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Phosphorites of the late Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation exposed in the vicinity of Weng'an, Guizhou Province, and Chadian, Shaanxi Province, South China, contain exceptionally well-preserved algal thalli, acritarchs, and globular microfossils interpreted as animal embryos. Combined optical microscopic and SEM observations provide insights into the taphonomy of phosphatized fossils. Algal cells and tissues are variably resistant to decay, and within preserved populations permineralization began at varying stages of degradation. In consequence, there is a spectrum of quality in cellular preservation. Algal cell walls, acritarch vesicles, and embryo envelopes are commonly encrusted by an isopachous rim of apatite, with cell interiors filled by collophane and later diagenetic dolomite. In contrast, blastomere surfaces of animal embryos are encrusted primarily by minute phosphatic spherules and filaments, possibly reflecting an immediately postmortem infestation of bacteria that provided nucleation sites for phosphate crystal growth. Thus, the same processes that gave rise to Phanerozoic phosphatized Lagerstätten - phosphatic encrustation, and impregnation, probably mediated by microbial activity - effected soft-tissue preservation in the Doushantuo Lagerstätte. It remains unclear how phosphatic ions and organic macro-molecules interact at the molecular level and to what extent specific microbial metabolisms or microenvironmental conditions control the phosphatization of soft tissues. New observations of phosphatized Doushantuo fossils include: a second locality (Chadian) for Wengania globosa , interpreted as an algal thallus and previously known only from Weng'an; microtunnels in Weng'an phosphorites interpreted as pyrite trails; and new taxa described from Weng'an: Meghystrichosphaeridium reticulatum (acritarch), Sarcinophycus radiatus (algal thallus), and one unnamed problematic form.  相似文献   

Wang, Y & Wang, X. 2011: New observations on Cucullus Steiner from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation of Guizhou, South China. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 275–286. The Neoproterozoic genus Cucullus is the most abundant and largest organism in the Miaohe biota in China, but has remained poorly understood both in morphology and classification. New material recently obtained from the upper Doushantuo Formation (Ediacaran) of northeastern Guizhou, South China, indicates that Cucullus bears thin organic walls composed of complex spongin fibres forming vertical filaments, which may have given rise to transverse filaments. Filaments, non‐mineralized spongin fibres, which may have served to support body, regularly interweave with each other in a body, and form openings on body sides that may have served as incurrent canals. The top pores may have served as excurrent canals. The overall features, including the organic wall, the complex spongin fibre networks, and the possible canal system of Cucullus, suggest a primitive element of the Demospongea. This benthic organism lived in a low‐energy, calm environment near or below the storm wave‐base with influence of episodic storms. Cucullus’ base nestled into the muddy substrate and its sacciform body floated in seawater. □ Cucullus, Doushantuo Formation, Neoproterozoic, Porifera, South China.  相似文献   

Numerous macro-organisms of the Doushantuo macrobiota, which were found in the black carbonaceous mudstone of the upper Neoproterozoic Ediacraan Doushantuo Formation in Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province, China, are considered to live on sea floor by their holdfasts. The appearance and preserved forms of the macroalgal holdfasts may provide some data to the study of the living and buried environments of macrobiota. They lived in the lower energy and clear environment, and fixed on a soupground with rich water (about 79 water). Currents, possibly ocean currents, could pull out the macroalgal holdfasts from the soupground and break off the macroalgal foliations. After such events, the corpses of macro-organisms would be covered in a reduced environment by the deposits. Afterwards, a new community, including regenerating and undying macro-organisms, lived continuously on a new deposit. __________ Translated from Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 2005, 23(2): 154-C164 [译自: 微体古生物学报]  相似文献   

Numerous macro-organisms of the Doushantuo macrobiota, which were found in the black carbonaceous mudstone of the upper Neoproterozoic Ediacraan Doushan-tuo Formation in Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province, China, are considered to live on sea floor by their holdfasts. The appearance and preserved forms of the macroalgal holdfasts may provide some data to the study of the living and buried environments ofmacrobiota. They lived in the lower energy and clear environment, and fixed on a soupground with rich water (about 79% water). Currents, possibly ocean currents, could pull out the macroalgal holdfasts from the soupground and break off the macroalgal foliations. After such events, the corpses of macro-organisms would be covered in a reduced environment by the deposits. Afterwards, a new community, including regenerating and undying macro-organisms, lived continuously on a new deposit.  相似文献   

Phosphatic sediments of the Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 600 million years old [Myr]) Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an, South China, contain fossils of multicellular algae preserved in anatomical detail. As revealed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, these fossils include both simple pseudoparenchymatous thalli with apical growth but no cortex-medulla differentiation and more complex thalli characterized by cortex-medulla differentiation and structures interpretable as carposporophytes, suggesting a multiphasic life cycle. Simple pseudoparenchymatous thalli, represented by Wengania, Gremiphyca, and Thallophycoides, are interpreted as stem group florideophytes. In contrast, complex pseudoparenchymatous thalli, such as Thallophyca and Paramecia, compare more closely to fossil and living corallinaleans than to other florideophyte orders, although they also differ in some important aspects (e.g., lack of biocalcification). These more complex thalli are interpreted as early stem group corallinaleans that diverged before Paleozoic stem groups such as Arenigiphyllum, Petrophyton, Graticula, and Archaeolithophyllum. This phylogenetic interpretation implies that (1) the phylogenetic divergence between the Florideophyceae and its sister group, the Bangiales, must have taken place before Doushantuo time-an inference supported by the occurrence of bangialean fossils in Mesoproterozoic rocks; (2) the initial diversification of the florideophytes occurred no later than the Doushantuo time; and (3) the corallinalean clade had a "soft" (uncalcified) evolutionary history in the Neoproterozoic before evolving biocalcification in the Paleozoic and undergoing crown group diversification in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in South China is underlain by the Cryogenian Nantuo Formation (glacial rocks) and overlain by the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation. It is characterized by well-preserved, large (normally >100 μm in size) spinose acritarchs (LSAs), which have been shown to be probably the only useful biostratigraphic tool for the global correlation of the early- and middle-Ediacaran. Acritarchs are organic microfossils normally known as single-celled eukaryotic organisms (protists). Although recent research suggests that some large spinose acritarchs may represent diapause egg cysts of metazoans, the biological affinities of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs, especially for those displaying remarkable size ranges, are still debatable.Recently, smaller specimens of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs have been found in cherts and phosphorites of the Doushantuo Formation in South China. Many described Ediacaran spinose acritarch taxa display large size variation (from tens to hundreds of microns in vesicle diameter), but some taxa only have smaller (<70 μm) specimens. The morphological comparison with Paleozoic counterparts indicates that some Ediacaran spinose acritarchs may have phylogenetic affinity to eukaryotic algae. More evidence, including wall ultra-structure, geochemical analysis and comparison with modern analogs, is needed to understand the biological affinity of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs. The remarkable radiation of planktonic protists, characterized by abundant, diverse spinose acritarchs, occurred as early as in the late Neoproterozoic, i.e., 40–60 million years earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

发现于贵州省瓮安和福泉县晚新元古代陡山沱期磷块岩中的一组可疑的磷酸盐化原生动物化石,暂定为1新属——侧孔虫(Luxapertus gen.nov.)。单房室壳体,卵形、球形及椭球形,磷酸盐化外壁1—2层,房室内分布磷酸盐化微粒和原生质(?)残留物分布不均匀形成各种不规则斑纹。壳体前方一侧发育内口管的管状或乳头状口孔,管状口孔有清晰的丝状伪足伸出,其前端或壳体后方附有一团原生质(?)残留物。上述特征表明这一类化石与有孔虫(Foraminifera)似有明显的亲缘关系。根据标本的形态特征和口孔性质,本文初步记述了这批材料中的瓮安侧孔虫(Luxapertus wenganensis gen.et sp.nov.)、球形侧孔虫(Luxapertus sphaeroidolis gen.et sp.nov.)和乳头侧孔虫(Luxapertus papillaformis gen.et sp.nov.)等三种侧孔虫新种,疑为地球早期原生动物的代表。这一发现丰富了瓮安生物群的内容,证明瓮安生物群中确有可疑的原生动物化石存在。一般认为有孔虫在寒武纪开始出现。瓮安生物群中可疑的有孔虫类的发现,使有孔虫首次出现的记录大大提前。  相似文献   

未经化学处理的原始岩石样品的扫描电镜观察,确定了瓮安陡山沱组型刺饰疑源类Meghystri chospaeridium chadianensis的微结构特征。磷酸盐化疑源类化石由表面棘刺和球体组成,球体分为壳壁和腔体二部分。球体壳壁具黑色外层和白色内层的多层结构。棘刺具有与球体相似的多层状的壳壁和腔体。首次发现了发育于球体表面和体壳壁内部的网格超微结构。球体的腔体内存在的残余有机质。  相似文献   

发现于广西柳江的更新世晚期人类化石除1具完整的头骨外,还包含有右侧髋骨、骶骨、两段股骨及若干件椎骨。根据各方面的特征分析,初步认定这些化石属于同一个体。这一有利条件为我们比较准确地获取与该个体身体大小和形状有关的指标数据提供了可能。本文通过对柳江人头骨及复原骨盆的测量,计算了柳江人的身高、体重、身体比例、相对脑量等。在此基础上分析了柳江人的身体大小和形状。本研究发现:柳江人化石所代表的个体具有适应温暖气候环境的纤细型身体比例,代表相对脑量的EQ指数5.602大于金牛山、山顶洞等中国更新世中、晚期化石人类,而与包括港川人在内的更新世末期及现代人类的EQ指数接近。柳江人体重52.0kg小于金牛山、山顶洞、尼安德特人等生活在高纬度地区的化石人类,而与港川、非洲的KNM-ER3883、KNM-ER3733等生活在温暖环境的古人类接近。作者认为这些发现除说明柳江人生活的气候环境外,还提示柳江人身体大小、比例及相对脑量与更新世末期及现代人类接近。  相似文献   

Foote M  Raup DM 《Paleobiology》1996,22(2):121-140
The incompleteness of the fossil record hinders the inference of evolutionary rates and patterns. Here, we derive relationships among true taxonomic durations, preservation probability, and observed taxonomic ranges. We use these relationships to estimate original distributions of taxonomic durations, preservation probability, and completeness (proportion of taxa preserved), given only the observed ranges. No data on occurrences within the ranges of taxa are required. When preservation is random and the original distribution of durations is exponential, the inference of durations, preservability, and completeness is exact. However, reasonable approximations are possible given non-exponential duration distributions and temporal and taxonomic variation in preservability. Thus, the approaches we describe have great potential in studies of taphonomy, evolutionary rates and patterns, and genealogy. Analyses of Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician trilobite species, Paleozoic crinoid genera, Jurassic bivalve species, and Cenozoic mammal species yield the following results: (1) The preservation probability inferred from stratigraphic ranges alone agrees with that inferred from the analysis of stratigraphic gaps when data on the latter are available. (2) Whereas median durations based on simple tabulations of observed ranges are biased by stratigraphic resolution, our estimates of median duration, extinction rate, and completeness are not biased.(3) The shorter geologic ranges of mammalian species relative to those of bivalves cannot be attributed to a difference in preservation potential. However, we cannot rule out the contribution of taxonomic practice to this difference. (4) In the groups studied, completeness (proportion of species [trilobites, bivalves, mammals] or genera [crinoids] preserved) ranges from 60% to 90%. The higher estimates of completeness at smaller geographic scales support previous suggestions that the incompleteness of the fossil record reflects loss of fossiliferous rock more than failure of species to enter the fossil record in the first place.  相似文献   

A fossil assemblage of diverse megascopic benthic algae is well preserved on bedding planes in black siliceous shales of the Neoproterozoic Lantian Formation (upper Sinian) at Lantian village, Xiunng county, Anhui Province, South China. Based on morphological differences, 12 taxa are recognized. Most specimens show both a holdfast and a vegetative thallus, some with dichotomous branching, which reveals that they are multicellular benthic algae. Each type presents a certain morphological appearance, e.g., spheroidal - Chuaria sp., filamentous - Doushantuophyton rigidulum , fan-like - Flabellophyton lantianensis. Four to six different benthic forms and more than 15 individuals are well preserved on the same bed with an area less than 150 cm2. These confirm that a great morphological evolutionary radiation of seaweeds took place no later than the Lantian epoch, with an absolute age around 570 Ma. Growth cycles in Flabellophyton strigata n.sp. reveal that periodical events, such as seasonal variations, occurred in that epoch. A benthic assemblage consisting of three differentiated macroscopic remains is similar to the Miaohe Biota reported from the Doushantuo Formation of the Yangtze Gorges 1200 km away, allowing biostratigraphic correlation of both of these Neoproterozoic Formations.  相似文献   

胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2015,34(3):404-416
华南和东南亚发现大量更新世的猩猩牙齿化石。本研究应用CT扫描三维重建的技术方法研究了广西更新世化石猩猩牙齿釉质厚度,并与现生类人猿、现代人、化石类人猿以及早期人类进行比较分析。结果显示:广西猩猩同类牙齿的釉质厚度与牙齿大小相关性很小;臼齿和前臼齿釉质厚度在上下颌之间不存在显著性差异;来自广西不同地区的猩猩化石牙釉质厚度无显著差异。与早期人科成员相比,广西猩猩的牙釉质相对较薄,平均与相对釉质厚度值都明显小于南方古猿、傍人。与早期人属相比,小于直立人、尼人以及非洲和欧洲的早期人属化石。与现代人和现生灵长类相比,广西化石猩猩釉质厚度明显大于大部分猴类和非洲大猿;平均釉质厚度稍大于现生猩猩,而与现代人更为接近;相对釉质厚度小于现代人,而与现生猩猩差异不大,都属于偏厚型釉质。本文讨论了釉质厚度与系统分类演化、食性适应的相关问题,作者推测釉质厚度可能是物种的特征属性,与牙齿功能适应有密切关联。  相似文献   

现存狒狒类(Papionin)生活于非洲(如Papio和Theropithoan)、亚洲(如Macaca)和北非(M.sylvanas)。在上新世和更新世,Theropithecus经历了从非洲到亚洲的扩散过程,在印度发现了类似化石。这次在云南中甸金沙江附近发现的下更新世狒狒化石(Papio)证明,如同亚洲猕猴和现代人类祖先一样,非洲狒狒类(Papio和Theropithecus)在同一时期从非洲扩散到亚洲。所不同的是它们没有像猕猴和人类一样生存下来。这次化石的发现对于研究以下生物学问题提供了重要依据1)探讨旧大陆猴类在上新—更新世从非洲到亚洲的扩散过程;2)研究不同旧大陆猴类的进化和环境适应性;3)为现代人类祖先在非洲—亚大陆的扩散研究提供证据;4)由于化石产地包括有人类祖先和其他动物的化石,因此,狒狒在亚洲的生态适应研究将为探讨人类在同一时期的生态适应提供证据。  相似文献   

This paper describes three fossil woods, which were firstly found in Zigong city, Sichuan Province, China. The localities of the fossil woods are close to the locality of the famous Dashanpu dinosaur quarry of Zigong. The strata of the fossil woods beating are Xiashaximiao Formation and Xintiangou Formation of the Middle Jurassic, approximately match the strata of the Dashanpu dinosaurs. According to the structures of the secondary xylem, the fossil woods belonged to the primitive conifer genus-Araucarioxylon. Because it was comparatively and obviously different from the other species in this genus, it is assigned as a new species: A. zigongensis. As there was neither fossil leaf nor fossil pollen or spore found in the dinosaur bearing strata before, the discovery of these fossil woods might bear some important significance in the dinosaur research.  相似文献   

In this paper, some results of the study on the Proteaceous pollen collected recently in China are reported. On the basis of their different evolutionary features in geological history, their evolution is subdivided four stages in the Late Cretaceous—Early Tertiary, namely Cenomanian-Turonian, Senonian-Danian, Paleocene-Eocene and Oligocene. Each of the stages is typified by its own representative elements of Pro- teaceous and a certain domain of their predominance. According to the geographical distribution of Proteaceous pollen in China, four predominant districts are recognized, i.e. Northeast district of Late Cretaceous, Northwest-North-Inner Mongolia district of Early Tertiary, Centrial district of Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary and South district of Early Tertiary. In addition, the problems concerning the stratigraphical, palaeoecological and pa- laeoelimatic significances of the Proteaceous pollen, and its origin are discussed in this paper too. Three new species are discribed here and they are: Proteacidites partitus sp. nov., P. tenellus sp. nov., P. bullatus sp. nov.  相似文献   

An assemblage of organic walled microfossils (OWM) of 17 taxa belonging to 10 genera is reported from the Neoproterozoic Owk Shale of the Kurnool Group, South India. The assemblage comprises sphaeromorphs, colonial aggregates, filamentous forms, spiral cylindrical filaments belonging to cyanobacteria, problematic acanthomorphic acritarchs, Netromorphic, Sphaeromorphic and Acantomorphic groups. The assemblage includes cyanobacteria: Siphonophycus kestron, S. robustum, S. typicum, S. solidum, Polytrichoides lineatus; Netromorphic acritarch: Arctacellularia tetragonala, Navifusa majensis, Jacutianema solubila; Sphaeromorphic acritarch: Ostiana microcystis, Synsphaeridium spp., Leiosphaeridia minutissima, L. tenuissima, L. crassa, L. jacutica, L. ternate; and Acanthomorphic acritarch: Cavaspina aff. C. acuminata and Variomargosphaeridium aff. V. litoschum. The age conundrum of Kurnool Group (Mesoproterozoic versus Neoproterozoic) is discussed. On the basis of the reported OWM assemblage the age of the Kurnool Group is established as Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, a diverse assemblage of multicellular algae, spherical microfossils, bacteria and cyanobacteria (the Weng'an Biota) has been reported from the Terminal Proterozoic Doushantuo phosphorite in south China, which provides an important window for evolutionary studies of multicellular life just before the Ediacaran animal radiation. In this paper we report on three-dimensionally preserved acritarchs from the Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng'an in Guizhou Province and, for the first time, from Baokang in Hubei Province. Our assemblage contains species of the genus Meghystrichosphaeridium Zhang, Yin, Xiao and Knoll, 1998 non Chen and Liu, 1986 including M. chadianensis (Chen and Liu) Zhang, Yin, Xiao and Knoll, emend. 1998, and M. reticulatum Xiao and Knoll, 1999; the genus Echinosphaeridium Knoll, 1992 including the species E. maximum (Yin) Knoll, 1992; the new genus Bacatisphaera including the new species B. baokangensis and the new genus Castaneasphaera including the new species C. speciosa . The latter shows a marked resemblance to similarly preserved phosphatized Palaeozoic acritarchs called 'mazuelloids', consistent with a phytoplanktonic mode of life for the global Doushantuo/Pertatataka microflora (DPM).  相似文献   

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