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We analysed asymmetry in the wings of the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria)by measuring area, length and width of fore- and hindwings. The type of asymmetry is fluctuating except for fore- and hindwing area, and forewing width in males, where asymmetry is directional. The amount of asymmetry (variance of the left wing minus the right wing) is less in males than in females. Within males asymmetry was directional and less in pale, predominantly territorial males than in melanic, predominantly non-territorial males. Asymmetry was negatively related to growth rate within females, but not within males. Females grew faster than males, but had higher asymmetry, whereas the more asymmetrical melanic males grew more slowly than pale males. The differences in the type and amount of asymmetry between the sexes and colour classes suggest a relationship with sex-specific flight patterns such as the territorial spiralling flight of males. We hypothesize that slightly asymmetrical males turn faster, and therefore are superior in territorial disputes over more symmetrical or extremely asymmetrical males. This implies that sexual selection via male–male competition influences the type and amount of asymmetry. The existence of more extremely asymmetrical individuals in females, and to a lesser extent in non-territorial males, may indicate that there are costs in reducing asymmetry.  相似文献   

Grid square distribution maps have been used widely to measure rates of decline and target conservation resources. However, common species that may have many populations per grid square can decline substantially from within squares without being lost from entire squares. In order to quantify this process, fine scale population and habitat data have been collected for the common blue butterfly Polyommatus icarus in a 35 km2 area of fragmented landscape in north Wales. Present day habitat associations, determined from over 2000 transect walks, combined with data on historical and present day habitat distributions reveal that the species has declined by about 74% since 1901. Similar data concerning the species major host plant Lotus corniculatus indicate a decline of 46%. Based on 1 km2 grid maps, neither species have been assessed as declining at all. These results suggest that apparently 'common' species may have declined just as much as many of Britain's rare species: using present methods of assessment these declines are undetected.  相似文献   

The presence of Supressor of variegation-Enhanser of zeste-Trithorax (SET) domain genes in bacteria is a current paradigm for lateral genetic exchange between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Because a major function of SET domain proteins is the chemical modification of chromatin and bacteria do not have chromatin, there is no apparent functional requirement for the existence of bacterial SET domain genes. Consequently, their finding in only a small fraction of pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria was taken as evidence that bacteria have obtained the SET domain genes from their hosts. Furthermore, it was proposed that the products of the genes would, most likely, be involved in bacteria-host interactions. The broadened scope of sequenced bacterial genomes to include also free-living and environmental species provided a larger sample to analyze the bacterial SET domain genes. By phylogenetic analysis, examination of individual chromosomal regions for signs of insertion, and evaluating the chromosomal versus SET domain genes' GC contents, we provide evidence that SET domain genes have existed in the bacterial domain of life independently of eukaryotes. The bacterial genes have undergone an evolution of their own unconnected to the evolution of the eukaryotic SET domain genes. Initial finding of SET domain genes in predominantly pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria resulted, most probably, from a biased sample. However, a lateral transfer of SET domain genes may have occurred between some bacteria and a family of Archaea. A model for the evolution and distribution of SET domain genes in bacteria is proposed.  相似文献   

The conceptual gulf that separates the 'metabolism first' and 'replication first' mechanisms for the emergence of life continues to cloud the origin of life debate. In the present paper we analyze this aspect of the origin of life problem and offer arguments in favor of the 'replication first' school. Utilizing Wicken's two-tier approach to causation we argue that a causal connection between replication and metabolism can only be demonstrated if replication would have preceded metabolism. In conjunction with existing empirical evidence and theoretical reasoning, our analysis concludes that there is no substantive evidence for a 'metabolism first' mechanism for life's emergence, while a coherent case can be made for the 'replication first' group of mechanisms. The analysis reaffirms our conviction that life is an extreme expression of kinetic control, and that the emergence of metabolic pathways can be understood by considering life as a manifestation of 'replicative chemistry'.  相似文献   

  • 1 Body orientation and wing tilting in Hipparchia semele (L.) have been explained previously both by the need for shadow-minimization (crypsis hypothesis) and by the need to regulate body temperature (thermoregulation hypothesis).
  • 2 This study tests the thermoregulation hypothesis by quantifying butterfly orientation in relation to sun position, using vector analysis, and correlating the data with ambient temperature and time of day.
  • 3 During sunshine, Graylings tend to present a maximal wing area to the sun's rays when the ambient temperature is relatively low, and a minimal area when it is high ('sunning’and‘heat-avoiding’positions respectively).
  • 4 On cool sunny days, butterflies adopt sunning positions throughout the day, whereas on warm sunny days they adopt sunning positions during the outlying periods and heat-avoiding positions in the middle period of the day. Correlations between wing exposure and both ambient temperature and time of day are statistically significant for warm sunny days.
  • 5 During overcast weather, butterfly orientation is very variable and possibly random.
  • 6 Analysis of sunny day data supports the thermoregulation hypothesis. This is discussed in relation to other known types of thermoregulatory behaviour observed in this species: stilting, shade-seeking, ground-hugging and shivering.
  • 7 Conversely, the results do not support the crypsis hypothesis.


How life began still eludes science life, the initial progenote in the context presented herein, being a chemical aggregate of primordial inorganic and organic molecules capable of self-replication and evolution into ever increasingly complex forms and functions.

Presented is a hypothesis that a mineral scaffold generated by geological processes and containing polymerized phosphate units was present in primordial seas that provided the initiating factor responsible for the sequestration and organization of primordial life’s constituents. Unlike previous hypotheses proposing phosphates as the essential initiating factor, the key phosphate described here is not a polynucleotide or just any condensed phosphate but a large (in the range of at least 1 kilo-phosphate subunits), water soluble, cyclic metaphosphate, which is a closed loop chain of polymerized inorganic phosphate residues containing only phosphate middle groups. The chain forms an intrinsic 4-phosphate helix analogous to its structure in Na Kurrol’s salt, and as with DNA, very large metaphosphates may fold into hairpin structures. Using a Holliday-junction-like scrambling mechanism, also analogous to DNA, rings may be manipulated (increased, decreased, exchanged) easily with little to no need for additional energy, the reaction being essentially an isomerization.

A literature review is presented describing findings that support the above hypothesis. Reviewed is condensed phosphate inorganic chemistry including its geological origins, biological occurrence, enzymes and their genetics through eukaryotes, polyphosphate functions, circular polynucleotides and the role of the Holliday junction, previous biogenesis hypotheses, and an Eoarchean Era timeline.


The Karner blue butterfly (KBB), Lycaeides melissa samuelis, is a federally protected taxon whose relationship to the Melissa blue, Lycaeides melissa, has been a point of contention during the 66 years since the KBB was first described. Using a large population-genomic dataset and a model of population divergence with migration, we investigated the relationship between the KBB and L. melissa, as well as the relationship between L. melissa and a third taxon, Lycaeides idas. We report that gene flow between the KBB and L. melissa is low, and comparable to gene flow between L. melissa and L. idas. Considering this population-genetic evidence, we conclude that the KBB is a unique evolutionary lineage that should be recognized as Lycaeides samuelis.  相似文献   

In a single population of a livebearing fish, the green swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii), a trait considered a static badge of status in males of other populations, the color of a stripe covering the lateral line, has been found to be dynamic relative to their social environment, potentially rendering this signal meaningless. Males change the color expression of their lateral stripe dynamically based on social environment. We investigated if males (n = 26) respond to visual and chemical information about other males with a color change and aggressive behavior. We found that visual information is indeed causing color change, whereas chemical information is less effective. Aggressive responses and frequency of response did not change significantly with the mode of communication. We also studied female preferences for color, but found no significant preference (n = 32). Our results lead to questions as to how interpopulation variation can affect preferences and how dynamic signaling—in this case signal transmission presumably dependent on sex and/or status—influences the behavioral interactions we might expect between X. hellerii in the field.  相似文献   

Although roost choice in bats has been studied previously, little is known about how opposing roost colours affect the expression of torpor quantitatively. We quantified roost selection and thermoregulation in a captive Australian insectivorous bat, Nyctophilus gouldi (n=12) in winter when roosting in black and white coloured boxes using temperature-telemetry. We quantified how roost choice influences torpor expression when food was provided ad libitum or restricted in bats housed together in an outdoor aviary exposed to natural fluctuations of ambient temperature. Black box temperatures averaged 5.1 °C (maximum 7.5 °C) warmer than white boxes at their maximum daytime temperature. Bats fed ad libitum chose black boxes on most nights (92.9%) and on 100% of nights when food-restricted. All bats used torpor on all study days. However, bats fed ad libitum and roosting in black boxes used shorter torpor and spent more time normothermic/active at night than food-restricted bats and bats roosting in white boxes. Bats roosting in black boxes also rewarmed passively more often and to a higher skin temperature than those in white boxes. Our study suggests that N. gouldi fed ad libitum select warmer roosts in order to passively rewarm to a higher skin temperature and thus save energy required for active midday rewarming as well as to maintain a normothermic body temperature for longer periods at night. This study shows that colour should be considered when deploying bat boxes; black boxes are preferable for those bats that use passive rewarming, even in winter when food availability is reduced.  相似文献   

In an attempt to test predictions of the optimisation hypothesis of life history traits in birds, we estimated fitness consequences of brood size manipulations. Experiments were carried out over a period of 4 years in a Mediterranean population of blue tits Parus caeruleus which is confronted with a particular set of environmental constraints. Effects of brood size manipulation were investigated in relation to year-to-year variation in environmental conditions, especially caterpillar abundance. There was a strong variation in the effects of brood size manipulation depending on year. Most effects were on offspring quality (fledging mass, tarsus length). The absolute number of recruits did not significantly differ among categories (reduced, control, enlarged broods) but varied considerably among years. Females recruited from enlarged broods were of lower quality, started to breed later and laid fewer eggs than those recruited from control and reduced broods. Neither parental survival nor reproductive performances of adults in year n + 1 was affected by brood size manipulation in year n. Thus there was no evidence for a cost of reproduction in this population. Since the number of recruits did not depend on brood size manipulation (recruitment rates were higher in reduced broods), but recruits from reduced broods were of better quality compared with other groups, we conclude that adults lay a clutch that is larger than that which is predicted by the optimisation hypothesis. Producing more young could incur some penalties because offspring from large broods are of lower quality and less likely to recruit in the population. Two possible reasons why decision rules in this population seem to be suboptimal are discussed. Received: 10 March 1998 / Accepted: 1 July 1998  相似文献   

The genetic background of the mutations that most often cause cystic fibrosis (CF) is different from that of non-CF chromosomes in populations of European origin. It is not known whether these haplotype backgrounds could be found at high frequencies in populations in which CF is, at present, not common; such populations would be candidates for the place of origin of CF mutations. An analysis of haplotypes of CF transmembrane conductance regulator, together with their variation in specific CF chromosomes, in a worldwide survey of normal chromosomes shows (1) a very low frequency or absence of the most common CF haplotypes in all populations analyzed and (2) a strong genetic variability and divergence, among various populations, of the chromosomes that carry disease-causing mutations. The depth of the gene genealogy associated with disease-causing mutations may be greater than that of the evolutionary process that gave rise to present-day human populations. The concept of "population of origin" lacks either spatial or temporal meaning for mutations that are likely to have been present in Europeans before the ethnogenesis of present populations; subsequent population processes may have erased the traces of their geographic origin.  相似文献   

In 1925, Wilson listed, in his classic third edition of Cell in Development and Heredity, four theories for the morphological and physiological characteristics of cytoplasm; each theory provided some sort of explanation as to the mechanism(s) of organelle translocations. During the past twenty years, cell biologists have focused their attentions on the cell's cytoskeleton, microtrabecular lattice, and associated mechanochemical motors which drive organelles along cytoskeletal tracks. A number of cell types have been used to study organelle translocations, but chromatophores, pigment cells, from cold-blooded vertebrates have been one of the more popular models. This article reviews some of the research findings during the past twenty years, particularly those involving cytoplasmic elements: i.e, microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules, and mechanochemical motors. In addition, it contrasts the proposed involvement of these elements in organelle translocations with the endoplasmic reticulum, a tubulovesicular organelle, which we recently demonstrated is responsible, through its elongation or retraction, for the translocations of carotenoid droplets in goldfish xanthophores and swordtail fish erythrophores. Here, the carotenoid droplets are not free in the cytoplasm and do not translocate via cytoskeletal tracks, but instead are attached to or are a part of the endoplasmic reticulum. On the other hand, carotenoid droplets of squirrel fish erythrophores are free in the cytoplasm and appear to translocate via microtubules. Finally, the rates of pigmentary organelle translocations are reviewed in light of the participation of the cytoskeletal elements with the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A rapidly changing climate has the potential to interfere with the timing of environmental cues that ectothermic organisms rely on to initiate and regulate life history events. Short‐lived ectotherms that exhibit plasticity in their life history could increase the number of generations per year under warming climate. If many individuals successfully complete an additional generation, the population experiences an additional opportunity to grow, and a warming climate could lead to a demographic bonanza. However, these plastic responses could become maladaptive in temperate regions, where a warmer climate could trigger a developmental pathway that cannot be completed within the growing season, referred to as a developmental trap. Here we incorporated detailed demography into commonly used photothermal models to evaluate these demographic consequences of phenological shifts due to a warming climate on the formerly widespread, multivoltine butterfly (Pieris oleracea). Using species‐specific temperature‐ and photoperiod‐sensitive vital rates, we estimated the number of generations per year and population growth rate over the set of climate conditions experienced during the past 38 years. We predicted that populations in the southern portion of its range have added a fourth generation in recent years, resulting in higher annual population growth rates (demographic bonanzas). We predicted that populations in the Northeast United States have experienced developmental traps, where increases in the thermal window initially caused mortality of the final generation and reduced growth rates. These populations may recover if more growing degree days are added to the year. Our framework for incorporating detailed demography into commonly used photothermal models demonstrates the importance of using both demography and phenology to predict consequences of phenological shifts.  相似文献   

G&#  bor L. L&#  VEI 《生物安全学报》2017,26(3):181-183
<正>Nature conservation needs people who care about nature,and the efforts to convince people to care about the fate of nature has extensively relied on selected charismatic species,the"conservation icons".One famous example is the great panda,Ailuropoda melanoleuca,well known as the World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF)logo.When it comes to invertebrates,the  相似文献   

Chiral β-amino acids occur as constituents of various natural and synthetic compounds with potentially useful bioactivities. The pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent S-selective transaminase from Mesorhizobium sp. strain LUK (MesAT) is a fold type I aminotransferase that can be used for the preparation of enantiopure β-Phe and derivatives thereof. Using x-ray crystallography, we solved structures of MesAT in complex with (S)-β-Phe, (R)-3-amino-5-methylhexanoic acid, 2-oxoglutarate, and the inhibitor 2-aminooxyacetic acid, which allowed us to unveil the molecular basis of the amino acid specificity and enantioselectivity of this enzyme. The binding pocket of the side chain of a β-amino acid is located on the 3'-oxygen side of the PLP cofactor. The same binding pocket is utilized by MesAT to bind the α-carboxylate group of an α-amino acid. A β-amino acid thus binds in a reverse orientation in the active site of MesAT compared with an α-amino acid. Such a binding mode has not been reported before for any PLP-dependent aminotransferase and shows that the active site of MesAT has specifically evolved to accommodate both β- and α-amino acids.  相似文献   

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