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The 441-nucleotide (nt) region (nt 5325 to 5766) around the splice acceptor (SA) site (nt 5491) was found to be necessary for high-level expression of gag-containing unspliced RNA of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M. Oshima, T. Odawara, T. Matano, H. Sakahira, K. Kuchino, A. Iwamoto, and H. Yoshikura, J. Virol. 70:2286–2295, 1996). Detailed genetic dissection of the 441-nt region revealed that the 5′-end 64 nt (nt 5325 to 5389) were necessary for high-level expression of the unspliced RNA when the spliced RNA was not produced, while the 3′-side 301 nt (nt 5466 to 5766) containing the SA site were necessary for producing spliced RNA. When the spliced RNA was produced, the unspliced RNA could be expressed at a high level even when the 5′-end 64 nt were absent. Probably the virus sequence ensuring the splicing could produce an RNA structure able to compensate for the function of the 5′-end 64-nt region responsible for the expression of the unspliced RNA.  相似文献   

A conserved purine-rich motif located near the 3′ end of retroviral genomes is involved in the initiation of plus-strand DNA synthesis. We mutated sequences both within and flanking the Moloney murine leukemia virus polypurine tract (PPT) and determined the effects of these alterations on viral DNA synthesis and replication. Our results demonstrated that both changes in highly conserved PPT positions and a mutation that left only the cleavage-proximal half of the PPT intact led to delayed replication and reduced the colony-forming titer of replication defective retroviral vectors. A mutation that altered the cleavage proximal half of the PPT and certain 3′ untranslated region mutations upstream of the PPT were incompatible with or severely impaired viral replication. To distinguish defects in plus-strand priming from other replication defects and to assess the relative use of mutant and wild-type PPTs, we examined plus-strand priming from an ectopic, secondary PPT inserted in U3. The results demonstrated that the analyzed mutations within the PPT primarily affected plus-strand priming whereas mutations upstream of the PPT appeared to affect both plus-strand priming and other stages of viral replication.  相似文献   

The XC rat cell line was found to support the replication of a strain of the Moloney murine sarcoma-leukemia virus. In growth curve experiments cytopathology was paralleled by the production of murine sarcoma virus and leukemia virus progeny having the biologic, antigenic, and biophysical properties of the infecting virus.  相似文献   

This report describes the results of experiments to determine whether chimeras between a retrovirus and portions of Ty3 are active in vivo. A chimera between Ty3 and a Neor-marked Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) was constructed. The C-terminal domain of M-MuLV integrase (IN) was replaced with the C-terminal domain of Ty3 IN. The chimeric retroviruses were expressed from an amphotrophic envelope packaging cell line. The virus generated was used to infect the human fibrosarcoma cell line HT1080, and cells in which integration had occurred were selected by G418 resistance. Three independently integrated viruses were rescued. In each case, the C-terminal Ty3 IN sequences were maintained and short direct repeats of the genomic DNA flanked the integration site. Sequence analysis of the genomic DNA flanking the insertion did not identify a tRNA gene; therefore, these integration events did not have Ty3 position specificity. This study showed that IN sequences from the yeast retrovirus-like element Ty3 can substitute for M-MuLV IN sequences in the C-terminal domain and contribute to IN function in vivo. It is also one of the first in vivo demonstrations of activity of a retrovirus encoding an integrase chimera. Studies of chimeras between IN species with distinctive integration patterns should complement previous work by expanding our understanding of the roles of nonconserved domains.  相似文献   

Mixed infection of cells with both Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) and related or heterologous viruses produces progeny pseudotype virions bearing the MoMLV genome encapsulated by the envelope of the other virus. In this study, pseudotype formation between MoMLV and the prototype parainfluenza virus Sendai virus (SV) was investigated. We report for the first time that SV infection of MoMLV producer cells results in the formation of MoMLV(SV) pseudotypes, which display a largely extended host range compared to that of MoMLV particles. This could be associated with SV hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (SV-HN) glycoprotein incorporation into MoMLV envelopes. In contrast, solitary incorporation of the other SV glycoprotein, SV fusion protein (SV-F), resulted in a distinct and narrow extension of the MoMLV host range to asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R)-positive cells (e.g., cultured human hepatoma cells). Since stably ASGP-R cDNA-transfected MDCK cells, but not parental ASGP-R-negative MDCK cells, were found to be transduced by MoMLV(SV-F) pseudotypes and transduction of ASGP-R-expressing cells was found to be inhibited by ASGP-R antiserum, a direct proof for the ASGP-R-restricted tropism of MoMLV(SV-F) pseudotypes was provided. Cultivation of ASGP-R-positive HepG2 hepatoma cells on Transwell-COL membranes led to a significant enhancement of MoMLV(SV-F) titers in subsequent flowthrough transduction experiments, thereby suggesting the importance of ASGP-R accessibility at the basolateral domain for MoMLV(SV-F) pseudotype transduction. The availability of such ASGP-R-restricted MoMLV(SV-F)-pseudotyped vectors opens up new perspectives for future liver-restricted therapeutic gene transfer applications.  相似文献   

A transformation-defective (td) deletion mutant of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (td Mo-MSV) and a transforming component termed Mo-MSV 3 were cloned from a stock of clone 3 Mo-MSV. To define the defect of the transforming function, the RNA of td Mo-MSV was compared with those of Mo-MSV 3 and of another transforming variant termed Mo-MSV 124 and with helper Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV). The RNA monomers of td Mo-MSV and Mo-MSV 3 comigrated on polyacrylamide gels and were estimated to be 4.8 kilobases (kb) in length. In agreement with previous analyses, the RNA of Mo-MSV 124 measured 5.5 kb and that of Mo-MuLV measured 8.5 kb. The interrelationships among the viral RNAs were studied by fingerprinting and mapping of RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides (T1-oligonucleotides) and by identification of T1-oligonucleotides present in hybrids formed by a given viral RNA with cDNA's made from another virus. The nontransforming td Mo-MSV RNA lacked most of the Mo-MSV-specific sequence, i.e., the four 3′-proximal T1-oligonucleotides of the six T1-oligonucleotides that are shared by the Mo-MSV-specific sequences of Mo-MSV 3 and Mo-MSV 124. The remaining two Mo-MSV-specific oligonucleotides identified td Mo-MSV as a deletion mutant of MSV rather than a deletion mutant of Mo-MuLV. td Mo-MSV and Mo-MSV 124 exhibited similar deletions of gag, pol, and env sequences which were less extensive than those of Mo-MSV 3. Hence, td Mo-MSV is not simply a deletion mutant of Mo-MSV 3. In addition to their MSV-specific sequences, all three MSV variants, including td Mo-MSV, shared the terminal sequences probably encoding the proviral long terminal repeat, which differed from their counterpart in Mo-MuLV. This may indirectly contribute to the oncogenic potential of MSV. A comparison of td Mo-MSV sequences with either Mo-MSV 124 or Mo-MSV 3 indicated directly, in a fashion similar to the deletion analyses which defined the src gene of avian sarcoma viruses, that Mo-MuLV-unrelated sequences of Mo-MSV are necessary for transformation. A definition of transformation-specific sequences of Mo-MSV by deletion analysis confirmed and extended previous analyses which have identified Mo-MuLV-unrelated sequences in Mo-MSV RNA and other studies which have described transformation of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts upon transfection with DNAs containing the Mo-MSV-specific sequence.  相似文献   

The effect of suppressor tRNA's on the cell-free translation of several leukemia and sarcoma virus RNAs was examined. Yeast amber suppressor tRNA (amber tRNA) enhanced the synthesis of the Rauscher murine leukemia virus and clone 1 Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr200gag-pol polypeptides by 10- to 45-fold, but at the same time depressed the synthesis of Rauscher murine leukemia virus Pr65gag and Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr63gag. Under suppressor-minus conditions, Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr70gag was present as a closely spaced doublet. Amber tRNA stimulated the synthesis of the “upper” Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr70gag polypeptide. Yeast ochre suppressor tRNA appeared to be ineffective. Quantitative analyses of the kinetics of viral precursor polypeptide accumulation in the presence of amber tRNA showed that during linear protein synthesis, the increase in accumulated Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr200gag-pol coincided closely with the molar loss of Pr63gag. Enhancement of Pr200gag-pol and Pr70gag by amber tRNA persisted in the presence of pactamycin, a drug which blocks the initiation of protein synthesis, thus arguing for the addition of amino acids to the C terminus of Pr63gag as the mechanism behind the amber tRNA effect. Moloney murine sarcoma virus 124 30S RNA was translated into four major polypeptides, Pr63gag, P42, P38, and P23. In the presence of amber tRNA, a new polypeptide, Pr67gag, appeared, whereas Pr63gag synthesis was decreased. Quantitative estimates indicated that for every 1 mol of Pr67gag which appeared, 1 mol of Pr63gag was lost.  相似文献   

利用基因重组技术及简易的纯化方法快速制备莫洛尼鼠白血病病毒逆转录酶(MMLV-RT)。设计带有酶切位点的引物, PCR获得MMLV-rt基因片段; 再通过定点突变将目的基因的五个可溶性位点进行突变, 测序正确后, 插入到表达载体pET15b中构建成重组表达质粒pET15b-MMLV-rt; 表达产物的纯品通过金属离子(Ni3+)配体亲和纯化系统得到。用SDS-PAGE分析所纯化产物的大小和纯度, 再用RT-PCR 对其活性进行鉴定。构建的重组表达质粒pET15b-MMLV-rt 经IPTG诱导得到N端带有6His的RT融合蛋白, 通过Ni3+的亲和层析得到纯品蛋白, SDS-PAGE分析表明其纯度可达96%, RT-PCR实验表明具有较高的生物学活性。由此得出利用原核表达及简易的纯化系统可获得纯度为96%的逆转录酶纯品, 为大规模生产该酶提供了可靠的保证。  相似文献   

The core site in the Moloney murine leukemia virus (Moloney MLV) enhancer was previously shown to be an important determinant of the T-cell disease specificity of the virus. Mutation of the core site resulted in a significant shift in disease specificity of the Moloney virus from T-cell leukemia to erythroleukemia. We and others have since determined that a protein that binds the core site, one of the core-binding factors (CBF) is highly expressed in thymus and is essential for hematopoiesis. Here we test the hypothesis that CBF plays a critical role in mediating pathogenesis of Moloney MLV in vivo. We measured the affinity of CBF for most core sites found in MLV enhancers, introduced sites with different affinities for CBF into the Moloney MLV genome, and determined the effects of these sites on viral pathogenesis. We found a correlation between CBF affinity and the latent period of disease onset, in that Moloney MLVs with high-affinity CBF binding sites induced leukemia following a shorter latent period than viruses with lower-affinity sites. The T-cell disease specificity of Moloney MLV also appeared to correlate with the affinity of CBF for its binding site. The data support a role for CBF in determining the pathogenic properties of Moloney MLV.  相似文献   

The envelope (Env) protein of Moloney murine leukemia virus is the primary mediator of viral entry. We constructed a large pool of insertion mutations in the env gene and analyzed the fitness of each mutant in completing two critical steps in the virus life cycle: (i) the expression and delivery of the Env protein to the cell surface during virion assembly and (ii) the infectivity of virions displaying the mutant proteins. The majority of the mutants were poorly expressed at the producer cell surface, suggesting folding defects due to the presence of the inserted residues. The mutants with residual infectivity had insertions either in the amino-terminal signal sequence region, two disulfide-bonded loops in the receptor binding domain, discrete regions of the carboxy-terminal region of the surface subunit (SU), or the cytoplasmic tail. Insertions that allowed the mutants to reach the cell surface but not to mediate detectable infection were located within the amino-terminal sequence of the mature Env, within the SU carboxy-terminal region, near putative receptor binding residues, and throughout the fusion peptide. Independent analysis of select mutants in this group allowed more precise identification of the defect in Env function. Mapping of mutant phenotypes to a structural model of the receptor-binding domain provides insights into the protein's functional organization. The high-resolution functional map reported here will be valuable for the engineering of the Env protein for a variety of uses, including gene therapy.  相似文献   

利用基因重组技术及简易的纯化方法快速制备莫洛尼鼠白血病病毒逆转录酶(MMLV-RT)。设计带有酶切位点的引物, PCR获得MMLV-rt基因片段; 再通过定点突变将目的基因的五个可溶性位点进行突变, 测序正确后, 插入到表达载体pET15b中构建成重组表达质粒pET15b-MMLV-rt; 表达产物的纯品通过金属离子(Ni3+)配体亲和纯化系统得到。用SDS-PAGE分析所纯化产物的大小和纯度, 再用RT-PCR 对其活性进行鉴定。构建的重组表达质粒pET15b-MMLV-rt 经IPTG诱导得到N端带有6His的RT融合蛋白, 通过Ni3+的亲和层析得到纯品蛋白, SDS-PAGE分析表明其纯度可达96%, RT-PCR实验表明具有较高的生物学活性。由此得出利用原核表达及简易的纯化系统可获得纯度为96%的逆转录酶纯品, 为大规模生产该酶提供了可靠的保证。  相似文献   

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