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Given a family of related sequences, one can first determinealignments between various pairs of those sequences, then constructa simultaneous alignment of all the sequences that is determinedin a natural manner by the set of pairwise alignments. Thisapproach is sometimes effective for exposing the existence andlocations of conserved regions, which can then be aligned bymore sensitive multiple-alignment methods. This paper presentsan efficient algorithm for constructing a multiple alignmentfrom a set of pairwise alignments.  相似文献   

COMPAM is a tool for visualizing relationships among multiple whole genomes by combining all pairwise genome alignments. It displays shared conserved regions (blocks) and where these blocks occur (edges) as block relation graphs which can be explored interactively. An unannotated genome, e.g. can then be explored using information from well-annotated genomes, COG-based genome annotation and genes. COMPAM can run either as a stand-alone application or through an applet that is provided as service to PLATCOM, a toolset for whole genome comparative analysis, where a wide variety of genomes can be easily selected. Features provided by COMPAM include the ability to export genome relationship information into file formats that can be used by other existing tools. AVAILABILITY: http://bio.informatics.indiana.edu/projects/compam/  相似文献   

Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins (HSSP) is a well-known database of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) which merges information of protein sequences and their three-dimensional structures. It is available for all proteins whose structure is deposited in the PDB. It is also used by STING and (Java)Protein Dossier to calculate and present relative entropy as a measure of the degree of conservation for each residue of proteins whose structure has been solved and deposited in the PDB. However, if the STING and (Java)Protein Dossier are to provide support for analysis of protein structures modeled in computers or being experimentally solved but not yet deposited in the PDB, then we need a new method for building alignments having a flavor of HSSP alignments (myMSAr). The present study describes a new method and its corresponding databank (SH2QS--database of sequences homologue to the query [structure-having] sequence). Our main interest in making myMSAr was to measure the degree of residue conservation for a given query sequence, regardless of whether it has a corresponding structure deposited in the PDB. In this study, we compare the measurement of residue conservation provided by corresponding alignments produced by HSSP and SH2QS. As a case study, we also present two biologically relevant examples, the first one highlighting the equivalence of analysis of the degree of residue conservation by using HSSP or SH2QS alignments, and the second one presenting the degree of residue conservation for a structure modeled in a computer, which , as a consequence, does not have an alignment reported by HSSP.  相似文献   

AltAVisT: comparing alternative multiple sequence alignments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce a WWW-based tool that is able to compare two alternative multiple alignments of a given sequence set. Regions where both alignments coincide are color-coded to visualize the local agreement between the two alignments and to identify those regions that can be considered to be reliably aligned. AVAILABILITY: http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/altavist/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: BLAST statistics have been shown to be extremely useful for searching for significant similarity hits, for amino acid and nucleotide sequences. Although these statistics are well understood for pairwise comparisons, there has been little success developing statistical scores for multiple alignments. In particular, there is no score for multiple alignment that is well founded and treated as a standard. We extend the BLAST theory to multiple alignments. Following some simple assumptions, we present and justify a significance score for multiple segments of a local multiple alignment. We demonstrate its usefulness in distinguishing high and moderate quality multiple alignments from low quality ones, with supporting experiments on orthologous vertebrate promoter sequences.  相似文献   

Constructing multiple homologous alignments for protein-coding DNA sequences is crucial for a variety of bioinformatic analyses but remains computationally challenging. With the growing amount of sequence data available and the ongoing efforts largely dependent on protein-coding DNA alignments, there is an increasing demand for a tool that can process a large number of homologous groups and generate multiple protein-coding DNA alignments. Here we present a parallel tool - ParaAT that is capable of parallelly constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments for a large number of homologs. As testified on empirical datasets, ParaAT is well suited for large-scale data analysis in the high-throughput era, providing good scalability and exhibiting high parallel efficiency for computationally demanding tasks. ParaAT is freely available for academic use only at http://cbb.big.ac.cn/software.  相似文献   



In a computed protein multiple sequence alignment, the coreness of a column is the fraction of its substitutions that are in so-called core columns of the gold-standard reference alignment of its proteins. In benchmark suites of protein reference alignments, the core columns of the reference alignment are those that can be confidently labeled as correct, usually due to all residues in the column being sufficiently close in the spatial superposition of the known three-dimensional structures of the proteins. Typically the accuracy of a protein multiple sequence alignment that has been computed for a benchmark is only measured with respect to the core columns of the reference alignment. When computing an alignment in practice, however, a reference alignment is not known, so the coreness of its columns can only be predicted.


We develop for the first time a predictor of column coreness for protein multiple sequence alignments. This allows us to predict which columns of a computed alignment are core, and hence better estimate the alignment’s accuracy. Our approach to predicting coreness is similar to nearest-neighbor classification from machine learning, except we transform nearest-neighbor distances into a coreness prediction via a regression function, and we learn an appropriate distance function through a new optimization formulation that solves a large-scale linear programming problem. We apply our coreness predictor to parameter advising, the task of choosing parameter values for an aligner’s scoring function to obtain a more accurate alignment of a specific set of sequences. We show that for this task, our predictor strongly outperforms other column-confidence estimators from the literature, and affords a substantial boost in alignment accuracy.

Genome-wide multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are a necessary prerequisite for an increasingly diverse collection of comparative genomic approaches. Here we present a versatile method that generates high-quality MSAs for non-protein-coding sequences. The NcDNAlign pipeline combines pairwise BLAST alignments to create initial MSAs, which are then locally improved and trimmed. The program is optimized for speed and hence is particulary well-suited to pilot studies. We demonstrate the practical use of NcDNAlign in three case studies: the search for ncRNAs in gammaproteobacteria and the analysis of conserved noncoding DNA in nematodes and teleost fish, in the latter case focusing on the fate of duplicated ultra-conserved regions. Compared to the currently widely used genome-wide alignment program TBA, our program results in a 20- to 30-fold reduction of CPU time necessary to generate gammaproteobacterial alignments. A showcase application of bacterial ncRNA prediction based on alignments of both algorithms results in similar sensitivity, false discovery rates, and up to 100 putatively novel ncRNA structures. Similar findings hold for our application of NcDNAlign to the identification of ultra-conserved regions in nematodes and teleosts. Both approaches yield conserved sequences of unknown function, result in novel evolutionary insights into conservation patterns among these genomes, and manifest the benefits of an efficient and reliable genome-wide alignment package. The software is available under the GNU Public License at http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Software/NcDNAlign/.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment methods are essential for many different challenges in protein science, such as the determination of relations between proteins in the fold space or the analysis and prediction of their biological function. A number of different pairwise and multiple structure alignment (MStA) programs have been developed and provided to the community. Prior knowledge of the expected alignment accuracy is desirable for the user of such tools. To retrieve an estimate of the performance of current structure alignment methods, we compiled a test suite taken from literature and the SISYPHUS database consisting of proteins that are difficult to align. Subsequently, different MStA programs were evaluated regarding alignment correctness and general limitations. The analysis shows that there are large differences in the success between the methods in terms of applicability and correctness. The latter ranges from 44 to 75% correct core positions. Taking only the best method result per test case this number increases to 84%. We conclude that the methods available are applicable to difficult cases, but also that there is still room for improvements in both, practicability and alignment correctness. An approach that combines the currently available methods supported by a proper score would be useful. Until then, a user should not rely on just a single program.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The power of multi-sequence comparison for biological discovery is well established. The need for new capabilities to visualize and compare cross-species alignment data is intensified by the growing number of genomic sequence datasets being generated for an ever-increasing number of organisms. To be efficient these visualization algorithms must support the ability to accommodate consistently a wide range of evolutionary distances in a comparison framework based upon phylogenetic relationships. RESULTS: We have developed Phylo-VISTA, an interactive tool for analyzing multiple alignments by visualizing a similarity measure for multiple DNA sequences. The complexity of visual presentation is effectively organized using a framework based upon interspecies phylogenetic relationships. The phylogenetic organization supports rapid, user-guided interspecies comparison. To aid in navigation through large sequence datasets, Phylo-VISTA leverages concepts from VISTA that provide a user with the ability to select and view data at varying resolutions. The combination of multiresolution data visualization and analysis, combined with the phylogenetic framework for interspecies comparison, produces a highly flexible and powerful tool for visual data analysis of multiple sequence alignments. AVAILABILITY: Phylo-VISTA is available at http://www-gsd.lbl.gov/phylovista. It requires an Internet browser with Java Plug-in 1.4.2 and it is integrated into the global alignment program LAGAN at http://lagan.stanford.edu  相似文献   

We describe a tool, THoR, that automatically creates and curates multiple sequence alignments representing protein domains. This exploits both PSI-BLAST and HMMER algorithms and provides an accurate and comprehensive alignment for any domain family. The entire process is designed for use via a web-browser, with simple links and cross-references to relevant information, to assist the assessment of biological significance. THoR has been benchmarked for accuracy using the SMART and pufferfish genome databases.  相似文献   



With the continued development of new computational tools for multiple sequence alignment, it is necessary today to develop benchmarks that aid the selection of the most effective tools. Simulation-based benchmarks have been proposed to meet this necessity, especially for non-coding sequences. However, it is not clear if such benchmarks truly represent real sequence data from any given group of species, in terms of the difficulty of alignment tasks.  相似文献   

The question of multiple sequence alignment quality has received much attention from developers of alignment methods. Less forthcoming, however, are practical measures for addressing alignment quality issues in real life settings. Here, we present a simple methodology to help identify and quantify the uncertainties in multiple sequence alignments and their effects on subsequent analyses. The proposed methodology is based upon the a priori expectation that sequence alignment results should be independent of the orientation of the input sequences. Thus, for totally unambiguous cases, reversing residue order prior to alignment should yield an exact reversed alignment of that obtained by using the unreversed sequences. Such "ideal" alignments, however, are the exception in real life settings, and the two alignments, which we term the heads and tails alignments, are usually different to a greater or lesser degree. The degree of agreement or discrepancy between these two alignments may be used to assess the reliability of the sequence alignment. Furthermore, any alignment dependent sequence analysis protocol can be carried out separately for each of the two alignments, and the two sets of results may be compared with each other, providing us with valuable information regarding the robustness of the whole analytical process. The heads-or-tails (HoT) methodology can be easily implemented for any choice of alignment method and for any subsequent analytical protocol. We demonstrate the utility of HoT for phylogenetic reconstruction for the case of 130 sequences belonging to the chemoreceptor superfamily in Drosophila melanogaster, and by analysis of the BaliBASE alignment database. Surprisingly, Neighbor-Joining methods of phylogenetic reconstruction turned out to be less affected by alignment errors than maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods.  相似文献   

Integrating different alignment strategies, a layout editor and tools deriving phylogenetic trees in a 'multiple alignment environment' helps to investigate and enhance results of multiple sequence alignment by hand. QAlign combines algorithms for fast progressive and accurate simultaneous multiple alignment with a versatile editor and a dynamic phylogenetic analysis in a convenient graphical user interface.  相似文献   

MSQT for choosing SNP assays from multiple DNA alignments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: One challenging aspect of genotyping and association mapping projects is often the identification of markers that are informative between groups of individuals and to convert these into genotyping assays. RESULTS: The Multiple SNP Query Tool (MSQT) extracts SNP information from multiple sequence alignments, stores it in a database, provides a web interface to query the database and outputs SNP information in a format directly applicable for SNP-assay design. MSQT was applied to Arabidopsis thaliana sequence data to develop SNP genotyping assays that distinguish a recurrent parent (Col-0) from five other strains. SNPs with intermediate allele frequencies were also identified and developed into markers suitable for efficient genetic mapping among random pairs of wild strains. AVAILABILITY: The source code for MSQT is available at http://msqt.weigelworld.org, together with an online instance of MSQT containing data on 1214 sequenced fragments from 96 ecotypes (wild inbred strains) of the reference plant A. thaliana. All SNP genotyping assays are available in several formats for broad community use. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   



The quality of progressive sequence alignments strongly depends on the accuracy of the individual pairwise alignment steps since gaps that are introduced at one step cannot be removed at later aggregation steps. Adjacent insertions and deletions necessarily appear in arbitrary order in pairwise alignments and hence form an unavoidable source of errors.  相似文献   



Accurate multiple sequence alignments of proteins are very important in computational biology today. Despite the numerous efforts made in this field, all alignment strategies have certain shortcomings resulting in alignments that are not always correct. Refinement of existing alignment can prove to be an intelligent choice considering the increasing importance of high quality alignments in large scale high-throughput analysis.  相似文献   

The selective pressure on a protein-coding gene can be measured by comparing silent (synonymous) and replacement (nonsynonymous) substitution rates. Higher replacement than silent rates provide unequivocal evidence for adaptive evolution driven by Darwinian selection. Previous employment of this criterion involved pairwise sequence comparison, averaging rates over time and sequences, resulting in virtually no power. Recent methods apply the criterion to particular lineages on a phylogeny or to individual sites in the gene and are much more powerful. Their application has led to detection of adaptive Darwinian selection in a number of genes and organisms.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Most multiple sequence alignment programs use heuristics that sometimes introduce errors into the alignment. The most commonly used methods to correct these errors use iterative techniques to maximize an objective function. We present here an alternative, knowledge-based approach that combines a number of recently developed methods into a two-step refinement process. The alignment is divided horizontally and vertically to form a 'lattice' in which well aligned regions can be differentiated. Alignment correction is then restricted to the less reliable regions, leading to a more reliable and efficient refinement strategy. RESULTS: The accuracy and reliability of RASCAL is demonstrated using: (i) alignments from the BAliBASE benchmark database, where significant improvements were often observed, with no deterioration of the existing high-quality regions, (ii) a large scale study involving 946 alignments from the ProDom protein domain database, where alignment quality was increased in 68% of the cases; and (iii) an automatic pipeline to obtain a high-quality alignment of 695 full-length nuclear receptor proteins, which took 11 min on a DEC Alpha 6100 computer Availability: RASCAL is available at ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/RASCAL. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://bioinfo-igbmc.u-strasbourg.fr/BioInfo/RASCAL/paper/rascal_supp.html  相似文献   

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