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The ability of the hormone epinephrine to induce a conditioned taste aversion was investigated in three experiments. Aversions induced by epinephrine appear more easily conditioned to a highly preferred sucrose solution than to a less preferred sucrose/saline solution. A dose-response curve also exists; better conditioning is evident following injection of either 0.3 or 0.5 mg/kg epinephrine than it is following a 0.1 mg/kg dose. A arcadian rhythmicity also occurs for epinephrine-induced sucrose aversions. When the endogenous levels of this hormone are at trough, conditioning is greater than when they are elevated. This circadian pattern is interpreted with respect to the degree of discriminability between endogenous and exogenous epinephrine levels.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,58(12):PL223-PL229
Genetic differences in nicotine-induced conditioned taste aversion were examined using inbred mice. Adult male C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, BALB/cJ and C3H/heJ mice were adapted to a 2-h per day water access regimen. Subsequently, mice received nicotine injections (0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg) immediately after 1-h access to a NaCl flavored solution. DBA and C3H mice developed dosedependent aversions to the nicotine-paired flavor. BALB mice showed only minor reductions in intake with no difference between the nicotine dose groups. C57BL mice did not show development of nicotine-induced conditioned taste aversion. These results demonstrate that nicotine's aversive motivational effect is strongly influenced by genotype. Further, genetic sensitivity (DBA mice) or insensitivity (C57BL mice) to nicotine-induced conditioned taste aversion was similar to reports of genetic sensitivity to ethanol's aversive effect measured in this design.  相似文献   

Even though monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a prototypical umami substance, previous studies reported that a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) to MSG, mixed with amiloride to block the taste of sodium, generalizes to sucrose. These findings suggest that the taste of glutamate mimics the taste of sucrose and raise the question of whether glutamate has a broadly tuned sweet taste component. To test this hypothesis, CTA experiments were conducted to test for generalization between MSG and several sweet stimuli: sucrose, glucose, maltose, saccharin and SC-45647. Strong bidirectional generalization was seen between MSG mixed with amiloride and sucrose, glucose, saccharin and SC-45647. Weak generalization was seen between MSG and maltose, and sucrose and maltose. None of the CTAs generalized to NMDA. These findings support the hypothesis that the taste of MSG has broadly tuned, sweet-like characteristics, possibly due to the convergence of afferent signals for MSG, natural sugars and artificial sweeteners.  相似文献   

F O Risinger  C L Cunningham 《Life sciences》1992,50(16):PL113-PL118
Genetic differences in the hyperglycemic response to acute ethanol exposure and ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion were examined using inbred mice. Adult male C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice were injected with ethanol (0-6 g/kg, I.P.) and blood glucose levels determined over 4 h. C57 mice demonstrated greater dose-dependent elevations in blood glucose compared to DBA mice. In a conditioned taste aversion procedure, water deprived mice received ethanol injections (1-4 g/kg, I.P.) immediately after access to a NaCl flavored solution. DBA mice developed aversion to the ethanol-paired flavor at a lower dose (2 g/kg) than C57 mice. These results provide further support for a possible inverse genetic relationship between sensitivity to ethanol-induced hyperglycemia and sensitivity to conditioned taste aversion.  相似文献   

We have repeatedly observed that a delay between acquisition and test, and the nature of the context in which the delay is spent, modulates latent inhibition (LI) of conditioned taste aversion (CTA; e.g. [Anim. Learn. Behav. 28 (2000) 389; Anim. Learn. Behav. 30 (2002) 112]). The present paper analysed the effects of delayed testing and treatment context after flavor exposure on the recovery of neophobia (Experiment 1) and on extinction after simple conditioning (Experiment 2). Two experiments were conducted with the same factorial design (2x2: 1 day versus 21 days of delay between first and second stage, and home versus experimental cages as place of experimental treatment). There were independent effects of both variables on habituation of neophobia and conditioning strength as measured on extinction trials. The long delay produced a reduction of neophobia (Experiment 1) and an increase in conditioning (Experiment 2). In addition, more of the flavored solution was consumed when the experimental treatment was conducted in the home cage than in the experimental cage (Experiment 1), and there was stronger conditioning when the delay period took place in the experimental cages than in the home cages (Experiment 2). The implications of these results for LI, as well as their relevance for experiments that use the CTA paradigm, are discussed.  相似文献   

An experiment evaluated whether the acquisition and extinction of conditioned taste aversion in the rat is stimulus-specific by testing the degree of response transfer between sweet and salty tastes. Animals in the paired-same and paired-different groups received a presentation of a gustatory CS and a cyclophosphamide injection US. Nonconditioned control groups received unpaired CS /US presentations or the CS followed by a vehicle injection. Taste avoidance was evaluated in three nonreinforced test sessions. In the paired-same, unpaired and vehicle groups, all test sessions were conducted with the same flavor as originally used in training, whereas the paired-different group was tested with a novel flavor on the first and second sessions and with the originally trained flavor in last session. Stimulus specific acquisition was apparent in the first test session, when the animals in the group paired-same exhibited lower fluid intake than the other three groups. Evidence of specificity of extinction was apparent in the last test session, when animals in the group paired-different exhibited lower fluid intake than the other three groups. These results provide further evidence of stimulus specificity in acquisition and extinction of conditioned taste aversion, supporting the associative interpretation of these phenomena.  相似文献   

The dipeptide gamma-L-glutamyl-taurine (Litoralon) reduced neophobia of rats at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg (i.p.) in a "one-bottle forced choice paradigm" for conditioned taste aversion (CTA), but did not significantly affect the rats' "memory" of intoxication following chronic treatment at doses of 0.05, 0.50 and 5.00 mg/kg (i.p.). Acute treatment with Litoralon (10-1000 micrograms/kg, i.p.) did not affect CTA checked in a "two-bottle test", when administered immediately following the unconditioned stimulus (LiCl injection). In contrast, when given 90 min prior to the retention test, the injection of Litoralon (50.0 micrograms/kg) and gamma-aminobutyryl ethanolamine phosphate (100 and 500 micrograms/kg) resulted in a significantly higher intake of saccharin solution by the rats. This effect is comparable to the action of diazepam tested in the same experimental procedure. The results support our hypothesis about the anti-conflict potencies of these dipeptides, exerted by reducing aversion of phobia and/or the anxiety level of the animals in the experimental situation.  相似文献   

A conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is acquired through an association between the taste of a food and a feeling of illness experienced after ingestion. It can be induced deliberately by the addition of an undetectable illness-inducing chemical to food. Harnessing the CTA response could provide humane and effective means of controlling vertebrate pest problems. For field use, the ideal illness-inducing chemical should induce a robust CTA after a single oral dose, at which it must cause neither chronic illness nor persistent detrimental effects in the target or any non-target species at risk of exposure; it must also be undetectable and physically stable in the bait substrate. At present, no compound that satisfactorily meets all of these criteria has been identified. 17alpha ethinyl oestradiol meets most but, as a synthetic oestrogenic hormone, it can affect reproductive processes. The ability of two potentially safe compounds, cinnamamide (160 mg/kg) and thiabendazole (100 and 200 mg/kg) to generate a CTA in the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus11 post-treatment tests (6 months). Thiabendazole at 200 mg/kg induced the next best CTA, persisting for five post-treatment tests. Cinnamamide and thiabendazole could provide safe alternative CTA agents to 17alpha ethinyl oestradiol for field use; the use of a second dose of these compounds to improve longevity of the CTA warrants further study.  相似文献   

Yamamoto T 《Chemical senses》2007,32(1):105-109
Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is acquired when the ingestion of a food is followed by malaise. CTA is a kind of fear learning making animals avoid subsequent intake of the food and show aversive behavior to the taste of the food. To elucidate the brain regions responsible for the expression of CTA, our previous electrophysiological and recent c-fos immunohistochemical studies have been reviewed. Among a variety of brain regions including the parabrachial nucleus, amygdala, insular cortex, supramammillary nucleus, nucleus accumbens, and ventral pallidum that are involved in different phases of CTA expression, the enhanced taste sensitivity to facilitate detection of the conditioned stimulus may originate in the central nucleus of the amygdala and the hedonic shift, from positive to negative, may originate in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala.  相似文献   

The pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis acquires conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and maintains its memory for more than a month. Snails in our laboratory were cultured at 20 degrees C on a 12:12 light-dark cycle (light from 7 am to 7 pm). To examine the hours during which snails acquire CTA effectively, we trained some snails in the morning and others in the afternoon, and then compared their scores. CTA developed in both cases, but scores were significantly better in the morning than in the afternoon. To elucidate the cause of this difference in scores, we observed the voluntary activity of snails and found the circadian rhythm reflected in the snails' free-movement distances; distances at the circadian time 0-12 (daytime) were significantly longer than those at the circadian time 12-24 (nighttime). This rhythm was kept up for at least 3 days, even in constant darkness. In conclusion, L. stagnalis should be trained in the morning to acquire associative learning, possibly because of its greater propensity to roam about at that time as opposed to the afternoon.  相似文献   

Intrahypothalamic injection of amylin (AMY) was shown to reduce the intake of rat chow and water for 8 and 4 h, respectively, in schedule-fed rats. Amylin also reduced water intake to a much lesser degree in 24-h water-deprived rats. A test of the ability of AMY to form a conditioned taste aversion yielded no change in saccharin preference, as compared to controls treated with vehicle. These results suggest that although AMY has adipsic effects, the reduction in water is not of sufficient magnitude to cause the anorexia. In addition, the failure of AMY to support a conditioned taste aversion suggests that AMY does not cause anorexia by inducing malaise. Therefore, in addition to other metabolic effects, AMY may be involved in the control of food and water intake.  相似文献   

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