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Summary The influence of adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) on radiolabeled ascorbic acid (AA) accumulation by adrenocortical cells was examined in primary cultures of collagenase dissociated glands from adult male rats. The cells were ACTH responsive by morphological and steroidogenic criteria. After 5 d in AA-free medium, cells pretreated with 100 mU/ml ACTH for 3 d took up two to three times more AA over a 2 h period than did untreated controls (4.0 to 10.0 nmol versus 1.7 to 3.4 nmol AA/μg DNA). In contrast, ACTH administered on Day 6 concurrently with AA inhibited AA accumulation compared to cultures exposed to AA alone. This acute inhibitory effect of ACTH was in the order of 30% in cultures pretreated with ACTH for 3 d but was not significant (7%) without ACTH pretreatment. The results show that ACTH has distinct long term stimulatory and acute inhibitory effects on AA accumulation by adrenocortical cells and suggest that both maximal AA accumulation and the responsiveness to acute inhibition of AA accumulation by ACTH may depend on the maintenance of the differentiated state of the adrenal cortex. This work was supported by a grant and research associateship to N. A. from the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The choroid plexus consists of the choroidal epithelium, a derivative of the neural tube, and the choroidal stroma, which originates from the embryonic head mesenchyme. This study deals with epithelio-mesenchymal interactions of these two components leading to the formation of the organ. Grafting experiments of the prospective components have been performed using the quail-chicken marker technique. Prospective choroidal epithelium of quail embryos, forced to interact with mesenchyme of the body wall of chicken embryos, gives rise to a choroid plexus showing normal morphogenesis and differentiation. The choroidal epithelium induces the differentiation of organtypical fenestrated capillaries, which are highly permeable to intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase. The choroidal epithelium of the grafts constitutes a blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. On top of the choroidal epithelium, there are epiplexus cells displaying a typical ultrastructure. The experimental results show that these cells do not originate from the transplanted neural epithelium. Prospective choroidal stroma of chicken embryos does not exert a choroid plexus-inducing influence upon a quail embryo's neural epithelium isolated from parts of the brain that normally do not develop a choroid plexus. The experiments show that the choroidal epithelial cells are determined at least three days before the first organ anlage is detectable.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Ch 44/7-1)  相似文献   

Summary Mevinolin, an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis, was used to study the effect of endogenous cholesterol synthesis on the morphology and function of differentiating and differentiated fetal rat adrenocortical cells grown in primary culture. Upon adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) stimulation under conditions in which endogenous cholesterol synthesis was inhibited but exogenous (lipoprotein) cholesterol was available, the cells differentiated normally from glomerulosa-like to fasciculata-like cells; the steroid hormone secretion was maximally induced. Under conditions in which cholesterol synthesis was maximally inhibited by mevinolin and the cells had no access to exogenous cholesterol, the cells did not differentiate into fasciculata-like cells; the ACTH-induced steroid response was highly suppressed under these conditions. The addition of either human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or high-density lipoprotein (HDL3) to the culture medium restored the ACTH-induced differentiation and steroid secretion. Thus, in the absence of exogenous cholesterol, endogenous cholesterol synthesis was a prerequisite for differentiation. In cultures grown in the presence of exogenous cholesterol and ACTH with mevinolin-inhibited cholesterol synthesis and high steroid output, an increase in cytoplasmic lipids was evident, suggesting upregulation of LDL and HDL receptors. The results also demonstrated that induction of phenotypic differentiation from glomerulosalike into fasciculata-like cells can proceed in the presence of a cholesterol synthesis inhibitor like mevinolin; this differentiation in the absence of endogenous cholesterol synthesis is accompanied by the appearance of cytoplasmic cholesterol ester droplets, typical of fasciculata cells.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was undertaken to define the effects of lipoprotein-derived cholesterol and endogenous, de novo synthesized cholesterol on the ultrastructure and function of undifferentiated rat adrenocortical cells [lipoprotein (HDL3 and LDL) receptor-negative, zona glomerulosa-like adrenocortical cells] in primary culture. For this purpose human plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL3) or low density lipoprotein (LDL) was added to culture medium devoid of cholesterol. Steroid secretion remained at the low basal level even after addition of lipoproteins, and the amount of intracellular lipid droplets did not increase. When mevinolin (0.96 µg/ml), an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis, was added to the culture medium, a low secretion of corticosterone was measured both in serum-free and serum-containing media. Ultrastructurally, lipid droplets disappeared after treatment with mevinolin in both media used. At this concentration of mevinolin cell proliferation was similar to that in the controls, but at higher concentrations (4.8 or 9.6 µg/ml) proliferation was inhibited to 42% and 26% in serum-free medium, and 20% and 12% in serum-supplemented medium, respectively. This study demonstrates that cell proliferation and synthesis of corticosterone by undifferentiated rat adrenocortical cells is identical in the absence or presence of exogenous lipoprotein cholesterol. Inhibition of de novo cholesterol synthesis by mevinolin over a period of 7 days does not inhibit corticosterone secretion or proliferation of cells but decreases the amount of intracellular lipid droplets, thus suggesting utilization of intracellular cholesterol esters. However, higher concentrations of mevinolin inhibit proliferation of cells both in serum-free and serum-containing media.  相似文献   

Summary The proliferation rate of differentiating fetal rat adrenocortical cells was studied in primary culture. In this system, stimulation with ACTH induces differentiation of zona glomerulosa-like cortical cells into zona fasciculata-like cells. Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was studied immunocytochemically by use of anti-BrdU antibody, and the proliferation rate was counted from the monolayer colonies of adrenocortical cells. After 21 days of cultivation in the absence of ACTH, the proliferation rate of zona glomerulosa-like cells was 10%. The rate slowly declined to 1% at the age of 100 days during continuous cultivation in the absence of ACTH. Stimulation with ACTH induced a strong inhibition in the proliferation rate (down to 2% during the first 24 h). Treatment with ACTH during the following 48 h led to an extremely intense proliferation of adrenocortical cells at a proliferation rate of 25%. Continuous treatment with ACTH up to 100 days led to a persistent growth of adrenocortical cells, and a proliferation rate over 2-fold higher than in control cells cultivated in the absence of ACTH. Thus, ACTH is the principal growth-promoting factor also in vitro, as has been found in in vivo studies. This growth effect is mediated by a biphasic course; at the beginning of differentiation the effect is inhibitory and is followed by a persistent stimulation of the growth of adrenocortical cells.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a method that separates rat adrenocortical cells by density into populations which retain zone specific properties in primary culture. Two different parenchymal populations were obtained and designated 2FASC (1.034 g/ml, 18.0 μm cell diameter) and 7GLOM (1.069 g/ml, 11.7 μm cell diameter). In freshly isolated cell suspensions the physical characteristics and differential steroidogenic responses to adrenocorticotropin and angiotensin II suggested that 2FASC cells originated predominantly from the zona fasciculata and 7GLOM cells from the zona glomerulosa. In primary culture (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium-F12 medium with 15% horse serum and 2.5% fetal bovine serum) the two populations exhibited different morphologies. 2FASC cells retained lipid and formed cohesive epithelial monolayers that remained stationary for 3 wk. 7GLOM cells were initially epithelial but rapidly lost lipid, spread, and assumed fibroblastic shapes. Both cell types were ositive for the cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P-450 by immunofluorescence. Therefore, the morphologic changes seen in 7GLOM cultures were due to modulation, not fibroblastic overgrowth. This phenotypic plasticity may reflect the mesodermal origin of the adrenal cortex, and the subcapsular location of 7GLOM cells in vivo. In contrast, cells such as 2FASC which are located deeper in the cortex seem to have a more restricted, fully committed parenchymal phenotype. This work was supported by a studentship to C. D. R., and by a grant and research associateship to N. A., from the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

In order to gain morphological insights about the cell density dependency, hepatocytes cultured at a low cell density (less than about 0.1 X 10(5) nuclei (cm2)-1) and at a high cell density (greater than about 1 X 10(5) nuclei (cm2)-1) were examined ultrastructurally 24 h after plating (just prior to the beginning of DNA synthesis). The results were as follows: (i) glycogen rosettes disappeared completely in low density culture as compared with sections from an intact liver. In contrast, glycogen rosettes were still present in high density culture. (ii) Polysomes seemed increased in low density culture in comparison with those seen in sections from an intact liver and from the high density culture. (iii) In low density culture, the shape of mitochondria deviated from that of hepatocytes in an intact liver and the mitochondria often lost a characteristic close contact with rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER). (iv) In low density culture, bundles of filamentous structure were detected, which were not found in an intact liver or high density culture. The following features were found only in high density culture; (v) numerous villous cytoplasmic protrusions developed along the area facing adjacent cells, and seemed to intertwine with each other, and (vi) between the hepatocytes, only abortive junctions were found. These results indicate that the hepatocytes cultured at a low density express most of the characteristics of the hepatocytes in a regenerating liver and the features of the cells cultured at a high density are very similar to those of the hepatocytes in sections from an intact liver.  相似文献   

Summary Rat adrenocortical cells retiained their differentiated characteristics over 2 wk in culture without a specific requirement for additives other than inorganic salts, amino acids, vitamins, and fetal bovine serum. The cells were maintained free from fibroblast overgrowth by substitution ofd-valine in place ofl-valine in the medium. Corticotropin (ACTH) inhibited the growth of adrenocortical cells in this medium and the effect was reversible. The adrenocortical cells had a limited capacity for growth as reflected by total cell counts and [3H]thymidine uptake with cells from young animals demonstrated a greater potential for DNA synthesis than cells obtained from mature animals. A very sensitive assay for ACTH using a small number of cells in primary culture also is described. This work was supported by Grant CA-16417 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of 3H-thymidine and 3H-uridine into adrenocortical cells of intact and ACTH-treated rats was investigated by high-resolution autoradiography. The quantitative analysis of autoradiographs shows no effect of ACTH on the incorporation of 3H-thymidine, at least in our experimental conditions. On the contrary, ACTH was found to enhance the incorporation of 3H-uridine into both adrenocortical nuclei and mitochondria. These findings are discussed in relation to numerous biochemical and morphological data, indicating that ACTH stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and structural proteins of adrenocortical cells.It is suggested that the mechanism of action of ACTH on adrenal cortex, consists in an integrated stimulation of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA-dependent RNA synthesis.The authors wish to express their sincere appreciation to Mrs. L. Rebonato and Mr. G. Gottardo for skilled technical assistance.  相似文献   

The administration of 0.2 micrograms/g/bw of alpha-amanitin to approximately 20 g rats provoked the following nuclear modifications in rat adrenal fasciculata cells at 60 min: chromatin condensation, nucleolar fragmentation, increase in the number of PCG and clumping of ICG in the center of the nucleus. At longer time intervals (2.5 and 4.5 hr) these alterations were more evident, but at 24 hr the nuclear structure was back to normal with the exception of a persistent increased number of PCG. After injection of 0.75 micrograms/g/bw and at 2.5 hr, there was pulverization of condensed chromatin, fragmentation and partial segregation of the nucleolus with increased density of the fibrillar component. Cytoplasmic alterations were severe including cap-shaped mitochondria with electron-dense matrix surrounding lipid droplets, reduced endoplasmic reticulum of vesicular type and clusters of microvesicles with dense content in the Golgi trans-area. At 24 hr, the nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology returned to normal. These findings are interpreted as the morphological counterpart of a disturbance of extranucleolar and nucleolar RNA synthesis, as well as of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, brought about by the drug.  相似文献   

Characteristics of taurine transport in rat hepatocytes maintained in primary culture for 24 h (cultured hepatocytes) have been investigated. The uptake of [3H] taurine by cultured hepatocytes at 2 degrees C was unsaturable, whereas that at 37 degrees C consisted of unsaturable and saturable processes. The saturable transport system was sodium-dependent and consisted of two processes with low and with high affinities. The latter process (Km, 76.9 microM; Vmax, 0.256 nmole/mg protein/min; activation energy (EA), 37.8 kcal mol-1) was competitively inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol and ouabain, as well as by taurine analogues such as hypotaurine and guanidinoethyl sulphonate. The Vmax and EA values found in cultured hepatocytes at 37 degrees C were 6.0 and 6.8 times higher than those found in freshly isolated hepatocytes. These results indicate that taurine transport in hepatocytes in primary culture consisted of unsaturable, and saturable, sodium and energy-dependent carrier-mediated transport processes, respectively. The facilitation of the latter transport system by primary culture of hepatocytes is also suggested.  相似文献   

Characterization of the rat adrenal medulla cultured in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A wide variety of experimental animal models have been used to investigate the mechanisms of synthesis, storage, and release of catecholamines. Whereas in vivo experimental models are situated at one end of the spectrum, cell culture models are situated at the other end. In the present study, we have characterized various aspects of the rat adrenal medulla cultured in vitro as a whole tissue, aiming to establish a new experimental model in between in vivo animal models and cell culture models. We adapted a bottle rotator system commonly used for culturing rodent whole embryos. Changes in histology, activities and mRNA levels of catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes, and concentrations of catecholamines in the adrenal medulla were studied. In addition, the effects of cholinergic stimulation on catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla were examined. Overall the results indicate that various aspects of the adrenal medulla become stable after 4 d of culture and the adrenal medulla at this stage releases catecholamines in response to cholinergic stimulation. The whole adrenal medulla culture system may be a useful tool for investigating catecholamine-related functions dependent on intercellular reactions or communications.  相似文献   

We are describing a quick method to dissociate and culture hippocampal or cortical neurons from E15-17 rat embryos. The procedure can be applied successfully to the isolation of mouse and human primary neurons and neural progenitors. Dissociated neurons are maintained in serum-free medium up to several weeks. These cultures can be used for nucleofection, immunocytochemistry, nucleic acids preparation, as well as electrophysiology. Older neuronal cultures can also be transfected with a good efficiency rate by lentiviral transduction and, less efficiently, with calcium phosphate or lipid-based methods such as lipofectamine.  相似文献   

In order to characterize trout Sertoli cells and germ cells obtained after testis dissociation and cell separation, we have studied their morphology, ultrastructure, survival, and ability to express differentiated activities in primary cultures. After dissociation, the fine structure of Sertoli cells does not differ from that observed in situ and only minor changes are shown for at least 13 days. Until they are flattened in a monolayer, they keep the ability to retain germ cells on their surface. When flattened, some of them are able to divide. At the opposite of meiotic germ cells, spermatogonia can develop independently of Sertoli cells. They are able to proliferate during at least 10 days. Spermatocytes and spermatids are obtained as single cells and multinucleated giant cells (symplasts). In the absence of somatic cells, their maximal viability is approximately 5 days, whereas spermatocytes adhering to Sertoli cells can survive at least 10–12 days, provided trout lipoproteins are present. Spermatocytes are able to differentiate to spermatids, although this process is impaired for some ceils. The adhesion of spermatogonia and spermatocytes to Sertoli cells is specific, mediated by desmosome-like junctions and favored by lipoproteins. These data are compared to what is known in mammals and in amphibians.  相似文献   

Summary A stationary tissue culture system for reaggregation cultures of rat brain cells is described. Aggregates were formed by placing cells at high concentrations in liquid overlay cultures on a nonadherent nutrient agar surface. No physical stress in the form of rotation or shaking was applied to the aggregating cell population. Transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry showed that the cells developed from homogeneously dispersed, immature cells in Day 4 aggregates, to mature astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons in Day 20 aggregates. Twenty days and older aggregates had a tightly packed neuropil which was most prominent in a cell-sparse outer layer of the aggregates. When the aggregates were allowed to adhere to a substrate, both glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive and negative cells were observed migrating out from the aggregates. Cells giving a positive reaction for neuron specific enolase (NSE) were also present. This reaggregation procedure, with transfer of selected brain cell aggregates into agar-coated multiwells is an alternative three-dimensional culture system which can be potentially useful in the study of morphogenesis and cell interactions in the nervous system. This project was supported by the Norwegian Cancer Society.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在大鼠海马神经元原代培养过程中,阿糖胞苷对培养神经元的影响。方法:将新生24 h大鼠,分离出海马组织,进行原代海马神经元培养,再将细胞分为阿糖胞苷组和对照组,阿糖胞苷组加入1μmol/L阿糖胞苷,通过检测神经元特异性标志物微管相关蛋白-2(Map-2)计算培养神经元的数量,通过台盼蓝染色法观察细胞的存活率。结果:培养第7天,阿糖胞苷组神经元数量为(11±3)个,对照组为(10±4)个,两组无明显差异;阿糖胞苷组神经元细胞在培养第14天时存活率为74%,培养第21天时存活率为49%,而对照组神经元14天时存活率为96%,21天存活率为88%,两组神经元存活率差异明显。结论:原代培养海马神经元时,阿糖胞苷对神经元产量及形态影响不明显,但是由于阿糖胞苷的毒性作用,明显缩短神经元的存活时间,影响长期培养神经元的存活率。  相似文献   

Summary Isolated hepatocytes from adult rat liver were prepared after dissociation of the liver with EDTA. The morphological appearance, viability (94.5%) and yield (1.76.107 cells/g liver) compare well with those of previously described methods using collagenase. Differentiated functions of the hepatocytes in primary culture such as albumin secretion (10.9 μg/mg cell protein/d) and triglyceride synthesis and secretion are maintained. Induction of triglyceride synthesis and secretion by oleic acid takes place to an extent similar to that observed in vivo and liver perfusion. Particles with a lipid composition resembling circulating very low density lipoproteins are secreted into the medium. These characteristics demonstrate the ability of hepatocytes isolated with EDTA and subsequently used in primary culture to retain complex and highly differentiated functions of the intact liver.  相似文献   

目的:探讨体外大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(rBMMSCs)的分离培养和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)对其定向诱导为内皮样细胞(ELCs)的可行性。方法:采用Percoll(1.073g/ml)分离液分离骨髓单个核细胞,用含10%胎牛血清(FBS)的LG-DMEM培养基贴壁纯化培养,倒置显微镜、免疫细胞化学法、流式细胞仪、MTT法、透射电镜(TEM)联合对rBMMSCs形态、表型、生长曲线、细胞周期以及超微结构进行鉴定;诱导后的细胞,采用倒置显微镜观察细胞形态,免疫细胞化学法检测CD31、CD144(VE-cadherin)和CD34表达以及摄取Dil-ac-LDL、结合FITC-UEA-1的功能特点。结果:rBMMSCs呈长梭形,漩涡状排列。细胞生长曲线显示潜伏期、对数生长期和平台期,符合干细胞的生长规律。透射电镜结果表明:rBMMSCs有两种不同的形态结构,其中体积较小、核质比大、胞质内细胞器稀少者为处于未分化或分化较低状态的幼稚型rBMMSCs。细胞周期分析显示:第4代细胞G0/G1期为95.67%,表明绝大部分细胞处于非增殖状态;诱导后的部分细胞形态可见类似ELCs改变,表达血管内皮细胞(ECs)特异性表面标志CD31、CD34和CD144,具有摄取Dil-ac-LDL以及结合FITC-UEA-1的功能特点。结论:采用Percoll密度梯度离心与贴壁培养相结合的方法所培养的rBMMSCs在体外具有定向诱导分化为ELCs的潜能,可能成为血管组织工程理想的种子细胞来源。  相似文献   

NS0 cells are an important industrial cell line for the production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Culturing these cells is challenging because they are cholesterol auxotrophs, and providing cholesterol to the cells is hampered by the low solubility of lipids in aqueous medium. Limited loading capacity, precipitation, instability, and toxicity are associated with traditional delivery methods that involve solvents or carrier molecules. In this work, nanoparticle cholesterol mixtures (NCM) were produced by electrohydrodynamic spraying and added directly to a cholesterol auxotroph NS0 cell line. Compared to a cholesterol-cyclodextrin solution and a commercial proprietary cholesterol solution, SyntheChol NS0 supplement, NCM is significantly less cytotoxic. In the fed batch cell culture process, product titer was increased by 32% when the NCM supplement replaced SyntheChol NS0 supplement. An even greater product titer improvement, 64%, was achieved when both NCM and SyntheChol NS0 supplements were used in the fed-batch process.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions of cell culture media are empirically designed to enhance cell growth and productivity and vary both across media formulations and over the course of culture due to imbalance in supply and consumption. The interconnected nature of the amino acid transporters and metabolism suggests that changes in amino acid composition can affect cell physiology. In this study, we explore the effect of a step change in amino acid composition from a DMEM: F12-based medium to a formulation varying in relative abundances of all amino acids, evaluated at two amino acid concentrations (lean LAA vs. rich HAA). Cell growth was inhibited in LAA but not HAA. In addition to the expected effects on expression of the cell cycle, amino acid response and mTOR pathway genes in LAA, we observed an unanticipated effect on zinc uptake and efflux genes. This was accompanied by a lower tolerance to zinc supplementation in LAA but not in the other formulations. Histidine was sufficient but not necessary to prevent such zinc toxicity. Additionally, an unanticipated downregulation of genes in the cholesterol synthesis pathway was observed in HAA, accompanied by an increase in cellular cholesterol content, which may depend on the relative abundances of glutamine and other amino acids. This study shows that changes in the amino acid composition without any evident effect on growth may have profound effects on metabolism. Such analyses can help rationalize the designing of medium and feed formulations for bioprocess applications beyond replenishment of consumed components.  相似文献   

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