gene of the freshwater Etruscan goby Padogobius nigricans (Teleostei, Gobiidae) were determined. A tandem array of variable 17-bp repeats, named R1–7, was found to be responsible for most of the observed length and sequence variation between individuals.  相似文献   

Although species with both male and female sexual functionsare often dichotomized into simultaneous and sequential hermaphrodites,many simultaneous hermaphrodites also exhibit sequential changesin sex allocation. In a field experiment using one such species,the gobiid fish, Lythrypnus dalli, female-biased individualsreallocated to male function in relation to their relative bodysize: consistent with the sizeadvantage hypothesis, large femaleswere more likely to reallocate and large fish had the highestspawningrates. Individuals, despite internal allocation to bothsexual functions, adopted only one behavioral gender. Behavioralmales had higher reproductive rates than behavioral females,and laboratory experiments showed that females preferred tomate with large males. Behavioral males grew more rapidly anddid notdiffer from behavioral females in survivorship. In addition,individuals who adopted male behavior but did not receive eggsin their nests maintained high levels of female tissue, whereasmales that received eggs did not. Laboratory experiments showedthat, unlike most hermaphroditic animals, L. dalli canchangeallocation either from ‘female’ to ‘male’or from ‘male’ to ‘female’. Thus, L.dalli shares haracteristics of both sequential and simultaneoushermaphrodites. Simultaneous hermaphroditism maybe maintained,in this species, to facilitate rapid sex change from femaleto male and to retain flexibility o that unsuccessful malescan revert to reproduction as females.  相似文献   

The gonadal sexual patterns of three Atlantic/Caribbean Lythrypnus (L. nesiotes, L. phorellus, L. spilus) are described, based on histological examination, and compared with previously described sexual patterns of L. dalli and L. zebra, from the eastern Pacific. Overall, there was striking similarity in the sexual patterns of all the species; each exhibited simultaneous hermaphroditism with a high degree of variability in allocation to male tissue among individuals. Among the five species whose sexual patterns are described, at least three distinct sexual patterns were identified. Lythrypnus dalli has an allocation pattern distinct from the other species, with populations consisting of primarily pure females, strongly female-biased hermaphrodites and pure males. Lythrypnus nesiotes was also found to be distinct from the other species, consisting primarily of pure females and strongly female-biased hermaphrodites and male-biased individuals (mean allocation to male tissue = 75%). In contrast to L. dalli, L. nesiotes had no pure males. Indeed, no other species examined included pure males. L. phorellus, L. spilus and L. zebra had much more intermediate allocation patterns than either L. dalli or L. nesiotes. Most individuals were female biased (<10% male tissue), and there were significant numbers of individuals with intermediate allocation (10–90% male). L. zebra differed somewhat from L. phorellus and L. spilus in that more strongly male-biased individuals were common in the sample (i.e., ranging in allocation from 90 to 98% male); this difference was not statistically compelling. This marked variation in allocation among closely related species suggests Lythrypnus is a useful model system to explore factors affecting allocation. For example, models developed for simultaneous hermaphrodites and appropriate for Lythrypnus predict that pure sexed individuals will be more common at higher density (e.g., because mating success is more certain). The observed interspecific variation supports this prediction – both L. dalli and L. nesiotes occur at high density and have the most extreme allocation patterns, whereas L. phorellus, L. spilus, and L. zebra occur at lower density and have more intermediate allocation patterns.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of gobiid fish, Egglestonichthys Patriciae , is described from the South China Sea. Certain features of the modified head lateral-line system resemble those seen in eleotrine genera with 'transverse' suborbital sensory papillae, but the skeleton of the new goby is essentially gobiine. Aspects of the lateral-line system indicate closest relationship with genera from both the IndoPacific area ( Callogobius complex, Psilogobius, Stonogobiops ) and the New World ( Microgobius ). Wider affinities with other gobiine and gobionelline genera are discussed. Discrepancies between arrangements based predominantly on lateral-line characters and on osteology are noted and their implications considered for future classification of the gobioid fishes.  相似文献   

The racer goby Neogobius gymnotrachelus , along with several other neogobiin fishes, has been spreading north and west from its native Ponto-Caspian range for the past two decades via shipping and canals. It has been predicted as a likely future invader of the North American Great Lakes, where it would join its neogobiin relatives – the round and freshwater tubenose gobies. The present study is the first to analyse the population genetic and biogeographic relationships of the racer goby, establishing a baseline to aid interpretation of its future spread patterns and likely donor-recipient population relationships. The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene was sequenced from representative areas of the racer goby's range, including rivers of the northern Black Sea and areas of spread upstream in the Danube River and outside the Ponto-Caspian region to the Vistula River in Poland. Results discerned nine haplotypes, with few shared among drainages of native rivers and most sites housing unique alleles. Racer goby populations significantly diverged among watersheds, supporting historic low migration and little non-anthropogenic gene flow. The Dnieper River was identified as a likely donor source for the Vistula River colonization, where appreciable variability suggests a relatively large number of founding genotypes.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study of genetic variation at 31 loci in each of nine closely related gobiid species was carried out in order to assess their systematic relationships. The species used were: Pomatoschistus canestrinii, P. lozanoi, P. marmoratus, P. microps, P. minutus, P. norvegkus, P. pictus, Knipowitschia caucasica, Neogobius melanostomus. Genetic distances ( D ) and identities ( I ) were calculated by Nei's method for all 36 pairwise comparisons and dendrograms were constructed.
The results show that the very similar and cross-fertile species pair, P. lozanoi and P. minutus , have the highest I value; P. norvegkus has high I values with both species. Pomatoschistus marmoratus and P. microps also display high genetic similarity with each other. The remaining Pomatoschistus species and Knipowitschia caucasica are broadly and moderately equidistant from each other and from the five species refferred to above, while Neogobius melanostomus is considerably more distant from all other species.
These findings essentially agree with the pattern of relationships established using classical taxonomic approaches. However, the observation that Knipowitschia caucasica is as similar to Pomatoschistus spp. as the latter are to each other suggests that the generic distinction of Knipowitschia could usefully be reconsidered.  相似文献   

This study examined three aspects of protogynous sex change in Lythrypnus dalli (Gobiidae): (1) social influences on the rate of sex change, (2) the sequence of behavioural changes, and (3) neuroendocrine changes. Social groups consisted of either four females, or four females with a male who was subsequently removed. Sex change occurred most rapidly in male- removed groups when the sex changer was larger than other females. Sex changers in female only groups and sex changers not larger than other females in male-removed groups changed sex at similar rates. These differences may be explained by two factors that affect dominance: prior knowledge of the social group and greater size. Sex changers were dominant to other females prior to male removal, and larger sex changers increased displacement rates three-fold immediately after male removal. Sex changers in the other groups did not show this increase in displacements. This early establishment of dominance accounts for the overall difference in the rate of sex change. Prior to spawning, however, all sex changers increased displacements and performed male-typical displays. Arginine vasotocin-immunoreactive forebrain cells of sex changers were similar in size to field-collected males, and larger than field-collected females. Previously nesting males also changed sex in male-only groups, but at slow rates. These data are combined with those of existing studies to generate an integrative model of sex change in this goby. Received: 17 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 May 1999  相似文献   

Two specimens of Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) were collected off Punnakayal coast, from Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India in November 2012. The morphometric and meristic characters of the recorded specimens are described and discussed. This is the first record of the species from the Indian waters that is a range extension of its known range within the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

We investigated the behavioural responses of two gobiid fish species to temperature to determine if differences in behaviour and ventilation rate might explain any apparent vertical zonation. A survey of the shore at Manly, Moreton Bay revealed Favonigobius exquisitus to dominate the lower shore and Pseudogobius sp.4 the upper shore. These species were exposed to a range of temperatures (15–40°C) in aquaria for up to 6 h. At 20 °C F. exquisitus exhibited a mean gill ventilation rate of 26 ± 1.4 bpm (beats per minute) differing significantly from Pseudogobius, which ventilated at a fivefold greater rate of 143 ± 6 bpm. The ventilation rate in F. exquisitus underwent a fivefold increase from normal local water temperature (20 °C) to high temperature (35 °C) conditions, whereas that of Pseudogobius did not even double, suggesting that Pseudogobius sp. is a better thermal regulator than F. exquisitus.While both species emerged from the water at high temperatures (>30 °C) the behaviours they exhibited while immersed at high temperature were quite different. F. exquisitus undertook vertical displacement movements we interpret as an avoidance response, whereas Pseudogobius sp. appeared to use a coping strategy involving movements that might renew the water mass adjacent to its body. The thermal tolerances and behaviours of F. exquisitus and Pseudogobius sp. are in broad agreement with their vertical distribution on the shore.  相似文献   

In four species of gobiid fish caught in Tagus estuary during 1996, the incidence of skeletal deformities ranged from 2 to 5%. Differences between sampling stations or between the two most abundant species Pomatoschistus minutus and Gobius niger were statistically not significant (p > 0.05). The type of deformity depended upon species. P. minutus and P. microps showed bone nodules at the inferior side of the abdominal vertebrae, whilst G. niger and G. paganellus had shortened caudal vertebrae (achondroplasia) and deformed ural plates. The possible role of pollution or other conditions in the Tagus estuary is discussed.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from two partial genomic libraries of Zosterisessor ophiocephalus (Perciformes, Gobiidae), enriched for AC and for multiple motifs. Variability was tested on specimens from the Venice lagoon revealing a high degree of genetic variation. The loci will be useful for monitoring the biodiversity of the species at the genetic level and for parentage assessment purposes.  相似文献   

Aquatic organisms living in a range of photic environments require specific mechanisms to tune their visual pigments. Maximum absorbance (λmax) of retinal rods in populations of the marine demersal sand goby, ( Pomatoschistus minutus ; Gobiidae, Teleostei) correlates with the local optic environment. It has been shown that this is not regulated through a physiological response by exchanging the rhodopsin chromophore. To test for evolutionary adaptation, the sequence of the rhodopsin ( RH1 ) gene was analysed in 165 Pomatoschistus minutus individuals from seven populations across its distribution range. Analysis showed a high level of intraspecific polymorphism at the RH1 gene, including nonsynonymous mutations on amino acids, known as spectral tuning sites. Population differentiation at these sites was in agreement with the observed differentiation in λmax values. Analyses of d N/ d S substitution rate ratios and likelihood ratio tests under site-specific models detected a significant signal of positive Darwinian selection on the RH1 gene. A strong discrepancy in differentiation was noticed between RH1 gene variation and the presumably neutral microsatellites and mitochondrial data. Samples did not cluster according to geographical or historical proximity with regards to RH1 , but according to the general photic conditions of the habitat environment of the sand goby. This study highlights the usefulness of sensory genes, like rhodopsin, for studying the characteristics of local adaptation in marine nonmodel organisms.  相似文献   

The Nes subgroup of the Gobiosomatini (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) is an ecologically diverse clade of fishes endemic to the tropical western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans. It has been suggested that morphological characters in gobies tend to evolve via reduction and loss associated with miniaturization, and this, coupled with the parallel evolution of adaptations to similar microhabitats, may lead to homoplasy and ultimately obscure our ability to discern phylogenetic relationships using morphological characters alone. This may be particularly true for the Nes subgroup of gobies, where several genera that are diagnosed by ‘reductive characters’ have been shown to be polyphyletic. Here we present the most comprehensive phylogeny to date of the Nes subgroup using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. We then evaluate the congruence between the distribution of morphological characters and our molecular tree using maximum‐likelihood ancestral state reconstruction, and test for phylogenetic signal in characters using Pagel's λ tree transformations (Nature, 401 , 1999 and 877). Our results indicate that all of the characters previously used to diagnose genera of the Nes subgroup display some degree of homoplasy with respect to our molecular tree; however, many characters display considerable phylogenetic signal and thus may be useful in diagnosing genera when used in combination with other characters. We present a new classification for the group in which all genera are monophyletic and in most cases diagnosed by combinations of morphological characters. The new classification includes four new genera and nine new species described here, many of which were collected from rarely sampled deep Caribbean reefs using manned submersibles. The group now contains 38 species in the genera Carrigobius gen. nov., Chriolepis, Eleotrica, Gobulus, Gymneleotris, Nes, Paedovaricus gen. nov., Pinnichthys gen. nov., Psilotris, and Varicus. Lastly, we provide a key to all named species of the Nes subgroup along with photographs and illustrations to aid in identification.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the American freshwater goby Ctenogobius shufeldti in a low salinity salt-marsh habitat in the Paranaguá Bay estuarine complex (Brazil) was assessed through the gut analysis of 632 individuals. The effects of a set of abiotic factors (type of sediment, salinity, temperature and estuarine reach), season and body size on dietary composition were analysed. Seasonal and size-related changes in feeding strategy, feeding intensity and trophic level were assessed. The effects of gape and body size on prey size use were also analysed. The results showed that C. shufeldti is a typical omnivorous, generalized benthic predator of low trophic levels throughout the seasons and size classes, feeding on 56 dietary items; tanaids, chlorophyte algae, ostracods, gastropods, detritus and benthic diatoms made up the bulk of its diet. The tanaid Kalliapseudes schubarti was the main prey item in both numerical and volumetric terms. The gut fullness was persistently high across the seasons. As expected for a typical generalized, opportunistic omnivorous feeder: (1) seasonal and spatial-temporal variability of abiotic factors had a significant effect on diet structure, (2) season accounted for most of the dietary variation and (3) diet composition and the size of prey consumed did not vary across the size classes.  相似文献   

Gary D. Grossman 《Oecologia》1980,47(2):233-238
Summary Two age classes (0+ to 3+ and 4+ to 7+) of bay gobies (Lepidogobius lepidus Girard) differed in the sizes of whole prey (except polychaetes) recovered from the digestive tract. Although older fish consumed greater amounts of larger prey they did not capture larger individuals of a given prey type for seven of nine prey classes. The remaining two, harpacticoid copepods and ostracods contribute minimally to ontogenetic differences. The switch to larger prey appears to either decrease exposure to predation through a reduction in foraging time or increase energy intake. This is facilitated through older fishes greater size and/or superiority in intraspecific competition. These differences can probably be viewed as adaptations to selective pressures imposed by fluctuating food resources on predation levels in bays and estuaries.  相似文献   

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