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Intracellular protein transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus and within the Golgi apparatus is facilitated by COP (coat protein)-coated vesicles. Their existence in plant cells has not yet been demonstrated, although the GTP-binding proteins required for coat formation have been identified. We have generated antisera against glutathione-S-transferase-fusion proteins prepared with cDNAs encoding the Arabidopsis Sec21p and Sec23p homologs (AtSec21p and AtSec23p, respectively). The former is a constituent of the COPI vesicle coatomer, and the latter is part of the Sec23/24p dimeric complex of the COPII vesicle coat. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) inflorescence homogenates were probed with these antibodies and demonstrated the presence of AtSec21p and AtSec23p antigens in both the cytosol and membrane fractions of the cell. The membrane-associated forms of both antigens can be solubilized by treatments typical for extrinsic proteins. The amounts of the cytosolic antigens relative to the membrane-bound forms increase after cold treatment, and the two antigens belong to different protein complexes with molecular sizes comparable to the corresponding nonplant coat proteins. Sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation of microsomal cell membranes from cauliflower suggests that, although AtSec23p seems to be preferentially associated with ER membranes, AtSec21p appears to be bound to both the ER and the Golgi membranes. This could be in agreement with the notion that COPII vesicles are formed at the ER, whereas COPI vesicles can be made by both Golgi and ER membranes. Both AtSec21p and AtSec23p antigens were detected on membranes equilibrating at sucrose densities equivalent to those typical for in vitro-induced COP vesicles from animal and yeast systems. Therefore, a further purification of the putative plant COP vesicles was undertaken.  相似文献   

Formation of COPII-coated vesicles at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) requires assembly onto the membrane of five cytosolic coat proteins, Sec23p, Sec24p, Sec13p, Sec31p, and Sar1p. A sixth vesicle coat component, Sec16p, is tightly associated with the ER membrane and has been proposed to act as a scaffold for membrane association of the soluble coat proteins. We previously showed that Sec23p binds to the C-terminal region of Sec16p. Here we use two-hybrid and coprecipitation assays to demonstrate that the essential COPII protein Sec24p binds to the central region of Sec16p. In vitro reconstitution of binding with purified recombinant proteins demonstrates that the interaction of Sec24p with the central domain of Sec16p does not depend on the presence of Sec23p. However, Sec23p facilitates binding of Sec24p to Sec16p, and the three proteins can form a ternary complex in vitro. Truncations of Sec24p demonstrate that the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of Sec24p display different binding specificities. The C terminus binds to the central domain of Sec16p, whereas the N terminus of Sec24p binds to both the central domain of Sec16p and to Sec23p. These findings define binding to Sec16p as a new function for Sec24p and support the idea that Sec16p organizes assembly of the COPII coat.  相似文献   

Transport of secretory proteins out of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by vesicles generated by the COPII coat complex. In order to understand how cargo molecules are selected by this cytoplasmic coat, we investigated the functional role of the Sec24p homolog, Lst1p. We show that Lst1p can function as a COPII subunit independently of Sec24p on native ER membranes and on synthetic liposomes. However, vesicles generated with Lst1p in the absence of Sec24p are deficient in a distinct subset of cargo molecules, including the SNAREs, Bet1p, Bos1p and Sec22p. Consistent with the absence of any SNAREs, these vesicles are unable to fuse with Golgi membranes. Furthermore, unlike Sec24p, Lst1p fails to bind to Bet1p in vitro, indicating a direct correlation between cargo binding and recruitment into vesicles. Our data suggest that the principle role of Sec24p is to discriminate cargo molecules for incorporation into COPII vesicles.  相似文献   

p125, a mammalian Sec23p-interacting protein, exhibits sequence homology with bovine testis phosphatidic acid-preferring phospholipase A(1). In this study, we identified and characterized a new homologue of p125, KIAA0725p. KIAA0725p exhibited remarkable sequence similarity with p125 throughout the entire sequence determined but lacked an N-terminal proline-rich, Sec23p-interacting region. In vitro binding analysis showed that KIAA0725p does not bind to Sec23p. KIAA0725p possessed phospholipase A(1) activity preferentially for phosphatidic acid. We examined the effects of overexpression of KIAA0725p on the morphology of organelles. Overexpression of KIAA0725p, like that of p125, caused dispersion of the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment and Golgi apparatus. Different from the case of p125, overexpression of KIAA0725p resulted in dispersion of tethering proteins located in the Golgi region and caused aggregation of the endoplasmic reticulum. Our results indicate that KIAA0725p is a new member of the phosphatidic acid-preferring phospholipase A(1) protein family and suggest that the cellular function of KIAA0725p is different from that of p125.  相似文献   

Vesicle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) employs a cycle of GTP binding and hydrolysis to regulate assembly of the COPII coat. We have identified a novel mutation (sec24-m11) in the cargo-binding subunit, Sec24p, that specifically impacts the GTP-dependent generation of vesicles in vitro. Using a high-throughput approach, we defined genetic interactions between sec24-m11 and a variety of trafficking components of the early secretory pathway, including the candidate COPII regulators, Sed4p and Sec16p. We defined a fragment of Sec16p that markedly inhibits the Sec23p- and Sec31p-stimulated GTPase activity of Sar1p, and demonstrated that the Sec24p-m11 mutation diminished this inhibitory activity, likely by perturbing the interaction of Sec24p with Sec16p. The consequence of the heightened GTPase activity when Sec24p-m11 is present is the generation of smaller vesicles, leading to accumulation of ER membranes and more stable ER exit sites. We propose that association of Sec24p with Sec16p creates a novel regulatory complex that retards the GTPase activity of the COPII coat to prevent premature vesicle scission, pointing to a fundamental role for GTP hydrolysis in vesicle release rather than in coat assembly/disassembly.  相似文献   

Selective cargo capture into ER-derived vesicles is driven by the Sec24p subunit of the COPII coat, which contains at least three independent cargo-binding sites. One of these, the "A-site," interacts with a NPF motif found on the SNARE, Sed5p. We have characterized the Sec24p-Sed5p interaction through mutation of the putative ER export motifs of Sed5p and the cargo-binding A-site of Sec24p. Mutational analysis of Sed5p suggests that the NPF motif is the dominant ER export signal. Mutation of the NPF binding pocket on Sec24p led to a dramatic reduction in the capture of Sed5p into COPII vesicles, whereas packaging of other ER-Golgi SNAREs was normal. Of all the cargoes tested, only Sed5p was depleted in vesicles made with Sec24p A-site mutants. Surprisingly, vesicles generated with the mutant Sec24p were unable to fuse with the Golgi apparatus. This inability to fuse was not the result of the lack of Sed5p, because vesicles specifically depleted of Sed5p generated by antibody inhibition targeted and fused normally. We propose that the A-site of Sec24p is a multipurpose cargo-binding site that must recognize additional unidentified cargo proteins, at least one of which is essential at a late stage of vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

SEC2 is an essential gene required for polarized growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It encodes a protein of 759 amino acids that functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPase Sec4p, a regulator of Golgi to plasma membrane transport. Activation of Sec4p by Sec2p is needed for polarized transport of vesicles to exocytic sites. Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations in sec2 and sec4 result in a tight block in secretion and the accumulation of secretory vesicles randomly distributed in the cell. The proper localization of Sec2p to secretory vesicles is essential for its function and is largely independent of Sec4p. Although the ts mutation sec2-78 does not affect nucleotide exchange activity, the protein is mislocalized. Here we present evidence that Ypt31/32p, members of Rab family of GTPases, regulate Sec2p function. First, YPT31/YPT32 suppress the sec2-78 mutation. Second, overexpression of Ypt31/32p restores localization of Sec2-78p. Third, Ypt32p and Sec2p interact biochemically, but Sec2p has no exchange activity on Ypt32p. We propose that Ypt32p and Sec4p act as part of a signaling cascade in which Ypt32p recruits Sec2p to secretory vesicles; once on the vesicle, Sec2p activates Sec4p, enabling the polarized transport of vesicles to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The Sec34/35 complex was identified as one of the evolutionarily conserved protein complexes that regulates a cis-Golgi step in intracellular vesicular transport. We have identified three new proteins that associate with Sec35p and Sec34p in yeast cytosol. Mutations in these Sec34/35 complex subunits result in defects in basic Golgi functions, including glycosylation of secretory proteins, protein sorting, and retention of Golgi resident proteins. Furthermore, the Sec34/35 complex interacts genetically and physically with the Rab protein Ypt1p, intra-Golgi SNARE molecules, as well as with Golgi vesicle coat complex COPI. We propose that the Sec34/35 protein complex acts as a tether that connects cis-Golgi membranes and COPI-coated, retrogradely targeted intra-Golgi vesicles.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins Sec34p and Sec35p are components of a large cytosolic complex involved in protein transport through the secretory pathway. Characterization of a new secretion mutant led us to identify SEC36, which encodes a new component of this complex. Sec36p binds to Sec34p and Sec35p, and mutation of SEC36 disrupts the complex, as determined by gel filtration. Missense mutations of SEC36 are lethal with mutations in COPI subunits, indicating a functional connection between the Sec34p/sec35p complex and the COPI vesicle coat. Affinity purification of proteins that bind to Sec35p-myc allowed identification of two additional proteins in the complex. We call these two conserved proteins Sec37p and Sec38p. Disruption of either SEC37 or SEC38 affects the size of the complex that contains Sec34p and Sec35p. We also examined COD4, COD5, and DOR1, three genes recently reported to encode proteins that bind to Sec35p. Each of the eight genes that encode components of the Sec34p/sec35p complex was tested for its contribution to cell growth, protein transport, and the integrity of the complex. These tests indicate two general types of subunits: Sec34p, Sec35p, Sec36p, and Sec38p seem to form the essential core of a complex to which Sec37p, Cod4p, Cod5p, and Dor1p seem to be peripherally attached.  相似文献   

Sec16p potentiates the action of COPII proteins to bud transport vesicles   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen that escapes from a phagosome and grows in the host cell cytosol. The pore-forming cholesterol-dependent cytolysin, listeriolysin O (LLO), mediates bacterial escape from vesicles and is approximately 10-fold more active at an acidic than neutral pH. By swapping dissimilar residues from a pH-insensitive orthologue, perfringolysin O (PFO), we identified leucine 461 as unique to pathogenic Listeria and responsible for the acidic pH optimum of LLO. Conversion of leucine 461 to the threonine present in PFO increased the hemolytic activity of LLO almost 10-fold at a neutral pH. L. monocytogenes synthesizing LLO L461T, expressed from its endogenous site on the bacterial chromosome, resulted in a 100-fold virulence defect in the mouse listeriosis model. These bacteria escaped from acidic phagosomes and initially grew normally in cells and spread cell to cell, but prematurely permeabilized the host membrane and killed the cell. These data show that the acidic pH optimum of LLO results from an adaptive mutation that acts to limit cytolytic activity to acidic vesicles and prevent damage in the host cytosol, a strategy also used by host cells to compartmentalize lysosomal hydrolases.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutations in the SEC16 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae block budding of transport vesicles from the ER. SEC16 was cloned by complementation of the sec16-1 mutation and encodes a 240-kD protein located in the insoluble, particulate component of cell lysates. Sec16p is released from this particulate fraction by high salt, but not by nonionic detergents or urea. Some Sec16p is localized to the ER by immunofluorescence microscopy. Membrane-associated Sec16p is incorporated into transport vesicles derived from the ER that are formed in an in vitro vesicle budding reaction. Sec16p binds to Sec23p, a COPII vesicle coat protein, as shown by the two-hybrid interaction assay and affinity studies in cell extracts. These findings indicate that Sec16p associates with Sec23p as part of the transport vesicle coat structure. Genetic analysis of SEC16 identifies three functionally distinguishable domains. One domain is defined by the five temperature- sensitive mutations clustered in the middle of SEC16. Each of these mutations can be complemented by the central domain of SEC16 expressed alone. The stoichiometry of Sec16p is critical for secretory function since overexpression of Sec16p causes a lethal secretion defect. This lethal function maps to the NH2-terminus of the protein, defining a second functional domain. A separate function for the COOH-terminal domain of Sec16p is shown by its ability to bind Sec23p. Together, these results suggest that Sec16p engages in multiple protein-protein interactions both on the ER membrane and as part of the coat of a completed vesicle.  相似文献   

A screen for mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae secretory pathway components previously yielded sec34, a mutant that accumulates numerous vesicles and fails to transport proteins from the ER to the Golgi complex at the restrictive temperature (Wuestehube, L.J., R. Duden, A. Eun, S. Hamamoto, P. Korn, R. Ram, and R. Schekman. 1996. Genetics. 142:393-406). We find that SEC34 encodes a novel protein of 93-kD, peripherally associated with membranes. The temperature-sensitive phenotype of sec34-2 is suppressed by the rab GTPase Ypt1p that functions early in the secretory pathway, or by the dominant form of the ER to Golgi complex target-SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor)-associated protein Sly1p, Sly1-20p. Weaker suppression is evident upon overexpression of genes encoding the vesicle tethering factor Uso1p or the vesicle-SNAREs Sec22p, Bet1p, or Ykt6p. This genetic suppression profile is similar to that of sec35-1, a mutant allele of a gene encoding an ER to Golgi vesicle tethering factor and, like Sec35p, Sec34p is required in vitro for vesicle tethering. sec34-2 and sec35-1 display a synthetic lethal interaction, a genetic result explained by the finding that Sec34p and Sec35p can interact by two-hybrid analysis. Fractionation of yeast cytosol indicates that Sec34p and Sec35p exist in an approximately 750-kD protein complex. Finally, we describe RUD3, a novel gene identified through a genetic screen for multicopy suppressors of a mutation in USO1, which suppresses the sec34-2 mutation as well.  相似文献   

Sgf1p, a New Component of the Sec34p/Sec35p Complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Here we report the identification of SGF1 as a high-copy suppressor of the sec35–1 mutant. SGF1 encodes an essential hydrophilic protein of ∼ 100 kDa. Using the yeast two-hybrid system and coprecipitation studies, we demonstrate that Sgf1p is a new subunit of the multiprotein Sec34p/Sec35p complex. Reduced levels of Sgf1p lead to the accumulation of a variety of membranes as well as a kinetic block in endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi traffic. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrate that Sec34p is found throughout the Golgi, with a high concentration on early Golgi. Although an earlier study suggested that Sec34p (Grd20p) is not required for protein secretion, we show here that the sec34–2 and sec35–1 mutations lead to a pleiotropic block in the secretion of all proteins into the growth medium.  相似文献   

Polarized secretion requires proper targeting of secretory vesicles to specific sites on the plasma membrane. Here we report that the exocyst complex plays a key role in vesicle targeting. Sec15p, an exocyst component, can associate with secretory vesicles and interact specifically with the rab GTPase, Sec4p, in its GTP-bound form. A chain of protein-protein interactions leads from Sec4p and Sec15p on the vesicle, through various subunits of the exocyst, to Sec3p, which marks the sites of exocytosis on the plasma membrane. Sec4p may control the assembly of the exocyst. The exocyst may therefore function as a rab effector system for targeted secretion.  相似文献   

A screen for mutations that affect the recruitment of the exocyst to secretory vesicles identified genes encoding clathrin and proteins that associate or colocalize with clathrin at sites of endocytosis. However, no significant colocalization of the exocyst with clathrin was seen, arguing against a direct role in exocyst recruitment. Rather, these components are needed to recycle the exocytic vesicle SNAREs Snc1p and Snc2p from the plasma membrane into new secretory vesicles where they act to recruit the exocyst. We observe a direct interaction between the exocyst subunit Sec6p and the latter half of the SNARE motif of Snc2p. An snc2 mutation that specifically disrupts this interaction led to exocyst mislocalization and a block in exocytosis in vivo without affecting liposome fusion in vitro. Overexpression of Sec4p partially suppressed the exocyst localization defects of mutations in clathrin and clathrin-associated components. We propose that the exocyst is recruited to secretory vesicles by the combinatorial signals of Sec4-GTP and the Snc proteins. This could help to confer both specificity and directionality to vesicular traffic.  相似文献   

We have characterized the mechanisms of cargo selection into ER-derived vesicles by the COPII subunit Sec24p. We identified a site on Sec24p that recognizes the v-SNARE Bet1p and show that packaging of a number of cargo molecules is disrupted when mutations are introduced at this site. Surprisingly, cargo proteins affected by these mutations did not share a single common sorting signal, nor were proteins sharing a putative class of signal affected to the same degree. We show that the same site is conserved as a cargo-interaction domain on the Sec24p homolog Lst1p, which only packages a subset of the cargoes recognized by Sec24p. Finally, we identified an additional mutation that defines another cargo binding domain on Sec24p, which specifically interacts with the SNARE Sec22p. Together, our data support a model whereby Sec24p proteins contain multiple independent cargo binding domains that allow for recognition of a diverse set of sorting signals.  相似文献   

The exocyst is a conserved protein complex essential for trafficking secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane. The structure of the C-terminal domain of the exocyst subunit Sec6p reveals multiple helical bundles, which are structurally and topologically similar to Exo70p and the C-terminal domains of Exo84p and Sec15, despite <10% sequence identity. The helical bundles appear to be evolutionarily related molecular scaffolds that have diverged to create functionally distinct exocyst proteins.  相似文献   

The protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPMEG2 is located on the cytoplasmic face of the enclosing membrane of secretory vesicles, where it regulates vesicle size by promoting homotypic vesicle fusion by dephosphorylating N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor, a key regulator of vesicle fusion. Here we address the question of how PTPMEG2 is targeted to this subcellular location. Using a series of deletion mutants, we pinpointed the N-terminal Sec14p homology (SEC14) domain of PTPMEG2, residues 1-261, as the region containing the secretory vesicle targeting signal. This domain, alone or appended to a heterologous protein, was localized to intracellular vesicle membranes. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified a number of secretory vesicle proteins that interacted directly with the SEC14 domain of PTPMEG2, providing a mechanism for PTPMEG2 targeting to secretory vesicles. Two such proteins, mannose 6-phosphate receptor-interacting protein TIP47 and Arfaptin2, were found to alter PTPMEG2 localization when overexpressed, and elimination of TIP47 resulted in loss of PTPMEG2 function. We conclude that the N terminus of PTPMEG2 is necessary for the targeting of this phosphatase to the secretory vesicle compartment by association with other proteins involved in intracellular transport.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) is an abundant and highly conserved low molecular weight GTP-binding protein that was originally identified as a key element required for the action of cholera toxin in mammalian cells, but whose physiological role is unknown. We report that ARF family proteins are highly concentrated in non-clathrin-coated transport vesicles and are coat proteins. About three copies of ARF are present on the outside of coated vesicles per alpha-COP (and thus per coatomer). ARF is highly enriched in coated vesicles as compared with parental Golgi cisternae, as shown both by biochemical and morphological methods, and ARF is removed from transport vesicles through uncoating during transport. Furthermore, ARF binds to Golgi cisternae in a GTP-dependent manner independently of coated vesicle budding. These observations strongly suggest a new role for GTP-binding proteins: ARF proteins may modulate vesicle budding and uncoating through controlled GTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Sec14 protein was first identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where it serves as a phosphatidylinositol transfer protein that is essential for the transport of secretory proteins from the Golgi complex. A protein domain homologous to Sec14 was identified in several mammalian proteins that regulates Rho GTPases, including exchange factors and GTPase activating proteins. P50RhoGAP, the first identified GTPase activating protein for Rho GTPases, is composed of a Sec14-like domain and a Rho-GTPase activating protein (GAP) domain. The biological function of its Sec14-like domain is still unknown. Here we show that p50RhoGAP is present on endosomal membranes, where it colocalizes with internalized transferrin receptor. We demonstrate that the Sec14-like domain of P50RhoGAP is responsible for the endosomal targeting of the protein. We also show that overexpression of p50RhoGAP or its Sec14-like domain inhibits transferrin uptake. Furthermore, both P50RhoGAP and its Sec14-like domain show colocalization with small GTPases Rab11 and Rab5. We measured bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between p50RhoGAP and Rab11, indicating that these proteins form molecular complex in vivo on endosomal membranes. The interaction was mediated by the Sec 14-like domain of p50RhoGAP. Our results indicate that Sec14-like domain, which was previously considered as a phospholipid binding module, may have a role in the mediation of protein-protein interactions. We suggest that p50RhoGAP provides a link between Rab and Rho GTPases in the regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

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