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Yankari Game Reserve in northeastern Nigeria consists largely of savanna woodland with trees on the better soils growing to 15 m and with spreading crowns. On shallow and stony soils the tree height is generally less and the canopy is discontinuous. The Gaji River riparian zone supports a wide variety of vegetation types ranging from evergreen, closed canopy forest to sedge meadows and patches of open grassland.
Elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) range backwards and forwards along the riparian strip, feeding on perennial grasses and a variety of browse material and utilizing closed canopy forest patches for shade cover. The major movement patterns of other important herbivore species are perpendicular to the riparian strip. Areas used intensively are: waterbuck ( Kobus defassa )–open savanna woodland immediately behind the riparian strip: Western hartebeest ( Alcelaphus buselaphus major )– open grassy habitat in relatively poor woodland at middle distances from the river; Roan antelope ( Hippotragus equinus )–patches of well-developed and infrequently burned woodland, often at major distances from the river. Buffalo ( Syncerus caffer brachyceros ) during the dry season ranged between the riparian grassland areas and the more open sections of nearby savanna woodland, but travelled out to distant sections of the reserve after rainwater pools had formed.
A major problem in management was the development of a burning policy that would maintain an appropriate balance between perennial and annual grasses and the shade providing trees.  相似文献   

<正>新疆布尔根河狸国家级自然保护区位于新疆阿勒泰地区青河县境内,东与蒙古国接壤,西至青格里河与布尔根河交汇处,地理坐标为90o27'–91o00'E,46o05'–46o15'N。地势东北高西南低,地形为河谷平原,河谷两侧为山地,山地之间是狭窄较平坦且闭塞的凹地,整个山麓平原区由东南向西北倾斜。年降水80–130 mm,年平均气温3℃左右,7月平均气温20.7℃,1月平均气温–15.8℃。布尔根河狸国家级自然保护区植被主要由河谷草地植物群  相似文献   

刘芳  李迪强  吴记贵 《生态学报》2012,32(3):730-739
红外相机是监测野生动物的有效工具,目前广泛用于兽类资源调查以及动物损害、鸟巢生态学、种群评估、行为生态学等研究领域。为了调查北京松山国家级自然保护区的野生动物,于2010年5—12月采用红外相机进行系统调查,在210个位点放置了红外相机,每台相机在每个地点上放置一个月。研究期间共拍摄到照片2203张,其中73%为兽类,12%为鸟类,13%为工作人员,2%为其它人员。共鉴定出17种兽类(分属5目10科)以及36种鸟类(分属5目17科)。兽类中拍摄率最高的前5种动物分别是岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)、猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)、豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)、狗獾(Meles meles)和貉(Nyctereutes procyonoides),鸟类中拍摄率最高的前5种动物分别是紫啸鸫(Myophonus caeruleus)、雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)、松鸦(Garrulus glandarius)、勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)和宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)。红外相机在不同海拔、不同植被类型以及不同月份所拍摄动物的拍摄率不同:在1000—1400m的海拔段,拍摄率显著高于低海拔(600—1000m)以及中高海拔(1400—1700m);在阔叶林中的拍摄率最高,在针叶林、针阔混交林和灌丛中的拍摄率相似;秋季(8—10月)拍摄率较高,夏季(6—7月)次之,冬季(11—12月)最低。红外相机拍摄到的累积物种数与相机放置的时间成上升曲线,但曲线的增长速率逐渐变缓。研究表明红外相机适合于调查和监测大中型兽类和部分鸟类,所采集的动物数据以及拍摄的图片和视频资料将为保护区的监测、科研和环境教育提供资料。讨论了应用红外相机调查和监测野生动物的技术细节。  相似文献   

为系统掌握宽阔水国家级自然保护区野生动物资源状况,采用公里网格布设红外相机,对宽阔水重点区域大中型兽类和地面活动鸟类进行调查。结果显示:(1)褐胸噪鹛(Garrulax maesi)、蓝歌鸲(Luscinia cyane)、灰翅鸫(Turdus boulboul)、红腿长吻松鼠(Dremomys pyrrhomerus)等4种为该保护区新纪录野生动物;(2)宽阔水拍摄率高的常见种类有红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)(1.09)、灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracica) (0.44)、红腿长吻松鼠(Dremomys pyrrhomerus)(3.16)、野猪(Sus scrofa)(0.69)、小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)(0.49)等。这些常见物种在宽阔水呈现不同的日活动节律。野猪活动频率为早午主副峰型(08:00-09:00为小高峰,11:00-13:30为大高峰),小麂为晨昏型(09:30-11:30与17:00-19:00两个高峰),红腿长吻松鼠虽在早08:00-10:00稍显活跃,但整个日间节律高低峰并不明显;灰胸竹鸡日节律呈多高峰,而红腹锦鸡为早晚双峰型(10:00-11:00与16:00-17:00);(3)宽阔水监测区域内不同生境类型和海拔对物种拍摄率无显著差异。红外相机监测结果能够较为全面地反映出宽阔水保护区鸟兽多样性状况,有利于区域生物多样性编目、保护管理和重要物种生态学研究。  相似文献   

Summary Eighteen plant associations characteristic of the Northern Guinea savanna in N. Nigeria are described from Zaria Province.The dominance of the species in each association is assessed on the Domin scale.The inter-relationships between the associations are discussed with reference to the geomorphological features of the area and the availability of water. There is a clear distinction between the northern and southern parts of the area and the possibility of defining an upper and lower Northern Guinea zone is considered.  相似文献   

Sera from seven species of wild animals in Ontario were examined for antibody to Toxoplasma gondii using the Sabin-Feldman dye test. Of 158 sera tested, 53% of the red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 56% of the striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), 78% of the coyotes (Canis latrans), 33% of the black bears (Ursus americanus), 18% of the short tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) and none of the field voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) had antibody. Antibody to T. gondii was present in sera from wild animals captured throughout southern Ontario. A positive linear correlation between prevalence of toxoplasmosis and age of fox pups was calculated (p < 0.005).  相似文献   

西藏羌塘北部和青海可可西里地区冬季野生动物调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年11月1~23日,我们在西藏羌塘自然保护区北部和青海可可西里保护区进行了一次长达1692km的野生动物调查,此次调查所覆盖的区域均为无人区,海拔在4800~5200m之间。本次调查显示,冬季该荒漠/高山草原区域内,藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsoni)是分布最多的有蹄类物种。在全长1692km,宽2km的样线上,共记录到5999只藏羚羊。在每个分区内的密度各不相同,从0.03/km^2到9.21/km^2,平均为1.77只/km^2。在调查期间,明显的雄性个体群平均为6.3只/群,雌性个体群平均为6.4只/群,同时我们也记录到了100只以上的雌雄集合群。由此可见,藏羚羊正进入冬季的交配期,在一些区域出现了集中分布的现象。我们依然不清楚这些开始集中的雌性藏羚羊分别来自哪几个迁徙种群,和各个产仔地的明确关系,以及雄性藏羚羊又来自哪些区域。相比较而言,在同一纬度区域内其它有蹄类物种的密度相对较低,只有当向东进入可可西里之后才有所上升。其中,在可可西里保护区记录到的野牦牛(Bos grunniens)占总数的73%(n=977),藏野驴(Equus kiang)占48%(n=527)以及藏原羚(Gazella picticaudata)占95%(n=146)。西藏的羌塘北部地区对于藏羚羊是重要的冬季分布区,而可可西里地区不仅是几个藏羚羊种群重要的产仔地,同时也是一个重要的野牦牛种群的避难所。另外,本文还讨论了青藏公路东部有人区内的野生动物和草场的情况。在该区域内,已出现多个保护野生动物和自然环境的保护组织。  相似文献   

Human–wildlife conflict (HWC) has become a conservation focus for both protected area management and local communities in many parts of the world. The incidence and mediation of HWCs are rooted in coupled environmental and socioeconomic contexts. A systematic analysis of HWCs was undertaken in 2016 in the Wolong Nature Reserve located in Sichuan Province, southwestern China. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 201 local households to understand the occurrence of wildlife damage, the wildlife species involved, the typical losses incurred, and the mitigation measures employed. The results revealed that local HWC has increased rapidly in recent years due to effective biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration policies. Despite the widespread occurrence of HWCs, with nearly all respondents stating that they had suffered a financial loss, appropriate compensation schemes are lacking. Local respondents' expected compensation amount and style were investigated, and it was concluded that integrated compensation and community development plans are needed to mediate and resolve HWC. In particular, greater attention should be given to reduce local households' dependence on agriculture and transform local livelihood strategies to alternative economic activities not related to farming, such as ecotourism development and migrating employment.  相似文献   

The mating behaviour of male orangutans was investigated during a 16-month field study at the Kutai Game Reserve, Indonesia. Males competed for access to mates during interactions involving females. The highest-ranking male in the study population consistently displaced lower-ranking adult and subadult males when females were present. Adult males regularly supplanted subadults during similar interactions. Both adult and subadult males forcibly copulated with females. Subadult males, however, achieved more matings than adult males by copulating frequently during prolonged associations with females. Adult males mated with a few females within a defined area, or searched for mating opportunities with more females over larger regions. In this and other studies, individual male reproductive success could not be determined, and therefore remains a critical area for future research.  相似文献   

Illegal harvesting of wildlife resources is an important challenge facing protected areas in Africa. A better understanding of its nature would improve the way in which it is managed. We investigated the degree of poaching into different types of natural resources and its management implications in Ugalla Game Reserve, western Tanzania, using data on spatial distribution of poaching signs. Poaching signs were distributed nonrandomly through the reserve, which suggested that poachers targeted particular resources at certain areas of the reserve. Logging was the predominant illegal activity, followed by bushmeat hunting and illegal fishing. Logging signs were widespread at Ugalla east and Ugalla south. The latter also contained the highest encounter rate of bushmeat signs. Illegal fishing was extensive around the main rivers in the reserve. For improved conservation enforcement in western Tanzania and similar ecosystems, conservation efforts should take into consideration the distribution and composition of different types of poaching.  相似文献   

李红敏  李欣茹  谢美钰  徐建英 《生态学报》2023,43(24):10376-10386
野生动物肇事补偿是缓和人与野生动物冲突的常用措施之一,其核心目的是补偿社区居民的经济损失并最终改善社区居民对于肇事动物的态度,实现人与野生动物的和谐共处。以四川卧龙国家级自然保护区为例,研究了目前以及假设补偿后社区居民态度的变化及其影响因素和作用机制。在对态度进行多维特征划分的基础上,使用Wilcoxon秩和检验、二元logistic回归模型等方法探究野生动物肇事补偿对社区居民态度改变的作用以及影响因素。研究发现:野生动物肇事补偿可显著改变社区居民对于肇事动物的态度,且均发生了积极的改变,但对不同维度态度的改变作用不同。其中,喜厌态度的改变最明显,其次是捕杀态度和保护态度,最后是期望态度。肇事补偿对于社区居民的态度及其改变作用受到其社会经济特征的影响,其中是否受到过野生动物破坏、耕作总收入或总收入中耕作收入比重以及受教育程度显著影响社区居民的态度,农地总面积、牲畜数量、玉米地面积会显著影响社区居民情感态度的改变,玉米地损失面积会显著影响社区居民行为态度的改变。论文进一步讨论了各个影响因素的作用机制,并根据研究结果提出了普及肇事补偿制度、完善肇事补偿机制、调整生计策略和种植结构、通过多种...  相似文献   

对2002~2004年唐家河自然保护区周边林缘社区4个村与野生动物产生冲突进行调查分析,发现野生动物主要对农作物、林果和家畜家禽造成危害。其主要原因是狩猎活动减少、退耕还林后,野生动物数量逐年增多、活动范围扩大,林缘社区出现自然减员现象,传统防范难见成效。提出解决人与野生动物矛盾和冲突的对策是实施移民、调整种植结构、建立生态旅游小区提高村民的经济收入、发展特色经济。  相似文献   

Serologic survey for selected microbial pathogens in Alaskan wildlife   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibodies to Brucella spp. were detected in sera of seven of 67 (10%) caribou (Rangifer tarandus), one of 39 (3%) moose (Alces alces), and six of 122 (5%) grizzly bears (Ursus arctos). Antibodies to Leptospira spp. were found in sera of one of 61 (2%) caribou, one of 37 (3%) moose, six of 122 (5%) grizzly bears, and one of 28 (4%) black bears (Ursus americanus). Antibodies to contagious ecthyma virus were detected in sera of seven of 17 (41%) Dall sheep (Ovis dalli) and five of 53 (10%) caribou. Antibodies to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus were found in sera of eight of 17 (47%) Dall sheep and two of 39 (6%) moose. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus antibodies were detected in sera of six of 67 (9%) caribou. Bovine viral diarrhea virus antibodies were found in sera of two of 67 (3%) caribou. Parainfluenza 3 virus antibodies were detected in sera of 14 of 21 (67%) bison (Bison bison). Antibodies to Q fever rickettsia were found in sera of 12 of 15 (80%) Dall sheep. No evidence of prior exposure to bluetongue virus was found in Dall sheep, caribou, moose, or bison sera.  相似文献   

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