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Although it is generally believed that phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin is required before smooth muscle can develop force, it is not known if the overall degree of phosphorylation can also modulate the rate at which cross-bridges cycle. To address this question, an in vitro motility assay was used to observe the motion of single actin filaments interacting with smooth muscle myosin copolymers composed of varying ratios of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated myosin. The results suggest that unphosphorylated myosin acts as a load to slow down the rate at which actin is moved by the faster cycling phosphorylated cross-bridges. Myosin that was chemically modified to generate a noncycling analogue of the "weakly" bound conformation was similarly able to slow down phosphorylated myosin. The observed modulation of actin velocity as a function of copolymer composition can be accounted for by a model based on mechanical interactions between cross-bridges.  相似文献   

We examined both longitudinal and transversal fluctuations of displacements of an actin filament sliding upon Chara myosin molecules. Although the magnitude of transversal fluctuations remained rather independent of ATP concentration, the longitudinal ones were found to increase their magnitude as the concentration increased. In addition, the longitudinal fluctuations gradually increased as the sliding velocity of the filament increased.  相似文献   

The sliding movement of an actin filament generated by myosin heads with MgGTP bound is much slower than that by those with MgATP bound. Nonetheless, there is a report that the actin sliding velocity at low (11-21 microM) MgATP concentrations is increased by the addition of MgGTP in a range of 1-3 mM, although the actin sliding velocity at these MgATP concentrations is larger than the maximum sliding velocity attained in the presence of MgGTP alone. The convex rise in the velocity was called "mutual sensitization of MgATP and MgGTP" in the report. Here we propose a theoretical model to account for the mutual sensitization of MgATP and MgGTP. The model is an extension of a protein friction model, accommodating the presence of two different substrates and assuming the presence of motile and non-motile myosins. This new model is in accord with the characteristics of the actin/myosin sliding movement experimentally observed in mixtures of MgATP and MgGTP. Comparison of the model with the experimental results implies that the non-motile and motile myosins are those with the "converse and correct" orientations of their heads with respect to the direction of the actin sliding movement in vitro.  相似文献   

Subtilisin cleaved actin was shown to retain several properties of intact actin including the binding of heavy meromyosin (HMM), the dissociation from HMM by ATP, and the activation of HMM ATPase activity. Similar Vmax but different Km values were obtained for acto-HMM ATPase with the cleaved and intact actins. The ATPase activity of HMM stimulated by copolymers of intact and cleaved actin showed a linear dependence on the fraction of intact actin in the copolymer. The most important difference between the intact and cleaved actin was observed in an in vitro motility assay for actin sliding movement over an HMM coated surface. Only 30% of the cleaved actin filaments appeared mobile in this assay and moreover, the velocity of the mobile filaments was approximately 30% that of intact actin filaments. These results suggest that the motility of actin filaments can be uncoupled from the activation of myosin ATPase activity and is dependent on the structural integrity of actin and perhaps, dynamic changes in the actin molecule.  相似文献   

An actin filament sliding on myosin molecules in the presence of an extremely low concentration of ATP exhibited a staggered movement. Longitudinally sliding movement of the filament was frequently interrupted by its non-sliding, fluctuating movements both in the longitudinal and transversal directions. Intermittent sliding movements of an actin filament indicate establishment of a coordination of ATP-mediated active sites distributed along the filament.  相似文献   

An ATP-activated actin filament sliding on myosin molecules exhibited mechanical distortions or fluctuations both longitudinally and transversally along the filament. Although actin filaments exhibited a uniform sliding movement longitudinally as the ATP concentration increased, the longitudinal fluctuations were found to vary their magnitude with the concentration. The magnitude of longitudinal fluctuations reached its maximum at approximately 100 microM of the ATP concentration. The local enhancement of the longitudinal fluctuations as responding to changes in the ATP concentration is associated with a critical phenomenon bridging the two different kinds of mechanical distortions, either contractile or protractile ones, occurring within a sliding actin filament.  相似文献   

We observed a three-dimensional up-and-down movement of an actin filament sliding on heavy mero-myosin (HMM) molecules in an in vitro motility assay. The up-and-down movement occurred along the direction perpendicular to the planar glass plane on which the filament demonstrated a sliding movement. The height length of the up-and-down movement was measured by monitoring the extent of diminishing fluorescent emission from the marker attached to the filament in the evanescent field of attenuation. The height lengths whose distribution exhibits a local maximum were found around the two values, 150 nm and 90 nm, separately. This undulating three-dimensional movement of an actin filament suggests that the interactions between myosin (HMM) molecules and the actin filament may temporally be modulated during its sliding movement.  相似文献   

It has been observed that heavy meromyosin (HMM) propels actin filaments to higher velocities than native myosin in the in vitro motility assay, yet the reason for this difference has remained unexplained. Since the major difference between these two proteins is the presence of the tail in native myosin, we tested the hypothesis that unknown interactions between actin and the tail (LMM) slow motility in native myosin. Chymotryptic HMM and LMM were mixed in a range of molar ratios (0-5 LMM/HMM) and compared to native rat skeletal myosin in the in vitro motility assay at 30 degrees C. Increasing proportions of LMM to HMM slowed actin filament velocities, becoming equivalent to native myosin at a ratio of 3 LMM/HMM. NH4+ -ATPase assays demonstrated that HMM concentrations on the surface were constant and independent of LMM concentration, arguing against a simple displacement mechanism. Relationships between velocity and the number of available heads suggested that the duty cycle of HMM was not altered by the presence of LMM. HMM prepared with a lower chymotrypsin concentration and with very short digestion times moved actin at the same high velocity. The difference between velocities of actin filament propelled by HMM and HMM/LMM decreased with increasing ionic strength, suggesting that ionic bonds between myosin tail and actin filaments may play a role in slowing filament velocity. These data suggest the high velocities of actin filaments over HMM result from the absence of drag generated by the myosin tail, and not from proteolytic nicking of the motor domain.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1850-1857
We have used two actin-binding proteins of the intestinal brush border, TW 260/240 and villin, to examine the effects of filament cross-linking and filament length on myosin-actin interactions. TW 260/240 is a nonerythroid spectrin that is a potent cross-linker of actin filaments. In the presence of this cross-linker we observed a concentration- dependent enhancement of skeletal muscle actomyosin ATPase activity (150-560% of control; maximum enhancement at a 1:70-80 TW 260/240:actin molar ratio). TW 260/240 did not cause a similar enhancement of either acto-heavy meromyosin (HMM) ATPase or acto-myosin subfragment-one (S1) ATPase. Villin, a Ca2+-dependent filament capping and severing protein of the intestinal microvillus, was used to generate populations of actin filaments of various lengths from less than 20 nm to 2.0 microns; (villin:actin ratios of 1:2 to 1:4,000). The effect of filament length on actomyosin ATPase was biphasic. At villin:actin molar ratios of 1:2- 25 actin-activated myosin ATPase activity was inhibited to 20-80% of control values, with maximum inhibition observed at the highest villin:actin ratio. The ATPase activities of acto-HMM and acto-S1 were also inhibited at these short filament lengths. At intermediate filament lengths generated at villin:actin ratios of 1:40-400 (average lengths 0.26-1.1 micron) an enhancement of actomyosin ATPase was observed (130-260% of controls), with a maximum enhancement at average filament lengths of 0.5 micron. The levels of actomyosin ATPase fell off to control values at low concentrations of villin where filament length distributions were almost those of controls. Unlike intact myosin, the actin-activated ATPase of neither HMM nor S1 showed an enhancement at these intermediate actin filament lengths.  相似文献   

An actin filament contacting myosin molecules increased the fluctuation intensity of the filamental displacement as the ATP concentration increased. In particular, fluctuations in the filamental displacement in the planar plane in which the sliding movement takes place were isotropic at a low ATP concentration, and became anisotropic as the concentration increased. The build-up of the sliding movement of an actin filament was associated with the transformation from isotropic to anisotropic fluctuations of the filamental displacement.  相似文献   

Displacements of single one-headed myosin molecules in a sparse myosin-rod cofilament were measured from bead displacements at various angles relative to an actin filament by dual optical trapping nanometry. The sparse myosin-rod cofilaments, 5-8 micron long, were synthesized by slowly mixing one-headed myosin prepared by papain digestion with myosin rods at molar ratios of 1:400 to 1:1500, so that one to four one-headed myosin molecules were on average scattered along the cofilament. The bead displacement was approximately 10 nm at low loads ( approximately 0.5 pN) and at angles of 5-10 degrees between the actin and myosin filaments (near physiologically correct orientation). The bead displacement decreased with an increase in the angle. The bead displacement at nearly 90 degrees was approximately 0 nm. When the angle was increased to approximately 150 degrees-170 degrees, the bead displacements increased to 5 nm. A native two-headed myosin showed similar size and orientation dependence of bead displacements as a one-headed myosin.  相似文献   

We recently refined the in vitro motility assay for studies of actomyosin function to achieve rectified myosin induced sliding of actin filaments. This paves the way, both for detailed functional studies of actomyosin and for nanotechnological applications. In the latter applications it would be desirable to use actin filaments for transportation of cargoes (e.g., enzymes) between different predetermined locations on a chip. We here describe how single quantum dot labelling of isolated actin filaments simultaneously provides handles for cargo attachment and bright and photostable fluorescence labels facilitating cargo detection and filament tracking. Labelling was achieved with preserved actomyosin function using streptavidin-coated CdSe quantum dots (Qdots). These nanocrystals have several unique physical properties and the present work describes their first use for functional studies of isolated proteins outside the cell. The results, in addition to the nanotechnology developments, open for new types of in vitro assays of isolated biomolecules.  相似文献   

Fascin-1 is a putative bundling factor of actin filaments in the filopodia of neuronal growth cones. Here, we examined the structure of the actin bundle formed by human fascin-1 (actin/fascin bundle), and its mode of interaction with myosin in vitro. The distance between cross-linked filaments in the actin/bundle was 8-9 nm, and the bundle showed the transverse periodicity of 36 nm perpendicular to the bundle axis, which was confirmed by electron microscopy. Decoration of the actin/fascin bundle with heavy meromyosin revealed that the arrowheads of filaments in the bundle pointed in the same direction, indicating that the bundle has polarity. This result suggested that fascin-1 plays an essential role in polarity of actin bundles in filopodia. In the in vitro motility assay, actin/fascin bundles slid as fast as single actin filaments on myosin II and myosin V. When myosin was attached to the surface at high density, the actin/fascin bundle disassembled to single filaments at the pointed end of the bundle during sliding. These results suggest that myosins may drive filopodial actin bundles backward by interacting with actin filaments on the surface, and may induce disassembly of the bundle at the basal region of filopodia.  相似文献   

T. Shimmen  M. Yano 《Protoplasma》1986,132(3):129-136
Summary Native tropomyosin from rabbit skeletal muscle introduced by intracellular perfusion intoChara cells inhibited the cytoplasmic streaming irrespective of the Ca2+ concentration. To find the action site of native tropomyosin inChara, the cytoplasmic streaming was reconstituted by introducing isolated endoplasm into actin donorChara cells from which native endoplasm had been removed. The reconstituted streaming was inhibited by pretreatment of the actin donor cells with native tropomyosin but not by that of the endoplasm, suggesting that the native tropomyosin inhibited the cytoplasmic streaming by binding toChara actin bundles. Staining of the actin bundles with FITC-labeled native tropomyosin also showed that the native tropomyosin could bind to the actin bundles. Streaming reconstituted fromChara actin bundles and skeletal muscle myosin was insensitive to Ca2+, but became sensitive on application of the native tropomyosin.Abbrevations APW artificial pond water - ATP adenosine 5-triphosphoric acid - BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethylether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - FITC-NTM fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled native tropomyosin - NTM native tropomyosin  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the osmotic tolerance limits of the morphology and the cellular actin filament organization of porcine blastocysts. In vitro produced Day 6 blastocysts were subjected to osmotic treatments with sucrose solutions of different osmolalities (75, 150, 210, 600, 1200, and 2400 mOsm) and one isotonic solution (NCSU-23, 285 mOsm). Blastocysts were then either fixed immediately, or cultured for 18 h and subsequently fixed with formalin. The morphology of the treated blastocysts was examined under a stereomicroscope and the integrity of the cellular actin filaments of the blastocysts was examined by confocal microscopy after staining with Alexa Fluor 488 phalloidin. The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between the osmotic levels and the probability of blastocysts exhibiting disrupted cellular actin filaments. In addition, blastocysts also collapsed in proportion to the levels of osmotic treatments. The osmotic tolerance limits which would maintain 70% of the blastocysts with their original morphology immediately after the treatment were 90 and 170%, respectively, of isotonicity. After 18 h of culture, the osmotic tolerance limits were 61 and 163%, respectively, of isotonicity. Similarly, the osmotic conditions relative to isotonicity which would maintain the integrity of cellular actin filaments in 70% of treated blastocysts had to be within the range of 87 and 147% immediately after the treatment and 87 and 169% after 18 h of culture. Collectively, these data indicate that in vitro produced porcine blastocysts are very sensitive to osmotic stress. This information can be used to optimize cryopreservation procedures for porcine embryos.  相似文献   

Porcine embryos produced in vitro have a small number of cells and low viability. The present study was conducted to examine the morphological characteristics and the relationship between actin filament organization and morphology of porcine embryos produced in vitro and in vivo. In vitro-derived embryos were produced by in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and in vitro development. In vivo-derived embryos were collected from inseminated gilts on Days 2-6 after estrus. In experiment 1, in vitro-derived embryos (相似文献   

Direct demonstration of actin filament annealing in vitro   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
Direct electron microscopic examination confirms that short actin filaments rapidly anneal end-to-end in vitro, leading over time to an increase in filament length at steady state. During annealing of mixtures of native unlabeled filaments and glutaraldehyde-fixed filaments labeled with myosin subfragment-1, the structural polarity within heteropolymers is conserved absolutely. Annealing does not appear to require either ATP hydrolysis or the presence of exogenous actin monomers, suggesting that joining occurs through the direct association of filament ends. During recovery from sonication the initial rate of annealing is consistent with a second-order reaction involving the collision of two filament ends with an apparent annealing rate constant of 10(7) M-1s-1. This rapid phase lasts less than 10 s and is followed by a slow phase lasting minutes to hours. Annealing is calculated to contribute minimally to filament elongation during the initial stages of self-assembly. However, the rapid rate of annealing of sonicated fixed filaments observed in vitro suggests that it may be an efficient mechanism for repairing breaks in filaments and that annealing together with polymer-severing mechanisms may contribute significantly to the dynamics and function of actin filaments in vivo.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to determine whether potentiation of acto-S-1 ATPase activity (activity higher than that obtained with tropomyosin-free actin) could be caused by nucleotide-containing acto-S-1 complexes. In addition, we wanted to know whether these complexes also have a positive cooperative effect on their own apparent binding constant under conditions where nucleotide-free acto-S-1 complexes cause potentiation of ATPase activity. Using calcium-saturated troponin-tropomyosin actin filaments, we observed potentiation of ATPase activity in the presence of 5.0 mM magnesium 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate (MgAMPPNP) and calculated that the ability of acto-S-1-AMPPNP complexes to cause potentiation must have been very similar to that of nucleotide-free acto-S-1 complexes. In extension of earlier studies, potentiated acto-S-1 ATPase activity was characterized by an increase in Vmax and, as observed before, a lowering of the apparent Km for subfragment 1 (S-1). Under conditions similar to those that produce the potentiation of acto-S-1 ATPase activity, the apparent actin binding constant of nucleotide-free S-1 was increased about 3-5 fold while the apparent binding constant of AMPPNP to actin-bound S-1 was reduced to (2.5-10) x 10(2) M-1 compared to that of about (1-5) x 10(3) M-1 for S-1 bound to tropomyosin-free actin. Under the same conditions, the apparent binding constant of S-1-AMPPNP to actin was not increased. We suggest that a potentiated state of the tropomyosin actin filament is produced by the cooperative action of acto-S-1 or acto-S-1-AMPPNP complexes. The potentiated state is characterized by an increase in the Vmax of the acto-S-1 ATPase activity, increased binding constants for S-1 and S-1-ADP, and increased binding of tropomyosin to actin.  相似文献   

By coating covalently the surface of a polystyrene bead (diameter = 1 micron) with gelsolin, we have succeeded in attaching the bead selectively at the barbed end of an actin filament and forming a 1:1 bead-actin filament complex. On a layer of heavy meromyosin on a nitrocellulose-coated coverglass, this bead-actin filament complex slid smoothly, trailing the bead at its end. Therefore we called this preparation "bead-tailed" actin filaments. The sliding velocity was indistinguishable from that of nonbeaded filaments. With use of this system, we tried to detect the axial rotation (rotation around the filament axis) in a sliding actin filament. Although a single bead at the tail end did not serve as the marker for the axial rotation, we occasionally found another bead bound to the tail bead. In this case, the orientation of the bead-aggregate could be followed continuously with a video monitor while the filament was sliding over heavy meromyosin. We observed that actin filaments slid over distances of many tens of micrometers without showing a complete turn of the bead-aggregates. On the basis of the calculation of rotational friction drag on the bead-aggregate, we estimate that the rotational component of the sliding force and the torque produced on a sliding actin filament (length < or = 10 microns) did not accumulate > 1 pN and 5 pN.nm, respectively. In the present system of randomly oriented heavy meromyosin lying on a nitrocellulose film without an external load.  相似文献   

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