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Recent advances in the treatment of cancer now permits long-term remissions and can cure a large amount of young. It is now well established that infertility and premature menopause are common consequences of successeful treatment. Much is known about the fertility and sexual effects of chemotherapy and allow development of new strategies to reduce infertilty. Alkylating agents are among the most commonly used chemotherapy agents and are for the most part highly gonadotoxic. Other drugs like cisplatin, vinca alkaloids, epipodophyllotoxins and antibiotics have moderate intrinsic toxicity whereas antimetabolites exert little if any toxic effect. Nevertheless, drugs are often used in combinations which are more toxic than single agents. Gonadal toxicity is usually dose dependant. Infertility is more frequent in males than in females and prepubertal girls have better prognosis though prepubertal ovaries are profoundly affected by chemotherapy. The onset of chemotherapy-related ovarian failure is age related but the risk of premature menopause still exists in women who recover menstrual cycles after amenorrhea. Fertility is usually worse after Hodgkin’s disease and testes cancer than after other cancers. No teratognesis in the offspring was published so far after chemotherapy. Nevertheless, men and women should be expressly discouraged from being party to a conception while they are receiving cancer therapy. Adults surviving to cancer should wait at least two years after completion of therapy before attempting parenthood.  相似文献   

Lens roots form chlorophylls in well-developed chloroplasts when they are cultivated in continuous light. Chlorophyll accumulation was increased when kinetin (10?4M) was added for a short time (24 h) of treatment. For a long time (72 h), the increase of chlorophyll content was reduced when roots were cultivated in light and with kinetin. When the roots were transferred from light to dark, chlorophyll content was decreased. This reduction was inhibited when roots were treated with kintin. From these present result it was supposed that kinetin acts on the catabolism and the anabolism of chlorophyll. The necessity of kinetin for chloroplast from amyloplast maturation and differentiation was discussed.  相似文献   

The discovery of Chauvet cave, at Vallon-Pont-d’Arc (Ardèche), in 1994, was an important event for our knowledge of palaeolithic parietal art as a whole. Its painted and engraved figures, thanks to their number (425 graphic units), and their excellent state of preservation, provide a documentary thesaurus comparable to that of the greatest sites known, and far beyond what had already been found in the group of Rhône valley caves (Ardèche and Gard). But its study – when one places it in its natural regional, cultural and thematic framework – makes it impossible to see it as an isolated entity of astonishing precocity. This needs to be reconsidered, and the affinities that our research has brought to light are clearly incompatible with the very early age which has been attributed to it. And if one extends this examination to the whole of the Franco-Cantabrian domain, the conclusion is inescapable: although Chauvet cave displays some unique characteristics (like every decorated cave), it belongs to an evolved phase of parietal art that is far removed from the motifs of its origins (known from art on blocks and on shelter walls dated by stratigraphy to the Aurignacian, in France and Cantabrian Spain). The majority of its works are therefore to be placed, quite normally, within the framework of the well-defined artistic creations of the Gravettian and Solutrean. Moreover, this phase of the Middle Upper Palaeolithic (26,000–18,000) coincides with a particularly intensive and diversified local human occupation, unknown in earlier periods and far less dense afterwards in the Magdalenian. A detailed critique of the treatment of the samples subjected to AMS radiocarbon dating makes it impossible to retain the very early age (36,000 cal BP) attributed by some authors to the painted and engraved figures of Chauvet cave.  相似文献   

Coming again to the implications, on the Metazoan systematics, of their first appearance modalities, the authors show the need of a truly phylogenetic classification; cladistic classifications are somewhat engaging and might be applicated tentatively to primitive Metazoan. Parallel to animal Protista, three independant series (sub-kingdoms) evolved: Spongiaria (+ Archaeata), non-surpassing morula-blastula larval stages, evolved the slowest (lower cambrian first-appearance); Cnidaria, at the gastrula-stage, emerged during Ediacarian and progressed little after Cambrian; Coelomata, because achieving the highest embryologic level, underwent the fastest evolution, nearly all their phyla being roughed out since the Ediacarian.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The taxonomic position of Selenidiidae Brasil in the class of gregarines is discussed in relation to the study of its life cycles, its possible schizogony and the fine structure of its trophozoites. The cycle of gregarines which belong to the genus Selenidium Giard is characterized by trophozoites with pendular or coiling movements, nuclear transformations in gamonts during syzygy just before cyst formation, anisogamy, sporocysts with 4 sporozoites. Schizogony of the Selenidiidae is not yet demonstrated. The “kystes á meérozoites” within the gut epithelium of Sabellaria alveolata, could be one of the stages of schizogony of S. hollandei. This sole example in our study and the absence of schizogony in numerous species, especially in S. pendula, the type species, shows that this criterion is uncertain, actually, in the definition of the order Archigregarinida Grassé. Ultrastructural studies of S. hollandei and S. pendula show that the cortical region in trophozoites of the genus Selenidium is different from that of Eugregarinida. In the Selenidiidae the epicyte is composed of longitudinal folds. Under the wall, consisting of 3 membranes there is a well-defined pellicular fibrillar system. In S. hollandei, the trophozoite has a fibrillar formation, corresponding to a conoid in its anterior region. The trophozoites of S. hollandei and S. pendula contain anterior dense bodies or rhoptries which are very well developed. All these characteristics conform to the ultrastructural organization of the dissemination forms (merozoites, schizozoites, sporozoites): The results allow one to give a new definition of the Order Archigregarinida: Order Archigregarinida (Grassé): Gregarines with ultrastructural organization of the trophozoites similar to that of dissemination forms. Presence of a well defined pellicular fibrillar system. Intestinal parasites of polychaete worms.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous study, 772 floristics relevés, made in a large forest on calcareous soils (north-east France), had been treated by factorial analysis of correspondences in order to establish a site typology. The third axis separated chiefly Fagus and Quercus, which are very common in the forest, and various other ligneous or herbaceous species (see fig. 1). Two groups of relevés, homogeneous as for edaphic conditions, were choosen, having a significant position on this axis (with either positive or negative values). From this, floristic tables have been elaborated; they show clearly the influence of silvi culture (here high forest or coppice-with-standards) on part of both ligneous and herbaceous flora. Considering plant sociology, it appears that treating a stand as a coppice-with-standards can convert a Melico-Fagetum typicum (Eu-Fagion) into a Querceto Carpinetum typicum (Fraxino-Carpinion), and a Carici-Fagetum (Cephalanthero-Fagion) into a Querceto-Carpinetum primuletosum (Fraxino-Carpinion). Fortunately a large number of species are not influenced by the silviculture; this allows the identification of isopotential sites. Possible ecological causes are briefly discussed.
Nomenclature suivant: P. Fournier, 1961. Les quatre flores de France. Edition P. Le Chevalier, Paris. 1154 p.  相似文献   

Résumé Les conséquences possibles sur le profil des motifs de recherches afférents auxBaculovirus sont évoquées, en faisant état de la mise en évidence et de la caractérisation deBaculovirus dans des ordres d'insectes non encore concernés, notamment les homoptères ainsi que chez les arachnides et les crustacés. En dehors de l'accroissement d'intérêt en virologie comparée à cause de la diversification des types, sont soulignés: la possibilité de l'extension de l'application de la lutte virologique à des ravageurs non encore concernés et à des insectes vecteurs, l'étude de la coexistence de virus transmis avec des infections virales propres aux vecteurs, les nouvelles précautions à prendre en matière d'innocuité et de diagnostic et l'évolution de l'importance économique en épizootiologie des invertébrés utiles en milieu marin.
Summary Possible changes in the profile of research goals onBaculovirus are evoked with special reference of the evidence and the characterization ofBaculovirus in some insect orders not yet concerned, more particularly in homoptera, as well as in arachnida and crustacea. In addition to the increasing interest for comparative virology resulting from the diversity ofBaculovirus types, it is also emphasized: — the possibility of the achievement of virological control to be extended to ravagers not yet concerned and to insect vectors — the study of the interference of viruses transmitted by a vector with viruses pathogenic to the latter, — further precautions to be taken with respect to the safety and the diagnosis, and — the increase in the economical importance of epizootiology of useful marine invertebrates.

Résumé Des inclusions microfibrillaires paracristallines sont décrites dans le hyaloplasme des péricaryons et des prolongements (axones et dendrites) des neurones sympathiques (ganglions cervicaux supérieurs, stellaires et coeliaques). Elles sont constituées par des protéines riches en soufre. Ces protéines migreraient depuis le péricaryon grâce à un transport axoplasmique mais également dendroplasmique. Leur cristallisation serait en relation avec des concentrations localement élevées. Les inclusions paracristallines correspondraient à une mise en réserve protéique transitoire. Elles sont fréquentes dans des zones actives (régions postsynaptiques, association étroite avec du glycogène ou même avec des corps glycogéniques2>). Elles sont toujours associées à des neurofilaments. Mis en évidence chez 40 Chats, ce phénomène est constant quels que soient l'âge, le sexe ou les conditions physiologiques des animaux. Il représenterait une modalité fondamentale du métabolisme protéique des neurones sympathiques. Il existe des différences selon les espèces (ce phénomène est identique chez la Souris, mais n'a pas été retrouvé chez le Rat.). Le nombre des inclusions paracristallines est variable et il augmente pendant la gestation chez la Chatte. Ce dernier fait, et l'ensemble de ces observations, sont brièvement discutés à la lumière de nos connaissances actuelles sur le métabolisme protéique de la cellule nerveuse et dans le domaine de la biocristallographie.
Investigations on the ultrastructure, nature and significance of microfibrillar paracrystalline inclusions in sympathetic neurons
Summary Microfibrillar paracrystalline inclusions are described in the hyaloplasm of perikarya, axons and dendrites of sympathetic neurons in cervical superior, stellate and coeliac ganglia. They are made up of sulfur-containing proteins. These proteins may be synthetized in the perikaryon and migrate in the processes by an axoplasmic transport but also by a dendroplasmic flow. The paracrystalline inclusions are presumed to be a storage form of migrating proteins. They have been often found in active regions (post-synaptic part of axo-dendritic synapses, close association with parts of glycogen-rich neuroplasm or with glycogenic bodies). They are always closely associated with neurofilaments. The inclusions are constant whatever sex, age, or physiological conditions (40 cats). This phenomenon is presumably a fundamental modality of protein metabolism of sympathetic neurons. There are differences between species (paracrystalline inclusions have been found in mice but not in rats). The amount of inclusions increases during pregnancy. All these data are briefly discussed in relation to our present knowledge in the field of protein metabolism in nerve cells and to biocrystallography.
Nous remercions Madame J. Bottini, Mademoiselle S. Couineau et Monsieur C. Cataldo, Biologistes-adjoints du C.N. R. S. pour leur précieuse collaboration, ainsi que le Dr. J. Luciani et le Dr. F. Tasso pour l'aide qu'ils nous ont apportée au cours de ce travail.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of antimycin A to a culture of Euglena gracilis Z growing with lactate causes an immediate increase of respiration, through a pathway not inhibited by cyanide. Several hours after antimycin addition, giant mitochondrion develop. They are easily observable in the light microscope after staining with a tetrazolium salt; and electron microscopy reveals that they have a ramified structure, with a matrix containing many cristae.  相似文献   

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