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The composition and abundance of the main zooplankton groups in Cleveland dam (less eutrophic) and Lake Chivero (more eutrophic) were studied. Samples were taken at two-month intervals. Rotifers were the most diverse zooplankton group in both reservoirs. Together with the copepods they formed the bulk of the zooplankton during summer. Cladocerans were particularly present in winter although still at relatively low densities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the combined effect of water transparency and narrow macrophyte belts on zooplankton assemblages in two oxbow lakes (Krapina River, Croatia). Samples were collected in open water and among helophytes in the littoral zone from April until September 2008. Rotifers were the most abundant group of zooplankton in both lakes, and dominated in the Krapina oxbow lake 1 (KO1). Lake KO1 had significantly lower transparency, lower percentage macrophyte cover and higher chlorophyll a concentration than Krapina oxbow lake 2 (KO2). In lake KO1, variation in the horizontal distribution of cladocerans and rotifers in terms of their abundance seemed to be determined by competition between Bosmina longirostris and Keratella cochlearis, initiated by oscillation in transparency and detritus availability. In lake KO2, with higher transparency and higher percentage macrophyte cover, the abundance of small‐ and large‐bodied cladocerans increased in the littoral zone simultaneously with higher transparency, suggesting fish predation. Results of this study indicated that small differences in transparencies between the two lakes caused significant differences in horizontal distribution of the zooplankton assemblage. Even narrow helophyte belts offered a refuge to zooplankton, although lower transparencies reduced the effectiveness of macrophytes as a refuge from predators. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The seasonal cycles of zooplankton were determined for 18 consecutive months in a sewage-enriched lake in northern Canada and were related to algal availability and utilization, food consumption, temperature and the density of predators. Most of the common species (Daphnia pulex, Daphnia middenorffiana, Keratella cochlearis, Keratella quadrata, Polyarthra vulgaris) increased in abundance in May and June, reached a mid-summer maximum, and declined sharply in the fall. Phytoplankton densities increased sharply in May, peaked early in June and gradually decreased through the summer and fall. Since the quantity of algae in the guts remained constant during this period, algal availability and utilization had no direct impact on the seasonal cycles of any species. Furthermore, the amount of ingested material in D. pulex and D. middendorffiana was similar regardless of time of year, implying that the total quantity of food in the environment did not restrict development. Although temperature was the most important factor influencing variations in the densities of all species, predation by Cyclops spp. probably had little effect on the population dynamics of the fauna.  相似文献   

1. With increases in river discharge over time and space, zooplankton generally encounter increased turbulence, turbidity, hydraulic forces, downstream advection and food limitations, all of which should affect species diversity and densities. Of these factors, the role of turbulence on the distribution of zooplankton is least known along longitudinal and lateral dimensions in river networks. 2. We tested the factorial effects of turbulence and grazing level on Ohio River potamoplankton in spring and summer using twelve 1600‐L, outdoor mesocosms. Turbulence was calculated using the Froude number for equal depths but with current velocities of 0.064 and 0.32 m s?1. Grazing levels corresponded to a high density treatment (=ambient river densities of rotifers, copepods and cladocerans) and a low density treatment (initially no zooplankton >64 μm). All tanks had the same water residence time, and hydraulic stress was minimized by circular flow patterns. 3. Zooplankton densities and population growth rates were significantly affected by turbulence level and season. In general, rotifer populations grew faster in high turbulence tanks (though Keratella and Brachionus populations flourished in both treatments in summer) and microcrustaceans thrived better in low turbulence environments. The larger, calanoid copepods handled more turbulent conditions much better than cyclopoids or nauplii. Zooplankton had no detectable effects on particulate organic carbon concentrations in either month (values were higher in spring), but rotifers reduced chlorophyll concentrations in both months. 4. The relative importance of turbulence in controlling potamoplankton is probably to vary not only on a longitudinal basis in river networks but also with both the hydrogeomorphic complexity of river reaches and the type and amount of river regulation. Plans for river rehabilitation and management should incorporate non‐turbulent habitats in large rivers as a means of enhancing zooplankton populations and providing an important food web component for planktivores.  相似文献   

Dennis J. Tafe 《Hydrobiologia》1990,208(1-2):123-130
A comparative analysis of the zooplankton from different salinities was carried out in the Rufiji River delta system, located on the mid Tanzanian coastline opposite Mafia Island (7° 45 S, 39° 20 W).Zooplankton samples were collected by vertical, oblique and horizontal surface tows (250 µm mesh) at three sites, namely at the river mouth (salinity = 20–25), in the estuary (salinity = 12–14), and in the upper reaches of the river (salinity = 0). Samples taken in the river mouth and estuary were collected at two times of the day, which coincided approximately with midday and sunset.A comparison of zooplankton diversity and abundance at the three sites showed that a much richer, more diverse fauna existed at the river mouth and estuary compared to the upper reaches. The zooplankton collected both at the mouth and in the estuary were very abundant at certain times of the day, although differences in faunal composition were found between the two sites.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Dutch Mauritania Expedition 1988, zooplankton was sampled in the beginning of the spring upwelling season at 44 stations along the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. Distribution patterns of oceanic and neritic copepod species and especially of the upwelling indicator Calanoides carinatus (Kröyer) were analysed in search for direct proof of circulation of ocean upwelling water over the inshore banks. The vertical temperature distribution at the stations pointed to upwelling in two different parts of the shelf area. According to the copepod data the two upwellings were of a different nature. A restricted area at the shelf edge near Cap Timiris appeared to represent a relatively stable coastal upwelling situation. Upwelled water present near Cap Blanc was found to have traveled quite recently over a considerable part of the shelf. In the central area between the two upwellings, Banc-water extended from the shelf into the ocean. The possible impact of the observed circulation of ocean water on productivity of the shelf benthic system is discussed.  相似文献   

Bollens  Stephen M.  Cordell  Jeffery R.  Avent  Sean  Hooff  Rian 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):87-110
Invasions of aquatic habitats by non-indigenous species (NIS), including zooplankton, are occurring at an alarming rate and are causing global concern. Although hundreds of such invasions have now been documented, surprisingly little is known about the basic biology and ecology of these invaders in their new habitats. Here we provide an overview of the published literature on NIS zooplankton, separated by life history (holoplankton vs. meroplankton), habitat (marine, estuarine, freshwater), and biological level of organization or topic (e.g. distribution and range extension, physiology, behavior, feeding, community impacts, ecosystem dynamics, etc). Amongst the many findings generated by our literature search, perhaps the most striking is the paucity of studies on community and ecosystem level impacts of NIS zooplankton, especially in marine and estuarine systems. We also present some results from two ongoing studies of invasive zooplankton in the northeast Pacific Ocean – Pseudodiaptomus inopinus in Washington and Oregon coastal estuaries, and Tortanus dextrilobatus in San Francisco Bay. Both of these Asian copepods have recently expanded their range and can at times be extremely abundant (103 m–3). We also examine some aspects of the trophic (predator–prey) ecology of these two invasive copepods, and find that they are likely to be important in the flow of material and energy in the systems in which they now pervade, although their impacts at the ecosystem level remain to be quantified. Finally, the findings of both our literature search and our two case studies of invasive zooplankton lead us to make several recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Nicole Lair 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(2):107-117
The clearance rates of 14 carbon-labelled Chlamydomonas sp. by the copepodite and adult stages of the 2 dominant species of Copepoda were studied in eutrophic Lake Aydat. They varied from 30 to 3,007 µl ind–1 h–1 for Acanthodiaptomus denticornis (mean = 600 µl ind–1 h–1) and from 20 to 1,133 µl ind–1 h–1 for Cyclops vicinus (mean = 340 µl ind–1 h–1). Their maximum assimilation efficiencies were 58% and 50%, respectively. These populations collectively could consume the available food in 4 days during September (maximum daily grazing rate = 24%). Mean individual clearance rates could be ranked Acanthodiaptomus denticornis > Ceriodaphnia quadrangula > Chydorus sphaericus > Daphnia longispina > Cyclops vicinus vicinus > Bosmina longirostris > K. cochlearis > K. quadrata and Kellicottia longispina. Like cladocerans and rotifers, the copepods living in this eutrophic lake can feed at low oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions and density dependent processes are particularly important in the pelagic zone of a lake. Plankton has numerous properties (e.g., short life cycles, size structure) that makes them suitable objects for testing hypotheses and developing concepts relevant for general ecology. Zooplankton being in the center of aquatic food webs and influenced strongly by both bottom-up and top-down processes have often been used as models for ecological paradigms. The trophic-dynamic concept, the theory of population dynamics, and the analysis of predator-prey relationships are examples of successful contributions of zooplankton research. In recent years, zooplankton research has developed new ideas in community, population and evolutionary ecology. This is illustrated by studies on mechanisms of seasonal succession, competition and phenotypic plasticity. The new concept of physiological ecology is explained with copepod diapause behaviour. The blending of ideas from ecology and evolutionary genetics, which is undergoing a rapid development of new tools, will create new paradigms in the future, and zooplankton research will play an important part in this process.  相似文献   

The fish community in the Loosdrecht lakes is dominated by bream, pikeperch and smelt and is characteristic of shallow eutrophic lakes in The Netherlands. The biomasses of the respective fish species amount to ca. 250, 25 and 10 kg ha–1 and correspond to those in Tjeukemeer, another lake in The Netherlands. The average size of bream, however, is much smaller in the Loosdrecht lakes as a consequence of poorer feeding conditions. The zooplankton community in the Loosdrecht lakes is predominantly composed of relatively small species such as Daphnia cucullata, Bosmina coregoni and cyclopoid copepods, whereas in Tjeukemeer, Daphnia hyalina is permanently present in relatively high densities and the other species show a larger mean length. In the Loosdrecht lakes, the absence of D. hyalina and the smaller sizes of the other zooplankton species could be the consequence of a higher predation pressure, in combination with unfavourable feeding conditions for the zooplankton including the low density of green algae and the high density of filamentous cyanobacteria. A biomanipulation experiment in Lake Breukeleveen, one of the Loosdrecht lakes, indicated that feeding conditions were too unfavourable for large zooplankton to develop in spring, when the reduced fish biomass was not yet supplemented by natural recruitment and immigration.  相似文献   

  • 1 The oviposition behaviour of Simulium reptans L. is described from two sites on the River Spey, Scotland. Female aggregations were observed immediately downstream of oviposition sites and were composed mainly of gravid flies (range 60–80%0) together with smaller numbers that were either freshly bloodfed (range 2–17%) or infected with mermithid nematodes (range 0–30%).
  • 2 The time from landing on the oviposition sites to the onset of oviposition was recorded. The time in the presence of greater than 1-day-old eggs did not significantly differ from sites with no eggs present. However, the presence of freshly laid or I-day-old eggs significantly shortened the time to onset of oviposition. The cues that elicit oviposition are unknown but it is speculated that they may involve a pheromone.

This study was carried out in the northern Aegean Sea during late summer and spring. The aim was to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of the zooplankton community across a dynamic frontal area and to investigate how the oceanographic heterogeneity structures the composition of the zooplankton assemblages. The low-salinity and cold Black Sea water coming from the Dardanelles Strait is modified by mixing with the underlying warm and saline Aegean water. These hydrological features result in a pronounced thermohaline front in the northern Aegean Sea throughout the year. In both seasons, zooplankton was collected using both 45 and 200 µm mesh plankton nets. A high abundance of zooplankton was observed in the surface layer at the stations closest to the Dardanelles Strait on the stratified side of the front. The zooplankton distribution and community structure in the northern Aegean Sea were strongly influenced by the hydrological features. The frontal structure acts as a boundary for the zooplankton community. The surface layer at the stratified stations had the lowest copepod diversity, from where it increased with depth and horizontally as the stratification weakened outside of the front. The total abundance of zooplankton collected with the 200 µm net was between two and 20 times lower than samples taken with the 45 µm net. The most pronounced differences were observed for the adults and copepodids of the small genera Oithona, Oncaea and Microsetella. Thus, to manage and understand the transfer of primary production up the food chain in the Aegean Sea, the smaller fraction of copepods should be taken into account in future investigations.  相似文献   

The turbellarian predator Mesostoma ehrenbergii, a common inhabitant of fishless ponds of northern Patagonia, can consume prey larger than 1 mm. Because the feeding strategy of M. ehrenbergii includes mucus trapping and external digestion, this predator may exploit a broad range of prey sizes. We hypothesize that M. ehrenbergii could exert a strong effect on zooplankton composition and body size spectra in Patagonian fishless ponds. We investigated this hypothesis by analyzing the crustacean zooplankton composition and size spectra in five fishless ponds of northern Patagonia, and we carried out experiments to assess predation rates of M. ehrenbergii on potential prey species from 0.8 mm to 6 mm. These ponds were colonized by macrophytes, which favored habitat heterogeneity, especially in the smaller ponds that had higher species richness. The surveyed ponds showed distinctive crustacean zooplankton assemblages and sizes, but all were dominated by calanoid copepods of the genus Boeckella. Our results indicated that M. ehrenbergii consumed the whole size range of offered prey, from ∼0.8 mm (Ceriodaphnia dubia) to ∼6 mm (Parabroteas sarsi). Predation rates were higher for intermediate‐bodied copepods (∼1.5 mm) and C. dubia (0.8 mm), but we did not find conclusive evidence that variations in size spectra of crustacean zooplankton are a result of M. ehrenbergii predation. We suggest that an interaction between prey body size and its evasion tactic might be important to determine the true effect Mesostoma on zooplankters. The structural complexity created by macrophytes in Patagonian fishless ponds may also help account for the lack of a strong predation effect of Mesostoma in the field survey. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Foraging herbivores face twin threats of predation and parasite infection, but the risk of predation has received much more attention. We evaluated, experimentally, the role of olfactory cues in predator and parasite risk assessment on the foraging behaviour of a population of marked, free-ranging, red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). The wallabies adjusted their behaviour according to these olfactory cues. They foraged less, were more vigilant and spent less time at feeders placed in the vicinity of faeces from dogs that had consumed wallaby or kangaroo meat compared with that of dogs feeding on sheep, rabbit or possum meat. Wallabies also showed a species-specific faecal aversion by consuming less food from feeders contaminated with wallaby faeces compared with sympatric kangaroo faeces, whose gastrointestinal parasite fauna differs from that of the wallabies. Combining both parasite and predation cues in a single field experiment revealed that these risks had an additive effect, rather than the wallabies compromising their response to one risk at the expense of the other.  相似文献   

The species and size composition of zooplankton and its seasonal biomass dynamics are discussed and the consumption of zooplankton by nekton organisms is estimated from the results of 12 integrated expeditions of the Pacific Center of Scientific Fisheries performed during 1991–1996 in the region of the South Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

Endemic species swarms constitute large fractions of the millipede faunas of Madeira (29 species of the Cylindroiulus madeirae group, plus six species of Acipes , out of a total of 60 species) and the Canary Islands (46 species of Dolichoiulus , plus four species of the Glomeris alluaudi-group , out of a total of about 79 species). The poorer faunas of the Azores (22 species) and the Cape Verde Islands (15 species) in contrast only include a few endemics. The Cylindroiulus madeirae group and Dolichoiulus show a high degree of diversity of structure (size, colour, leg length etc.) and habitat (laurisilva, xeric habitats, caves). The C. madeirae group, unlike Dolichoiulus , is strongly concentrated in the laurisilva. In this habitat, microhabitat differentiation is pronounced in both swarms.  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution of metazooplankton and large-sized ciliates was studied in four ponds of different salinity in the solar salterns of Sfax (Tunisia). Total zooplankton abundance varied from 1 × 103 to 4.7 × 106 ind m–3. Salinity had a negative effect on the abundance of copepods and rotifers which were absent in the pond with the highest salt concentration (180) in which the number of taxa was low and Artemia or the ciliate Fabrea largely dominated the zooplankton community. Temperature and the presence of Dunaliella salina as prey appeared as key factors in controlling the abundance of Artemia, while organic detritus appeared as important in the diet of Fabrea. Change in zooplankton species composition along the hypersaline gradient (40–90) was primarily related to salinity. However, our data suggest the importance of both the abundance and composition of food in the spatial and temporal variations of some zooplankton species.  相似文献   

Freshwater Copepods and Rotifers: Predators and their Prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three main groups of planktonic animals inhabit the limnetic zone of inland waters and compete for common food resources: rotifers, cladocerans and copepods. In addition to competition, their mutual relationships are strongly influenced by the variable, herbivorous and carnivorous feeding modes of the copepods. Most copepod species, at least in their later developmental stages, are efficient predators. They exhibit various hunting and feeding techniques, which enable them to prey on a wide range of planktonic animals from protozoans to small cladocerans. The rotifers are often the most preferred prey. The scope of this paper is limited to predation of freshwater copepods on rotifer prey. Both cyclopoid and calanoid copepods (genera Cyclops, Acanthocyclops, Mesocyclops, Diacyclops, Tropocyclops, Diaptomus, Eudiaptomus, Boeckella, Epischura and others) as predators and several rotifer species (genera Synchaeta, Polyarthra, Filinia, Conochilus, Conochiloides, Brachionus, Keratella, Asplanchna and others) as prey are reported in various studies on the feeding relationships in limnetic communities. Generally, soft-bodied species are more vulnerable to predation than species possessing spines or external structures or loricate species. However, not only morphological but also behavioural characteristics, e.g., movements and escape reactions, and temporal and spatial distribution of rotifer species are important in regulating the impact of copepod predation. The reported predation rates are high enough to produce top-down control and often achieve or even exceed the reproductive rates of the rotifer populations. These findings are discussed and related to the differences between the life history strategies of limnetic rotifer species, with their ability to quickly utilize seasonally changing food resources, and adjust to the more complicated life strategies of copepods.  相似文献   

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