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Electrophysiological studies of a synthetic strand of cardiac muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The effects of phlorizin and phloretin on the cable properties were investigated in frog sartorius muscle by conventional cable analysis. Actions of phloretin on voltage-dependent ionic conductances were also studied by analysis of the phase plane trajectories. Both drugs evoked a significant decrease in specific membrane resistance (Rm) in chloride-containing Ringer's solution. The linear membrane capacitance increased by about 30%. On the contrary, in the presence of the non-penetrating anion, glutamate, a slight increase in Rm was induced by phlorizin. It is suggested that these drugs may increase the chloride conductance in the muscle membrane. Under the effect of phloretin the resting membrane potential remained unchanged but the amplitude of the action potential was lowered and the rate of repolarization was significantly reduced. The rate of depolarization during the "foot" of the action potential and the conduction velocity calculated from the rate constant of depolarization decreased. The maximum Na conductance was not altered by phloretin but K conductance was reduced. The time constant (tau K) reflecting the kinetic properties of K conductance was increased about seven-fold. It is suggested that great importance may be attributed to the dipole properties of these drugs in the actions presented above.  相似文献   

A constitutive equation for the passive properties of muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

By the addition of n-butyl bromide to a 1:19 copolymer of 4-vinylpyridine and styrene, water-insoluble, strong polyelectrolytes can be prepared. The addition of a hydrocarbon plasticizer permits the casting of flexible films in which large polycations are immobilized but in which bromide ions (or other small anions) are free to move. Electrical measurements on these membranes showed that they could be represented by a complex admittance: an electrolytic conductance in parallel with a pure A. C. impedance. The latter gives a circular arc when real component is plotted against imaginary. These synthetic membranes thus resemble in their electrical behavior that found by Cole for a variety of biological membranes.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA-binding protein replication protein A (RPA) has a strand melting property that assists polymerases and helicases in resolving DNA secondary structures. Curiously, previous results suggested that human RPA (hRPA) promotes undesirable recombination by facilitating annealing of flaps produced transiently during DNA replication; however, the mechanism was not understood. We designed a series of substrates, representing displaced DNA flaps generated during maturation of Okazaki fragments, to investigate the strand annealing properties of RPA. Until cleaved by FEN1 (flap endonuclease 1), such flaps can initiate homologous recombination. hRPA inhibited annealing of strands lacking secondary structure but promoted annealing of structured strands. Apparently, both processes primarily derive from the strand melting properties of hRPA. These properties slowed the spontaneous annealing of unstructured single strands, which occurred efficiently without hRPA. However, structured strands without hRPA displayed very slow spontaneous annealing because of stable intramolecular hydrogen bonding. hRPA appeared to transiently melt the single strands so that they could bind to form double strands. In this way, melting ironically promoted annealing. Time course measurements in the presence of hRPA suggest that structured single strands achieve an equilibrium with double strands, a consequence of RPA driving both annealing and melting. Promotion of annealing reached a maximum at a specific hRPA concentration, presumably when all structured single-stranded DNA was melted. Results suggest that displaced flaps with secondary structure formed during Okazaki fragment maturation can be melted by hRPA and subsequently annealed to a complementary ectopic DNA site, forming recombination intermediates that can lead to genomic instability.  相似文献   

Passive membrane properties of neurons, characterized by a linear voltage response to constant current stimulation, were investigated by busing a system model approach. This approach utilizes the derived expression for the input impedance of a network, which simulates the passive properties of neurons, to correlate measured intracellular recordings with the response of network models. In this study, the input impedances of different network configurations and of dentate granule neurons, were derived as a function of the network elements and were validated with computer simulations. The parameters of the system model, which are the values of the network elements, were estimated using an optimization strategy. The system model provides for better estimation of the network elements than the previously described signal model, due to its explicit nature. In contrast, the signal model is an implicit function of the network elements which requires intermediate steps to estimate some of the passive properties.  相似文献   

Summary A frequency domain equivalent circuit analysis of isolated ventricular cells indicated the presence of an internal membrane structure which has a total capacitance four- to sixfold larger than the surface membrane. The internal membrane was mainly attributed to the sarcoplasmic reticulum since other morphological studies have shown that its area is many-fold larger than that of the surface membrane. Corresponding estimates from the transverse tubular system indicate an area less than that of the surface; thus this structure is not a likely candidate for the observed internal capacitance. Measurements in hypertonic solutions showed that the access resistance to the internal membrane reversibly increased as the tonicity was elevated. Freeze-fractured electron microscopic studies confirmed that hypertonic solutions increased the volume of transverse tubular system, which thus appears to have little relation to the access resistance. The most probable source of the access resistance is the diadic junction to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which therefore would electrically couple it to the surface membrane.  相似文献   

Recent progress in tissue engineering has made it possible to build contractile bio-hybrid materials that undergo conformational changes by growing a layer of cardiac muscle on elastic polymeric membranes. Further development of such muscular thin films for building actuators and powering devices requires exploring several design parameters, which include the alignment of the cardiac myocytes and the thickness/Young's modulus of elastomeric film. To more efficiently explore these design parameters, we propose a 3-D phenomenological constitutive model, which accounts for both the passive deformation including pre-stretch and the active behavior of the cardiomyocytes. The proposed 3-D constitutive model is implemented within a finite element framework, and can be used to improve the current design of bio-hybrid thin films and help developing bio-hybrid constructs capable of complex conformational changes.  相似文献   

Single cells from the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) atrium have been prepared by using a modification of the enzymatic dispersion procedure described by Bagby et al. (1971. Nature [Long.]. 234:351--352) and Fay and Delise (1973. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70:641--645). Visualization of relaxed cells via phase-contrast or Nomarski optics (magnification, 400--600) indicates that cells range between 150 and 350 micrometers in length and 4 and 7 micrometers in diameter. The mean sarcomere length in relaxed, quiescent atrial cells in 2.05 micrometer. Conventional electrophysiological measurements have been made. In normal Ringer's solution (2.5 mM K+, 2.5 mM Ca++) acceptable cells have stable resting potentials of about -88 mV, and large (125 mV) long- duration (approximately 720 ms) action potentials can be elicited. The Vm vs. log[K+]0 relation obtained from isolated cells is similar to that of the intact atrium. The depolarizing phase of the action potential of isolated atrial myocytes exhibits two pharmacologically separable components: tetrodotoxin (10(-6) g/ml) markedly suppresses the initial regenerative depolarization, whereas verapamil (3 x 10(-6) M) inhibits the secondary depolarization and reduce the plateau height. A bridge circuit was used to estimate the input resistance (220 +/- 7 M omega) and time constant 20 +/- 7 ms) of these cells. Two- microelectrode experiments have revealed small differences in the electrotonic potentials recorded simultaneously at two different sites within a single cell. The equations for a linear, short cable were used to calculate the electrical constants of relaxed, single atrial cells: lambda = 921.3 +/- 29.5 micrometers; Ri = 118.1 +/- 24.5 omega cm; Rm = 7.9 +/- 1.2 x 10(3) omega cm2; Cm = 2.2 +/- 0.3 mu Fcm-2. These results and the atrial cell morphology suggest that this preparation may be particularly suitable for voltage-clamp studies.  相似文献   

A model of electrical activity in the heart has been developed that treats the intracellular domain and the extracellular domain as electrical syncytia with anisotropic resistivities (bi-syncytial model). At the microscopic level, propagation is assumed to proceed primarily along the axes of individual cells. Considerations at the macroscopic level relate the transmembrane current to the intracellular and extracellular resistivity and the transmembrane potential. The result is a relationship between instantaneous extracellular potentials and cardiac action potentials.  相似文献   

The passive properties of skeletal muscle play an important role in muscle function. While the passive quasi-static elastic properties of muscle fibers have been well characterized, the dynamic visco-elastic passive behavior of fibers has garnered less attention. In particular, it is unclear how the visco-elastic properties are influenced by lengthening velocity, in particular for the range of physiologically relevant velocities. The goals of this work were to: (i) measure the effects of lengthening velocity on the peak stresses within single muscle fibers to determine how passive behavior changes over a range of physiologically relevant lengthening rates (0.1–10Lo/s), and (ii) develop a mathematical model of fiber viscoelasticity based on these measurements. We found that passive properties depend on strain rate, in particular at the low loading rates (0.1–3Lo/s), and that the measured behavior can be predicted across a range of loading rates and time histories with a quasi-linear viscoelastic model. In the future, these results can be used to determine the impact of viscoelastic behavior on intramuscular stresses and forces during a variety of dynamic movements.  相似文献   

We investigated passive properties of leech body wall as part of a larger project to understand better mechanisms that control locomotion and to establish mathematical models that predict such dynamical behavior. In tests of length-tension relationships in 2-segment-long preparations of body wall through step-stretch manipulations (step size = 1 mm), we discovered that these relationships are nonlinear, with significant hysteresis, even for the relatively small changes in length that occur during swimming. We developed a mathematical model comprising three nonlinear springs, two in series with nonlinear dashpots that describe well the tension statics and dynamics for step-stretch experiments. This model suggested that body wall dynamics are slow enough to be neglected when predicting the tension generated by imposed sinusoidal length changes (about ±10% of nominal) at 1–3 Hz, mimicking swimming. We derived a static model, comprising one nonlinear spring, which predicts sinusoidal data accurately, even when preparations were exposed to serotonin (0.1–10 μM). Preparations bathed in saline-serotonin had significantly reduced steady-state and peak tensions, without alterations in tension dynamics. Anesthetizing preparations (8% ethanol) reduced body wall tension by 77%, indicating that passive tension in the obliquely striated longitudinal muscles of leeches results primarily from a resting tonus.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of lower extremity joint stiffnesses and simulated joint contractures on the muscle effort required to maintain static standing postures after a spinal cord injury (SCI). Static inverse computer simulations were performed with a three-dimensional 15 degree of freedom musculoskeletal model placed in 1600 different standing postures. The required lower extremity muscle forces were calculated through an optimization routine that minimized the sum of the muscle stresses squared, which was used as an index of the muscle effort required for each standing posture. Joint stiffnesses were increased and decreased by 100 percent of their nominal values, and contractures were simulated to determine their effects on the muscle effort for each posture. Nominal muscle and passive properties for an individual with a SCI determined the baseline muscle effort for comparisons. Stiffness changes for the ankle plantar flexion/dorsiflexion, hip flexion/extension, and hip abduction/adduction directions had the largest effect on reducing muscle effort by more than 5 percent, while changes in ankle inversion/eversion and knee flexion/extension had the least effect. For erect standing, muscle effort was reduced by more than 5 percent when stiffness was decreased at the ankle plantar flexion/dorsiflexion joint or hip flexion/extension joint. With simulated joint contractures, the postural workspace area decreased and muscle effort was not reduced by more than 5 percent for any posture. Using this knowledge, methods can be developed through the use of orthoses, physical therapy, surgery or other means to appropriately augment or diminish these passive moments during standing with a neuroprosthesis.  相似文献   

Passive electrical properties of erythrocytes were studied during hemosorption in vivo. It was shown that specific conduction and capacity of the erythrocyte plasma membrane were reduced after hemosorption. Incubation of erythrocyte suspension with free fatty acids resulted in an increase in specific conduction and capacity of the plasma membrane. That effect was eliminated after the passing of erythrocytes through a column with activated charcoal.  相似文献   

This article describes a new apparatus for making simultaneous optical measurements on single muscle fibers at three different wavelengths and two planes of linear polarization. There are two modes of operation: mode 1 measures the individual absorbances of light linearly polarized along and perpendicular to the fiber axis, and mode 2 measures retardation (or birefringence) and the average of the two absorbance components. Although some intact frog twitch fibers were studied, most experiments used cut fibers (Hille, B., and D. T. Campbell. 1976. Journal of General Physiology. 67:265-293) mounted in a double-Vaseline-gap chamber (Kovacs, L., E. Rios, and M. F. Schneider. 1983. Journal of Physiology. 343:161-196). The end-pool segments were usually exposed for 2 min to 0.01% saponin. This procedure, used in subsequent experiments to make the external membranes in the end pools permeable to Ca indicators (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, G. Boyarsky, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:145-176; Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:41-143), was routinely employed so that all our cut fiber results would be comparable. A simple method, which does not require microelectrodes, allowed continual estimation of a fiber's membrane (rm) and internal longitudinal (ri) resistances as well as the external resistance (re) under the Vaseline seals. The values of rm and ri obtained from cut fibers with this method agree reasonably well with values obtained from intact fibers using microelectrode techniques. Optical measurements were made on resting and action potential-stimulated fibers. The intrinsic fiber absorbance, defined operationally as log10 of the ratio of incident light to transmitted light intensity, was similar in intact and cut preparations, as were the changes that accompanied stimulation. On the other hand, the resting birefringence and the peak of the active change in cut fibers were, respectively, only 0.8 and 0.7 times the corresponding values in intact fibers. Both the amplitude and the half-width of the active retardation signal increased considerably during the time course of cut fiber experiments; a twofold increase in 2 h was not unusual. Such changes are probably due to a progressive alteration in the internal state of the cut fibers.  相似文献   

The ionic basis of electrical activity in embryonic cardiac muscle   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The intracellular sodium concentration reported for young, embryonic chick hearts is extremely high and decreases progressively throughout the embryonic period, reaching a value of 43 mM immediately before hatching. This observation suggested that the ionic basis for excitation in embryonic chick heart may differ from that responsible for electrical activity of the adult organ. This hypothesis was tested by recording transmembrane resting and action potentials on hearts isolated from 6-day and 19-day chick embryos and varying the extracellular sodium and potassium concentrations. The results show that for both young and old embryonic cardiac cells the resting potential depends primarily on the extracellular potassium concentration and the amplitude and rate of rise of the action potential depend primarily on the extracellular sodium concentration.  相似文献   

Stroke survivors routinely experience long-term motor and sensory impairments. In parallel with neurological changes, material properties of muscles in the impaired limbs, such as muscle stiffness, may also change progressively. However, these stiffness measures are routinely derived from individual joint stiffness, representing whole muscle groups. Here, we use shear wave (SW) ultrasound elastography to measure SW velocity, as a surrogate measure of stiffness, to quantify material properties in individual muscles. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to compare muscle material properties of the bicep brachii in stroke survivors and in age-matched control subjects by measuring SW velocity at rest and different voluntary activation levels. Our main findings show that at rest, the SW velocity was on average 41% greater in the paretic muscle compared the contralateral non-paretic muscle. The mean passive SW velocity across all subjects were 2.34 ± 0.41 m/s for the non-paretic side, 3.30 ± 1.20 m/s for the paretic side, and 2.24 ± 0.18 for controls. SW velocity was significantly different in muscles of the paretic and non-paretic side (p < 0.001), but not between muscles of the non-paretic and controls (p = 0.47). As voluntary activation increased, SW velocity increased non-linearly, with an average power fit of r2 = 0.83 ± 0.09 for the non-paretic side, r2 = 0.61 ± 0.24 for the paretic side, and r2 = 0.24 ± 0.15 for the healthy age-matched controls. In active muscle (10, 25, 50, 75, 100% maximum voluntary contraction), there was no significant difference in SW velocity between the non-paretic, paretic, and control muscles.These findings suggest that stroke-impaired muscles have potentially altered muscle material properties, specifically stiffness, and that passive and active stiffness may contribute differently to total muscle stiffness.  相似文献   

Modelling the mechanical properties of cardiac muscle   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A model of passive and active cardiac muscle mechanics is presented, suitable for use in continuum mechanics models of the whole heart. The model is based on an extensive review of experimental data from a variety of preparations (intact trabeculae, skinned fibres and myofibrils) and species (mainly rat and ferret) at temperatures from 20 to 27°C. Experimental tests include isometric tension development, isotonic loading, quick-release/restretch, length step and sinusoidal perturbations. We show that all of these experiments can be interpreted with a four state variable model which includes (i) the passive elasticity of myocardial tissue, (ii) the rapid binding of Ca2+ to troponin C and its slower tension-dependent release, (iii) the kinetics of tropomyosin movement and availability of crossbridge binding sites and the length dependence of this process and (iv) the kinetics of crossbridge tension development under perturbations of myofilament length.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic behaviour of the heart muscle (papillary muscle) in the passive unstimulated) state is studied by such methods as stress relaxation, creep, vibration and stress-strain testing. The tests are conducted on a newly developed electromechanical muscle testing device which is suitable for conducting active and passive tests on biological materials.  相似文献   

This work discusses active and passive electrical properties of transverse (T-)tubules in ventricular cardiomyocytes to understand the physiological roles of T-tubules. T-tubules are invaginations of the lateral membrane that provide a large surface for calcium-handling proteins to facilitate sarcomere shortening. Higher heart rates correlate with higher T-tubular densities in mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes. We assess ion dynamics in T-tubules and the effects of sodium current in T-tubules on the extracellular potential, which leads to a partial reduction of the sodium current in deep segments of a T-tubule. We moreover reflect on the impact of T-tubules on macroscopic conduction velocity, integrating fundamental principles of action potential propagation and conduction. We also theoretically assess how the conduction velocity is affected by different T-tubular sodium current densities. Lastly, we critically assess literature on ion channel expression to determine whether action potentials can be initiated in T-tubules.  相似文献   

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