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The host plant relationships of the aphid genusCryptomyzus were studied by field sampling and laboratory experiments. Host plant suitability and host plant preference were assessed in the laboratory using parthenogenetic females of the summer generations (exules). Differences in reproductive performance and host plant preference were found between closely related taxa ofC. galeopsidis. Host plant preference was correlated with reproductive performance in these forms ofC. galeopsidis. This indicated that evolutionary divergence has occurred and this justifies their status as separate species. It did not prove possible to induce an improvement in the performance of theC. galeopsidis fromLamium galeobdolon onGaleopsis tetrahit, the host plant of a closely related taxon. The life cycles and host plant relationships ofCryptomyzus are defined, including the previously unknown life cycles ofC. heinzei, C. ballotae and two forms ofC. galeopsidis. The results are discussed in relation to host use and their significance for differentiation between closely related aphid taxa.
Résumé Les relations des pucerons du genreCryptomyzus avec leurs plantes hôtes ont été étudiées dans la nature et au laboratoire. L'adéquation de la plante et le choix de l'insecte ont été examinés au laboratoire sur des femelles parthénogétiques des générations estivales (exules). Les différences de performances reproductives et de choix des hôtes étaient liées étroitement à la position taxonomique deC. galeopsidis; chez ces formes deC. galeopsidis les choix entre hôtes étaient liés aux performances reproductives. Ceci indique qu'il y a eu une divergence évolutive et justifie leur statut d'espèces distinctes. Ceci ne prouve pas qu'il soit possible d'induire une amélioration des performances deC. galeopsidis deLamium galeobdolon surGaleopsis tetrahit, plante hôte d'un taxon voisin. Les cycles et les relations avec les plantes hôtes de tous les taxa deCryptomyzus ont été précisés, y compris pour les cycles jusqu'alors inconnus deC. heinzei, C. ballotae et de 2 formes deC. galeopsidis. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de l'utilisation de l'hôte et de leur signification pour la différenciation de taxa très voisins de pucerons.

In field experiments apterous Metopolophium dirhodum produced significantly more alatae when reared on mature plants (milky ripe stage) than on young plants. Nymphal and adult survival and relative growth rate were little affected by the developmental stage of the host plant. Relative growth rate and fecundity were strongly related to temperature. Laboratory experiments confirmed that the developmental stage of wheat had no significant effect on survival or relative growth rate of the aphids. However, laboratory grown plants did not produce the levels of alate production seen in field crops and in the field experiments. It is suggested that in investigations into the effects of the host plant on cereal aphids field grown plants should be used whenever possible. Alate production is proposed as the major plant induced factor affecting the development of M. dirhodum populations on wheat in the field. Alatae developed on mature plants even when the number of aphids was very low.  相似文献   

The large pine aphid, Cinara pinea lives exclusively on Pinus species, where it feeds on the foliated shoots of the current and previous year. The paper describes the development of a computer model designed to simulate the aphid's population dynamics on saplings in the controlled environment of the laboratory, i.e. in the absence of natural enemies. The model was able to account for about 80% of the variation in aphid numbers within and between trees over a three month period. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the number of pine aphids is limited primarily by nymphal emigration, the operation of which is sensitive both to density and to plant quality as reflected in aphid growth rates. Of secondary importance are changes in reproduction acting through increased reproductive delay, again a result of altered growth rates and adult size. Development, too, has an important secondary influence. Contrary to expectation and conventional belief, however, alate production proved to be of negligible importance, either in limiting or regulating population numbers. Alatae are produced in too few numbers and for too short a period to significantly alter the pattern of population change.  相似文献   

Experiments indicated that for offspring of apterousRhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), photoperiod and crowding were the most important determinants of wing development whereas crowding and plant quality were more significant for the next generation. Plant quality became increasingly important as temperature increased while crowding became less so. More alates developed on plants previously infested with aphids, indicating that aphid feeding reduced plant quality. High temperature suppressed alatoid production, but could be overcome by crowding. Temperature appeared to influence wing development indirectly rather than directly by acting on the aphid through the plant. Adult weight and potential fecundity were also reduced for aphids which fed on previously infested plants.  相似文献   

The singular umbrella-like crown shape of Stone pine can be interpreted as a consequence of primary shoot-growth patterns and posterior axis differentiation due to differential secondary growth and down-bending of branches. This paper centres on the first aspect, analysing the growth, branching and flowering behaviour of about 5,000 individual shoots on 27 grafted Stone pines. The data measurement on standing trees allowed to study correlations of topologic and geometric variables in the shoot and their ancestors. The only significant correlations were found with parameters of the mother shoot formed the previous year and with the number of cones born 3 years before by the respective ancestor. The fitted relationships between geometric and topologic shoot and branch variables are the first step of a structural model construction that can be completed with functional components like a radiation and a carbon allocation submodel, stressing the importance of the heavy Stone pine cones as carbon sinks, with a total annual allocation similar to stem wood. In conclusion, the Stone pine crown shape emerges as consequence of the lack of initial vigour differentiation between stem and main-branch apical meristems that favour the generalized sylleptic reiteration in the open-grown trees.  相似文献   

Induced plant responses may affect the behaviour and growth of the attacking herbivore insect. The aphid Sipha flava (Forbes) produces reddish spots on the infested leaf of its host plant Sorghum halepense (L.). In order to assess the consequences on the aphid of this presumptive induced plant response, we studied the feeding behaviour and growth of S. flava on previously infested and non-infested leaves of S. halepense. Considering that the reddish pigment could play a defensive role, its effect on aphid survival was determined in artificial diets. In addition, changes in the histology of the leaf and the chemical nature of the induced pigment were also studied. Aphids devoted a significantly shorter total time to non-penetration activities in infested than in non-infested leaves. Time before the first phloem ingestion tended to be shorter in infested leaves. The mean relative growth rate of S. flava nymphs was significantly higher on infested than on non-infested leaves. Survival of aphids on diet containing the reddish extract was not significantly different from that on the control diet. Infestation of S. halepense by S. flava produced a reddish coloration in the leaf, which was identified as an anthocyanin by UV-visible spectrometry. Light microscopy showed that only mesophyll cells of previously infested plants presented swelled, dispersed, and heterogeneously stained chloroplasts with a higher accumulation of starch granules, no grana arranged in stacks, and reduction in the amount of inner membranes (thylakoids), relatively to chloroplasts of non-infested leaves. Scanning electron micrographs of leaf surface revealed reduced presence of crystalline epicuticular waxes of epidermal cells in infested leaves as compared to non-infested ones. The main conclusion is that the attack of S. flava to S. halepense leaves induced plant susceptibility where aphid feeding behaviour and growth were both enhanced on previously infested leaves.  相似文献   

The influence of plant architecture, host colony size, and host colony structure on the foraging behaviour of the aphid parasitoidAphidius funebris Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) was investigated using a factorial experimental design. The factorial design involved releasing individual parasitoid females in aphid colonies consisting of either 10 or 20 individuals ofUroleucon jaceae L. (Homoptera: Aphididae) of either only larval instar L3 or a mixture of host instars, both on unmanipulated plants and on plants that had all leaves adjacent to the colony removed. Interactions between the parasitoid and its host were recorded until the parasitoid had left the plant. The time females spent on the host plant and the number of eggs laid varied greatly among females. Host colony size significantly affected patch residence time and the number of contacts between parasitoids and aphids. Plant architecture influenced the time-budget of the parasitoids which used leaves adjacent to the aphid colony for attacking aphids. Female oviposition rate was higher on unmanipulated plants than on manipulated plants. No further significant treatment effects on patch residence time, the number of contacts, attacks or ovipositions were found. Oviposition success ofA. funebris was influenced by instar-specific host behaviour. Several rules-of-thumb proposed by foraging theory did not account for parasitoid patch-leaving behaviour.  相似文献   

Naive and experienced females of Ephedrus californicus Baker (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) were tested for their ability to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Attacks lasting 6 s generally resulted in oviposition; the average length was 11.8 s. The proportion of parasitized aphids that was rejected varied with the interval length between attacks. It is suggested that host discrimination is time-dependent and can be induced by a pheromone-like external marker left by a first-attacking female (0–9 h), or by changes in host quality associated with parasite development ( 14 h). Experienced, but not naive, females responded to the external marker, which became less effective with time. In superparasitized aphids, the older of two E. californicus larvae usually eliminated a younger competitor; but younger larvae survived under certain conditions. Mechanisms for the elimination of supernumerary larvae varied with the relative developmental stage of the competitors and included physical combat and physiological suppression. Host instar had no effect on larval competition or the female's ability to discriminate.
Résumé L'aptitude à choisir entre Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Hom. Aphididae) parasités ou non a été examinée chez des femelles nouvelles ou expérimentées d'E. californicus Baker (Hym. Aphidiidae). Les attaques durant 6 s étaient généralement suivies de pontes; la durée moyenne d'une attaque était 11,8 s. La proportion de pucerons parasités refusés, variait avec le laps de temps écoulé entre des attaques. Les femelles nouvelles aussi bien qu'expérimentées rejetaient généralement les pucerons contenant les stades les plus âgés de parasites (13–15 h). Cependant, seules les femelles expérimentées évitaient de pondre dans des pucerons attaqués par une autre dans les 9 h précédentes. Quand des femelles expérimentées pouvaient choisir entre 20 pucerons parasités et 20 pucerons sains, en moyenne 73% des 20 premières attaques étaient sur pucerons sains pour des intervalles 9 h. Des attaques non suivies de pontes, c'est-à-dire durant 5 s, n'intervenaient que pour 3% parmi toutes les premières attaques sur pucerons sains; ces attaques atteignaient ultérieurement 17% pour les pucerons sains et 40% pour les parasités.On en a déduit que la sélection des hôtes est temporelle et peut-être induite par un marqueur externe type phéromone, laissé par la lère femelle attaquante (0–9 h), ou par un changement dans la qualité de l'hôte lié au développement du parasite. Les femelles expérimentées, et non les nouvelles, répondaient au marqueur externe, dont l'efficacité diminue avec le temps.Chez les pucerons superparasités, les mécanismes pour l'élimination des larves en surnombre ont varié avec le stade larvaire des compétiteurs, ils comportaient un combat physique et une suppression physiologique. La larve de E. californicus la plus âgée éliminait généralement une compétitrice plus jeune. Cependant les larves les plus jeunes ont survécu dans certaines conditions; c'est-à-dire quand les premiers stades mandibulés luttaient contre les 2e et. 3e stades sans mandibules. Le stade de l'hôte était sans effet sur la compétition ou sur l'aptitude au choix des femelles.

Adult female red pine cone beetles (Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins) (Coleoptera:Scolytidae) left cones of white pine (Pinus strobus L.) more readily than cones of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) in the first 3 min after being placed on cones. Slices of white pine cones, however, did not elicit different beetle behavior than slices of red pine cones. Beetles bored into white pine as readily as into red pine. We conclude that beetles initially reject white pine due to structural traits, but eventually accept it during prolonged exposure and may utilize white pine in nature.
Résumé C. resinosae Hopkins (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) s'alimente et pond sur les cônes de Pinus resinosa Ait.; il détruit souvent plus de la moitié des graines du pin dans la région des grands lacs aux USA. Cette espèce et les autres Conophthorus sont considérés comme des spécialistes très spécifiques. Nous avons voulu vérifier que les femelles de C. resinosae acceptent plus facilement comme hôtes les cônes de P. resinosae que ceux de P. strobus L. Au laboratoire, les scolytes ont abandonné les cônes de P. strobus plus rapidement que ceux de P. resinosae, au cours des 3 minutes qui ont suivi leur dépôt sur les cônes. Cependant des rondelles de P. resinosae n'ont pas été plus stimulantes que celles de P. strobus; les scolytes n'ont pas foré plus rapidement, ni n'ont plus séjourné sur P. resinosae que sur P. strobus au cours de 1, 2 ou 24 heures de l'expérience. Nous en concluons que les scolytes rejettent de prime abord P. strobus pour ses caractères structuraux, mais qu'ils l'acceptent éventuellement pendant expositions prolongées et peuvent le consommer dans la nature.

The aphid species Cryptomyzus galeopsidis (Kaltenbach) includes several distinct forms which have different host plant relationships and life cycles. Cross breeding was used to elucidate the taxonomic status of these forms and to investigate the inheritance of host preference, reproductive performance and host-alternation. One of the forms appeared to be a distinct species because of the reduced fitness of the hybrids. Other host-alternating and non host-alternating forms are considered conspecific and represent two life cycle strategies. Reproductive performance is probably controlled polygenically, since hybrids show an intermediate performance. Host preference in hybrids showed some degree of dominance and seemed to be determined by only a few genes. Host-alternation is presumed to be inherited monofactorially. The implications for speciation are discussed.
Résumé C. galeopsidis Kaltenbach contient plusieurs formes qui ont différentes relations avec des plantes hôtes et des cycles distincts. Des croisements ont permis d'élucider la taxonomie de ces formes et d'étudier l'hérédité de préférences d'hôtes, des performances reproductives et de l'alternance d'hôtes. Une des formes apparaît comme une espèce distincte par suite de la valeur adaptative réduite des hybrides. Les autres formes avec alternance ou non des hôtes sont considérées comme conspécifiques et représentant deux stratégies vitales différentes. Les performances reproductives sont probablement polygéniques puisque les hybrides ont des performances intermédiaires. Les préférences d'hôtes des hybrides montrent certains degrés de dominance et semblent déterminées par quelques gènes seulement. L'alternance des hôtes est envisagée comme ayant une hérédité monofactorielle. Les conséquences sur la spéciation sont discutées.

The effects of two bacterial endosymbionts, designated PASS and PAR, were evaluated on the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera:Aphididae), in which they occur facultatively, and on the blue alfalfa aphid, A. kondoi Shinji, in which these bacteria have not been found in natural populations. Subclones of pea aphids and blue alfalfa aphids, derived from parent aphid clones that did not contain PASS or PAR, were infected with one or both bacteria, generating PASS- and/or PAR-positive subclones with minimal genetic differences from the parent clones. Under laboratory conditions at 20 °C, PAR consistently reduced the fecundity (by between 19 and 60%) of subclones derived from three different parent pea aphid clones on bur clover, Medicago hispida Gaertn. PAR had intermediate effects on pea aphids reared on sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus L., and had no significant effect on pea aphids on alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. The effect of PASS was either neutral or negative, depending on parent clone as well as host plant. Also at 20 °C, PASS reduced fecundity (70–77%) and longevity (40–48%), and increased the age of first reproduction (by up to 1.5 days) of blue alfalfa aphid reared on alfalfa and clover. PAR had a less dramatic effect (e.g., 30–39% reduction in fecundity) on these traits of blue alfalfa aphid. In contrast, PAR and PASS increased the fitness of pea aphid subclones of one parent clone reared for three generations at 25 °C on each of the three test plants. Without facultative bacteria, fecundity of the parent clone was reduced to a mean total of < 6 offspring per adult at this elevated temperature, but with PASS or PAR, mean total fecundity of its subclones was > 35. However, this ameliorative effect of facultative bacteria at 25 °C was not found for two other sets of parent clones and their derived subclones. Alate production in pea aphids was significantly increased in large populations of two PASS- and PAR-positive subclones relative to their parent clones. Attempts to transmit PASS or PAR horizontally, i.e., from aphid to aphid via feeding on host plants (bur clover), were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

The biochemical profile and metabolism of Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris) (Homoptera, Aphididae) are markedly altered and redirected in response to parasitization by the endophagous braconid Aphidius erviHaliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). In the present study, the role played in the host regulation process by teratocytes, cells deriving from the dissociation of the embryonic membrane of the parasitoid, is taken into consideration. The protein synthesis activity of these cells of embryonic origin is analysed in vitroand an essential characterization of those proteins de novosynthesized and released in the incubation medium is provided. Teratocytes, obtained by dissecting parasitized host aphids, 3, 4 and 5 days after parasitoid oviposition, were incubated in vitroand, at the end of the incubation period, were separated from the medium for SDS-PAGE analysis of both cellular and secreted proteins. Various cellular proteins were more abundant as the time between parasitization and teratocyte collection increased. Furthermore, two proteins, showing an approximate molecular mass of 15 kD (p15) and 45 kD (p45) respectively, were abundantly secreted in the incubation medium by 5 day-old teratocytes. Incubations in presence of 35S radiolabelled amino acids indicated that p15 and p45 are both synthesized by A. erviteratocytes. The amino acid composition of these two proteins was similar to that reported for other insect proteins with a demonstrated nutritional function. The p45 protein was found to be glycosylated. A tentative physiological model describing the host regulation role played by different parasitoid-derived factors is proposed.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of genetic variability in host plant exploitation of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) were studied in several agro-ecosystems, differing in crop plant heterogeneity. An analysis of aphid populations sampled from sugar beet, potatoes, and lettuce revealed changes in the frequency distribution of aphid clones according to their respective host plant adaptations. The spatial unit of differentiation was below an average field size of 3–5 hectares and a differentiation could be found in the centre of potato and sugar beet fields but not at the edge of the fields. On a temporal scale, the differentiation of populations is transitory even on a large-scale basis of highly specialized cropping areas. The ecological parameters of differentiation are discussed with special reference to agro-ecosystems and integrated pest management. Increasing the genetic heterogeneity of crop fields may help to reduce population outbreaks.
Zusammenfassung Die ökologischen Konsequenzen genetischer Variabilität in der Wirtspflanzennutzung von Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) wurden in mehreren Agro-Ökosystemen untersucht, die sich in der Kulturpflanzenheterogenität unterscheiden. Eine Analyse von auf Rüben, Kartoffeln und Salat siedelnden Populationen zeigte eine genetische Differenzierung in Wirtspflanzen-angepaßte Feld-populationen. Die räumliche Einheit solcher Differenzierungen liegt unterhalb einer Feldgröße von 3–5 ha. Eine Differenzierung konnte hier in der Mitte der Felder aber nicht am Rand festgestellt werden. Aus zeitlicher Sicht ist die Differenzierung selbst in großräumigen, spezialisierten Anbaugebieten nur vorübergehend feststellbar. Die ökologischen Parameter der Differenzierung werden besonders in Hinsicht auf die integrierte Schädlingsbekämpfung in Agro-ökosystemen diskutiert. Eine Erhöhung der genetischen Heterogenität von Kulturpflanzenbeständen kann möglicherweise zu einer Verringerung von Blattlaus-Massenvermehrungen beitragen.

When reared in short days (LD 12:12) at 15°C, apterous Acyrthosiphon pisum gave birth to sexual females (oviparae) exclusively for the first eight days of larviposition. After this time they switched to the production of parthenogenetic females (viviparae). Topical application of juvenile hormones I, II and III to fourth instar or adult ovipara-producers induced the precocious appearance of parthenogenetic females in the progeny sequence. Various forms intermediate between oviparae and viviparae were also produced and repetitive JH-I treatments resulted in a few alatiform progeny. However, many of the JH induced apterous, parthenogenetic females appeared to be normal viviparae and were capble of reproduction. Thus, prenatal treatment of oviparous embryos with JH diverts development towards the viviparous form. JH-I treatment of long-day reared A. pisum had no effect on the type of progeny produced.
Effets de l'hormone juvénile sur le polymorphisme d'Acythosiphon pisum
Résumé Quand il est élevé sous jours courts (LN 12/12) à 15°C, le type anglais vert d'Acyrthosiphon pisum ne donne naissance qu'à des femelles sexuées (ovipares) pendant la première partie de sa période de reproduction. Ensuite quelques types intermédiaires ovipares/vivipares peuvent apparaitre avant que les pucerons ne bifurquent spontanément vers la production de femelles parthénogénétiques (vivipares). L'application cutanée d'hormones juvéniles (JH I, II, et III) aux larves de quatrième stade ou à des adultes producteurs d'ovipares provoque l'apparition prématurée d'intermédiaires et de vivipares dans la descendance. Les différentes formes intermédiaires produites par des applications répétées de J.H. comprenaient des types ailés ou partiellement ailés. Cependant, les vivipares aptères induits par J.H. étaient morphologiquement normaux et beaucoup étaient capables de se reproduire. Des traitements semblables aux J.H. de vivipares élevées en jours longs (LN 16/8) n'ont pas eu d'effets sur le type de la descendance.On ne sait pas si l'action de JH exogène sur l'induction des vivipares est direct ou indirect. La reprogrammation des embryons, autrement destinés à se développer comme ovipares, est examinée en relation avec notre connaissance du contrôle endocrine du polymorphisme des pucerons.

The attraction of Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to -pinene was recently shown to be inhibited by limonene. This study shows that added limonene also affects the response of H. abietis to odours from natural host material. The experiments included both pieces of Scots pine suspended in pitfall traps and planted pine seedlings that had either been manually wounded or left intact. By adding a limonene dispenser, the catch of pine weevils in pine-baited traps was reduced by about 80–90% in spring and autumn and by about 40–50% in summer. Limonene substantially reduced the rate at which manually wounded seedlings were attacked by weevils in spring and autumn. For intact seedlings, a limonene-induced reduction in attack rate was found only in autumn. In the absence of limonene, a small wound made on the stem of a seedling increased its probability of being attacked by about fivefold. This figure was estimated by comparing data from all experimental periods with a model assuming a constant ratio of attack rates for the two kinds of seedlings.  相似文献   

The host preference behaviour of the generalist aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemaniwas investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Female A. colemanishowed a preference for the host-plant complex on which they had been reared, even though the same aphid host was involved, demonstrating a host plant preference. This preference was not evident when the parasitoids were dissected from their mummies prior to adult emergence. Host plant preference exhibited during host selection appeared to be induced by chemical cues encountered on the mummy case at the time of emergence, but preferences could be changed by subsequent foraging experiences. It is concluded that plant chemical cues play a major role in determining initial preferences through a process of emergence conditioning but that learning processes, involving cues encountered during oviposition in or contact with the host, can modify these initial preferences.  相似文献   

The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), is polyphagous on over 400 plant species in more than 50 families. Phenotypic plasticity of individuals and genetic variability in the population presumably contribute to this polyphagy. The genetic variability in field populations of M. persicae was assessed with respect to their adaptation to sugar beets and potatoes. An analysis of more than 1 000 clones, sampled during 1980, 1981 and 1982 from different host plants in the field, revealed a wide genetic variability in host plant adaptation to sugar beets as well as to potatoes. Both traits seem to be inherited independently from each other and do not correlate with clone-specific host plant preference of apterous adults. The aphid M. persicae can be characterized as a polyphagous insect species with a wide, continuously distributed variability and a broad phenotypic plasticity. A general differentiation of herbivorous species into generalists and specialists tends to ignore the genetic component in the complex of insect-plant relationships.
Zusammenfassung Die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus Myzus persicae (Sulz.) lebt polyphag an über 400 Pflanzenarten in mehr als 50 Pflanzenfamilien. Ein breites Nahrungsspektrum einer Art ergibt sich jedoch aus der phänotypischen Plastizität des Individuums oder einer Klonlinie und der genetischen Variabilität der Population. Felpopulationen der Grünen Pfirsichblattlaus wurden auf ihre genetische Variabilität bezüglich der Wirtspflanzenanpassung an Rübe und Kartoffel untersucht. Eine Analyse von mehr als 1 000 Klonen, die über die Jahre 1980, 1981 und 1982 im Rheinland gesammelt wurden, lassen eine breite Variabilität in der Wirtspflanzenanpassung der Population erkennen. Beide Merkmale scheinen unabhängig voneinander vererbt zu werden und zeigen keine Beziehung zum Wirtswahlverhalten adult apterer Läuse der entsprechenden Klone. Die Art M. persicae kann daher charakterisiert werden als eine polyphage Insektenart mit einer breiten genetischen Variabilität und einer grossen phänotypischen Plastizität. Eine generelle Differenzierung von Herbivoren in Generalisten und Spezialisten vernachlässigt die genetische Komponente in der komplexen Beziehung zwischen Insekten un ihren Wirtspflanzen.

The jack pine tip beetle, Conophthorus banksianae McPherson (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and the red pine cone beetle, C. resinosae Hopkins, are doubtful sibling species. However, it is possible that these two taxa are valid species that maintain reproductive isolation because they accept different hosts. In a series of laboratory and field cage experiments, the host acceptance behaviours of these two species under choice and no choice conditions were compared. The field experiments demonstrated that the two species have a similar propensity to accept jack pine cones and shoots for feeding, but differ consistently in their acceptance of red pine cones, and variably in their acceptance of red pine shoots. However, the laboratory experiments did not indicate a difference between the two species in their propensity to accept red pine cones for feeding. In field cages, C. resinosae accepted significantly more red pine cones for oviposition than C. banksianae; the situation was reversed for jack pine shoots. In comparison to C. banksianae, C. resinosae is a more generalist feeder. The results from this study suggest that host acceptance behaviour is a permeable barrier unable to ensure reproductive isolation between the two species. Although there are differences in the host acceptance behaviours between C. banksianae and C. resinosae, we conclude that these differences do not necessarily support their designation as distinct species.  相似文献   

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