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About 50 species of predatory prosobranch gastropods from 11 families are common in shallow-water, coral-reef habitats at Addu Atoll. The Muricidae are the most diverse and abundant family, with 18 species present attaining population densities up to 31/m2. Analysis of the food from 542 individuals of 30 species shows that polychaetes, sipunculids. small Crustacea, and other molluscs are the main prey of the gastropods. In the intertidal zone, epifaunal molluscs are the main food, while in the shallow sublittoral zone, polychaetes and sipunculids are the dominant prey.  相似文献   

This study explores the relation between sediment composition and intertidal macrobenthos populations in the Zwin nature reserve (Belgium and The Netherlands), a tidal lagoon that is included in the Ramsar list of wetlands of international importance and has been designated as Natura 2000 area, among others due to its function as wintering habitat for shorebirds that feed upon macrobenthic invertebrates. Species response models show highest biomass of these prey species in organically enriched cohesive sediments and a distinct decline in probability of occurrence for most species in coarse sediments. Further, the biomass of macrobenthos declined between 2003 and 2010 in the extensive low intertidal inlet channel concurrent with the coarsening of the sediment over time in this hydrodynamically stressed habitat. In contrast, macrobenthos biomass increased in a sheltered shallow intertidal habitat that acted as a catchment area for finer sediments, therefore facilitating the succession towards a higher elevated habitat with salt marsh vegetation establishment. Hence, spatio-temporal sediment dynamics decreased site quality for intertidal predators due to a reduction in feeding areas over time, and a change in physical sediment properties that alter the macrobenthos species occurrence and population biomass. This study thus illustrates that sediment transport dynamics may affect the functioning of coastal shallow soft-sediment habitats, like coastal lagoons. The presented macrobenthos species response models provide a tool to assist in management actions that enable the conservation of cohesive low intertidal habitats that provide a high food supply to shorebirds, fish and macrocrustaceans.  相似文献   

Eight species of the predatory gastropod Drupa are abundant in exposed habitats of Indo-Pacific coral reefs. The diets of seven species and two subspecies were investigated by gut content analysis of over 1400 specimens from a number of localities from the Red Sea to the western Pacific. Two species, D. grossularia and D. lobata , are sipunculan specialists, whilst D. morum and D. rubusidaeus mainly eat eunicid polychaetes . Drupa ricinus and probably D. elegans feed upon a wide variety of prey including crustacea, vermetid gastropods, chitons, polychaetes and sipunculans. The Red Sea subspecies D. ricinus hadari also eats small gobiid fish. Drupa clathrata clathrata, probably the least advanced species in the genus, has a diet of molluscs and barnacles, similar to that of other thaiid gastropods.  相似文献   

黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)的食物主要由鱼类和虾类组成,对其觅食生境中潜在食物的分析有助于对该濒危物种的保护。福建兴化湾是我国大陆黑脸琵鹭最重要的越冬地之一,对湾内越冬黑脸琵鹭的观察发现,黑脸琵鹭白天在养殖塘休息,黄昏则飞到离养殖塘约8km处的滩涂觅食至黎明返回。在黑脸琵鹭觅食的滩涂共采集到42种鱼类和6种虾类。根据对体长、生活习性和数量状况的分析,认为其中的19种鱼类和6种虾类为黑脸琵鹭的潜在食物,以鲻科鱼类最为重要。建议对黑脸琵鹭的保护应重视其觅食滩涂生境中鱼类和虾类资源的保护。  相似文献   


Species that exploit the same type of environmental resources are defined as a guild, which have similar needs in the use of food or habitat. It was analyzed the diet of five waterbirds’ offsprings species (Neotropic Cormorant (Nannopterum brasilianus), Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens), Boat-billed Heron (Cochlearius cochlearius), Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) and Great Egret (Ardea alba)), by prey identification and calculated the relative importance, overlap and breadth diet. The general diet of the piscivorous guild consisted of 17 fish species from 13 genera and eight families. The highest overlap was between the Reddish Egret and Boat-billed Heron. Fish species dominated the diets of all studied waterbirds, Poecilia velifera was the most abundant prey species in each of the birds, suggesting that they are abundant in the wetlands system of northern Yucatan. Diet overlap in waterbirds species depends on the use of resources and feeding habitat. Since reproductive success largely depends on the availability of food resources, mainly of resident or estuarine fishes. The information about diet is important for the conservation of waterbirds.  相似文献   

The diets of adult brill Scophthalmus rhombus and turbot Scophthalmus maximus from the Portuguese coast relied mostly on fishes. There was a higher diversity of food items compared to their northern counterparts, and several of the identified prey are the first records of these species, including a brown alga, echinoderms, nematodes, oligochaetes, gastropods, bivalves and various fish species. The diet of the two species was significantly different and niche overlap was low.  相似文献   

Eight species of the predatory gastropod Drupa are abundant in exposed habitats of Indo-Pacific coral reefs. The diets of seven species and two subspecies were investigated by gut content analysis of over 1400 specimens from a number of localities from the Red Sea to the western Pacific. Two species, D. grossularia and D. lobata, are sipunculan specialists, whilst D. morum and D. rubusidaeus mainly eat eunicid polychaetes. Drupa ricinus and probably D. elegans feed upon a wide variety of prey including crustacea, vermetid gastropods, chitons, polychaetes and sipunculans. The Red Sea subspecies D. ricinus hadari also eats small gobiid fish. Drupa clathrata clathrata, probably the least advanced species in the genus, has a diet of molluscs and barnacles, similar to that of other thaiid gastropods.  相似文献   

Summary Diets of nesting Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) were sampled before and after a decline in the hawks' principal prey species. Diets of pairs that shared their foraging ranges with interspecifics were contrasted with those of pairs whose home ranges did not overlap with interspecifics. Current theory predicts that diets should diverge during prey shortages and that overlap should be especially reduced in ranges shared with interspecifics. Species composition of the two hawks' diets diverged during the prey shortage, but the divergence was most pronounced in hawks that did not share foraging ranges with interspecifics. In contrast to predictions, the two species converged on similar-sized prey during the prey shortage. Available data on differences in habitat composition and prey availability at the sample sites did not explain the deviations from the predicted response. Although our findings on diet shifts differ from those of most other studies, the implications are consistent with observations of others who have studied assemblages of mammal-feeding raptors. We conclude that diet composition of the hawks we studied was not directly affected by interspecific competition and that shifts in diet overlap during prey shortages do not necessarily imply that interspecific competition is occurring.  相似文献   

The trophic impact of small mammals in successional grasslands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The habitat use and diets of small mammals inhabiting grassland plots of different successional ages were investigated by live-trapping and faecal analysis over a period of 16 months. The contribution of the major plant life forms and the structural profile of the vegetation of each plot and the availability of insect prey were assessed. The dominant species of small mammal found on each plot were Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Apodemus sylvaticus and Microtus agrestis . Small mammals were most commonly found in the late and mid-successional stages, reflecting the habitat structure and food availability. A wide range of insects and other invertebrates were eaten by all four species and insects formed 50–62% of the animal prey taken. The incidence of certain prey in the diets differed between plots. The daily consumption rate of invertebrates by shrews and mice was estimated at some 6800 prey per ha. The greatest predatory impact came from shews but A. sylvaticus showed increased consumption of invertebrates in spring. The combined predatory impact of the grassland small mammal community on insect populations alone was estimated to average 0.01% per day and is predicted to be greatest in the mid-successional stages.  相似文献   

Five species of tern breed on Aldabra Atoll (09° 24' S; 46° 20' E). The Caspian tern Sterna caspia and Crested tern S. bergii feed exclusively in very shallow reef/lagoon water, the Fairy tern Gygis alba and Brown noddy Anous stolidus feed out at sea, and the Black-naped tern Sterna sumatrana is intermediate in its foraging. Both of the shallow-water species lay during the south-east monsoon season, the Caspian tern from April to August and the Crested tern from June to August, but the Crested tern also lays in December and January. The remaining three species have extended laying periods largely circumscribed by the north-west monsoon season from November to March. Breeding population size of the Caspian tern is in the low tens and of the Brown noddy in the low thousands, with the other species each numbering in the hundreds. The distribution and abundance of the nine species of tern breeding within the Seychelles ( sensu lato ) vary on the different island groups in a manner interpretable in terms of depth of the surrounding waters. Systematic differences between the central Seychelles and Aldabra groups in timing of breeding by terns which feed out at sea may be associated with seasonal latitudinal movement of the divergence zone between the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Counter-current, acting via correlated latitudinal shifts of prey species and game-fish abundance.  相似文献   

The diets and population characteristics of three abundant speciesof Conns, nux, diadema and princeps, from the Sea of Cortezare described. All were found to feed predominantly upon polychaeteworms. In addition, food notes are presented for six less abundantspecies from the same area. Comparison of the diversity of thediets of the three dominant species in the Sea of Cortez withcognate species in the Indo-West Pacific, where significantlymore congeneric species occur in any single habitat, indicatedno significant increases in diversity of prey. This lack ofecological release with respect to food in the presence of fewercompeting congeners was attributed to the presence of significantlyfewer prey species when compared to the Indo-West Pacific. (Received 23 March 1978;  相似文献   

Summary Field observations and experiments revealed that predatory intertidal gastropods of the genus Thais (or Nucella) were able both to recognize the expected food value of encountered prey (expected energy or growth potential gained per unit handling time) and to monitor their average yield over time (average energy or growth potential gained per unit foraging time). They appeared to discriminate not only among prey species, but also among different sized individuals of the same prey species. The evidence supporting these interpretations included: 1) field observations of snails feeding preferentially on prey types of higher expected food value even though lower value prey types were available and abundant, 2) a very limited number of direct underwater observations of foraging snails rejecting encountered items that were either of lower expected value than the item finally eaten or not measurably different from it, and 3) field (=arena) experiments in which both average yield, and the distribution and abundance of potential prey were controlled: snails conditioned at a high average yield fed preferentially on high value items, while those animals conditioned at a low yield consumed prey in the proportions that they were encountered. These behaviors are all consistent with a prey-selection decision motivated by energetic considerations. Further, the field experiments indicated that these predatory gastropods could select items from a diverse array of prey so as to maximize growth in their natural environment. The behaviors were not consistent with three alternative foraging hypotheses: non-selective foraging, frequency-dependent foraging on prey types (here, sizes of particular prey species), and frequency-dependent foraging on prey species. Deviations from some of the quantitative predictions of optimal foraging theory appeared related to learning and risk.  相似文献   

Synopsis The distribution patterns, diets, and substratum (refuge) requirements of early juveniles of two sympatric stichaeid fishesCebidichthys violaceus andXiphister mucosus, were investigated in a rocky intertidal habitat at Diablo Canyon, California. Monthly investigations were conducted at low tide for four consecutive months, to assess ontogenetic differences in distribution, diet, and refuge requirements within and between the two species. Distinct differences in vertical zonation were exhibited by both stichaeids throughout the study. Interspecific zonation patterns were similar to those recorded for adults of both species. Diet analyses showed that early juveniles of both stichaeids were zooplanktivorous, differing markedly from the primarily herbivorous diets of adults. Changes in diet were largely due to the selection of larger prey taxa as both fishes, and their mouth size, grew over the study period. Predation by both fishes on water-column planktors (calanoid copepods, zoea and polychaete larvae) was greatest following initial intertidal settlement and habitat establishment by early juvenile fishes. Greater dependence on substrate-oriented and/or benthic prey (harpacticoid copepods, gammarid amphipods and mysid shrimp) was exhibited by both fishes as they grew in size. Affinities for sand, gravel, and pebbles during monthly field surveys were similar for both species throughout the study. As the fishes grew, their substratum preferences changed in relation to the substrata which provided the best refuge. Results from laboratory experiments indicated that young stichaeids select very specific substrata based on fish age (size) and substratum suitability (i.e. adequate refuge). Similarities in diet and substratum preferences, and changes in those preferences over time, appear to be the result of morphological similarities (body size and shape and mouth gape) for both species at a given age.  相似文献   

M. H. Wise    I. J. Linn    C. R. Kennedy 《Journal of Zoology》1981,195(2):181-213
The feeding habits and prey selectivity of Mink Mustela vison and otters Lutra lutra were compared in two localities in Devon: a eutrophic lake and a moorland river, in which both species occurred and had access to the same prey populations. The effects of prey availability on the predators' diets were assessed by comparing prey consumed, as revealed by scat analysis, with estimates of prey abundance and size range. Otters specialized in fish at all times of year but showed seasonal variation in species taken. Selection for slow-moving fish and seasonal changes in behaviour of some fish species were the probable causes of this variation. Otters diversified more into non-fish food in summer, when fish availability was reduced. The main alternative prey in the lacustrine habitat was waterfowl, but in the riverine habitat, rabbits. Mink were more generalized carnivores, taking a variety of fish, waterside and terrestrial prey in all seasons. These three prey categories were taken to an almost equal extent in the lake but terrestrial prey dominated in the riverine habitat. Fish were taken most frequently in winter and birds and mammals in summer. Neither predator showed selection in respect of prey size. In each area, about one third of the otter and Mink diets was common to both species. Fish was the principal group of the shared component, and dietary overlap in respect of them was greatest in autumn and winter. In view of the dietary preferences of each predator, the existence of alternative prey items and limited degree of dietary overlap, it is considered unlikely that the two species competed for food to any extent. Other factors must therefore be responsible for the spread of feral Mink and the decline in otter populations in many parts of Britain.  相似文献   

Carnivore body size: Ecological and taxonomic correlates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Variation in body size (weight) is examined across the order Carnivora in relation to taxonomy (phylogeny), latitude, habitat, zonation, activity cycle, diet, prey size, and prey diversity. Significant differences in body weight are observed with respect to family membership. Some of these differences may be explained by phylogenetic history and/or dietary effects. Body weight is not correlated with habitat, zonation, activity cycle or latitudinal gradients. Significant differences in body weight are found among insectivorous, herbivorous and carnivorous species, and some of these differences may relate to energetic constraints. Among predatory carnivores, prey size and diversity increases with body weight. The adaptive significance, both intra- and inter-specifically, of prey characteristics (size, availability, diversity) and carnivore body weight qualities (strength, endurance, hunting technique) is discussed.  相似文献   

The behavioural interactions of carangids with their prey have been examined on the forereef slope of Aldabra Atoll, Indian Ocean. From underwater observations and from fishing data, Caranx melampygus and C. ignobilis are shown to be predominately piscivores. Slight differences in the sex ratios occurred when compared with earlier work, although length distribution of trolled specimens match very closely. By contrast underwater observations indicate that many more small C. melampygus occur on the reef slope than are caught by trolling and suggest this method of capture is highly selective. The literature ascribes the association of small predatory fish to larger ones with a scavenging role, but present observations suggest that it provides a mechanism whereby small fish can approach and exploit the disorientation of prey during hunting episodes. Other types of predator association are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the feeding habits of a diverse assemblage of predatory gastropods on a Guam fringing reef, shows that seven major prey categories are eaten, namely polychaetes, sipunculans, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, ophiuroids, and fish. The three largest feeding groups are the polychaete feeding guild which mainly consists of species of Conus, the gastropod guild dominated by species of the Muricidae and the sipunculan guild consisting mainly of the Mitridae. There is considerable dietary overlap between members of feeding guilds, but interaction between guilds is low and accounted for by the relatively few generalist species in the community.  相似文献   

1. Behavioural adaptations to avoid and evade predators are common. Many studies have investigated population divergence in response to changes in predation regime within species, but studies exploring interspecific patterns are scant. Studies on interspecific divergence can infer common outcomes from evolutionary processes and highlight the role of environmental constraints in shaping species traits. 2. Species of the dragonfly genus Leucorrhinia underwent well‐studied shifts from habitats being dominated by predatory fish (fish lakes) to habitat being dominated by predatory invertebrates (dragonfly lakes). This change in top predators resulted in a set of adaptive trait modifications in response to the different hunting styles of both predator types: whereas predatory fish actively search and pursue prey, invertebrate predator follow a sit‐and‐wait strategy, not pursuing prey. 3. Here it is shown that the habitat shift‐related change in selection regime on larval Leucorrhinia caused species in dragonfly lakes to evolve increased larval foraging and activity, and results suggest that they lost the ability to recognise predatory fish. 4. The results of the present study highlight the impact of predators on behavioural trait diversification with habitat‐specific predation regimes selecting for distinct behavioural expression.  相似文献   

Summary We consider the dietary relationships of the numerically dominant breeding bird species in four North American grassland/shrubsteppe habitats, sampled over 2–3 consecutive years. Overall, the diets of these species contained primarily insects: orthopterans comprised 29% of the diet biomass, coleopterans 24%, and lepidopteran larvae 23%, while seeds contributed 15% of the average diet. These diets varied substantially, however, and we evaluated several aspects of this variation. Intersexual differences in diets within a species were few, despite the occurrence of significant sexual size dimorphism in several species. For many species, however, there were substantial shifts in dietary composition between years at a given location; overall, the average between-year similarity of species' dietary composition was 70%. Different species exhibited rather different diet patterns. Horned Larks were relatively omnivorous, had broad diet composition niches, and varied considerably in diets between different locations. Meadowlarks were also broad-niched and geographically variable in their diets, but were the most highly carnivorous of the species we considered. Dietary niche breadths of Grasshopper Sparrows were intermediate, but diet composition was rather stable, both between years and between locations. Chestnut-collared Longspurs exhibited narrow diet niches, but substantial annual variation: each year this species apparently exploited a different but limited set of prey types rather heavily. Larger avian predators generally consumed a broader array of functional groups of prey, but did not differ in the taxonomic variety of their diets from small birds. Variation in diet composition between individuals within local populations was considerable; in most species, an individual contained on the average 30–40% of the prey taxa represented in entire population smaples.Patterns of dietary overlap among species were quite inconsistent from year to year at most locations, although at the shrubsteppe site overlap among all species present was consistently quite high. Relatively few cooccurring species pairs exhibited low diet overlap. The degree of diet niche overlap was unrelated to body size differences of the birds, despite as much as six-fold differences in weight among some coexisting species. Relationships of the bird species on another dimension of the trophic niche, prey size, also differed substantially between sites and years. The ranking of co-occurring species by the mean sizes of the prey they consumed generally did not parallel their rankings by body sizes, and in some cases the smallest and the largest species present ate prey of similar sizes. At the shrubsteppe site, all the breeding species exhibited quite similar frequency distributions of prey sizes in their diets.As species number and diversity increased in the breeding avifaunas, diet niche breadths generally decreased, species packing by prey size decreased, and diet composition niche overlap remained relatively unchanged. These trends are in at least partial agreement with predictions of diffuse competition theory, but the patterns were derived from broad inter-site comparisons of overall site averages, and the relationships generally did not hold within local assemblages of species. In general, our attempts to match values of dietary niche features with site characteristics failed to demonstrate close agreement with the predictions of prevailing ecological theory based upon assumptions of resource limitation and competition. Instead, our findings seem generally most consistent with the suggestion that food is not normally limiting to bird populations in these systems, and individuals and populations are exploiting the food resources in an opportunistic fashion, which leads to considerable individual, between-year, and between-location variation in diet compositions and interspecific overlaps.Our attempts to discern clear relationships that accord with theoretical expectations in these avian assemblages are thwarted by our lack of detailed information on the resource base and by the lack of clear tests that will separate alternative hypotheses of community organization and structuring. We suggest that these complications may compromise the findings of many community studies.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to investigate the mechanism underlying patterns of the rove beetle populations in apple and pear orchards (1998-2002) and winter wheat (2006-2007) in Hungary following treatment with broad-spectrum insecticide. The capacity of predatory staphylinid species to feed on cereal pests was measured, with six species tested in petri dishes, in the laboratory at room temperature. Almost 23% of the Hungarian and 13% of the European staphylinid fauna are represented in the investigated agro-ecosystems. In orchards, 5236 individuals, belonging to 253 species, were collected. The most widely occurring were Omalium caesum Gravenhorst, Drusilla canaliculata (F.), Dinaraea angustula (Gyllenhal), Palporus nitidulus (F.), Xantholinus. longiventris (Olivier), X. linearis (Olivier) and Aleochara bipustulata (L.). In winter wheat, 798 individuals and 20 species were collected, the most frequent were Staphylinus caesareus Cederh, Tachyporus hypnorum (F.), Philonthus cognatus (Stephens), Aloconota gregaria (Erichson), Tachyporus chrysomelinus (L.) and T. obtusus (L.). Species composition differed by crop (apple, pear and wheat), soil composition and surrounding habitat. Species diversity was also influenced by these parameters. In wheat, one acute change in species composition was observed with the decline of Tachyporus spp., which occurred equally across all farms. The consumption rate of prey by the dominant species occurring in wheat ecosystems was relatively high; however, we did not offer any fungal food to compare with insects' prey.  相似文献   

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