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The seasonal composition of phytoplankton communities was investigatedin a Mediterranean brackish area (Varano lagoon). Twelve stationswere sampled monthly from March 1997 to February 1998. Numbersof prokaryotic and eukaryotic picophytoplankton cells were estimatedby epifluorescence microscopy, while larger phytoplankton (nanoand micro fractions) were enumerated by the Utermöhl settlingtechnique. Picophytoplankton densities ranged from 0.7 to 448.6cells x 106 l–1. Nano- and microphytoplankton abundancesvaried between 0.2 and 7.9 cells x 106 l–1. The picoplanktonfraction was represented mainly by cyanobacteria and the Utermöhlfraction by nano-sized phytoflagellates (56.2%) and diatoms(20.1%). The phytoflagellates had a greater abundance over timewhile diatoms reached the highest densities in summer and fall.In Varano lagoon, phytoplankton development is related to ‘nitrogen-poor'waters and to phosphorus availability. Suspension-feeding bivalves(Mytilus galloprovincialis) are sufficiently abundant to filtera volume equivalent to the volume of Varano lagoon at leastonce daily. These observations suggest that grazing exerts animportant influence on phytoplankton dynamics, mainly on themicro fraction, and that diatoms seem to play an important rolein the food web dynamics of this coastal fishery.  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of phytoplankton assemblages in themiddle Adriatic sub-basin is described. The investigated areacrossed the middle Adriatic from the Italian to the Croatiancoasts. Hydrographic data, chlorophyll (Chl) a and phytoplanktonwere collected on a seasonal basis from May 1995 to February1996. Highest phytoplankton densities (up to 6 x 106 cells dm–3)were observed in spring and autumn in the western side, withinthe diluted waters. The vertical distribution of Chl a exhibiteda pronounced subsurface maximum associated, in coastal waters,with micro-planktonic diatoms. Phytoplankton assemblages weredominated by phytoflagellates in all the periods investigated.Diatom maxima were observed in spring and autumn: their verticaldistribution generally reflected the Chl a pattern and in thewestern coastal area peaks are due to large diatom species (Pseudo-nitzschiaspp.). In offshore waters, dinoflagellates strongly prevailover diatoms and provide a relevant contribution to the totalbiomass, especially in highly stratified conditions. Coccolithophoridswere mostly encountered in surface layers and their highestcontribution to the total biomass was observed in the LevantineIntermediate Water.  相似文献   

The composition and temporal changes in phytoplankton populationswere evaluated in local upwelling off the Izu Peninsula. Japan.in May. 1982. Phytoplankton in the upwelled water was dominatedby diatoms and that in the surrounding water by various flagellatesand monads. Phytoplankton started logarithmic growth almostimmediately after subsurface nutrient-rich water was upwellinginto the euphotic zone and nutrients were depleted within afew days. Growth enhancement was most striking among diatoms.As a result >50% of the total phytoplankton biomass of cells>2 µm was from a centric diatom. Leptocylindrus danicus.The results confirmed many past observations of the dominanceof diatoms in upwelled water. Such dominance is explained bythe rapid growth of diatoms when nutrient concentrations areenhanced.  相似文献   

  • 1 Seasonal qualitative and quantitative studies of the phytoplankton of the Rosetta branch of the River Nile are reported. Most of the genera were Bacillariophyceae, with Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae second and third. Only two genera of Dinophyceae were present. The phytoplankton can be broadly described as eurythermal and euryhaline.
  • 2 Phytoplankton tended to be more concentrated in surface waters and showed large variations from station to station, with noticeably lower values in the estuarine region except in January.
  • 3 Most of the genera were recorded at all times but seasonally the highest numbers of diatoms and green algae were found in July during a period of high temperature and low discharge whereas blue-greens achieved maximum density in October.

The hydrological structure and nutrient dynamics of the Bayof Tunis (south-western Mediterranean), and the abundance ofits principal plankton groups (diatoms, dinoflagellates, tintinids,rotifers, appendicularians, copepods, medusae, siphonophores,chaetognaths and cladocerans), were studied over 2 years. Despitethe small size of the Bay (361 km2), the nutrient concentrationsvaried greatly between the sampling stations. We distinguishedspatial from temporal variations using a newly-developed methodfor regionalization based on multivariate cluster analysis,and the changes over time of any similarities between stations.The method allowed us to obtain an optimal geographical divisionof any degree of grouping of the sampling stations (i.e. fora chosen number of zones). We also calculated the optimum partitionof stations using a multivariate matrix obtained from multi-parametersampling over time. The application of the method to a time-seriesof nutrient concentrations in the Bay of Tunis produced fourzones of similar nutrient dynamics. Each zone was then characterizedby the median and the variability of its nutrient, physicaland biological parameters. A statistical test was used to assessthe significance of the differences between zones for the variousparameters. Comparison of the medians of the various parametersallowed us to synthesize the underlying differences in nutrientdynamics and also in plankton ecosystem components. This analysisrevealed a relative nutrient enrichment in the west and south-westernareas of the Bay. Silicates did not contribute to the high variabilityof nutrients in the Bay. The pattern of phytoplankton biomass(chlorophyll a) and the abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellateswere similar to those of the sampled nutrients. The highestvalues were measured in the first zone, where the highest nutrientconcentrations were also recorded. The coastal zones were characterizedby zooplankton groups of small size (tintinids, rotifers andsmall copepods) with a limited diversity. These zones were alsovery turbid and shallow. Central zones, on the other hand, wererich in zooplankton species. Meso-zooplankton groups (e.g. siphonophres,chaetognaths) were also more abundant in this zone.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative distribution of surface phytoplankton,as related to hydrographic conditions, was studied in the Gulfof Naples in February 1979. Previous work has shown that the Gulf of Naples is a diversifiedecosystem, due to geographic and hydrographic features as wellas man made eutrophication, that can be subdivided into twomajor parts: a coastal subsystem and an open water one. Hydrographic analysis of the winter situation at the surfacefully confirms this picture, as it identifies two distinct watermasses corresponding respectively to surfaced Tyrrhenian IntermediateWater and to Coastal Surface Water. The structural analysisof phytoplankton reveals three assemblages of species characterizingdifferent water types: 1 - the Ischia and Procida channels affectedby the advection of Volturno river and Cuma outfall plumes;2 - the coastal area of the Gulf proper, namely the bays ofPozzuoli, Naples and Castellammare; 3 - the open waterhemislocated beyond the 100 m isobath. The channel area assemblage is dominated by diatoms, particularlyby fast growing species, such as Asterionella japonica, severalspecies of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina.The coastal assemblage is identified, among others, by the diatomsCerataulina bergonii, Hemiaulus sinensis; the dinoflagellatesGlenodinium lenticula, Exuviaella compressa and Porella perforata.The open water assemblage is characterized by the diatoms Coscinodiscuscurvatulus and Hemidiscus cuneiformis, the dinoflagellate Amphidiniumacutissimum and the coccolithophore Coccolithus haeckelii.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of phytoplankton cell abundance, carbon(C) biomass and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration was analysedduring three summers (1996, 1997 and 1999) in a seasonal sea-icearea, west of the Antarctic Peninsula. The objective of thestudy was to assess interannual variability in phytoplanktonspatial distribution and the mechanisms that regulate phytoplanktonaccumulation in the water column. Phytoplankton C biomass andChl a distributions were consistent from year to year, exhibitinga negative on/offshore gradient. The variations in C concentrationhad a close and non-linear relationship with the upper mixedlayer depth, suggesting that the vertical mixing of the watercolumn is the main factor regulating phytoplankton stock. Themagnitude of C gradients was 5-fold higher during 1996 thanduring 1997 and 1999. This was ascribed to interannual variationsin the concentration of diatom blooms in the region influencedby sea-ice melting. Vertical distribution of the phytoplankton,as estimated from Chl a profiles, also varied along an on/offshoregradient: Chl a was distributed homogeneously in the upper mixedlayer in coastal and mid-shelf stations and concentrated inthe deep layer (40–100 m) occupied by the winter waters(WW, remnants of the Antarctic surface waters during summer)in more offshore stations. The region with a deep Chl a maximumlayer (DCM layer) was dominated by a phytoplankton assemblagecharacterized by a relatively high concentration of diatoms.The extent of this region varied from year to year: it was restrictedto pelagic waters during 1996, extended to the shelf slope during1997 and occupied a major portion of the area during 1999. Itis hypothesized that iron depletion in near surface waters dueto phytoplankton consumption, and a higher concentration inWW, regulated this vertical phytoplankton distribution pattern.Furthermore, we postulate that year-to-year variations in thespatial distribution of the DCM layer were related to interannualvariations in the timing of the sea-ice retreat. The similaritybetween our results and those reported in literature for otherareas of the Southern Ocean allows us to suggest that the mechanismsproposed here as regulating phytoplankton stock in our areamay be applicable elsewhere.  相似文献   

Phytopiankton abundance. species composition and primary productionof the Gulf of Naples were investigated during an autumn bloomin November 1985. Hydrographic data and surface phytoplanktonsamples were collected during a 3 day cruise, whereas investigationson in situ primary production and phytoplankton vertical distributionwere conducted from a second boat on three different dates.A coast-offshore gradient was recorded for most of the chemicaland biological parameters analysed. At stations closer to thecoast, which were affected by land run-off, phytoplankton populationsattained concentrations of 2.5 106 cells l–1 with amarked dominance of diatoms belonging to the genera Thalassiosiraand Chaetoceros. The most striking character of the system wasa remarkably high carbon assimilation rate (up to 1.04 g C m–2day–2) at stations closer to the coast. The causativemechanism for this bloom appeared to be land-derived nutrientenrichment, possibly enhanced by autumn rains, followed by aperiod of favourable meteorological conditions, which occursrecurrently in the region for a brief period around November,known locally as ‘St Martin's Summer’. We hypothesizethat a similar mechanism can stimulate phytoplankton growthmore than once every year. since high-stability penods followingmeteoro logical perturbations can occur several times in temperateregions of the northern hemisphere in autumn.  相似文献   

A morphometric method for correcting phytoplankton cell volume estimates   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Cell volume calculations are often used to estimate biomass of natural phytoplankton assemblages. Such estimates may be questioned due to morphological differences in the organisms present. Morphometric analysis of 8 species representative of phytoplankton types found in the Great Lakes shows significant differences in cell constituent volumes. Volume of physiologically inert wall material ranges from nil, in some flagellates, to over 20% of the total cell volume in certain diatoms. Likewise, empty vacuole may comprise more than 40% of the total cell volume of some diatoms, but less than 3% of the volume of some flagellates. In the organisms investigated, the total carbon containing cytoplasm ranged from 52% to 98% of the total cell volume and the metabolizing biovolume ranged from 30% to 82%. Although these differences complicate direct biomass estimation, morphometric analysis at the ultrastructural level may provide ecologically valuable insights.  相似文献   

In lakes, fish and invertebrate predation are recognized asstrong structuring forces on zooplankton communities. The objectof this investigation was to study whether predation has a similarpotential in a coastal area of the brackish Baltic Sea and ifit could explain observed differences in zooplankton communitystructure between a reference area and an eutrophied area. Speciescomposition and daily vertical migration of zooplankton andzooplanktivores, and the diets of the latter, were studied inJuly and August at two 30 m deep stations differing in primaryproductivity. The biomass of zooplankton >35 µm wasdominated by copepods, but cladocerans and rotifers also occurredin significant numbers. The dominating zooplanktivores wereherring (Clupea harengus) and the mysid shrimp Mysis mixta.They fed almost exclusively on zooplankton, mainly copepods,and their estimated food consumption equalled or exceeded thesummer copepodite production. The structure of the zooplanktoncommunity cannot be explained by effects of predation or byfeeding conditions alone. Increases in rotifer and cladoceranabundances with increased primary production suggests effectsof food supply. However, a generally rapid decline in the annualsummer peak of cladocerans may be caused by predation. The totalabundance of copepods did not increase with improved feedingconditions, but there was a shift in species dominance. Thecopepod Ewytemora affinis hirundoides, which was intensivelypreyed upon, increased with increased phytoplankton production,while Acartia bifilosa and/or A.longiremis, which was less eaten,decreased. Predation may explain a pronounced daily verticalmigration of the most predated copepods. They occurred in deeperwater during the day, when the visually feeding herring wereactive, and moved closer to the surface at night when M.mixtaleft the bottom, to forage in the water column.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that the interspecific scalingof phytoplankton production and cell size in the field followsthe -power scaling law. Published data of cell size and in situ,cell-specific carbon production rates by single phytoplanktonspecies, collected in surface waters of lakes, rivers, estuariesand oceans, are reviewed. Across more than nine orders of magnitudein cell volume, 98% of the variability in carbon productionrates was explained by cell size. The slope (b) in the log–logrelationship between carbon production rate and cell volumedid not differ significantly from 1, either for diatoms (b =1.01) or for dinoflagellates (b = 0.89). For all phytoplanktonspecies considered together, which included also cyanobacteriaand haptophytes, b took a value of 0.91, which is significantlyhigher than . The observed nearly isometric scaling relationshipsbetween production rate and cell volume suggest that there isno relationship between phytoplankton growth rate and cell size.The present analysis confirms recent evidence showing that phytoplanktonmetabolism in natural conditions does not follow the -powerscaling rule. It is argued that allometric models of planktongrowth and metabolism should incorporate scaling parametersmeasured in situ on natural phytoplankton assemblages, ratherthan those obtained in the laboratory with monospecific cultures.  相似文献   

The comparison of the dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and total amino acid composition was made for two water bodies: in one the phytoplankton were dominated by prokaryotes (i.e., there was a bloom of cyanobacteria) and by eukaryotic microalgae in the other. The dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and of total amino acid composition of water were investigated during the vegetation season. It was found that the only factor that significantly changed the percentages of amino acids in water was the bloom of cyanobacteria in the blooming water body. During the bloom of cyanobacteria, the absolute and relative content of the Leu-Glu group increased, while the contents of other acids generally dropped. Before and after the bloom, no significant variations in the total amino acid composition were recorded. In the reservoir where eukaryotic microalgae dominated, no significant variations in amino acid composition were recorded during the season.  相似文献   

Biomass-pigment relationships in potamoplankton   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During most of the growing season of 1994, pigment content,as determined by HPLC analysis of algal sample extracts, wasfollowed in the River Meuse (Belgium) potamoplankton. The concentrationof some algal pigments (chlorophylls a and b, fucoxanthin, lutein,echinenone and alloxanthin) was related to biomass estimatesof total phytoplankton and of major taxonomic components (diatoms,green algae, cyanobacteria and cryptomonads). Highly significantlinear regressions were obtained for chlorophyll a-total biomass,fucoxanthin-diatoms, lutein-green algae, chlorophyll b-greenalgae. However, no relationship was found for cyanobacteriaor cryptomonads and their specific pigments, which may be attributedto poor accuracy of biomass estimates for these non-dominantalgae. In conclusion, the good relationship found for dominantalgae and their specific pigments confirms the value of pigmentsas quantitative markers of phytoplankton, as detected in othermarine and freshwater environments.  相似文献   

The highly touristic Yucatán Peninsula is principally constituted with coastal marine environments. Like other coastal areas, this has been affected by the increase of waste water discharge, hydrological modifications and land use changes in the area. The phytoplankton community structure is one of the main components of coastal ecosystems and the most affected in hydrological processes. In order to follow the seasonal variations, the phytoplankton was characterized to follow the hydrological variability in two sites (Dzilam and Progreso) of the Northern Yucatán Peninsula. For this, cruises were carried out monthly during one year, from April 2004 to March 2005, with two samplings per season (dry, rainy and "nortes"). Hydrological variability was associated with seasonality and directly linked to groundwater discharges in the Dzilam area, and waste water discharges in the Progreso area. The highest nutrient concentrations occurred mainly during the rainy season. The phytoplankton community changes observed throughout the year suggested that the hydrological and chemical variability associated with seasonality and anthropogenic impacts have a strong influence. The substitution of diatoms by dinoflagellates as the dominant group in Progreso was the result of seasonal variability itself, but also could have been caused by eutrophic processes; while in Dzilam, the major presence of diatoms could have been favored by groundwater discharges. The results of this study can be used to understand the linkages between stressors from the anthropogenic activities and coastal water quality and changes.  相似文献   

The Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada, lie at the northern extremeof the coastal upwelling system of the eastern North PacificOcean (51–54°N). In this study, the first observationsof spatial and inter-annual patterns in nutrient inventories,chlorophyll (Chl) a and phytoplankton assemblages are reportedand related to oceanographic conditions in near-shore watersof the island archipelago. Stronger and more persistent upwellingin 2002 coincided with higher nutrient and Chl a standing stockscompared to 2001 and a higher proportion of diatoms. Dinoflagellateswere more prevalent in 2001, including several potentially harmfulspecies. At sub-seasonal scales, Chl a concentrations were greatestduring downwelling conditions and smallest during upwellingconditions. On the west coast, weak water column stratification,high relative proportions of diatoms and large nutrient inventoriesaccompanied upwelling-favourable conditions, whereas on theeast coast, there was no direct relationship between the BakunUpwelling Index and water column stability. According to redundancyanalysis, variability in species composition was best explainedby sea surface temperature, the depth of the euphotic zone andnutrient inventories. The east coast supported blooms of coccolithophoreswithin protected bays, confirming previous satellite observationsthat showed bright patches in these areas. The data illustratethat moderate upwelling can have an important influence on near-shorealgal standing stocks and species composition at the northernextreme of the upwelling system off the west coast of NorthAmerica, and that topographical complexity may be importantfor the development of phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

Bacteria and phytoplankton dynamics are thought to be closely linked in coastal marine environments, with correlations frequently observed between bacterial and phytoplankton biomass. In contrast, little is known about how these communities interact with each other at the species composition level. The purpose of the current study was to analyze bacterial community dynamics in a productive, coastal ecosystem and to determine whether they were related to phytoplankton community dynamics. Near-surface seawater samples were collected in February, May, July, and September 2000 from several stations in the Bay of Fundy. Savin et al. (M.C. Savin et al., Microb Ecol 48: 51-65) analyzed the phytoplankton community in simultaneously collected samples. The attached and free-living bacterial communities were collected by successive filtration onto 5 m and 0.22 m pore-size filters, respectively. DNA was extracted from filters and bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments were amplified and analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE revealed that diversity and temporal variability were lower in the free-living than the attached bacterial community. Both attached and free-living communities were dominated by members of the Roseobacter and Cytophaga groups. Correspondence analysis (CA) ordination diagrams showed similar patterns for the phytoplankton and attached bacterial communities, indicating that shifts in the species composition of these communities were linked. Similarly, canonical CA revealed that the diversity, abundance, and percentage of diatoms in the phytoplankton community accounted for a significant amount of the variability in the attached bacterial community composition. In contrast, ordination analyses did not reveal an association between free-living bacteria and phytoplankton. These results suggest that there are specific interactions between phytoplankton and the bacteria attached to them, and that these interactions influence the composition of both communities.  相似文献   

Many of the classic experiments on the interactions between animals and their food supply were performed using laboratory cultures of Daphnia but comparable predator-prey cycles have seldom been recorded in the field. In this paper, we report the results of a field experiment designed to examine the effect of seasonal variations in the supply of edible algae on the population dynamics of Daphnia hyalina var lacustris. The experiment was performed in a large (45 m diameter) enclosure that was fertilised at regular intervals to sustain phytoplankton production. The results demonstrate that predator prey interactions of the kind recorded in culture can be detected in the field if large numbers of samples are collected and the results analysed using appropriate methods. Analyses using the numbers of Daphnia collected at a single station and chlorophyll a as a measure of food availability produced inconclusive results. Similarly, Daphnia birth rates calculated using the total number of individuals provided a poor measure of the animals reproductive response to changes in the supply of food. The clearest evidence of systematic plant-herbivore interactions was obtained when improved estimates of Daphnia numbers and adult birth rates were combined with estimates of edible rather than total algal biomass. Daphnia birth rates were then positively correlated with the estimated amount of ingestible carbon (r = 0.77) and the proportion of gravid adults decreased dramatically when the concentration of food fell below 0.10 mg C l-1. Measurements and models of phytoplankton loss rates were then used to assess the impact of Daphnia grazing on the growth and decline of three species of edible algae. The results demonstrated that most species were able to sustain positive growth rates despite short-term increases in the population filtration rate. For much of the summer, the Daphnia appeared to behave as non-interactive grazers and had very little effect on the growth rate of their main phytoplankton food. Their grazing activity did, however, arrest the growth of a late summer population of Chlorella when the Daphnia were estimated to be filtering all the water contained in the enclosure in less than a day.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from Scottish coastal sites, taken over the last 9 years, were stored in closed containers at 5C. Slurry cultures were used to determine the survival of phytoplankton in these sediments. A range of diatom and dinoflagellate species survived for at least 27 months in these stored samples. A number of species grew for which no resting stage has yet been described: Thalassiosira angulata, T.pacifica, T.punctigera, T.eccentrica, T.minima and T.anguste-lineata. Notable results were survival times of 73 months for Skeletonema costatum, 96 months for Chaetoceros socialis, C.didymus and C.diadema, 109 months for Scrippsiella sp. and 112 months for Lingulodinium polyedrum. A single sample was stored and repeatedly cultured for diatoms over a period of 16 months. The number of species cultured from the sediment declined over this time. Lingulodinium polyedrum cysts isolated from sediments collected at least 18 months previously gave a hatching success of 97%, and cysts isolated from a 9-year-old sample gave a hatching success of 3%. The study indicated the potential importance of coastal sediments as a source of phytoplankton to their overlying waters. The validity of using marine planktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates for modelling geological events is discussed.   相似文献   

Diurnal variation of phytoplankton in Loch Lomond   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A study of diurnal variation over a 48 hour period was undertaken in July 1973 to ascertain the extent and timing of some major chemical, physical and biological variables in Loch Lomond. The phytoplankton population was dominated by the diatom Tabellaria fenestrata, with a maximum abundance between 04.00 and 06.00 h in surface waters on both days. A distinct diurnal variation in cell numbers was also recorded. Chlorophyll a values also showed a regular pattern of variation with a single peak between 10.00 and 14.00 h each day. Some chemical changes appeared to be a direct consequence of phytoplankton multiplication. Nitrate-nitrogen showed a decrease in concentration coinciding with the period of cell multiplication, whereas dissolved silica concentrations only fell on the completion of this process. Other common diatoms displayed less distinct patterns of variation although Fragilaria crotonensis attained its maximum abundance in surface waters. Considerable variation was recorded in the number of organisms and chlorophyll a levels at 25 cm intervals in the upper metre of the water column, with large variations in standing-crop and chemical parameters in the space of one hour. Diurnal oscillations in the position of the thermocline were recorded, with the thermal discontinuity being at its greatest depth in the early hours of the morning. The hypolimnion and thermocline regions clearly acted as a source of nutrient supply to the epilimnion. From this investigation it is apparent that for the proper understanding of diurnal variation a 24 hour study alone is insufficient and may give rise to misleading results.Department of Botany, University of GlasgowDepartment of Botany, University of Glasgow  相似文献   

Changes of algal biomass, as carbon, cell numbers and volumewere determined for phytoplankton of Lake Constance suspendedin situ in 2 l glass bottles. Phytoplankton placed at the 6%surface penetrating light level (photosynthetically availableradiation) were close to the compensation depth for growth estimatedas total particulate carbon and total cell volumes. Cell countsof individual alga] species however, showed appreciable growthof diatoms offset by the decline of flagellates. Bottles suspendedat two shallower depths in a separate experiment showed somegrowth of all species and indicated a vertical niche separationof growth of Rhodomonas minuta Skuja and R. lens Dascher andRuttner in accordance with their vertical distribution. *This paper is the result of a study made at the Group for AquaticPrimary Productivity (GAP) First International Workshop heldat the Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, in April1982.  相似文献   

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