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Germination and growth of unaged (high vigor) and accelerated aged (41°C and 100% RH for 4 days; low vigor) soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Essex] seeds were severely reduced by soaking the seeds under water at 25°C during the first 1 to 8 h of imbibition. Soaking in 30% polyethylene glycol (PEG) did not injure high vigor seeds and improved the performance of low vigor seeds. Soaking in water increased subsequent RQ values and acetaldehyde and ethanol levels. In high vigor seeds, the increase in RQ lasted only 1 h after transfer to aerobic conditions, whereas in low vigor seeds the increase persisted into the second h. Increases in ethanol and acetaldehyde after soaking were more pronounced in low than in high vigor seeds. The data indicate that relatively short periods under water can cause water uptake injury to imbibing soybean seeds and that this injury can be avoided by osmotically reducing the initial rate of water uptake. Seeds whose vigor has declined during accelerated aging show an additional injury which increases with soaking duration and involves alterations in respiratory metabolism including accumulation of acetaldehyde and ethanol to high, and possibly toxic, levels during imbibition.  相似文献   

Hoch G  Körner C 《Oecologia》2003,135(1):10-21
Mature and old growth trees of varying sapwood thickness were compared with regard to stem respiration. An increment core-based, laboratory method under controlled temperature was used to measure tissue-level respiration (termed respiratory potential) of ten different tree species. Bark (dead outer and live inner combined), sapwood, and heartwood thickness measurements were used to predict sapwood volume from stem diameter (including bark) for four of the ten species. These predictions of sapwood volume were used to scale respiratory potential to the main-bole level (excluding all branches). On the core level, species that maintained narrow sapwood (8–16% of bole radius) such as Pseudotusga menziesii, Taxus brevifolia, and Thuja plicata, had sapwood respiratory potentials in the lower bole that were 50% higher (P<0.05) than species with wide sapwood (>16% of bole radius), such as Abies amabilis, Pinus monticola, and Tsuga heterophylla. This pattern was not observed for inner bark respiratory potential, or for sapwood respiratory potential within the crown. On the main-bole level, respiratory potential per unit volume was inversely correlated to the live bole volumetric fraction (inner bark plus sapwood divided by whole bole volume) (Adj. R2=0.6). Specifically, tree species with 18–20% of the main bole alive potentially respired 1.3–3 times more per unit live bole volume than species with over 40%, suggesting that the live bole was less metabolically active in tree species that maintained large volumes of sapwood.  相似文献   

随着全球城市化的加剧,城市作为一个受强人类活动支配的生态系统,在显著改变土地利用的同时,也改变了城市内植被的碳吸收和碳储存能力.本文选取杭州具有代表性的2个树种香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)和悬铃木(Platanus acerifolia)为研究对象,调查并测量了720株树木的胸径、株高、株距和冠幅,测量了230株样木近10年的平均轮面积增量,对城市不同土地利用类型上不同树种的碳储存和碳吸收速率进行了估算和比较.结果表明,香樟碳储存为45 kg C·m-2,悬铃木104 kg C·m-2.香樟碳吸收速率在政府机关用地上最大,住宅区最小;而悬铃木在住宅区碳吸收速率远远大干商业区和政府机构用地.冠幅是影响香樟碳吸收速率的主要影响因子,而悬铃木的碳吸收速率与冠幅相关外还受到年龄的影响.在城市土地利用类型中乔木碳吸收是野外相同年龄乔木的5倍甚至更多.  相似文献   

We studied competitive interactions among three species (Corynephorus canescens, Hieracium pilosella and Carex arenaria) of different early successional stages on sand dunes. Our study focused on the influence of competition and water availability on biomass allocation patterns and the plasticity of root responses. Plants were grown for one growing season in a simple additive (target–neighbour) design under low or ambient water supply. Overall competition intensity (e.g., above–and below–ground), as well as root competition alone, were compared using control plants grown without competitors. Our results show high competition intensity leading to an average target plant biomass reduction of 56 relative to controls. Competition was mostly below–ground. With increasing water availability, the competitive effect of H. pilosella on both of the other species decreased significantly. All other tested species combinations were not influenced by water availability. Soil moisture seemed to be a key factor determining the plasticity of root responses. Under limited water availability, strong competitors caused a significant decrease of response ratio (lnRR) based on root: shoot ratios for H. pilosella and C. arenaria and a decrease in lnRR based on specific root length (SRL) for C. arenaria. Under sufficient water supply, however, there was no significant effect of competition on root: shoot ratios for any of the species and only C. arenaria in competition with C. canescens showed a lower lnRR based on SRL. These water–related, species–specific changes of root morphology and allocation patterns may point to an adaptive response to competition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Changes in size inequality in tree populations are often attributed to changes in the mode of competition over time. The mode of competition may also fluctuate annually in response to variation in growing conditions. Factors causing growth rate to vary can also influence competition processes, and thus influence how size hierarchies develop. METHODS: Detailed data obtained by tree-ring reconstruction were used to study annual changes in size and size increment inequality in several even-aged, fire-origin jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands in the boreal shield and boreal plains ecozones in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, by using the Gini and Lorenz asymmetry coefficients. KEY RESULTS: The inequality of size was related to variables reflecting long-term stand dynamics (e.g. stand density, mean tree size and average competition, as quantified using a distance-weighted absolute size index). The inequality of size increment was greater and more variable than the inequality of size. Inequality of size increment was significantly related to annual growth rate at the stand level, and was higher when growth rate was low. Inequality of size increment was usually due primarily to large numbers of trees with low growth rates, except during years with low growth rate when it was often due to small numbers of trees with high growth rates. The amount of competition to which individual trees were subject was not strongly related to the inequality of size increment. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in growth rate among trees during years of poor growth may form the basis for development of size hierarchies on which asymmetric competition can act. A complete understanding of the dynamics of these forests requires further evaluation of the way in which factors that influence variation in annual growth rate also affect the mode of competition and the development of size hierarchies.  相似文献   

Growth and seasonal water use was measured amongst trees growing in an old growth Scots pine forest in the Scottish Highlands. Three sites which differed in their recent management history and contained old and naturally regenerated young trees growing together were monitored in the field. Our results showed a clear decrease in growth efficiency with age, from values of around 0.25 kg m−2 leaves year−1 in approximately 25-year-old trees to less than 0.1 kg m−2 leaves year−1 in trees over 200 years old. When the old trees in one of the field sites were released from competition by thinning, their growth efficiency reverted to that of coexisting young trees, indicating that the decline in growth was reversible. This is consistent with the results of a parallel study showing that cambial age had no effect on the physiology or growth of grafted seedlings originating from the same population studied here (Mencuccini et al. 2005). Our detailed study of tree water use in the field showed an overall decrease in whole-tree hydraulic conductance and stomatal canopy conductance with tree height in the unthinned stands, in agreement with the hydraulic limitation hypothesis. However, the effect of this reduction in hydraulic efficiency on growth was comparatively small, and old trees also showed consistently lower nitrogen concentrations in needles, suggesting that hydraulic and nutritional factors combined to produce the decline in growth efficiency with age observed in the studied populations.  相似文献   

R. F. Sutton 《Plant and Soil》1983,71(1-3):111-122
Summary First- and second-year results from a study of mounding site preparation for regenerating boreal forest cutovers in Ontario using bareroot jack pine and black spruce are reported. At each of 4 sites 5 treatments were investigated: (a) control; (b) shoulder of standard Bräcke patch; (c) bottom of Bräcke patch; (d) a 20-L mound of mineral soil on the mineral soil on the shoulder of Bräcke patch; (e) a similar mound on the double layer of organic matter (original forest floor + inverted organic matter from Bräcke patch) immediately distal to the patch. At each site, 600 pines or spruces were planted as 4 replicates of 30-tree plots for the 5 treatments. Field root growth (FRG) was determined on 5 trees for each plot 30 days post-planting. Survival and growth were assessed after 1 and 2 growing seasons.Root growth capacity (RGC) tests revealed large differences between lots of planting stock. Only with black spruce was a higher RGC associated with better nursery performance. Only one third of a tree's RGC could be explained in multiple regression with initial top height, stem diameter, and root area index. Field performance of outplants was highly site- and treatment-specific, but in both species on all sites, stem diameter increment and FRG were consistently high for the mound treatment. FRG, (r>0.50 in 8 of 16 cases), was best correlated with first- + second-year stem diameter increment. Correlations between FRG and RGC were inconsistent and generally low.  相似文献   

For a tree seedling to successfully establish in dense shrubbery, it must maintain function under heterogeneous resource availability. We evaluated leaf-level acclimation in photosynthetic capacity, seedling-level transpiration, and seedling morphology and growth to gain an understanding of the effects of above- and below-ground competition on Quercus robur seedlings. Experimental seedlings were established in a typical southern Swedish shrub community where they received 1 of 4 competition levels (above-ground, below-ground, above- and below-ground, or no competition), and leaf-level responses were examined between two growth flushes. Two years after establishment, first-flush leaves from seedlings receiving above-ground competition showed a maximum rate of photosynthesis (Amax) 40% lower than those of control seedlings. With the development of a second flush above the shrub canopy, Amax of these seedlings increased to levels equivalent to those of seedlings free of light competition. Shrubby competition reduced oak seedling transpiration such that seedlings exposed to above- and below-ground competition showed rates 43% lower than seedlings that were not exposed to competition. The impaired physiological function of oak seedlings growing amid competition ultimately led to a 60-74% reduction in leaf area, 29-36% reduction in basal diameter, and a 38-78% reduction in total biomass accumulation, but root to shoot ratio was not affected. Our findings also indicate that above-ground competition reduced Amax, transpiration and biomass accumulation more so than below-ground competition. Nevertheless, oak seedlings exhibited the ability to develop subsequent growth flushes with leaves that had an Amax acclimated to utilize increased light availability. Our findings highlight the importance of flush-level acclimation under conditions of heterogeneous resource availability, and the capacity of oak seedlings to initiate a positive response to moderate competition in a shrub community.  相似文献   

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