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Triassic ichthyosaurs are very widespread and diverse but most taxa are poorly known. New discoveries, such as described in this paper, underscore the first statement but only slowy invalidate the second. The first associated skeleton of the unusual durophagous ichthyosaurOmphalosaurus (O. wolfi) is reported from the Middle Triassic (earliest Ladinian) of the northern Alps. The vertebrae are of the ichthyosaurian type, firmly establishing the ichthyosaurian affinities of the genus. A round bone from the Muschelkalk of Franconia, Germany, is identified and described as a left humerus ofOmphalosaurus sp. These finds greatly extend the paleogeographic and temporal range ofOmphalosaurus which previously was only known from the western cratonic margin of North America and from Spitsbergen. The new records ofOmphalosaurus allow a revised differential diagnosis of the genus and a revision of its species. Valid species ofOmphalosaurus areO. nettarhynchus, O. nevadanus, andO. wolfi. In conjunction with such new insights into Triassic ichthyosaur distribution, it is necessary to address the validity of the poorly known genera such as the Middle TriassicPessosaurus. This taxon must be considered invalid because it lacks diagnostic characters. In assessing progress in research on Triassic ichthyosaurs and their paleobiogeography, it becomes apparent that supra-specific diversity appears largely known, at least for the pre-Norian record of North America, Europe, and East Asia.  相似文献   

Microfacies of the Early to Middle Norian reefal limestone of the Sambosan Accretionary Complex (SAC) at Kamase locality, southwest Japan, are classified into seven major facies types in stratigraphic order: peloidal grainstone-packstone, unfossiliferous lime-mudstone, tubular problematica-rich wackestone, sponge-coral floatstone, sponge bafflestone, coral rudstone, and peloidal-bioclastic packstone-grainstone. The SAC records patch reef development on a mid-oceanic seamount in the Panthalassa Ocean. Because most examples of Triassic reefs come from the former Tethys, counterparts such as those from the SAC are pivotal in resolving paleogeographic issues as well as clarifying the depositional patterns between the eastern Tethys and adjacent western Pacific (Panthalassa). We also reveal that the primary stratigraphy of the reefal limestone was disrupted by submarine landslides of the seamount in an open-ocean realm during the late Middle to Late Jurassic time.  相似文献   

Isolated Dinosaur teeth have been discovered in the Upper Triassic locality of Habay-la-Vieille, in southern Belgium. Ornithischia are represented by three dental morphotypes; two of them closely resemble isolated teeth from the Middle or Upper Jurassic of Portugal and England. The presence of sauropods in the Upper Triassic of Europe is confirmed. Sauropods already had a wide geographical distribution during the Latest Triassic, as fossils have been discovered in South Africa, Thailand and western Europe. At Habay-la-Vieille, sauropods and prosauropods co-existed at the end of the Triassic. Two dental morphotypes may tentatively be referred to as theropod dinosaurs. The study of isolated teeth indicates that dinosaurs were already well diversified in the Latest Triassic of western Europe. To cite this article: P. Godefroit, F. Knoll, C. R. Palevol 2 (2003) 3–11.  相似文献   

Summary During the Middle and early Late Triassic carbonate ramps and rimmed platforms developed at the northwestern margin of the Tethys ocean. In the Northern Calcareous Alps, Anisian stacked homoclinal ramps evolved through a transitional stage with distally steepened ramps to huge rimmed platforms of Late Ladinian to Early Carnian age. Middle Triassic to early Late Triassic facies and biota of basin, slope and platform depositional systems are described. Special emphasis is given to foraminifers, sponges, microproblematic organisms and algae. The Ladinian to early Carnian reef associations are characterized by the abundance of segmented sponges, microproblematica, biogenic crusts and synsedimentary cements. Among the foraminifers, recifal forms likeHydrania dulloi andCucurbita infundibuliformis (Carnian in age) are reported from the Northern Calcareous Alps for the first time. Some sphinctozoid sponges likeParavesicocaulis concentricus were known until now only from the Hungarian and Russian Triassic.  相似文献   

Cranial morphology of Permian and Triassic Therocephalia of Eastern Europe is revised. The Therocephalia are regarded as an order of the subclass Eutherapsida of the class Theromorpha. Phylogenetic relationships are reconsidered and a tentative taxonomic scheme of the order is proposed. Biomorph evolution of East European Therocephalia from the Middle Permian to the Middle Triassic are discussed.  相似文献   

预言鱼目是近鲱形类的一个绝灭支系,被认为是弓鳍鱼目的姐妹群.预言鱼目化石过去主要发现于欧洲的中三叠世拉丁期和晚侏罗世地层以及新大陆的早白垩世地层.近年来,在云南和贵州的中三叠世安尼期地层中分别发现了一种预言鱼目鱼类化石(强壮鱼和盘县鱼),代表了该目在中国的首次发现.根据产于云南罗平中三叠世安尼期(~244 Ma)海相地层中的6块保存良好的鱼化石,命名了预言鱼目一个新的属种,三叠复兴鱼(Subortichthys triassicus gen.et sp.nov.).三叠复兴鱼是罗平生物群中发现的第二种预言鱼目鱼类,代表了预言鱼目最古老的化石记录之一,为研究该目的起源和早期分异提供了重要信息.复兴鱼无疑可以归入近鲱形类,因为它具有近鲱形类两个共近裔性状,续骨与下颌关节以及上颌骨后缘具有凹缺.分支分析结果表明,复兴鱼位于预言鱼目的基部,因为它具有该目的重要鉴定特征,上颌骨具有感觉管,但它不具有其他预言鱼目鱼类的进步特征.特别的是,复兴鱼具有一些独特的性状,如额外肩胛骨3或4对、第三眶下骨特别宽大并与前鳃盖骨前缘相接等.复兴鱼的发现表明预言鱼目鱼类在华南地区(三叠纪时期位于古特提斯洋的东部)的早期分异至少发生在中三叠世早期(安尼期).  相似文献   

Varied west-transported and far-traveled Jurassic mélanges in southwestern Serbia represent a key to understand the geodynamic history and to solve paleogeographic questions and reconstructions in the Triassic–Jurassic passive and active margin arrangement of the Inner Dinarides. Of special interest are the carbonate-clastic radiolaritic mélange areas in the Zlatar Mountain below the Dinaridic Ophiolite nappe. The present study reports from a Middle Jurassic sedimentary mélange in the area of Vodena Poljana. Carbonate components and blocks of the mass-flow deposits consist exclusively of a reworked Middle/Late Anisian to Early Jurassic distal shelf succession. Ophiolite components from the Dinaridic Ophiolite nappe stack are missing in the spectrum. The underlying series of the Zlatar Mélange belong to Early/Middle Anisian shallow-water carbonates and to Late Anisian to Middle Jurassic deep-water sedimentary rocks of the Hallstatt facies zone. South of Vodena Poljana in the overlying ophiolitic mélange occur Late Triassic radiolaritic components from the sedimentary cover of the Late Triassic ocean floor, beside ophiolite clasts and limestone components from the continental slope. A comparison with preserved Hallstatt Limestone successions and Jurassic mélange complexes from the Eastern Alps, Western Carpathians, and Albanides strengthen the interpretation of a provenance of the Zlatar mélange from the distal passive margin facing the Neotethys Ocean to the east. An autochthonous Dinaridic Ocean west of the Drina-Ivanjica Unit cannot be confirmed.  相似文献   

四川广安谢家槽下三叠统碳酸盐微相及沉积环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据碳酸盐岩的颗粒组分及结构构造特点,四川广安谢家槽剖面下三叠统夜郎组和嘉陵江组的碳酸盐岩可以划分出5个主要的微相类型和15个次一级的微相类型。在微相分析的基础上,结合岩性及构造特点,划分出台地边缘、开放海台地、局限海台地和蒸发台地4种主要的沉积相带,由夜郎组、嘉陵江组向上到雷口坡组构成从局限海台地逐渐演变为蒸发台地相,反映了该地区从早三叠世到中三叠世海水逐渐变浅、碳酸盐台地逐渐向蒸发台地总的演变历程。  相似文献   

The Moenkopi Formation has yielded partial and isolated remains of important archosaurs including rauisuchian skull fragments and isolated poposaur centra and pelvic girdle elements. A recently discovered skeleton referable to Arizonasaurus babbitti shows that most of these archosaurian remains belong to one taxon. Characteristics of the skeleton of Arizonasaurus show that it belongs to a poorly known group of Middle Triassic (240-230 Myr ago) archosaurs called the ctenosauriscids, and that ctenosauriscids are or are closely related to poposaurs. Furthermore, many characteristics of Arizonasaurus provide evidence that poposaurids and ctenosauriscids are derived rauisuchians. The presence of a poposaurid in the early Middle Triassic suggests that the divergence of birds and crocodiles occurred earlier than previously thought. Middle Triassic ctenosauriscids also allow the correlation of Triassic faunas in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. The Moenkopi Formation fauna represents a transitional fauna between Early and Late Triassic faunas.  相似文献   

New Late Triassic–earliest Jurassic magneto-biostratigraphic data have been obtained from three overlapping sections in the Southern Alps, Italy (Costa Imagna, Brumano, Italcementi Quarry), composed of ~ 520 m of shallow-marine carbonates outcropping in stratigraphic continuity. Characteristic magnetic components of presumed depositional age record a sequence of 9 normal and reverse polarity magnetozones (as defined by at least three stratigraphically superposed samples) linked by conodont and palynofloral evidence from this study and the literature to Rhaetian to Triassic–Jurassic boundary age. This represents a significantly larger number of polarity zones than previously recognized in more condensed Rhaetian sections from the literature, and by inference represents more time. These data are placed in a broader Late Triassic temporal framework by means of correlations to published magneto-biostratigraphic data from the Tethyan marine Pizzo Mondello section and the Newark astronomical polarity time scale (APTS). This framework is consistent with a position of the Norian–Rhaetian boundary (as defined at Brumano and Pizzo Mondello by the first appearance of Misikella posthernsteini) within Newark magnetozones E17r–E19r in the ~ 207–210 Ma time interval, in basic agreement with the position originally estimated in the Newark using pollen biostratigraphy (E18 at 208–209 Ma). This framework is also consistent with the position of the Triassic–Jurassic boundary interval (placed at Italcementi Quarry at the acme of Kraeuselisporites reissingeri coincident with a negative carbon isotope excursion) correlative to just above Newark magnetozone E23r and just below the oldest CAMP lavas dated at ~ 202 Ma. Hence, we estimate the duration of the Rhaetian to be ~ 5.5–8.5 Myr (or even longer if the Triassic–Jurassic boundary is instead placed above the negative carbon isotope excursion as at Kuhjoch, which is the designated GSSP for the base of the Hettangian), and encompassing 9 magnetozones. This duration contrasts with a duration of ~ 2 Myr and only ~ 4 magnetozones in several alternative published magneto-biostratigraphic schemes.  相似文献   

Samples of Triassic pelagic limestones collected in several regions of the Central Mediterranean area were examined with the electron microscope. They show calcareous nannoplankton existing already from Middle Triassic time. The Middle Triassic nannofossils are contained in nodular limestones such as the “Ammonitico Rosso” of Epidaurus (Greece); the Upper Triassic ones are contained in nodular limestones like the Ammonitico Rosso of Hallstatt (Austria), as well as in Halobia cherty limestones of the Pindos basin in Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. In the Halobia limestones it is possible, in spite of the recrystallization effects, to recognize such an abundance of organic forms — even if in fragments — that we can suppose the original sediment to be a kind of nannoplankton ooze.Because of the very low accumulation rate (few metres/m.y.) of the Middle Triassic Ammonitico Rosso limestones, the coccoliths cannot be considered a significant factor of carbonate pelagic sedimentation at this time; the very high accumulation rate (up to 25 metres/m.y.) of the Upper Triassic cherty limestones in the Pindos basin, on the contrary, allows the nannoplankton to be considered a very important agent of calcareous pelagic sedimentation. The authors hypothesize that the Dogger-Malm, mainly represented by radiolarites, was only a temporary interlude in the Mesozoic pelagic carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

金沙江上游两岸为川西、藏东地区。此区的四川省白玉县、西藏贡觉县及江达县的晚三叠世诺利期沉积中发现了有孔虫18属21种,海参骨片5属8种。三叠纪海参在中国为首次报道:白玉县及贡觉县的三叠世有孔虫也为首次发现。这一动物群在区域地质史及古地理研究上具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The Permo-Triassic terrestrial and freshwater tetrapod communities of Eastern Europe are reconstructed as food-webs. The Late Permian theriodont-dinocephalian community (Ocher, Mezen, Isheyevo) changes to a latest Permian theriodont-pareiasaur community (North Dvina, Vyazniki). After a major extinction, the Triassic thecodontian-dicynodont communities appear, a lystrosaurid one in the Early Triassic (Lower and ?Upper Vetluga), and a kannemeyerid one in the later Early Triassic (?Yarenga) and the Mid Triassic (Donguz, Bukobay). Similar stages are represented in the evolution of aquatic communities: the Late Permian temnospondyl community (Ocher, Isheyevo), the latest Permian chroniosuchian one (North Dvina, Vyazniki), the Lower and Middle Triassic new temnospondyl one (from Vetluga to Bukobay). The faunal changes in Eastern Europe are mirrored in other parts of the world, although there are some endemic Russian forms.  相似文献   

Triassic tetrapods are of key importance in understanding their evolutionary history, because several tetrapod clades, including most of their modern lineages, first appeared or experienced their initial evolutionary radiation during this Period. In order to test previous palaeobiogeographical hypotheses of Triassic tetrapod faunas, tree reconciliation analyses (TRA) were performed with the aim of recovering biogeographical patterns based on phylogenetic signals provided by a composite tree of Middle and Late Triassic tetrapods. The TRA found significant evidence for the presence of different palaeobiogeographical patterns during the analysed time spans. First, a Pangaean distribution is observed during the Middle Triassic, in which several cosmopolitan tetrapod groups are found. During the early Late Triassic a strongly palaeolatitudinally influenced pattern is recovered, with some tetrapod lineages restricted to palaeolatitudinal belts. During the latest Triassic, Gondwanan territories were more closely related to each other than to Laurasian ones, with a distinct tetrapod fauna at low palaeolatitudes. Finally, more than 75 per cent of the cladogenetic events recorded in the tetrapod phylogeny occurred as sympatric splits or within-area vicariance, indicating that evolutionary processes at the regional level were the main drivers in the radiation of Middle and Late Triassic tetrapods and the early evolution of several modern tetrapod lineages.  相似文献   

During the end-Permian mass extinction, marine ecosystems suffered a major drop in diversity, which was maintained throughout the Early Triassic until delayed recovery during the Middle Triassic. This depressed diversity in the Early Triassic correlates with multiple major perturbations to the global carbon cycle, interpreted as either intrinsic ecosystem or external palaeoenvironmental effects. In contrast, the terrestrial record of extinction and recovery is less clear; the effects and magnitude of the end-Permian extinction on non-marine vertebrates are particularly controversial. We use specimen-level data from southern Africa and Russia to investigate the palaeodiversity dynamics of non-marine tetrapods across the Permo-Triassic boundary by analysing sample-standardized generic richness, evenness and relative abundance. In addition, we investigate the potential effects of sampling, geological and taxonomic biases on these data. Our analyses demonstrate that non-marine tetrapods were severely affected by the end-Permian mass extinction, and that these assemblages did not begin to recover until the Middle Triassic. These data are congruent with those from land plants and marine invertebrates. Furthermore, they are consistent with the idea that unstable low-diversity post-extinction ecosystems were subject to boom-bust cycles, reflected in multiple Early Triassic perturbations of the carbon cycle.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to review Middle Permian through Middle Triassic continental successions in European. Secondly, areas of Middle–Late Permian sedimentation, the Permian–Triassic Boundary (PTB) and the onset of Triassic sedimentation at the scale of the westernmost peri-Tethyan domain are defined in order to construct palaeogeographic maps of the area and to discuss the impact of tectonics, climate and sediment supply on the preservation of continental sediment.At the scale of the western European peri-Tethyan basins, the Upper Permian is characterised by a general progradational pattern from playa-lake or floodplain to fluvial environments. In the northern Variscan Belt domain, areas of sedimentation were either isolated or connected to the large basin, which was occupied by the Zechstein Sea. In the southern Variscan Belt, during the Late Permian, either isolated endoreic basins occurred, with palaeocurrent directions indicating local sources, or basins underwent erosion and/or there was no deposition. These basins were not connected with the Tethys Ocean, which could be explained by a high border formed by Corsica–Sardinia palaeorelief and even parts of the Kabilia microplate. The palaeoflora and sedimentary environments suggest warm and semi-arid climatic conditions.At the scale of the whole study area, an unconformity (more or less angular) is observed almost everywhere between deposits of the Upper Permian and Triassic, except in the central part of the Germanic Basin. The sedimentation gap is more developed in the southern area where, in some basins, Upper Permian sediment does not occur. The large sedimentary supply, erosion and/or lack of deposition during the Late Permian, as well as the variable palaeocurrent direction pattern between the Middle–Late Permian and the Early Triassic indicate a period of relief rejuvenation during the Late Permian. During the Induan, all the intra-belt basins were under erosion and sediment was only preserved in the extra-belt domains (the northern and extreme southern domains). In the northern domain (the central part of the Germanic Basin), sediment was preserved under the same climatic conditions as during the latest Permian, whereas in the extreme southern domain, it was probably preserved in the Tethys Ocean, implying a large amount of detrital components entering the marine waters. Mesozoic sedimentation began in the early Olenekian; the ephemeral fluvial systems indicate arid climatic conditions during this period. Three distinct areas of sedimentation occur: a northern and southern domain, separated by an intra-belt domain. The latter accumulated sediments during the Early–Middle Permian and experienced erosion and/or no-deposition conditions between the Middle–Late Permian and the beginning of Mesozoic sedimentation, dated as Anisian to Hettangian. At the top of the Lower Triassic, another tectonically induced, more or less angular unconformity is observed: the Hardegsen unconformity, which is dated as intra-Spathian and is especially found in the North European basins. This tectonic activity created new source areas and a new fluvial style, with marine influences at the distal part of the systems. During the Anisian and Ladinian, continental sedimentation was characterised by a retrogradational trend. In other words, the fluvial system evolved into fluvio-marine environments, attesting to a direct influence of the Tethys Ocean in the southern and northern domains. Both at the end of the Olenekian (Spathian) and during the Anisian, the presence of palaeosols, micro- and macrofloras indicate less arid conditions throughout this domain.  相似文献   

Nanogomphodon wildi n. gen., n. sp. is based on a tiny lower postcanine tooth from the lower Lettenkeuper (Lower Keuper or Erfurt Formation; Ladinian) of Michelbach an der Bilz (Baden-Württemberg). It represents the first record of a traversodont cynodont from the Middle Triassic of Europe and exhibits a distinctive combination of dental features. Along with recent discoveries of other traversodont taxa from the Upper Triassic of eastern North America,Nanogomphodon indicates the existence of a distinct lineage of these cynodonts in the Northern Hemisphere.   相似文献   

布.  GI 《微体古生物学报》1996,13(2):135-142
晚三叠世台形牙形刺分子属有Paragondolella,Metapolygnathus,Ancyrogondolella和Epigondolella。这些属都源于中三叠世,可能来自同一根源──Neogondolella,但有两个不同的演化趋向。本文认为这些台形分子分类演化上最重要的形态特征仅是一些微小的变化,如齿台下方后龙脊─基部附着面,基穴和环台面的细部变化。对Metapolygnathus属台形分子的发展演化作了专门讨论,指出了晚三叠世台形牙形刺分子的演化系统。  相似文献   

The Permian and Triassic were key time intervals in the history of life on Earth. Both periods are marked by a series of biotic crises including the most catastrophic of such events, the end‐Permian mass extinction, which eventually led to a major turnover from typical Palaeozoic faunas and floras to those that are emblematic for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Here we review patterns in Permian–Triassic bony fishes, a group whose evolutionary dynamics are understudied. Based on data from primary literature, we analyse changes in their taxonomic diversity and body size (as a proxy for trophic position) and explore their response to Permian–Triassic events. Diversity and body size are investigated separately for different groups of Osteichthyes (Dipnoi, Actinistia, ‘Palaeopterygii’, ‘Subholostei’, Holostei, Teleosteomorpha), within the marine and freshwater realms and on a global scale (total diversity) as well as across palaeolatitudinal belts. Diversity is also measured for different palaeogeographical provinces. Our results suggest a general trend from low osteichthyan diversity in the Permian to higher levels in the Triassic. Diversity dynamics in the Permian are marked by a decline in freshwater taxa during the Cisuralian. An extinction event during the end‐Guadalupian crisis is not evident from our data, but ‘palaeopterygians’ experienced a significant body size increase across the Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary and these fishes upheld their position as large, top predators from the Late Permian to the Late Triassic. Elevated turnover rates are documented at the Permian–Triassic boundary, and two distinct diversification events are noted in the wake of this biotic crisis, a first one during the Early Triassic (dipnoans, actinistians, ‘palaeopterygians’, ‘subholosteans’) and a second one during the Middle Triassic (‘subholosteans’, neopterygians). The origination of new, small taxa predominantly among these groups during the Middle Triassic event caused a significant reduction in osteichthyan body size. Neopterygii, the clade that encompasses the vast majority of extant fishes, underwent another diversification phase in the Late Triassic. The Triassic radiation of Osteichthyes, predominantly of Actinopterygii, which only occurred after severe extinctions among Chondrichthyes during the Middle–Late Permian, resulted in a profound change within global fish communities, from chondrichthyan‐rich faunas of the Permo‐Carboniferous to typical Mesozoic and Cenozoic associations dominated by actinopterygians. This turnover was not sudden but followed a stepwise pattern, with leaps during extinction events.  相似文献   

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