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Summary The complete physical map of the mitochondrial genome of the Owen cytoplasm of sugar beet has been determined from overlapping cosmid clones. The genome is 386 kb in size and has a multicircular organisation generated by homologous recombination across repeated DNA elements. The location of the rRNA genes and several polypeptide genes has been determined. In addition the mitochondrial genome was found to contain a sequence of chloroplast DNA including part of the 16 S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

In ventricular myocardial cells of mouse, guinea-pig, dog, and monkey, mitochondria frequently form close associations with gap junctions, the two structures being separated by a space of 20 nm or less. Similar appositions are found in both the mature atria and the developing myocardium of the mouse. The gap junctions assume a variety of configurations with respect to the apposed mitochondria. These include profiles in which the gap junctions conform closely to the contours of mitochondria, as well as profiles in which finger-like sarcolemmal evaginations, composed entirely of gap junctions, extend longitudinally or transversely into an adjoining cell to envelop mitochondria. In mouse ventricular wall, over 40% of the length of gap junctions is juxtaposed to mitochondria, and strands of connecting material are often present in the interspace between the two structures. In addition, in freeze-fracture replicas, portions of mitochondria are found attached to areas of myocardial sarcolemma that contain gap-junctional particles. Since mitochondria are known to sequester Ca2+ ion, it is possible that the close association between mitochondria and gap junction may function to buffer the intracellular Ca2+ concentration near the gap junctions, and thereby regulate the ionic permeability of the gap junctions.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination technologies enable high-throughput cloning and the seamless insertion of any DNA fragment into expression vectors. Additionally, retroviral vectors offer a fast and efficient method for transducing and expressing genes in mammalian cells, including lymphocytes. However, homologous recombination cannot be used to insert DNA fragments into retroviral vectors; retroviral vectors contain two homologous regions, the 5′- and 3′-long terminal repeats, between which homologous recombination occurs preferentially. In this study, we have modified a retroviral vector to enable the cloning of DNA fragments through homologous recombination. To this end, we inserted a bacterial selection marker in a region adjacent to the gene insertion site. We used the modified retroviral vector and homologous recombination to clone T-cell receptors (TCRs) from single Epstein Barr virus-specific human T cells in a high-throughput and comprehensive manner and to efficiently evaluate their function by transducing the TCRs into a murine T-cell line through retroviral infection. In conclusion, the modified retroviral vectors, in combination with the homologous recombination method, are powerful tools for the high-throughput cloning of cDNAs and their efficient functional analysis.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the effects of UV irradiation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in order to distinguish whether UV-induced recombination results from the induction of enzymes required for homologous recombination, of the production of substrate sites for recombination containing regions of DNA damage. We utilized split-dose experiments to investigate the induction of proteins required for survival, gene conversion, and mutation in a diploid strain of S. cerevisiae. We demonstrate that inducing doses of UV irradiation followed by a 6 h period of incubation render the cells resistant to challenge doses of UV irradiation. The effects of inducing and challenge doses of UV irradiation upon interchromosomal gene conversion and mutation are strictly additive. Using the yeast URA3 gene cloned in non-replicating single- and double-stranded plasmid vectors that integrate into chromosomal genes upon transformation, we show that UV irradiation of haploid yeast cells and homologous plasmid DNA sequences each stimulate homologous recombination approximately two-fold, and that these effects are additive. Non-specific DNA damage has little effect on the stimulation of, homologous recombination, as shown by studies in which UV-irradiated heterologous DNA was included in transformation/recombination experiments. We further demonstrate that the effect of competing single- and double-stranded heterologous DNA sequences differs in UV-irradiated and unirradiated cells, suggesting an induction of recombinational machinery in UV-irradiated S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels are an integral part of the conduction or propagation of an action potential from cell to cell. Gap junctions have rather unique gating and permeability properties which permit the movement of molecules from cell to cell. These molecules may not be directly linked to action potentials but can alter nonjunctional processes within cells, which in turn can affect conduction velocity. The data described in this review reveal that, for the majority of excitable cells, there are two limiting factors, with respect to gap junctions, that affect the conduction/propagation of action potentials. These are (1) the total number of channels and (2) the selective permeability of the channels. Interestingly, voltage dependence and the time course of voltage inactivation (kinetics) are not rate limiting steps under normal physiological conditions for any of the connexins studied so far. Only specialized rectifying electrical synapses utilize strong voltage dependence and rapid kinetics to permit or deny the continued propagation of an action potential.  相似文献   

The introduction of germ line modifications by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells has proven a fundamental technology to relate genes to mammalian biology. Critical aspects required for successful gene targeting have traditionally been experimental enhancements that increase the frequency or detection of homologous recombination within ES cells; however, the utilization of such methods may still result in the failed isolation of a positively targeted ES cell clone. In this study, we discuss the current enhancement methods and describe an ES cell pooling strategy that maximizes the ability to detect properly targeted ES cells regardless of an inherent low targeting efficiency. The sensitivity required to detect correctly targeted events out of a pool of ES cell clones is provided by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and only those pools containing positives need to be expanded and screened to find individually targeted clones. This method made it possible to identify targeted clones from a screen of approximately 2,300 ES cell colonies by performing only 123 PCR reactions. This technically streamlined approach bypasses the need to troubleshoot and re-engineer an existing targeting construct that is functionally suitable despite its low targeting frequency.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination makes use of sequence homology to repair DNA and to rearrange genetic material. In mammals, these processes have mainly been characterized using cultured cell systems. We have developed an assay that allows us to quantitatively analyze homologous recombination in vivo in the mouse embryo. Transgenic mouse lines were generated by microinjection into a fertilized mouse ovum of a vector containing two homologous LINE-1 (L1) sequences arranged as a direct repeat: these sequences can recombine with each other and with endogenous L1 sequences before, during or after integration of the vector into the genome. Using a plasmid rescue procedure, we determined the composition of the integrated vector array in several transgenic mice and their descendants. Homologous recombination frequencies were found to be strikingly high, involving 70% of integrated vectors in some arrays, with homologous deletions being five times more frequent than gene conversion without crossing-over. Interestingly, non-homologous recombination was found to be much less frequent. We also found that endogenous L1 sequences could be involved in homologous recombination events in the mouse embryo, and that the integrated arrays could be modified from generation to generation by homologous recombination between the integrated L1 sequences.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide (SSO)-mediated gene repair has great potentials for gene therapy and functional genomic studies. However, its underlying mechanism remains unclear. Previous studies from other groups have suggested that DNA damage response via the ATM/ATR pathway may be involved in this process. In this study, we measured the effect of two ATM/ATR inhibitors caffeine and pentoxifylline on the correction efficiency in SSO-mediated gene repair. We also checked their effect on double-stranded break (DSB)-induced homologous recombination repair (HRR) as a control, which is well known to be dependent on the ATM/ATR pathway. We found these inhibitors could completely inhibit DSB-induced HRR, but could only partially inhibit SSO-mediated process, indicating SSO-mediated gene repair is not dependent on the ATM/ATR pathway. Furthermore, we found that thymidine treatment promotes SSO-mediated gene repair, but inhibits DSB-induced HRR. Collectively, our results demonstrate that SSO-mediated and DSB-induced gene repairs have distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Overexpressed cyclin E in tumours is a prognosticator for poor patient outcome. Cells that overexpress cyclin E have been shown to be impaired in S-phase progression and exhibit genetic instability that may drive this subset of cancers. However, the origin for genetic instability caused by cyclin E overexpression is unknown. Homologous recombination plays an important role in S-phase progression and is also regulated by the same proteins that regulate cyclin E-associated kinase activity, i.e., p53 and p21. To test the hypothesis that overexpressed cyclin E causes genetic instability through homologous recombination, we investigated the effect of cyclin E overexpression on homologous recombination in the hprt gene in a Chinese hamster cell line. Although cyclin E overexpression shortened the G1 phase in the cell cycle as expected, we could see no change in neither spontaneous nor etoposide-induced recombination. Also, overexpression of cyclin E did not affect the repair of DNA double-strand breaks and failed to potentiate the cytotoxic effects of etoposide. Our data suggest that genetic instability caused by overexpression of cyclin E is not mediated by aberrant homologous recombination.  相似文献   

CRISPR technologies greatly foster genome editing in mammalian cells through site-directed DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). However, precise editing outcomes, as mediated by homologous recombination (HR) repair, are typically infrequent and outnumbered by undesired genome alterations. By using knockdown and overexpression studies in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells as well as characterizing repaired DNA junctions, we found that efficient HR-mediated genome editing depends on alternative end-joining (alt-EJ) DNA repair activities, a family of incompletely characterized DNA repair pathways traditionally considered to oppose HR. This dependency was influenced by the CRISPR nuclease type and the DSB-to-mutation distance, but not by the DNA sequence surrounding the DSBs or reporter cell line. We also identified elevated Mre11 and Pari, and low Rad51 expression levels as the most rate-limiting factors for HR in CHO cells. Counteracting these three bottlenecks improved precise genome editing by up to 75%. Altogether, our study provides novel insights into the complex interplay of alt-EJ and HR repair pathways, highlighting their relevance for developing improved genome editing strategies.  相似文献   

Rukść A  Birmingham EC  Baker MD 《DNA Repair》2007,6(12):1876-1889
Rad51, a homolog of Esherichia coli RecA, is a DNA-dependent ATPase that binds cooperatively to single-stranded DNA forming a nucleoprotein filament, which functions in the strand invasion step of homologous recombination. In this study, we examined DNA repair and recombination responses in mouse hybridoma cells stably expressing wildtype Rad51, or Walker box lysine variants, Rad51-K133A or Rad51-K133R, deficient in ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis, respectively. A unique feature is the recovery of stable transformants expressing Rad51-K133A. Augmentation of the endogenous pool of Rad51 by over-expression of transgene-encoded wildtype Rad51 enhances cell growth and gene targeting, but has minimal effects on cell survival to DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation (IR) or mitomycin C (MMC). Whereas expression of Rad51-K133A impedes growth, in general, neither Rad51-K133A nor Rad51-K133R significantly affected survival to IR- or MMC-induced damage, but did significantly reduce gene targeting. Expression of wildtype Rad51, Rad51-K133A or Rad51-K133R did not affect the frequency of intrachromosomal homologous recombination. However, in both gene targeting and intrachromosomal homologous recombination, wildtype and mutant Rad51 transgene expression altered the recombination mechanism: in gene targeting, wildtype Rad51 expression stimulates crossing over, while expression of Rad51-K133A or Rad51-K133R perturbs gene conversion; in intrachromosomal homologous recombination, cell lines expressing wildtype Rad51, Rad51-K133A or Rad51-K133R display increased deletion formation by intrachromosomal homologous recombination. The results suggest that ATP hydrolysis by Rad51 is more important for some homologous recombination functions than it is for other aspects of DNA repair.  相似文献   

Accurate DNA double-strand break repair through homologous recombination is essential for preserving genome integrity. Disruption of the gene encoding RAD51, the protein that catalyzes DNA strand exchange during homologous recombination, results in lethality of mammalian cells. Proteins required for homologous recombination, also play an important role during DNA replication. To explore the role of RAD51 in DNA replication and DSB repair, we used a knock-in strategy to express a carboxy-terminal fusion of green fluorescent protein to mouse RAD51 (mRAD51-GFP) in mouse embryonic stem cells. Compared to wild-type cells, heterozygous mRad51+/wt-GFP embryonic stem cells showed increased sensitivity to DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation and mitomycin C. Moreover, gene targeting was found to be severely impaired in mRad51+/wt-GFP embryonic stem cells. Furthermore, we found that mRAD51-GFP foci were not stably associated with chromatin. From these experiments we conclude that this mRad51-GFP allele is an antimorphic allele. When this allele is present in a heterozygous condition over wild-type mRad51, embryonic stem cells are proficient in DNA replication but display defects in homologous recombination and DNA damage repair.  相似文献   

In this short report, the genome-wide homologous recombination events were re-evaluated for classical swine fever virus (CSFV) strain AF407339. We challenged a previous study which suggested only one recombination event in AF407339 based on 25 CSFV genomes. Through our re-analysis on the 25 genomes in the previous study and the 41 genomes used in the present study, we argued that there should be possibly at least two clear recombination events happening in AF407339 through genome-wide scanning. The reasons for identifying only one recombination event in the previous study might be due to the limited number of available CSFV genome sequences at that time and the limited usage of detection methods. In contrast, as identified by most detection methods using all available CSFV genome sequences, two major recombination events were found at the starting and ending zones of the genome AF407339, respectively. The first one has two parents AF333000 (minor) and AY554397 (major) with beginning and ending breakpoints located at 19 and 607 nt of the genome respectively. The second one has two parents AF531433 (minor) and GQ902941 (major) with beginning and ending breakpoints at 8397 and 11,078 nt of the genome respectively. Phylogenetic incongruence analysis using neighbor-joining algorithm with 1000 bootstrapping replicates further supported the existence of these two recombination events. In addition, we also identified additional 18 recombination events on the available CSFV strains. Some of them may be trivial and can be ignored. In conclusion, CSFV might have relatively high frequency of homologous recombination events. Genome-wide scanning of identifying recombination events should utilize multiple detection methods so as to reduce the risk of misidentification.  相似文献   

DNA damage is a significant problem in living organisms and DNA repair pathways have been evolved in different species to maintain genomic stability. Here we demonstrated the molecular function of AtMMS21, a component of SMC5/6 complex, in plant DNA damage response. Compared with wild type, the AtMMS21 mutant plants show hypersensitivity in the DNA damaging treatments by MMS, cisplatin and gamma radiation. However, mms21-1 is not sensitive to replication blocking agents hydroxyurea and aphidicolin. The expression of a DNA damage response gene PARP2 is upregulated in mms21-1 under normal condition, suggesting that this signaling pathway is constitutively activated in the mutant. Depletion of ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED (ATM) in mms21-1 enhances its root growth defect phenotype, indicating that ATM and AtMMS21 may play additive roles in DNA damage pathway. The analysis of homologous recombination frequency showed that the number of recombination events is reduced in mms21-1 mutant. Conclusively, we provided evidence that AtMMS21 plays an important role in homologous recombination for DNA damage repair.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions are four-stranded DNA complexes that are formed during recombination and related DNA repair events. Much work has focused on the overall structure and properties of four-way junctions in solution, but we are just now beginning to understand these complexes at the atomic level. The crystal structures of two all-DNA Holliday junctions have been determined recently from the sequences d(CCGGGACCGG) and d(CCGGTACCGG). A detailed comparison of the two structures helps to distinguish distortions of the DNA conformation that are inherent to the cross-overs of the junctions in this crystal system from those that are consequences of the mismatched dG.dA base-pair in the d(CCGGGACCGG) structure. This analysis shows that the junction itself perturbs the sequence-dependent conformational features of the B-DNA duplexes and the associated patterns of hydration in the major and minor grooves only minimally. This supports the idea that a DNA four-way junction can be assembled at relatively low energetic cost. Both structures show a concerted rotation of the adjacent duplex arms relative to B-DNA, and this is discussed in terms of the conserved interactions between the duplexes at the junctions and further down the helical arms. The interactions distant from the strand cross-overs of the junction appear to be significant in defining its macroscopic properties, including the angle relating the stacked duplexes across the junction.  相似文献   

A missense mutation in C. elegans RAD-54, a homolog of RAD54 that operates in the homologous recombination (HR) pathway, was found to decrease ATPase activity in vitro. The hypomorphic mutation caused hypersensitivity of C. elegans germ cells to double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs). Although the formation of RAD-51 foci at DSBs was normal in both the mutant and knockdown worms, their subsequent dissipation was slow. The rad-54-deficient phenotypes were greatly aggravated when combined with an xpf-1 mutation, suggesting a conservative role of single-strand annealing (SSA) for DSB repair in HR-defective worms. The phenotypes of doubly-deficient rad-54;xpf-1 worms were partially suppressed by a mutation of lig-4, a nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) factor. In summary, RAD-54 is required for the dissociation of RAD-51 from DSB sites in C. elegans germ cells. Also, NHEJ and SSA exert negative and positive effects, respectively, on genome stability when HR is defective.  相似文献   

The EUCOMM and KOMP programs have generated targeted conditional alleles in mouse embryonic stem cells for nearly 10,000 genes. The availability of these stem cell resources will greatly accelerate the functional analysis of genes in mice and in cultured cells. We present a method for conditional ablation of genes in ES cells using vectors and targeted clones from the EUCOMM and KOMP conditional resources. Inducible homozygous cells described here provide a precisely controlled experimental system to study gene function in a model cell.  相似文献   

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