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Our previous results showed that an extract of the abdomens of mated females of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, deterred oviposition of conspecifics. In this paper, we found that the extract, in addition to reducing conspecifics’ oviposition, could elicit strong electroantennogram responses from mated females. The EAG elicitors mainly came from mature chorionated eggs in the ovarioles. Laid eggs or their surface extract evoked similar EAG responses. The main chemical components of the EAG elicitors from mature chorionated and laid eggs were myristic, palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids. A blend of authentic fatty acids at the ratio found in the laid eggs and in an amount equivalent to 100 laid eggs mimicked the EAG response and deterring effect. Moreover, these four oviposition-deterring fatty acids and their corresponding methyl esters evoked significantly higher EAG responses from both mated females and males than hexane blank and background. The EAG values differed among the test chemicals and between sexes. These results demonstrate that the four fatty acids from eggs are at least partially responsible for the oviposition-deterring effect of the extract from the abdomens of mated female H. armigera and that the moths may detect these chemicals olfactorily by antennae.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of larval frass of Monochamus alternatus on oviposition preference of the female adults, three tests were performed in the laboratory. Individual females were provided with a frass-coated, Pinus densiflora bolt and an untreated bolt simultaneously and were allowed to oviposit for 24 h. They deposited a significantly smaller number of eggs on frass-coated bolts. The females supplied with frass-coated bolts deposited no eggs on them, indicating that the larval frass deterred the females from oviposition. When individual females were provided simultaneously with a pine bolt applied with a methanol extract of larval frass and another bolt applied with methanol alone, they deposited a significantly smaller number of eggs on frass extract-applied bolts for 24 h. These results suggest the presence of a putative oviposition deterrent in larval frass of M. alternatus. Each test was replicated 19-20 times using different females.  相似文献   

The susceptibilities of the major pests of cotton in Australia, Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera, to some insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis were tested by bioassay. A commercial formulation, DiPel, and individual purified insecticidal proteins were tested. H. armigera was consistently more tolerant to B. thuringiensis insecticidal proteins than was H. punctigera, although both were susceptible to only a limited range of these proteins. Only Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab, and Vip3A killed H. armigera at dosages that could be considered acceptable. There was no significant difference in the toxicities of Cry1Fa and Cry1Ac for H. punctigera but Cry1Fa had little toxicity for H. armigera. The five instars of H. armigera did not differ significantly in their susceptibility to DiPel on the basis of LC(50). However, there were significant differences in the susceptibility to Cry1Ac and Cry2Aa of three strains of H. armigera. Bioassays conducted with Cry1Ac and Cry2Aa showed that there was a small but significant negative interaction between these delta-endotoxins.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Gong P  Wu K  Sun J  Li D 《Journal of insect physiology》2006,52(10):1012-1020
Summer diapause in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), which prolongs the pupal stage, particularly in males, is induced by high temperatures. In the laboratory, summer-diapausing pupae of H. armigera were induced at high temperatures (33-39 degrees C) with a photoperiod of LD8:16; winter-diapausing and non-diapausing pupae, cultured at 20 degrees C with a photoperiod of LD8:16 and at 27 degrees C, LD16:8, respectively, acted as a control. Retention time of eye spots, weight, and lipid and glycogen levels were compared. At high temperatures, both body weight and energy storage capacity were much higher in summer-diapausing pupae than in non-diapausing pupae reared at 33-39 degrees C. At temperatures (>33 degrees C) high enough to maintain summer diapause, the eye spots of summer-diapausing pupae did not move during the 30-day experiment. However, eye spots of summer-diapausing pupae placed at 30 degrees C began to move about 10 days after they were transferred, significantly later than in non-diapausing pupae reared at 33-39 degrees C or non-diapausing pupae reared at 27 degrees C, which initiated eye spot movement 2 days after pupation. The differences in retention time of eye spots between summer- and winter-diapausing pupae shows that winter diapause is more intense than summer diapause in this insect. The weight loss, and lipid and glycogen metabolism curves indicate that the summer-diapausing pupae's metabolism is very low. We conclude that summer diapause in the cotton bollworm is a true diapause and that the summer diapause enables the cotton bollworm to withstand the high temperatures of summer.  相似文献   

Toxicity and larval growth inhibition of 11 insecticidal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis were evaluated against neonate larvae of Helicoverpa armigera, a major pest of important crops in Spain and other countries, by a whole-diet contamination method. The most active toxins were Cry1Ac4 and Cry2Aa1, with LC50 values of 3.5 and 6.3 microg/ml, respectively. At the concentrations tested, Cry1Ac4, Cry2Aa1, Cry9Ca, Cry1Fa1, Cry1Ab3, Cry2Ab2, Cry1Da, and Cry1Ja1, produced a significant growth inhibition, whereas Cry1Aa3, Cry1Ca2, and Cry1Ea had no effect.  相似文献   

Summary A new cell line, designated IOZCAS-Ha-I, was initiated from the fat body of larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in TNM-FH medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum. Spherical cells were predominant among the various cell types. The cell line showed a typical lepidopteran chromosome pattern ranging from 58 to 239 chromosomes in the majority of the cells, it was confirmed to have originated from the H. armigera by the DNA amplification-fingerprinting polymerase chain reaction (DAF-PCR) technique. The new cell line was only slightly susceptible to the multiple nucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPV) from H. armigera.  相似文献   

A new cell line from the embryonic tissue of Helicoverpa armigera was established and designated as NIV-HA-197. It was maintained in TNM-FH medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The cell line at passage 20 had a heterogeneous population of cells consisting of mainly epithelial-like cells (70%), followed by fibroblast-like (27%), and multinucleated giant (3%) cells. The chromosome number ranged from 45 to 185. The growth curve at passage 40 showed a fivefold increase in cell number with a population-doubling time of approximately 60 h. The cell line was found infected with the microsporidium Nosema heliothids at passage 9. Using the antiprotozoan drug Metrogyl 400 and simultaneous heat treatment, the parasite was removed from the culture. The cell line can be cryopreserved for 30 mo. The species specificity of the new cell line was determined by studying the isoenzyme profile of four enzymes, viz., lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and by heteroduplex analysis. Heteroduplex analysis was used to analyze the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene sequences along with the host insect gene sequences, and 100% homology was obtained, confirming the conspecificity of the cell line. The cell line was found to be susceptible to the baculoviruses Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus, Spodoptera litura multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus, and H. armigera single nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV). More than 90% of the cells were infected by HaSNPV on the seventh post infection day (PID), and 28.8 x 10(6) NPV/ml was yielded on the 10th PID. The in vitro-grown HaSNPV caused 100% mortality, when fed to the second instar H. armigera larvae, in 6 d. Cessation of feeding was observed on the second PID.  相似文献   

Facultative diapause, a strategy that allows insects to initiate additional generations when conditions are favorable or to enter diapause when they are not, has a profound effect on the ecology and evolution of species. Most previous studies have concentrated on the role of photoperiod and temperature in inducing facultative diapause in insects. In contrast, here we studied pupal diapause mediated by larval host plants in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera, and confirmed that pupal weight is a critical factor. Two groups of third instar H. armigera larvae, kept at 25 °C with L:D = 8:16 and 20 °C with photoperiod of L:D = 8:16, respectively, were fed on six host plants and on artificial diet (as a control) to determine how larval host plants affect diapause incidence and related traits (such as pupal weight and developmental duration). The data showed larval host plants affected diapause incidence significantly and the effects could be masked by low temperature. Further analysis showed that pupal size, not the length of the sensitive stage, affected the decision to enter diapause. In a further experiment, third-instar to final-stage larvae deprived of artificial diet for 2 days demonstrated a direct relationship between pupal weight and diapause incidence. These results suggest that larval host plants, by affecting pupal size, may influence diapause occurrence in H. armigera. This has important adaptive significance for both over-wintering survival and the possibility for completing an additional generation.  相似文献   

The analysis of reciprocal genetic crosses between resistant Helicoverpa armigera strain (BH-R) (227.9-fold) with susceptible Vadodara (VA-S) strain showed dominance (h) of 0.65-0.89 and degree of dominance (D) of 0.299-0.782 suggesting Cry1Ac resistance as a semi-dominant trait. The D and h values of F1 hybrids of female resistant parent were higher than female susceptible parent, showing maternally enhanced dominance of Cry1Ac resistance. The progeny of F2 crosses, backcrosses of F1 hybrid with resistant BH-R parent did not differ significantly in respect of mortality response with resistant parent except for backcross with female BH-R and male of F1 (BH-R × VA-S) cross, suggesting dominant inheritance of Cry1Ac resistance. Evaluation of some biological attributes showed that larval and pupal periods of progenies of reciprocal F1 crosses, backcrosses and F2 crosses were either at par with resistant parent or lower than susceptible parent on treated diet (0.01 μg/g). The susceptible strain performed better in terms of pupation and adult formation than the resistant strain on untreated diet. In many backcrosses and F2 crosses, Cry1Ac resistance favored emergence of more females than males on untreated diet. The normal larval period and the body weight (normal larval growth) were the dominant traits associated with susceptible strain as contrast to longer larval period and the lower body weight (slow growth) associated with resistance trait. Further, inheritance of larval period in F2 and backcross progeny suggested existence of a major resistant gene or a set of tightly linked loci associated with Cry1Ac sensitivity.  相似文献   

The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, is one of the most important insect pests in cotton growing regions of China. Transgenic cotton that expresses a gene derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been deployed for combating cotton bollworm since 1997. Natural refugees derived from the mixed planting system consisting of cotton, corn, soybean, vegetables, peanut and others on single-family farms of a small scale were used for delaying the evolution of resistance to Bt cotton. Susceptibility of H. armigera field populations to the Bt insecticidal protein Cry1Ac was monitored from 1997 to 2006. The results indicate that the field populations are still susceptible to Cry1Ac, and monitoring indication no apparent shifts in susceptibility in field populations of this important pest.  相似文献   

【目的】黑化反应在昆虫表皮骨化以及免疫防御过程中起着重要作用, 酚氧化酶是黑化反应中的关键酶类, 漆酶2 (laccase2, LAC2)是酚氧化酶的一种, 在昆虫变态发育和免疫系统中起着重要的作用。本研究旨在探讨LAC2在棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera表皮骨化中表达模式及激素调控作用。 【方法】采用PCR及RACE的方法, 从棉铃虫5龄幼虫中得到了lac2 cDNA全序列。利用荧光定量PCR、 激素处理及RNA干扰方法, 对LAC2的表达模式差异和激素调控作用进行分析。【结果】序列分析表明, lac2 cDNA全长3 221 bp, 编码框长度为2 268 bp, 编码756个氨基酸残基。发育时序表达分析发现, lac2在幼虫各龄期表达规律相似, 均在蜕皮期高水平表达, 在5龄96 h转录水平达到最高峰。组织表达结果分析, lac2基因在幼虫表皮和成虫卵巢以及触角表达量较高。激素处理实验发现, 保幼激素类似物(methoprene)对lac2基因转录有抑制作用; 蜕皮激素(20-hydroxyecdysone)则促进其表达。进一步利用RNA干扰蜕皮激素受体EcR (ecdysone receptor)和USP (ultraspiracle isoform)基因发现, 干扰后蜕皮激素受体的表达明显受到抑制, 同时lac2基因的表达也显著受到抑制, 表明蜕皮激素调控lac2基因转录。【结论】这些结果为进一步研究漆酶在昆虫表皮的骨化以及免疫防御等方面不同的生理功能提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of transgenic Bt cotton on the overwintering generation of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), are unknown. We hypothesized that a Bt cotton diet may adversely affect fitness of this generation and examined fresh weight, lipids, glycogens, low-molecular-weight sugars and SCPs (supercooling points) of pupae, as well as survival of larvae, diapausing pupae and adult emergence in comparison with controls. Field and laboratory experiments showed that larvae fed on Bt cotton had a decreased pupation rate, and fewer entered diapause and emerged as adults compared with larvae fed non-Bt cotton. Furthermore, larvae fed Bt cotton had reduced pupal weight, glycogen content and trehalose levels both in diapausing and in non-diapausing pupae, and only diapausing pupae had an increased SCP compared to controls. The SCPs of diapausing pupae reared on Bt cotton were significantly higher than those reared on non-Bt cotton. The trehalose levels of diapausing pupae reared on Bt cotton were significantly lower than those of larvae reared on non-Bt cotton. Thus, these results suggest that a Bt cotton diet weakens the preparedness of cotton bollworm for overwintering and reduces survival of the overwintering generation, which will in turn reduce the density of the first generation in the following year. Effects of transgenic Bt cotton on the overwintering generation of cotton bollworm appear to have significantly contributed to the suppression of cotton bollworm observed throughout northern China in the past decade.  相似文献   

新疆北部棉区作物景观多样性对棉铃虫种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕昭智  潘卫林  张鑫  李贤超  张娟 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7925-7931
如何从景观尺度上实现对害虫的科学管理已经成为昆虫生态学的研究热点.利用频振式杀虫灯诱集技术,从2007-2009年在新疆北部棉区16-17个农场近240km2作物范围内,监测和评估棉田周边作物景观对棉铃虫种群的影响.结果表明:农业景观多样化显著地影响棉铃虫种群数量,复杂作物系统中(棉花比例<50%作物面积)棉铃虫成虫数量明显大于简单作物系统(棉花比例≥50%作物面积;棉铃虫种群数量与景观多样性指数(Simpson's Reciprocal Index)呈正相关;同时棉铃虫成虫与加工番茄、玉米和小麦的比例成正相关,但与棉花比例呈负相关.研究结果为转基因棉花抗性管理提供科学依据,同时农田景观多样性指标可作为修正棉区棉铃虫预测模型的重要指标.  相似文献   

棉铃虫卵巢形态与卵子发生过程观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害虫发生高峰期、 发生量的准确预测和田间防治适期的确定与种群雌虫卵巢结构及卵子发生过程密切相关。为了明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera卵巢结构及卵子发生过程, 本研究利用光学体视显微镜和透射电子显微镜, 对棉铃虫成虫卵巢管和卵子的超微结构进行了研究, 并确定了发育级别划分标准。结果表明: 根据卵巢的形状、 卵的产生过程、 卵黄沉积情况等将棉铃虫卵巢发育程度分为6个级别, 即发育初期(0级)、 卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、 卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、 成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、 产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。根据卵子发生过程中滋养细胞、 卵母细胞的变化, 将卵子发生期分为3个阶段: 卵黄发生前期、 卵黄发生期和卵黄成熟期。本研究首次对棉铃虫的卵子发生进行电子显微观察, 并完善了棉铃虫卵巢发育的分级标准, 为进一步研究棉铃虫的生殖发育机理提供了理论参考, 对田间棉铃虫种群发生期和发生量的预测预报也有重要的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

The cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) prefers the common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.) to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) for oviposition in the field in Australia. Using the common sowthistle and cotton as host plants, we carried out this study to evaluate genetic variation in both oviposition preference and larval growth and genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval performance. There was a significant genetic component of phenotypic variation in both characters, and the heritability of oviposition preference was estimated as 0.602. Helicoverpa armigera larvae survived slightly better and grew significantly faster on common sowthistle than on cotton, but genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval growth performance was not detectable. Instead, larval growth performance on the two hosts changed with families, which renders the interaction between family and host plant significant. As a result, the genetic correlation between mean values of larval growth across the two host species was not different from zero. These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between H. armigera and the common sowthistle and the polyphagous behaviour of this insect in general.  相似文献   

【目的】围食膜(peritrophic membrane, PM)是昆虫抵御随食物摄入的病原微生物入侵的第一道天然屏障。本研究旨在鉴定出农业重大害虫棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera围食膜的总蛋白成分,为进一步揭示昆虫围食膜的形成机制及研发新颖的害虫控制策略奠定基础。【方法】剥离棉铃虫5龄幼虫PM,用三氟甲磺酸(trifluoromethane sulfonic acid, TFMS)处理,采用液质联用技术(LC-MS/MS)鉴定围食膜蛋白质组,然后对鉴定结果进行生物信息学分析。【结果】本研究共鉴定出棉铃虫幼虫围食膜蛋白质169个,是目前鉴定最多的棉铃虫围食膜蛋白。通过GO分析,可以将这些鉴定的蛋白分为细胞组分、分子功能和生物学过程三大类;KEGG富集结果显示,鉴定蛋白可以富集在12条代谢通路中;蛋白互作分析(protein protein interaction, PPI)结果表明,以ACC和CG3011等蛋白为核心可以形成蛋白互作网络。【结论】本研究鉴定了169个棉铃虫幼虫围食膜蛋白质,并对其进行了GO, KEGG和PPI分析,结果有助于人们全面理解昆虫围食膜的分子结构和功能。  相似文献   

A novel set of five polymorphic di- or trinucleofide microsatellite loci suitable for population genetic study were developed from an enriched genomic library for the pest insect cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, and cross-amplifiability of these and other published loci was tested in a closely related species, the tobacco budworm, H.assulta. The expected heterozygosity at these loci ranges from 0.62 to 0.91 in the cotton bollworm. The observed allele numbers varies from 4 to 12 in the limited number of individuals tested. Although a large proportion of cloned microsatellite sequences are present in multi-copy in the cotton bollworm genome, the overwhelming majority of the finalized polymorphic diallelic loci are tri-nucleotide microsatellites - an unexpected outcome, which should facilitate subsequent genotyping analysis.  相似文献   

光温条件明显影响棉铃虫的滞育强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明不同地理种群棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera滞育强度的地理变异, 本研究系统地比较了光温条件(光照时数 11~16 h, 恒温20, 22, 25, 28和31℃及变温)对来自中国的4个地理种群(广东广州、 江西永修、 山东泰安和辽宁喀佐)棉铃虫滞育强度的影响。结果表明: 滞育诱导的光周期对继后棉铃虫的滞育强度有明显影响。在光照时数11~14 h范围内, 各地理种群的滞育持续期均随着光照时数的增加而延长。滞育强度也受到滞育诱导的温周期影响, 当光期温度相同时, 低纬度的GZ种群温周期比恒温有更强的诱导效应; 中纬度的YX种群温周期与恒温具有相同的滞育诱导强度; 高纬度的KZ和TA种群温周期所诱导的滞育强度一般低于恒温。滞育解除过程中的温度也显著影响到滞育的解除, 在20~31℃下, 温度愈高滞育解除愈快; 滞育持续期同时受到滞育诱导温度的影响, 对于北方的泰安种群和喀佐种群, 较高的滞育诱导温度能诱导更强的滞育。  相似文献   

棉铃虫幼虫唾液腺cDNA文库的构建及EST分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)幼虫唾液中的各种酶类及各种生化组分在棉铃虫与植物相互作用及协同进化中起到重要作用; 唾液腺是棉铃虫唾液成分的合成器官。本研究通过构建棉铃虫幼虫唾液腺全长cDNA文库, 测序得到1 502条EST序列, 聚类分析后获得821个unigenes, 为筛选棉铃虫与寄主互作信号因子提供基因信息资源。使用Blast2 GO软件对821个unigenes进行了比对和功能注释, 初步获得棉铃虫幼虫唾液腺中mRNA的构成特征。结果显示, 在棉铃虫唾液腺ESTs文库中, 鉴定得到脂类相关消化酶基因17个, 糖类相关消化酶基因5个, 半胱氨酸蛋白酶基因1个, 丝氨酸蛋白酶基因20个(其中16个为新发现), 提示唾液腺的主要功能是分泌消化酶进行预消化; 还发现在棉铃虫幼虫唾液腺中存在表皮蛋白、 气味结合蛋白和化学感受蛋白基因。结果为研究棉铃虫预消化系统打下基础。  相似文献   

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