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Twenty expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from cDNA libraries of different developmental stages of embryos were mapped using a whole genome bovine hamster radiation hybrid panel. These include 14 markers representing genes, most of which have not so far been mapped in cattle, with another three being novel in both cattle and human. The markers were placed on specific chromosomes with high LOD scores and except two all localizations fit the current human and cattle comparative map. The assignment of these genes further enriches the cattle genome map and also contributes to the international effort of generating comparative maps.  相似文献   

Loci for 9322 equine expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were predicted using the Comparative Mapping by Annotation and Sequence Similarity (Compass) strategy in order to evaluate the programme's ability to make accurate locus predictions in species with comparative gene maps. Using human genome sequence information from Build 35 (May 2004) and published marker information from the radiation hybrid (RH) maps for equine chromosomes (ECA) 17 and X, 162 ESTs were predicted to locations on ECA17 and 328 ESTs to locations on ECAX by selection of the 'top blast hit'. The locations of 30 ESTs were assessed experimentally by RH mapping analysis to evaluate the accuracy of the Compass predictions. The data revealed that 53% (16 of 30) of the ESTs predicted on ECA17 and ECAX mapped to those chromosomes. Analysis of the results suggested the need to identify expressed orthologous sequences in order to generate more accurate predictions for ESTs. Locus predictions were reassessed with three modifications to the Compass strategy's orthologue selection parameters. Selection of the 'top gene hit' improved accuracy to 72% (21 of 29), while selection of the 'top expressed gene hit' improved accuracy to 86% (24 of 28). Using the default Compass parameters with the UniGene database improved prediction accuracy to 96% (22 of 23); however, this level of accuracy came with a substantial decrease in the total number of predictions. When used with optimized prediction parameters, the Compass strategy can be a practical in silico map location prediction tool for large EST sample sets from unsequenced animal genomes.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify and map genes expressed during the elongation phase of embryogenesis in swine. Expressed sequence tags were analysed from a previously described porcine cDNA library prepared from elongating swine embryos. Average insert length of randomly selected clones was approximately 600 bp, with a range from < 100 to > 2500 bp. Single-pass, coding strand sequences from 1132 independent clones were compared with the GenBank non-redundant (nr) database via BLASTN analysis to identify potential porcine homologous of known genes. Among these sequences, 781 (69%) showed significant (score > 300) homology to non- mitochondrial sequences previously deposited in GenBank. Sequences matching interleucin 1 beta and thymosin beta 10 were most frequently observed (24 and 18 clones, respectively), in addition to matches with 310 other distinct genes. No significant match in the GenBank nr database was obtained for 303 sequences. Analysis demonstrated that 151 (50%) had open reading frames (ORF) extending at least 50 codons from the first base of the clone insert. Genetic markers were developed and used to map a subset of 17 genes, selected on the basis of function or of the ability to design primers that successfully amplified porcine genomic DNA, to 10 different porcine chromosomes, providing a set of mapped markers corresponding to genes expressed during conceptus elongation.  相似文献   

“电子”cDNA文库筛选指导基因的全长cDNA克隆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“电子”cDNA库筛选主要是指通过采用生物信息学的方法延伸表达序列标签(EST)序列,以获得基因的部分及至全长cDNA序列,避免或部分避免构建与筛选cDNA库等烦琐的实验室工作。该方法具体体现了EST数据库的迅速扩张已导致识别与克隆新基因的策略发生革命性的变化。EST序列ZA73为本实验室克隆到的可能参与辐射致气管上皮细胞恶性转化过程的基因片段,本研究采用“电子”cDNA库筛选的方法对其可能  相似文献   

The cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, is a serious and invasive pest. At present, genetic resources for studying P. solenopsis are limited, and this negatively affects genetic research on the organism and, consequently, translational work to improve management of this pest. In the present study, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were analyzed from a normalized complementary DNA library of P. solenopsis. In addition, EST‐derived microsatellite loci (also known as simple sequence repeats or SSRs) were isolated and characterized. A total of 1107 high‐quality ESTs were acquired from the library. Clustering and assembly analysis resulted in 785 unigenes, which were classified functionally into 23 categories according to the Gene Ontology database. Seven EST‐based SSR markers were developed in this study and are expected to be useful in characterizing how this invasive species was introduced, as well as providing insights into its genetic microevolution.  相似文献   

鸡下丘脑cDNA文库的构建及部分克隆ESTs序列初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以鸡下丘脑为实验材料,以λgt10为载体,构建了鸡下丘脑cDNA文库。结果表明,文库的滴度为3.8×10  相似文献   

To increase the number of genes that can be mapped to the genome of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), we sequenced 100 randomly chosen clones from a mammary gland cDNA library. Provisional identifications were made of seven nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene encoding two caseins, -galactosidase, acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, lipoprotein lipase, inorganic pyrophosphatase, an ATP-dependent RNA helicase, and cytochromec oxidase I. Highly conserved genes, such as that encoding acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, were easily identified even from cross-kingdom matches. Genes which are highly divergent, however, such as those encoding themature casein peptides, could not be aligned with homologues in the databases. Even in an organ where there is high mRNA species redundancy, the sequence characterization of expressed sequence tags provides a rapid means of gene identification for mapping purposes.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the gene expression profile in differentdevelopmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni has been initiatedbased on the expressed sequence tag(EST) approach. A total of1401 ESTs were generated from seven different cDNA librariesconstructed from four distinct stages of the parasite life cycle.The libraries were first evaluated for their quality for a large-scalecDNA sequencing program. Most of them were shown to have lessthan 20% useless clones and more than 50% new genes. The redundancyof each library was also analyzed, showing that one adult wormcDNA library was composed of a small number of highly frequentgenes. When comparing ESTs from distinct libraries, we coulddetect that most genes were present only in a single library,but others were expressed in more than one developmental stageand may represent housekeeping genes in the parasite. When consideringonly once the genes present in more than one library, a totalof 466 unique genes were obtained, corresponding to 427 newS. mansoni genes. From the total of unique genes, 20.2% wereidentified based on homology with genes from other organisms,8.3% matched S. mansoni characterized genes and 71.5% representunknown genes.  相似文献   

In this study, microsatellite markers were developed for the genetic linkage mapping and breeding program of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. A total of 997 unique microsatellite-containing expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were identified from 10 100 EST sequences in the P. monodon EST database. AT-rich microsatellite types were predominant in the EST sequences. Homology searching by the blastn and blastx programs revealed that these 997 ESTs represented 8.6% known gene products, 27.8% hypothetical proteins and 63.6% unknown gene products. Characterization of 50 markers on a panel of 35-48 unrelated shrimp indicated an average number of alleles of 12.6 and an average polymorphic information content of 0.723. These EST microsatellite markers along with 208 other markers (185 amplified fragment length polymorphisms, one exon-primed intron-crossing, six single strand conformation polymorphisms, one single nucleotide polymorphism, 13 non-EST-associated microsatellites and two EST-associated microsatellites) were analysed across the international P. monodon mapping family. A total of 144 new markers were added to the P. monodon maps, including 36 of the microsatellite-containing ESTs. The current P. monodon male and female linkage maps have 47 and 36 linkage groups respectively with coverage across half the P. monodon genome.  相似文献   

Twenty-two and eight significant quantitative trait loci for economically important traits have been located on porcine chromosomes (SSC) 2q and SSC16 respectively, both of which have been shown to correspond to human chromosome 5 (HSA5) by chromosome painting. To provide a comprehensive comparative map for efficient selection of candidate genes, we assigned 117 genes from HSA5 using a porcine radiation hybrid (IMpRH) panel. Sixty-six genes were assigned to SSC2 and 48 to SSC16. One gene was suggested to link to SSC2 markers and another to SSC6. One gene did not link to any gene, expressed sequence tag or marker in the map, including those in the present investigation. This study demonstrated the following: (1) SSC2q21-q28 corresponds to the region ranging from 74.0 to 148.2 Mb on HSA5q13-q32 and the region from 176.0 to 179.3 Mb on HSA5q35; (2) SSC16 corresponds to the region from 1.4 to 68.7 Mb on HSA5p-q13 and to the region from 150.4 to 169.1 Mb on HSA5q32-q35 and (3) the conserved synteny between HSA5 and SSC2q21-q28 is interrupted by at least two sites and the synteny between HSA5 and SSC16 is also interrupted by at least two sites.  相似文献   

A bovine/hamster hybrid cell panel consisting of 30 independent hybrids was developed to locate genes. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of 279 microsatellites on the cattle linkage map in this panel revealed the presence of all chromosomes in either entire or fragmented form. Among primer pairs prepared from bovine 3'-expressed sequence tags (ESTs), 1400 ESTs were assigned to specific chromosomes, of which 1303 were newly assigned in this study, and mapped 854 (61%) to 1 of 192 chromosomal segments using this panel. The regional mapping of new genes to cattle chromosomes can be rapidly achieved using this panel.  相似文献   

抑制差减杂交技术广泛应用于植物抗病虫(真菌、细菌和线虫)机理研究。本文在归纳出植物抗病虫SSH文库中ESTs的总体情况之基础上,重点分析了表达频率高的抗病、防御和信号转导基因,并展望了SSH的发展前景,有利于认识植物抗病虫分子机理的普遍规律和推广应用该技术。  相似文献   

The indica subspecies of cultivated rice occupies the largest area of rice production in the world. However, a systematic analysis of cDNA sequences from the indica subspecies has not been performed. The aim of the present study was to collect and analyze the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of indica rice on a large scale. A total of 39 208 raw sequences were generated from a normalized cDNA library prepared by use of 15 different tissues of the indica cultivar Minghui 63. After trimming, processing and analysis, 17 835 unique sequences were obtained, each of which presumably represents a unique gene. Of these sequences, 2663 were novel, and at least 70 were indica specific. Comparison of the Minghui 63 sequences with the ESTs/full-length cDNAs in GenBank revealed a large number of deletion/insertion/substitution (DIS) at both the inter- and intra-subspecific levels. The overall number of polymorphisms in the expressed sequences was higher in the inter-subspecific comparisons than in the intra-subspecific comparisons. However, the extent of DIS-based polymorphism was highly variable among different rice varieties. In total, 15 726 unique sequences, including 697 novel sequences, were assigned to regions where large numbers of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for agronomic traits had been detected previously. These results may be useful for developing new molecular markers for genetic mapping, detecting allelic polymorphisms associated with phenotypic variations between rice varieties, and facilitating QTL cloning by providing the starting points for candidate-gene identification.  相似文献   

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