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The poly(A) content of early mouse embryos fluctuates widely: after a transient increase in the one-cell embryo, there is a 70% drop in the two-cell and an approximately fivefold increase between the two-cell and early blastocyst stages (L. Pikó and K. B. Clegg, 1982, Dev. Biol.89, 362–378). To shed light on the significance of these changes, we analyzed the size distribution of total poly(A) from embryos at different stages of development by gel electrophoresis and hybridization with [3H]poly(U). The number-average size of poly(A) tracts varies only slightly, from 61 to 77 nucleotides, indicating that the changes in poly(A) content are due primarily to changes in the number of poly(A) sequences, i.e., the number of poly(A)+ mRNA. From these data, the number of poly(A)+ mRNA can be estimated as follows: ovulated egg, 1.7 × 107; one-cell embryo, 2.4 × 107; late two-cell, 0.7 × 107; late eight-cell, 1.3 × 107; and early blastocyst, 3.4 × 107. These results suggest the elimination of the bulk of maternal poly(A)+ mRNA at the two-cell stage, to be replaced by newly synthesized mRNA derived from the embryonic genome. To study the synthesis of poly(A)+ mRNA, we cultured mouse embryos in vitro with [3H]adenosine and analyzed the labeled poly(A)+ RNA as to molecular size, length of the poly(A) tail, and relative distribution of label in poly(A) vs internal locations. We observed an active incorporation of label into large-molecular-weight (average size about 2 kb) poly(A)+ RNA at all stages from the one-cell to the blastocyst. However, in the one-cell embryo, about 70% of the label was localized in the poly(A) tail, suggesting cytoplasmic polyadenylation, and only about 30% was localized in the remainder of the molecule, suggesting the complete new synthesis of a small amount of poly(A)+ RNA. Differences in the size distribution of the labeled poly(A) as compared with the total poly(A) in the one-cell embryo indicate that the labeling is not due to a general turnover of poly(A) tails, but rather to the polyadenylation of previously nonpolyadenylated, stored RNA. Significant new synthesis of poly(A)+ RNA is evident from the two-cell stage onward and most likely accounts for the sharp rise in the number of poly(A)+ RNA molecules by the early blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Autoantisera against rabbit testes and rabbit ejaculated spermatozoa have been used to study the appearance of surface autoantigens during spermatogenesis. Two distinct subclasses of autoantigens have been identified: an early subclass which first appears on pachytene spermatocytes and a late subclass which first appears on differentiating spermatids. These spermatids are just beginning to demonstrate migration of the nucleus and overlying acrosomal cap to the cell periphery and changes in nuclear shape. Some autoantigens of the early subclass do not appear on spermatozoa, but those that do are predominantly found over the acrosomal region. Autoantigens of the late subclass are predominantly found over the postacrosomal and middle-piece regions of the spermatozoon. It is suggested that morphological constraints during spermiogenesis may be responsible for the regional localization of the two subclasses.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis eggs and gastrula stage embryos were fractionated into three equal sections normal to the animal-vegetal axis, and poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from each section. Hybridization of these poly(A)+ RNAs with [32P]cDNA synthesized using animal or vegetal poly(A)+ RNAs showed no detectable differences in the extents or rates of reaction. Thus, the vast majority of poly(A)+ RNAs are not segregated along the animal-vegetal axis. To increase the sensitivity of these experiments, [32P]cDNAs were prepared which had reduced levels of RNA sequences from the animal region of the gastrula stage embryo or spawned unfertilized egg. Hybridization reactions with these probes showed that 3 to 5% of the input cDNA represents poly(A)+ RNA sequences enriched 2- to 20-fold in the vegetal region of the egg or gastrula stage embryo.  相似文献   

Infection of germinating wheat embryos by a fungal pathogen (Drechslera sorokiana) drastically lowered (70–73%) the relative abundance of poly(A)+ RNA. This was paralleled by a significant loss in the activities of RNA polymerase II (60–70%) and poly(A) polymerase (80–85%) enzymes. The inhibition of RNA polymerase II (60–65%) and poly(A) polymerase (70–85%) activities was also witnessed by the in vitro addition of the fungal extract to the enzyme preparations isolated from healthy embryos. The fungal extract showed negligible phosphatase and nuclease activities. This ruled out the possibility of rapid degradation of the labelled substrate [3H]ATP, primer RNA, or even the labelled reaction products under our assay conditions. The inhibitory effect of the fungal extract could be alleviated by fractionating the treated enzyme preparation by phosphocellulose chromatography. This indicated that the fungal extract was directly responsible for the inactivation of the polymerases in a reversible manner. The inhibitory function of the fungal extract was destroyed by treatment with pronase, but not with RNAase A and RNAase Ti. Poly(A) ‘tails’ were enzymatically excised from 32P-labelled poly(A)+ RNA and fractionated on acrylamide gels for autoradiographic analysis. The lengths of the 32P-labelled poly(A) ‘tails’ in control and infected embryos turned out to be identical (64 nucleotides). Our results suggest that the relative abundance of poly(A)+ RNA is diminished in fungal-infected wheat embryos through the selective inactivation of RNA polymerase II and poly(A) polymerase enzymes.  相似文献   

Over 200 cloned sequences from recombinant DNA libraries prepared from Xenopus laevis embryonic poly(A)+RNA have been analyzed by colony hybridization with [32P]cDNA prepared from poly(A)+RNA from several stages of development. The period of early embryogenesis extending through the beginning of gastrulation (stage 10) is marked by the relative constancy of the abundant poly(A)+RNA population. Between the gastrula and tailbud stages (stage 24) there is a dramatic change in the pattern of abundant poly(A)+RNA species; the new pattern remains fairly constant for at least 2 days of development to the late prefeeding tadpole stages (stage 41). We have also compared nonpolysomal and polysomal poly(A)+RNA populations at two different stages. In stage 10 (early gastrula) postribosomal (free ribonucleoprotein) and polysomal poly(A)+RNA populations partly overlap; however, many cloned sequences occur in quite different concentrations in one fraction or the other. Among the sequences that are predominantly nonpolysomal at gastrula few become predominantly polysomal at tailbud stages. Thus, we have no evidence for a major recruitment of abundant nonpolysomal RNAs into polysomes with progressing development. We rather observe a general pattern in which a cloned sequence that is nonpolysomal in one stage of development tends to be nonpolysomal (if detectable at all) in other stages as well.  相似文献   

The induction of poly(A) polymerase was accompanied by a rise in the level of poly(A)+ RNA during early germination of excised wheat embryos (48 h). Fractionation of this RNA-processing enzyme by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and also by molecular sieving on Sephadex G-200 revealed a single molecular form of poly(A) polymerase with a molecular weight of 125 000. Wheat poly(A) polymerase specifically catalyzed the incorporation of [3H]AMP from [3H]ATP into the polyadenylate product only in the presence of primer RNA. Substitution of [3H]ATP by other labelled nucleoside triphosphates, such as [3H]GTP, [3H]UTP or [α-32P]CTP in the assay mixture did not yield any labelled polynucleotide reaction product. The 3H-labelled reaction product was retained on poly(U)-cellulose affinity column and was not degraded by RNAase A and RNAase T1 treatment. In addition, the nearest-neighbour frequency analysis of the 32P-labelled reaction product predominantly yielded [32P]AMP. Thus, characterization of the reaction product clearly indicated its polyadenylate nature. The average chain length of the [3H]poly(A) product was 26 nucleotides. Infection of germinating wheat embryos by a fungal pathogen (Drechslera sorokiana) brought about a severe inhibition (62–79%) of poly(A) polymerase activity. Concurrently, there was a parallel decrease (73%) in the level of poly(A)+ RNA. Inhibition of poly(A) polymerase activity in infected embryos could be due to enzyme inactivation, which in turn brought about a downward shift in the level of poly(A)+ RNA. The crude extract of the cultured pathogen contains a non-dialysable, heat-labile factor, which, along with a ligand, inactivates (65–74%) poly(A) polymerase in vitro. The fungal extracts also contained a dialysable, heat-stable stimulatory effector which activated wheat poly(A) polymerase (3.6–4.0-fold stimulation) in vitro. However, the stimulatory fungal effector was not expressed in vivo, but was detectable after the inhibitory fungal factor had been destroyed by heat-treatment in our in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Using the presence of poly(A) tracts as a marker for mRNA, we have examined the distribution of this class of RNA between polysomes and free RNP particles. This has been done in mature oocytes and in embryos aged for various times from fertilization through to hatching of a larva. The proportion of ribosomes that are in polysomes to those that are not has been calculated. In mature oocytes, 58% of the poly(A)+ RNA and 72% of the ribosomes are not in polysomes. By 1 hr, this drops to 51% of the poly(A)+ RNA and 48% of the ribosomes. By 7 hr, a plateau is reached: 30% of each are not in polysomes. The poly(A)+ RNA in the cytoplasm of oocytes and 1-hr embryos is found in particles with an average size of 50S and a range of 30–70S. The poly(A)+ RNA ranges in size from 7 to 40S, with an average size of 22S. The polyA from this RNA is 50–200 nucleotides long with an average of 115 nucleotides. These data have allowed us to calculate that 1–2% of the total RNA is poly(A)+ RNA.  相似文献   

The synthesis of mitochondrial messenger RNA during early sea urchin development was examined. Oligo(dT) chromatography and electrophoresis on aqueous or formamide gels of mitochondrial RNA from pulse-labeled embryos showed the presence of eight distinct poly(A)-containing RNA species, ranging in size from 9 to 22 S. Nuclease digestion of these RNAs revealed poly(A) sequences of 4 S size. Using sea urchin anucleate fragments, we were able to demonstrate that all eight messenger RNAs are transcribed from mitochondrial DNA, rather than being transcribed from nuclear DNA and imported into the mitochondria.There was no change in the electrophoretic profile of the eight poly(A) RNAs when embryos were pulsed with [3H]uridine at various times after fertilization. Neither was there any change in the incorporation of [3H]uridine into these species or in the percentage of total newly synthesized mitochondrial RNA that contains poly(A) sequences as development progresses. Even though these RNAs appear to be transcribed at a constant rate throughout early development, they were not detected in mitochondrial polysomes until 18 hr after fertilization.  相似文献   

Structures at the 5′ terminus of poly (A)-containing cytoplasmic RNA and heterogeneous nuclear RNA containing and lacking poly(A) have been examined in RNA extracted from both normal and heat-shocked Drosophila cells. 32P-labeled RNA was digested with ribonucleases T2, T1 and A and the products fractionated by a fingerprinting procedure which separates both unblocked 5′ phosphorylated termini and the blocked, methylated, “capped” termini, known to be present in the messenger RNA of most eukaryotes.Approximately 80% of the 5′-terminal structures recovered from digests of poly(A)-containing Drosophila mRNA are cap structures of the general form m7G5′ppp5′X(m)pY(m)pZp. With respect to the extent of ribose methylation and the base distribution, the 5′-terminal sequences of Drosophila capped mRNA appear to be intermediate between those of unicellular eukaryotes and those of mammals. Drosophila is the first organism known in which type 0 (no ribose methylations), type 1 (one ribose methylation), and type 2 (two ribose methylations) caps are all present. In contrast to mammalian cells, the caps of Drosophila never contain the doubly methylated nucleoside N6,2′-O-dimethyladenosine. Both purines and pyrimidines can be found as the penultimate nucleoside of Drosophila caps and there is a wide variety of X-Y base combinations. The relative frequencies of these different base combinations, and the extent of ribose methylation, vary with the duration of labeling. The large majority of poly(A)-containing cytoplasmic RNA molecules from heat-shocked Drosophila cells are also capped, but these caps are unusual in having almost exclusively purines as the penultimate X base.Greater than 75% of the 5′ termini of heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) containing poly(A) and greater than 50% of the termini of hnRNA lacking poly (A) are also capped. Triphosphorylated nucleotides, common as the 5′ nucleotides of mammalian hnRNA, are rare in the poly(A)-containing hnRNA of Drosophila. The frequency of the various type 0 and type 1 cap sequences of cytoplasmic and nuclear poly (A)-containing RNA are almost identical. The caps of hnRNA lacking poly(A) are also quite similar to those of poly-adenylated hnRNA, but are somewhat lower in their content of penultimate pyrimidine nucleosides, suggesting that these two populations of molecules are not identical.  相似文献   

Vectors for in vitro synthesis of poly(A)+RNA transcripts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L M Hoffman  D D Donaldson 《Gene》1988,67(1):137-140

Isolation of poly(A)+ RNA by paper affinity chromatography   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from in vitro short-term-labeled total cytoplasmic RNA of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by oligo(dT) cellulose chromatography. This poly(A)+ RNA fraction was compared with a poly(A)+ RNA fraction isolated by a new procedure which involves specific binding of poly(A)+ RNA to messenger affinity paper (mAP) and its release in hot (70 degrees C) water. In typical experiments 10-11 micrograms (2.3%) of poly(A)+ RNA can be retained from 500 micrograms of total cytoplasmic RNA per cm2 of mAP in a quick one-step procedure. The poly(A)+ RNA preparations isolated by the two methods proved to be almost identical with respect to their fraction in total cytoplasmic RNA, specific radioactivities, sucrose gradient profiles, and translation assays. Since the isolation of poly(A)+ RNA by mAP is much less time consuming than that by oligo(dT) column chromatography and since the poly(A)+ RNA can be recovered from mAP in small volumes, which avoids further loss during precipitations, it can be advantageously used for preparative isolation of poly(A)+ RNA.  相似文献   

The size range of poly(A)-containing RNA from Drosophila melanogaster embryos has been estimated by hybridization with 3H-labeled poly(U) and subsequent fractionation on sucrose gradients. The median size of nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA is about 30 S (6000 nucleotides), and the median size of cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA is about 17 S (1800 nucleotides). The relationship of these sizes to messenger RNA needed to code for protein and to the length of DNA contained in a chromomere is discussed.Research grant support was provided by NIH (6M35558; HD-00266) and NSF (GB-30600).  相似文献   

The steady state changes in total rat hepatic cytoplasmic RNA, poly(A)+ RNA and poly(A)-RNA were assessed in response to turpentine induced inflammation. From 18 to 24 h after injury, cytoplasmic RNA doubled, while poly(A)+ RNA peaked at 24 h, 3.5 times over control animals. Cell-free translation showed significant increases in messenger RNA levels beginning at 18 h. Gel electrophoresis of translation products revealed significant increases in several polypeptides and a decrease in others. Poly(A)-RNA from control and injured rats translated to an insignificant level and the electrophoretic gel patterns of their proteins were similar. Furthermore, no change had occurred in the 3' poly(A)-sequences during the course of inflammation.  相似文献   

The stability of poly(A)+RNA was compared in nucleate and anucleate cells of Acetabularia. While in the absence of the nucleus poly(A)+RNA exhibits a pronounced stability, it is significantly less stable in the presence of the nucleus.  相似文献   

To obtain information on the amounts and major classes of RNA stored in the mouse egg and accumulated during cleavage, we determined the contents of total RNA, total poly(A), and ribosomes from the 1-cell stage to blastocyst. Using purified RNA for assay, we obtained an RNA content of 0.35 ng in the unfertilized egg, 0.24 ng in 2-cell, 0.69 ng in 8- to 16-cell, and 1.47 ng in early bastocyst (32 cells). As derived from EM morphometry, the number of ribosomes accounts for 60–70% of the total RNA content at all these stages; the marked increase in ribosomal number during cleavage is attributable entirely to new synthesis. Hybridization with [3H]poly(U) in solution yielded a poly(A) content of 0.7 pg for the unfertilized egg and 0.83 pg for the 1-cell embryo. The poly(A) content dropped sharply, to 0.26 pg per embryo, by the late 2-cell stage and increased to 0.44 pg in 8- to 16-cell embryos and 1.42 pg in early blastocysts. Hybridization in situ gave a similar pattern and also revealed a heavy labeling of embryo nuclei from the 2-cell onward but very little, if any, labeling of the pronuclei of 1-cell embryos, suggesting an absence, or low level, of poly(A)+ RNA synthesis at the 1-cell but an active synthesis at the 2-cell and later stages. These findings and other available evidence(e.g., R. Bachvarova and V. De Leon, 1980, Develop. Biol.74, 1–8) suggest that the mouse embryo inherits a large supply of maternal mRNA but that the bulk of this RNA is eliminated in the 2-cell embryo. In situ hybridization was used to study the relative concentration of poly(A) in ovarian oocytes. In growing oocytes, the cytoplasmic concentration of poly(A) remains about the same, suggesting that the accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA is proportional to oocyte growth. The poly(A) content declines about twofold between the time of completion of oocyte growth and fertilization. The germinal vesicle continues to be labeled up to the time of ovulation, raising the possibility that poly(A)+ RNA synthesis (and presumably turnover) occurs in fully grown oocytes.  相似文献   

We have examined the nature of the requirement for RNA synthesis during the differentiation of Naegleria gruberi amebae into flagellates (Fulton, C., and C. Walsh, 1980, J. Cell Biol., 85:346-360) by looking for poly(A)+RNAs that are specific to differentiating cells. A cDNA library prepared from poly(A)+RNA extracted from cells 40 min after initiation of the differentiation (40-min RNA), the time when formation of flagella becomes insensitive to inhibitors of RNA synthesis, was cloned into pBR322. Recombinant clones were screened for sequences that were complementary to 40-min RNA but not to RNA from amebae (0-min RNA). Ten of these differentiation-specific (DS) plasmids were identified. The DS plasmids were found to represent at least four different poly(A)+RNAs based on cross-hybridization, restriction mapping, and Northern blot analysis. Dot blot analysis was used to quantify changes in DS RNA concentration. The four DS RNAs appeared coordinately during the differentiation. They were first detectable at 10-15 min after initiation, reached a peak at 70 min as flagella formed, and then declined to low levels by 120 min when flagella reached full length. The concentration of the DS RNAs was found to be at least 20-fold higher in cells at 70 min than in amebae. The changes in DS RNA concentration closely parallel changes in tubulin mRNA as measured by in vitro translation (Lai, E.Y., C. Walsh, D. Wardell, and C. Fulton, 1979, Cell, 17:867-878).  相似文献   

Platelets lack a nucleus and are usually considered to be incapable of protein synthesis due to an apparent lack of messenger RNA, precluding the construction of platelet cDNA libraries and hindering the cloning of authentic platelet cDNA's. We reasoned that vestigial amounts of messenger RNA may remain in platelets when they first separate from the megakaryocyte and circulate in the peripheral blood. We isolated poly (A)+ RNA from platelets obtained by pheresis of individuals with elevated blood platelet counts due to a myeloproliferative syndrome termed essential thrombocythemia. Northern blots using probes for platelet glycoprotein Ib indicate that the poly (A)+ RNA obtained from the platelets of these donors is, in fact, derived from platelets. Cell free translation studies using the platelet poly (A)+ RNA indicate that the material is translationally active. We conclude that, contrary to prevailing information, circulating human blood platelets retain appreciable amounts of poly (A)+ RNA and that this RNA can be harvested by the described approach. The poly (A)+ RNA provides templates for the synthesis of cDNA's that code for platelet proteins.  相似文献   

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