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Summary This article reviews the reported attempts to expose autoradiographs, intended for examination by light microscopy, in the presence of scintillation fluid in order to increase efficiency and thus shorten exposure times. The scintillation process is reviewed, together with the use of comparable techniques in the autoradiography of chromatograms and electrophoresis gels. The conflicting reports on the usefulness of scintillation autoradiography in light microscopy are then discussed, and explanations sought for the wide diversity of claims made for the technique. Many of the more optimistic claims can be explained on the basis that the normal autoradiographs used for comparison had unduly low efficiencies caused by inadequate drying of the emulsion and consequent latent image fading. The techniques used are unlikely to have produced any increase in efficiency through the scintillation process. Optimal conditions for obtaining such increases are derived from theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

Patients with the general type (patient #1 and #2) and the selective pituitary type (#3) of thyroid hormone refractoriness (TR) were studied to clarify defects at peripheral and pituitary receptors. Products of T3 and TSH (n = 63) were calculated when T3 was above the normal limit (T3 > 1.8 ng/ml, 2.8 nmol/l) as one of the indices of pituitary resistance. Means of T3 (ng/ml) x TSH (mU/l) of patient #1 (mean; 40.8), #2 (15.0) and #3 (8.6) were significantly greater than patients with Graves' disease (2.1), suggesting pituitary refractoriness in the 3 patients. The products of patient #1 and #2 were also significantly larger than patient #3, demonstrating that the pituitary insensitivity in the latter (#3) was less than the former patients. Means of serum cholesterol in patients #1 and #2 were higher than patient #3 and patients with Graves' disease. Products of T3 (ng/ml) and cholesterol (mg/ml) (n = 28) in the patient #1 (541.9) and #2 (461.0) were significantly greater than the patient #3 (292.8) and the patients with Graves' disease (275.3). The results demonstrate generalized refractoriness in the patient #1 and #2 and selective pituitary resistance in the patient #3. It is suggested that our patient with the pituitary type (#3) had less severely affected receptors at the pituitary than our two patients with the general type. These results are consistent with the previous hypothesis that the pituitary type of TR is a partial form of this disease.  相似文献   

We have clearly demonstrated corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) immunoreactive cell bodies and nerve fibers in the human hypothalamus by immunocytochemistry using free-floating sections instead of paraffin-embedded sections. Human hypothalami were obtained at autopsy, fixed and cryostat-sectioned at 40 microns. Free-floating sections were immunostained with antibody to CRH using the Vector ABC system. Most of CRH immunoreactive nerve fibers from the paraventricular nucleus pass under the fornix, while some CRH immunoreactive nerve fibers pass beyond the fornix and some through the fornix. Then the CRH immunoreactive nerve fibers run downward, medially to the supraoptic nucleus and toward the pituitary stalk. This method of immunocytochemistry is a very sensitive and suitable means for immunocytochemical studies of neuropeptides in the human brain.  相似文献   



Preterm birth is still the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The level of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is known to be significantly elevated in the maternal plasma at preterm birth. Although, CRH, CRH-binding protein (CRH-BP), CRH-receptor 1 (CRH-R1) and CRH-R2 have been identified both at mRNA and protein level in human placenta, deciduas, fetal membranes, endometrium and myometrium, no corresponding information is yet available on cervix. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the levels of the mRNA species coding for CRH, CRH-BP, CRH-R1 and CRH-R2 in human cervical tissue and myometrium at preterm and term labor and not in labor as well as in the non-pregnant state, and to localize the corresponding proteins employing immunohistochemical analysis.  相似文献   

Hydrocortisone (cortisol) increased the binding of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) to specific membrane receptors in 4 clonal strains of rat pituitary cells. At the highest effective cortisol concentration (3–5 × 10?6 M), the increase was observed within 6–8 hr and became maximal (140 to 160% of control binding) by 18–24 hr. Half-maximum stimulation occurred in serum-containing medium at 9 × 10?8 M cortisol, and a significant increase in TRH binding was seen at 3 × 10?8 M. Equilibrium binding studies showed that enhanced TRH binding was explained by an increase in receptor number with no change in affinity. Similar effects were seen with Dexamethasone, but no increase in TRH binding was noted when testosterone, methyltestosterone, progesterone, estradiol or the antiestrogen Lilly 88571 were added to the culture medium. Cortisol treatment did not cause the appearance of specific TRH binding sites in cell strains previously shown to lack receptors for the tripeptide (F4C1, GH12C1 and R5 cells). When added cortisol was removed from medium, receptor number decayed to control values with a T12 of about 30 hr. Previous studies have shown that TRH receptors in GH-cells can be down-modulated by TRH and thyroid hormones; the present findings demonstrate that glucocorticoid hormones can increase the number of TRH receptors in GH-cells.  相似文献   

Immunoreaction of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was detected not only in well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma but also in hepatocytes forming foci in livers with hyperplastic nodules during 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene hepatocarcinogenesis. The subcellular location of AFP in hepatoma cells was in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, perinuclear space and well-developed Golgi apparatus around the nucleus. In livers with hyperplastic nodules it was also in some parts of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi regions in hepatocytes in the vicinity of submembranous areas or bile canaliculi. These findings suggest that the Golgi apparatus in hepatoma cells acts mainly as an organelle for glycosylation of AFP and that the Golgi complexes in the hepatocytes in livers with hyperplastic nodules are organelles for secretion of AFP. Combined light microscopic immunoperoxidase study and autoradiography with 3H-thymidine revealed a higher cumulative labeling index in AFP-positive hepatoma cells than in non-tumorous areas. Combined electron microscopic immunoperoxidase study and autoradiography showed that hepatoma cells with AFP immunoreactivity only in the rough endoplasmic reticulum had a significantly higher labeling index than did cells with AFP immunoreactivity in both rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. These findings suggest that AFP is synthesized in hepatoma cells before or during the stage of their DNA synthesis and is then transported to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Multiple hormone storage by cells of the human pituitary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While immunostaining serial semi-thin sections of acrylic resin-embedded normal human pituitary using antisera to human pituitary hormones, it became clear that several cells were stained by more than one antiserum. The tissue had been surgically excised from a patient with a prolactinoma. The tumor, which was immunoreactive only with antiprolactin antiserum, was distinctly different from the pieces of tissue under study which had normal pituitary architecture and demonstrated immunoreactivity with antisera against all six of the common pituitary hormones. A major immunoelectron microscopic investigation, using immunocolloidal gold and immunoperoxidase methods, revealed cells in which follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin (PRL) were co-localized to the same electron-dense granules. Some similar cells also possessed electron-lucent granules immunoreactive only for anti-PRL antiserum. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and PRL were also found in the same cell but were very largely localized to separate, morphologically different populations of electron-dense and -lucent storage granules. By employing double immunolabeling, a few granules in the ACTH/PRL cells were shown to be immunoreactive to both anti-ACTH and anti-PRL antisera. The possibility that the multipotential stem cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of 30 breast carcinomas were stained for progesterone receptors (PRs) using a rat monoclonal primary antibody and an alkaline phosphatase-antialkaline phosphatase technique. The micro-TICAS image analysis system was used for evaluation of the staining, with the results obtained by image analysis compared with the results of biochemical assays for PR. Strong positive/negative concordance (90%) was observed between the immunohistochemical and biochemical assays. However, the numerical values of the positive cases in the two assays did not correlate well, possibly because the biochemical assay does not take tumor cellularity into account. Three PR distribution patterns, designated A, B and C, were identified by image analysis among the breast tumors. In the type A pattern, tumor cell nuclei were diffusely and uniformly labeled. In type B, both clearly negative as well as distinctly positive cells were present. In type C tumors, a broad range of labeling reactions (from negative to intensely positive) was observed. These results imply (1) that the PR content of human breast carcinoma may be accurately and objectively assessed by the image analysis of immunohistochemically stained frozen sections, (2) that image analysis may provide a more accurate estimate of the cellular content of PR than do biochemical assays and (3) that PR distribution patterns obtained through image analysis permit the consistent appraisal of intratumoral heterogeneity of PR expression, which is potentially of prognostic importance.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of 30 invasive breast carcinomas were stained for estrogen receptors (ERs) and the tumor cell proliferative rate by an immunoalkaline phosphatase technique. The stained sections were evaluated for ER by the microTICAS image analysis system. Seventeen tumors were ER positive and 13 were ER negative by image analysis. There was 93% concordance between the ER results obtained by image analysis and those obtained by biochemical methods. One case that was ER negative by image analysis was weakly positive by biochemical assay; a second case was ER positive by image analysis but ER negative by biochemical assay. Twelve of the 17 ER-positive tumors were diffusely positive while 5 displayed considerable intratumoral heterogeneity, with tumor cells exhibiting a broad range of intensity of receptor expression. In most cases, the image analysis ER status coincided with the progesterone receptor (PR) status, but in a large minority of cases (41%) the ER status and the PR status differed. Tumors with a high growth fraction (greater than 30%), as measured by Ki-67 immunostaining, were uniformly ER negative. The results of this investigation suggest that immunohistochemical staining of frozen sections for ER aided by automated image analysis (1) reliably detects the receptor in breast carcinoma, (2) allows for the assessment of heterogeneity within tumors and (3) may be used as part of a panel of antibodies to markers of potential prognostic importance in a single small tissue sample.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of pituitary tissue obtained from a total of 37 patients with either breast cancer, diabetic retinopathy, galactorrhea, or acromegaly were dissociated into single cell suspensions prior to cell culture. Release of human growth hormone (hGH) and human prolactin (hPRL) into the culture medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. During a 3-week culture period, prolactin cells released 9–13 times the intracellular levels of hPRL at the time of seeding, whereas hGH release from growth hormone cells was only 1–2 times that of their initial intracellular level during this same time. Both growth hormone and prolactin cells retained distinctive ultrastructural features during culture. The prolactin cells responded to TRH stimulation by elevated release of PRL into the medium. No evidence for mitotic division of prolactin cells in vitro was found.This work was supported by NCI Contract NO 1-CB-23863  相似文献   

Summary Using the PAP unlabelled antibody method, LH, FSH, TSH and ACTH were localized at light microscope level in cultured cells dissociated from the porcine adenohypophysis. Antisera were shown to be specific for the subunits of the porcine glycoprotein hormones by radioimmunoassay and absorption studies. Using these antisera, it was found that LH and FSH were contained within the same cell, with TSH in a separate cell. When absorbed with LH, anti-porcine ACTH stained a separate distinct population of ACTH cells.Adjacent ultra-thin sections stained with anti-pLH and anti-pFSH, and examined at electron microscope level, showed that the ovoid, 150–400 nm secretory granules of the LH/FSH gonadotrophs contained both LH and FSH.The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Carole Smith and Adrian Walsh  相似文献   

The actions of several neuropeptides as hypothalamic mediators in the regulation of Bufo arenarum metamorphosis were investigated. Prometamorphic larvae were injected with 1.5 microg thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 2 microg ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (oCRF), 2 microg mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (mGnRH), 2 microg human growth hormone-releasing hormone (hGHRH), or Holtfreter solution (control group). Larvae received two injections with the same dose: one at the beginning of the experiment and the other 7 days later. Several morphologic parameters (total length, tail length, wet weight, hind limb length, and metamorphic stages) were measured as indicators of growth and metamorphic development. These measurements were taken in 20 larvae per treatment or control group at the beginning of the experiment, at day 7 and at day 14 when the experiment ended. We observed that only the administration of exogenous CRF stimulated resorption of the tail and accelerated the rate of metamorphosis. In the pituitary of CRF-treated larvae we observed that thyrotropin (TSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) producing cells showed a weaker immunoreactivity, a decrease in cell number and a reduction of volume density when compared with normal larvae. In conclusion, the results obtained indicate a possible role for CRF in Bufo arenarum metamorphosis. CRF may regulate interrenal and thyroid activity by acting directly upon TSH and ACTH cells. On the other hand, TRH, GnRH and GHRH were inactive in stimulating growth or metamorphosis of Bufo arenarum. J. Exp. Zool. 286:473-480, 2000.  相似文献   

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