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Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) is a conserved 10 kDa DNA-binding protein. BAF interacts with LEM-domain proteins including emerin, LAP2 beta, and MAN1 in the inner nuclear membrane. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), we compared the mobility of BAF to its partners emerin, LAP2 beta, and MAN1 in living HeLa cells. Like endogenous BAF, GFP-BAF was enriched at the nuclear envelope, and found inside the nucleus and in the cytoplasm during interphase. At every location, FRAP and FLIP analysis showed that GFP-BAF diffused rapidly; the halftimes for recovery in a 0.8 microm square area were 260 ms at the nuclear envelope, and even faster inside the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. GFP-fused emerin, LAP2 beta, and MAN1 were all relatively immobile, with recovery halftimes of about 1 min, for a 2 microm square area. Thus, BAF is dynamic and mobile during interphase, in stark contrast to its nuclear envelope partners. FLIP results further showed that rapidly diffusing cytoplasmic and nuclear pools of GFP-BAF were distinctly regulated, with nuclear GFP-BAF unable to replenish cytoplasmic BAF. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) results showed that CFP-BAF binds directly to YFP-emerin at the inner nuclear membrane of living cells. We propose a "touch-and-go" model in which BAF binds emerin frequently but transiently during interphase. These findings contrast with the slow mobility of both GFP-BAF and GFP-emerin during telophase, when they colocalized at the 'core' region of telophase chromosomes at early stages of nuclear assembly.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a powerful tool for studying macromolecular assemblies in vitro under near-physiological conditions. Here we present a new type of one-sample FRET (OS-FRET) method employing a novel, nonfluorescent methanethiosulfonate-linked acceptor that can be reversibly coupled to a target sulfhydryl residue via a disulfide bond. After the quenched donor emission is quantitated, the acceptor is removed by reduction, allowing measurement of unquenched donor emission in the same sample. Previous one-sample methods provide distinct advantages in specific FRET applications. The new OS-FRET method is a generalizable spectrochemical approach that can be applied to macromolecular systems lacking essential disulfide bonds and eliminates the potential systematic errors of some earlier one-sample methods. In addition, OS-FRET enables quantitative FRET measurements in virtually any fluorescence spectrometer or detection device. Compared to conventional multisample FRET methods, OS-FRET conserves sample, increases the precision of data, and shortens the time per measurement. The utility of the method is illustrated by its application to a protein complex of known structure formed by CheW and the P4-P5 fragment of CheA, both from Thermotoga maritima. The findings confirm the practicality and advantages of OS-FRET. Anticipated applications of OS-FRET include analysis of macromolecular structure, binding and conformational dynamics, and high-throughput screening for interactions and inhibitors.  相似文献   

Epac-based FRET sensors have been widely used for the detection of cAMP concentrations in living cells. Originally developed by us as well as others, we have since then reported several important optimizations that make these sensors favourite among many cell biologists. We here report cloning and characterization of our fourth generation of cAMP sensors, which feature outstanding photostability, dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio. The design is based on mTurquoise2, currently the brightest and most bleaching-resistant donor, and a new acceptor cassette that consists of a tandem of two cp173Venus fluorophores. We also report variants with a single point mutation, Q270E, in the Epac moiety, which decreases the dissociation constant of cAMP from 9.5 to 4 μM, and thus increases the affinity ~ 2.5-fold. Finally, we also prepared and characterized dedicated variants with non-emitting (dark) acceptors for single-wavelength FLIM acquisition that display an exceptional near-doubling of fluorescence lifetime upon saturation of cAMP levels. We believe this generation of cAMP outperforms all other sensors and therefore recommend these sensors for all future studies.  相似文献   

Late life is a distinct phase of life that occurs after the aging period and is now known to be general among aging organisms. While aging is characterized by a deterioration in survivorship and fertility, late life is characterized by the cessation of such age-related deterioration. Thus, late life presents a new and interesting area of research not only for evolutionary biology but also for physiology. In this article, we present the theoretical and experimental background to late life, as developed by evolutionary biologists and demographers. We discuss the discovery of late life and the two main theories developed to explain this phase of life: lifelong demographic heterogeneity theory and evolutionary theory based on the force of natural selection. Finally, we suggest topics for future physiological research on late life.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the framework of a revision of Raunkiaer's classification of life forms, a new life form, aerophyte, is proposed for use in vegetation science. Aerophytic plant communities are described based on own observations and those of other authors. An extended system of life forms is proposed.  相似文献   

The detection techniques used in biosensors can be broadly classified into label-based and label-free. Label-based detection relies on the specific properties of labels for detecting a particular target. In contrast, label-free detection is suitable for the target molecules that are not labeled or the screening of analytes which are not easy to tag. Also, more types of label-free biosensors have emerged with developments in biotechnology. The latest developed techniques in label-free biosensors, such as field-effect transistors-based biosensors including carbon nanotube field-effect transistor biosensors, graphene field-effect transistor biosensors and silicon nanowire field-effect transistor biosensors, magnetoelastic biosensors, optical-based biosensors, surface stress-based biosensors and other type of biosensors based on the nanotechnology are discussed. The sensing principles, configurations, sensing performance, applications, advantages and restriction of different label-free based biosensors are considered and discussed in this review. Most concepts included in this survey could certainly be applied to the development of this kind of biosensor in the future.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the design and study of molecular imaging geared towards biological and biomedical applications. The expression or activity of specific enzymes including proteases can be monitored by cutting edge molecular imaging techniques. Cathepsin B plays key roles in tumor progression via controlled degradation of extracellular matrix. Consequently, this protease has been attracting significant attention in cancer research, and many imaging probes targeting its activity have been developed. Here, we describe the design, synthesis and evaluation of two novel near infrared (NIR) fluorescent probes for detection of cathepsin B activity with different turn-ON mechanisms. One probe is based on an ICT activation mechanism of a donor-two-acceptor π-electron dye system, while the other is based on the FRET mechanism obtained by a fluorescent dye and a quencher. The two probes exhibit significant fluorescent turn-ON response upon cleavage by cathepsin B. The NIR fluorescence of the ICT probe in its OFF state was significantly lower than that of the FRET-based probe. This effect results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio and consequently increased sensitivity and better image contrast.  相似文献   

The Census of Marine Life aids practical work of the Convention on Biological Diversity, discovers and tracks ocean biodiversity, and supports marine environmental planning.  相似文献   

Spectrin, together with actin and a number of other accessory proteins, forms a submembrane cytoskeletal network in the human erythrocyte ghost. Through an elegant combination of structural, biochemical, and genetic studies, spectrin was shown to be an important determinant of erythrocyte shape and membrane stability. Genetic studies of a novel nonerythroid spectrin (βH) in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans now reveal that spectrin can influence the shape and stability of whole organisms.(1,2) Nonerythroid spectrins are proposed to have roles in cell adhesion, establishment of cell polarity, and attachment of other cytoskeletal structures to the plasma membrane. The phenotypes of the βH spectrin mutations provide an exciting biological context in which to evaluate these roles and perhaps to uncover new ones. BioEssays 20:875–878, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In plants, programmed cell death (PCD) is an important mechanism that controls normal growth and development as well as many defence responses. At present, research on PCD in different plant species is actively carried out due to the possibilities offered by modern methods in molecular biology and the increasing amount of genome data. The pine seed provides a favourable model for PCD because it represents an interesting inheritance of seed tissues as well as an anatomically well-described embryogenesis during which several tissues die via morphologically different PCD processes.Key words: conifer, developmental cell death, embryogenesis, megagametophyte, necrotic cell death, pine, seed development  相似文献   

In this paper, I present the main approaches used in gene mapping of complex human diseases by linkage analysis based on molecular markers. The first section describes the traditional LOD-score analysis and gives a review of different improvements and refinements of this approach, which has been proposed in order to take into account complicating factors such as incomplete penetrance, genetic heterogeneity and unknown mode of inheritance. The second section describes the three main approaches of non-parametric linkage analysis, for which there is no need to specify a genetic model (mode of inheritance, allele frequencies, ..). A comparison between these three methods, which may seem to be more appropriate for complex diseases, is given based on the most recent published studies. In the third section and discussion, I compare the LOD-score and non-parametric methods by stressing the advantages and drawbacks of each approach as found in recent publications. I deduce that, in spite of its apparent and assumed inappropriateness to the analysis of complex diseases, the LOD-score method is still very useful and could provide, in some circumstances, more power and precision than model-free methods.  相似文献   

Surprising invariance relationships have emerged from the study of social interaction, whereby a cancelling‐out of multiple partial effects of genetic, ecological or demographic parameters means that they have no net impact upon the evolution of a social behaviour. Such invariants play a pivotal role in the study of social adaptation: on the one hand, they provide theoretical hypotheses that can be empirically tested; and, on the other hand, they provide benchmark frameworks against which new theoretical developments can be understood. Here we derive a novel invariant for dispersal evolution: the ‘constant philopater hypothesis’ (CPH). Specifically, we find that, irrespective of variation in maternal fecundity, all mothers are favoured to produce exactly the same number of philopatric offspring, with high‐fecundity mothers investing proportionally more, and low‐fecundity mothers investing proportionally less, into dispersing offspring. This result holds for female and male dispersal, under haploid, diploid and haplodiploid modes of inheritance, irrespective of the sex ratio, local resource availability and whether mother or offspring controls the latter's dispersal propensity. We explore the implications of this result for evolutionary conflict of interests – and the exchange and withholding of contextual information – both within and between families, and we show that the CPH is the fundamental invariant that underpins and explains a wider family of invariance relationships that emerge from the study of social evolution.  相似文献   

Benny GL  Blackwell M 《Mycologia》2004,96(1):143-149
Lobosporangium is proposed as a new name for Echinosporangium Malloch, a later homonym of Echinosporangium Kylin. Lobosporangium transversale was isolated from arid soils on three occasions between 1964 and 1968 but has not been reported again. Observations on sporangium development in culture revealed rapid sporangiospore germination, rapidly growing hyphae forming anastomoses, threefold dichotomously branching aerial sporangiophores and formation of clusters of eight sporangia. The sporangia of L. transversale are illustrated, and the placement of Lobosporangium in the Mortierellaceae is discussed. A new genus, Gamsiella, is proposed that is based on Mortierella multidivaricata. Sporangial ontogeny of Gamsiella is compared with that presented here for Lobosporangium.  相似文献   

A new microanalytical system has been developed that employs a rotor containing 15 cuvets spinning past a beam of light. The signal is displayed on an oscilloscope, and a peak is observed continuously for each cuvet. Standards, samples, and reagents are placed in a central loading disc, and all solutions moved out into the cuvets by centrifugal force. Minimum volume to fill the cuvets is 200 λ. By using the Weichselbaum biuret reagent for proteins, 15 analyses may be completed in as little as 30 sec after the rotor is started. The data are obtained photographically.  相似文献   

Week-long or longer monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate, coupled to time-structure analyses, can help detect disease-risk elevations, as a warning of the need for a preventive prehabilitation. Within the normal range of physiologic variation, computer methods quantify time structures, or chronomes, that can serve as reference values. The major applied purpose for mapping chronomes is the detection of disease-risk syndromes such as blood pressure "overswinging" and heart rate "underswinging." Too much blood pressure variability (circadian hyperamplitude tension; CHAT), is a risk factor for vascular disease. Other risk syndromes are chronome alterations of heart rate variability (CAHRVs), consisting of a loss of "jitter", i.e., a reduced standard deviation of heart rate or of alterations in the spectral element of the heart-rate-variability chronome, such as in the correlation dimension, an endpoint of deterministic chaos. These alterations can again serve for prehabilitation. On the basic side, the spectral element of the heart-rate-variability chronomes extends from focus on the heartbeat's period of about 1 second to periods in heart rate and its standard deviation that are numerical equivalents of about 10.5- and about 21-year cycles of solar activity. A seemingly unnatural physiologic rhythm or pattern (such as one of 81.6 hours) may correspond numerically to a purely physical environmental rhythm. For example, interplanetary magnetic storms, with their cycles as external chronome components, trigger myocardial infarctions, strokes, and traffic accidents. The systematic monitoring of external rhythms along with physiologic ones for the concurrent analysis of rhythms with longer and longer periods could detect alterations anywhere in and between the 1 cycle/sec and the 1 cycle/10.5- or 21-years regions of the spectrum. Chronobiomimetic engineering for discovering both instantaneous and long-term chronorisk alterations can provide warnings of increased risk. If risk-lowering therapy is then instituted automatically, instrumented health care will be extended beyond the pacemaker-cardioverter-defibrillator, which focuses on the frequency of 1 cycle/sec. Instrumentation that automatically detects blood pressure that varies too much and heart rate that varies too little is needed for prompting prophylactic CHAT and CAHRV treatment. A database of reference values that can be used for chronodiagnosis is now accumulating.  相似文献   

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