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Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for localized juvenile periodontitis and other infections such as endocarditis, produces long fibrils of bundled pili that are believed to mediate non-specific, tenacious adherence to surfaces. Previous investigations have implicated an abundant, small ( approximately 6.5 kDa), fibril-associated protein (Flp/Fap) as the primary fibril subunit. Here, we report studies on fibril structure and on the function and evolution of Flp. High-resolution electron microscopy of adherent clinical strain CU1000N revealed long bundles of 5- to 7-nm-diameter pili, whose subunits appear to be arranged in a helical array similar to that observed for type IV pili in other bacteria. Fibrils were found to be associated with the bacterial cell surface and smaller structures thought to be membrane vesicles. A modified version of the CU1000N Flp1 polypeptide with the T7-TAG epitope fused to its C-terminus was expressed in the wild-type strain, and the presence of the modified Flp1 in fibrils was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy with monoclonal antibody to T7-TAG. To determine the importance of Flp1 in fibril formation and cell adherence, we used transposon IS903phikan to isolate insertion mutations in the flp-1 gene (formerly designated flp). Mutants with insertions early in flp-1 fail to produce fibrils and do not adhere to surfaces. Both fibril production and adherence were restored by cloned flp-1 in trans, thus providing the first evidence that flp-1 is required for fibril formation and tight, non-specific adherence. One mutant was found to have an insertion near the 3' end of flp-1 that results in the expression of a truncated and altered C-terminus of Flp1. This mutant produced short, unbundled pili, and its adherence to surfaces was significantly less than that of wild-type bacteria. These findings and related observations with the Flp1-T7-TAG protein indicate that the C-terminus of Flp1 is important for the bundling and adherence properties of pili. Extensive sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of 61 predicted prepilin genes of bacteria revealed flp-1 to be a member of a novel and widespread subfamily of type IV prepilin genes. Thus, Flp pili are likely to be expressed by diverse bacterial species. Furthermore, we found that it is common for bacterial genomes to contain multiple alleles of flp-like genes, including the open reading frame (flp-2, previously designated orfA) immediately downstream of flp-1 in A. actinomycetemcomitans. The duplication and divergence of flp genes in bacteria may be important to the diversification of the colonization properties of these organisms.  相似文献   

Prepilin peptidases cleave, among other substrates, the leader sequences from prepilin-like proteins that are required for type II protein secretion in Gram-negative bacteria. To begin to assess the importance of type II secretion for the virulence of an intracellular pathogen, we examined the effect of inactivating the prepilin peptidase (pilD) gene of Legionella pneumophila. Although the pilD mutant and its parent grew similarly in bacteriological media, they did differ in colony attributes and recoverability from late stationary phase. Moreover, at least three proteins were absent from the mutant's supernatant, indicating that PilD is necessary for the secretion of Legionella proteins. The absence of both the major secreted protein and a haemolytic activity from the mutant signalled that the L. pneumophila zinc metalloprotease is excreted via type II secretion. Most interestingly, the pilD mutant was greatly impaired in its ability to grow within Hartmannella vermiformis amoebae and the human macrophage-like U937 cells. As reintroduction of pilD into the mutant restored inefectivity and as a mutant lacking type IV pilin replicated like wild type, these data suggested that the intracellular growth of L. pneumophila is promoted by proteins secreted via a type II pathway. Intratracheal inoculation of guinea pigs revealed that the LD50 for the pilD mutant is at least 100-fold greater than that for its parent, and the culturing of bacteria from infected animals showed a rapid clearance of the mutant from the lungs. This is the first study to indicate a role for PilD and type II secretion in intracellular parasitism.  相似文献   

Type 4 prepilins or prepilin-like-proteins are secreted by a wide range of bacterial species and are required for a variety of functions including type 4 pilus formation, toxin and other enzyme secretion, gene transfer, and biofilm formation. A distinctive feature of these proteins is the presence of a specialized leader peptide that is cleaved off by a cognate membrane-bound type 4 prepilin peptidase (TFPP) during the process of secretion. In this report we show that the TFPPs represent a novel family of bilobed aspartate proteases that is unlike any other protease. The active site pairs of aspartic acids of the two TFPPs in Vibrio cholerae are found at positions 125 and 189 of TcpJ and 147 and 212 of VcpD. Corresponding aspartate residues are completely conserved throughout this extensive peptidase family.  相似文献   

The last gene (pulO) of the pulC-O pullulanase secretion gene operon of Klebsiella oxytoca codes for a protein that is 52% identical to the product of the pilD/xcpA gene required for extracellular protein secretion and type IV pilus biogenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The PilD/XcpA protein is known to remove the first six amino acids of the signal sequence of the type IV pilin precursor by cleaving after the glycine residue in the conserved sequence GF(M)XXXE (where X represents hydrophobic amino acids). This prepilin peptidase cleavage site is present in the products of four genes in the pulC-O operon (PulG, PulH, Pull and PulJ proteins). It is shown here that PulO processes the pulG gene product in vivo. Processing was maximal within 15 seconds, but experiments in which the expression of pulO was uncoupled from that of the other genes in the secretion operon suggest that processing can also occur post-translationally. The products of two pulG derivatives with internal inframe deletions were also processed by PulO, but the three PulG-PhoA hybrids, two PulJ-PhoA hybrids and the single PulH-PhoA hybrid tested did not appear to be processed. Sucrose gradient fraction experiments showed that both precursor and mature forms of PulG appear to be associated with low-density, outer membrane vesicles prepared by osmotic lysis of sphaeroplasts. Neither the xcpA gene nor the Bacillus subtilis gene comC, which is also homologous to pulO and codes for a protein with type IV prepilin peptidase activity, can correct the pullulanase secretion defect in an Escherichia coli strain carrying all of the genes required for secretion except pulO. Furthermore, neither XcpA nor ComC is able to process prePulG protein in vivo.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin secretion is dependent upon the extracellular protein secretion apparatus encoded by the eps gene locus of Vibrio cholerae . Although the eps gene locus encodes several type four prepilin-like proteins, the peptidase responsible for processing these proteins has not been identified. This report describes the identification of a prepilin peptidase from the V. cholerae genomic database by virtue of its homology with the PilD prepilin peptidase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Plasmid disruption or deletion of this peptidase gene in either El Tor or classical V. cholerae O1 biotype strains results in a dramatic decrease in cholera toxin secretion. In the case of the El Tor biotype mutants, surface expression of the type 4 pilus responsible for mannose-sensitive haemagglutination is abolished. The cloned V. cholerae peptidase processes either EpsI or MshA preproteins when co-expressed in E. coli . Mutation of the V. cholerae peptidase gene also results in a defect in virulence and decreased levels of OmpU. The V. cholerae peptidase gene sequence shows 80% homology with the Vibrio vulnificus VvpD type 4 prepilin peptidase required for pilus assembly and cytolysin secretion in V. vulnificus . Accordingly, the V. cholerae type 4 prepilin peptidase required for pilus assembly and cholera toxin secretion has been designated VcpD.  相似文献   

A multiple sequence alignment of eukaryotic-type DNA polymerases led to the identification of two regions of amino acid residues that are only present in the group of DNA polymerases that make use of terminal proteins. (TPs) as primers to initiate DNA replication of linear genomes. These amino acid regions (named terminal region (TPR protein-1 and TPR-2) are inserted between the generally conserved motifs Dx(2)SLYP and Kx(3)NSxYG (TPR-1) and motifs Kx(3)NSxYG and YxDTDS (TPR-2) of the eukaryotic-type family of DNA polymerases. We carried out site-directed mutagenesis in two of the most conserved residues of phi29 DNA polymerase TPR-1 to study the possible role of this specific region. Two mutant DNA polymerases, in conserved residues AsP332 and Leu342, were purified and subjected to a detailed biochemical analysis of their enzymatic activities. Both mutant DNA polymerases were essentially normal when assayed for synthetic activities in DNA-primed reactions. However, mutant D332Y was drastically affected in phi29 TP-DNA replication as a consequence of a large reduction in the catalytic efficiency of the protein-primed reactions. The molecular basis of this defect is a non-functional interaction with TP that strongly reduces the activity of the DNA polymerase/TP heterodimer.  相似文献   

In a search for clones from a λgtl 1 expression library of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) genomic DNA that expressed epitopes from a 70-kDa iron-repressible membrane protein, we inadvertently identified clones that encoded a member of the 90-kDa heat-shock protein (HSP 90) family. The gene appears to encode a homologue of HtpG, as the nucleotide sequence has ∼70% identity with the Escherichia coli (Ec) and Vibrio fischeri htpG. Growth of an Aa htpG insertion mutant at 42°C was reduced to 50% of the parent strain, similar to an Ec htpG deletion mutant. These data suggest that Aa HtpG performs a function similar to Ec HtpG.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion is required for many cellular processes. In fungi, cell-cell contact during mating, flocculation or virulence is mediated by adhesins, which typically are glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-modified cell wall glycoproteins. Proteins with internal repeats (PIR) are surface proteins involved in the response to stress. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe no adhesins or PIR proteins have been described. Here we study the S. pombe Map4p, which defines a new class of surface protein that is not GPI-modified and has a serine/threonine rich domain and internal repeats that differ from those present in PIR proteins. Map4p is a mating type-specific adhesin required for mating in h(+) cells and enhances cell adhesion when overexpressed.  相似文献   

A deletion mutation affecting vpu was introduced into an infectious molecular clone of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and the resultant phenotype was examined after infection of human T lymphocytes. The absence of vpu resulted in an accumulation of cell-associated viral proteins and impaired the release of progeny virions. Both electron microscopic and biochemical analyses indicated that a large proportion of the mutant particles was attached to the surface of infected cells. Significant variation in the size and shape of these progeny virions was observed. In addition, intracytoplasmic particles, some of which formed aberrant budding structures, were visualized in T cells infected with the vpu mutant. Indirect immunofluorescence analyses of cultures inoculated with wild-type virus with use of a vpu-specific antiserum demonstrated that vpu is mainly localized to a perinuclear region in the cytoplasm of virus-producing cells.  相似文献   

Cell junctions are essential to maintain polarity and tissue integrity. Epithelial cell junctions are composed of distinct sub-compartments that together ensure the strong adhesion between neighboring cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans epithelia, the apical junction (CeAJ) forms a single electron-dense structure, but at the molecular level it is composed of two sub-compartments that function redundantly and localize independently as two distinct but adjacent circumferential rings on the lateral plasma membrane. While investigating the role of the multi PDZ-domain containing protein MAGI-1 during C. elegans epidermal morphogenesis, we found that MAGI-1 localizes apical to both the Cadherin/Catenin (CCC) and AJM-1/DLG-1 (DAC) containing sub-domains. Removal of MAGI-1 function causes a loss of junctional compartmentalization along the lateral membrane and reduces the overall robustness of cell-cell adhesion mediated by either type of cell junctions. Our results suggest that MAGI-1 functions as an “organizer” that ensures the correct segregation of different cell adhesion complexes into distinct domains along the lateral plasma membrane. Thus, the formation of stable junctions requires the proper distribution of the CCC and DAC adhesion protein complexes along the lateral plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The differences between archaeal and bacterial flagella are becoming more apparent as research on the archaeal structure progresses. One crucial difference is the presence of a leader peptide on archaeal preflagellins, which is removed from the flagellin prior to its incorporation into the flagellar filament. The enzyme responsible for the removal of the flagellin leader peptide was identified as FlaK. FlaK of Methanococcus voltae retains its preflagellin peptidase activity when expressed in Escherichia coli and used in an in vitro assay. Homologous recombination of an integration vector into the chromosomal copy of flaK resulted in a non-motile, non-flagellated phenotype. The flagellins of the mutant had larger molecular weights than their wild-type counterparts, as expected if they retained their 11- to 12-amino-acid leader peptide. Membranes of the flaK mutant were unable to process preflagellin in the in vitro assay. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that two aspartic acid residues conserved with ones in type IV prepilin peptidases were necessary for proper recognition or processing of the preflagellin. As bacterial flagellins lack a leader peptide and a peptidase is not required for export and assembly, the requirement for FlaK further emphasizes the similarity archaeal flagella have with type IV pili, rather than with bacterial flagella.  相似文献   

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is a Gram-negative coccobacillus that can cause various forms of severe periodontitis and other nonoral infections in human patients. The serotype a-specific polysaccharide antigen of A. actinomycetemcomitans contains solely 6-deoxy-D-talose and its O-2 acetylated modification. This polysaccharide is synthesized from the donor GDP-6-deoxy-D-talose with the relevant talosylation enzyme(s). In the synthesis of GDP-6- deoxy-D-talose, GDP-D-mannose is first converted by GDP-mannose-4,6-dehydratase (GMD) to GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-mannose and then reduced to GDP-6-deoxy-D-talose by GDP-6-deoxy-D-talose synthetase (GTS). In this study, we cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli the A. actinomycetemcomitans GTS enzyme responsible for the synthesis of GDP-6-deoxy-D-talose. The recombinant A. actinomycetemcomitans GTS enzyme expressed in E. coli converted the GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-intermediate to a novel GDP-deoxyhexose. The synthesized GDP-deoxyhexose was shown to be GDP-6-deoxy-D-talose by HPLC, MALDI-TOF MS, and NMR spectroscopy. The functional expression of gts provides another enzymatically defined pathway for the synthesis of GDP-deoxyhexoses, which can be used as donors for the corresponding glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a tight boundary formed between endothelial cells and astrocytes, which separates and protects brain from most pathogens as well as neural toxins in circulation. However, detailed molecular players involved in formation of BBB are not completely known. Dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1)-proteoglycan (PG), which is known to be involved in mineralization of bones and dentin, is also expressed in soft tissues including brain with unknown functions. In the present study, we reported that DMP1-PG was expressed in brain astrocytes and enriched in BBB units. The only glycosylation site of DMP1 is serine89 (S89) in the N-terminal domain of the protein in mouse. Mutant mice with DMP1 point mutations changing S89 to glycine (S89G), which completely eradicated glycosylation of the protein, demonstrated severe BBB disruption. Another breed of DMP1 mutant mice, which lacked the C-terminal domain of DMP1, manifested normal BBB function. The polarity of S89G-DMP1 astrocytes was disrupted and cell-cell adhesion was loosened. Through a battery of analyses, we found that DMP1 glycosylation was critically required for astrocyte maturation both in vitro and in vivo. S89G-DMP1 mutant astrocytes failed to express aquaporin 4 and had reduced laminin and ZO1 expression, which resulted in disruption of BBB. Interestingly, overexpression of wild-type DMP1-PG in mouse brain driven by the nestin promoter elevated laminin and ZO1 expression beyond wild type levels and could effectively resisted intravenous mannitol-induced BBB reversible opening. Taken together, our study not only revealed a novel element, i.e., DMP1-PG, that regulated BBB formation, but also assigned a new function to DMP1-PG.  相似文献   

An experimental system was developed to generate infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) lacking matrix (M) protein expression (M-null virus) from cDNA. The role of the M protein in virus assembly was then examined by infecting HEp-2 and Vero cells with the M-null virus and assessing the impact on infectious virus production and viral protein trafficking. In the absence of M, the production of infectious progeny was strongly impaired. Immunofluorescence (IF) microscopy analysis using antibodies against the nucleoprotein (N), attachment protein (G), and fusion protein (F) failed to detect the characteristic virus-induced cell surface filaments, which are believed to represent infectious virions. In addition, a large proportion of the N protein was detected in viral replication factories termed inclusion bodies (IBs). High-resolution analysis of the surface of M-null virus-infected cells by field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of large areas with densely packed, uniformly short filaments. Although unusually short, these filaments were otherwise similar to those induced by an M-containing control virus, including the presence of the viral G and F proteins. The abundance of the short, stunted filaments in the absence of M indicates that M is not required for the initial stages of filament formation but plays an important role in the maturation or elongation of these structures. In addition, the absence of mature viral filaments and the simultaneous increase in the level of the N protein within IBs suggest that the M protein is involved in the transport of viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes from cytoplasmic IBs to sites of budding.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B) is prominently expressed during early stages of neuronal development, and it has been implicated in axonal growth and guidance. MAP1B expression is also found in the adult brain in areas of significant synaptic plasticity. Here, we demonstrate that MAP1B is present in dendritic spines, and we describe a decrease in the density of mature dendritic spines in neurons of MAP1B-deficient mice that was accompanied by an increase in the number of immature filopodia-like protrusions. Although these neurons exhibited normal passive membrane properties and action potential firing, AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic currents were significantly diminished. Moreover, we observed a significant decrease in Rac1 activity and an increase in RhoA activity in the post-synaptic densities of adult MAP1B(+/-) mice when compared with wild type controls. MAP1B(+/-) fractions also exhibited a decrease in phosphorylated cofilin. Taken together, these results indicate a new and important role for MAP1B in the formation and maturation of dendritic spines, possibly through the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. This activity of MAP1B could contribute to the regulation of synaptic activity and plasticity in the adult brain.  相似文献   

Dendritic filopodia are thought to participate in neuronal contact formation and development of dendritic spines; however, molecules that regulate filopodia extension and their maturation to spines remain largely unknown. Here we identify paralemmin-1 as a regulator of filopodia induction and spine maturation. Paralemmin-1 localizes to dendritic membranes, and its ability to induce filopodia and recruit synaptic elements to contact sites requires protein acylation. Effects of paralemmin-1 on synapse maturation are modulated by alternative splicing that regulates spine formation and recruitment of AMPA-type glutamate receptors. Paralemmin-1 enrichment at the plasma membrane is subject to rapid changes in neuronal excitability, and this process controls neuronal activity-driven effects on protrusion expansion. Knockdown of paralemmin-1 in developing neurons reduces the number of filopodia and spines formed and diminishes the effects of Shank1b on the transformation of existing filopodia into spines. Our study identifies a key role for paralemmin-1 in spine maturation through modulation of filopodia induction.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein (PICALM), also known as clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein (CALM), was originally isolated as part of the fusion gene CALM/AF10, which results from the chromosomal translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14). CALM is sufficient to drive clathrin assembly in vitro on lipid monolayers and regulates clathrin-coated budding and the size and shape of the vesicles at the plasma membrane. However, the physiological role of CALM has yet to be elucidated. Here, the role of CALM in vivo was investigated using CALM-deficient mice. CALM-deficient mice exhibited retarded growth in utero and were dwarfed throughout their shortened life-spans. Moreover, CALM-deficient mice suffered from severe anemia, and the maturation and iron content in erythroid precursors were severely impaired. CALM-deficient erythroid cells and embryonic fibroblasts exhibited impaired clathrin-mediated endocytosis of transferrin. These results indicate that CALM is required for erythroid maturation and transferrin internalization in mice.  相似文献   

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