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The establishment of the sensory nervous system of the antenna of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria was examined using immunocytochemical methods and in the light of the appendicular and articulated nature of this structure. The former is demonstrated first by the expression pattern of the segment polarity gene engrailed in the head neuromere innervating the antenna, the deutocerebrum. Engrailed expression is present in identified deutocerebral neuroblasts and, as elsewhere in the body, is continuous with cells of the posterior epithelium of the associated appendage, in this case the antenna. Second, early expression of the glial homeobox gene reversed polarity (repo) in the antenna is by a stereotypic pair of cells at the antenna base, a pattern we show is repeated metamerically for each thoracic appendage of the embryo. Subsequently, three regions of Repo expression (A1, A2, A3) are seen within the antenna, and may represent a preliminary form of articulation. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation reveals that these regions are sites of intense cell differentiation. Neuron-specific horseradish peroxidase and Lazarillo expression confirm that the pioneers of the ventral and dorsal tracts of the antennal sensory nervous system are amongst these differentiating cells. Sets of pioneers appear simultaneously in several bands and project confluent axons towards the antennal base. We conclude that the sensory nervous system of the antenna is not pioneered from the tip of the antenna alone, but in a stepwise manner by cells from several zones. The early sensory nervous systems of antenna, maxilla and leg therefore follow a similar developmental program consistent with their serially homologous nature.  相似文献   

The central complex is a major integrative region within the insect brain with demonstrated roles in spatial orientation, the regulation of locomotor behavior, and sound production. In the hemimetabolous grasshopper, the central complex comprises the protocerebral bridge, central body (CB), ellipsoid body, noduli, and accessory lobes, and this modular organization develops entirely during embryogenesis. From a biochemical perspective, a range of neuroactive substances has been demonstrated in these modules of the adult central complex, but little is known about their developmental expression. In this study, we use matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization‐imaging mass spectrometry on single brain slices to confirm the presence of several peptide families (tachykinin, allatostatin, periviscerokinin/pyrokinin, FLRFamide, and neuropeptide F) in the adult central complex and then use immunohistochemistry and histology to examine their developmental expression, together with that of the indolamin serotonin, and the endogenous messenger nitric oxide (NO; via its synthesizing enzyme). We find that each neuromodulator is expressed according to a unique, stereotypic, pattern within the various modules making up the central complex. Neuropeptides such as tachykinin (55%) and allatostatin (65%), and the NO‐synthesizing enzyme diaphorase (70%), are expressed earlier during embryonic development than the biogenic amine serotonin (80%), whereas periviscerokinin‐like peptides and FLRFamide‐like peptides begin to be expressed only postembryonically. Within the CB, these neuroactive substances are present in tangential projection neurons before they appear in columnar neurons. There is also no colocalization of serotonin‐positive and peptide‐positive projections up to the third larval instar during development, consistent with the clear dorsoventral layering of the neuropil we observe. Our results provide the first neurochemical fingerprint of the developing central complex in an hemimetabolous insect. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated cell death in identified lineages of the central complex in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Progeny from these lineages lie in the pars intercerebralis and direct projections to the protocerebral bridge and then the central body via the w, x, y, z tracts. Osmium‐ethyl gallate staining reveals pycnotic cells exclusively in cortical regions, and concentrated specifically within the lineages of the W, X, Y, Z neuroblasts. Minimal cell death occurs in a sporadic, nonpatterned manner, in other protocerebral regions. Immunohistochemistry reveals pycnotic cells express the enzyme cleaved Caspase‐3 in their cytoplasm and are therefore undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis). The number of pycnotic bodies in lineages of the pars intercerebralis varies with age: small numbers are present in the Y, Z lineages early in embryogenesis (42%), the number peaks at 67–80%, and then declines and disappears late in embryogenesis. Cell death may encompass up to 20% of a lineage at mid‐embryogenesis. Peak cell death occurs shortly after maximum neurogenesis in the Y, Z lineages, and is maintained after neurogenesis has ceased in these lineages. Cell death within a lineage is patterned. Apoptosis is more pronounced among older cells and almost absent among younger cells. This suggests that specific subsets of progeny will be culled from these lineages, and we speculate about the effect of apoptosis on the biochemical profile of such lineages. J. Morphol. 271:949–959, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ontogenetic basis of locustatachykinin-like expression in a group of cells located in the pars intercerebralis of the grasshopper midbrain. These cells project fibers to the protocerebral bridge and the central body via a characteristic set of fiber bundles called the w, x, y, z tracts. Lineage analyses associate the immunoreactive cells with one of four neuroblasts (termed W, X, Y, Z) in each protocerebral hemisphere of the early embryo. Locustatachykinin is a ubiquitous myotropic peptide among the insects and its expression in the pars intercerebralis begins at approximately 60-65% of embryogenesis. This coincides with the appearance of the columnar neuroarchitecture characteristic of the central body. The number of immunoreactive cells in a given lineage is initially small, increases significantly in later embryogenesis, and attains the adult situation (about 7% of a lineage) in the first larval instar after hatching. Although each neuroblast generates progeny displaying a spectrum of cell body sizes, there is a clear morphological gradient, which reflects birth order within the lineage. Locustatachykinin expressing cells are located stereotypically at or near the tip of their lineage, which an age profile reveals places them amongst the first born progeny of their respective neuroblasts. Although these neuroblasts begin to generate progeny at approximately 25-27% of embryogenesis, their daughter cells remain quiescent with respect to locustatachykinin expression for over 30% of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The tibial contact chemosensilla of Schistocerca americana contain several neurons, one of which responds to nicotine hydrogen tartrate and certain other compounds. The activity of this cell is sometimes briefly interrupted by the firing of a second cell in the same sensillum which usually only fires a few times in the first 500 ms of a stimulation. The evidence suggests that the nicotine-sensitive cell is directly inhibited by the activity of the second cell. Not all cells in the sensillum produce the same effect.  相似文献   

Vasa is a widely conserved germline marker, both in vertebrates and invertebrates. We identify a vasa orthologue, Sgvasa, and use it to study germline development in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria, a species in which no germ plasm has been identified. In adults, Sgvasa is specifically expressed in the ovary and testis. It is expressed at high levels during early oogenesis, but no detectable vasa RNA and little Vasa protein are present in mature unlaid eggs. None appears to be localized to any defined region of the egg cortex, suggesting that germline specification may not depend on maternal germ plasm expressing vasa. Vasa protein is expressed in most cleavage energids as they reach the egg surface and persists at high levels in most cells aggregating to form the embryonic primordium. However, after gastrulation, Vasa protein persists only in extraembryonic membranes and in cells at the outer margin of the late heart-stage embryo. In the embryo, it then become restricted to cells at the dorsal margin of the forming abdomen. In older embryos, these Vasa-positive cells move toward the midline; Vasa protein accumulates asymmetrically in their cytoplasm, a pattern closely resembling that of germ cells in late embryonic gonads. Thus, we suggest that the Vasa-stained cells in the abdominal margin are germ cells, as proposed by Nelson (1934), and not cardioblasts, as has been proposed by others.  相似文献   

Central complex modules in the postembryonic brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria are enveloped by Repo-positive/glutamine-synthetase-positive astrocyte-like glia. Such cells constitute Rind-Neuropil Interface glia. We have investigated the postembryonic development of these glia and their anatomical relationship to axons originating from the w, x, y, z tract system of the pars intercerebralis. Based on glutamine synthetase immunolabeling, we have identified four morphological types of cells: bipolar type 1 glia delimit the central body but only innervate its neuropil superficially; monopolar type 2 glia have a more columnar morphology and direct numerous gliopodia into the neuropil where they arborize extensively; monopolar type 3 glia are found predominantly in the region between the noduli and the central body and have a dendritic morphology and their gliopodia project deeply into the central body neuropil where they arborize extensively; multipolar type 4 glia link the central body neuropil with neighboring neuropils of the protocerebrum. These glia occupy type-specific distributions around the central body. Their gliopodia develop late in embryogenesis, elongate and generally become denser during subsequent postembryonic development. Gliopodia from putatively type 3 glia within the central body have been shown to lie closely apposed to individual axons of identified columnar fiber bundles from the w, x, y, z tract system of the central complex. This anatomical association might offer a substrate for neuron/glia interactions mediating postembryonic maturation of the central complex.  相似文献   

The expression pattern of the engrailed protein was studied in neuroblasts which delaminate at the border of the protocerebrum and antennal lobe of the deutocerebrum in the early embryonic brain of the grasshopper. The antennal lobe is a complex structure comprising both glomerular and non-glomerular components, a cellular organization which distinguishes it from the striate-like neuropil comprising the remainder of the deutocerebrum. Early in embryogenesis engrailed expression in the protocerebrum is restricted to a compact block of neuroblasts located at its interface with the antennal lobe. Subsequently engrailed expression in these cells disappears in a stepwise manner from anterior to posterior so that by 37% of embryogenesis only a single row of three engrailed positive neuroblasts and their progeny remains. Contemporaneously engrailed expression reappears in a group of more anterior progeny deriving from neuroblasts which are no longer immunoreactive. The three remaining engrailed positive neuroblasts then become separated from their non-immunoreactive neighbours by an invagination of the perineurium called the lateral cleft and come to lie completely within the developing antennal lobe. These cells then direct columns of immunoreactive progeny centrifugally towards the centre of the lobe. Such a protocerebral contribution to the antennal lobe suggests that the evolution and ontogeny of this brain region need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The grasshopper antenna is an articulated appendage associated with the deutocerebral segment of the head. In the early embryo, the meristal annuli of the antenna represent segment borders and are also the site of differentiation of pioneer cells which found the dorsal and ventral peripheral nerve tracts to the brain. We report here on another set of cells which appear earlier than the pioneers during development and are later found arrayed along these tracts at the border of epithelium and lumen. These so-called nerve tract associated cells differ morphologically from pioneers in that they are bipolar, have shorter processes, and are not segmentally organized in the antenna. Nerve tract associated cells do not express horseradish peroxidase and so are not classical neurons. They do not express antigens such as repo and annulin which are associated with glia cells in the nervous system. Nerve tract associated cells do, however, express the mesodermal/mesectodermal cell surface marker Mes-3 and putatively derive from the antennal coelom and then migrate to the epithelium/lumen border. Intracellular recordings show that such nerve tract associated cells have resting potentials similar to those of pioneer cells and can be dye coupled to the pioneers. Similar cell types are present in the maxilla, a serially homologous appendage on the head. The nerve tract associated cells are organized into a cellular scaffold which we speculate may be relevant to the navigation of pioneer and sensory axons in the early embryonic antennal nervous system.  相似文献   

We have investigated the pattern of glia associated with central complex lineages in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Using the glia-specific marker Repo, we identified glia associated externally with such lineages, termed lineage-extrinsic glia, and glia located internally within the lineages, termed lineage-intrinsic glia. Populations of both glial types increase up to 60 % of embryogenesis, and thereafter decrease. Extrinsic glia change their locations over time, while intrinsic ones are consistently found in the more apical part of a lineage. Apoptosis is not observed for either glial type, suggesting migration is a likely mechanism accounting for changes in glial number. Proliferative glia are present both within and without individual lineages and two glial clusters associated with the lineages, one apically and the other basally, may represent sources of glia.  相似文献   

The central complex of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria develops to completion during embryogenesis. A major cellular contribution to the central complex is from the w, x, y, z lineages of the pars intercerebralis, each of which comprises over 100 cells, making them by far the largest in the embryonic protocerebrum. Our focus has been to find a cellular mechanism that allows such a large number of cell progeny to be generated within a restricted period of time. Immunohistochemical visualization of the chromosomes of mitotically active cells has revealed an almost identical linear array of proliferative cells present simultaneously in each w, x, y, z lineage at 50% of embryogenesis. This array is maintained relatively unchanged until almost 70% of embryogenesis, after which mitotic activity declines and then ceases. The array is absent from smaller lineages of the protocerebrum not associated with the central complex. The proliferative cells are located apically to the zone of ganglion mother cells and amongst the progeny of the neuroblast. Comparisons of cell morphology, immunoreactivity (horseradish peroxidase, repo, Prospero), location in lineages and spindle orientation have allowed us to distinguish the proliferative cells in an array from neuroblasts, ganglion mother cells, neuronal progeny and glia. Our data are consistent with the proliferative cells being secondary (amplifying) progenitors and originating from a specific subtype of ganglion mother cell. We propose a model of the way that neuroblasts, ganglion mother cells and secondary progenitors together produce the large cell numbers found in central complex lineages.  相似文献   

We have examined the developmental expression of the neuromodulators locustatachykinin, leucokinin-1, allatostatin and serotonin in a subset of lineages (Y, Z) of the central complex in the brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. First, we show that all these neuromodulators are expressed in the same lineages during embryogenesis. The neuroblasts generating these lineages are therefore biochemically multipotent. Second, the neurons expressing the different neuromodulators are found clustered at stereotypic locations in their respective lineages. Locustatachykinin and leucokinin-1 map to the apical region of the lineage, allatostatin medially and serotonin to the base of the lineage. Since the location in these lineages translates into their birth order, we have been able ontogenetically to analyse their biochemical expression patterns. The age-profile within a lineage reveals that locustatachykinin- and leucokinin-1-expressing neurons are born first, then allatostatin neurons and finally serotoninergic neurons. Co-expression has been tested for serotonin with locustatachykin, leucokinin-1 or allatostatin and is negative but is positive for locustatachykinin and leucokinin-1, consistent with the stereotypic location of cells in the lineages. The delay between the birth of a neuron and the expression of its neuromodulator is stereotypic for each substance. Combined with a known birth date, this delay translates into a developmental expression pattern for the central complex itself.  相似文献   

 We have studied the embryonic development of the pars intercerebralis/central complex in the brain of the grasshopper using immunocytochemical and histochemical techniques. Expression of the cell-surface antigen lachesin reveals that the neuroblasts of the pars intercerebralis first differentiate from the neuroectoderm at around 26% of embryogenesis. Differentiation of medial and lateral neuroblasts occurs first. By the 28% stage a more or less uniform sheet of 20 neuroblasts has formed. As a result of both cell proliferation and cell translocation, the pars intercerebralis proliferative cluster in each hemisphere expands so that at 30% the most medial neuroblasts lie apposed at the midline. We followed the further development of the pars intercerebralis of each brain hemisphere using bromo-deoxy-uridine incorporation and osmium-ethyl-gallate staining. Within the pars intercerebralis itself, the neuroblasts redistribute into discrete subsets. The neuroblasts of each subset generate clusters of progeny which extend in a stereotypic, subset-specific direction in the brain. We have used this feature to identify one subset of four neuroblasts as being the likely progenitor cells for four clusters of embryonic neurons (W, X, Y, Z) which develop at around 55% of embryogenesis. We show that these progeny project axons via four discrete fascicles (w, x, y, z) into the embryonic central complex. At the single cell level, Golgi impregnation reveals that the axons from these neighbouring cell clusters remain discrete, and those from the same cluster tightly fasciculated, as they project into the central complex, consistent with a modular organization for this brain region. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the synaptic inputs from the serially homologous pleural, tympanal and wing-hinge chordotonal organs onto a set of identified homologous interneurons (714, 539, 529) in the ventral nerve cord of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Cobalt backfills show that afferents from all chordotonal organs project into stereotypic tracts in the central nervous system in which intracellular staining reveals the interneurons to have dendritic arborizations. Neuron 714 was found to receive excitatory bilateral synaptic input from all the serial chordotonal organs tested, from the second thoracic segment down to the seventh abdominal segment. Neuron 531, by contrast, only receives input from the chordotonal afferents on the first abdominal segment; those on the axon side are excitatory, while those on the soma side are inhibitory. The pattern of chordotonal input onto neuron 529 is similar to that seen for neuron 714, with the exception that neuron 529 receives no input from the forewing chordotonal organs. The pattern of afferent connectivities onto neurons 714, 531 and 529 differs with respect to those afferents which synapse directly or indirectly with the respective neuron. The synaptic inputs demonstrate a segmental specialization in the chordotonal system and thereby offer an insight into information processing in a modular sensory system.  相似文献   

The central body is a prominent neuropilar structure in the midbrain of the grasshopper and is characterized by a fan-shaped array of fiber columns, which are part of a chiasmal system linking anterior and posterior commissures. These columns are established during embryogenesis and comprise axons from cell clusters in the pars intercerebralis, which project to the central body via the so-called w, x, y, z tracts. Up to mid-embryogenesis the primary axon scaffold in both the brain and ventral nerve cord comprises a simple orthogonal arrangement of commissural and longitudinal fiber pathways. No chiasmata are present and this pattern is maintained during subsequent development of the ventral nerve cord. In the midbrain, individual axons entering the commissural system from each of the w, x, y, z tracts after mid-embryogenesis (55%) are seen to systematically de-fasciculate from an anterior commissure and re-fasciculate with another more posterior commissure en route across the midline, a feature we call "fascicle switching". Since the w, x, y, z tracts are bilaterally symmetrical, fascicle switching generates chiasmata at stereotypic locations across the midbrain. Choice points for leaving and entering fascicles mark the anterior and posterior positions of each future column. As the midbrain neuropil expands, the anterior and posterior groups of commissures condense, so that the chiasmata spanning the widening gap between them become progressively more orthogonally oriented. A columnar neuroarchitecture resembling that of the adult central body is already apparent at 70% of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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