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食用菌原生质体融合育种研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原生质体融合是微生物遗传育种中的一项重要技术,可以在种间、属间及科间构建出新型菌株,同时也是菌种改良的重要手段之一,在遗传育种中具有广阔的应用前景.从食用菌原生质体融合技术在育种上的特点,原生质体制备及影响因素,融合方法,融合子的鉴定以及前景展望等方面进行了综述.  相似文献   

制备高特异性、高效价的抗体是实验免疫学技术的基础,抗体质量的高低,将直接影响试验的成败.抗体的制备有两个途径:一是一般通用的方法,以纯化的抗原免疫动物,获得多克隆抗体;二是应用杂交瘤技术制备单克隆抗体.但不论用何种技术制备的抗体都需要进行纯化.重要的是根据抗体的性质和来源选择一个合适的分离纯化方法.对当前的纯化方法进行了一个简要的综述.  相似文献   

顾锐  胡静  尹健 《生物技术进展》2018,8(6):489-499
近数十年来,糖芯片逐渐成为分析糖介导的识别和结合作用的强有力工具,具有样品检测用量少、特异性强和高通量等优点,可以大大提高糖生物学研究的效率。主要介绍了通过糖库的构建、共价结合和非共价吸附法等方法制备糖芯片的过程,糖芯片的检测方法及其在生物学研究和生物医学领域的应用,以期为糖芯片相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

循环肿瘤细胞(circulating tumor cells,CTCs)是指从原发肿瘤或转移灶脱落、发生上皮-间质转化进入患者外周血血液循环的恶性肿瘤细胞.CTCs在肿瘤研究和临床诊断上的作用逐渐得到认可,外周血中CTCs存在与否以及数量多少不但可以用于肿瘤的早期诊断,还可以用于评估肿瘤预后、监测肿瘤的转移和复发.微流控芯片作为一个高通量、小型化的细胞实验平台,已被应用于CTCs的分选当中.本文综述了用于CTCs捕获的微流控芯片系统的最新研究进展,着重介绍各类芯片的捕获原理、芯片结构和捕获效率,最后对微流控芯片技术在CTCs分选中的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

DNA芯片技术研究进展   总被引:61,自引:5,他引:61  
DNA芯片技术是近年来发展迅速的生物高技术 .其基本过程是采用寡核苷酸原位合成或显微打印手段 ,将大量探针片段有序地固化于支持物如硅芯片的表面 ,然后与扩增、标记的生物样品杂交 ,通过对杂交信号的检测分析 ,即可得出样品的遗传信息 .该技术不仅可以对遗传信息进行定性、定量分析 ,而且扩展到基因组研究和基因诊断等方面的应用 .尽管目前在硬件和软件上还面临一些困难 ,但其发展和应用的前景广阔 .  相似文献   

优化了醛基载玻片的制备方法 ,探讨了醛基修饰载玻片固定寡核苷酸探针的性质。研究发现氨基硅烷试剂的浓度是影响载玻片荧光背景的主要因素 ;2 %氨基化试剂处理 16min、戊二醛处理 30min可以得到荧光背景较低、固定效果较好的醛基载玻片。寡核苷酸固定过程中 ,末端氨基修饰没有明显的特异性 ,但是可以提高被固定探针的杂交容量。在较低的浓度 (小于 10 μmol L)时 ,探针的浓度与杂交信号趋近线性关系 ,浓度为 2 0 μmol L时杂交信号达到饱和  相似文献   

The moderately thermophilic acidophilic bacteria Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans, strain 1269, S. thermosulfidooxidanssubsp. asporogenes, strain 41, and the thermotolerant strain S. thermosulfidooxidanssubsp. thermotolerans K1 prefer mixotrophic growth conditions (the concomitant presence of ferrous iron, thiosulfate, and organic compounds in the medium). In heterotrophic and autotrophic growth conditions, these sulfobacilli can grow over only a few culture transfers. In cell-free extracts of these sulfobacilli, key enzymes of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas, pentose-phosphate, and Entner–Doudoroff pathways were found. The role of a particular pathway depended on the cultivation conditions. All of the enzymes assayed were most active under mixotrophic conditions in the presence of Fe2+and glucose, suggesting the operation of all of the three major pathways of carbohydrate metabolism under these conditions. However, the operation of the Entner–Doudoroff pathway in strain 41 was restricted under mixotrophic conditions. After the first culture transfer from mixotrophic to heterotrophic conditions, the utilization of glucose occurred only via the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas and Entner–Doudoroff pathways. After the first culture transfer from mixotrophic to autotrophic conditions, the activity of carbohydrate metabolism enzymes decreased in all of the strains studied; in strain K1, only the glycolytic pathway remained operative. The high activity of fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, remaining in strain 41 cells under these conditions, suggests the involvement of this enzyme in the reactions of the Calvin cycle or of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

肝糖代谢研究中的模型选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在肝糖代谢的研究中,经常用到的模型有整体动物、离体灌流肝、精细肝切片、分离肝细胞、原代培养肝细胞、肝细胞株等,它们各有利弊又相互补充。通过介绍几种模型的制作要点并分析其特点与利弊,为糖代谢研究中实验手段的选择提供思路。  相似文献   

In recent years, tremendous research effort has been aimed at increasing the energy density of supercapacitors without sacrificing high power capability so that they reach the levels achieved in batteries and at lowering fabrication costs. For this purpose, two important problems have to be solved: first, it is critical to develop ways to design high performance electrode materials for supercapacitors; second, it is necessary to achieve controllably assembled supercapacitor types (such as symmetric capacitors including double‐layer and pseudo‐capacitors, asymmetric capacitors, and Li‐ion capacitors). The explosive growth of research in this field makes this review timely. Recent progress in the research and development of high performance electrode materials and high‐energy supercapacitors is summarized. Several key issues for improving the energy densities of supercapacitors and some mutual relationships among various effecting parameters are reviewed, and challenges and perspectives in this exciting field are also discussed. This provides fundamental insight into supercapacitors and offers an important guideline for future design of advanced next‐generation supercapacitors for industrial and consumer applications.  相似文献   

Breast-milk has a well-known anti-microbial effect, which is in part due to the many different carbohydrate structures expressed. This renders it a position as a potential therapeutic for treatment of infection by different pathogens, thus avoiding the drawbacks of many antibiotics. The plethora of carbohydrate epitopes in breast-milk is known to differ between species, with human milk expressing the most complex one. We have investigated the expression of protein-bound carbohydrate epitopes in milk from man, cow, goat, sheep, pig, horse, dromedary and rabbit. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and the presence of carbohydrate epitopes on milk proteins were analysed by Western blotting using different lectins and carbohydrate-specific antibodies. We show that ABH, Lewis (Le)x, sialyl-Lex, Lea, sialyl-Lea and Leb carbohydrate epitopes are expressed mainly on man, pig and horse milk proteins. The blood group precursor structure H type 1 is expressed in all species investigated, while only pig, dromedary and rabbit milk proteins carry H type 2 epitopes. These epitopes are receptors for Helicobacter pylori (Leb and sialyl-Lex), enteropathogenic (H type 1, Lea and Lex) and enterotoxic Escherichia coli (heat-stable toxin; H type 1 and 2), and Campylobacter jejuni (H type 2). Thus, milk from these animals or their genetically modified descendants could have a therapeutic effect by inhibiting pathogen colonization and infection. Published in 2005.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in some parameters related to carbohydrate metabolism in the stick insect, Carausius morosus, were investigated during the 6th instar and up to day 37 of adult life. Total haemolymph carbohydrate concentration and the fat body glycogen content are low and may be related to the low activity of this insect. Trehalose constitutes about 75–80% of the total blood carbohydrate pool. During the moult, total blood carbohydrate, fat body glycogen and haemolymph volume, decrease while glycogen phosphorylase activity of the fat body is slightly activated. The effects are brought about mainly by reduced feeding activity, but may also be influenced by the shedding and replacement of the cuticle. During starvation, blood homeostasis is maintained at the expense of fat body glycogen via an activation of phosphorylase. During reproduction, although no dramatic changes in fat body glycogen levels occur, blood carbohydrates are maintained and fat body phosphorylase is slightly activated. The possibility is discussed that during moulting and reproduction, blood sugar homeostasis is maintained by a hormonal mechanism controlling glycogen phosphorylase. No circadian rhythm in any parameter investigated is observed.  相似文献   

We evaluated genetic variations in the non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) and the cell-wall components of stem in rice, sorghum, and sugar cane to assess the potential suitability of these gramineous crops for bioethanol production. For NSC, the maximum soluble sugar concentration was highest in sugar cane, followed by sorghum with sucrose. The major NSC in rice was starch, but there were wide variations in the starch to soluble sugar ratios among the cultivars. The total concentration of cell-wall components was negatively correlated with the NSC concentration, indicating competition for carbon sources. Among the cell-wall components, lignin was relatively stable within each group. The major sugar species composing hemicellulose was xylose in all crop groups, but there were differences in composition, with a higher fraction of arabinose and glucose in rice as compared to the other crops. In rice, there was less lignin than in sorghum or sugar cane; this might be advantageous for the efficient saccharification of cellulose.  相似文献   

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