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Genetic population structure of Japanese bagrid catfishes   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
 The genetic population structures of four bagrid catfishes, allopatrically distributed in Japan, were investigated based on nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial control region (ca. 420 bp) of 296 specimens from 29 river systems. Almost no sequence variations were found within riverine populations of each species, especially Pseudobagrus ichikawai, in which no individual variations were found in any specimens from eight river systems throughout its range. In contrast, the P. nudiceps population in the Lake Biwa–Yodo River system showed relatively high polymorphism. These results imply that the riverine populations have undergone a bottleneck situation at some time. Most of the riverine populations of P. nudiceps and P. ichikawai, which are mainly distributed in areas around an inland sea or bay, were fixed into a single haplotype for each species. On the other hand, in P. tokiensis and P. aurantiacus, which are distributed in areas surrounding extensive mountainous regions, the haplotype compositions clearly differed among conspecific populations. These results suggest that some degree of gene flow existed among populations of each of the former two species during glacial regression periods. Based on the genetic variability of P. fulvidraco, widely distributed in continental East Asia, and the degree of genetic divergence between P. aurantiacus and its possible sister species, P. taeniatus, in China, the evolutionary rate of East Asian bagrids appears to be relatively low, estimated at a few percent per million years or less. Received: June 5, 2002 / Revised: December 6, 2002 / Accepted: December 26, 2002  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of fossil bagrid catfishes from six Miocene to Pleistocene localities in Japan are described. A new species of the Middle Miocene bagrid,Pseudobagrus ikiensis, is described, based on five nearly complete specimens (ca. 19 cm SL) and one half-body specimen from the Chojabaru Formation (15 Ma) of the Iki Group in Nagasaki Prefecture. The species is diagnosed by a unique combination of characters: 14–16 anal fin rays, 44–47 vertebrae, deeply forked caudal fin, pectoral spines with serrations on the anterior edge and supraoccipital process extending to the first pterygiophore of the dorsal fin.Pseudobagrus ikiensis is morphologically close to the extantP. fulvidraco, which is widely distributed in China, Siberia and the Korean Peninsula, suggesting that both lineages had appeared by the Middle Miocene. All other fossil specimens are from the Pliocene (3–4 Ma) Ueno Formation (lowest Kobiwako Group, Ohyamada, Mie Pref.) and Tokai Group (Tsu, Mie Pref.), and Pleistocene cave deposits (Inasa, Shizuoka Pref., Mine, Yamaguchi Pref. and Kanogawa, Ehime Pref.). These are incomplete, comprising mainly dorsal and pectoral spines. Being indistinguishable from the extantP. nudiceps, they are thus considered to be included in that lineage. Although the geological distribution of these Plio-Pleistocene fossils nearly overlaps that of the extantP. nudiceps (west of the Suzuka Mountains), fossil specimens have also been found in the Ise Bay area (Tsu), whereP. ichikawai is the only extant bagrid, and further east (Inasa). Based on evidence that the latter is not a sister species ofP. nudiceps, the distribution of the fossils indicates that the range ofP. nudiceps was restricted to west of the Suzuka Mts. during the Pleistocene or Holocene.  相似文献   

We explore the intrafamilial relationships of East Asian bagrid catfishes (Hemibagrus, Pseudobagrus, Pelteobagrus, and Leiocassis) based on 245 sequences of 1092 bp mitochondrial cytochrome b fragments. Four haplotypes were found to be shared by Pseudobagrus ussuriensis, Pelteobagrus vachelli and Pelteobagrus nitidus. Phylogenetic trees were performed using the neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian likelihood methods. The phylogenetic trees based on NJ, MP, ML and BL inferences strongly support polyphyleticism for the currently recognized genera Pseudobagrus, Pelteobagrus and Leiocassis. However, the species currently assigned to these three genera form a robustly monophyletic group with relatively low genetic divergence. The structure of maxillary barbels and serrations on the anterior edge of the pectoral spines seem to be indicatory of appropriate phylogenetic traits. We propose that only Hemibagrus and Pseudobagrus are the only valid genera of East Asian bagrids. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Long-eared bats of the genus Plecotus are widespread and common over most of the western Palaearctic. Based on recent molecular evidence, they proved to represent a complex of several cryptic species, with three new species being described from Europe in 2002. Evolutionary relationships among the different lineages are still fragmentary because of the limited geographic coverage of previous studies. Here we analyze Plecotus mitochondrial DNA sequences from the entire Mediterranean region and Atlantic Islands. Phylogenetic reconstructions group these western Palaearctic Plecotus into two major clades which split at least 5 Myr ago and that are each subdivided into further subgroups. An 'auritus group' includes the traditional P. auritus species and its sister taxon P. macrobullaris (=P. alpinus) plus related specimens from the Middle East. P. auritus and P. macrobullaris have broadly overlapping distributions in Europe, although the latter is apparently more restricted to mountain ranges. The other major clade, the 'austriacus group,' includes the European species P. austriacus and at least two other related taxa from North Africa (including P. teneriffae from the Canary Islands), the Balkans and Anatolia (P. kolombatovici). The sister species of this 'austriacus group' is P. balensis, an Ethiopian endemic. Phylogenetic reconstructions further suggest that P. austriacus reached Madeira during its relatively recent westward expansion through Europe, while the Canary Islands were colonized by a North African ancestor. Although colonization of the two groups of Atlantic Islands by Plecotus bats followed very distinct routes, neither involved lineages from the 'auritus group.' Furthermore, the Strait of Gibraltar perfectly segregates the distinct lineages, which confirms its key role as a geographic barrier. This study also stresses the biogeographical importance of the Mediterranean region, and particularly of North Africa, in understanding the evolution of the western Palaearctic biotas.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of red deer (Cervus elaphus)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In order to understand the origin, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the species Cervus elaphus, we examined the DNA sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 51 populations of deer from the entire distribution area of Cervinae with an emphasis on Europe and Asia. Several methods, including maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and nested clade analysis, revealed that red deer originated from the area between Kyrgyzstan and Northern India. We found two distinct groups of red deer: a western group consisting of four subgroups and an eastern group consisting of three subgroups. Our mtDNA data do not support the traditional classification of red deer as only one species nor its division into numerous subspecies. The discrepancies between the geographical pattern of differentiation based on mtDNA cytochrome b and the existing specific and subspecific taxonomy based on morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genomes of two basal anurans, Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Anura; Bombinatoridae), were sequenced. The gene order of their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is identical to that of canonical vertebrate mtDNA. In contrast, we show that there are structural differences in regulatory regions and protein coding genes between the mtDNA of these two closely related species. Corrected sequence divergence between the mtDNA of B. bombina and B. variegata amounts to 8.7% (2.3% divergence in amino acids). Comparisons with two East Asian congeners show that the control region contains two repeat regions, LV1 and LV2, present in all species except for B. bombina, in which LV2 has been secondarily lost. The rRNAs and tRNAs are characterized by low nucleotide divergence. The protein coding genes are considerably more disparate, although functional constraint is high but variable among genes, as evidenced by dN/dS ratios. A mtDNA phylogeny established the distribution of autapomorphic nonsynonomous substitutions in the mitogenomes of B. bombina and B. variegata. Nine of 98 nonsynonomous substitutions led to radical amino acid replacements that may alter mitochondrial protein function. Most radical substitutions were found in ND2, ND4, or ND5, encoding mitochondrial subunits of complex I of the electron transport system. The extensive divergence between the mitogenomes of B. bombina and B. variegata is discussed in terms of its possible role in impeding gene flow in natural hybrid zones between these two species.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of Japanese primary and some secondary freshwater fishes was analyzed using parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE). Analysis of 73 taxa (species and intraspecific forms) on the four main islands of Japan (divided into 25 geographic areas), produced 44 most parsimonious cladograms. In all of the latter, a total of eight single and compound areas were recognized as endemic areas in nested relationships. The area cladograms showed Japan as comprising a middle-eastern Hokkaido area plus southern areas, the latter containing mainly a northeastern-Honshu endemic area and more heterogeneous southwestern areas, including four endemic areas (western Kyushu, southeastern Chugoku, middle Kinki and Tokai around Ise Bay) and several peripheral areas. Some patterns, e.g., the distinction in fauna across Fossa Magna, noted by previous studies, were supported by these results. Even though the analysis had some problems (e.g., not all geographic ranges of taxa could be included), it provided evidence for the detection of general distribution patterns, because the relationships or similarities among areas were clearly defined by shared taxa. To demonstrate the historical implications of the analysis, the allopatric distribution of, four bagrid catfishes was reconsidered in the area cladogram. The general pattern implied secondary extinction ofPseudobagrus nudiceps around lse Bay, which was in keeping with the fossil record.  相似文献   

叉尾斗鱼种群遗传变异与亲缘地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析采自珠江、鉴江、漠阳江、赣江、韩江、黄冈河、九龙江和闽江8个流域23个采样点121尾叉尾斗鱼mtDNA控制区3'端和临近序列共400bp,研究其种群遗传变异和亲缘地理格局。所分析序列只有13个变异位点,共有11个单倍型,碱基序列总的单倍型多样性为0.576,核苷酸多样性为0.00818,均较低。珠江流域存在群体内独有单倍型,有两个广布单倍型H1和H2,分别占所有样品的19%和62%。最小进化网络图显示单倍型没有明显的亲缘地理格局,呈星状发散,H1和H2处于中心。AMOVA分析显示变异主要来自地理区内群体间,歧点分布和中性检测显示叉尾斗鱼并未经历种群扩张。结果表明叉尾斗鱼种群遗传多样性很低且存在地理差异;各流域个体呈混杂分布格局,现有群体可能在珠江流域有东西两个起源;推测种群最近经历严重瓶颈效应。  相似文献   

Wang JP  Hsu KC  Chiang TY 《Molecular ecology》2000,9(10):1483-1494
Nucleotide sequences of 3' end of the cytochrome b gene, tRNA genes, D-loop control region, and the 5' end of the 12S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to assess the genetic and phylogeographic structure of Acrossocheilus paradoxus populations, a Cyprinidae fish of Taiwan. A hierarchical examination of populations in 12 major streams from three geographical regions using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicates high genetic differentiation both among populations (PhiST = 0.511, P < 0.001) and among regions (PhiCT = 0.368, P < 0.001). Limited migration largely contributed to the genetic differentiation. High nucleotide diversity (1.13%) and haplotype diversity (0.80%) were detected among populations. The degree of genetic differentiation was correlated with geographical distance between populations, a result consistent with the one-dimensional stepping stone models. A neighbour-joining tree recovered by (DAMBE) supports the pattern of isolation by distance and reveals a closer relationship between populations of the central and southern regions. A minimum spanning network based on nucleotide substitutions reflected migration routes from populations of the central region to the northern and southern regions, respectively. Postglacial colonization and expansion can explain the phylogeographical pattern. Single and ancient migration events may have allowed the northern region to attain the monophyly of mtDNA alleles. In contrast, most populations within geographical regions are either paraphyletic or polyphyletic due to the relatively shorter time period for coalescence. Both low haplotype number and genetic variability suggest a bottleneck event in the Chingmei population of northern Taiwan. Based on coalescence theory, the monophyly of the Tungkang population of the southern region may be associated with a founder event.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of the Japanese pond turtle, Mauremys japonica (Temminck and Schlegel, 1835), which is an endemic species in Japan, was studied by analyzing the variation in two mitochondrial DNA sequences, the cytochrome b gene and the control region. These analyses suggest that M. japonica comprises two major groups. The first one was found in the more eastern region, eastern Honshu Island and Shikoku Island, while the second was found in a western region, Kyushu Island and the Chugoku District (the westernmost part of Honshu Island). The boundary between the two groups is located in the Chugoku District. The nucleotide and haplotype diversities were very low, and these low diversities seem to have been caused by a bottleneck in the last glacial age. These results suggest that this species survived the last glacial period in two refugia, one in the central part of Honshu Island and the other one in Kyushu Island. Subsequently, population expansion took place in the postglacial period, and the groups from the two refugia extended their distribution ranges to the present boundary in the Chugoku District which represents a secondary contact zone.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Liolaemus is endemic to temperate South America and includes 190 species. Liolaemus bibronii has a large geographic distribution and inhabits a great diversity of habitats, including the Monte, Steppe, and high Andean grassland environments. Liolaemus gracilis has a similar body size and shape to L. bibronii; the two are parapatrically distributed, and L. gracilis is also widely distributed. Here we use the mtDNA cytb sequence data of these two species to investigate lizard phylogeographic patterns in southern South America. L. bibronii is paraphyletic with respect to L. gracilis, Liolaemus ramirezae, Liolaemus robertmertensi and Liolaemus saxatilis; it is composed of many genetically different allopatric haploclades, some of which are reciprocally monophyletic. We also found evidence for introgression between L. bibronii and L. gracilis in the same area that introgression was hypothesized in the Liolaemus darwinii complex. We discuss the distribution of the major haploclades with inferences of their population histories, the concordance of these clades' distributions and histories with other lizard complexes studied with the same markers and methods, and taxonomic implications of these results.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography of Nearctic and Palearctic fishes   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
Combining phylogeographic data from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Nearctic and Palearctic freshwater and anadromous fishes, we used a comparative approach to assess the influence of historical events on evolutionary patterns and processes in regional fish faunas. Specifically, we (i) determined whether regional faunas differentially affected by Pleistocene glaciations show predictable differences in phylogeographic patterns; (ii) evaluated how processes of divergence and speciation have been influenced by such differential responses; and (iii) assessed the general contribution of phylogeographic studies to conservation issues. Comparisons among case studies revealed fundamental differences in phylogeographic patterns among regional faunas. Tree topologies were typically deeper for species from nonglaciated regions compared to northern species, whereas species with partially glaciated ranges were intermediate in their characteristics. Phylogeographic patterns were strikingly similar among southern species, whereas species in glaciated areas showed reduced concordance. The extent and locations of secondary contact among mtDNA lineages varied greatly among northern species, resulting in reduced intraspecific concordance of genetic markers for some northern species. Regression analysis of phylogeographic data for 42 species revealed significant latitudinal shifts in intraspecific genetic diversity. Both relative nucleotide diversity and estimates of evolutionary effective population size showed significant breakpoints matching the median latitude for the southern limit of the Pleistocene glaciations. Similarly, analysis of clade depth of phylogenetically distinct lineages vs. area occupied showed that evolutionary dispersal rates of species from glaciated and nonglaciated regions differed by two orders of magnitude. A negative relationship was also found between sequence divergence among sister species as a function of their median distributional latitude, indicating that recent bursts of speciation events have occurred in deglaciated habitats. Phylogeographic evidence for parallel evolution of sympatric northern species pairs in postglacial times suggested that differentiation of cospecific morphotypes may be driven by ecological release. Altogether, these results demonstrate that comparative phylogeography can be used to evaluate not only phylogeographic patterns but also evolutionary processes. As well as having significant implications for conservation programs, this approach enables new avenues of research for examining the regional, historical, and ecological factors involved in shaping intraspecific genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Synopsis Hybrids between the clariid speciesClarias macrocephalus andC. batrachus and the pangasiid speciesPangasius sutchi were obtained by hormone injection of brood stock and artificial fertilization. Pure parental crosses as well as all possible hybrid combinations were obtained. Fertility, hatchability, and post-yolk absorption survival was high (66–99%) in all pure parental crosses and in all crosses between the two species ofClarias. In crosses betweenClarias andPangasius fertilization was also very high (68–97%) but hatchability varied from 11 to 23% and post-yolk absorption survival from 0% inPangasius sutchi ×Clarias batrachus to about 50% inPangasius sutchi ×Clarias macrocephalus . The longest-lived hybrids ofPangasius andClarias were those ofPangasius sutchi ×Clarias macrocephalus which survived until the experiment was prematurely terminated due to contaminated food after 4 1/2 months, at which point they had grown to total lengths of 8–14cm. The hybrids comprised four morphotypes, two relativelyPangasius-like and two relativelyClarias-like, but all markedly different from the parental species.  相似文献   

The genus Veronica s. lat. comprises about 450 species (including about 180 species from the southern hemisphere Hebe-complex), many of which grow in the Mediterranean area. Their extreme variability in morphology, life form and habitats has led to many suggestions regarding evolution and biogeography. Difficulties arise from parallel syndromes, widespread among alpine species and lowland perennials, and particularly among annual species of the genus. We have used sequences of the plastid trnL-F region and nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences to differentiate between different clades of Veronica and reveal cases of parallel evolution. Based on this data, cases of parallel evolution have been found in biogeographical patterns among the alpine species of Veroniceae, in which species from European mountains have affinities to those in the Central Asian/Himalayan region whereas alpine species from Turkey are probably more recently derived from lowland southwestern Asian taxa. Different subspecies of Veronica bombycina gained their characteristic morphology independently and parallel in adaptation to their alpine environment. Pinnatifid leaves have been gained parallel in perennial grassland species of Veronica. Finally, parallel evolutionary trends in many characters, not only morphological but also molecular characters, are common among annual species of Veronica.We wish to thank the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes for a doctoral scholarship to DCA and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia for a postdoctoral grant (programa FPI) to MMO. This work was partially supported by the Junta de Castilla y Leon and the European Union (FSE) through the research project SA117/01. We also thank Prof. F. Ehrendorfer for critical comments and valuable discussions. Further, DCA thanks Daniela Hanfland and Yoshiki Nakamoto for help in the field. Manfred A. Fischer, Lena Struwe, Bernhard Dickore, Christoph Dobes, Eberhard Fischer, Niels Köster, Gerald Schneeweiss, Tod Stuessy, Tim Utteridge and Matsugo Yokota have provided plant material for this study.  相似文献   

中间黄颡鱼群体遗传变异与亲缘生物地理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析81尾采自华南西部12条水系的中间黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus intermedius)mtDNA控制区435 bp的序列,研究其群体遗传变异及亲缘生物地理格局。结果显示,中间黄颡鱼群体间的遗传分化较小,核苷酸变异只有0.54%。12条水系的群体共有7个单倍型,其中一些现已相互隔离的水系中的群体共享同一个单倍型,提示这些水系曾经有非常密切的联系。根据嵌套进化支序分析,中间黄颡鱼可能起源于峒中河、北仑河、防城河所在的广西与越南交界地区,并通过两条途径向华南沿海西部诸独立水系和海南岛扩散,在演化过程中,曾发生片断化事件,长距离建群和持续的分布区扩张。  相似文献   

The sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus is a major component of marine shelf and estuarine food webs and an important study organism in behavioural research. Yet, despite the sand goby’s significance, its past and present patterns of migration and gene flow are poorly understood. Here we use the mtDNA control region and parts of the flanking tRNA genes of 63 fish from six localities in the Adriatic (Eastern Mediterranean), Western Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea to investigate the phylogeography of this gobiid. Phylogenetic analyses and population genetics statistics reveal the existence of an Evolutionarily Significant Unit, sensu Moritz (1994), in the Adriatic and another in the Western Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea. A possible biogeographical scenario for the separation of the ancestral population is that sand gobies in the Adriatic and Western Mediterranean split between 10,000 and 5000 years ago when due to the rise in sea temperature they migrated northwards and were bisected by the Italian peninsula. A testable prediction of this scenario is that sand gobies from the Western Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aegean form three reciprocally monophyletic groups which are the descendants of a three-way diversification event.  相似文献   

The cichlid species flock of Lake Tanganyika is comprised of seven seeding lineages that evolved in step with changes of the lake environment. One seeding lineage diversified into at least six lineages within a short period of time. Our study focuses on the diversification of one of these lineages, the Ectodini, comprising highly specialized, sand- and rock-dwelling species. They display two distinct breeding styles: maternal and biparental mouthbrooding. By analyzing three mtDNA gene segments in 30 species representing all 13 described genera, we show that the Ectodini rapidly diversified into four clades at the onset of their radiation. The monotypic genus Grammatotria is likely to represent the most ancestral split, followed by the almost contemporary origin of three additional clades, the first comprising the benthic genus Callochromis, the second comprising the benthic genera Asprotilapia, Xenotilapia, Enantiopus, and Microdontochromis, and the third comprising the semi-pelagic genera Ophthalmotilapia, Cardiopharynx, Cyathopharynx, Ectodus, Aulonocranus, Lestradea, and Cunningtonia. Our study confirms the benthic and sand-dwelling life-style as ancestral. Rocky habitats were colonized independently in the Xenotilapia- and Ophthalmotilapia-clade. The Xenotilapia-clade comprises both maternal and biparental mouthbrooders. Their mode of breeding appears to be highly plastic: biparental mouthbrooding either evolved once in the common ancestor of the clade, to be reverted at least three times, or evolved at least five times independently from a maternally mouthbrooding ancestor. Furthermore, the genera Xenotilapia, Microdontochromis, Lestradea, and Ophthalmotilapia appeared paraphyletic in our analyses, suggesting the need of taxonomic revision.  相似文献   

Traditional subspecies classifications may suggest phylogenetic relationships that are discordant with evolutionary history and mislead evolutionary inference. To more accurately describe evolutionary relationships and inform conservation efforts, we investigated the genetic relationships and demographic histories of Buteo lineatus subspecies in eastern and western North America using 21 nuclear microsatellite loci and 375-base pairs of mitochondrial control region sequence. Frequency based analyses of mitochondrial sequence data support significant population distinction between eastern (B. l. lineatus/alleni/texanus) and western (B. l. elegans) subspecies of B. lineatus. This distinction was further supported by frequency and Bayesian analyses of the microsatellite data. We found evidence of differing demographic histories between regions; among eastern sites, mitochondrial data suggested that rapid population expansion occurred following the end of the last glacial maximum, with B. l. texanus population expansion preceding that of B. l. lineatus/alleni. No evidence of post-glacial population expansion was detected among western samples (B. l. elegans). Rather, microsatellite data suggest that the western population has experienced a recent bottleneck, presumably associated with extensive anthropogenic habitat loss during the 19th and 20th centuries. Our data indicate that eastern and western populations of B. lineatus are genetically distinct lineages, have experienced very different demographic histories, and suggest management as separate conservation units may be warranted.  相似文献   

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