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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of serum, red blood cells (RBC), muscle, and blubber were measured in captive and wild northeast Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) at three coastal California sites (San Francisco Bay, Tomales Bay, and Channel Islands). Trophic discrimination factors (ΔTissue‐Diet) were calculated for captive seals and then applied in wild counterparts in each habitat to estimate trophic position and feeding behavior. Trophic discrimination factors for δ15N of serum (+3.8‰), lipid‐extracted muscle (+1.6‰), and lipid‐blubber (+6.5‰) are proposed to determine trophic position. An offset between RBC and serum of +0.3‰ for δ13C and ?0.6‰ for δ15N was observed, which is consistent with previous research. Specifically, weaner seals (<1 yr) had large offsets, suggesting strong trophic position shifts during this life stage. Isotopic values indicated an average trophic position of 3.6 at both San Francisco Bay and Tomales Bay and 4.2 at Channel Islands. Isotopic means were strongly dependent on age class and also suggested that mean diet composition varies considerably between all locations. Together, these data indicate that isotopic composition of blood fractions can be an effective approach to estimate trophic position and dietary behavior in wild pinnipeds.  相似文献   

We used stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes to examine ontogenetic dietary changes in 289 California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) at San Miguel Island, California during 2004–2007. Tissues analyzed included fur, red blood cells, plasma, and serum. For all tissues, pups had higher δ15N values and lower δ13C values compared to adults, which indicated that pups were feeding higher trophically than older conspecifics and on a lipid‐rich milk diet prior to weaning. Yearling δ15N values were slightly lower than pup or nearly indistinguishable from adult values depending on the tissue analyzed, indicating a dietary shift from maternal dependency to independent foraging. Juveniles (2–4 yr) and adults (>4 yr) had similar δ15N values indicating they fed at a similar trophic level. There did not appear to be a pronounced dietary shift in δ13C values. However, δ13C values integrated with telemetry data indicated that postweaned individuals fed in similar foraging areas. Dietary changes during early life stages may be due to differences in physiology, morphology, experience, or energetic requirements; however, young animals are able to attain the skills needed to consume adult prey types near the end of their second year of life.  相似文献   

Predation is a common cause of early life stage mortality in fishes, with reduced risk as individuals grow and become too large to be consumed by gape-limited predatory fishes. Large-bodied species, such as sturgeon, may reach this size-refuge within the first year. However, there is limited understanding of what this size threshold is despite the value of this information for conservation management. We conducted laboratory-based predation experiments on juvenile green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, to estimate vulnerability to predation during outmigration from their natal reaches in California to the Pacific Ocean. Two highly abundant and non-native predatory fish species (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and striped bass, Morone saxatilis) were captured in the wild to be tested with developing juvenile green sturgeon from the UC Davis Green Sturgeon Broodstock Program. Experimental tanks, each containing five predators, received thirty prey for 24-hr exposures. Between sturgeon prey trials, predators were exposed to alternative prey species to confirm predators were exhibiting normal feeding behaviors. In addition to green sturgeon mortality data, trials were video recorded and predatory behaviors were quantified. Overall, these predator species displayed much lower rates of predation on juvenile green sturgeon than alternate prey. Predation decreased with green sturgeon size, and predation risk diminished to zero once sturgeon reached a length threshold of roughly 20–22 cm total length, or between 38% and 58% of predator total length. Behavioral analyses showed low motivation to feed on green sturgeon, with both predators attempting predation less frequently as sturgeon grew. Results of this study imply that optimizing growth rates for larval and juvenile sturgeon would shorten the time in which they are vulnerable to predation. Future experiments should assess predation risk of juvenile green sturgeon by additional predator species common to the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed.  相似文献   

We compared δ13C and δ15N values of muscle with fin from juvenile Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), to evaluate the feasibility of using nonlethal (fin) as an alternative to lethal (muscle) sampling. Size and lipid effect on the relationship between fin and muscle were also investigated. Dorsal muscle (DM) and fin clip (FC) were collected from A. sinensis with different body length (120–373 mm) in the Yangtze Estuary for isotope analysis. The result showed that (1) muscle isotope values could estimated by the values of fin, from either use the regression model (δ13CDM = 0.939 × FC ? 2.577; δ15NDM = 0.737 × FC + 4.638) or constants factors (δ13CDM = δ13CFC ? 1.27; δ15NDM = δ15NFC + 0.59); (2) no size‐based relationships with δ13C and δ15N from either fin or muscle; (3) lipid extraction significantly improving the fin and muscle regression model fit for both δ13C and δ15N values. Therefore, this study support the use of nonlethal fin tissues for isotope analysis of juvenile A. sinensis, and will allow trophic studies to avoid the effect of lipid accumulation from muscle.  相似文献   

The green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris), which is found in the eastern Pacific Ocean from Baja California to the Bering Sea, tends to be highly migratory, moving long distances among estuaries, spawning rivers, and distant coastal regions. Factors that determine the oceanic distribution of green sturgeon are unclear, but broad-scale physical conditions interacting with migration behavior may play an important role. We estimated the distribution of green sturgeon by modeling species-environment relationships using oceanographic and migration behavior covariates with maximum entropy modeling (MaxEnt) of species geographic distributions. The primary concentration of green sturgeon was estimated from approximately 41–51.5° N latitude in the coastal waters of Washington, Oregon, and Vancouver Island and in the vicinity of San Francisco and Monterey Bays from 36–37° N latitude. Unsuitably cold water temperatures in the far north and energetic efficiencies associated with prevailing water currents may provide the best explanation for the range-wide marine distribution of green sturgeon. Independent trawl records, fisheries observer records, and tagging studies corroborated our findings. However, our model also delineated patchily distributed habitat south of Monterey Bay, though there are few records of green sturgeon from this region. Green sturgeon are likely influenced by countervailing pressures governing their dispersal. They are behaviorally directed to revisit natal freshwater spawning rivers and persistent overwintering grounds in coastal marine habitats, yet they are likely physiologically bounded by abiotic and biotic environmental features. Impacts of human activities on green sturgeon or their habitat in coastal waters, such as bottom-disturbing trawl fisheries, may be minimized through marine spatial planning that makes use of high-quality species distribution information.  相似文献   

The green sturgeon is a long-lived, highly migratory species with populations that are currently listed as threatened. Their anadromous life history requires that they make osmo- and ionoregulatory adjustments in order to maintain a consistent internal milieu as they move between fresh-, brackish-, and seawater. We acclimated juvenile green sturgeon (121 ± 10.0 g) to 0 (freshwater; FW), 15 (estuarine; EST), and 24 g/l (SF Bay water; BAY) at 18°C for 2 weeks and measured the physiological and biochemical responses with respect to osmo- and ionoregulatory mechanisms. Plasma osmolality in EST- and BAY-acclimated sturgeon was elevated relative to FW-acclimated sturgeon (P < 0.01), but there was no difference in muscle water content or abundance of stress proteins. Branchial Na+, K+-ATPase (NKA) activity was also unchanged, but abundance within mitochondrion-rich cells (MRC) was greater in BAY-acclimated sturgeon (P < 0.01). FW-acclimated sturgeon had the greatest NKA abundance when assessed at the level of the entire tissue (P < 0.01), but there were no differences in v-type H+ATPase (VHA) activity or abundance between salinities. The Na+, K+, 2Cl co-transporter (NKCC) was present in FW-acclimated sturgeon gills, but the overall abundance was lower relative to sturgeon in EST or BAY water (P < 0.01) where this enzyme is crucial to hypoosmoregulation. Branchial caspase 3/7 activity was significantly affected by acclimation salinity (P < 0.05) where the overall trend was for activity to increase with salinity as has been commonly observed in teleosts. Sturgeon of this age/size class were able to survive and acclimate following a salinity transfer with minimal signs of osmotic stress. The presence of the NKCC in FW-acclimated sturgeon may indicate the development of SW-readiness at this age/size.  相似文献   

Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) are sentinel species in the Arctic and to investigate marine food web changes from 1982–2011 we examined diet using fatty acids, δ15N, and δ13C, in narwhals from Baffin Bay (BB) and northern Hudson Bay (NHB). We predicted temporal changes would be greater in NHB due to a significant reduction in summer ice cover. In NHB, δ15N significantly increased, δ13C displayed a parabolic trend, and fatty acids gradually shifted, albeit not significantly, over time. δ15N was stable, δ13C decreased, and fatty acids significantly changed over time in BB. Stable isotope mixing models indicated a dietary reduction in capelin and increase in Greenland halibut from 1994–2000 to 2006–2011 in BB, while capelin was an important dietary component for narwhals in NHB in recent years (2006–2011). These dietary changes may be attributed to changes in sea ice and narwhal migration. Seasonal dietary changes, as evidenced by changes in blubber fatty acids and skin and muscle stable isotopes, were not as apparent in the NHB population, which may be indicative of a reduced migratory distance. Long‐term monitoring of narwhal diet and migratory patterns associated with reduced sea ice provides invaluable information about how the marine ecosystem will redistribute with global warming.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that δ13C and δ15N signatures of pectoral spines would provide measures of δ13C and δ15N similar to those obtained from fin clips for adult shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus. Thirty‐two shovelnose sturgeon (fork length [FL] = 500–724 mm) were sampled from the lower Mississippi River, USA on 23 February 2013. Isotopic relationships between the two tissue types were analyzed using mixed model analysis of covariance. Tissue types differed significantly for both δ13C (P < 0.01; spine: mean = ?23.83, SD = 0.62; fin clip: mean = ?25.74, SD = 0.97) and δ15N (P = 0.01; spine: mean = 17.01, SD = 0.51; fin clip: mean = 17.19, SD = 0.62). Neither FL nor the FL × tissue type interaction had significant (P > 0.05) effects on δ13C. Fin clip δ13C values were highly variable and weakly correlated (r = 0.16, P = 0.40) with those from pectoral spines. We found a significant FL‐tissue type interaction for δ15N, reflecting increasing δ15N with FL for spines and decreasing δ15N with FL for fin clips. These results indicate that spines are not a substitute for fin clip tissue for measuring δ13C and δ15N for shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Mississippi River, but the two tissues have different turnover rates they may provide complementary information for assessing trophic position at different time scales.  相似文献   

This study used naturally occurring carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of teeth to study the diets of marine mammals. The isotopic ratios of nonchemically preserved teeth from eight species of marine mammals, representing 87 individuals that spanned the trophic continuum, were found to reflect nutritional sources. The δ13C signals distinguished animals that lived in waters dominated by different primary producers (e. g., seagrass, kelp, and phytoplankton), and δ15N values indicated the diet and trophic level of the species. This research suggests that isotopic signatures of teeth can be used in dietary studies to show differences and similarities among age classes, genders, geographic locations, and time periods.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, are the most marine-oriented of North American sturgeons. However, their estuarine/marine distribution and the seasonality of estuarine use are largely unknown. We used acoustic telemetry to document the timing of green sturgeon use of Washington estuaries. In the summers of 2003 and 2004, uniquely coded acoustic transmitters were surgically implanted in green sturgeon captured using commercial gillnets. All sturgeon tagged were greater than 1.2 m total length. They were caught, tagged, and released in both Willapa Bay (n = 49) and Columbia River (n = 11) estuaries. We deployed an array of four fixed- site acoustic receivers in Willapa Bay to detect the estuarine entry and exit of these and any of over 100 additional green sturgeon tagged in other systems during 2003 and 2004. Green sturgeon occurred in Willapa Bay in summer when estuarine water temperatures exceeded coastal water temperatures by at least 2°C. They exhibited rapid and extensive intra- and inter- estuary movements and green sturgeon from all known spawning populations were detected in Willapa Bay. We hypothesize that green sturgeon optimize their growth potential in summer by foraging in the relatively warm, saline waters of Willapa Bay and we caution that altering the quality of estuarine habitats could negatively affect this species throughout its range.  相似文献   

Traditional techniques for stable isotope analysis (SIA) generally require sacrificing animals to collect tissue samples; this can be problematic when studying diets of endangered species such as the pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus. Our objectives were to (i) determine if pectoral fin tissue (non‐lethal) could be a substitute for muscle tissue (lethal) in SIA of juvenile pallid sturgeon, and (ii) evaluate the influence of preservation techniques on stable isotope values. In the laboratory, individual juvenile pallid sturgeon were held for up to 186 day and fed chironomids, fish, or a commercially available pellet diet. Significant, positive relationships (r² ≥ 0.8) were observed between fin and muscle tissues for both δ15N and δ13C; in all samples isotopes were enriched in fins compared to muscle tissue. Chironomid and fish based diets of juvenile pallid sturgeon were distinguishable for fast growing fish (0.3 mm day?1) using stable δ15N and δ13C isotopes. Frozen and preserved fin tissue δ15N isotopes were strongly related (r2 = 0.89) but δ13C isotopes were weakly related (r2 = 0.16). Therefore, freezing is recommended for preservation of fin clips to avoid the confounding effect of enrichment by ethanol. This study demonstrates the utility of a non‐lethal technique to assess time integrated food habits of juvenile pallid sturgeon and should be applicable to other threatened or endangered species.  相似文献   

The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a marine mammal hunted to near extinction during the 1800s. Despite their well‐known modern importance as a keystone species, we know little about historical sea otter ecology. Here, we characterize the ecological niche of ancient southern sea otters (E. lutris nereis) using δ13C analysis and δ15N analysis of bones recovered from archaeological sites spanning ~7,000 to 350 years before present (N = 112 individuals) at five regions along the coast of California. These data are compared with previously published data on modern animals (N = 165) and potential modern prey items. In addition, we analyze the δ15N of individual amino acids for 23 individuals to test for differences in sea otter trophic ecology through time. After correcting for tissue‐specific and temporal isotopic effects, we employ nonparametric statistics and Bayesian niche models to quantify differences among ancient and modern animals. We find ancient otters occupied a larger isotopic niche than nearly all modern localities; likely reflecting broader habitat and prey use in prefur trade populations. In addition, ancient sea otters at the most southerly sites occupied an isotopic niche that was more than twice as large as ancient otters from northerly regions. This likely reflects greater invertebrate prey diversity in southern California relative to northern California. Thus, we suggest the potential dietary niche of sea otters in southern California could be larger than in central and northern California. At two sites, Año Nuevo and Monterey Bay, ancient otters had significantly higher δ15N values than modern populations. Amino acid δ15N data indicated this resulted from shifting baseline isotope values, rather than a change in sea otter trophic ecology. Our results help in better understanding the contemporary ecological role of sea otters and exemplify the strength of combing zooarchaeological and biological information to provide baseline data for conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The ability of stable isotope analysis to provide insight into ontogenetic dietary changes was examined using bottlenose dolphin tooth and skin samples. Teeth were subsampled to compare tissue produced early in life (outer tooth) to that produced later in life (inner tooth). Outer tooth had significantly higher δ15N values than the corresponding inner sample from the same tooth (n= 60, P= 0.0041), indicating that there was a temporal shift to a lower δ15N diet. There were no significant δ13C differences. Higher δ15N values in young have previously been attributed to the period of suckling. Analysis of skin tissue from stranded animals of different developmental stages similarly indicated that the δ15N values were significantly higher in young animals. Further comparisons indicated that the primary influence for this difference was animals with lengths less than or equal to the largest neonatal dolphin. This difference likely reflects an ontogenetic dietary shift from a sole reliance on milk to a combination of milk and prey species during the first year of life.  相似文献   

Synopsis Blood samples from cannulated young adult (2.5–15 kg) white sturgeon, acclimated to San Francisco Bay water (24 ppt) had plasma values of 248.8 ± 13.5 mOsm kg−1 H2O, [Na+] = 125 ± 8.0 mEq 1−1, [K+] = 2.6 ± 0.8 mEq 1−1 and [CL] = 122 ± 3.0 mEq 1−1. Freshwater acclimated sturgeon had an osmolality of 236 ± 7, [Na+] = 131.6 + 4.4, [K+] = 2.5 ± 0.7 and [CL] = 110.6 ± 3.6. Freshwater acclimated fish gradually exposed to sea water (increase of 5 ppt h−1) had higher plasma osmolalities than did the bay water acclimated fish. These young adult sturgeon are able to tolerate transfer from fresh water to sea water as well as gradual transfer from sea water to fresh water. Plasma electrolytes in transferred fish are regulated, but tend to differ from long term acclimated fish at the same salinities. There is a gradual increase in the upper salinity tolerance (abrupt transfer) of juvenile white sturgeon with weight: 5–10 ppt for 0.4–0.9 g fish, 10–15 ppt for 0.7–1.8 g fish, and 15 ppt for 4.9–50.0 g fish. The ability of juveniles to regulate plasma osmolality is limited. The young adult fish are able to tolerate higher salinities (35 ppt) than juvenile sturgeon but probably are also characterized by low activity of the necessary ion exchange mechanisms in the gills which permit rapid adjustment of blood electrolytes with graduate change in external salinity.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis of teeth of marine mammals can provide valuable information on trophic level and source of feeding. However, the isotopic analysis of whole teeth presents only an average dietary estimate for individuals across the period of growth of that tooth. While such analyses can be valuable, particularly in the case of fossil material, in contrast, isotopic analysis of individual annuli of teeth can provide dietary information for each year of tooth growth, in some cases representing the whole of the animal's life. We measured stable-carbon isotope ratios (13C/12C) in the inorganic (hydroxyapatite) and stable-nitrogen isotope ratios (15N/14N) in the organic (primarily collagenous) components of individual tooth annuli of 18 male Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) obtained from archived collections from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska and from single northern fur seals (Callorbinus ursinus) and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) from the central Aleutian Islands and eastern Gulf of Alaska, respectively. In several individuals, we detected considerable variation in stable isotope values among annuli, up to 6.1%O for δ15N and 5.1%O for δ13C values. Enrichment in δ15N and depletion of δ13C values in the first annulus may correspond to dietary inputs from mother's milk during the period of suckling. Other variations among years may be caused by dietary changes or movements of individuals between regions differing in isotopic signatures of foodweb primary production. Our study indicates that the isotopic signatures of foodweb primary production. Our study indicates that the isotopic analysis of individual tooth annuli represents a fine-seale tool for dietary reconstructions involving marine mammals, and cautions against the use of whole-tooth material averaged over several annuli.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the trophic level, trophic breadth, and dietary overlap of two species of otariids (Zalophus californianus and Arctocephalus philippii townsendi) at the San Benito Islands in Baja California, Mexico, using scat analysis, and stable isotope analyses (SIA) of carbon and nitrogen in pup hair and dental collagen. Scat samples were collected during summer and winter. The most important prey for both species during summer was squid, comprising 74% of the A. p. townsendi diet and 45% of that of Z. californianus. In winter, squid was 87% of the A. p. townsendi diet, whereas fish was the predominant food (76%) for Z. californianus. Both species were specialist feeders and reached maximum trophic overlap during the summer (CH = 0.9). SIA of the hair of otariid pups showed significant differences in δ15N (P = 0.001), coinciding with A. p. townsendi's greater consumption of squid. The average δ13C value was significantly lower for A. p. townsendi (?16.3‰ ± 0.2‰), reflecting the species' consumption of squid from pelagic habitats, whereas that of Z. californianus (?15.9‰ ± 0.3‰) was significantly higher, reflecting their consumption of benthic fish. Difference in habitat use was confirmed in δ13C values of dental collagen.  相似文献   

Abstract Differences between diet and tissue isotope values known as trophic shifts (Δδ13C and Δδ15N) occur during digestion and assimilation of consumed food. Consideration of trophic shifts is essential when using stable isotopes for dietary reconstruction but has received little attention for cervids. Therefore, our purpose was to determine C and N trophic shifts in tissues of captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fed corn and alfalfa in known amounts over a 4-month period. Antler has also received limited consideration for use in dietary reconstruction, thus, we analyzed tissue to expose variation among locations along the main beam and between antler components. We collected antler, hair, red blood cells (RBCs), and serum at the end of the feeding trial and analyzed them to determine C (δ13C) and N (δ15N) isotope values. Trophic shifts occurred between diet and all tissues for both isotopes with mean Δδ13C = 1.19 ± 2.23% and Δδ15N = 4.93 ± 0.74%. Antler trophic shifts were greater than those in all other tissues for δ13C, whereas antler and RBCs shared similar trophic enrichment over diet but differed from hair and serum for Δδ15N. Trophic shift values were significantly related to diet in hair and serum for δ13C and antler and RBCs for Δδ15N. Isotope values for antler core and periphery plus antler locations along the main beam did not vary. Antler collagen significantly varied from whole antler for δ13C but not δ15N. Our findings provide mean trophic shift values by tissue that can be used for dietary reconstruction in the study and management of cervids.  相似文献   

This study examines resource use (diet, habitat use, and trophic level) within and among demographic groups (males, females, and juveniles) of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). We analyzed the δ13C and δ15N values of 15 prey species constituting 84% of the species found in stomach contents. We used these data to establish a trophic enrichment factor (TEF) to inform dietary analysis using a Bayesian isotope mixing model. We document a TEF of 0‰ and 2.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively. The dietary results showed that all demographic groups relied heavily on low trophic level seagrass‐associated prey. Bayesian standard ellipse areas (SEAb) were calculated to assess diversity in resource use. The SEAb of females was nearly four times larger than that of males indicating varied resource use, likely a consequence of small home ranges and habitat specialization. Juveniles possessed an intermediate SEAb, generally feeding at a lower trophic level compared to females, potentially an effect of natal philopatry and immature foraging skills. The small SEAb of males reflects a high degree of specialization on seagrass associated prey. Patterns in resource use by the demographic groups are likely linked to differences in the relative importance of social and ecological factors.  相似文献   

Monitoring trends in a long-lived species such as lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) has it challenges. Targeting the correct life stage to monitor can provide different and contrasting results. Early life stages experience high variable mortality and are often not a good predictor of population trend. Juvenile lake sturgeon (i.e., 5–10 years) experience high survival and could be a good life stage to monitor for assessing population trends. A structured, randomized gillnetting program, Broad-scale Monitoring, which was selective to juvenile lake sturgeon, was conducted over three cycles (i.e., 5 + years apart) in three contiguous Ottawa River reaches supporting lake sturgeon. In this study, we assessed spatiotemporal changes in juvenile lake sturgeon abundance among cycles, among and within the three river reaches. Density rasters based on catch records of lake sturgeon spatially were created using multilevel B-splines. Spatial differences in abundance among cycles was determined by obtaining the difference between the rasters. Three cycles of Broad-scale Monitoring sampled 334 lake sturgeon at a mean CPUE of 0.90 (0.12 SE) sturgeon • gang−1 and a mean total length 673 mm (115 SD) from all three reaches. The relative abundance of juvenile lake sturgeon did not significantly vary among sample cycles, however, CPUE varied within reaches among cycles. There was a spatiotemporal change in density with a decrease in the lowest reach whereas juvenile lake sturgeon density increased the most in the upper reach. The approach used in this study has the potential to monitor spatiotemporal changes in juvenile lake sturgeon abundance populations and may prove effective when assessing rehabilitation or fisheries management efforts.  相似文献   

Caution for the indiscriminate conversion of the isotopic niche into ecologic niche was recently advised. We tested the utility of the isotopic niche to answer ecological questions on oceanic islands. We compared the isotopic niches of black rats (Rattus rattus) on two islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico: Farrallón de San Ignacio (FSI) and San Pedro Mártir (SPM). Both islands maintained several species of marine birds, but FSI is devoid of terrestrial vegetation and SPM has several species of terrestrial plants. We tested the hypothesis that rats on FSI have a narrower trophic niche due to its lower diversity of food items. We predicted a smaller variance in δ13C and δ15N values of rat muscle on FSI, and a lower use of marine birds as food on SPM. We also examined stomach contents of rats on both islands to validate the isotopic information. Variances in δ13C and δ15N values of black rats were lower on FSI, and the contribution of marine birds to the diet of rats was smaller on SPM. Stomachs in most rats collected on FSI contained only one or two types of food items, mostly marine birds and terrestrial invertebrates. In contrast, stomachs with only one type of food item were rare on SPM, and in most cases they contained three or more food types. Our findings showed that isotopic variance is a good approximation for trophic niche when comparing populations with access to an assemblage of preys with contrasting biological and isotopic diversity.  相似文献   

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