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A review of models of agricultural intensification and their application to the agricultural systems of the humid tropics is presented. Taken into account are the distributions of these systems at various population densities, available data on labor efficiencies, the costs of establishing continuous cropping, and data regarding soils under cultivation and various types of fallow. The findings that fallows much longer than 10 or 15 years serve no known agronomic function, that given preindustrial technology, grass fallows are disadvantageous, even environmentally destructive, and that continuous cropping usually entails a considerable amount of environmental modification support the interpretations that agricultural intensification in the humid tropics is best understood in terms of ecologically optimal strategies at different population densities. Points needing further investigation are highlighted: the reasons for very long fallows, and the comparative labor efficiencies of fallow and continuous cropping systems where crops and environments are similar.  相似文献   

Logging and wildfire are significant anthropogenic disturbance agents in tropical forests. We compared the abundance and species richness of selected terrestrial wildlife taxa including small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and terrestrial invertebrates in areas burned by wildfire and then logged and in adjacent undisturbed areas of a tropical humid forest in Bolivia. Disturbed areas had 24% less canopy cover than undisturbed areas but had 2.6 times the cover of large woody debris. Understory cover did not differ between disturbed and undisturbed areas. Small mammal abundance and species richness in disturbed areas were 43 and 70% higher, respectively, than in adjacent undisturbed areas. Herpetofaunal abundance did not differ significantly among disturbed and undisturbed areas, but trends for higher abundance were observed for both reptiles and amphibians in disturbed areas. Herpetofaunal species richness was significantly higher in disturbed compared to undisturbed areas. Total terrestrial invertebrate abundance, as estimated by pitfall traps, was significantly higher in undisturbed compared to disturbed areas mostly due to higher abundances of Formicidae and Blattidae. However, two invertebrate groups, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera (larvae) were more abundant in disturbed areas. Wildlife conservation strategies for areas where logging or wildfire occur should take into account species- or guild-specific responses to these disturbance agents.  相似文献   

Forest degradation accounts for ~70% of total carbon losses from tropical forests. Substantial emissions are from selective logging, a land‐use activity that decreases forest carbon density. To maintain carbon values in selectively logged forests, climate change mitigation policies and government agencies promote the adoption of reduced‐impact logging (RIL) practices. However, whether RIL will maintain both carbon and timber values in managed tropical forests over time remains uncertain. In this study, we quantify the recovery of timber stocks and aboveground carbon at an experimental site where forests were subjected to different intensities of RIL (4, 8, and 16 trees/ha). Our census data span 20 years postlogging and 17 years after the liberation of future crop trees from competition in a tropical forest on the Guiana Shield, a globally important forest carbon reservoir. We model recovery of timber and carbon with a breakpoint regression that allowed us to capture elevated tree mortality immediately after logging. Recovery rates of timber and carbon were governed by the presence of residual trees (i.e., trees that persisted through the first harvest). The liberation treatment stimulated faster recovery of timber albeit at a carbon cost. Model results suggest a threshold logging intensity beyond which forests managed for timber and carbon derive few benefits from RIL, with recruitment and residual growth not sufficient to offset losses. Inclusion of the breakpoint at which carbon and timber gains outpaced postlogging mortality led to high predictive accuracy, including out‐of‐sample R2 values >90%, and enabled inference on demographic changes postlogging. Our modeling framework is broadly applicable to studies that aim to quantify impacts of logging on forest recovery. Overall, we demonstrate that initial mortality drives variation in recovery rates, that the second harvest depends on old growth wood, and that timber intensification lowers carbon stocks.  相似文献   

Aims Humid savannas, as a result of high precipitation amounts, are highly productive. They are also hotspots for land use change and potential sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the large soil carbon (C) stocks. Understanding how ecosystem CO2 exchange is influenced by changes arising from agricultural land use is vital in future management of these ecosystems and in responding to the ongoing shifts in management and climate. The aim of this study was to identify how ecosystem CO2 exchange and biomass productivity of the herbaceous layer of a humid savanna in Kenya respond to current management practices.Methods We used flux chambers to quantify CO2 fluxes, while monthly harvests were undertaken to determine biomass development of the herbaceous layer of three sites that were (i) fenced to exclude livestock grazing, (ii) subjected to grazing by livestock and (iii) abandoned after being cultivated for maize production and also open to grazing by livestock.Important findings The peak aboveground biomass ranged between 380 and 1449g m ?2 and biomass production was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the grazed and abandoned plots. The maximum gross primary production (GPP) and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) ranged between 21.8±1.3 to 32.5±2.7 and ?9.6±0.7 to-17.9±4.8 μmol m ?2 s-1, respectively. Seasonal NEE fluctuations ranged between 10 and 21 μmol m ?2 s-1, while spatial (among sites) differences ranged between 2 and 10 μmol m ?2 s-1. Ecosystem respiration (R eco) fluctuated between 5 and 10 μmol m ?2 s-1 during the growing season. R eco was, however, not significantly different among the sites. Unlike in other similar ecosystems where ecosystem respiration is determined by the ambient temperature, we did not find any relationship between R eco and temperature in this savanna. Instead, soil moisture accounted for 38–88% of the spatial and seasonal fluctuations in ecosystem CO2 fluxes and aboveground biomass production. Management influenced the maximum GPP and NEE rates through modification of soil moisture, plant species composition and aboveground biomass. We concluded that soil moisture is the key determinant of ecosystem CO2 exchange and productivity in this tropical savanna. Management, however, significantly modifies C fluxes and productivity through its influence on soil moisture, plant species composition and aboveground green biomass and should be taken into consideration in future similar studies.  相似文献   

Germination, establishment and growth of seedlings of tree speciesPalaquium ellipticum (primary),Actinodaphne malabarica (late secondary) andMacaranga peltata (early secondary) were studied in a humid tropical forest at Nelliampathy, in the Western Ghats of Kerala. While the primary species completed its germination within a brief period of 1.5 months, at the other extreme, early secondary species showed slow germination extending for about 5 months, the late secondary species falling in between. Although, all the species studied showed higher establishment and growth under gaps, the early secondary species were more responsive compared to the primary species. Primary species showed better establishment in undisturbed sites and natural gaps than under selection felled gaps; the reverse was true for late and early secondary species. Survival of seedlings increased with gap size, but sharply declined with gap age. Shoot/root ratio was consistently higher in the early secondary species than in the primary species.  相似文献   

A solute mass balance for a 23.4 ha catchment of undisturbed rainforest in the central Amazon Basin was computed from detailed measurements of water and solute fluxes via rainfall, streamflow, and subsurface outflow over an annual cycle. Annual atmospheric deposition fluxes are lower than previously reported among mass balance studies conducted in the Amazon. Nutrient export fluxes are lower than previously reported for the Amazon, despite the fact that export fluxes via flow paths not previously measured were included. Given that climatic conditions were representative of a one in 10 wet year, the ecosystem was expected to show a net loss of nutrients rather than net gain. Instead, an excess of nutrient inputs via rainfall over ecosystem outflows was detected, ranging in annual quantities from 0.30 to 0.50 of the measured input. Among several mechanisms that could reconcile this budget, two are supported by the information presently available while two others cannot be evaluated without further research. Interannual variability in the amount of water available for runoff at the spatial scale of small catchments varies by a factor of two, in contrast to rainfall variability of ±20%, and may be a critical control on the apparent changes in ecosystem storage detected by annual-scale nutrient budgets in rainforests. Entrainment of materials from the terrestrial ecosystem to the atmosphere, including particulates containing elements which do not exist as gases, may be a particularly important loss pathway in rainforests existing on deeply weathered or nutrient poor soils.  相似文献   

Lignin mineralization represents a critical flux in the terrestrial carbon (C) cycle, yet little is known about mechanisms and environmental factors controlling lignin breakdown in mineral soils. Hypoxia is thought to suppress lignin decomposition, yet potential effects of oxygen (O2) variability in surface soils have not been explored. Here, we tested the impact of redox fluctuations on lignin breakdown in humid tropical forest soils during ten‐week laboratory incubations. We used synthetic lignins labeled with 13C in either of two positions (aromatic methoxyl or propyl side chain Cβ) to provide highly sensitive and specific measures of lignin mineralization seldom employed in soils. Four‐day redox fluctuations increased the percent contribution of methoxyl C to soil respiration relative to static aerobic conditions, and cumulative methoxyl‐C mineralization was statistically equivalent under static aerobic and fluctuating redox conditions despite lower soil respiration in the latter treatment. Contributions of the less labile lignin Cβ to soil respiration were equivalent in the static aerobic and fluctuating redox treatments during periods of O2 exposure, and tended to decline during periods of O2 limitation, resulting in lower cumulative Cβ mineralization in the fluctuating treatment relative to the static aerobic treatment. However, cumulative mineralization of both the Cβ‐ and methoxyl‐labeled lignins nearly doubled in the fluctuating treatment relative to the static aerobic treatment when total lignin mineralization was normalized to total O2 exposure. Oxygen fluctuations are thought to be suboptimal for canonical lignin‐degrading microorganisms. However, O2 fluctuations drove substantial Fe reduction and oxidation, and reactive oxygen species generated during abiotic Fe oxidation might explain the elevated contribution of lignin to C mineralization. Iron redox cycling provides a potential mechanism for lignin depletion in soil organic matter. Couplings between soil moisture, redox fluctuations, and lignin breakdown provide a potential link between climate variability and the biochemical composition of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

This paper reviews studies that have been conducted to determine how environmental temperature affects productivity of poultry and how these effects can be alleviated so that the bird will realise its full productive capacity. It is shown that temperature primarily affects production of poultry meat and eggs through food consumption. A key factor in efficient weight gain and/or egg production of poultry is optimum nutrient intake. High environmental temperatures cause food intake to decrease and often result in inadequate nutrient intake contributing to poor performance. When nutrient intake is shifted by the influence of temperature on food intake, the adverse effect on productivity (growth or egg output) may be alleviated through improved feed formulation by adjusting the nutrient density to compensate for the altered intake of food. Improved feed management and better housing systems can partially compensate for low feed intake caused by high environmental temperatures.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforests store enormous amounts of carbon, the protection of which represents a vital component of efforts to mitigate global climate change. Currently, tropical forest conservation, science, policies, and climate mitigation actions focus predominantly on reducing carbon emissions from deforestation alone. However, every year vast areas of the humid tropics are disturbed by selective logging, understory fires, and habitat fragmentation. There is an urgent need to understand the effect of such disturbances on carbon stocks, and how stocks in disturbed forests compare to those found in undisturbed primary forests as well as in regenerating secondary forests. Here, we present the results of the largest field study to date on the impacts of human disturbances on above and belowground carbon stocks in tropical forests. Live vegetation, the largest carbon pool, was extremely sensitive to disturbance: forests that experienced both selective logging and understory fires stored, on average, 40% less aboveground carbon than undisturbed forests and were structurally similar to secondary forests. Edge effects also played an important role in explaining variability in aboveground carbon stocks of disturbed forests. Results indicate a potential rapid recovery of the dead wood and litter carbon pools, while soil stocks (0–30 cm) appeared to be resistant to the effects of logging and fire. Carbon loss and subsequent emissions due to human disturbances remain largely unaccounted for in greenhouse gas inventories, but by comparing our estimates of depleted carbon stocks in disturbed forests with Brazilian government assessments of the total forest area annually disturbed in the Amazon, we show that these emissions could represent up to 40% of the carbon loss from deforestation in the region. We conclude that conservation programs aiming to ensure the long‐term permanence of forest carbon stocks, such as REDD+, will remain limited in their success unless they effectively avoid degradation as well as deforestation.  相似文献   

不同演替阶段热带森林地表凋落物和土壤节肢动物群落特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了解不同演替阶段热带森林土壤节肢动物群落结构特征及其与地表凋落物的关系, 2001年9月采用样线调查法对西双版纳23年次生林、35年次生林、季节雨林地表凋落物及其中的土壤节肢动物进行了调查。所获数据表明, 地表凋落物数量(现存量干重)和质量(N和C/N)总体上表现为35年次生林最好, 23年次生林次之; 蜱螨目和弹尾目为3林地地表凋落物土壤节肢动物群落优势类群, 膜翅目蚂蚁、马陆目、鞘翅目、双翅目和半翅目为常见类群。土壤节肢动物个体密度和个体相对密度均表现为35年次生林>季节雨林>23年次生林。群落的丰富度指数以季节雨林最高, 多样性和均匀度指数显示为23年次生林最高, 35年次生林的优势度指数最高, 3林地土壤节肢动物群落类群组成相似性达到较好水平。相关分析表明, 3种不同演替阶段热带森林土壤节肢动物个体密度与林地地表凋落物现存量呈正相关, 而现存凋落物N元素储量与土壤节肢动物的相关性仅表现在23年次生林和季节雨林。研究认为, 热带森林土壤节肢动物群落的发展与森林植被演替密切相关, 其群落个体数量和多样性受森林地表凋落物数量、质量的调控, 但其他环境因素如捕食效应、人为干扰等影响亦不可忽视。  相似文献   

Secondary succession in tropical deciduous forest is often characterized by vegetative reproduction, or coppicing. Coppicing is also observed in forest sites that are disturbed by farming activity. This observation raises questions about the role of established management practices in determining the succession of vegetation on farmsites once they are abandoned to fallow. To what extent is the coppicing succession the result of specific aspects of swidden farming technology and management? And what variations in coppice successions occur in swidden sites following deviations from the standard farming practice? In research on swidden farming among the Susu of Sierra Leone, I examined the successional pathway in an age series of forest fallow sites. I show that the standard pattern of minimal cultivation favors the coppicing of felled trees in the subsequent fallow periods. By contrast, deviation from this pattern results in stump deaths and favors the invasion of fallow sites by grasses and vegetatively reproducing pioneer trees from the savanna. Variations in the environmental outcome of disturbance to plant communities, then, are the result of interactions between processes of tropical tree reproduction and the agricultural practices of local farmers.  相似文献   

We test for evidence of the Tropical Niche Conservatism or the Out of The Tropics hypotheses in structuring patterns of tree community composition along a 2000 + meter elevational gradient in the northern tropical Andes. By collecting and integrating data on the presence–absence of tree species within plots with phylogenetic information, we analyzed the following: (a) patterns of phylogenetic dispersion and species diversity along the elevational gradient based on indexes of net relatedness, nearest taxon relatedness, and species richness (α‐diversity); and (b) the replacement of lineages along the gradient using the PhyloSorensen metric (β‐diversity). More specifically, we established 20 0.25‐ha permanent tree inventory plots between 750 and 2,802 m asl where all individuals with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 10 cm were measured and identified. We then used a series of linear models to test for changes in α and β diversity between plots in relation to elevation. Neither the net relatedness index nor the nearest taxon index showed a significant relationship with elevation. However, there was greater phylogenetic overdispersion at intermediate elevations; this likely reflects the mixing of species with contrasting origins from tropical and temperate lineages. β‐diversity between plots was negatively related to the corresponding difference in elevation, indicating that closely related lineages occupy similar ranges of elevation and temperature. We conclude that the immigration of lineages from extra‐tropical regions has significant effects in determining the phylogenetic structure of tree communities in tropical Andean forests. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Aims Epiphytes and hemiparasites do not have direct access to soil nutrients. Epiphytes acquire nutrients through symbiosis, foliar leachates and throughfall, whilst hemiparasites have specialized structures (haustoria) to acquire nutrients from their host. Irrespective of the green leaf nutrient concentrations of epiphytes, hemiparasites and their hosts, nutrient-resorption efficiency and proficiency are expected to be the greater in epiphytes than in their hosts and in hemiparasites. These hypotheses were tested.  相似文献   

Sustainable crop production is dependent on improvement of soil health using different management strategies. A study was conducted in the 2008/09 cropping season to investigate soil macrofauna order diversity and abundance under organic matter transfer system and improved fallows in a high rainfall (>800 mm year?1) area of Zimbabwe. Macrofauna were sampled using monoliths to a depth of 25 cm and Shannon‐Wiener diversity was used for diversity testing. Order diversity varied significantly with treatment under both systems. Under improved fallows, Leucaena trichandra had the highest fauna orders (6) followed by Calliandra colorthysus (5), then Acacia anguistissima (4) while Leucaena pallida and miombo forest had the least orders. Crotalaria juncea had the highest faunal orders (5), among organic material transfer system while other treatments had ≥3 orders. Unfertilized maize had one order. Calliandra colorthysus had the highest order diversity followed by maize stover > cattle manure > Cr. juncea > fully fertilized maize > unfertilized maize. Major groups identified were termites, earthworms, beetles, millipedes and ants. All taxa combined, cattle manure and miombo forest had the highest macrofauna abundance. This study showed that application of organic nutrient resources and use of improved fallows significantly influenced soil macrofauna order diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

三种干扰方式对西双版纳热带森林群落植物多样性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施济普  朱华 《广西植物》2002,22(2):129-135
研究了西双版纳热带森林的 3种人为干扰破坏 (择伐、皆伐和轮歇 )后形成的次生群落在物种和群落水平上植物多样性各个方面的变化规律 ,研究结果表明 :( 1 )择伐群落和皆伐群落乔木层物种数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数在科、属、种 3个水平上无显著差异 ,但较轮歇群落物种更为丰富 ,多样指数更高。( 2 )轮歇群落林下灌草层的物种数在科、属、种 3个水平上高于择伐群落和皆伐群落 ,但 Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数则分别在各个水平上低于择伐群落和皆伐群落。 ( 3)轮歇群落先锋种类占较大比重 ,达76 % ,其它二类群落比例约为 5 0 %。( 4 )择伐和皆伐群落乔木层都由几种植物形成共同优势 ,轮歇群落则形成单优群落。 ( 5 )在生活型构成上 ,皆伐群落乔木树种种类相对较多 ,轮歇群落藤本植物较多 ,草本植物种类较为丰富 ,尤其一年生草本植物种类远多于其它群落类型  相似文献   

On the African continent, the population is expected to expand fourfold in the next century, which will increasingly impact the global carbon cycle and biodiversity conservation. Therefore, it is of vital importance to understand how carbon stocks and community assembly recover after slash‐and‐burn events in tropical second growth forests. We inventoried a chronosequence of 15 1‐ha plots in lowland tropical forest of the central Congo Basin and evaluated changes in aboveground and soil organic carbon stocks and in tree species diversity, functional composition, and community‐weighted functional traits with succession. We aimed to track long‐term recovery trajectories of species and carbon stocks in secondary forests, comparing 5 to 200 + year old secondary forest with reference primary forest. Along the successional gradient, the functional composition followed a trajectory from resource acquisition to resource conservation, except for nitrogen‐related leaf traits. Despite a fast, initial recovery of species diversity and functional composition, there were still important structural and carbon stock differences between old growth secondary and pristine forest, which suggests that a full recovery of secondary forests might take much longer than currently shown. As such, the aboveground carbon stocks of 200 + year old forest were only 57% of those in the pristine reference forest, which suggests a slow recovery of aboveground carbon stocks, although more research is needed to confirm this observation. The results of this study highlight the need for more in‐depth studies on forest recovery in Central Africa, to gain insight into the processes that control biodiversity and carbon stock recovery.  相似文献   

Exotic tree plantations may serve as catalysts for native forest regeneration in agriculturally degraded landscapes. In 2001, we evaluated plant species regeneration in the understory of a 7‐year‐old experimental Eucalyptus saligna forest in Hawaii approximately 1 year after the cessation of 5 years of herbicide. These forests were organized in a 2 × 2–factorial design of planting density (1 × 1– or 3 × 3–m spacing) and fertilization (unfertilized control and regular fertilization), which resulted in varying resource availabilities. We found that understory biomass was highest under high light conditions, regardless of fertilization treatment, whereas species richness was lowest under fertilized 1 × 1–m plots. The understory was dominated by species exotic to Hawaii. The most common tree species, the noxious weed Citharexylum caudatum, was particularly successful because high light–saturated photosynthesis rates and a low light compensation point allowed for high growth and survival under both light conditions. To assess longer‐term recruitment patterns, we resurveyed a portion of this site in 2006 and also surveyed five Eucalyptus plantations in this region of Hawaii that differed in age (5–23 years), species (E. saligna, E. grandis, E. cloeziana, E. microcorys), and management (experimental, industrial, nonindustrial stewardship); all were established on previous agricultural sites within approximately 3 km of native‐dominated forest. Again, very few native species were present in any of the stands, indicating that within certain landscapes and for native species with certain life history traits, exotic plantations may be ineffective nursery ecosystems for the regeneration of native species.  相似文献   

Enrichment experiments consisting of additions of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and humic and fulvic acids were carried out using natural phytoplankton assemblages from Lago Jacaretinga, Central Amazon, Brazil. The addition of nutrients resulted in greatly stimulated primary production whereas addition of humic and fulvic acids had no effect. When both nutrients and humic and fulvic acids were added in combination, algal community response was identical to treatments in which only nutrients had been added. The result contrasts with previous phytoplankton culture studies in which the addition of humic material to the culture media increased production. Comparison of absorbance spectra indicated a severe reduction in the quantity and quality of light in Amazonian black waters relative to that in white waters.  相似文献   

Effect of silica and magnesium on yield of upland rice in the humid tropics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grain yield, dry-matter production, and susceptibility to grain discoloration syndrome of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in relation to nutrient supplies were studied in Ultisols in Nigeria's humid tropics. Nutrients identified as necessary to produce high dry matter were N, K, Mg, and Si. Among these nutrients, Mg and Si were found to be involved in the protection of rice plants against grain discoloration and their application increased the grain yield of 3 varieties by an average of 34%.  相似文献   

Effects of soil macrofauna, micro-environment and mulch quantity were investigated on an acid Ultisol in a high-rainfall area in S.E. Nigeria, using litterbags or littertubes with leaves from the trees of an alley cropping system with t Flemingia congesta or t Dactyladenia barteri as hedgerow species.There was no effect of mulch quantity on the rate of decomposition. Soil macrofauna contributed to between 30 and 40% of mulch decomposition over the period of approximately 50% of disappearance of the original material. The faunal effect became apparent after a longer incubation period (>20 weeks) with the slower decomposing t Dactyladenia than with the t Flemingia mulch (immediate effect). This is presumably related to t Dactyladenia's higher lignin content (40% compared to 22% for t Flemingia). The t Flemingia mulch decomposed faster in alley cropping with t Dactyladenia hedgerow than with t Flemingia hedgerow, irrespective of faunal access, suggesting a microclimate efffect on decomposition. There were no marked changes in chemical composition of the mulches with decomposition period, except for a rapid decrease of K content in both mulches and a rapid increase in lignin content of the t Flemingia mulch within the first 10 days of decomposition, which indicates that early decomposition affected the relatively easily degradable compounds.  相似文献   

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