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We have described here the cloning and partial characterization of a cDNA encoding a cuticular antigen of Dirofilaria immitis. A 48-h third-stage larval D. immitis cDNA library was immunoscreened with sera raised in mice against third-stage larval cuticles (mouse anti-L3 cuticle antisera). A strongly immunoreactive clone (L3MC4) was isolated. Sequence analysis of L3MC4 showed that it was a partial length cDNA. The missing 5′ end of the clone was amplified by PCR from D. immitis adult female first-strand cDNA using the nematode 22-base splice leader sequence and a L3MC4-specific antisense primer. The composite cDNA sequence comprised 616 bases (nDiL3MC4) encoding a full-length protein of 146 amino acids (DiL3MC4). GenBank analysis showed that DiL3MC4 shared some homology to an unknown C. elegans gene product (31%) at the amino acid level. However, there were no related filarial expressed sequence tags in the current GenBank™ database. Antibodies to recombinant DiL3MC4 (rDiL3MC4) identified a 19-kDa native antigen in the adults and in the L3 and L4 larval stages of D. immitis. In addition, the antibodies bound to the cortical layers of the L3 cuticle, as revealed by immuno-gold electron microscopy. The native protein was not detected in larval and adult excretory–secretory products. Immunoblot analysis showed that serum from a rabbit that was repeatedly injected with a small number of D. immitis third stage larvae reacted with rDiL3MC4. Thus, DiL3MC4 is a novel cuticular antigen of a filarial parasite.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria have been shown to be widespread among filarial worms and could thus play some role in the biology of these nematodes. Indeed, tetracycline has been shown to inhibit both the development of adult worms from third-stage larvae and the development of the microfilaraemia in jirds infected with Brugia pahangi. The possibility that these effects are related to the bacteriostatic activity of tetracycline on Wolbachia symbionts should be considered. Here we show that tetracycline treatment is very effective in blocking embryo development in two filarial nematodes, B. pahangi and Dirofilaria immitis. Embryo degeneration was documented by TEM, while the inhibition of the transovarial transmission of Wolbachia was documented by PCR. Phylogenetic analysis on the ssrDNA sequence of the Wolbachia of B. pahangi confirms that the phylogeny of the bacterial endosymbionts is consistent with that of the host worms. The possibility that tetracycline inhibition of embryo development in B. pahangi and D. immitis is determined by cytoplasmic incompatibility is discussed.  相似文献   

The melanization response of Aedes trivittatus and the Rockefeller (RKF) and black-eyed Liverpool (LVP) strains of Aedes aegypti against intrathoracically inoculated Dirofilaria immitis and Brugia pahangi microfilariae (mff) was investigated. All mff of either species were melanized in A. trivittatus following Day 2 postinoculation, and the response of this species was significantly more rapid and effective than either strain of A. aegypti. The refractory RKF strain had a significantly greater response against both D. immitis and B. pahangi than the highly susceptible LVP strain, but data suggest that the increased responsiveness was due to a physiologic incompatibility in RKF A. aegypti, thereby resulting in a greater mortality and subsequent melanization of inoculated mff. Inoculation of large numbers of mff overloaded the defense capabilities of A. aegypti (LVP), but not those of A. trivittatus. The melanization response against D. immitis mff was effectively reduced for up to 4 days in A. aegypti (LVP), but for only 1 day in A. trivittatus, when mosquitoes were maintained on a 0.3 m sucrose diet containing from 0.1 to 1.0% (w/v) phenylthiourea.  相似文献   

Blisterase is a subtilisin-like proprotein convertase of nematodes. The enzyme is named after the blistered cuticle found in Caenorhabditis elegans with the bli-4 e937 mutation. The critical role of the enzyme in cuticle production makes it a potential drug target for parasitic nematodes. We have cloned and expressed blisterase from the parasitic nematode Onchocerca volvulus, a major cause of blindness in Africa. The catalytic domain of the protease exhibits 84% identity with the corresponding domain of its closest homologue, C. elegans blisterase. O. volvulus blisterase expressed in insect cells has maximal activity in 1 mm calcium at neutral pH. The protease is inhibited by EDTA, the suicide substrate decanoyl-RVKR-chloromethylketone, alpha1-antitrypsin Portland and by its own propeptide. Substrate assays with fluorescent peptides show that O. volvulus blisterase requires a P4 arginine and a basic amino acid at P1 for cleavage. The kcat of blisterase on the peptide substrate, t-butyloxycarbonyl-RVRR-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide was determined to be 0.018 s-1. In vitro cleavage studies with the nematode polyprotein antigen demonstrated that blisterase cleaved at tetrabasic (RRKR) but not at dibasic (KR) sites. This report describes the first biochemical characterization of the nematode specific protease, blisterase.  相似文献   

Ferrets were inoculated with 160 third-stage larvae of the filarial nematode Brugia pahangi, followed 23 days later by 15 larvae of another filarial nematode, Dirofilaria immitis. Other ferrets received only one of these species. Microfilaremia developed in some ferrets with single infections of each species and in some ferrets with dual infections. The nature of the experiment did not permit a thorough study of microfilaremia, but B. pahangi microfilariae were found in numbers as high as 15,650/ml. At necropsy, approximately 8 months after inoculation, adult B. pahangi were recovered from the lymphatic vessels of all 8 ferrets inoculated only with that species, the recovery rate (based on 6 animals only) varying from 2 to 50% of the inoculum (mean 25%). Adult D. immitis were recovered from the heart of all three ferrets inoculated only with that species, the recovery rate being 7, 47, and 60% (mean 38%) of the inoculum. All 5 ferrets inoculated with both species yielded both adult B. pahangi (6 to 23%, mean 16% of inoculum) and adult D. immitis (13 to 67%, mean 37% of inoculum). It is concluded that the ferret is highly susceptible to both species and that concurrent infections with both species may readily be established.  相似文献   

Onchocerca gutturosa and O. lienalis infections in British cattle were studied by examination of cattle post-mortem originating from North Wales and Cheshire (north west England). In 463 adult animals, the microfilarial (mf) prevalence was 28.5%. In 95.3% of the mf infected animals, gravid worms could not be found at either the ligamentum nuchae or the gastro-splenic omentum. Dermal mf at the head were identified as O. gutturosa on the basis of their highly significant association with the presence of gravid O. gutturosa at the ligamentum nuchae, which were found in only 3.2% of cattle. Mfs were isolated from different skin sites and from adult worms and a minimum of 10 mfs from each isolate were examined for width and acid phosphatase (AP) staining pattern. The width of O. gutturosa dermal mf was less than 4 micron (4 isolations), narrower than that of putative O. lienalis mf isolated from umbilical skin of cattle without evidence of O. gutturosa, which were in 20/22 isolations greater than 4 micron wide. The dermal mf were also distinguished on the basis of different AP staining patterns which, for each species, correlated closely with that of hatched intrauterine mf from their respective adult female worms. Based on the criteria of morphology and AP staining patterns the mf species prevalences in the survey population were estimated as O. lienalis 24.1% and O. gutturosa 2.2%, with a further 2.2% of cattle infected with both species. The results indicate that the predilection site of adult O. lienalis is not the gastro-splenic omentum. In North Wales, the distribution of the two species was different; O. lienalis was widely distributed in all cattle rearing areas both lowland and upland, whereas O. gutturosa was largely restricted to valleys close to major rivers.  相似文献   

Tang L  Frank G 《Biological chemistry》2001,382(1):115-122
A novel secreted aromatic amino acid decarboxylase-like molecule was identified in the excretory/secretory products of L3/L4 larvae as well as in an extract of adult Dirofilaria immitis. The secretion of the enzyme was developmentally regulated. Peak enzyme activities were detected in the culture medium before and after the molting of L3 larvae in vitro. The enzyme was purified from D. immitis adult extracts and the excretory/secretory products of L3/L4 larvae using different chromatographic methods followed by isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE. The enzyme has a molecular mass of 48 kDa and a pI of 5.6, and shows a specific enzymatic activity towards the aromatic amino acid substrates phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. The enzyme's activity did not show an absolute requirement for exogenous pyridoxal-5-phosphate. However, addition of pyridoxal-5-phosphate at 5 microM in the reaction increased the enzyme activity greatly. The enzyme had the ability to catalyze the formation of dopamine from L-dopa. Studies on the effects of inhibitors on the enzyme activity showed that the enzyme was sensitive to Pefabloc and p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, but not to diisopropyl flurophosphate. The Km values of the enzyme for H-Phe-AMC, H-Tyr-AMC and H-Trp-AMC were calculated to be 32.1 microM, 35.1 microM and 29.1 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

The molecules associated with the surface of adult Dirofilaria immitis were identified and characterized employing IODO-GEN-mediated surface labeling methods. D. immitis female and male parasites were found to have a limited number of surface-associated proteins (17.5, 16, and 14.5 kDa) and glycoproteins (49 and 20 kDa) which were readily extracted from parasite homogenates in the absence of detergent. The major surface labeled proteins and glycoproteins were antigenic in rabbits, but appeared to elicit only a weak humoral response in dogs with patent dirofilariasis. In addition, a 10- to 6-kDa surface-associated glycolipid was identified which may form a coat on the outside of the parasite and play a role in immune evasion. In immunoprecipitation experiments, the glycolipid was not recognized by the antibodies from rabbits exposed to the glycolipid or by antibodies in the sera of patently infected animals. The glycolipid and the 14.5-kDa surface protein were selectively released by the adult parasite during in vitro culture.  相似文献   



In the Dominican Republic, a Latin American country with filariasis-endemic areas, more than 63,000 people have lymphatic filariasis and more than 400,000 people are at risk of future infection. In this paper, we explore the health beliefs, health-seeking behaviors and self-care practices of women with lymphoedema in filariasis-endemic areas to better understand the needs of women when developing lymphoedema morbidity control programs.


Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews of 28 women, 3 focus group discussions with 28 women, field notes and photographs.


Women described exhaustive and expensive attempts at seeking a cure for their lymphoedema. Family members were influential in providing women with initial care seeking referrals to indigenous healers credited with influence over physical, mental, spiritual and supernatural properties of illness. When indigenous treatments proved to be ineffectual, the women sought care from trained healthcare providers. Most healthcare providers incorrectly diagnosed the edema, failed to adequately treat and meet the needs of women and were viewed as expensive. Most women resorted to self-prescribing injectable, oral, or topical antibiotics along with oral analgesics as a standard practice of self-care.


Healthcare providers must understand a woman's cultural perspectives of illness, her natural networks of support and referral, her behavioural practices of care-seeking and self-care and the financial burden of seeking care. In the culture of the Dominican Republic family members and traditional healthcare providers are influential advisors on initial health-seeking behaviors and self-care practices. For this reason family-oriented interventions, support groups for women and their families, community education and training on simple, low cost lymphoedema management techniques for indigenous healers are viable ways to influence the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of women with lymphoedema. The extensive use of injectable, oral and topical antibiotics by indigenous healers and women without medical supervision suggests a need for health education messages related to the risks of such practices.  相似文献   

The Filarial Genome Project (FGP) was initiated in 1994 under the auspices of the World Health Organisation. Brugia malayi was chosen as the model organism due to the availability of all life cycle stages for the construction of cDNA libraries. To date, over 20000 cDNA clones have been partially sequenced and submitted to the EST database (dbEST). These ESTs define approximately 7000 new Brugia genes. Analysis of the EST dataset provides useful information on the expression pattern of the most abundantly expressed Brugia genes. Some highly expressed genes have been identified that are expressed in all stages of the parasite's life cycle, while other highly expressed genes appear to be stage-specific. To elucidate the structure of the Brugia genome and to provide a basis for comparison to the Caenorhabditis elegans genome, the FGP is also constructing a physical map of the Brugia chromosomes and is sequencing genomic BAC clones. In addition to the nuclear genome, B. malayi possesses two other genomes: the mitochondrial genome and the genome of a bacterial endosymbiont. Eighty percent of the mitochondrial genome of B. malayi has been sequenced and is being compared to mitochondrial sequences of other nematodes. The bacterial endosymbiont genome found in B. malayi is closely related to the Wolbachia group of rickettsia-like bacteria that infects many insect species. A set of overlapping BAC clones is being assembled to cover the entire bacterial genome. Currently, half of the bacterial genome has been assembled into four contigs. A consortium has been established to sequence the entire genome of the Brugia endosymbiont. The sequence and mapping data provided by the FGP is being utilised by the nematode research community to develop a better understanding of the biology of filarial parasites and to identify new vaccine candidates and drug targets to aid the elimination of human filariasis.  相似文献   

To determine the susceptibility of a heterologous filarial antigen for measuring Onchocerca volvulus antibodies, worms were compared using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Control serum samples from helminth-free U.S. residents and from helminth-infected but filariae-free Salvadoran residents were tested and compared with serum obtained from microfilariae-positive and -negative Guatemalan residents living in an area of endemic onchocerciasis. The results showed that none of the sera from U.S. residents had positive O. volvulus ELISA titers (greater than or equal to 1:160); however, 8.51% (4/47) had positive B. malayi ELISA titers (greater than or equal to 1:640). The geometric mean titers with the B. malayi ELISA test were higher than with the O. volvulus ELISA test--in sera from 47 U.S. residents (1:219 vs. 1:49), from 108 Salvadoran residents (1:92 vs. 1:71), and from 145 microfilariae-negative (1:539 vs. 1:167) and 303 microfilariae-positive (1:1,270 vs. 1:561) Guatemalan residents. The B. malayi ELISA test exhibited slightly less sensitivity than the homologous O. volvulus ELISA test; nevertheless, a good correlation (r = 0.74) was found between the 2 test antigens, indicating that the B. malayi antigen could be used to measure O. volvulus antibodies.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and high-throughput method for detection and identification of Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi, and Dirofilaria immitis in mosquito vectors and blood samples was developed using a real-time PCR combined with high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis. Amplicons of the 4 filarial species were generated from 5S rRNA and spliced leader sequences by the real-time PCR and their melting temperatures were determined by the HRM method. Melting of amplicons from W. bancrofti, B. malayi, D. immitis, and B. pahangi peaked at 81.5±0.2℃, 79.0±0.3℃, 76.8±0.1℃, and 79.9±0.1℃, respectively. This assay is relatively cheap since it does not require synthesis of hybridization probes. Its sensitivity and specificity were 100%. It is a rapid and technically simple approach, and an important tool for population surveys as well as molecular xenomonitoring of parasites in vectors.  相似文献   

Chromosomes of Nigerian Onchocerca volvulus were compared with those of Guatemalan O. volvulus. Both parasites had basically the same chromosomal construct (2n = 8, XY type). Autosomes consisted of a pair of large and two smaller pairs. Sex chromosomes were made up of medium sized X chromosome and very small Y chromosome. It was not possible to infer the position of the centromeres.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria are widespread in filarial nematodes and are directly involved in the immune response of the host. In addition, antibiotics which disrupt Wolbachia interfere with filarial nematode development thus, Wolbachia provide an excellent target for control of filariasis. A 63.1 kb bacterial artificial chromosome insert, from the Wolbachia endosymbiont of the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi, has been sequenced using the New England Biolabs Inc. Genome Priming System() transposition kit in conjunction with primer walking methods. The bacterial artificial chromosome insert contains approximately 57 potential ORFs which have been compared by individual protein BLAST analysis with the 35 published complete microbial genomes in the Comprehensive Microbial Resource database at The Institute for Genomic Research and in the NCBI GenBank database, as well as to data from 22 incomplete genomes from the DOE Joint Genome Institute. Twenty five of the putative ORFs have significant similarity to genes from the alpha-proteobacteria Rickettsia prowazekii, the most closely related completed genome, as well as to the newly sequenced alpha-proteobacteria endosymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. The bacterial artificial chromosome insert sequence however has little conserved synteny with the R. prowazekii and S. meliloti genomes. Significant sequence similarity was also found in comparisons with the currently available sequence data from the Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of this bacterial artificial chromosome insert provides useful gene density and comparative genomic data that will contribute to whole genome sequencing of Wolbachia from the B. malayi host. This will also lead to a better understanding of the interactions between the endosymbiont and its host and will offer novel approaches and drug targets for elimination of filarial disease.  相似文献   

Immune responses of individuals infected with filarial nematodes are characterized by a marked cellular hyporesponsiveness and a shift of the cytokine balance toward a Th2/Th3 response. This modulation of cellular immune responses is considered as an important mechanism to avoid inflammatory immune responses that could eliminate the parasites. We investigated the immunomodulatory potential of a secreted cysteine protease inhibitor (onchocystatin) of the human pathogenic filaria Onchocerca volvulus. Recombinant onchocystatin (rOv17), a biologically active cysteine protease inhibitor that inhibited among others the human cysteine proteases cathepsins L and S, suppressed the polyclonally stimulated and the Ag-driven proliferation of human PBMC. Stimulated as well as unstimulated PBMC in the presence of rOv17 produced significantly more IL-10, which was paralleled in some situations by a decrease of IL-12p40 and preceded by an increase of TNF-alpha. At the same time, rOv17 reduced the expression of HLA-DR proteins and of the costimulatory molecule CD86 on human monocytes. Neutralization of IL-10 by specific Abs restored the expression of HLA-DR and CD86, whereas the proliferative block remained unaffected. Depletion of monocytes from the PBMC reversed the rOv17-induced cellular hyporeactivity, indicating monocytes to be the target cells of immunomodulation. Therefore, onchocystatin has the potential to contribute to a state of cellular hyporesponsiveness and is a possible pathogenicity factor essential for the persistence of O. volvulus within its human host.  相似文献   

The aspartic protease inhibitory efficiency of rBm-33, an aspin from a filarial parasite Brugia malayi was investigated. rBm-33 was found to be thermostable up to 90°C and it forms a stable ‘enzyme-product’ complex with human pepsin. Aspartic protease inhibitory activity was investigated using UV spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry. Our results suggest that rBm-33 inhibits the activity of important human aspartic proteases that were examined with binding constants (Kb) values between 10.23?×?103 and 6.52?×?103 M?1. The binding reactions were enthalpy driven with ΔHb values between ?50.99 and ?46.07 kJ mol?1. From kinetic studies, pepsin inhibition by rBm-33 was found to be linear competitive with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 2.5 (±0.8) nM. Because of the inhibitory efficacy of Bm-33 against important human aspartic proteases which play a vital role in immune-regulation along with other functions, Bm-33 can be projected as a drug target for the filariasis.  相似文献   

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