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The fertilized sea urchin egg is invested by the hyaline layer, a thick extracellular coat which is necessary for normal development. On the basis of ultrastructural studies and the fact that hyalin is released during the time of the cortical reaction, it has been generally accepted that hyalin is derived from the cortical granules. However, this has never been proven definitely, and recently, it has been reported that hyalin is a membrane and/or cell surface protein. To determine where hyalin is stored, we carried out an ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of hyalin in the unfertilized egg. Hyalin purified from isolated hyaline layers was used to immunize rabbits. Antisera so obtained were shown to be hyalin specific following absorption with a combination of sea urchin proteins. Immunocytochemical localizations were carried out on sections of Epon-embedded material using protein A-coated gold particles as an antibody marker. Our results demonstrate that, prior to fertilization, hyalin is stored in the homogeneous component of the cortical granule in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Labeling of small cortical vesicles in both unfertilized and fertilized eggs, suggests that these vesicles may contain a secondary reservoir of hyalin.  相似文献   

The 330 kDa fibrillar glycoprotein hyalin is a well known component of the sea urchin embryo extracellular hyaline layer. Only recently, the main component of hyalin, the hyalin repeat domain, has been identified in organisms as widely divergent as bacteria and humans using the GenBank database and therefore its possible function has garnered a great deal of interest. In the sea urchin, hyalin serves as an adhesive substrate in the developing embryo and we have recently shown that exogenously added purified hyalin from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos blocks a model cellular interaction in these embryos, archenteron elongation/attachment to the blastocoel roof. It is important to demonstrate the generality of this result by observing if hyalin from one species of sea urchin blocks archenteron elongation/attachment in another species. Here we show in three repeated experiments, with 30 replicate samples for each condition, that the same concentration of S. purpuratus hyalin (57 microg/ml) that blocked the interaction in living S. purpuratus embryos blocked the same interaction in living Lytechinus pictus embryos. These results correspond with the known crossreactivity of antibody against S. purpuratus hyalin with L. pictus hyalin. We propose that hyalin-hyalin receptor binding may mediate this adhesive interaction. The use of a microplate assay that allows precise quantification of developmental effects should help facilitate identification of the function of hyalin in organisms as divergent as bacteria and humans.  相似文献   

The dynamics of chondriome in the ovogenesis of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus was studied. Growing oocytes 20-30, 50-60 and 90-100 microm in diameter ("small", "medium-sized" and "large", respectively) and mature eggs were used for the ultrastructural and stereological analysis of mitochondria. Linear parameters of mitochondria (length and thickness) were measured on 3-D reconstructions of serial ultrathin sections using the software developed in the laboratory. The following transformations of chondriome structure were shown to occur during ovogenesis: (1) the number of mitochondria (MT) increases with the growth of cytoplasmic compartment; (2) the modal length of MT increases from 0.5 microm in small oocytes to 1 microm in large ones and decreases again to 0.5 microm in the egg; this process is accompanied by changes in the relative number of spherical MT which decreases in medium-sized oocytes and subsequently rises again in the egg; (3) in medium-sized oocytes, dumbbell-shaped MT appear first, the number of these MT reaching the maximum to the stage of large oocytes. In mature eggs, the dumb-bell-shaped MT are absent; (4) in small and medium-sized oocytes, the orthodox conformation of MT is observed, in contrast to MT with a condensed matrix in large oocytes and eggs; (5) in mature eggs, mitochondrial clusters containing 10 to 20 MT of various size are formed. Based on the data obtained, we suggested that during ovogenesis of the sea urchin, specific differentiation of the chondriome is induced which leads to the increase in the quantity of MT via multiple division acts, while restricting the MT growth and variability of their shape.  相似文献   

Sea urchin hyalin: appearance and function in development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Embryonic chicken sensory cells from dorsal root ganglia and a clonal line of pheochromocytoma cells (PC-12) extended neuronal-like processes within 24 hr of seeding on a naturally produced, basement membrane-like extracellular matrix (ECM) in the absence of nerve growth factor (NGF). Plating on ECM also induced a rapid cell attachment and flattening of these cells and supported the survival of embryonic sensory cells in primary cultures. Unlike the effect of NGF on PC-12 cells, the ECM-induced morphological differentiation was transient and led to disintegration and degeneration of processes bearing PC-12 cells. The ECM-induced morphological differentiation was not inhibited by anti-NGF antibodies, and the cells retained their ability to bind and internalize NGF in a manner similar to that observed on plastic. PC-12 cell attachment and flattening occurred on dishes coated with collagen type IV in a way similar to that observed on ECM, but precoating the dishes with fibronectin had no effect. Extension of cell processes was not induced by either substrate. Morphological differentiation but not the induction of cell adhesion and flattening was inhibited by either prefixation with glutaraldehyde, oxidation with periodate, or preexposure to concanavalin A of the ECM, suggesting that the ECM and in particular its sugar moieties play an active role in the induction of neurite outgrowth. It is suggested that close contact with the ECM provides chemical or mechanical cues that permit contactmediated elongation and directed growth of both embryonic and regenerating nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Hyalin is a large glycoprotein, consisting of the hyalin repeat domain and non-repeated regions, and is the major component of the hyaline layer in the early sea urchin embryo of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The hyalin repeat domain has been identified in proteins from organisms as diverse as bacteria, sea urchins, worms, flies, mice and humans. While the specific function of hyalin and the hyalin repeat domain is incompletely understood, many studies suggest that it has a functional role in adhesive interactions. In part I of this series, we showed that hyalin isolated from the sea urchin S. purpuratus blocked archenteron elongation and attachment to the blastocoel roof occurring during gastrulation in S. purpuratus embryos, (Razinia et al., 2007). The cellular interactions that occur in the sea urchin, recognized by the U.S. National Institutes of Health as a model system, may provide insights into adhesive interactions that occur in human health and disease. In part II of this series, we showed that S. purpuratus hyalin heterospecifically blocked archenteron-ectoderm interaction in Lytechinus pictus embryos (Alvarez et al., 2007). In the current study, we have isolated hyalin from the sea urchin L. pictus and demonstrated that L. pictus hyalin homospecifically blocks archenteron-ectoderm interaction, suggesting a general role for this glycoprotein in mediating a specific set of adhesive interactions. We also found one major difference in hyalin activity in the two sea urchin species involving hyalin influence on gastrulation invagination.  相似文献   

The dynamics of structural changes of the chondriome in the early development of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus was studied. Mature eggs and embryos at various stages of cleavage were used for quantitative and ultrastructural analysis based on computerized 3D reconstruction from serial ultrathin sections. The following structural transformations of the chondriome were shown to occur in the course of embryogenesis: (i) 15 min after fertilization, mitochondrial clusters disintegrate, and mitochondrial division is induced. At the stage of two blastomeres the population of mitochondria increases twofold; (ii) the mitochondria divide by means of the contraction of both outer and inner membranes. The forming furrow divides the "parental" mitochondrion into two equal "daughter" parts; (iii) at the four-cell stage the division ceases, and mitochondria start to grow, so that the mitochondrial length increases; (iv) cell differentiation further stimulates elongation of rod-shaped mitochondria, and the ratio of rod-shaped to spherical mitochondria changes; (v) in an unfertilised egg, the mitochondria are in a condensed form; after fertilisation all the mitochondria acquire a conventional form. Modern concepts of chondriome proliferation in eukaryotic cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against purified cortical secretory vesicles (CVs) from the eggs of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. One of the monoclonal antibodies (MAb 69-10, an IgA) was shown by immunofluorescence labeling of intact and detergent-lysed CVs to be directed against a CV content antigen. Immunoblot analysis of CVs revealed that MAb 69-10 bound to a major CV polypeptide with an Mr similar to that of hyalin (i.e., 300,000). MAb 69-10 was subsequently shown to bind to purified hyalin prepared from S. purpuratus and to cross react with hyalin prepared from Lytechinus pictus. Immunogold labeling on thin sections of unfertilized S. purpuratus eggs showed that hyalin was localized to the electron-lucent portion of CVs. This result is in agreement with the labeling pattern obtained by Hylander and Summers (Dev Biol 93:368-380, 1982) using polyclonal antihyalin antibodies. In fertilized eggs and later-stage embryos, hyalin was observed to be located on the external surface of the embryo. MAb 69-10 should be useful in studies of the structure of hyalin and its function in morphogenesis.  相似文献   

V Matranga  B Kuwasaki    H Noll 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(12):3125-3132
This paper documents the evidence that the large oligomeric glycoprotein complexes of unknown function first isolated as 22S particles from sea urchin embryos are the sole agents responsible for the adhesive integrity of sea urchin blastula embryos. The conclusion rests on the demonstration that polyclonal IgG (as serum or monovalent Fab) against whole membranes or butanol-solubilized components of membranes, as well as against the purified particle itself, completely blocks reaggregation of dissociated blastula cells and that this inhibition is reversed by neutralization of the inhibitory antibodies with purified 22S antigen. An essential aspect of the evidence is the combination of quantitative endpoint titrations in microtiter wells with the qualitative parameters of morphogenesis. The new data complement previous evidence that morphogenesis is mediated by a general class of particles, toposomes, responsible for mechanical linkage between cells and their positional guidance in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The protein hyalin, a major component of the sea urchin extraembryonic hyaline layer, was previously shown to undergo a Ca(2+)-induced self-association into large aggregates (gelation). This reaction represented a major step in assembly of the layer. In the experiments reported here, digestion with trypsin resulted in a rapid dissociation of hyalin into a mixture of peptides which retained the capacity to bind Ca2+. However, unlike intact hyalin, none of these peptides associated into large aggregates (gelation) in the presence of Ca2+, Mg2+, and NaCl. Loss of the ability to undergo gelation was not accompanied by any significant change in the content of acidic plus amide amino acid residues. Decreasing the pH to 5.6 resulted in a loss of 25% of hyalin's Ca(2+)-binding capacity but had no effect on the ability of the protein to undergo gelation. Peptide fragments were only partially effective at inhibiting hyalin gelation. Clearly, not all the Ca(2+)-binding sites were required for hyalin gelation and Ca2+ binding alone was insufficient to drive this reaction. In addition, hyalin appeared to possess two classes of protein-protein interaction domains, one of which was essential for gelation.  相似文献   

The free circulating coelomocytes in the coelomic cavity of echinoderms are considered to be immune effectors by phagocytosis, encapsulation, cytotoxicity, and by the production of antimicrobial agents. Although echinoderms (especially sea urchin embryo) have been used as a model organisms in biology, no uniform criteria exist for classification of coelomocytes in echinoderms, and few studies have reported about the biological functions of their coelomocytes. Hence, we study the coelomocytes in the echinoid sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, and describe their morphological and ultrastructural features using light and transmission electron microscopes. We classify the coelomocytes of P. lividus into red spherule and colorless spherule cells, small cells, vibratile cells, and phagocytic cells; petaloid and filopodial cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing ultrastructural details of the coelomocytes of P. lividus. J. Morphol. 276:583–588, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the patterns of protein synthesis in developing embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. There was an increase in the number of proteins detectably synthesized during development, as well as significant changes in relative rates of synthesis involving approximately 20% of the nearly 900 newly synthesized polypeptides. The majority of these changes were increases rather than decreases in synthesis; about half were of at least 10-fold, while a few were of more than 100-fold. Very few changes were detected upon fertilization and during the first several hours of development, while about 60% of the changes detected occurred between the hatching and the beginning of invagination. An analysis of proteins detected by silver staining indicated that most remained nearly constant in mass during embryonic development, but several increased or declined substantially. Many proteins present in eggs were not detectably synthesized in either eggs or embryos.  相似文献   

SNARE and rab protein family members were originally identified in terminally differentiated cell types. These proteins are phylogenetically conserved and while compelling evidence demonstrates their involvement in the secretory pathway, their exact function is debated. We recently identified SNARE protein family members in the sea urchin egg and provided evidence that rab3 functions in the exocytosis of cortical granules. Here we tested the hypothesis that these same proteins might also be present throughout embryogenesis to mediate membrane fusion events. We provide evidence that the sea urchin possesses a low complexity of gene family members of syntaxin, VAMP, and rab3 and that these proteins are not only present during development, but are enriched in regions of the embryo with active secretory roles. We found accumulation of each family member in the apical and basal aspects of cleaving blastomeres, indicative of bidirectional secretion into the extraembryonic environment and blastocoel. Elevated levels of syntaxin, VAMP, and rab3 were also found in the mesodermally derived pigment cells that invade and move within the ectoderm. These cells likely rely on SNARE and rab proteins to enable mobility by mediating the secretion of enzymes that break adhesion to neighboring cells and the extracellular matrix. In addition, these secretory proteins are enriched in the gut following gastrulation. Thus, we conclude that VAMP, syntaxin, and rab3 mediate a variety of secretory events that is important for development.  相似文献   

Hyalin is a large (ca. 350 x 10(3) kD by gel electrophoresis) molecule that contributes to the hyalin layer surrounding the sea urchin embryo. In previous work a mAb (McA Tg-HYL), specific for hyalin, was found to inhibit cell-hyalin adhesion and block morphogenesis of whole embryos (Adelson, D. L., and T. D. Humphreys. 1988. Development. 104:391-402). In this report, hyalin ultrastructure was examined via rotary shadowing. Hyalin appeared to be a filamentous molecule approximately 75-nm long with a globular "head" about 12 nm in diameter that tended to form aggregates by associating head to head. Hyalin molecules tended to associate with a distinct high molecular weight globular particle ("core"). In fractions containing the core particle often more than one hyalin molecule were seen to be associated with the core. The core particle maintained a tenacious association with hyalin throughout purification procedures. The site(s) of McA Tg-HYL binding to the hyalin molecule were visualized by decorating purified hyalin with the antibody and then rotary shadowing the complex. In these experiments, McA Tg-HYL attached to the hyalin filament near the head region in a pattern suggesting that more than one antibody binding site exists on the hyalin filament. From the ultrastructural data and from the cell adhesion data presented earlier we conclude that hyalin is a filamentous molecule that binds to other hyalin molecules and contains multiple cell binding sites. Attempts were made to demonstrate the existence of lower molecular weight hyalin precursors. Whilst no such precursors could be identified by immunoprecipitation of in vivo labeled embryo lysates, immunoprecipitation of in vitro translation products suggested such precursors (ca 40 x 10(3) kD) might exist.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. As reported previously (Hopper and Robinson, 1990; Int. J. Biochem. 22, 1165–1170) the sea urchin extraembryonic coat protein hyalin undergoes a Ca2+-induced self-association into an insoluble gel (gelation) in the presence of Mg2+ and/or NaCl.
  • 2.2. A 275 kDa peptide fragment, generated by limited tryptic digestion of hyalin, binds Ca2++ but does not undergo gelation in the presence of Ca2+, Mg2+ and NaCl.
  • 3.3. Comparisons between the capacities of hyalin and the 275 kDa peptide fragment to bind Ca2+ indicate that the latter binds 88% less Ca2+ than hyalin.
  • 4.4. However, the presence of Ca2+ alone, at a concentration of 5 mM, protects the 275 kDa peptide fragment from further digestion by trypsin mimicking the effect of this cation in protecting hyalin.
  • 5.5. Gel exclusion Chromatographie analyses of the 275 kDa peptide fragment, both in the presence and absence of 5 mM Ca2+, indicate that this cation does induce self-association of the fragment.
  • 6.6. These results provide information on the organization of the functional domains on hyalin which are required for gel formation.

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