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To show the effects of growth inhibitory factor (Cu4Zn3MT-III) involved in the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), a pulse radiolytic study was employed using N2O-saturated Cu4Zn3MT-III aqueous solutions. It was demonstrated that the oxidizing OH radical efficiently reacted with Cu4Zn3MT-III by forming a thiyl radical RS with a second-order constant of 1.46×1011 mol l–1s–1, which was determined by competition kinetics against KSCN. The thiyl radical RS reacted rapidly and reversibly with a thiolate in Cu4Zn3MT-III to form radical anion RSSR with a constant of 1.65×109 mol lL–1s–1 per thiolate, while the constant of the decay of this radical anion was 2.72×105 s–1, and the equilibrium constant of the formation for RSSR was 6.08×103 mol–1 l. These values were close to those of Cd5Zn2MT-II. The SOD activity of Cu4Zn3MT-III to quench O2 was assayed by the riboflavine-methionine-nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) method which catalyzed the dismutation of superoxide (O2 ) at pH 7.8 with an IC50 value of 1.50×10–6 M for Cu4Zn3MT-III and 1.62×10–6 M for Cd5Zn2MT-II. Additionally, the down-regulation of GIF may be a main factor in the decrease of the scavenging ability for the free OH and O2 radicals, which is possibly associated with the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

A new method for the detection of low concentrations of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, formed by water radiolysis, is described in this article. The method used is the time resolved chemiluminescence. It has been performed with an electron beam delivered by a Febetron 707 accelerator. This method allows to measure hydroxyl and superoxide radical concentrations in a large range of concentrations, between 10(-5) and 10(-8) M.  相似文献   

Inflammation is associated with the accumulation and activation of phagocytic cells, such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and with the subsequent release and generation of a group of activated oxygen species, some of which are free radicals. These studies were carried out to assess the influence of enzymatically generated free radicals on both microvascular permeability and leukocyte adhesion. The extravasation of fluorescein-labelled dextran mean molecular weight (MW) 150 000 was used to assess microvascular permeability and methodology was developed to measure in vivo leukocyte endothelial interactions. Enzymatically generated superoxide anion radical (O-.2) was associated with an increase in macromolecular extravasation (seen primarily from postcapillary venules) and an increase in leukocyte adhesion. Macromolecular extravasation was found to be dependent on the generation of a hydroxyl radical related interaction while leukocyte adhesion was dependent on the presence of O-.2. It is suggested that the permeability alterations and increased polymorphonuclear leukocyte adhesion seen during inflammation may be partially related to the release of free radicals from inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin and extracellular-superoxide dismutase are similar in physical properties. Both are found in extracellular fluids and both are scavengers of the superoxide radical. The relationship between the two proteins was further explored in the present investigation. Ceruloplasmin preparations were found to be commonly contaminated with extracellular-superoxide dismutase. In one preparation, 80% of the superoxide dismutase activity was due to extracellular-superoxide dismutase. Ceruloplasmin, freed from contaminating superoxide dismutase, was found to catalytically dismute the superoxide anion radical with a rate constant of about 1.0 × 104 M s−1 per copper atom. Under physiological conditions with a low rate of superoxide production, ceruloplasmin preferentially reacts stoichiometrically with the superoxide radical with a rate constant of about 2 × 105 M−1 s−1 per copper atom. Under such conditions, the reaction does not result in hydrogen peroxide formation. From the kinetic data obtained it was calculated that in normal human plasma, extracellular-superoxide dismutase will scavenge about twice as much superoxide as ceruloplasmin. Using immobilized antibodies toward extracellular superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin, no antigenic cross-reactivity between the two proteins could be detected.  相似文献   

It was found that seven strains of bacteria can cause corrosion damage to aluminum, its alloys, and zinc. With respect to the studied metals, the most active bacteria were Proteus vulgaris 1212 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 969. Superoxide anion radicals were demonstrated to play a role in the initiation of corrosive damage to aluminum and zinc, while bacterial exometabolites participate in the later stages of this process.  相似文献   

It was found that seven strains of bacteria can cause corrosion damage to aluminum, its alloys, and zinc. With respect to the studied metals, the most active bacteria were Proteus vulgaris 1212 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 969. Superoxide anion radicals were demonstrated to play a role in the initiation of corrosive damage to aluminum and zinc, while bacterial exometabolites participate in the later stages of this process.  相似文献   

Frequency mixing magnetic detection (FMMD) was used to detect superoxide from hypoxanthine and xanthine reaction and to detect hydroxyl radical from the Fenton reaction. FMMD was also applied to measure the reactive oxygen species (ROS) level released from microglial cells. We could assess the formation and extinction of the free radicals without a spin trap reagent. The FMMD signal amplitude scaled with the concentration of the radicals. It was verified that no signals are obtained from the substrates and reagents. Based on the observations and on previous research, we suggest that the FMMD signals originate from superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, indicating that FMMD can be used to detect O-centered radicals. Subsequent analysis of free radicals generated from living microglial cells showed that there were significant differences between the activated microglial cells and resting ones. The results of this research are promising regarding the applications of FMMD for in situ measurement of free radicals from various sources, including the cell.  相似文献   

A steady-state competition system has been developed to investigate the reactions of the superoxide radical anion (O2?) with various peroxides, including the so-called Haber-Weiss reaction. Potassium superoxide dissolved in an oxygen-free solution of DMSO containing 18-dicyclohexyl-6-crown, is the source of O2?. High pressure liquid chromatography is used as an assay system for O2? reactivity, to detect and quantitate the yield of anthracene, formed as a major product in the reaction between O2? and 9,10-dihydroanthrancene. Decrease in anthracene yields, in the presence of peroxide, may be used to indicate a possible competing reaction between O2? and added peroxide. Complications involving peroxide-stimulated formation of anthraquinone derivatives are discussed. No evidence for a competing reaction between O2? and peroxide can be detected up to a 10-fold excess of peroxide over 9,10-dihydroanthracene.  相似文献   

Stimulated neutrophils generate superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. A membrane-bound NADPH oxidase, inactive in the resting state, is responsible for superoxide production. The production of hydroxyl radicals is through a secondary reaction. A Fenton-catalysed Haber—Weiss reaction is proposed. Transferrin was used as the catalyst in this investigation.  相似文献   

Iron--EDTA was shown to catalyse OH. production from H2O2 and ascorbate by a mechanism largely independent of superoxide. When ascorbate and superoxide were both present, the ascorbate mechanism was more important than superoxide as a source of OH., and would appear to be more significantly biologically.  相似文献   

Streptococcus sanguis, whose growth appears to be independent of the availability of iron, makes no hemes, contains neither catalase nor peroxidase, and can accumulate millimolar concentration levels of H2O2 during aerobic growth. It possesses a single manganese-containing superoxide dismutase whose concentration can be varied over a 50-100-fold range by manipulating the availability of oxygen during growth. Cell extracts contain a soluble NADH-plumbagin diaphorase which mediates O2- production in vitro and presumably also in vivo. Plumbagin increased oxygen consumption by S. sanguis and imposed an oxygen-dependent toxicity. Cells grown aerobically and containing elevated levels of superoxide dismutase were resistant to this toxicity. Dimethyl sulfoxide, which was shown to permeate S. sanguis freely, was used as an indicating scavenger of OH. An in vitro enzymic source of O2- plus H2O2 generated formaldehyde from dimethyl sulfoxide, an indication of OH. production. Either superoxide dismutase or catalase inhibited this OH. production and iron salts augmented it. Intact, aerobic cells of S. sanguis also gave evidence of OH. production, in the presence of plumbagin, but all of it appeared to be generated outside the cells. In addition, 0.5 M dimethyl sulfoxide did not diminish the oxygen-dependent toxicity of plumbagin. We conclude that, in S. sanguis, O2- can exert a toxic effect independent of the production of OH..  相似文献   

Iron(II) salts in aqueous solution, or iron(III) salts in the presence of an O√2 generating system, can activate dioxygen to produce hydroxyl radicals. These are detected indirectly by their ability to degrade deoxyribose with the formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive (TBA) products. Iron salts also catalyse the peroxidation of phospholipids resulting in the formation of TBA-reactive products. Hydroxyl radicals were responsible for the degradation of deoxyribose but not for the observed peroxidation of phospholipid. The function of O√2 in both deoxyribose degradation and phospholipid peroxidation seems to be that of reducing iron(III) into iron(II).  相似文献   

The kinetics of O·-2 reaction with semi-oxidized tryptophan radicals in lysozyme, Trp·(Lyz) have been investigated at various pHs and conformational states by pulse radiolysis. The Trp·(Lyz) radicals were formed by Br·-2 oxidation of the 3-4 exposed Trp residues in the protein. At pH lower than 6.2, the apparent bimolecular rate is about 2 × 108M-1s-1; but drops to 8 × 107M-1s-1 or less above pH 6.3 and in CTAC micelles. Similarly, the apparent bimolecular rate constant for the intermolecular Trp·(Lyz) + Trp·(Lyz) recombination reaction is about (4-7 × 106M-1s-1) at/or below pH 6.2 then drops to 1.3-1.6 × 106M-1s-1 at higher pH or in micelles. This behavior suggests important conformational and/or microenvironmental rearrangement with pH, leading to less accessible semioxidized Trp· residues upon Br·-2 reaction. The kinetics of Trp·(Lyz) with ascorbate, a reducing species rather larger than O·-2 have been measured for comparison. The well-established long range intramolecular electron transfer from Tyr residues to Trp radicals-leading to the repair of the semi-oxidized Trp·(Lyz) and formation of the tyrosyl phenoxyl radical is inhibited by the Trp·(Lyz)+O·-2 reaction, as is most of the Trp·(Lyz)+Trp·(Lyz) reaction. However, the kinetic behavior of Trp·(Lyz) suggests that not all oxidized Trp residues are involved in the intermolecular recombination or reaction with O·-2. As the kinetics are found to be quite pH sensitive, this study demonstrates the effect of the protein conformation on O·-2 reactivity. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the kinetics of a protein-O·-2 reaction not involving the detection of change in the redox state of a prosthetic group to probe the reactivity of the superoxide anion.  相似文献   

The kinetics of O·-2 reaction with semi-oxidized tryptophan radicals in lysozyme, Trp·(Lyz) have been investigated at various pHs and conformational states by pulse radiolysis. The Trp·(Lyz) radicals were formed by Br·-2 oxidation of the 3–4 exposed Trp residues in the protein. At pH lower than 6.2, the apparent bimolecular rate is about 2 × 108M-1s-1; but drops to 8 × 107M-1s-1 or less above pH 6.3 and in CTAC micelles. Similarly, the apparent bimolecular rate constant for the intermolecular Trp·(Lyz) + Trp·(Lyz) recombination reaction is about (4-7 × 106M-1s-1) at/or below pH 6.2 then drops to 1.3-1.6 × 106M-1s-1 at higher pH or in micelles. This behavior suggests important conformational and/or microenvironmental rearrangement with pH, leading to less accessible semioxidized Trp· residues upon Br·-2 reaction. The kinetics of Trp·(Lyz) with ascorbate, a reducing species rather larger than O·-2 have been measured for comparison. The well-established long range intramolecular electron transfer from Tyr residues to Trp radicals-leading to the repair of the semi-oxidized Trp·(Lyz) and formation of the tyrosyl phenoxyl radical is inhibited by the Trp·(Lyz)+O·-2 reaction, as is most of the Trp·(Lyz)+Trp·(Lyz) reaction. However, the kinetic behavior of Trp·(Lyz) suggests that not all oxidized Trp residues are involved in the intermolecular recombination or reaction with O·-2. As the kinetics are found to be quite pH sensitive, this study demonstrates the effect of the protein conformation on O·-2 reactivity. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the kinetics of a protein-O·-2 reaction not involving the detection of change in the redox state of a prosthetic group to probe the reactivity of the superoxide anion.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the conversion of superoxide to hydroxyl free radicals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The conversion of superoxide (O-.2) to the hydroxyl (HO.) free radical by superoxide-driven Fenton reactions was measured by the formation of hydroxylated derivatives from benzoate. Among a range of catalysts required for the conversion, the Fe3+EDTA complex was the most effective. The effect of superoxide dismutase and catalase indicated that O-.2 and H2O2 were essential reactants, while the formation of authentic HO. was confirmed by the inhibiting capacities of formate, t-butanol, and mannitol. The conversion of O-.2 to HO. was tested over a broad pH range, and was found to be highest at pH 4.8 whether Fe3+EDTA or free Fe3+ were used as the catalysts. When Fe3+EDTA was used at the optimum pH, every HO. produced required 3.7 O-.2 radicals, close to the theoretical limit of one HO. from every three O-.2 radicals generated.  相似文献   

The effect of the uremic solute indoxyl sulfate (IS) on scavenging superoxide anion radicals () generated from both the xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/XO) system and activated neutrophils was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, combined with 2-ethoxycarbonyl-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole-1-oxide (EMPO). The findings show that the presence of normal-physiological serum concentrations of IS (0.1-10 μM) resulted in decreased formation of EMPO-superoxide adduct without affecting XO activity. Furthermore, IS showed scavenging activity against cell-derived generated from activated neutrophils. In addition, IS also eliminated hydroxyl radicals. These findings suggest that IS acts as a novel endogenous antioxidant under normal-physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The pulse-radiolytic oxidation of hydroxylamine by either hydroxyl radicals (OH), superoxide anions (O2?), or a combination of both radicals was investigated. It was found that only OH radicals efficiently attack the substrate, while O2? is necessary for the subsequent formation of nitrite. Determination of the latter reaction thus allows the detection of the combined presence of both oxygen radical species.  相似文献   

Caffeic acid (5-200 mkM) reduces cytochrome c during autoxidation in potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7-8. The reduction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, which suggests generation of superoxide anion radicals. The generation rate is 0.028-0.115 mkmoles O2- per min. Superoxide appears to be a side product of the reaction, since the autoxidation of caffeic acid itself (followed by A420) is not inhibited by superoxide dismutase. The autoxidation is accompanied by oxygen of consumption. An addition of catalase results in liberation of some part of consumed oxygen, this being indicative of accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. Caffeic acid is known to be responsible for the resistance of plants to parasites because of its toxicity. This function presumably depends on superoxide or other reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

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