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《Ecology and evolution》2017,7(23):9925-9934
The evolutionary trajectory of populations through time is influenced by the interplay of forces (biological, evolutionary, and anthropogenic) acting on the standing genetic variation. We used microsatellite and mitochondrial loci to examine the influence of population declines, of varying severity, on genetic diversity within two Hawaiian endemic waterbirds, the Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian gallinule, by comparing historical (samples collected in the late 1800s and early 1900s) and modern (collected in 2012–2013) populations. Population declines simultaneously experienced by Hawaiian coots and Hawaiian gallinules differentially shaped the evolutionary trajectory of these two populations. Within Hawaiian coot, large reductions (between −38.4% and −51.4%) in mitochondrial diversity were observed, although minimal differences were observed in the distribution of allelic and haplotypic frequencies between sampled time periods. Conversely, for Hawaiian gallinule, allelic frequencies were strongly differentiated between time periods, signatures of a genetic bottleneck were detected, and biases in means of the effective population size were observed at microsatellite loci. The strength of the decline appears to have had a greater influence on genetic diversity within Hawaiian gallinule than Hawaiian coot, coincident with the reduction in census size. These species exhibit similar life history characteristics and generation times; therefore, we hypothesize that differences in behavior and colonization history are likely playing a large role in how allelic and haplotypic frequencies are being shaped through time. Furthermore, differences in patterns of genetic diversity within Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian gallinule highlight the influence of demographic and evolutionary processes in shaping how species respond genetically to ecological stressors.  相似文献   

A recently reestablished and increasing population of Hawaiian monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) is encouraging for this endangered species. However, seals in the MHI may be exposed to a broad range of human, pet, livestock, and feral animal pathogens. Our objective was to determine the movement and foraging habitats of Hawaiian monk seals in the MHI relative to the potential exposure of seals to infectious diseases in near-shore marine habitats. We captured 18 monk seals in the MHI between January 27, 2004 and November 29, 2005, tested them for various infectious diseases, and then monitored the foraging movements of 11 of them using satellite-linked radio transmitters for the next 32–167 days. All seals tested negative for canine adenovirus, calicivirus, four morbilliviruses, phocine herpes virus, Leptospira sp., and feline and canine heartworm antigen/antibody. Six of the seals tested positive on complement fixation for Chlamydophila abortus (formerly Chlamydia psittaci). Four seals demonstrated positive titers to Sarcocystis neurona, two to Neospora caninum, and two to Toxoplasma gondii. Fecal cultures showed approximately half (n = 6) positive for E. coli 0157, no Salmonella sp., and only one with Campylobacter sp. Satellite monitored seals spent considerable time foraging, traveling, and resting in neritic waters close to human population centers, agricultural activity, and livestock ranges, and sources of land-based water runoff and sewage dispersal. Consequently, Hawaiian monk seals in the MHI may be at risk of exposure to several infectious disease agents associated with terrestrial animals that can contaminate marine habitats from runoff along drainages and that are known to cause disease in marine mammals. Further, some seals overlapped substantially in their use of coastal habitats and several moved among islands while foraging and were seen on beaches near each other. This suggests that diseased seals could infect healthy conspecifics throughout the MHI.  相似文献   

The Sailor's Hat crater was artificially formed on the south coast of Kaho'olawe Island in 1965 with explosives. The explosion formed a crater about 50 m from the shoreline, which penetrates the watertable to a 5 m depth. The pool at the bottom of the crater meets the criteria of an anchialine pond because it shows tidal fluctuation, has measurable salinity, and lacks surface connections to the sea. The water chemistry of this pool is similar to the ocean except silica is elevated and salinity is slightly depressed suggesting a small groundwater influence. The fauna is dominated by waterboatmen, an endemic shrimp and tubeworm, polychaetes, amphipods, an ostracod, gastropod, solitary ectoproct. anemone, flatworm and sponge. The atyid shrimp, Halocaridina rubra, is a characteristic species of Hawaiian anchialine systems and probably colonized this 32-year old pool by active migration via the watertable. Colonization by the remaining fauna may have occurred by storm surf (for marine species) or with the wind. Most predators are unable to inhabit anchialine ponds because of difficult access due to physical barriers, or to unsuitable ecological conditions. The anchialine habitat and life history strategy of the atyid shrimp have probably been important influences on the adaptative success of H. rubra in the Hawaiian Islands, and may be important characteristics of hypogeal anchialine species elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian Drosophilidae possess spectacular diversity in male foreleg modifications, many of which are unknown in other Diptera. The greatest diversity in foreleg morphology is in the antopocerus, modified tarsus, and ciliated tarsus clade (AMC Clade), a group of 95 species. The modified tarsus flies are divided into the bristle, ciliated, split, and spoon tarsus subgroups. The bristle tarsus species feature one or two rows of thickened setae on the basitarsus. The split tarsus species are characterized by only having four tarsal segments, in contrast to five tarsomeres in the remainder of Diptera. Based on comparisons of the apparent ground state of ventral setal rows across the Hawaiian Drosophila, we suggest that it is the second tarsal segment which has been lost. The spoon tarsus species are characterized by having the second tarsomere modified into a setae‐filled, concave‐shaped spoon. The ciliated tarsus species, all of which possess one or more elongate setae on the tarsus of males, are probably not monophyletic with respect to the bristle tarsus subgroup. The antopocerus flies are characterized by a long basitarsus, with extensive setation on the tibia and basitarsus of some species. The use of these foreleg modifications in courtship behavior has been previously described and it is suggested that they represent the results of sexual selection. The current work expands on previous morphological analyses, presenting a level of detail not previously possible without SEM images. The new characters revealed will figure prominently in future cladistic studies. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This article uses a Native Hawaiian example to raise difficult questions about the role and responsibility of non-Indigenous educators in teaching and supporting Indigenous studies. It challenges educators and educational researchers to think closely about how they might serve as allies in Indigenous struggles for self-determination.  相似文献   

A new species of Dysalotus (family Chiasmodontidae) known only from off the Hawaiian archipelago is described here as Dysalotus pouliulii sp. nov. It differs from all other species of Dysalotus in having a greater number of teeth on the premaxilla (151–198 v. 60–138) and dentary (136–199 v. 76–132) and in a shorter upper jaw [51·9–54·9% of head length (LH) v. 62·4–74·4% LH] and lower jaw (64·8–67·4% in LH v. 75·3–88·1% in LH). A key for the species of Dysalotus and an updated distribution map are provided. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E9B5F1DC‐52E0‐4F53‐9109‐2A8E252AE8CE .  相似文献   

A PCR test for avian malaria in Hawaiian birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The decline of native Hawaiian forest birds since European contact is attributed to factors ranging from habitat destruction to interactions with introduced species. Remaining populations of Hawaiian honeycreepers (Fringillidae: Drepanidinae) are most abundant and diverse in high elevation refuges above the normal range of disease-carrying mosquitoes. Challenge experiments suggest that honeycreepers are highly susceptible to avian malaria (Plasmodium sp.) but resistance exists in some species. In order to detect low levels of malarial infection and quantify prevalence of Plasmodium in high elevation natural populations of Hawaiian birds, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based diagnostic test was developed that identifies rRNA genes of Plasmodium in avian blood samples. Quantitative competitive PCR (QC-PCR) experiments indicate that the detection limit of our test is an order of magnitude greater than that reported for human malaria DNA blot tests. Compared with standard histological methods, the PCR test detected a higher prevalence of diseased birds at mid-elevations. Malaria was detected in three species of native birds living in a high elevation wildlife refuge on the island of Hawaii and in four species from Maui. Our results show that avian malaria is more widespread in Hawaiian forests than previously thought, a finding that has important conservation implications for these threatened species.  相似文献   

The ability to resist desiccation is an important component of biological fitness for terrestrial organisms. Several water balance characteristics have been studied for a strain of laboratory-reared Drosophila mimica and for four populations of D. mimica collected at sites differing in altitude and wetness. In the absence of drinking water, D. mimica are unable to maintain a water balance, even in nearly saturated environments. However, as av (av = r.h.100) decreases, transpiration does not increase as rapidly as expected and absorption remains nearly constant. The size of the fly is not correlated with its water loss characteristics, but some differences in regulation between the sexes are suggested.  相似文献   

This article uses Mauss's thesis on The Gift as a lens through which to critically compare Hawaiian and Māori fisheries. I focus, in particular, on the specific and paradoxical blending of interestedness and disinterestedness in the subsistence sector in Hawaii, and the historical separation of these phenomena in the context of fisheries management in New Zealand. As emergent financial commodities fish symbolises a new type of disjuncture between production and exchange, a disjuncture which is likely to be unsustainable in terms of either human or environmental costs.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the relationship between water balance characteristics and biological fitness have been explored both for a laboratory-reared stock (K85P1) of Drosophila mimica and for each of four field-caught populations of D. mimica. At low av's, there is a clear correlation between water loss rates and survival time, but at saturation, the relationship is less striking. Neither body weight nor sex correlate strongly with water loss rate at 0.70 av, but females survive longer than males. Some differences in the response to desiccation between populations from different collection sites are also suggested.  相似文献   

Three species of Hawaiian amphidromous gobioid fishes are remarkable in their ability to climb waterfalls up to several hundred meters tall. Juvenile Lentipes concolor and Awaous guamensis climb using rapid bursts of axial undulation, whereas juvenile Sicyopterus stimpsoni climb using much slower movements, alternately attaching oral and pelvic sucking disks to the substrate during prolonged bouts of several cycles. Based on these differing climbing styles, we hypothesized that propulsive musculature in juvenile L. concolor and A. guamensis would be dominated by white muscle fibers, whereas S. stimpsoni would exhibit a greater proportion of red muscle fibers than other climbing species. We further predicted that, because adults of these species shift from climbing to burst swimming as their main locomotor behavior, muscle from adult fish of all three species would be dominated by white fibers. To test these hypotheses, we used ATPase assays to evaluate muscle fiber type distribution in Hawaiian climbing gobies for three anatomical regions (midbody, anal, and tail). Axial musculature was dominated by white muscle fibers in juveniles of all three species, but juvenile S. stimpsoni had a significantly greater proportion of red fibers than the other two species. Fiber type proportions of adult fishes did not differ significantly from those of juveniles. Thus, muscle fiber type proportions in juveniles appear to help accommodate differences in locomotor demands among these species, indicating that they overcome the common challenge of waterfall climbing through both diverse behaviors and physiological specializations.  相似文献   

Craniofacial morphology and cultural cranial deformation were analyzed by the computer morphometric system in 79 adult Hawaiian skulls from Mokapu, Oahu. The average Hawaiian male was large, but similar in shape to the female. Both were larger than the present Caucasian, showed a greater dental protrusion, and possessed a larger ANB angle, flatter cranial base, and larger facial heights. Correlations in Hawaiian craniofacial structure were found between an increasing mandibular plane angle and (1) shorter posterior facial height, (2) larger gonial angle, (3) larger cranial base angle, and (4) smaller SNA and SNB angles. Of the 79 skulls studied, 8. 9% were found to have severe head molding or intentional cranial deformation. Significant statistical differences between the molded group and the nonmolded group are, in decreasing significance: (1) larger upper face height, (2) smaller glabella to occiput distance, and (3) increased lower face height with deformation. The morphometric differences were readily seen by graphic comparison between groups. It is postulated that external forces to the neurocranium result in redirection of the growth vectors in the neurocranial functional matrix, including the cranial base, and secondarily, to the orofacial functional matrix. There is a possibility that the cranial deformation is a retention of the normal birth molding changes. The Polynesian “rocker jaw” was found in 81% to 95% of this populace. This mandibular form occurs only with attainment of adult stature and craniofacial form. This data agrees with the hypothesis that mandibular form is modified by the physical forces present and their direction in the orofacial functional matrix.  相似文献   

Body length and axillary girth measurements of more than 600 free‐ranging Hawaiian monk seals from 1 to 20 yr old were analyzed. Comparison of fitted von Bertalanffy growth models confirmed there is no evidence of sexual dimorphism in this species. Substantial differences in growth patterns were detected among seven subpopulations representing the species entire geographic range. The age at which seals would be expected to attain a reference length of 180 cm ranged from just over 3 yr up to almost 7 yr at the various sites. Subpopulations exhibiting slower growth have previously been found to also exhibit lower age‐specific reproductive rates. Differences in growth of seals among sites likely indicate varying environmental conditions determining growth during the time periods represented in the sampled data.  相似文献   

Identifying, assessing, and ranking the impact of individual threats is fundamental to the conservation and recovery of rare and endangered species. In this analysis, we quantify not only the frequency of specific causes-of-death (CODs) among Main Hawaiian Island (MHI) monk seals, but also assess the impact of individual CODs on the intrinsic growth rate, λ, of the MHI population. We used gross necropsy results, histopathology, and other evidence to assign probabilities of 11 COD types to each mortality and then used Monte Carlo sampling to evaluate the influence of each COD on λ. By right censoring realizations involving specific CODs, we were able to estimate λ (and its associated uncertainty) when CODs were selectively removed from influencing survival. Applying the analysis to all known and inferred deaths believed to have occurred 2004–2019, the CODs with the largest influence on λ were anthropogenic trauma, anthropogenic drowning, and protozoal disease. In aggregate, anthropogenic CODs had a larger effect on the growth rate than either natural or disease CODs. Possible bias associated with differential carcass detection, recovery, and COD classification are discussed.  相似文献   

We used sighting reports, including decades of citizen-reported Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) sightings, to describe female breeding biology and reproductive success in the main Hawaiian Islands. We first used this data set to describe the timing of events in the female reproductive cycle. We then conducted an expert review of patterns in sighting histories to detect unobserved pupping events. Finally, we estimated the age-specific reproductive curve for female monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands. Charting reproductive cycles showed indications of the robust condition of female monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands; they nursed pups 12% longer than their counterparts in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and regained condition to molt more quickly after weaning a pup. By examining sighting histories, we were able to infer 25 unobserved pupping events that had previously gone uncounted. We accounted for additional uncertainty with a randomization procedure. After accounting for unobserved pupping events, the age-specific reproductive rate of main Hawaiian Islands monk seals exceeded 0.70 for prime aged females (8–18 years). This is the highest reproductive rate reported for any of the Hawaiian monk seal breeding sites, illustrating the important role of the main Hawaiian Islands population in Hawaiian monk seal recovery.  相似文献   

The impact of alien species on native organisms is a cause for concern worldwide, with biological invasions commonplace today. Suppression efforts targeting many invasive species have included introductions of biological control agents. The numerous releases of biological control agents in the Hawaiian archipelago have resulted in considerable concern for non-target impacts, due to high levels of non-target parasitism observed to occur in some cases. This study investigated the impact of introduced Hymenoptera parasitoids on a Hawaiian moth. The endemic Hawaiian moth Udea stellata (Butler) has seven alien parasitoids associated with it, two purposely introduced, three adventive, and two of uncertain origin. The objective of this study was to determine the relative contribution of the seven parasitoid species to the population dynamics of U. stellata by constructing partial life tables. Marginal attack rates and associated k-values were calculated to allow comparison of mortality factors between experimental sites. Sentinel larvae were deployed on potted host plants and left in the field for 3-day intervals in open and exclusion treatments. The factors that contributed to total mortality in the open treatment were: disappearance (42.1%), death due to unknown reasons during rearing (16.5%) and parasitism (4.9%). The open treatment incurred significantly higher larval disappearance compared to the exclusion treatment (7.8%), which suggests that in large part disappearance is the result of predation. Adventive parasitoids inflicted greater total larval mortality attributable to parasitism (97.0%) than purposely introduced species (3.0%).  相似文献   

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